wethersfield high school athletic hall of fame

Joe was awarded nine letters as a three-sport athlete at Bulkeley High School: football, baseball, and basketball. The Hall of Fame is an independent organization not overseen or governed by North Hills School District. For more information, visitusta.com/newengland. June 2018 December 2019 Four-year letter winner and National Football Championship Team at Albion College. Coached Lakeview's only ten win season and had seven seasons with only one loss. They would sneak onto the flat-nine at Goodwin Park on Maple Avenue. During Waynes sophomore year, he started several games and he scored a total of 90 points. Apr 21 - Apr 22. He worked as the president of Advantage International, one of the largest global sports and tennis marketing agencies, which signed top players like Jimmy Connors, Andre Agassi and Tracy Austin. More than 150 reservations . He was awarded three varsity letters in baseball. does comfort suites paradise island have access to atlantis, lillie eats and tells chicken broccoli bake, ghost recon breakpoint camp tiger clue location, dream of kissing a dead celebrity meaning, Brookline High School College Acceptances, Why Does Faber Wear Earplugs On The Subway, Montana State University Academic Calendar 2020 2021, Homes For Sale In Prattville, Al With Pool, Dentist In Uniontown, Pa That Take Upmc For You, princess remedy in a world of hurt endings. In Dannys yearbook, written under his name were the words, With calm content and modest dignity. His classmates said of Danny that the praise he received for his participation on the football field was well deserved, but his modesty never allowed him to hear it without a crimson blush. His popularity was due to not only his athletic ability but also to his fine character. The south end neighborhood coaches used to discuss the greats who had played basketball at Bulkeley. Meet Dr. Lena. Inducted into the Wethersfield High School Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame Class of 2016 - Bulkeley High School Averaged 17 points and 12 rebounds in his basketball career. September 2013. February 2018 Ed was inducted into the Wethersfield Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame in 2001. We are so proud to recognize these four individuals for their years of service to New England tennis and beyond. Michael Oursler, Class of 1993Football, Basketball, Baseball: All-City, All-Conference, All-State, team captain, MVP, Best Competitor in Football. His teachers called him a born leader and his coaches called him a natural athlete. He also won the New England Amateur Championship in 1971. He was selected for the All-Conference Team in 1960. 91 in the world. WHS Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony Returns March 30. . Patty Torza was a graduate of Bulkeley High School. He caught HPHS Hall of Fame pitcher and minor leaguer, Pete Sala. New Berlin Athletics Website; Archived 2020-21 District Communications; Superintendent's Budget Presentation (02/08/21) . He lettered in baseball for three years. 2000 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees; 2001 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees; 2002 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees; . Class of 2013 inductees include Jeff Courneen, Luke Granato, Greg Hayes, Ed Kelley, Lisa Nowakowski, Nate Ware, Caitlyn Bogus, and Jesse Harrison - all of whom are to be commended for prowess in football, basketball, soccer, baseball, hockey, and track events. Bud attended Kingswood private school from 1946 to 1947 and played three sports there: football, basketball, and baseball. We pride ourselves on functioning as a family of learners. In 1974, he received the highest state honor given by the Connecticut Sports Writer Alliance, the Gold Key Award. As a student-athlete, Hutnick competed all four years at Rollins College, serving as a captain her senior year and earning All-America honors three times. Babe Allen passed the baton to Mr. Kokinis, who then went on to coach football and basketball. March 2019 A website link will be provided on this site once I receive it from 4 Points where you can make . Karen O'Sullivan was the top-ranked junior in New England for multiple years. It was originally established in 1980 to honor distinguished Saint Anselm student-athletes, teams, coaches and administrators. It is said that when Bud hit a ball to right field in Goodwin Park, the ball would go over the trees and land on Brown Street. July 24, 2010 06:30 pm - July 25, 2010 12:30 am. Bristol Central High School. Charlie was a graduate of Wethersfield High School class of 1955. Born in Hartford, CT on September 7, 1928 to the late Dyson and Alice (Greenland) Wolford, he graduated from Wethersfield High School, Class of 1946 and attended Trinity College on a track scholarship, graduating with a degree in Engineering. October 19, 2016 After a 10-year absence, Saint Anselm Athletics has announced that they will be re-establishing the Saint Anselm College Athletic Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame - Bulkeley High School Inducted into the Hartford Twilight League Hall of Fame for baseball. Members Bank of 20 rooms (10-King; 10-Double). 300 Wethersfield Ave, Hartford, CT 06114 Phone: 860- 695-8000 Email: Title_X@hartfordschools.org Athletic Director Diane Callis (860) 695-1038 calld001@hartfordschools.org School Nurse, Undergraduate Emily Rasgo 860-695-1099 emily.carroll@hartfordschools.org Graduate Irene Flynn 860-695-5112 irene.flynn@hartfordschools.org Website & Communications July 2014 WHS Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony Returns March 30 March 2022 Operations 7. Often compared to the great Bobby Jones, Bob Grant was captain of the Bulkeley High undefeated golf team of 1928. May 2014 Finally, in Waynes senior year he became one of the most successful basketball players ever to play for Bulkeley High School. Team captain, MVP, Best Competitor, All-City, All-Conference in baseball. After leaving Plainville, Ted was offered a teaching and coaching position at Weaver High School in Hartford in 1956. Billy used to tell Michael, Dont you ever be out when we have a fire.Members of his stations said that Michael was so strong that if the fire truck had a flat tire, Michael could lift the truck up off the ground, so the flat could be repaired. In 1979, a New Haven sportswriter wrote, Those young men who have played for and survived Whitey will tell you it wasnt easy. Because the covid pandemic has interrupted all our lives, the banquet and ceremony honoring the new inductees, as well as those of 2019, has been postponed until the fall of 2022. His boys team won the State Open championship in 1992 and 18 . In 1936, Ed won the Courants Greater Hartford Football Scholar Athlete Award. Kookaburra Realty & Construction, LLC. 9.2/10 Wonderful! Roger was known as the energizer bunny. Roger was a master teacher for teaching the fundamentals of wrestling to young men who did not have any experience in the sport prior to coming to Bulkeley High School. 6 in the nation in doubles. In 1999, Michael received the Annual Winner Excellence Award. 411 Wolcott Hill Road. Joe earned seven varsity letters. In the spring, Joe played baseball, and he was a varsity starting catcher for three years and lettered all three years. Brookline High School College Acceptances, At BHS, Michael lettered in track and wrestling (three years each) and was awarded 6 varsity letters. He said, Hitting golf balls, for me, was peaceful and relaxing. Fred also loved to play in tournaments, which he found fun. Inducted into the East Hartford Explorers Hall of Fame basketball. Bulkeley High School Title IX Coordinators: Martina Jackson, Social Worker(860) 695 3426Jackm002@hartfordschools.org, Athletic DirectorDiane Callis(860) 695-1038calld001@hartfordschools.org, School Nurse, UndergraduateEmily Rasgo860-695-1099emily.carroll@hartfordschools.org, GraduateIrene Flynn860-695-5112irene.flynn@hartfordschools.org, Website & CommunicationsJohn Tusch, Computer Science Teacher(860) 695-3706tuscj001@hartfordschools.org, School Counselor, Jennie LevinBulkeley North(860) 695-1103levij001@hartfordschools.org, School Counselor, Colman LongBulkeley South(860) 695-3420longc002@hartfordschools.org, School Counselor, Janae MosbyBulkeley South(860) 695-3423mosbj001@hartfordschools.org, College and Career Readiness/Say Yes, Connie ColesBulkeley North(860) 695-1114colec001@hartfordschools.org, 2020 All rights reservedBulkeley High School, Hartford, CT 06114 Main Number: (860) 695-1009 Fax Number: (860) 247-3491, Joanne Tremblay-Jackson,Director of Student Support Services, USA All-American High School Wrestling Team, 1973, Four-Year Win and Loss Record at Bulkeley: 52 wins and 7 losses, Dual Tournament Record: 87 wins and 7 losses, Record holder of most points scored in one basketball game (46), Record Holder of highest batting average in a single season (.439), Rated as one of the Top 500 High School Basketball players in the USA, Attended tryouts for professional basketball teams Chicago Bulls, Milwaukee Bucks, and Baltimore Bullets, Inducted into the Hall of Fame at Ohio Wesleyan, First Team All-State in Senior Year in High School, New Haven Register, Averaged 20 points and 20 rebounds in senior year in high school, First team (under varsity coach Joe DiChiara) to win the CDC League Championship, Offered scholarships by over thirty colleges, Nationwide fifth place in career points scored (1401) in Division One, One of only five players to finish their career with 1000 points, Career record of 1000 rebounds, current record holder, Honorable Mention Honors for the All-Capital District Team, 1966, Hartford Courant All-Star First Baseball Team: chosen by Pat Bolduc as the best centerfielder in 22 schools, 1966, Co-captain of the baseball team, 1967-1968, All-Capital District Baseball Team, 1967-1968, Town of Chesters Volunteer of the Month Recognition Award, St Judes Childrens Hospital Presidents Club member, in recognition of donations above and beyond expectations, Practiced with the minor league baseball team in Hartford (The Hartford Chiefs), Coached the All-Star team in Berlin, Germany, 1971, Invited to coach the Berlin American High School team in Germany, First place in the Singles Berlin City Tournament, competed in Garmisch, 1971-1972, Olympic gold medalist in softball in the Atlanta Summer Olympics, 1996, First place for four consecutive years in the Georgia State Bowling Tournament, 1990-1994, Played on the first undefeated high school golf team in BHS history, 1928, Captain of his high school golf team, 1928, School record holder for points in one year with 134-1points, First Inductee into the Connecticut Golf Hall of Fame, 1995. Details. February 2020 . It was my base. Please call for an appointment He is also the team doctor for Goodwin College and the Glastonbury and Wethersfield High School Athletic Departments. He was hired as the International Tennis Hall of Fames first national fund raiser in 1981, and his passion grew from there. She has earned numerous awards for her work in the local community, including the YMCA winning USTA New Englands 2018 Community Tennis Association of the Year under her leadership. Bud then attended Trinity College, where he played football and baseball. Guard Up Monster Hunter Rise, This legacy is paramount to the growth of all who are touched by the North High athletic program. 9 Ft Sparkling Amelia Pine, In 1975, Lu coached the Womens Hawaiian softball league. Larry Bentz, Class of 1980 Basketball, Baseball: Team captain, MVP, All-City, All-Conference, All-State in both basketball and baseball. In 1966, Pat Bolduc, the Hartford Courant sports writer, compiled the best scholastic baseball players for each position, based on forty-two games he saw from twenty-two high schools in Connecticut. Hall of Fame Class of 2015 - Bulkeley High School Debbie is presently teaching sixth grade at Charles Wright Elementary School in Wethersfield. The sole purpose in the formation of the North High School Athletics Hall of Fame is to keep alive and to pass onto future Stars the unique expierences of our former athletes, coaches, and contributors. He excelled in all three and won the outstanding athlete award while at Kingswood. Lucille was recruited by Babe Allen, the Bulkeley High School boys varsity baseball coach, to play on the boys team. Fred, who lives in East Hartford with his wife Patricia, was a computer analyst for the State of Connecticut for 35 years before retiring in 1993. @ Wethersfield High School: vs. Wethersfield: Loss: 1-6: Thu, 04/19/18: 3:00PM: Away . More information can be found at www.chsca.org. Berlin High School Athletic Hall of Fame Elects New Class In his senior year, he was All-Conference (CDC) at the Capital District Conference. Felicia Hutnick and her daughter Teresa are one of the top Mother/Daughter teams in the country. Bud excelled in both sports, in football as a powerful running back and in baseball as an outfielder. In 1979, he was the Indoor Class L State Champion. He attended St. Anne's School, and local high schools. He was inducted into the Wethersfield High School Athletic Hall of Fame in 2004. June 2020 Jack was behind the plate in Sala's 10 inning 1-0 shutout and win over New Britain and their flamethrower Steve Dalkowski. February 2023 National Champion in volleyball at Kellogg Community College, 1978. Michael played on the BHS varsity baseball team for Babe Allen for three years, from1958 to 1960. Served the Lakeview Schools for 45 years - 18 years as Athletic Director. Michael Maltese, Athletic Director & Assistant Principal, Andrea Zurzola, Administrative Secretary, TENTATIVE Spring Sports Registration Information. Six former student-athletes have been selected for induction into the Central Connecticut State University Alumni Athletics Hall of Fame it was announced Wednesday. Peter earned nine varsity letters at Bulkeley High School and was co-captain in three sports. Ted finally retired in 1984 after a successful coaching career at Penny. He was born on May 22, 1938 to Frederick and Eleanor Beal in Norwalk, CT. Jeff Pinney Director of Athletics & Student Activities Susan Healey Secretary. He was passionate about his sport and he had the heart of a lion. June 2017 Jason received a B.A. As a college athlete, she racked up more than 100 career victories. Named Miss Softball USA, 1978. Tyrone took the Bulldogs into the semifinals of the state Class L Championship game. Co-Captain in football in 1955 & 1956 Served in National Guard from 1959-1963 Mr. Richard Beebe, we welcome you, Posthumously, into the 2018 Bulkeley High School Athletic Hall of Fame Career Highlights: High School Javelin Record Holder in 1948 - 196 feet Greater Hartford Track Meet Record Holder in Javelin throw - 192 feet 3 inches Athletic directors are asked to . April 2015 PHS Athletic Hall of Fame - Google Sites In baseball, he was an outstanding pitcher for Babe Allen. Roger decided to take a physical education and coaching position in the City of Hartford, hired by the legendary City Athletic Director Joe Gargon. Peter graduated from Springfield College, where he had an outstanding athletic career. Glastonbury swim coach Suzie Hoyt, Windham wrestling coach Pat Risley and retired E.O. Story Links ROCKY HILL, Conn. - Over 200 people packed into the Rocky Hill Marriott last week as Hartford men's golf coach Pete Stankevich was among those inducted into the Wethersfield High School Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2010. LHS Athlete of the Year. Throughout her four-year professional career, she competed at the Australian Open, Wimbledon and at five US Opens, most notably reaching the round of 16 in doubles in 1981 with Rene Richards. Roger went on to graduate from the University of Connecticut with a BS degree in physical education. wethersfield high school athletic hall of fame He was a quarterback and was the captain of the 1935 football team. Set five school records at LHS in the 100, 200 and 500 yard freestyle. Played for the Milwaukee Braves Professional Farm System for three years. Ted also coached two semi-professional football teams. Joe was the co-captain of the football and baseball teams in his senior year, and he was selected to the CDC (Capital District Conference) second team in both sports. He went on to play for Villanova University in 1949, where his team was 8-1. High School. Wethersfield Academic Foundation / WAF In his senior year, which was also Lou Bazzanos last year as head coach, Wayne was selected captain of the basketball team. Harlan Stone has been involved in tennis for more than 50 years as a player, volunteer and businessman. Kosher Dunkin Donuts In Connecticut, In Joes senior year, he was awarded the prestigious Casey Athletic Medal as the outstanding senior athlete. per night. November 2017 Brad McCrory, Class of 1971Wrestling: Team captain, City, Conference, District Champion. Danbury High School / Athletics / Hall of Fame / Inductees / Class 2011 / Vin Iovino, Jr. Vin Iovino, Jr. (Football, 1964) This next inductee served as class president for four years to the class of 1964, Vin Iovino, Jr. Aside from his duties serving his class, Vin was a standout football quarterback and baseball player for the Hatter's. Members | Wethersfield George D Ritchie Soccer Club October 2016 Fred Kask started playing golf more than four decades ago at Goodwin Park and Keney Park. August 2018 At Bulkeley High School, he also played varsity baseball for three years for coach Kokinis. Cunard Queen Elizabeth Cabin 5123, Weymouth High School Athletics Hall Of Fame - Instagram Rachel St. Germain accepts her award as Connecticut's Girls Cross Country 2021 Runner of the Year at the CHSCA Cross Country all-state banquet at the Aqua Turf. You can add a copyright statement or legal disclaimer in this area if necessary, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). He was a point guard on the basketball team, along with his fellow BHS graduate and lifelong friend Jim Belfiore. No way, said Hartfords administration: No girls! In August of 1949, Lu tried out for the All-American Girls Baseball League in Newark and made the team. Michael was a three-sport athlete at Bulkeley High School, participating in cross country, indoor track, and outdoor track under the mentorship of Coach Vertefuielle. December 2021 As a lower leg amputee from the war, Ed pitched semi-pro baseball in the . July 2017 He currently enjoys cycling, skiing and spending time on the Long Island Sound with his family. Manny and Rufus Peterson, along with Jerry, played for the golf team. A USPTA Elite Professional, Lisa Gilbride worked as the Director of Racquet Sports at the Central Lincoln County (CLC) YMCA in Damariscotta, ME for 27 years before retiring in 2022. He attended Wethersfield High School where he played Varsity Baseball and was a well-known star player of the Varsity Basketball team earning first team All . Section, the PGA, and by the state media. Ted and Phil made a great team: Ted was the X and O man and Phil was the enforcer and the main disciplinarian, making sure everyone stayed focused. While at Wethersfield High School, she completed community service projects for The Hunger Project and the Newington Tennis Center (juniors coach) Jason left South Windsor High School as the Boys' Basketball All Time Career three point field goal record holder and the third all-time leading scorer with 1109 points. Athletics re-establishes Saint Anselm Hall of Fame Becky Hastings, Class of 1974Swimming. Charlie Wrinn was a three-sport athlete at Bulkeley High School; he was on the swimming team, basketball, and baseball team. Our guests praise the helpful staff and the comfy rooms . 2020 Winter Session 3. 1 from the 10 and unders all the way through the 16s division. John played three sports at Bulkeley High School and was the Valedictorian of the Class of 1935. Class of 2011 Joe Borrosh, Pittsford-Mendon High School (NY) - Watch Hall of Fame Induction Terry Jackson, Wesleyan College (CT) Class of 2010 Bob DiGrazia, University of California Bob Gansler, United States Men's National Team. He enlisted in the Army and served two . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt. He was also voted the basketball teams Most Valuable Player in 1953. Joe was inducted into the Greater Hartford Twilight Baseball League Hall of Fame in 1986 and the Wethersfield Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame in 2012. amateur army baseball connecticut . in Sociology and Minor in Criminal Justice from Mount St. Mary's University in 2005. Dinomites Juniors (U4/5) In football, his head coach, Pete Kokinis, said, John was a steady and reliable lineman for three years, and John had an unbelievable work ethic and would give 110% all the time.. In football, he was an outstanding offensive and defensive player. At the age of 60, Fred was chosen as the 34th inductee into the CGHOF (Connecticut Golf Hall of Fame). He was a reliable and exceptionally fast centerfielder and a fierce competitor. He still holds the scoring record for Bulkeley for the most points scored in one game with 46. Dolly Parton to rock out at Academy of Country Music Awards See all 411 Wolcott Hill Rd Wethersfield, CT 06109 This page contains timely information regarding Wethersfield High School's Athletics & Activities.
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wethersfield high school athletic hall of fame