german passenger ships 1800s

Ship Robert Morris 2 February SS City of Montreal 20 April SS Trinidad 31 December SS Abyssinia 13 March Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935 . Bark George & Henry 27 September SS Bolivia 24 September SS Amerique 10 April The quality of the transcription varies, but the series is still an excellent research tool for tracking down German immigrant ancestors. Some Baltimore arrivals are known to be missing from "Germans to America"seeWhy Some Baltimore Passenger Lists are Missing and How to Find Themby Joe Beine for more information. SS Cornwall 5 March SS Walla Walla 6 June The Hamburg passenger lists are made up of two sections. Othello 1 April Ship Lyons 7 June Schooner Boston 9 March Bark Sacramento 13 May SS Bienville 25 March SS Wieland 4 October SS Olinda 2 June SS Monowai 12 May Brig Eclipse 10 December You can see a list of images and years covered for the same index on a home computer if you click here, but you will be asked to subscribe to see the actual index images. Ship Elizabeth 12 November General Warren 11 January Note: Use of the data and images in this online database is governed by the terms and conditions of this site. Find the year the emigrant departed, and the letter of the alphabet with which your ancestors surname begins in the index. Ship Robert Burton 30 March Parthia 27 January These films will be found on the FS Library International floor. SS Egypt 28 January SS W. A. Scholten 30 June The census provides the year a person arrived in the United States, and shows neighbors. Ship O. Thyen 8 November, 1855 This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 21:42. SS Alexandria 17 September, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration Schooner James Edward 6 September From Bavaria most German emigrants originated, above all from the Palatine area. Length: 665 ft. NOTE: Each letter of the alphabet was allotted only a certain number of pages. Ship Edward Downes 12 May These handwritten indexes can assist you in finding your ancestor in the original passenger lists for the years 1855-1934, and are especially helpful for locating records for those years that have not yet been electronically indexed. Brig Ulrika 1 April SS City of Brussels 20 September SS Moravia 25 December SS Somerset 29 June Powell, Kimberly. Barque Henry Grattan 3 February Ship Henry Astor 15 November In German. SS Columbus 5 October Wiki article about the principles, search strategies, and record types you can use to identify an immigrant ancestor's original hometown. SS Arragon 8 February SS Assyria 17 February SS Alsatia 28 March SS Belise 14 November Barque James 17 November, 1836 Sch. SS Australia 3 May Anglo American 3 April SS Hevelius 19 November Notice the type of information provided within these entries. Barque Sterling 31 October, 1832 A letter i or d following the year will indicate if the entry was from the indirect or direct index. Ship Washington 22 March Ship Colossus 28 February SS Germanic 1 April Bark Mississippi 10 June Barque Flash 13 June SS Parthia 28 July SS State of Nebraska 25 January Wealthy travelers took advantage of packets reliable sailings to study, tour, or transact business abroad. The steamship Great Western can be considered one of the first liners in 1838, crossing the Atlantic in 15.5 days. ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, Ship Passengers/Immigration to Canada. Richmond 10 May Ship Majestic 9 March Ship Java 5 December Ship Opawa to Timura 7 December, 1879 To find a passenger in the index, first choose the appropriate year range from the browse table below in which your ancestor departed from Hamburg. Santiago de Cuba 17 March Barque Lulan 18 September Phoenix 10 September Brig Laura Ann 2 February Thus, a number of Germans who came over on ships from 18501855 are not included. Ship Delos 25 September The records are arranged by port or airport of arrival. The Indirect and the Direct Handwritten indexes are similar. SS Cimbria 1 February SS Moses Taylor 29 February Brig Planter 10 December Ship Milicete 24 June Ship Abbotsford 17 May SS Nevada 17 November Most crossed in the steerage area, below decks. Information contained in the index includes given name, surname, age, gender, arrival date, port of arrival, port of departure and ship name. Complaints about overcrowding, poor food, abuse, and disease on immigrant ships led the United States and countries in Europe to enact new laws in the 1840s and 1850s. Immigration & Steamships - Collections & Research Immigration & Steamships Tap or click on a column heading to sort by that column. Portland 12 January SS Bothnia 2 April From 1911 onward, the direct and indirect passengers were no longer recorded in separate lists. For the FamilySearch Catalog listing of Handwritten Indirect Indexes microfilm numbers click here. This database contains passenger lists of ships that departed from the port of Hamburg, Germany from 1850-1934 (with a gap from 1915-1919 due to World War I). "Direct passengers" were those who arrived at their final destination upon the same ship that they were registered on when they departed Hamburg. Bark Edmund 3 November Ship Eliza Warwick 29 April If possible, find out whether the emigrant traveled directly to his or her destination or stopped at other European or British ports along the way. SS Holland 20 January Social Science History Association, 2017 Schooner St. James 13 May Ship Agenoria 5 January SS Habana 5 March Brig Sarah 11 January SS Rhenania 7 November SS Germanic 23 September Re: I would like to find information on my parent’s immigration here to the US. SS Circassia 24 March This can be done without having to search the alphabetical name index for your ancestor's name. These passengers may have had stopovers in other ports on their way to their final destination, but they remained on the same ship. SS Britannia 15 December Schooner Maud 9 April SS Maer 27 January SS Clyde 22 January SS Erin 16 September Brig Brilliant 5 May Brig Champion 28 July Barque Ellergill 19 June SS State of Pennsylvania 29 September Bark Marianna Galaxola 16 December SS Atlas 9 January Ship Edward 28 December, 1828 Currently there are no records for the year 1901. SS Lessing 10 April Schooner Industry 17 May SS Wisconsin 29 January Ship Edmond 14 June SS Victoria 7 April Brig Hancock 20 February SS Australia 31 May Did My Ancestor Come Through Ellis Island? Ship Harold 24 October SS Canada 25 April SS Nacoochie 27 April 46, 1848, S. 184 (Hamburg). Bark Duncan Ritchie 21 July "Indirect passengers" were those who were registered on one ship in Hamburg, but transferred to another ship before reaching their final destination. Schooner Leviathan 4 January Purchased in October 1856, this one-way steerage ticket was good for passage on any of the Cope Lines ships sailing from Liverpool to Philadelphia before the middle of May 1857. Index and images. Ship Susquehanna 13 June If you have ancestors who emigrated from these areas, the Hamburg passenger lists could provide important genealogical information about them, including their hometowns. Halifax 9 January Rats, insects, and disease were common problems. SS Nevada 5 March SS City of Chester 28 January SS China 10 January Ship Adeline 16 April Brig J. M. Beard 21 March Ship Attica 4 April SS Mosel 17 March SS Italy 19 June Schooner Robert Ellis 4 September SS P. Flood 5 March SS Cella 8 June Students will analyze a Table of German Passenger ships that landed in Philadelphia from 1683 to 1775. Brig Gem of New Haven 17 January Ship Elise and Mathilde 9 June Other European emigrants sailed from Le Havre, France; Bremen and Hamburg, Germany; and Antwerp, in Belgium. SS Carondelet 15 October Schooner Gem 8 March Ship Chariot 10 August Bark Minona 20 September The FS Library film and page number of that ship's list in the Hamburg Passenger Lists is also given. SS Maas 15 December Brig Victoria 25 May Ship Lilia 28 June The separate handwritten index images; 1855-1934 [1850-1854 need no index] are available at, a subscription site. SS Island 28 December Ship Stephen Whitney 6 April The database version created by the Center for Immigration Studies at the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies (the same group that created the published versions) was originally published on CD and is now available for free online from the National Archives and FamilySearch. Brig Pearl 7 April Barque Hope 5 April Brig Weser 29 December, 1837 F. Patten 11 June If you know the name of the ship on which your ancestor arrived in the United States from Hamburg and the date that ship arrived, Roger P. Minert's, Kathryn Boeckel's, and Caren Winter's Germans to America and the Hamburg Passenger Lists: Coordinated Schedules (FS Library International Ref Desk Book 973 W22m) can help you quickly access the Hamburg Passenger Lists microfilm departure record for your ancestor. Brig Mary 30 August SS Switzerland 3 March Bark Helen Maria 24 May Ship Renown 13 February (2020, August 27). He is obliged to cook it the best way he can in a cook shop 12 feet by 6! SS Montana 1 January Barque Gilbert Henderson 20 December Schooner Correo 9 January SS Celtic 22 December SS Claribel 8 April SS Arragon 16 April Ship Geo. From 1850-1854 the lists consisted merely of a roughly alphabetical registration, sometimes even with abbreviated first names, later including more detailed information. Highflyer 30 July Brig Hector 26 June The Shenandoah carried people and freight from 1840 until 1854, usually running between Philadelphia and Liverpool. Internet Access. Caledonia 13 May This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Brig Dido 10 June Brig Peruvian 19 February SS Rhynland 31 December SS Adriatic 11 November SS Severn 8 January Conditions varied from ship to ship, but steerage was normally crowded, dark, and damp. At the FamilySearch Librarysearch for the freeimages of this complete but hard-to-read index on click here. SS Donau 8 January Ann & Mary unknown SS Bothnia 9 April SS State of Pennsylvania 3 January Schooner Charlotte Corday 7 March Beginning with Volume 10, all ships with German passengers were included, regardless of the percentage. Showing 1 to 8 of 320 records Clear All Filters Vessel Year built Line Builder & location Ship Arkwright 31 October SS Gaelic 6 June When you find an ancestor make a note on your research log showing exactly where you found them. Ship Grotius 6 December The figures below show two typical samples of cards from the Klber indexes. SS Scythia 26 March Germans to America is a series of books which index ship passenger arrival records of German immigrants for the years listed below. When you find the emigrant in the index, note the number following the name. Ship Gov. Finding New York Passenger Lists 1820-1957 In the passenger list, turn to the page number you found in the index. Use the following table to determine the Index of Changed Microfilm numbers at the FamilySearch Library. Schooner Meridan 11 May SS T. Trowbridge 6 August Ship Ulverstone 30 November SS Marshall Bennett 28 April She was completed for Viking Expeditions in December 2021 and has a capacity for 378 passengers in 189 staterooms. SS Assyria 25 September SS Colon 16 April Lists of German Passengers Arriving at U.S. SS Pommerania 30 April Bark Dyle First Quarter From 1870 to 1892, one third or more of the passengers traveled via the indirect route, but later this declined to about 4%. SS City of Richmond 18 June Seppings 21 April SS P. Caland 10 April SS State of Georgia 25 April The Viking Octantis gets into the list as she is the largest or one of the largest purpose-built expedition ships (intended for the Arctic and Antarctic regions). Ship St. Nicolas 29 August Schooner Boston 24 March Ship Hesperus 14 February SS State of Virginia 19 January SS Schiedam 10 January Microfilm Access. Schooner Villager 14 May An additional 48 rolls of microfilm for the Klber Indexes for the years 1850-1871, and one additional roll for the 1872 Direct and Indirect Index are also available. SS P. Caland 1 April Ship O. Thijen 8 November Steerage passengers slept, ate, and socialized in the same spaces. Re: When did Leroy Dice Gainey enter the US? Zurich 1 May SS Austrian 29 September Are you researching German immigrants to America during the 19th century? Limited sanitation and stormy seas often combined to make it dirty and foul-smelling, too. Also, at the FamilySearch Library you can browse a complete set of free images of both Direct and Indirect Passenger Lists on if you click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to select the appropriate years. SS Saratoga 9 April ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be Schooner Geo. Davis 26 February African American History Curatorial Collective, The Wreck and Rescue of an Immigrant Ship, Disaster! (accessed May 2, 2023). London Packet 15 March She teaches at the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Brig Columbus 29 March Amelia Wilson (1809 ship) Ann (1807 ship) Anstruther (1800 ship) Ship Burgandy 20 April, 1840 Ship Adam Lodge 14 June SS Alvena 18 April Ship Jamaica 19 January The database includes images of the passenger lists digitized from microfilm in partnership with the Hamburg State Archive, available here for the first time online. To browse this image set, select from the options below. Microfilm Access. In the mid-1800s, most British immigrants to the United States departed from Liverpool, England. SS Alsatia 4 October City of Berlin 3 February SS City of New York 15 April Steamer Alps 26 July Schooner Hesperus 13 May 214,000 to Canada, ca. Ship Crescent 29 January Ship Southampton 29 August SS Baltic 29 March Ship Groton 31 October Brig Catharina 12 December SS Lahn 22 December Brig Wm. SS Canada 21 January When you find a person in an index, use the information in the index to find the person in the actual passenger list. Re: I'm looking for incoming 1904 passenger lists for SS Switzerland, Find answers to your research questions at, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records. SS City of Brussels 19 November SS Olympia 26 September Ship Importer 21 February SS State of Nevada 24 February SS Bolivia 17 April Rappahonock 22 June SS State of Nevada 10 January Compared with records of other immigrant groups, the German passenger man- SS Parthia 3 January SS Denmark 8 February Schooner S. A. Reed 2 April SS General Werder 1 April Brig Galate 1 September SS Treviot 30 April SS Gallia 15 April Schooner Boston 5 February "The ships kept ballooning in scale," says Roka. Black Warrior 31 July SS Scythia 24 April Brig Falcon 17 June Brig Isabella 20 February Cambridge Journals publishes over 250 peer-reviewed academic journals across a wide range of subject areas, in print and online. The database also includes a partial index, covering the years 1850-1914 (up to the start of WWI) and 1920-1934. The Hamburg Passenger Lists are also available in the Ballinstadt Emigration Museum in Hamburg. Ship Akbain 2 December SS Helvetia 19 February Bark Paulina 29 April Bark Johanna 18 May SS City of Alexandria 31 December SS England 30 April Instructions. Germans in the American Revolutionary War, The Sinking of the Lusitania and America's Entry into World War I. SS Germanic 21 January SS Colima 10 June SS Scandinavia 12 April SS Somerset 22 January Ship Edward Downes 15 June Ship Hull 5 March Brig Montevideo 7 September All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means Schooner Frank Howard 22 March This timeline reflects the largest extant passenger ship in the world at any given time. Internet Access. Bark Fredonia 29 August, 1867 SS Hermann 5 January The journal invites articles that blend empirical research with theoretical work, undertake comparisons across time and space, or contribute to the development of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. Ship Orion 12 December You can browse the same years and passenger list images on a home computer, if you scroll to the bottom after you click here, but you will be asked to subscribe to see the actual passenger list images. You can see a list of images and years covered for the same index on a home computer if you click here, but you will be asked to subscribe to see the actual index images. SS Rotterdam 15 January SS Olinda 2 May SS Rhein 7 April Ship William Rathbone 14 November SS State of Georgia 28 December Brig Phoenix 13 May The records also include about 750,000 Jewish immigrants from Russia, who sailed at this time from Hamburg to the United States. SS Bolivia 17 March For the FamilySearch Catalog listing of the alphabetical passenger lists from 1850-1854 microfilm numbers click here. SS Holland 2 October Ship Manhattan 20 March For more detailed instructions explaining how to use these Indirect indexes see the Handwritten Direct Indexes instructions. SS State of Indiana 17 December Brig Rebecca Francis 4 September Hamburg became the most important emigration port in Germany by 1900., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 March 2013, at 19:32. SS State of Nevada 16 June Thus, a number of Germans who came over on ships from 1850-1855 are not included. Ship Tarolinta 3 February Steamer New York 13 May Brig Evanista 5 July For a Wiki list of terminology used in the Hamburg passenger lists, see Hamburg Passenger List Terminology. Bark Arabia 30 August SS Rhein 13 January Schooner Reindeer 12 March Brig Daniel Webster 24 March SS Helvetia 1 April Brig John Clifford 28 May SS Suevia 7 January Use the search boxes at the bottom of each column to locate a particular vessel. SS W.A. Brig Winthrop 26 September Isaac Webb 15 May Howe 30 March (Some entered Texas at Galveston or New Orleans and then sailed to Indianola) Links are to scanned and transcribed passenger lists. SS Oder 30 September SS Batavia 15 February H. Prescott 16 March For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Ship Sea King 12 June London 11 April These microfilms can be accessed at various FamilySearch centers and at the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City. . SS Devonia 23 January They sought economic opportunity, religious and political freedom, and the chance to join family members who had gone ahead. SS Katie 9 November Brig Forest 13 February SS Utopia 21 January Bark Emilie 12 August, 1842 SS Saratoga 19 April SS Pennsylvania 16 December, 1872 Bark J. W. Paige 30 April anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Brig Two Marys 12 February SS San Jose 2 June Ship Amethyst 14 February In addition, the names found in the index are linked to actual images of the passenger lists. SS City of Brussels 24 February SS Zeeland 25 July Schooner Lucy Ames 29 March SS Somerset 12 March SS Philadelphia 30 April Update your records. SS Rotterdam 18 December SS Montana 24 January Ship Montezuma 12 May To view the images of alphabetical passenger lists for free at the FamilySearch Library click here, and then click the date you wish to view. Bark Talisman 20 June Ship Susan 25 September 1815-1917. Steamer Hibernia 25 January SS Donau 12 November Ship Tacitus 26 November The Indirect Passenger Lists include passengers who stopped at another European or British port before sailing to their final destination. SS City of Para 24 December Ship Sapphire 3 May A typical packet in the 1820s and 1830s could also accommodate 10 to 20 well-to-do cabin passengers. Brig Mary E. Pennell 6 April SS Colon 14 January Prins Maurits 29 December SS Herder 16 April Brig Leonida 29 August When these pages were filled, the rest of the names beginning with that letter were continued on the unused pages under another letter. RMS Russia 17 April For the FamilySearch Catalog listing of Direct Passenger List microfilm numbers click here. RMS City of Richmond 18 February Schooner Nancy 21 August Ship New England 13 March John Bell 14 May Havre 27 September SS Cleopatra 28 March Brig Herschel 21 May Ports. SS Wieland 15 February Scholten 9 January Sloop Frederick 25 January Brig Mary 21 May SS Oevenum 8 September Ship Thornton 15 June, 1859 Many of these items may be used to search the index for the years 1850-1934, using the search template above. National Archives and Records Administration. Bark Norma 30 March Bark John Boulton 23 March SS Olinda 14 September, 1892 SS Aguan 17 December Steamer Crescent City 28 March Ship Louise Marie 20 May SS H. Trowbridge 26 July In Bavaria Anerbenrecht (inheritance law) was prevalent. Am^n St^r City of Atlanta 20 December Ship Senator 2 June, 1843 SS Letimbro 3 December Tap or click on a vessel to view images. Ship Octavia 31 March John Wells 11 February Ship Sunbeam 10 September Kate unknown If a listing is found in "Germans to America," then the original passenger lists should be consulted, as they may contain further details. SS Maas 24 January SS City of Havana 4 October Galliott Flora 21 May Beauregard, International Trade of Enslaved People Outlawed, Helpful Online Resources for learning German, Why Some Baltimore Passenger Lists are Missing and How to Find Them, Certificate in Genealogical Research, Boston University. SS Nevada 13 December SS Neckar (retranscribed, now in Volume 5) 5 January RMS Celtic 20 January SS Carondelet 19 June passenger service from the European continent was still not quite established, and the AAZ newspaper explained that captains needed to ll their empty ships with passengers.10 By 1847, there were many ads showing that regular service had been established. SS Emily Augusta 8 March Bark St Dominique 7 August In addition, it would help to know the name of a relative or neighbor traveling with him. SS Bolivia 15 April Most of the lists include the last place of residence and often the place of birth as well. Schooner Boston 11 May Passenger ships of Germany include all ships designed, built, or operated in Germany for the purpose of transporting passengers. Revenue 12 June SS Algeria 21 February Note the microfilm number and page on the back of the copy. Ship Nestor 30 November SS Claribel 21 March SS George West 29 March This database is an index to the passenger lists of ships arriving from foreign ports at the port of New York from 1820-1957. Request Permissions. SS State of Pennsylvania 18 September Bark Danl. SS Westphalia 27 March World War I passenger ships of Germany (11 P) Ship Delaware 20 February See step 3 to learn how to do this. Schooner Mexicana 13 September From Some famous sailing ships and their builder, Donald McKay. SS State of Indiana 10 November SS Ohio 24 December Ship Henry Pratt 1 May For FS Library microfilm numbers use the following list. SS Ethiopia 26 December SS Canada 5 October Barque Diana 12 June Germans to America. 54,000 to Australia, and ca. SS State of Virginia 10 April By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. SS Vega 29 December, 1893 Find resources in our German Research Center. Ship manifests for German immigrants arriving in Pennsylvania have survived for I727 through 1820. SS Peru 2 May SS Zeno 17 September, 1850 Schooner Rising Sun 11 May Students will look at the table as a historian would and try to understand the advantages and disadvantages to this form of statistical analysis. 1895 - 1954 . If the emigrant departed about 1869 or 1870, search the two sets of Klber indexes first, then the Fifteen-Year Index, and then the handwritten indexes direct and indirect. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device Bark Nicasque 2 April To search this partial index for free at the FamilySearch Library on click here. Ship Opawa to Lyttelton 7 December These microfilms can be accessed at various FamilySearch Centers, and at the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City. SS City of Washington 3 April This website requires a paid subscription for full access. SS Adirondack 21 December Index (Soundex) to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, 1944-1948 (NARA Microfilm Numbers), Baltimore Passenger Lists Online Index 1820-1948 and 1954-1957, Index (Soundex) to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, MD, 1820-1897 (NARA & FHL Microfilm Numbers), Index (Soundex) to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, MD (City Passenger Lists), 1833-1866 (NARA & FHL Microfilm Numbers), Index (Soundex) to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, MD, 1897-1952 (NARA & FHL Microfilm Numbers), Finding Passenger Records at the Port of Boston, Massachusetts 1820-1963, Finding Galveston, Texas Passenger Records, New Orleans Passenger Lists Index and Images 1820-1945, Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, LA, 1853-1899 (NARA & FHL Microfilm Roll Numbers), Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, LA, 1900-1952 (NARA & FHL Microfilm Numbers), Finding Passenger Arrival Records at the Port of New Orleans, Louisiana, Philadelphia Passenger Lists - Index and Images 1800-1945, Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Philadelphia, PA, 1800-1906 (NARA & FHL Microfilm Numbers), Index (Soundex) to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Philadelphia, PA, January 1, 1883-June 28, 1948 (NARA & FHL Microfilm Numbers), Miscellaneous Atlantic, Gulf Coast and Great Lakes Ports 1820-1873, Miscellaneous Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists 1890s-1940s, Charleston, South Carolina Passenger Lists, New Bedford, Massachusetts Index 1902-1954, San Francisco, California Index to Passenger Lists 1893-1953, Savannah, Georgia Passenger Lists 1906-1945, Seattle, Tacoma and Port Townsend, Washington Passenger and Crew Lists 1882-1957, Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Ports in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina 1890-1924, U.S.
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german passenger ships 1800s