precious come take care of mommy scene

When a white teacher tells some male students in his class to behave appropriately (and in doing so calls them "boys," although this does not seem racially motivated), a black student replies, "I'm not your f*cking boy!" For those prone to visually induced motion sickness, there are varying amounts of handheld camera movement in the film. PrettiSusu Pregnant! 'People are noticing all the drama and the mistakes': FL House Dem leader says 2023 is backfiring on DeSantis, Teacher placed on leave pending investigation after asking High school students to write 'xesual fantasy' story, ACLU sues Montana House Speaker for silencing transgender legislator. Rain's lover smokes once, and a number of minor and miscellaneous characters also smoke. It is an adaptation of the 1996 novel Push by Sapphire, which tells the story of Precious, a young African American girl living in Harlem in the 1980s. You ain't gonna see me no more. "Well, I was raised in a two parent, middle class home." HOW OTHERS RATED THIS MOVIE Original poster's comments (36) 0 Advertisement | page continues below Go to page number Home life is a nightmare. Profanity That prompts Precious to yell "Shut the f*ck up!" Who else was going to touch me? She briefly has some wine and is noted as being a lesbian. I dont need a statistic, because I work in underserved communities with minorities who get thrown around by the system, and a large amount of women and children are xesually abused. Mrs. Weiss: But you allowed him to hurt her! But you know what? Because my man, who was supposed to be loving me, who was supposed to be makin' love to me, was f***ing my baby. Is "friend stealing" or "friend poaching" a thing? How about MOST were black, including Christ. The first Precious thinks in the movie is "I wish I had a white boyfriend with nice . Claireece 'Precious' Jones: Thank you, but I have to get back to math. Mrs. Weiss: Okay. This scene gets me every time! STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Many people can find a way to rationalize abuse, and sadly the abuse of their children. Heavy [Mrs. Lichtenstein sighs] What happened Claireece? Life is all about how you react to it and I truly believe God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. That results in a fight between the two, with struggling and blows, including Precious slamming her mom against a wall. So I guess all the violence in mainstream media is a reflection of the white race. I can't here you, Precious. Talk to me about the little you do know about your father. When a white teacher tells some male students in his class to behave appropriately (and in doing so calls them "boys," although this does not seem racially motivated), a black student replies, "I'm not your f*cking boy!" We see and hear Precious screaming while in labor, but this is played fairly lightly. Her mom then takes the TV and drops it down the center of the stairwell where it falls many floors and nearly hits Precious and the baby, but Precious moves out of the way just in time. Noone is saying that these issues do not happen elsewhere. That prompts Precious to yell "Shut the f*ck up!" We see most of Precious' bare breast as she breast-feeds her newborn, but we don't see the nipple. [Throws glass at Precious, which shatters at her feet] Now, laugh at that, fat b*tch. Rain (PAULA PAXTON), and visiting social worker Ms. Weiss (MARIAH CAREY), Precious starts to come out of her shell in the small class that also includes the likes of Jo Ann (XOSHA ROQUEMORE), Rhonda (CHYNA LAYNE), Consuelo (ANGELIC ZAMBRANA) and others. Precious vomits into a trash can. Mrs. Lichtenstein: Sit down, Claireece . Her mom then takes the TV and drops it down the center of the stairwell where it falls many floors and nearly hits Precious and the baby, but Precious moves out of the way just in time. I ain't got nothing to write today. Curious if this title is entertaining, any good, and/or has any artistic merit? And then long after they escape that tunnel, they still be shining for everybody else. Precious (2008) Mother and Daughter Scene Beep Boop 10.6K subscribers 14K 1.2M views 10 years ago A reminder to me about the vicious cycle; starting from a child inside their home and. Precious states that her daughter's name is "Mongo" as in short for Mongoloid (she has Down's Syndrome). This one scene from precious gets me everytime : original sound - Breezy. Music(Inappropriate) Precious: [voice breaking] Nobody loves me. On the streets she is bullied, called names, and pushed around; at home, things are even worse. No wonder Mo'Nique won dozens of Who are your favorite Black celebrities (Singers, rappers, actors, et cetera)? Precious then informs Mary that she won't ever see her again and leaves. Mary has a little blood on her head after fighting Precious, while there's blood on the blanket around Precious' newborn (from Precious, not the baby). Mary throws a book or something similar that hits Precious. Rain and her lover, Precious says her mom would use the term "homos" (and uses that term several times). None. Precious tells Ms. Weiss that she delivered her first baby on the floor at home (having not seen a doctor) and with her mom kicking her. precious scene: "come take care of mommy" precious scene: "come take care of mommy" By jupiter hills club membership cost 0 Comment June 9, 2022 By jupiter hills club membership cost 0 Comment June 9, 2022 And I don't want you tosit there and judge me, Miss Weiss. For all the reasons you listed, and the fact that at the core of the script was reality. Or maybe you'll see someone else. gtag('config', 'G-6VYSQ581R3'); Most of that comes from her angry mother, Mary (MO'NIQUE), who sees no use in school and thinks Precious should also go welfare rather than get an education. We see and hear Precious screaming while in labor, but this is played fairly lightly. That sh!t is beyond old. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Take a look at the news today and you will see other races and cultures suffer just as much as we did. Tyler Perry's and Oprah Winfrey's movie adaptation of the novel "Push" by Sapphire, an emotional journey into the life of a young, illiterate, overweight and pregnant teenager (Gabourey Sidibe) who has endured a life of sexual abuse and incest. Mary Lee Johnston: [Hysterically, in tears] I did not want him to abuse my daughter! She then leaves with her baby, but ends up tripping down the stairwell (the baby is okay). Mary spends her days and nights sitting in a chair watching TV. Many of those races are still delaing with things going on their homeland. GABOUREY "GABBY" SIDIBE plays an overweight, 16-year-old girl who lives in the Harlem projects with her mentally and physically abusive mother. PRECIOUS! She uses strong profanity, and has low-self esteem, but still has the will to persevere, especially when others attempt to help her. Mary treats her 16-year-old daughter Precious horribly throughout the film. Celebrity Alley - Celebrity News and Gossip. Just give your got damn opinion. Afterward Precious goes to a fried-chicken shop and orders a bucket of chicken, but runs off with it without paying. A teen on the street sexually comes on to Precious as she passes by, commenting on her "sweet ass" and asking when she's going to let him "hit that" (have sex). (@howlin2themoon): "The performance that MoNique and Gabourey gave was outstanding. Did precious's mom ask her for a sexual favor? I will be glad when people realize that they do not have to mention what they have or where they've come from in order to present their point. .tiktok-ze5eiw-SpanViews{-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;padding-right:12px;color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);}292.8K views|.tiktok-15ooo5t-H4Link{font-family:ProximaNova,Arial,Tahoma,PingFangSC,sans-serif;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;display:inline;color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);margin-left:12px;}.tiktok-15ooo5t-H4Link a{color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);}. She was nothing more than a weak woman who based her self worth and life on a no good man. Then read OUR TAKE of this film. You brought that white bitch up in my house? Mary is angry about the food Precious has prepared for her, and thus makes her eat that food (despite Precious not being hungry) before making her food again. Female Classmate: [concerned] Is your baby okay? Claireece 'Precious' Jones: I don't know much more than you do, Mrs. White. #precious #preciousmovie #monique #gaboureysidibe #trauma #drama #movies #life #cinema". Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire is a 2009 film about an overweight, illiterate teen, pregnant with her second child, who is invited to enroll in an alternative school in hopes that her life can head in a new direction. Reactions. The movie deals with the issue of sexual/domestic abuse involving children. Some of Precious' classmates mock each other, calling the others "hos" and "slut," etc. We learn that Precious is illiterate. Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. Tell me about your relationship with him. I ain't gonna do, that would f***in' be illegal! Precious complies, but moments later Mary throws the baby to the floor and then throws a glass at Precious. That was my f***in' man. You didn't see the issues because you didn't identify with them. Unless the subject matter interests them in some way or they're fans of someone in the cast, it doesn't seem too likely. I was too through with the mother when Precious brought her baby son home, and then that b!tch had the nerve to cradle the baby, BLOW SMOKE in his newborn face, and then drop him. original sound - blah_hls. I heard somebody say "She ugly", referring to Gabby. SEX/NUDITY We hear that Precious' daughter lives with Precious' grandmother. She enrolls in an alternative school that pushes her life into a new direction. ", At least 75 "f" words (13 used with "mother" and 4 used sexually, with one spelled out letter by letter, while slang terms such as "hit that" and "doing it" are also used), 30 "s" words, 1 slang term using male genitals ("d*ck"), 1 for breasts ("t*tty"), 26 asses, 4 damns, 1 hell, 13 uses of "G-damn," 2 of "Oh my God" and 1 use of "My God.". Claireece 'Precious' Jones: If I were you, I wouldn't. When the sun shine on him like this, he is an angel child. [silence] I can't hear you, Precious. 13.8K Likes, 77 Comments. After John gives Precious a kiss on her forehead, her classmates playfully sing, "Precious and John, sitting in a tree" (and finish that by spelling out the sexual use of the "f" word rather than the normal "K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Later, one of the girls jokes that a hospital glove looks like a condom. (Note: The "Our Take" review of this title examines the film's artistic merits and does not take into account any of the possibly objectionable material listed below). Mary Lee Johnston: [to Precious] Oh, so you're going to stand up there and look down at me like you're a woman? We learn that Ms. Is that correct? GET DOWN HERE, B*TCH! Rain uses the ones about smoking like a chimney and drinking like a fish. So when you sit there, and you writin' them f***in' notes on your pad about who you think I am, and why I did it and all of that because I didn't have a man. Mrs. Lichtenstein: Do you have any other thoughts about your situation, Claireece? ALCOHOL OR DRUG USE 1996-2022 Screen It, Inc. GABOUREY "GABBY" SIDIBE plays an overweight, 16-year-old girl who lives in the Harlem projects with her mentally and physically abusive mother. I hate when people come up in a thread talking about statistics and sh!tBACK YOUR sh!t UP. Mrs. Lichtenstein: Alright. Some of Precious' classmates laugh about there being blood (Precious') on the blanket around her baby. I think you really tryin' to f*** with me. Mary shows cleavage on several occasions. I wanted him to make love to me. 6.9K Likes, 50 Comments. Rain has the students write one letter at a time on the board, Precious writes "f," prompting another girl to joke meanly, "F for fat." You're a dummy, b*tch. In response, Precious smacks that girl hard, followed by some struggling and whacking between the two before they're separated. Already pregnant with her second child, the abused Precious is struggling to persevere by cocooning herself within the protective realm of delusion, where everyone is kind, everything is bright, and she is the star. Precious's pregnancy, while played for laughs, is quite intense. I really thought she was going to burn the baby with the cigarette You need to get out your history books because other races went through some shyt and much worse then we did. I didn't. RateTheLandlord.Org - Site to Anonymously Rate Your Landlord, A decent salary isn't enough to retain younger workers anymore, and stress is costing the US economy $300 billion a year, Sephora is an old, TIRED, and through queen: In order to get your Birthday Reward, must now spend $25 (as of June 1st), May 2023 Sleep Challenge (Sleep Hygiene, Sleep Quality, etc. SPOILER ALERT: Mary visits Precious, informing her not only that Precious' father is dead, but also that he had AIDS. One of my favorite movies! ), The new coupon-cutting: Apps that sell discounted food headed for the trash, The world's fattest cat finally goes on a diet: 6yo Patches weighed in at 40lbs the same as the average 4yo. Precious: He all right. You will never know sh*t. Don't nobody want you, don't nobody need you. - Give me a basket . Explaining metaphors to Precious, Ms. A great memorable quote from the Precious movie on - Mary: Precious! fck her. The derogatory language towards a child with Down syndrome is quite intense and may bother some viewers. I shoulda aborted your motherfuckin' ass, 'cause you ain't sh*t! She's pregnant for the second time by her father (her mother's boyfriend) with her only escape being momentary fantasies of a better life. [Precious doesn't listen] Precious? You need to get out your history books because other races went through some shyt and much worse then we did. When the social worker leaves, Mary is angry and wants nothing to do with her granddaughter. Claireece 'Precious' Jones: I had sex, Mrs. Lichtenstein. I just gotta stop breastfeeding him. And in that tunnel, the only light they had, was inside of them. Precious orders a bucket of chicken from a fast food restaurant, but then runs out without paying. Mrs. Weiss: Wait, Clareece, you just said your father gave you something Claireece 'Precious' Jones: You didn't hear sh*t. Mrs. Weiss: I heard you just say your father Claireece 'Precious' Jones: You didn't hear sh*t like it! Rain and her lover, Precious says her mom would use the term "homos" (and uses that term several times). And I would lay my baby on that pillow, and Carl would be layin' on the other side and then, we would, we would, uh, start doin' it, and he reached overand he touched my baby. What is on the screen is not necessarily a refelection of me. Mary kicks something in the living room in anger. Iyanla Vanzant checks Eboni K Williams (housewives fame) on unrealistic dating standards & why she's probably still single. Precious returns home with her newborn, and her mom wants to hold the baby. But underneath her impassive expression is a watchful, curious young woman with an inchoate but unshakeable sense that other possibilities exist for her. Claireece 'Precious' Jones: Am I in trouble? None. The film's first story is about Precious herself, a character whose endlessly miserable life is like something out of The Trojan Women: When she's not getting raped and impregnated by her father, she's getting sexually, physically, and verbally abused by her mother Mary (Mo'Nique.) Mary: [voice breaking] I did not want him to do nothin' to her. Ms. You done f***ed around and f***ed my motherfuckin' man, and had two motherfuckin' children, and one of 'em is a Goddamn animal, runnin' 'round lookin' crazy as a motherfucka? gtag('js', new Date()); This movie was not that deep IMO, now if it was like the book then it would have been. See, I think you-- I think you tryin' me. Rain. Rain and a coworker arrive at the office to find the front glass door broken (from Precious previously having done that - not seen --- to get in as she needed a place to stay with her newborn after leaving home). I wish people would stop saying that every black movie that comes out is a reflection of our entire race and culture. "Precious Quotes." In another bout of belittling her daughter, Mary tells Precious, "I should have f*cked you up," calls her a "fat bitch" and says that she should have aborted her while pregnant with her. And I asked himI said, "Carl, what are you doin'?" Claireece 'Precious' Jones: Does that mean we like each other because we discussing my life? But you're going to have to talk to someone if you want your check, sweetie. One student purposefully leaves her chewing gum on a museum or art gallery exhibit. About Ms. A teen on the street sexually comes on to Precious as she passes by, commenting on her "sweet ass" and asking when she's going to let him "hit that" (have sex). Precious complies, but moments later Mary throws the baby to the floor and then throws a glass at Precious. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. I loved it because I felt Precious walked away with hope. AIDS. Claireece 'Precious' Jones: He give me his baby and my one before it, but I don't never see him Mrs. Weiss: Wait, what did you say he gave you? Scenes listed under "Violence" may be unsettling and/or suspenseful to younger viewers and/or those with low tolerance levels for such material. Mrs. Weiss: [Smiling] Well, I can't speak for you. How about if I come to your house? One of my favorite movies! When Ms. Moments later, she throws something up the stairs at Precious, and then storms upstairs while still mad, and we hear sounds of violence, but don't see anything. Ms. Her mom then takes the TV and drops it down the center of the stairwell where it falls many floors and nearly hits Precious and the baby, but Precious moves out of the way just in time. Sexy Jamaican accent Precious returns home with her newborn, and her mom wants to hold the baby. As someone keeps ringing their buzzer, Precious states that she hates crack-heads (thinking that's who's doing it). She also thinks living on welfare and not trying to get a job is fine, and appears to be racist toward white people. Precious is Obese. Ms. * . original sound - Front Page Pop 2.0. I hated the part when Mo'Nique was like" Come here Precious,come take care of Mama". The settings, the characters, the wardrobe, hell even the cinematography as a whole made the film real. I ain't got nothing to write today. Mrs. Weiss: Have we not been in this room together for like, a year discussing your life? PAULA PAXTON plays Precious' caring teacher who works at a unique school for helping troubled but promising students. Precious: Nurse said I'm HIV positive. A school aid & church music minister has been sentenced to 10 yrs in prison, followed by 10 yrs of probation for 2 counts of child molestation. Violence What is the Japanese language plot outline for Precious (2009)? Rain: [to Precious] I remember you once told me-- You never really got to tell .
precious come take care of mommy scene