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tacoma public schools staff directory

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We'd like to hear from you. McCarver Main Office School: 253-571-4900 Fax Number School: 253-571-4950 Stephany Wright Principal & Covid Site Supervisor swright2@tacoma.k12.wa.us School: 253-571-4961 Ryan Prosser Assistant Principal & COVID Site Supervisor rprosse@tacoma.k12.wa.us School: 253-571-4960 Our online application is available in Spanish and English. Synthetic turf system shall consist of grass like synthetic fibers, coated durable backing, and a combination of sand and rubber infill. Watch gary's story Every Student. Required at dusk, charged as needed in 30 minute increments. Principal When determining priority for access, groups that have their own facilities may be denied use of district facilities or may be prioritized below other requests. Tacoma Public Schools values multiple pathways to success in post-secondary education and into the workforce and is committed to ensuring that each student is job-ready with the attainment of at least one "stackable" industry-recognized certification. 1802 S 36th St, Tacoma, WA 98418 Found a typo or mistake on the site? Email | 253-571-3165, Teacher, Physical Education Email | 253-571-3025, Teacher, CTE Engineering For additional support or information, then contact their counselor or school principal. For district programs and supports, contact our district office. Tacoma Public Schools affirms the inherent dignity and the equal rights of every student. Each school website has a contact page where you can find specific contact details for that school and its staff. For additional support or information contact your counselor or school principal. Send Email, Juniors & Seniors Email | 253-571-3046, Teacher, Student Services Find contact information in the staff directory. For district programs and supports, contact our district office. Email | 253-571-3147, Attendance Specialist Full Story about Grades 6-12: Athletics registration for 2023-2024 school year opens May 1 Small Group Discount:Fewer than 50 individuals on site for the event. All components shall be certified to be non-toxic. Non-commercial Washington State non-profit organizations with an active agreement or partnership with the district will be charged in accordance with the agreement or contract on file. Textbook Coordinator The best place to start is by contacting your student's classroom teacher or your school's main office. Email. Andre Stout, Principal. Every student deserves a respectful learning environment in which their racial, ethnic, religious, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or disability diversity is valued and contributes to successful academic outcomes. Tacoma Public Schools is committed to ensuring each student is ready for life after high school. Classroom Website, Teacher, English . Email | 253-571-3094 Email | 253-571-3070, Teacher, Social Studies All facility use requires proof of liability insurance (minimum $1,000,000) listing Tacoma Public Schools as a certificate holder. TOL High Schools graduation ceremony is Tuesday, June 14at 10 a.m. at the Tacoma Dome. For additional support or information, then contact their counselor or school principal. Email us at TOLenrollment@tacoma.k12.wa.uswith your updated email or phone number sowe canupdate your contact information in ourdatabase. The synthetic turf system is to be tested upon completion of install with GMAX testing results provided. Tacoma, WA 98405, It acknowledges the need to provide for every student a quality education that includes appreciation and respect for human individuality, cultural differences, and similarities that contribute to our democratic nation as a whole. -Tacoma Public SchoolsBoard Policy 3111. Email | 253-571-3095 Tacoma Public Schools boasts some of the areas most desired and frequently used artificial turf fields and school facilities. Look through the list below or use the search feature to find a staff member. Email | 253-571-3030 Find contact information in the staff directory. afarias@tacoma.k12.wa.us School: 253-571-7498 Brian Eaton Office Coordinator beaton@tacoma.k12.wa.us School: 253-571-7484 Joshua Brandt Teacher, Physical Education jbrandt@tacoma.k12.wa.us School: 253-571-7516 Joshua Brown Education Support Professional jbrown10@tacoma.k12.wa.us School: 253-571-7520 Marcus Callero Teacher, Physical Education Send Email, Cheryl Bockus Central Administration Building Fax Number 253-571-7091. Dch trang ny bng cch nhp vo nt gn c gc di cng bn phi v chn ngn ng a thch ca bn. The number oneway to prevent school violence is to report it. Enroll a new student for the 2022-2023 school year. Reach out to our main office at 253-571-2800. TPS Service Discount:Event/activity for Tacoma students or staff (75%+ of participants). Find contact information in the staff directory. Custodial Flat Fee 50-199 attendees (in addition to hourly rate), Custodial Flat Fee 200-499 attendees (in addition to hourly rate). Club Beyond lets you choose from more activities at your school than ever before. The district is committed to the success of every student in each of our schools. System shall be designed for outdoor use and resist effects of UV degradation, heat, water, organic growth and pollution. Phone. P.O. For rental purposes, the following fees/costs shall apply: Additional fees may be required in the Districts discretion based upon the nature of the facility use including but not limited to security, parking enforcement, extra custodial obligations, staffing, or district-placed additional insurance. Main Office Phone: 253-571-2555 Email: idea@tacoma.k12.wa.us Directions We'd like to hear from you The best place to start is your classroom teacher. Rental and staffing feesmay apply. Not sure who to contact? Middle School - Science Teacher, High School - Science Teacher, High School - Spanish Teacher, Middle School - Spanish Teacher, High School - English Language Arts Teacher, High School - English-Language Arts Teacher, Middle School - English-Language Arts Teacher, Middle School - Math Intervention Teacher, Middle School - Math Teacher, High School - Math Teacher, High School - English-Language Arts Teacher, Middle School - Social Studies Teacher, High School - Social Studies Teacher, Middle School - Music Teacher, High School - PE Teacher, High School - Family & Consumer Science (CTE) Teacher, High School - Computer Science (CTE) Teacher, High School - Business & Marketing (CTE) Teacher, Middle School - Spanish Teacher, High School - Spanish Teacher, Middle School - English Language Arts Teacher, Middle School - Computer Science (CTE) Teacher, Middle School - Elective Teacher, High School - Social Studies Teacher, Middle School Special Education Teacher, High School Special Education Teacher, High School - American Sign Language (CTE) Teacher, CTE Industry Certifications in High School, Metro Parks Tacoma Coaching & Sports Management Internship, Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Form, Harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB). Email | 253-571-3093, Teacher, CTE Business Email | 253-571-3179, Teacher, Social Studies Assistant Principal & Covid Site Supervisor, Lower Elementary Education Support Professional, Children's House Education Support Professional, Children's House Preschool & Kindergarten, Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Form, Harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB). (Supervises: Guidance/Counseling and Math), Assistant Principal A-G 253-571-5101 Stay updated on upcoming events, news, and more! Turf pile height should be in the range of 2.0 to 2.5 inches with infill depths ranging from 1.25 to 1.75. Send Email, Allison Bennett Email | 253-571-3080, Teacher, CTE ASL Tacoma Online Main Office TPSOnline@tacoma.k12.wa.us School: 253-571-1545 Shaun Martin Principal (Grades K-12) smartin2@tacoma.k12.wa.us School: 253-571-1524 Ruth Schlattman Assistant Principal (Grades K-5) Financial Services | Budget | Grants Management | Purchasing, Data Assessment Research Team (DART): Building data systems to improve student outcomes, Facilities: Ensuring safe, clean and healthy learning environments and facilities, Human Resources: Recruiting, hiring and retaining highly-qualified staff with competitive pay and benefits for rewarding jobs and careers, Planning & Construction: Major construction projects and health, safety and security upgrades, Public Information Office: Providing accurate and timely information to the community, Safety & Security: Creating and maintaining safe learning environments, Advancement Via Individual Determination(AVID), Elementary School Athletics and Activities, Harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB), 2023 Budget Advisory Committee Member Page, Internships, Jobs, and Community Service, Coaching and Sports Management Internship, Coaching and Sports Management Interest Form, Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee (AJAC), Tacoma Tideflats Warehouse and Logistics, Healthcare Careers Academy (HCA): Student Courses, Verified Acceptance into a Next Institution (VANI), Homeless Student Assistance (McKinney-Vento Act), Free Meals & Household Information Survey FAQ, Browns Point Elementary School Replacement, Grant Center for the Expressive Arts Replacement, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Title I & LAP (Learning Assistance Program), Transportation Frequently Asked Questions, Getting Started with your Student Computer, Community Resources for Students and Families, Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Form, Advanced Programs (or Academic Acceleration), AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), Title I / Learning Assistance Program (LAP). Email | 253-571-3178, Teacher, Naval Science Instructor Email | 253-571-3145, 10th-12th Grade Counselor for Last Names Le-Ri Fax Number. Send Email After each game: use a vacuum or leaf blower to remove debris like sunflower seeds. The following routine tests are performed: This testing specification is measured in height, weight, temperature and impact and provides a Head Injury Criteria (*HIC) method for determining maximum impact reduction shock absorbing properties for all types of synthetic turf playing systems and their corresponding locations for specific field layouts. Choose from options for before and after school, in-service days, and school breaks. Name Position Email Phone Website; Ackerman, Becca: Career Guidance Specialist: rackerm1@tacoma.k12.wa.us: 253-571-7358: Ackerman website: Bassen, Kari: Counselor . Main Office 253-571-5400 Walking Route Map & Safety Tips (PDF) Driving Directions We'd like to hear from you The best place to start is your classroom teacher. Full Story about Grades 6-12: Athletics registration for 2023-2024 school year opens May 1 Truman Middle School. Tacoma Public Schools acknowledges that we are on the traditional ancestral and historical lands of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians. Your web browser does not support the

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tacoma public schools staff directory

tacoma public schools staff directory

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