what to do with spoiled coconut milk

Coconut milk because solid because it is made up of pressed coconut. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories, To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Knead on a lightly floured worktop to bring the dough together. Can we all agree to stop buying those packs of cocoa? You can thank sour milk for giving these oatmeal raisin cookies such an amazing texture. Place the milk in a jar and add the lemon juice. Put the coconut and water in the blender and let it blitz until its thick and creamy. So, its not exactly a healthy recipe! If you are using the coconut milk for cooking, theres a chance that the guar gum will react differently to being heated, and it may make your recipe taste odd, or could even prevent it from working. In conclusion, coconut milk may show many signs of spoilage when it gets bad. Some articles on this site contain affiliate links. Bake in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes. This recipe breaks down the steps to creating delicious cottage cheese. If you can't find the email, please check your spam or junk folder, as it may have ended up there by mistake. It needs to be brought to a boil and then simmered for around 30 minutes until its thick, then add your extras. Next time you are making a dish that requires a marinade, consider adding a couple of tablespoons of soured milk to the recipe. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Sour Milk Pancakes Do you like your pancakes extra fluffy? Shroom for Improvement: 'Mamu' is the Meat Alternative with a Twist, FDL+ Add a bit of water to the milk, and pour it over potted plants or garden beds. Rather than just being faux-meat, Mamu is different. The first step to using up the expired milk is to reconsider it. Use it as a Dairy Substitute. Bake in an oven preheated to 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 40-50 minutes. Lay the cheesecloth inside the strainer over a large bowl. In the morning, a frozen coconut milk ice cube will be ready to use. Learn to love your leftovers with zero-waste recipes from world-famous chefs. The down side is that coconuts do contain quite a lot of fat; reduced-fat tinned coconut milk is available, although check the recipe as this may impact the creaminess of your dish. Then, cut open the coconut and scoop out the meat. Sour milk is a great choice for savory baking because it acts as a leavening agent at the same time that it adds a slight tang to the finished product. The answer is that certain manufacturers add ingredients that help the fats to stay in the milk. How long this coconut nectar can be good for will depend on all this. 2. . Spit out the bit you tasted and get rid of the rest. Hopefully, I can use Vegan Foundry as a channel to help you out on your own journey! Thank you for signing up for our service. In most cases, coconut milk smells sour if it has gone bad. Find out how to make your own oat milk. What's the difference between polenta and cornmeal? Some are packed in a can, and some in an aseptic tetra pack.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'kitchenous_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_8',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-kitchenous_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Among the cardboard packages, most are intended for storage on a regular shelf, but some need to be refrigerated immediately after production. If you like your cake soft and light, then this is the recipe for you. Add a sweet but healthy twist to these little pots of goodness with a splash of coconut milk instead of your regular milk. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'foodsquestions_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foodsquestions_com-banner-1-0');When coconut milk has a sour smell, it will not be safe to use for recipes. Now looking forward to the creamer and wow those desserts are calling my name. Tres leches will always be a fan fave. Try it mixed with espresso and a drop of caramel syrup for an indulgent afternoon treat, or poured over ice with some cold brew. After opening, the coconut milk must go in the refrigerator. Mix the rest of the ingredients in a separate bowl before adding your soured milk. The following method is applied: If you try to use it in this state, you will find that: Separation like this is not unusual for coconut milk, but it is annoying, because it results in coconut milk that tastes strange and ruins your cooking. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of baking perfection? For example, guar gum may be included, and this helps to suspend the fats and prevent them from separating out. Unopened, sealed containers of coconut milk can last several months, but opened coconut milk cans and cartons do go bad. Coconut Rice Pudding: Disney Cruise Copycat Recipe. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Since we like spicy things in my house, I added a tablespoon of red curry paste to the onions and garlic. From pancakes to muffins to biscuits, these yummy treats couldnt be better. Dont remember when you opened the coconut milk pack, and now you need it for the recipe? 03 /7 Gardening Here is a good non-food use for your spoiled milk. Cook the flour and oil over a medium-low heat until you have a thick paste, then stir in the coconut milk. about Rambutan fruit: what it is and its benefits, about Shroom for Improvement: 'Mamu' is the Meat Alternative with a Twist, about The Rules To Building The Perfect Sandwich, rice noodles with prawns and coconut milk, vegetable curry with coconut milk and rice. However, deep down, we know the only way to tell is to unscrew the cap and take a whiff. The changes may be visible through a discoloration that will indicate spoilage. I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! You can easily tell the difference between fresh and spoiled coconut milk it terms of smell. Bring a cup of milk to a simmer and then add a tablespoon of sugar, whatever strong black tea you have around, and a few whole spices like cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon. 40 Best Coconut Milk Recipes - What To Do With Canned Coconut Milk 1 We Made A Magazine With Disney! Read on for all the details. If panic shopping has left you with too much milk and too much heavy cream, you can combine equal parts of each to make a lighter version of mason jar ice cream. It's sweetened with coconut milk and sugar, similar to a traditional rice pudding. Normally, coconut milk cans are sealed tightly in order to retain their quality. Then, you need to soak the coconut in warm water for about 12 hours. 11 Sour Milk Recipes to try - 1. If this happens, it will probably form chunks at the bottom, rather than a smooth mass, and it will usually develop a strong, unpleasant odor. Cookbook', What is Lemon Balm? Sign 2: Mold is present Mold can also develop in . Beat the egg in a separate bowl and add in the sour milk. If youve never cooked with tapioca before, I recommend making a small test batch first. Get the recipe. Published 4 minutes ago. Its sweet and creamy and full of flavor. Use coconut milk to transform leafy greens into a creamy side dish. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foodsquestions_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foodsquestions_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');Coconut milk contains a lot of fat, which means it is likely to become rancid if not stored properly. Stir this well and leave the mixture to settle for 5 minutes. Pour the cake batter into a greased and lined cake tin. Coconut milk complements the flavours of hearty vegetable soups, particularly tomato, and provides the perfect balance for richly spiced meals. During these past few months, however, pouring any milk down the drain has felt extravagantly wasteful, especially if using it could delay the next grocery trip by another day or two. This will make them easier to add while cooking for the dishs creaminess. Why subject yourself to the same old boring toast every morning, when you can have delicious cinnamon bread? However, there are some versions of the product intended for refrigeration from the very beginning. Your pastries will never be the same. And if your diet excludes dairy, you may just be surprised by how smooth and . To help you out, we decided to compile a list of our top ten ideas, but in the end we just couldnt narrow it down. If you have a soft spot for banana pancakes, then be sure to give this recipe a try. Likewise, if you notice any lumps or changes in texture, the milk is spoiled. #nigerian #food #recipe #nigerianfood #coconutrice #jollofrice #africa #africanfood #coconut #rice #foodvlog #breakfast #lunch #dinner #asmr .Try this crea. The cultured buttermilk you buy at the grocery store is just milk with extra bacteria added to help speed up that same fermentation process. Transfer the dough to a bowl and add in your soured milk. I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! However, if the separation is more major, youll probably need to melt the fats to get them to recombine. I recommend using full-fat coconut milk or even coconut cream to make sure the custard is as thick and creamy as possible. Please check your inbox for an email from us and click on the confirmation link provided. The main difference between milk and cream is in the concentration and consistency. Add the butter chunks and pulse 10 times to make it appear like breadcrumbs. It is also thicker than usual. This recipe is similar to American buttercream; only it uses coconut milk (or cream for added richness and flavor). Alternatively, you can marinate your meat in just sour milk prior to cooking. The amount of water added depends on the purpose of the coconut milk. Stir the orange juice into the milk and leave to settle for 5 minutes. We suggest allowing the loaf to cool for an hour when removed from the oven, before serving. Hey there! Stir well until all of the sugar has dissolved and then remove from the heat. This causes a lot of air to be produced, making your cake light and fluffy in texture. When it is spoiled, it tends to have an off smell. Its clear why. Well, it contains four different kinds of milk, for one thing: coconut, regular, condensed, and heavy cream. Unopened, sealed containers of coconut milk can last several months, but opened coconut milk cans and cartons do go bad. The golden raisins are optional, but I think they add something special to the mix (especially if you soak them in rum first!). Prep a sour milk recipe in 30 minutes or less. If your coconut milk has only separated a little bit, you may be able to recombine the fats with the liquid by very thoroughly shaking them together. Hands up if you struggle to cook rice to perfection? Ahead, we share some of our favorite uses for canned coconut milk. However, it is completely safe to use as long as it doesnt show other signs of decay, so dont worry about separation. Fry in a griddle pan until the base is just beginning to catch. If you need a savior during the hectic holiday season, then this gingerbread cake is for you! The coconut is squeezed hard to encourage the liquid to flow out of it. Pour into muffin trays lined with muffin cases. Bon Apptit may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Coconut cream and milk is often recommended in many recipes when cooking savory or sweet dishes. Vegan Alfredo Sauce With Coconut Milk, 25. While its technically dessert, we cant be choosy during these trying times, so Ive been eating my sour milk panna cotta for breakfast along with blueberries and basil. A classic bchamel is made from a butter and flour roux mixed with whole milk, but you can make it vegan by replacing the butter with olive oil or coconut oil, and the milk with coconut milk. Of course, you can also add your own secret ingredient to the dough: sour milk, which will combine. To ensure that we're only communicating with real people and not spam accounts, we need you to confirm your email address. I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! It gave the whole thing a wonderful warmth and lovely red hue. Using coconut milk will give them a bit of creaminess, which helps to cut through the slight bitterness of the greens. Continue with Recommended Cookies. I love that it uses full-fat coconut milk for richness and then thickens that up with pureed veggies (so clever, btw!). Even if youre not lactose intolerant or looking for something vegan, coconut milk is a tasty and healthy option to regular milk. Its perfectly crisp on the outside with a chewy interior thats so crave-worthy. After opening, be sure to keep the remnants of coconut milk in the refrigerator and consume it within a week. RS. Flora Tsapovsky investigates. Since pumpkin isnt quite as sweet, this soup has a more savory taste, which pairs just right with the lemongrass and ginger. What was originally a secret menu item (though Ive never figured out how people know about those), this pink drink has no doubt been all over your Instagram feed in the last few years. One thing to note is that these arent overly sweet, and the recipe uses just a little maple syrup as opposed to a ton of sugar. This removes the starches and any dirt from the outside. So, your coffee may have an oily look. We also participate in affiliate programs with Thrive Market, Shareasale, and other sites. It can also go bad if exposed to humidity and temperature higher than room temperature. The cost of a single can of coconut milk is about $3 to $4. All you need to do is blend everything together and freeze it in ice cube trays. Tossed into a long-simmered jar sauce, the meatballs made for one of the more delicious plates of pasta Ive had in years and served as a good reminder that many of the dishes we love were created by people looking to stretch their food budgets. Its also an excuse to make my grandmothers buttery scones, which Ive been loading up with jam for second breakfasts. How to make sour milk biscuits: Heat oven to 475 degrees. Sour milk pancakes doesnt have quite the same ring to it. You can soak chia seeds in coconut milk overnight for a creamy, rice pudding-like treat the next morning. Not to mention its insanely moist! Feel free to use the ice tray and create cubes of coconut milk. Bad Athletics on Instagram: " Looking for a new summer smoothie bowl . Discover more on Fine Dining Lovers. Pour in enough milk (or non-dairy milk) to make it up to the 1 cup line. Here, we're recapping some of the most inspired ways to use coconut milk at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and for all the sweet moments in between. Flip them and cook on the other side. But between the coconut milk and shredded coconut, I think its plenty flavorful. If you planted an ambitious number of herbs in your panic garden, expired milk can also help hack down overgrown rosemary, basil, and mint, all of which I added to the milk before stirring it into these versatile herb and cheese poppers. Between the garlic, onion, ginger, garam masala, turmeric, black pepper, cayenne, and tomatoes, this curry is brimming with incredible flavor. Coconut milk lasts for around three days when stored in the fridge. The longer you keep coconut milk for, the more separated it is likely to be. Benefits, Uses and Recipes. If it tastes sour or rancid, it has gone off and needs to be thrown away. If youre ready to take your baked goods to a whole new level, then give this list of sour milk recipes a read. Manages Blood Sugar and Controls Diabetes. For more precise instructions, check the details on the gelatine packaging. Continue with Recommended Cookies. It generally smells like coconut and nothing else. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Regular American buttercream isnt my favorite thing in the world. When the flour turns into a sticky paste, pour in the coconut milk to loosen the roux, and season with salt and black pepper (or any other spices you want). You'll add these egg dishes, fried rice, stir . In that case, throw it away as soon as you notice changes in the smell. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'kitchenous_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-kitchenous_com-leader-1-0'); Mold on the surface or on some part of the packaging is a sign of spoilage. Coconut Milk Ranch Dressing. Coconut milk can be used as a lactose-free, vegan milk substitute in countless capacities: stir it into your coffee, whip it into cream, or add it to baked goods (more on that later). Making rice milk is also relatively easy if you have a blender to hand. In 30 minutes, you can have these hot cakes served to your hungry brunch guests. Pour into muffin trays lined with muffin cases. However, when you smell spoiled milk, theres no mistaking it for any other condition as your recoil and scrunch your nose from the offending substance. Coconut milk is chunky because coconut is high in fat and less dense than water. Theyre super fluffy, and the only real difference is that youll need extra eggs in here because coconut flour is extra absorbent. Tried this recipe? If you are unsure about whether a can of coconut milk is still good and you cant tell from the smell or appearance, pour a small amount into a glass and taste it. Here, the best guideline will be the date written on the package. (Soured milk, a broad category that includes fermented and cultured milk as well, is a valuable ingredient both made at home and purchased in grocery stores in much of the world.). That way you can take what you need and leave the rest in the freezer. When the temperatures get warmer, I like to eat lighter meals. Spoiled coconut milk is likely to have a different texture and may have a strange taste. It is important to consume coconut milk before its expiration date. I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! The opacity and rich taste of coconut milk are due to its high oil content, most of which is saturated fat.Coconut milk is a traditional food ingredient used in Southeast Asia, Oceania, South Asia, and East Africa.It is also used for cooking in the Caribbean, tropical Latin America, and West Africa . Im Kim. It is easy to make in just a few steps with simple ingredients, and no ice-cream maker required. A nice vegan alternative is, of course, coconut milk. You can notice it on the surface of the liquid or on parts of the packaging, especially around the cap. If you choose to make the bread using whole-meal wheat flour it will make a slightly soured brown loaf. Substitutes for Cooking Sherry: Our Top Picks, Griddle Grill Combo: Top Picks and Buying Guide 2023, Dessert Quesadilla Recipe: A Sweet Twist on a Classic Favorite, Breakfast Quesadilla Recipe: Quick and Delicious Morning Meal, Classic Cheese Quesadilla Recipe: Simple Steps for a Tasty Snack, Best Quesadilla Recipes: Top 10 Mouthwatering Options, 6 tbsp unsalted butter (cold and cut into small chunks), 6 tbsp Melted butter (cold and cut into small chunks), 5 Sheets Leaf gelatine (or powder equivalent). We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The truth is: dairy-free milk is more expensive than regular milk. Youll start by rinsing the rice until the water runs mostly clear. If youre a chocolate-peanut butter lover like me, then youll obsess over this Amish sour milk cake. Coconut milk that is bad often floats to the top of the liquid. Add in the sugar, butter, egg, and sour milk. For that matter, neither home-soured nor commercially soured milk is real buttermilk. Flip and cook on the other side. Coconut milk that has gone bad also has a sour smell. Canned chickpeas will make this recipe go a lot faster, but if you want to save a little money, feel free to use dried. As the milk further sours, you can use it in recipes that call for more sugar. Coconut milk should be white to light yellow or cream in color, before opening. Organic coconut milk is made by simply blending coconut and water. Plan time for freezing at least 8 hours or overnight before serving. Its a healthier take on the timeless coffee cake, with fragrant cinnamon and cloves to make your mouth water. Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl. And if you cant think of anything to do with it right now, you can always freeze some for later. I must make this once a week: its colorful, tasty, and ready to eat in just 40 minutes. How To: The Best Way To Tell If Buttermilk Is Bad, Types of Lobster: Delicious Seafood Year Round, The Best Substitutes For Ricotta Cheese: Our Top, Foods That Start With B: Our List of 81 Options. Cassie brings decades of experience to the Kitchen Community. Wanna shoot your shot at making homemade cottage cheese? Combine all of the dry ingredients. So here areeleven of our favouriteways to use leftover coconut milk. If you often got caught with your hand in the cookie jar as a kid, then youll love these easy-bake cookies. Whisk the egg, coconut milk, milk or beer, and flour in a medium mixing bowl until a smooth batter is formed. Coconut milk cannot be safely used after the expiration date stated on the packaging. Or buy a box of gelatin for keeping on hand and you can make weekly panna cotta. Well, this recipe is just as rich and creamy. Dont forget to prep a piping hot cup of coffee for a real morning treat. We must first clarify that there are different versions of coconut milk. The sour milk gives these pancakes an extra layer of fluffiness for the ultimate breakfast experience. Add coconut milk to mashed potato for a deliciously creamy dish. 103 ratings. We all know that a swirl of cream or crme friche is great for adding richness and flavour to soups and stews, but coconut milk can work just as well, and in some cases, even better. And that there are no heat sources nearby. The grating can either be done mechanically or by hand. As soon as you see mold, be sure the product is spoiled. Creamed corn is the perfect side to everything from chicken to ribs, and its a cinch to make! No to mention it's a delicious substitute for cow's milk, and it's soy-free and nut-free. But if using the term buttermilk is what gets you thinking more creatively about whats in the bottom of the milk jug, know that your sour milk will perform about the same as store-bought buttermilk. Add a touch of honey or other sweetener as needed, a squeeze of lime or lemon juice, and some ice cubes. Traditionally soda bread is made with white flour. His business started in 2020 after experiments on several Cuisinart ice cream machines, first using soy milk and then almond milk before he arrived at a creamy dessert using coconut milk . But how long can it stand on a shelf? Rice is soaked overnight before being steamed. Between the sensational mango flavor and the wonderful creaminess of coconut milk, this might just be the perfect dessert! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Just whisk or blend to bring it back . I like pouring the coconut milk in an ice cube mold before freezing. The ice cubes will be good for months. If your milk is a sniff away from its prime, you have a fine justification for eating the aggressively sugared cereal of your choicethe tang of the milk will be effectively masked by marshmallows. To make a cup of sour milk for your recipe, you should pour 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice into a measuring jug. Just go ahead and use regular extra firm tofu and fry it up (after pressing the excess liquid out, of course). When it is left at room temperature, there is a risk that these will separate out and form a thick coconut cream at the bottom of the can, with the liquid coconut on the top. In that case, throw it away as soon as you notice changes in the smell. Plus, it holds its shape perfectly, and the subtle coconut flavor works well with pretty much any flavor cake you have. 1. And essential for all long-lasting products, even before opening, if you see bloated packaging or strange protrusions on the can, throw away the product immediately.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'kitchenous_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-kitchenous_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); The way you store jelly will really make a big difference in durability. A plastic container with an air-tight seal and glass jars work well. Coconut milk that has gone bad will also have a sour or acidic smell. Between the jalapeo, lime, lemongrass, and ginger, this definitely isnt your usual broccoli soup. Think of it like quarantine sourdough without the work. Youll love the beautiful, light texture and the simplicity of these biscuits. Mix all of the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. (I used my 2-cup Pyrex, which leaves just enough extra space for stirring.) Using a sharp knife, score the top of the loaf about 1 inch deep. Sour milk also adds complexity to a stovetop porridge with a blend of steel-cut and quick oats, and it works especially well in recipes that already call for buttermilk like crepes, pancakes, and waffles. These sour milk biscuits are home-style baking at its best. Basmati rice infused with aromatic spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves bloomed in butter then cooked in coconut milk becomes rice pilaf-like in this recipe. Not only that, but its available in a number of styles. Bake in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes. Vicky Wasik. Stir thoroughly and then place in the refrigerator for a few hours. Unlock the vegan lifestyle secrets with our exclusive email series. If you want to store coconut milk for a longer time, freeze the coconut milk. Speaking of cool sweet treats for hot summer nights, it doesnt get any better than these gorgeous coconut and berry pops! Ad Choices, 6 Delicious Ways to Bulk Up Instant Noodles, The Secret to My Award-Winning Bread is a $4 Foil Roasting Pan, Listen Up, Bakers: You Could Be Saving Lots of Money With DIY Vanilla Extract, Dont You Dare Throw Out That Artichoke Marinade. I personally dont think its worth the risk and recommend sticking to the above recipe. And its all-natural, too! In this post, I will share some of the most important ones. After opening, try to use the content within a week. She is a noted chef and avid gardener. Check out this fascinating article on how to make your own nut milks, including almond, at home. Scoop the curds onto a paper towel-lined strainer and wait at least five minutes to start eating, but not so long that your family eats all the ricotta before you get to taste it. Separate the eggs and beat the yolks until they become light in color and fluffy. I cant get over how vibrant and fresh this soup is. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foodsquestions_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foodsquestions_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Coconut milk can go bad if the carton it came in has been opened for more than a day. The best part about this recipe is that it uses lots of veggies, so its super flavorful and full of texture. The rice from above would be perfect with this or feel free to use noodles if you like those better. We also participate in affiliate programs with Thrive Market, Shareasale, and other sites. Also, a sour smell or the appearance of lumps and discoloration. Boil for five minutes,. Thai mango is sliced and served . Some of the fats also come out of the coconut, mixing into the liquid and making it thicker and creamier. Hold shrimp by tail, dip each shrimp first in batter, and then roll in seasoned coconut mixture. Hopefully, this recipe can end our rice woes! Since it includes sweet potatoes, its naturally sweet, but the spices give it a lovely savory note too. Some people find they stick together or overcook, so try a small amount first to see how they do before adding too many to the pot. If your coconut milk smells bad at all, you should not use it, as it could make you sick. All rights reserved. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'foodsquestions_com-box-4','ezslot_5',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foodsquestions_com-box-4-0');If it starts smelling differently or stale, chances are that it has turned bad. I mean, when its this easy to make something from scratch, why wouldnt you take the extra few minutes and make something superior? This luscious Thai-style coconut ice cream is a gorgeously simple dessert with tons of tropical coconut flavor. Its easier than you might think! If you need to keep your coconut milk for any more than a week, you will need to freeze it. The whey works great in place of cooking water for pasta or vegetables, but that seemed to me like yet another, albeit roundabout, way to pour milk down the drain. This is a very simple and easy kitchen hack I would like to share with you. It is highly perishable and can go bad within a day if it is not stored properly. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, and you will have an effortlessly delicious sauce within minutes. Mix until all is moistened and knead a couple of times. 2 Cups All-purpose flour 2 tsp Sugar 2 tbsp Oil 1 Egg Instructions Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl. For a coconut milk recipe with real chef pedigree, try this recipe for meen molee fish curry by Atul Kochhar, chef at Benares restaurant in London.
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what to do with spoiled coconut milk