why did france sell louisiana

What was the most important effect of the Louisiana Purchase? Regardless of its legality, Smithsonian Magazine details how in order to finance the transaction, several British banks actually bought the territory and turned it over to the United States in exchange for bonds at 6% interest. According to the memoirs of Franois Barb-Marbois, in what was a prophetic statement foreshadowing the American Civil War, Napoleon said, "Perhaps it will also be objected to me, that the Americans may be found too powerful for Europe in two or three centuries: but my foresight does not embrace such remote fears. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 brought into the United States about 828,000 square miles of territory from France, thereby doubling the size of the young republic. But the focal point of the celebrations is Louisiana itself. Napoleon needed peace with Britain to take possession of Louisiana. "The district of Louisiana changed to the territory of Louisiana". In legislation enacted on October 31, Congress made temporary provisions for local civil government to continue as it had under French and Spanish rule and authorized the President to use military forces to maintain order. As Napolons foreign minister, Talleyrand customarily demanded outrageous bribes for diplomatic results. As quoted by Smithsonian Magazine, historian Charles A. Cerami said, "If we had not made this purchase, it would have pinched off the possibility of our becoming a continental power." Napoleon sent a massive 30,000 troops French expeditionary force commanded by his brother-in-law Charles Victor Emmanuel Leclerc to St. Domingue to accomplish this goal. The social order of the island crumbled and in an attempt to stop the violence, France abolished slavery. Since the late 1780s, Americans had been moving westward into the Ohio River and Tennessee River valleys, and these settlers were highly dependent on free access to the Mississippi River and the strategic port of New Orleans. However, Livingston was certain that the United States would accept the offer.[16]. This could weaken Britain's war effort against France and give Napoleon victory. The overwhelming stink of human waste. As the Library of Congress describes, Saint-Domingue was incredibly valuable. The treaty was signed by Barb-Marbois, Livingston and Monroe on May 2 and backdated to April 30. Both Federalists and Jeffersonians were concerned over the purchase's constitutionality. Why did France sell Louisiana? Before the revolution, France had derived enormous wealth from St. Domingue at the cost of the lives and freedom of the slaves. Barb-Marbois received his orders on April 11, 1803, when Napolon summoned him. Erin Blakemore is a journalist from Boulder, Colorado. On the following day, October 21, 1803, the Senate authorized Jefferson to take possession of the territory and establish a temporary military government. How did France obtain the Louisiana Territory? - 2023 What's more, as described by Medium, the French ruler believed that a more powerful United States was better for France. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Spain had not yet completed the transfer of Louisiana to France, and war between France and the UK was imminent. [citation needed], Governing the Louisiana Territory was more difficult than acquiring it. That leads to the question as to why on Earth would France sell so much land, or at least the rights to it 828,000 acres for what amounted to 4 cents an acre? Though Jefferson urged moderation, Federalists sought to use this against Jefferson and called for hostilities against France. Napoleon informed his brothers of the sale and asked for their opinion. All Rights Reserved. Why did France want to sell the Louisiana Territory - Brainly This deal between the United States and France sold over 500 million acres at a bargain price of fewer than . Why did france sell louisiana? - Alexa Answers Today, the 31st parallel is the northern boundary of the western half of the Florida Panhandle, and the Perdido is the western boundary of Florida. But he did manage to sell something that he didnt really have any control overthere were few French settlers and no French administration over the territoryexcept on paper. As for Jefferson, notes historian Cerami, he actually wasnt out to make this big a purchase. He engaged in back-channel diplomacy with Napoleon on Jefferson's behalf during a visit to France and originated the idea of the much larger Louisiana Purchase as a way to defuse potential conflict between the United States and Napoleon over North America.[11]. ", This page was last edited on 16 April 2023, at 22:34. The French and Indian war cost her Canada and all of her other possessions on the east bank of the Mississippi. Napoleon's goal: an American empire. Just three weeks earlier, on November 30, 1803, Spanish officials had formally conveyed the colonial lands and their administration to France. i. France was promised control over Canada. He added later, "I require money to make war on the richest nation in the world.". [30], Other historians counter the above arguments regarding Jefferson's alleged hypocrisy by asserting that countries change their borders in two ways: (1) conquest, or (2) an agreement between nations, otherwise known as a treaty. This secret deal did not remain secret for long. Start your free trial today. Felix S. Cohen, Interior Department Lawyer who helped pass ICCA, is often quoted as saying, "practically all of the real estate acquired by the United States since 1776 was purchased not from Napoleon or any other emperor or czar but from its original Indian owners", roughly estimating that Indians had received twenty times as much as France had for the territory bought by the United States, "somewhat in excess of 800 million dollars". Updated: June 6, 2019 | Original: December 2, 2009. Jefferson had authorized Livingston only to purchase New Orleans. Cantonment Belle Fontaine 8051826 The First U.S. Fort West of the Mississippi River. Thomas Jeffersonand his cabinet, themselves terrified of a French presence so close to the United States, used this conundrum as an opening. France worried about an alliance between America and England. The difficulties and risks . The eastern boundary below the 31st parallel was unclear. While this was just a rumor, he had made up his mind to sell the territory. [42], Although the War of the Third Coalition, which brought France into a war with the United Kingdom, began before the purchase was completed, the British government initially allowed the deal to proceed as it was better for the neutral Americans to own the territory than the hostile French. When Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France, he altered the shape of a nation and the course of history Joseph A. Harriss April 2003 The Louisiana Purchase nearly. ii. Though there were 10 black slaves for every white person in Haiti, slaves occupied the bottom rung of society and were treated like expendable commodities. For more than a century after La Salle took possession of it, the Louisiana Territory, with its scattered French, Spanish, Acadian and German settlements, along with those of Native Americans and American-born frontiersmen, was traded among European royalty at their whim. The American representatives were prepared to pay up to $10million for New Orleans and its environs but were dumbfounded when the vastly larger territory was offered for $15million. Lucien later reported in a memoirthat the pair sought out their brother in the Tuileries, where they found the ruler indulging in a bath. The Louisiana Purchase opened up a new can of worms in the United Stateshow much of the new territory should be open to slavery? He had contacts at Britains Baring & Co. Bank, which agreed, along with several other banks, to make the actual purchase and pay Napolon cash. And in 1801, Spain signed a secret treaty with France to return the Louisiana Territory to France. Who bought the Louisiana Purchase? - TimesMojo In March 1802, he warned Madison that France intended to have a leading interest in the politics of our western country and was preparing to send 5,000 to 7,000 troops from its Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue (now Haiti) to occupy New Orleans. I renounce Louisiana. The jewel of the French overseas empire was Saint-Domingue in the Caribbean, which is today's Haiti on the large island of Hispaniola. . Under the leadership of Toussaint Louverture, slaves took over the entire island of Hispaniola, including St. Domingue and its neighbor Santo Domingo. It would have seemed unthinkable for France to cede any of its colonial territories before 1791. National Geographic also adds that it paved the way for the imperial expansion and conquest of the Native American tribes of the West. He could not or did not see the value in sending troops to defend worthless Louisiana, not with Saint-Domingue out of the equation. Overcoming the opposition of the Federalist Party, Jefferson and Secretary of State James Madison persuaded Congress to ratify and fund the Louisiana Purchase. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. The Federalists strongly opposed the purchase, favoring close relations with Britain over closer ties to Napoleon. When word got around that Napoleon was giving up Louisiana to the Americans, not everybody agreed. The Louisiana Purchase was one of history's greatest bargains, a chance for the United States to buy what promised to be one of France's largest and wealthiest territories and eliminate a. Your Privacy Rights Jefferson tasked James Monroe and Robert R. Livingston with purchasing New Orleans. They burned cities, used guerrilla warfare and killed thousands. Get the latest History stories in your inbox? Louverture, as a French general, had fended off incursions from other European powers, but had also begun to consolidate power for himself on the island. Napolons brothers Joseph and Lucien had gone to see him at the Tuileries Palace on April 7, determined to convince him not to sell the territory. Learn more about Erin and her work at erinblakemore.com. iv. Both present-day Arkansas and Missouri already had some slaveholders in the 18th and early 19th century. However, in 1800 Spain had ceded the Louisiana territory back to France as part of Napoleon's secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. In return for fifteen million dollars, or approximately eighteen dollars per square mile, the United States nominally acquired a total of 828,000sqmi (2,140,000km2; 530,000,000 acres) in Middle America. Southern Quarterlynotes, "What is often remembered as a remarkably 'peaceful' transfer of land was in fact predicated on events of enormous violence that took place in the Caribbean.". Watch: Elon Musk Comes Clean on Why He Bought Twitter He had a vision of America as an empire of liberty, says Douglas Brinkley. National Geographicpoints out that in modern dollars, the Louisiana Purchase would have cost $342 million. They also feared that this would lead to Western states being formed, which would likely be Republican, and dilute the political power of New England Federalists. I renounce Louisiana, Napolon told him. To Napoleon's line of thinking, if the United States took control of Louisiana, then it would deny Britain the opportunity of conquering it. France acquired Louisiana from Spain in 1800 and took possession in 1802. His strategy was to use Louisiana to supply the flour, salted meat, timber, and other resources necessary to support his troops on the island colony. Jefferson soon commissioned the Lewis and Clark Expedition, led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, to explore the territory acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. This left Laussat with little to do but officiate when, on a sunny December 20, 1803, the French tricolor was slowly lowered in New Orleans main square, the PlacedArmes, and the American flag was raised. Let the Land rejoice, Gen. Horatio Gates, a prominent New York state legislator, told President Thomas Jefferson when details of the deal reached Washington, D.C. For you have bought Louisiana for a song., Rich in gold, silver and other ores, as well as huge forests and endless lands for grazing and farming, the new acquisition would make America immensely wealthy. Napoleon was reported to have said of Louisiana in his treasury minister's memoir, "To attempt obstinately to retain it would be folly.". It takes a certain amount of chutzpah to think you can establish a global empire, and Napoleon Bonaparte is no exception. The idea was taken up by lawmakers such as Senator James Ross of Pennsylvania, who drafted a resolution calling on Jefferson to form a 50,000-man army to take the city. According to the University of Kentucky, slaves outnumbered free people at least 10 to 1. [17] The signers were Robert Livingston, James Monroe, and Franois Barb-Marbois. [42] In October 1803, the U.S. Treasury had some $5.86 million in specie on hand, $2 million of which would be used to pay a portion of the debts assumed from France as part of the purchase. A Washington newspaper, the National Intelligencer, reflecting how most citizens felt, referred to the widespread joy of millions at an event which history will record among the most splendid in our annals. Though we have no historical evidence of how Jefferson felt about the purchase, notes Cerami, reports from those in his circle like Monroe refer to the presidents great pleasure, despite his fear that the deal had gone beyond his constitutional powers. This, together with the successful French demand for an indemnity of 150 million francs in 1825, severely hampered Haiti's ability to repair its economy after decades of war. Jefferson justified the purchase by rationalizing, "it is the case of a guardian, investing the money of his ward in purchasing an important adjacent territory; & saying to him when of age, I did this for your good." [48], A dispute soon arose between Spain and the United States regarding the extent of Louisiana. [21] The Louisiana Territory was vast, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to Rupert's Land in the north, and from the Mississippi River in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west. France was slow in taking control of Louisiana, but in 1802 Spanish authorities, apparently acting under French orders, revoked a U.S.-Spanish treaty that granted Americans the right to store.
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why did france sell louisiana