remington v3 shooting slugs

How does it do that? The handle also sports deep lines cut into it for a firm grip with gloves or wet hands.The V3s sturdy bolt provides plenty of leverage for clean racking/ejecting.Speaking of gloves, no serious turkey hunter goes afield without gloves covering their hands. Ive had my 28 walnut model V3 for over two years, has functioned without fail on the skeet range and in dove fields. A V3 Tactical would be especially appropriate for my property, since the nearest structure is about a quarter-mile away. The V3 features fewer moving internal parts than traditional semi-auto gas actions. He also served eight years with Missouri Department of Conservation and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Rafe Nielsen of Browning to take a look at a new X-Bolt series rifle. Aside from being incredibly simple, this system has other advantages. Trinidad is a hole. The bolts charging handle, bolt release, and safety button are all oversized for fast and easy operation, and the loading port is flared for faster and easier loading. Let me tell you something, friends and neighborsit aint that easy. Remington says that bleeding off powder gases so close to the chamber means that less pressure is present to be felt as recoil. MSRP: $995 (about $850 streetthe black version MSRPs for $895, about $750 street). Personally, I think if you're in the market for a PGF style shotgun, this is the one to beat. The receiver is shorter than the Versa Max, with a natural consequence of a shorter length of reach. The Versaport dual gas-piston system of the Versa Max is self regulating, and the length and power of the shell . Plastic is not a pro. The V3's gas block rests under the barrel and connects to a pair of recoil springs inside the receiver. Other criticisms include the vents on the top of the forearm funnel gas upward into your sightline. The overall length of a V3 with a 26-inch barrel is 47 inches, and 49 inches with a 28-inch barrel. The twin piston system eliminated the use of different O rings, metal adjustment rings, and other items that are sometimes a headache to deal with. And at less than $1,000 MSRP. As a side note, I would say that a 3-inch magnum turkey load going off after a light field load will certainly wake you up in the morning. The barrel comes with a vent rib with a single bead, and its cylinder bore is suitable for shooting slugs. While Remingtons recent history was rifewith quality control issues, theV3sextremely well put together. Gun Review: Remington V3 Field Sport Shotgun, Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Christopher Head, Illinois Freedom Week Starts Today: Federal Court Blocks Enforcement of Illinois Assault Weapons Ban, How to Make Sure Your Shotgun Really Fits You, Gun Review: Springfield Armory Ronin EMP 3 9mm 1911. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The V3s 22 barrel is not rifled, but it is a standard Remchoke barrel, so, the slug-gun hunter can remove the Headbanger choke, replace it with a better option, and the V3 Turkey Pro will shoot slugs without a hitch, turning this turkey gun into a deer and hog hunter. Capacity: 3+1 Ben Voss FN Product Manager talks about the new FN SCAR 15P ultra-compact rifle-caliber pistol at SHOT Show 2023. You can purchase the Remington for anywhere between $525 and $650 if you look around. Remington V3 Shotgun: First Look - An Official Journal Of The NRA Specifications: Manufacturer: Remington Arms Co.Gauge: 12Mag. Last, the V3 Turkey Pro comes with several drop and cast adjustment shims to tailor the guns fit to the individual hunter. Who knew wild turkey's were so stupid!? To start, the V3's dual-piston gas block is mounted in front of the receiver. The recoil reduction from the Versa Max is far more than can be accounted for by the weight of half a glass of water. Remingtons V3 semi-auto in black synthetic. I prefer for the gun to tell them. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, VersaPort gas system which regulates cycling pressure based on the length of the shell. Taurus has redesigned this sporting pistol for performance. In its present configuration, it looks generic. 2. The 28-inch version feels a bit front heavy, but the 26-inch barrel is well balanced and points like a finger. In the pheasant fields of South Dakota, the V3 got a lot of action with the gang I was with, and often the barrels were hot. You just compared a $540 V3 (from Buds Gun Shop) to a $2800 Fabarm. marketing! The shotgun cycled every brand of ammunition and ejected empties a surprising distance. Ourtest gun camefinished in Mossy Oak Blade. It has a shallow V with a vertical white line at the Vs bottom that aids in quick sight acquisition. ie slapukai leidia apskaiiuoti, kaip danai lankomasi svetainje, ir nustatyti duomen srauto . The .38 Smith & Wesson Special, designed in 1898, rocked the handgun realm with its ballistic performance making it a cartridge for the history books. Ive currently got a bullet button rebuild (easy) and an under-gassed, over spring, and / or faulty extractor on an AR-10 to deal with (probably easy). Nightforce SHV 3-1042 scope is best used with special slugs so you can have more accuracy with your shots. Stocky's Owner Don Bitz walks David Faubion through the company's new rifle stocks for 2023. One such gun is Remingtons V3 shotgun, and one of the premier training academies is Gunsite. I was wrong. (Ret.) Joseph Von Benedikt visits with Aaron Oelger from Hodgdon about the unprecedented demand on the shooting supply industry. Maybe that will resolve itself with some wear of the spring? Not everyone can afford or likes the B- bombers out there. Gas regulation is solely dependent on the length of the shotshell. A tasteful adornment on the grip cap or safety would be enough. With a plastic trigger guard? The depth cuts at the front on either side provide clearance so than thumbs or gloves have extra room to prevent pinching or grabbing.. I also discovered that the charging handle on the bolt is extremely difficult to remove. That difficulty level is much reduced with the over-sized bolt release on the V3 Turkey Pro. Recoil is the lowest Ive ever experienced. An ounce and a quarter of #5s going 1400 fps is not a light load (I liked the way the #5s put down pheasants), but I didnt hear the chatter about recoil I thought I would. Im glad at least some of their products are still quality. Oh, price. I took one look at the XS setup and quickly decided it was for me. It has cycled all 1 oz and heavier loads without one failure of any kind. Any suggestions? I can hardly say enough nice things about the folks in Oklahoma. You will definitely get better results with a scope or red dot . Update: Remington got back to me, and is replacing the barrels with the updated gas blocks that have pistons that remove with a hex wrench to help my youth trap program keep moving forward. This keeps most of the weight of the gun right between the shooters hands. It might be a great gun but if something goes wrong how long should it really take to get it fixed. But do you know how to properly use them? I saw the Waterfowl Pro model in action in duck blinds in Arkansas and they seemed to stand up to all the swamp mud and Labrador drool we could dish out. With the standard Modified and Improved chokes, many pellets hit about 3-4 inches under the bottom quadrant. I prefer to try out a new turkey-hunting shotgun in weather thats approaching spring-like turkey-hunting conditions. ioje skiltyje rasite vairius priedus ir aksesuarus reikalingus medioklje ir mediotojui. There was a single malfunction in the 50-round test with Gun Club loads. If I did, I could use my pre-FG 870 3 1/2 Express Mag. So far it never jammed on me and it points great. Share. You'll discover ways to improve your shooting, learn about the best new products and how to easily maintain your shotgun so it's always reliable. Big Green will introduce three V3 waterfowling versions by May of this year, as well. The V3 may become the gun to beat. For the V3, Remington also retained the Versa Maxs VersaPort gas system, which regulates gas pressure based on the shell length. The V3 Turkey Pro also features a fiber-optic front sight and steel mid bead. Its a clean system that eliminates carbon buildup on the magazine tube and drive system. It would look good laying in a corn field. My favorite Clays is my Remington camo 11-87 field gun, well used for about 10 years, and it has NEVER failed to fire, misfeed or had an ejection malfunction! Our ammo consisted of Remingtons Managed-Recoil 12-gauge loads with eight pellets of 00 buckshot, 1-ounce rifled slugs, as well as some No. Most shooters Ive seen couldnt get their limit with a Market Gun. The V33 has a chrome-lined barrel and chamber for corrosion resistance and durability. Water was 9 deep in the streets. The Nightforce SHV scopes are extremely versatile and durable and can be used on shotguns. The new big bore pistols feature industry-first capacity, with a standard 15-round capacity and 22+1 rounds of 10mm or 18+1 rounds of .45 ACP from the extended magazines. All metal. I simply do not understand this obsession with light, lighter, lightest in magnum firearms. We went shooting sporting clays and my buddy brought his new V3. The point of aim/point of impact issue with Rem Chokes is a distraction that compromises the functionality of a gun that is otherwise very pleasant and fun to shoot. The other school I can recommend is Murray State, in Tishomingo, OK. Pluses: (We are not novice firearm owners, either.) The front bead sight is functional, but the Aimpoint makes it much simpler to pull the Tac-13 up while maintaining target focus to deliver rapid shots. I shot two boxes out of this gun in one session and my sholder wasnt sore at all. Adjusting shims- where are they? The towns appearance reflects this. People further forget that 100 years ago, there were no one-piece buffer/wad+shot cup. Looks great. Built from the ground up as the ultimate fight-stopper, the V3 is a no-nonsense piece of hardware that makes a statement, whether or not you fire it. 2 steel shot. Plus, weight distributionhence, handlingis vastly improved because there is no large and heavy return spring and tube in the buttstock. In a market full of gas-operated autoloaders costing $1,200 and more, Remington's new V3 delivers a soft-shooting bang for $899. I did say it was ingenious! The V3s action is gas-operated, but it is totally different from most gas bangers. After people find out that the recoil hurts, they then start going down stupid paths, like porting, comps, muzzle brakes, etc. Ideally, IC would be the tightest constriction to shoot slugs from but unless you are planning on super high volume, there should be no safety or barrel degradation issues from shooting lead slugs through a Mod barely. Made from premium-grade, vegetable-tanned leather, the Burdette Custom Holsters Detective SA-35 holster is a custom outside-the-waistband (OWB) model for the Springfield Armory SA-35 semi-automatic pistol. I got the Remington V-3 for my grandson for Christmas, it shoots flawlessly when you can get the shells in the mag. By venting the gas earlier, combined with the Supercell recoil pad, we are able to spread out the energy created by the recoil event (impulse) over a longer period of time, therefore reducing the peak force felt by the shooter. Bottom line, the VersaPort takes a lot of recoil off the shooter. Its gas system consists of a single gas block beneath the chamber that houses two short, slender pistons. Its a no-frills semiautomatic shotgun built to handle any waterfowl or upland bird hunting duty. This enables the V3 and Versa Max to convert the energy created by the gas into work to drive the system sooner and over a longer period. Top 5 Most Accurate Factory-Loaded Rifle Cartridges, SIG Sauer P365 Pistol Now Offered in .380, Ruger MAX-9 9mm Micro-Sized High-Capacity Pistol: Review, .300 PRC vs. .300 Win Mag: Rifle Cartridge Comparison Review, A World Record Attempt: Practice Round and Media Day. Beware the trap fields the ejection is impressive. Bryan Hendricks, an avid shotgunner, is the Outdoors Editor for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in Little Rock, Arkansas. Bob Meinert, FN Marketing Director, introduces FN's first commercial pistol suppressor, the FN Rush 9Ti. This AGI place keeps bothering me and looks like some distance learning BS. I later found that my slugs (Federal Tru-Ball at $3.99 per box) were hitting a 4 inch high and left TIGHT pattern using a skeet choke (I forgot to bring my IC!) Our goal is to provide you with the best coverage in wing and clays shooting. It had considerable less recoil and I like the weight distribution on the V3 more. With a little practice, the trigger on the V3 works more than well enough to help you drop that big tom at 40 to 50 yards. Finishes include black synthetic, Mossy Oak, Shadow Grass, Blades camo and walnut. Sigh. Remington V3 Field Sport: A Popular Shotgun Gone? With a 3-inch shell chambered, four gas ports are uncovered. Another major breakthrough of the VersaPort system is the concept of how quickly the gas from the fired shell is captured and used. Plus the V3 extractor and ejector assembly is long and beefy. It is a remarkably soft shooting shotgun and easily the cleanest shooting. They remain useful, reliable and affordable firearms. It is so ingenious that it evokes one of those why didnt I think of that? moments. I HAVE SHOT EVERYTHING FROM 2 3/4 1 OZ 3 TURKEY LOADS AND NEVER A FTF OR JAM! If your fathertook the leap and boughtone of those new-fangledauto-loading shotguns, theres a good chance he bagged rabbits, busted clays, killed turkeys or downed ducks with an elegant Remington1100or the more workmanlike (but versatile) Remington11-87. He said he was sending it back to them, but Ive never thought to ask where they are with it. The Improved Cylinder choke had the same point of aim. One good product does not make up for the steady string of fails. Accutip Sabot Slug 12 Gauge 385 Grain. These included Winchester, Remingtons, Brownings, Berettas, etc. Dont get me wrong I like my Citoris, Winchesters, Mossbergs, etc but I love my Remingtons, they are my go to guns when I need to take care of business! The view down the rib looks pretty much like every other shotgun so who cares. Seems that way. This is not true. If you shoot a 3-inch shell, four ports are open; shoot 234-inch shells and eight ports are open. The more I used the V3 Turkey Pro, the more I appreciated the thought that went into the controls. I like mine even though they looked Jerry rigged with two little return springs I guess time will tell? Need to seal the fore end since there can be blowback The gas pistons WILL NOT COME APART. Minor quibbles Ive been working on this for three weeks now, and nothing but runaround from Remington. Remington also did away with the recoil spring in the buttstock common to semi-automatics. Such sights might sound a bit off the bubble for a shotgun, but after firing a V3 so equipped for hundreds of rounds, Im a convert. Well, you might possibly be able to do it, with a whole lot of crammingonce. I figured at least a retaining groove for o-ring was needed & had a local machine shop cut a 1/16 deep groove that solved the problem. These chokes reduced the point of aim/point of impact discrepancy dramatically, but not perfectly. To start, the V3s dual-piston gas block is mounted in front of the receiver. But gloves can and will make shotguns a little to a lot more difficult to manipulate. The fact that it is made in the USA makes me feel even better about my purchase. The V3 Pro Series Waterfowl model has two options with a Burnt Bronze Cerakote barrel and receiver with Realtree Max 5 or Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades Camo. Not some slippery little button, this bolt release is a flat, thumb-sized tab which raises up from the receiver body when the bolt is locked back. He has credits in more than 1,000 articles in nearly 80 publications worldwide. First, we patterned our guns on the plates at 15 yards. He added, This additional clearance and bevel cut makes it easier to get the shell into the receiver without looking at it because the redesign helps position the shell in the right place naturally. This required a steep angle on the forcing cone in order to get the felt wad to seal up as it came out of the shell, so that the pressure would be behind the shot, and not blowing through the shot column in the barrel. You can catch more Larry's entertaining perspectives at Dont like optics on a shotgun? I attached an Aimpoint Micro S-1 red-dot optic to the ventilated rib and would recommend doing the same to anyone. One of the issues you may not have thought about is what if the person doing the gun review genuinely does like the firearm they are looking at? REM Arms Firearms R83437 V3 Waterfowl Pro 12 Gauge 28in Vent Rib 3+1 3in Burnt Bronze Cerakote Rec/Barrel Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades Stock Right Hand (Full Size) Includes Rem Choke Hinterland #: 155040 MFG #: R83437 In stock $1,024.33 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare REM R68859 870 FIELD SYN 12/20 FR RS Hinterland #: 165232 Shooting the Remington V3 Field Sport Turkey Pro Shotgun Pluses for Trinidad: Very, very unhappy. SMH. Name: Remington V3 Walnut Length: 49.75-inches Length: 28-inches Calibre: 12-gauge Magazine: 3 shot Finish: Blued steel and anodised Stock: Walnut Trigger: Single Stage Price: 1325 Contact: Raytrade: #95169 The VersaMax did it while possibly being the softest shooter around, all because of a revolutionary gas operating system called VersaPort. Great review, I have been looking into buying a Remington v3 and I think your review is the needed push to make me purchase it. Your pressures will go up but not as much as most people fear. 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The first time around, it was struggling to feed, which we attributed to needing to be broken in. He owns too many dogs, not enough shotguns, and is forever looking for a new place to hunt. The rear bead on my gun is set too far right on the rib and is misaligned with the front bead. Hits and Misses of the Remington V3 Semi-Auto - Shotgun Life 28 camo model. With that camo job, dropping it in the field risks losing it forever . Gun Review: The New 2015 Remington V3 Shotgun - The Firearm Blog The target was a 12-inch square, which is roughly the kill zone of a mallard with upswept wings. I shot some of these rounds at clay targets and some on paper. The V3 cycled 500 rounds without cleaning,withnary a failure. On average, I could hit six targets from 10 yards in about 6 seconds, with my fastest time being 6.11. That was pleasant. Save. Not that it matters one bit, but its not pretty. Length of Pull: 14 1/4 inches With a higher point of aim, the included Modified choke placed 106 pellets in the square. Id thought Id seen thunderstorms in my life. The bottom line here may be that I shot a lot of rounds in different versions of the V3. The gun holds six rounds in the magazine, plus one in the chamber. Im happy to see Remington coming out with new versions. Remington V3challenges a plethora ofwell-established, highly-respected competition and doesntlose. Instead, Remington engineers added a pair of recoil springs located on guide rails along the lower inside receiver walls. I feel confident in saying the best design from all of those is the the V3. Barrel Length: 28 inches (a 26-inch model also available) Ill be archiving that for the future. To each his own but what kind of sportsmen bad mouth others and what they have ,,,,,,, what does it really say about them? The new Remington V3 Tactical has a host of features that makes it especially suited to its intended task. Only a couple of visible tool marks. Ive seen lots and lots of too-long shells fired in short chambers, but not 3.5 in 3 chambers. This gun is indeed relevant and a lot of fun to shoot. It was the second time hed had it out, and he was sharing with his brother. The Remington Hypersonic Steel loads we shot on the Arkansas are screamers at 1700 feet per second and are certainly not light loads. The entire firearm can be disassembled with only a punch. Valves within the pistons open and vent the remaining gas out the forearm. After mastering this drill at 15 yards, we moved back to 20 yards and did it again. The bolthead rotates into battery, locking the action shut like a bank vault, and youre ready for the next shot. Fits like a glove. What screaming problem do these widely sold, widely owned Remington products have? Shorter, softer-shooting, less powerful loads expose more ports and voila! You will appreciate the minimal recoil when shooting heavy loads. The Judge has been promoted! It lost a spring that was mounted behind the plate inside the receiver. Youre about equidistant from Denver and Albuquerque, if you want to explore those areas. Remington V3 Tactical Semiautomatic Shotgun Review - Shooting Times 8 lead shot. Did you train at Twenty Nine Palms? Excess gas is bled off via the forearm. Grain Weight: 385. Most people ease into this gun the first time, which is never a bad idea. Very light recoil, even when shooting high-powered pheasant loads for 3 days in SD. The V3 action uses twin gas pistons similar to Remington's Versa Max gas system, but is less complicated, with fewer parts. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. V3 shooting slugs | Shotgun Forum Get a Remington Beanie for $2 with ammo purchase. in November. All the Pro Series guns are threaded for RemChoke chokes, so the list of possible aftermarket choices is vast. Theyre built right here. By those standards, the V3 is a bargain: $600-$700 less than comparableBrowning, Beretta or Benelli guns. The Tac-13 offers six rounds of 12-gauge ammo in a compact, lightweight package. Instead, Remington engineers added a pair of recoil springs located on guide rails along the lower inside receiver walls. After my trip to Tishomingo, I never complain about the weather in Wyoming. Without it, the best training and equipment is mostly for naught. Its a dry heat is so very true in the high desert in the summer. Recoil with 2.75 1-1/8 loads is hardly noticeable. Remington V3: The New Anything Auto | Field & Stream Gas-powered shotguns did not change in the forty years or so after the Model 1100 came out. Article deadlines being what they are, I hit the range recently to test Remingtons new V3 Field Sport Turkey Pro 12-ga. shotgun. In the 80s, I bought an 1187 with a 26 barrel and loved every minute of owning it. It really shoots good. Its the high desert, and it gets cool at night, with relative humidities of only 5 to 20% during the day. People howled. It ran everything I threw at it and begged for more, without so much as a look at a cleaning brush or a sniff of CLP. Hot damn your right. If you dont think this is important, take a standard shotgun with a 14-inch length of pull and sit down at the base of a tree as you would when turkey hunting. At 25 yards, sitting and using a tripod for a rest, the snow birds didnt stand a chance. The trigger has a noticeable amount of pre-travel, but it breaks crisply with no noticeable over travel. Weatherby (SA-08) and Mossberg (930) can compete on features and price, but the V3s gas system is a step above. Or maybe thats my prejudice showing. Otherwise, the the Tac-13 ran smoothly. Yes, Virginia, you can hit a man-sized target with an open-sighted shotgun with slugs at 120 yards. Bankers in two-piece suits were directing traffic to allow cops to get up on the interstate and deal with the wreckage and injured. Holy crap, is it humid. TFB REVIEW: The Just Released Remington V3 TAC-13 - The Firearm Blog Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Good review, good shotgun but I like pump-action shotguns more . My beef is the little nub that got molded into the butt stock for the sling swivel. I know what youre thinking. We did it over and over until we did it right. But I live in north-central Wisconsin, a part of the world that was hammered by 50 of snowfall in February alone. Remington engineers worked their magic on this concept and gave us the VersaPort system. Works great. The V3features front and rear studs for your sling-mounting pleasure. Federal has created a safer, easier and more reliable way to shoot a muzzleloader. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. The V3's 22" barrel is not rifled, but it is a standard Remchoke barrel, so, the slug-gun hunter can remove the Headbanger choke, replace it with a better option, and the V3 Turkey Pro will. Interestingly, a friend who is also the former chief of wildlife management for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, reported the same point of aim/point of impact variance. One year after it was officially announced, the new Remington V3 semi-auto shotgun is finally available at your local dealer, and for the most part it feels like a winner. I think Remington has jumped the shark in gas auto design with the new V3 and I also believe that if a person tries one he will be sold. In fact, it is for me the SOFTEST in the felt recoil department of all that I have shot. Partly its the ergonomic controls mentioned earlier. And what problem does this particular gun solve that the 1100 or 1187 had? The V3s buttstock and forearm are made of a sturdy synthetic that has molded-in textured surfaces for a sure grip. Give a Gift Walther's new Performance Duty Pistol is ready for both concealed carry and conventional service situations. Last July, Remington invited several members of the firearms press to Gunsite Academy near Paulden, Arizona, to wring out the V3 Tactical and receive expert instruction in the handling and use of the shotgun as a defensive tool. Remington downsized the VersaMax into a three-inch gun, made the receiver much sleeker, kept the good stuff in the VersaPort system and gave us the V3. Fortunately, the Okies take care of their guests. Custom Mossberg 500 at the Range and Live Turkey!? I think the new V3 (mine is a 26 inch walnut) is a giant leap forward in gas auto design! At the Vilnius Shooting Range every visitor has a possibility to shoot firearms with live ammunition in a company of professional shooting instructors. The bolt handle is large and sticks out perpendicular to the receiver, allowing for a steady pull to the rear with excellent leverage. The V3 is proving to be quite a shotgun, that will handle both light and heavy loads. The V3 Turkey Pro is also packaged with a mounted TruGlo TG8030DB red-dot optic, a TruGlo Headbanger choke tube and a thick, SuperCell recoil pad. of Israeli Defense Forces, joins David Fortier for an exclusive interview for Shotgun News. Joe Kurtenbach, Executive Editor of Gun & Ammo, and John Myles from Smith & Wesson discuss features of the Equalizer 9mm micro-compact pistol and new-for-2023 M&P 5.7. Ever. Not stroking the pump action and not recovering from recoil took a few boxes to get used to. Welcome to - The outdoor and shooting industry's premier source of up-to-date news, media, entertainment and new product information. Or a magnum revolver. The stock has a QD sling-swivel stud, and up front the barrel bracket has an M-LOK slot for a front swivel. It should come as no small comfort for any patriotic American to know that the countrys firearm industry is vibrant and productive, still faithfully serving the needs of armed citizens, law-enforcement officers and military personneljust as it has for more than two centuries. The heart of this gun is the exclusive Versaport gas system, which is a patented self-regulating system where the length of the shell dictates how many gas ports are open. On the plus side, this is a quality shotgun, and with the RealTree finish and synthetic stock should handle the elements afield for years to come. If you love to wear polyester fabric jackets? If someone is really bent on using a 3.5 12ga shell, Id recommend they step up to a 10ga gun. This is written up as a customer-serviceable part.
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remington v3 shooting slugs