usc journalism transfer requirements

Students are required to follow these revised General Education requirements if they graduated high school in spring or summer 2015 and their first full-time term of college enrollment was fall 2015 or after (excluding summers). For transfer applicants, in addition to the university writing samples, a 250-word statement of intent is required; instructions are included with the USC Writing Supplement. This online resource will help you determine which undergraduate courses at other institutions will satisfy USCs General Education courses, as well as the lower-division coursework required for any major. All graduate journalism and public relations students are required to complete the Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation (GSP) online learning module and exam. USC Annenberg has many professional and social organizations that contribute to USCs800+ student organizations, which areresponsible for the majority of programs and events held on campus, including concerts, lectures, special events, spirit rallies, cultural and social events, and conferences. An applicant must have the equivalent of a four-year bachelors degree from an accredited college or university for the MS or MA degree. Application Requirements. In addition, undergraduate students must have a declared communication, journalism or public relations major, and have completed (or currently be registered for) at least 60 units, at least 12 of which are in the major. Other studio and performing arts classes are also limited. (Intermediate Algebra, USCs minimum math requirement for admission, is not transferable.). Plus and minus grading is taken into account. In 2019, USC received 9503 transfer applicants. USC Credit Union Building, 3720 South Flower Street, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-0704. NOTE: A minimum of four semesters is required to complete the Journalism and Public Relations majors. In Mexico City, students engagewith the most influential media hub in Latin America by visiting industry leaders and various media companies. Watch on. The progressive degree program allows USC students to complete a bachelors degree and masters degree in as little as five years. To be eligible to apply, current USC students must have: NOTE: A minimum of four semesters is required to complete the Journalism major. Fully integrated into the university and its vibrant urban surroundings with strong connections to the nations indigenous heritage, the program allows students to earn 8 units that fulfill journalism/public relationselectives and 8 units of general electives. Attend a Transfer Information Session These programs offer students the unique opportunity to evaluate the Annenberg disciplines of practice in different emerging areas of the world. Make satisfactory progress toward meeting USC General Education requirements. For more information about Annenberg minors or the application process, please contact USC Annenberg Student Services at (213) 740-0900 or For more information about USCs general education requirements, see the General Education Program. Communication Major Information And Requirements For Current Students The USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism offers programs of study leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication. Each of the programs provides students with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gain international experience in their chosen field of study. USC students must complete all remaining GE and writing requirements at USC. A minimum USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for this program. Any student found plagiarizing, fabricating, cheating on examinations and/or purchasing papers or other assignments faces sanctions ranging from an F on the assignment to dismissal from the School of Journalism. Through the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), USC Annenberg students enroll in 18-20 USC units in courses offered by CIEE and at the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, Brazils top communication and journalism school. 12% California State University / University of California Students admitted into the progressive degree program begin taking masters level courses in their senior year and then enroll exclusively in graduate courses until the masters degree is completed. The documents below are required. Contact Annenberg Admissions for session dates. USC Anennberg School for Communication and Journalism Subject: transfer admission guidelines Created Date: Undergraduate students who are nominated by journalism faculty to participate in JOUR 498 Honors Seminar (2 units) or PR 498 Public Relations Honor Seminar (2 units)their senior year are eligible for departmental honors. This Transfer Planning Guide (TPG) helps applicants choose courses from a specific transfer college before attending USC. Graduate-level courses: Graduate-level coursework taken by undergraduate students. The 11-month, 34-unit MA in Specialized Journalism is a program geared toward experienced journalists seeking subject-matter expertise and toward experienced professionals in other fields seeking journalism skills to advance their expertise. A maximum of 64 units including general education and subjects in preparation for your major may be accepted for transfer tow ard your degree of USC. By transferring as early as your sophomore year, you can take more of your General Education and elective courses at USC. Clickhereto RSVP for an information session. Applicants with a three-year bachelors will be considered for admission to the graduate journalism certificate. For further information on the application process, current USC students must attend a mandatory information session. Students currently enrolled at USC who wish to apply to the School of Journalism must complete the online application with all supporting documents. Today's journalism is changing at lightning speed, and the same can be said for advertising, public relations, visual communications and mass communications studies. Current high school students, please note: If you are still in high school, USC considers you a first-year applicant, regardless of the number of college units completed prior to high school graduation. In addition to regular class meetings, students discuss the interplay of current world issues and international media practices with communication practitioners from international news and public relations media, government institutions, private industry and global organizations. The Strategic Public Relations degree emphasizes the requisite skills of that discipline, with an emphasis on strategic problem solving, critical thinking, research-based planning and analysis, writing, digital multimedia content development, and the application of the discipline to specific industry categories. All undergraduate communication majors are required to meet with aUSC Annenberg undergraduate advisereach semester to review degree requirements and plan their communication major progress. In addition, applicants are evaluated based on all materials submitted as part of the application process. Students who started at any college or university before summer 2015 will follow the GE program in effect prior to fall 2015. These courses must be taught by college faculty on a college campus, appear on your college transcript as part of the regular college curriculum and must not be applied to your high school diploma. Spring applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday of the spring semester (in January). Graduate students must have completed at least 12 units in the fields of communication, journalism or public relations. Be sure to obtain any required supplementary forms and to fulfill all departmental requirements. At USC Annenberg, our . Complete all upper-division units in your major and minor. To meet accrediting guidelines, a minimum of 72 units must be completed outside the major area of journalism. USC does not honor other colleges academic renewal or forgiveness programs that permit students to improve a substandard grade. Several colleges and programs within the university, however, require higher grade point averages on all college work attempted. The best preparation for a USC Annenberg major is to: Make progress toward completing USC General Education . Nontraditional formats/time frames: Distance-learning, online courses, concentrated intensive sessions, special weekend modules, and other nontraditional course formats and time frames. View the Transfer Planning Brochure. Only current graduate students may apply to the Public Policy Advocacy certificate. Cutting-edge digital courses cater to students interested in careers in social media, data journalism, data visualization, app creation, online design and publishing, emerging mobile platforms and coding. The School of Journalism offers one Master of Science degree program in Journalism, three Master of Arts degree programs in Specialized Journalism, Specialized Journalism (The Arts) and Public Relations and Advertising, and two certificates in Journalism and Public Policy Advocacy. Applicants must satisfy USC's transfer core requirements in English and Math. Please visit the First Generation Plus Success Center for more information. Before initiating the application, refer to the Annenberg graduate application guidelines on the Annenberg Admissions Website for deadlines and details about specific materials that must be uploaded to the application and documents that must be submitted directly to USC Graduate Admission. Students who fail to pass the GSP will not be allowed to progress in the program until they pass the exam. USC Annenberg faculty members are among the top scholars and professionals in their fields. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report includes Admission to the Journalism certificate is by permission only. Graduate Studies in Communication, Journalism, Public Diplomacy & Public Relations at USC Annenberg. 2021 Tax Return (for academic year 2023-24), Third-Party Letter Confirming Undocumented Status. Please visit theAnnenberg International Programs Websitefor more information on additional program requirements. Satisfy USC's transfer core requirements in English and Math. The MS in Journalism degree teaches students to write, report, produce, code, publish and promote cross-platform stories in a converged news environment. Failure to do so may be viewed as a violation of academic integrity, which could result in revocation of admission and/or dismissal from the university. Students enroll in, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Annenberg Advisement and Academic Services, Nonprofits, Philanthropy and Volunteerism Interdisciplinary Minor, Public Policy Advocacy Graduate Certificate, JOUR 200w The Power and Responsibility of the Press, JOUR 201 Culture of Journalism: Past, Present and Future, JOUR 210x Basics of News Production for Non-Majors, JOUR 255 Advancing Journalism with Human-Centered Design, JOUR 256 Designing for News and Information, JOUR 320 Introduction to Coding for Storytelling, JOUR 322 Introduction to Investigative and Data Journalism, JOUR 340 Rewriting History: Reporting Rome, JOUR 373 Journalism Ethics Goes to the Movies, JOUR 375 The Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture, JOUR 380 Sports, Business and Media in Todays Society, JOUR 381 Entertainment, Business and Media in Todays Society, JOUR 401 Multiplatform Editing for Digital Audiences, JOUR 403 Television News and Sports Production, JOUR 404 Produce and Host Sports Content in Studio A, JOUR 406 Social Media Storytelling for Latinx Audiences, JOUR 411 Broadcast and Digital Writing for Video and Audio for Non-Majors, JOUR 414 Advanced Digital Media Storytelling, JOUR 422 Visual Journalism for Non-Majors, JOUR 448 Government and Public Affairs Reporting, JOUR 459 Fact and Fiction: From Journalism to the Docudrama, JOUR 460 Social Responsibility of the News Media, JOUR 465m Latino News Media in the United States, JOUR 466m People of Color and the News Media, JOUR 468m The American Press and Issues of Sexual Diversity, JOUR 472 Strategies for Monetizing New Media, JOUR 474 Interviewing and Profile Writing, JOUR 475 Print and Digital Design for 21st Century Storytelling, JOUR 477 Web Analytics for News and Nonprofit Organizations, JOUR 481 The Athlete, Sports Media and Popular Culture, JOUR 483 Negotiating and Reporting Global Change, JOUR 484 American Religion, Foreign Policy and the News Media, JOUR 489 Hands-on Disruption: Experimenting with Emerging Technology, JOUR 492 Advanced Coding for Storytelling, JOUR 494 Python Coding for Data Journalism, JOUR 495 Journalism for Mobile and Emerging Platforms, JOUR 496 Interactive Media Design for Publishing, JOUR 497 Data Visualization and Interactive Tools, JOUR 500 Introduction to Newswriting and English-Language Reporting, JOUR 503 Visual Literacy and Introduction to Documentary Storytelling, JOUR 504 Introduction to Emerging Technology, JOUR 505 The Practice: Journalisms Evolution as a Profession, JOUR 511 Introduction to Narrative Non-Fiction, JOUR 515 Introduction to Audio Storytelling, JOUR 517 Advanced Investigative Reporting, JOUR 519 Advanced Writing and Reporting for Magazine and the Web, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS). Additional Coursework by Major No exceptions will be made. The program offers courses that explore the essential components of a contemporary journalism education, including media literacy, ethical constructs of social media, a civic engagement lab experience, coding for storytelling, and law and ethics for the digital age. Refer to the website cited above. to the Film and Television Production program. These programs offer students the unique opportunity to evaluate the Annenberg disciplines of practice in different emerging areas of the world. To meet accrediting guidelines, journalism majors must complete a minimum of 72 units outside the major area of journalism and public relations. Entrance Requirements Freshman Students. The degree allows students who earn an AA-T or AS-T and meet minimum eligibility . GRE scores are valid for five years; TOEFL and IELTS are valid for two years. for a major in the areas of mathematics and science through the USC College of Arts and Sciences. Refer to the website cited above. Download the Additional Coursework by Major file. FOREIGN LANG. Note: Students with disabilities may register with theDisability Services and Programs Office (DSP)so the DSP staff can assess the nature of the students disabilities and recommend the appropriate accommodations to be provided for each student. Students who successfully complete JOUR 498or PR 498with a B+ or higher and achieve no less than a USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a journalism or public relationsmajor GPA of 3.5 at the time of graduation will receive departmental honors. To apply to the Public Relations or Sports Media Industries minors, students must have a minimum USC cumulative GPA of 2.5 and a declared major. Transfer admission to USC remains highly competitive, and we look for students with outstanding talents and leadership skills. Students enroll in, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Annenberg Advisement and Academic Services, Disability Services and Programs Office (DSP), Nonprofits, Philanthropy and Volunteerism Interdisciplinary Minor, Public Policy Advocacy Graduate Certificate, JOUR 200w The Power and Responsibility of the Press, JOUR 201 Culture of Journalism: Past, Present and Future, JOUR 210x Basics of News Production for Non-Majors, JOUR 320 Introduction to Coding for Storytelling, JOUR 323 Creating your Digital Footprint and Brand, JOUR 371 Censorship and the Law: From the Press to Cyberspace, JOUR 373 Journalism Ethics Goes to the Movies, JOUR 375 The Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture, JOUR 380 Sports, Business and Media in Todays Society, JOUR 381 Entertainment, Business and Media in Todays Society, JOUR 401 Multiplatform Editing for Digital Audiences, JOUR 404 Produce and Host Sports Content in Studio A, JOUR 406 Social Media Storytelling for Latino Audiences, JOUR 408 Advanced Media Law in the Digital Age, JOUR 411 Broadcast and Digital Writing for Video and Audio for Non-Majors, JOUR 414 Advanced Digital Media Storytelling, JOUR 422 Visual Journalism for Non-Majors, JOUR 448 Government and Public Affairs Reporting, JOUR 459 Fact and Fiction: From Journalism to the Docudrama, JOUR 460 Social Responsibility of the News Media, JOUR 465m Latino News Media in the United States, JOUR 466m People of Color and the News Media, JOUR 468m The American Press and Issues of Sexual Diversity, JOUR 472 Strategies for Monetizing New Media, JOUR 474 Interviewing and Profile Writing, JOUR 475 Print and Digital Design for 21st Century Storytelling, JOUR 477 Web Analytics for News and Nonprofit Organizations, JOUR 481 The Athlete, Sports Media and Popular Culture, JOUR 483 Negotiating and Reporting Global Change, JOUR 484 American Religion, Foreign Policy and the News Media, JOUR 489 Hands-on Disruption: Experimenting with Emerging Technology, JOUR 492 Advanced Coding for Storytelling, JOUR 494 Python Coding for Data Journalism, JOUR 495 Journalism for Mobile and Emerging Platforms, JOUR 496 Interactive Media Design for Publishing, JOUR 497 Data Visualization and Interactive Tools, JOUR 505 The Practice: Journalisms Evolution as a Profession, JOUR 513 Advanced Newswriting and Reporting, JOUR 517 Advanced Investigative Reporting, JOUR 519 Advanced Writing and Reporting for Magazine and the Web, JOUR 526 Advanced Broadcast News Production, JOUR 528 Summer Digital Journalism Immersion, JOUR 531L Fall Digital Journalism Immersion, JOUR 533 Web Journalism and Editorial Site Management, JOUR 539 Introduction to Investigative Reporting, JOUR 540 International Journalism Seminar I, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS). In addition to the university writing samples, a 250-word statement of intent is required; instructions are included with the USC Writing Supplement. The documents below are required. Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation, USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences., Wallis Annenberg Chair in Communication and Journalism:Afua Hirsch, MA (Oxon), BL, Walter H. Annenberg Chair in Communication: Willow Bay, MBA, University Professor and Annenberg Family Chair in Communication Leadership: Geoffrey Cowan, LLB, Jayne and Hans Hufschmid Chair in Strategic Public Relations and Business Communication: Robert Kozinets, PhD, Knight Chair in Media and Religion: Diane Winston, PhD, Norman Lear Chair in Entertainment, Media and Society: Martin H. Kaplan, PhD, Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism and Cinematic Arts: Henry Jenkins, PhD, Professors: Willow Bay, MBA; Geoffrey Cowan, LLB*; Henry Jenkins, PhD; Robert Kozinets, PhD; Josh Kun, PhD (Communication); Tim Page, BA; Michael Parks, BA; Joe Saltzman, MS*; Philip Seib, JD; Roberto Suro, MS; Sandy Tolan, BFA, Associate Professors: Mike Ananny, PhD (Communication); Ben Carrington, PhD; William Celis, MS*; Jonathan Kotler, JD*; Jian Wang, PhD; Diane Winston, PhD; Aimei Yang, PhD, Assistant Professors: Eunjin Kim, PhD; Su Jung Kim, PhD; Allissa Richardson, PhD, Professors of Professional Practice: Sasha Anawalt, BA; Christina Bellantoni, BA; Clarissa Beyah, MBA; Daniel Birman, MA; Laura Castaeda, EdD; Fred Cook, BA; Jennifer Floto, MA*; Vince Gonzales, MA; Robert Hernandez, BA; Gabriel Kahn, BA; Stacy Scholder, BA; Willa Seidenberg, BA; Burghardt Tenderich, PhD, Associate Professors of Professional Practice: Alan Abrahamson, JD; Amara Aguilar, MA; Peggy Bustamante, MA; Jeff Fellenzer, MA; Rebecca Haggerty, EdD; Matthew Le Veque, BA; Alan Mittelstaedt, BA; Mary Murphy, BA; Lisa Pecot-Hbert, PhD, Assistant Professors of Professional Practice: Laura Davis, BA; Keith Plocek, MPhil; MikiTurner, BA, Research Professor of Communication and Journalism: Martin H. Kaplan, PhD, Emeritus Professors:K.C.
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usc journalism transfer requirements