subduing the spirit wrath of the righteous

God's wrath is present in God's giving people over to their licentiousness, their sin, their bondage to evil. Thou knowest what is in me, but I know not what is in Thee. The day-star of blissfulness shineth above the horizon of Our name, the Blissful, inasmuch as the kingdom of the names of God hath been adorned with the ornament of the name of thy Lord, the Creator of the heavens. This, verily, is a sustenance borne in the vessel of Thy words, from every letter of which a myriad suns of divine wisdom and utterance dawn forth and the lights of authority and exposition shine resplendent. Read This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome - Chapter 1197: The Innate Sages' Great Power. He in very truth is the Sanctuary of God amongst you and His sacred Precinct in your midst, the holy Site of the Spirit before your eyes and the Station of both inner and outer peace and security. The quest didnt fail when I went from chapter 4 to 5 and I can still see it. Thou, verily, art the Lord of bounty and generosity, of grace and glory. 10 O company of the Concourse on high, and O denizens of the immortal city! In this episode I get the conspiracy achievement, locate the Nahyndrian crystal, and fight waves of bs to finish the next lich quest (Subduing the Spirit.) 31 During every moment of those days, the inmates of the chambers of Paradise descended from on high, bearing chalices brimming over with the living waters of revelation and cups overflowing with the choice wine of holiness, which they proffered unto the dwellers of the pavilion of glory and the inmates of the tabernacle of resplendent majesty. And thus do We relate unto you the account of the day of Our Manifestation and the circumstances of Our banishment by reason of the machinations of such seditious souls as had disbelieved in and joined partners with God, the All-Powerful, the Almighty, the Most Bountiful. How astounding a death, how astounding indeed! For the letters of negation, no matter how far they may be removed from the holy fragrances of Thy knowledge, and however forgetful they may become of the wondrous splendours of the dawning-light of Thy beauty, which are shed from the heaven of Thy majesty, must needs exist in Thy realm, so that the words which affirm Thee may thereby be exalted. Proffer then to the denizens of the realm of eternity the crimson wine of Mine all-glorious Beauty, that haply the concourse of Revelation may sanctify their souls in this most august Festival by virtue of this pure draught, and that they may emerge from behind the veil of concealment through the power of Mine almighty and all-powerful, Mine all-subduing and self-subsisting sovereignty., 17 By God! I testify that I was but a herald of His Revelation unto all who are in heaven and on earth, and that I conditioned the Bayn upon His leave and good-pleasure. I've always liked playing shapeshifting characters but unfortunately in the D&D based CRPG's I've played so far (Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale series, Neverwinter Nights series) shapeshifting has often been implemented rather poorly and was often (severely) underpowered as a result. 6 A lightning glance She cast, as piercing as a shooting starhow wondrous Her glance, how wondrous indeed!. By Thy glory! All the favours of God have been sent down, as a token of His grace. I ask because I already played about 20 hours since that point and I wonder if I get the chance sometime during chapter 5 to become a lich. Blessed, then, be God, Who hath made manifest this resistless, this all-glorious and transcendent Cause! 12 Grant, O my God, that this Festival may be a source of blessings for them and for all Thy loved ones. Reckon ye to be treading the path of the spirit even as ye have rejected this Revelation? Verily, His majesty was exalted, His power magnified, and His sovereignty revealed. This is one of the days of Thy Rivn Festival whereon a corner of this prison hath been decked forth for the appearance of Him Who is the Exponent of Thy beauty, granting the request of one whose ardent devotion hath prompted him to invite Thee. No God is there but Thee, the Most Exalted, the Sovereign Protector, the All-Compelling, the Almighty, the Most Bountiful. Exalted is thy Lord above all that thou hast revealed in the past or wilt manifest in the future. Wherefore am I ashamed, as are all who mention Thee, to approach the exalted heights of Thy remembrance, and am powerless, as are all who extol Thee, to ascend unto the lofty summits of Thy praise. Perchance they may fix their gaze upon the Tree of Thy Revelation and upon that which appeareth thereon of the wondrous leaves of Thine ancient eternity and the precious fruits of Thy holy unity, may take delight in them and in that which they contain of Thy hidden gifts and concealed knowledge, and may rid themselves thereby of attachment to aught else. 10 This is the Day whereon the false gods of idle fancy were overthrown through the power of our Lord, the Almighty, the All-Knowing. 12 Thereupon the inmates of Paradise, and beyond them the inhabitants of the retreats of holiness and the realms of communion, and beyond them they that dwell within the habitations of heaven and they that abide beneath the tabernacle of concealment, stepped forth one and all from their lofty mansions, and, conversing in hushed tones, apprised one another of that which had come to pass upon the earth. Thus may they become attracted by Thy sweet accents, hasten towards this hallowed and promised Beauty, and become fully apprised of this Daya Day whereon all things have been adorned with the ornament of names, a Day whereon every poor one hath found the source of true wealth and every deprived and sinful soul hath attained forgiveness.. Drink with healthy relish, O ye that are the very incarnations of longing, ye who are the embodiments of vehement desire!, 13 This is the Day whereon He Who is the Revealer of the names of God hath stepped out of the Tabernacle of glory, and proclaimed unto all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth: Put away the cups of Paradise and all the life-giving waters they contain, for lo, the people of Bah have entered the blissful abode of the Divine Presence, and quaffed the wine of reunion, from the chalice of the beauty of their Lord, the All-Possessing, the Most High.. For He verily is Mine own Appearance amongst you, and whoso maketh the slightest distinction between Him and Me hath indeed strayed far from the straight path of truth. In Wrath of the Righteous, the lich can do incredible things for themselves and their allies. Randomly, no explanation. This is the manifest and hidden Secret; would that ye might perceive it. In His right hand is the sealed Wine of His name. How exalted, then, is this holy, this most blessed and best-beloved grace! Blessed, then, be He Who hath sent down these twin Revelations through His most great, His most mighty sovereignty! 3 Glorified, immeasurably glorified art Thou, O my Beloved! Written by the Author Fu Xiaochen. Of a certainty, no deed will be accepted in this Day unless it be performed by His leave, and the invocation of no soul shall rise up unto God unless it be uttered for His love. I beseech Thee by that name of Thine whereby the fire of Thy wrath was kindled and the flames of Thine anger were made to blaze, to lay hold upon them that have oppressed Thy loved ones. Thus may Thy friends be released from the clutches of Thy foes, and Thy loved ones delivered from the hands of the wayward among Thy servants, that they may extol Thee, O Lord, with ringing voices in the supernal realms of Thy names and worship Thee with their entire beings in the kingdom of Thine attributes. Bear thou witness, then, by thine own essence, that verily I am God and that there is none other God but Him, that all have been created at My behest and that all abide by My command. 4:10 ). I entreat Thee moreover, O my God, to graciously enable my loved ones to show their hospitality unto Thee through their character and their conduct, that the heavenly table of Thy loving-kindness may thereby be spread before all Thy servants and that all the peoples of the world may gather round it. 27 Claim ye to be the guided and the loved ones of the Lord? By God! Endue them, then, with such constancy in Thy love and in Thy Cause, that they may never break Thy Covenant nor violate Thy Testament to which they pledged themselves ere the creation of the heavens and the earth. 5 This is the Day whereon naught can be seen except the splendours of the Light that shineth from the face of Thy Lord, the Gracious, the Most Bountiful. Wherefore, sound thy trumpet to proclaim the advent of this Manifestation, that every mouldering bone may be quickened thereby! As bidden, the angel sounded his trumpet, causing all who dwell in heaven and on earth to swoon away. 34 Thus did the Beauty of the All-Glorious establish Himself upon the lofty heights of eternity, inasmuch as His gaze was fixed upon the decree which the Finger of God, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, had inscribed upon the blessed and snow-white Tablet. Should the people of the world resolve, one and all, to extol the days that We passed in the garden of Najb Psh, which hath been designated as the Garden of Rivn, they would find themselves utterly incapable thereof and would confess to their powerlessness. O ye denizens of the dominion of power abiding beneath the canopy of glory! 32 And when the appointed time of tarrying was fulfilled and the decree of departure was received, the Beauty of the All-Merciful arose and went out from the Rivn Garden riding upon the finest stallion. Leave the kingdom of names on thy right and the dominion of attributes on thy left, and shine forth by My leave above the horizon of Mine inviolable protection, divested of all that hath been created in the realm of Revelation and shorn of all that hath appeared in the kingdom of creation, that thou mayest manifest the beauteous image of God in all regions. Lay aside your books, for the Book hath appeared that compriseth all that hath been said aforetime and sufficeth all the inhabitants of the earth. 2 I beseech Thee, O my God, by this Day and by Him Whom Thou hast made to be the Dawning-Place of Thy revelation and the Dayspring of Thine inspiration, to ordain for Thy loved ones the good of this world and of the world to come, and to number them with those whom naught can distract from Thy remembrance and praise. 85. 10 She then let fall a raven lock, an ornament of spirit in the darkest nighthow wondrous a hue, how wondrous indeed!. 3 O Pen of Command! Whensoever I raise mine eyes to the heavens and witness their loftiness, I recognize naught therein but the wondrous heights of Thy supreme power and sovereign authority. Thou, verily, art the Almighty, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. 23 She returned from whence She came: How lofty were the steps She traced! Should all that are in the heavens and on earth and whatsoever lieth between themwhether trees, fruits, leaves, twigs, branches, rivers, oceans, or mountainsencounter a single word of thy pronouncement, they would assuredly speak forth that which the Burning Bush, springing from the soil of divine revelation, spoke unto Moses in that holy and blessed Vale. How wondrous a thing, how wondrous indeed! 5 The everlasting Candle shineth in its naked glory. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details. Written by the Author Resentment. 3 I swear by Thy glory, O my Best-Beloved! And they alone shall attain this who behold all that is in the heavens and on the earth as a day wherein none was deemed worthy of mention.9 These are they to whom their Lord will give to drink, from His own hands, of the sealed wine of holiness. The hands of bounty have borne round the cup of everlasting life. 26 The Hand of Power then parted the veil of grandeur, whence the Beauty of the All-Glorious emerged with supreme sovereignty. In Thy name, the Most Wondrous, the Most Glorious! For the trumpet-blast hath been sounded, and lo! This is the Day whereon He Who is the Mouthpiece of God, the All-Possessing, the Inaccessible, the Most High, hath called out from the realm of eternity, saying: The Kingdom is Gods, the Almighty, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious!, 2 Lauded be Thy name, O Thou Who causest the winds to blow and the dawn to break, Who revealest the verses and unveilest the proofs! This is that Pen through which were created the all-highest Paradise and all that abide therein, and the celestial garden and all that pertaineth thereto, could ye but comprehend. All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath appeared with supreme dominion! All rights reserved. Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. 1 Since Thou hast, O my God, stablished Thyself upon the throne of Thy transcendent unity, and ascended the mercy-seat of Thy oneness, it befitteth Thee to blot out from the hearts of all beings whatsoever may keep them back from gaining admittance into the sanctuary of Thy Divine mysteries, and may shut them out from the tabernacle of Thy Divinity, that all hearts may mirror Thy beauty, and may reveal Thee, and speak of Thee, and that all created things may show forth the tokens of Thy most august sovereignty, and shed the splendours of the light of Thy most holy governance, and that all who are in heaven and on earth may laud and magnify Thy unity, and give Thee glory, for having manifested Thy Self unto them through Him Who is the Revealer of Thy oneness. Blessed, then, be they that have turned towards Thee, attained Thy presence, and hearkened unto Thy call. Blessed are they that attain thereto! 4 All days have attained their consummation in this most august of days, and all hours in this noblest of hours, and the Unseen hath willed to confer every grace upon the inmates of earth and heaven, to establish, before all who are in the kingdoms of revelation and creation, the Manifestation of God and His loftiness, and the sovereignty of God and His grandeur, that His favour might be made complete unto His servants and His bounty fulfilled unto His creation. Brave every danger, and consecrate your souls to its consuming flame. Haply, by reason of Our departure on this most sublime and wondrous Day, the peoples of earth and heaven may emerge from behind the veils of self and passion; draw nigh unto God, the Most Exalted, the All-Glorious; and become detached from whatsoever He hath created or ordained in this world. All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath appeared above the horizon of holiness with wondrous rapture! Blessed be the man of insight who seeth in all that hath befallen him in Thy path naught save that which shall exalt his station and magnify Thy Cause, O Thou the Lord of the worlds! Valve Corporation. Thou, verily, ordainest as Thou pleasest. 3 Summon, then, the maids of eternity to hasten forth from their crimson chambers in their celestial grace, and to appear betwixt earth and heaven with the most glorious adorning. Create, moreover, within it, O my God, out of the lights shed by Thy throne, handmaidens who will intone the melodies of Thy wondrous and most sweet invention, that they may magnify Thy name with such words as have not been heard by any of Thy creatures, be they the inmates of Thy heaven or the dwellers of Thine earth, nor been comprehended by any of Thy people. For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, not. 25 He proceeded until He reached the concealing veil, and there at His feet He beheld a child that had removed itself from its mothers breast. No God is there but Thee, the Almighty, the All-Praised. We are glad. O ye moth-like lovers of His light! There is none other God but Thee, the Almighty, the Incomparable. With these words He concludeth His Tablet: No God is there but Me, the Most Exalted, the Most Powerful, the Most Excellent, the All-Knowing. How great is my wish to attain unto a detachment so complete that were there to appear before me those countenances which are hid within the chambers of chastity, and the beauty of which Thou didst veil from the eyes of the entire creation, and whose faces Thou didst sanctify from the sight of all beings, and were they to unveil themselves in all the glory of the splendours of Thine incomparable beauty, I would refuse to look upon them, and would behold them solely for the purpose of discerning the mysteries of Thy handiwork, which have perplexed the minds of such as have drawn nigh unto Thee, and awed the souls of all them that have recognized Thee. Subduing the Spirit is a pain, you need to finish the story tellers tower, then exit it, Zac will contact you and you will have a chat, then go back to the mine to where you found the crystal you gave tohe . Powerful art Thou to do Thy pleasure. 11 O priests! 4 I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy most excellent names and Thy most exalted attributes, and by them that have soared in the atmosphere of Thy nearness and good-pleasure and taken flight upon the wings of trust and detachment towards the Dayspring of Thy name, the All-Merciful, and by the blood that hath been shed for Thy sake, and by the sighs that have been uttered for Thy love, to accept from us on this day all our works in Thy path. And inasmuch as Thou hast assigned no partner unto Thyself, whatsoever is manifested from Thee hath likewise no peer or equal. O God! May my entire being be offered up as a sacrifice for Thy patience, O Lord of might and power! By them Thou hast demonstrated that to Thee belong Thy most excellent titles, and unto Thee pertain the wonders of Thy most exalted attributes. 21 O Lord! 25 And from Her lips there streamed these words of warning and rebukehow astounding a stream, how astounding indeed!. The dead have risen and the souls have been gathered together, and yet still We behold you entombed in the sepulchres of heedlessness and desire. Take heed lest ye forfeit so precious a favour; beware lest ye belittle so remarkable a token of His grace. Deprive them not of the gentle breezes that are wafting in this Day, a Day whereon every atom proclaimeth: Verily, Thou art God; no God is there but Thee! O Lord, adorn them with the ornaments of constancy and certitude, and cause them to be champions of Thy Cause amidst all creation. Unlock, then, the gates of this Paradise to the faces of Thy loved ones, that haply they may enter them in Thy name, and by the power of Thy sovereignty, that thereby the sovereign bounties vouchsafed by Thee unto Thy chosen ones and the transcendent gifts granted unto Thy trusted ones may be perfected, that they may extol Thy virtues with such melodies as none can either intone or describe, and that none of Thy people may conceive the design of appearing in the guise of any of Thy chosen ones, or of emulating the example of Thy loved ones, and that none may fail to discern between Thy friends and Thine enemies, or to distinguish them that are devoted to Thee from such as stubbornly oppose Thee. In the name of God, the Most Wondrous, the Most Glorious! All glory be to that which God hath bestowed upon us! Deprive not yourselves of the grace of this day; hasten rather to the seat of the Throne, forsake that which ye possess, and take fast hold of the Cord of God, Who hath arisen and manifested Himself and spoken forth for all to hear. The Ultimate Joke Information. 16 Then were their voices lifted up in praise and exultation on this glorious Day, a Day whose radiance deriveth not from the sun and its rays but from the effulgent light of the Countenance of God, the King, the Exalted, the All-Bountiful. All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath shone from the dayspring of His name, the Most High! O ye that abide beneath the tabernacle of grandeur! All praise be to Thee, O Desire of the worlds! All this can be fulfilled throughout Thy dominion by Thy word of command, Be, and it is! Happy is the man that turneth unto Him, and drinketh his fill, and exclaimeth: Praise be to Thee, O Revealer of the signs of God! By the righteousness of the Almighty! This came to pass by reason of what the hands of the malicious had wrought against this Lighta Light that hath outshone every other in its sacred and wondrous splendour. 9 Praise be to Thee, O my God, that Thou hast revealed Thy favours and Thy bounties; and glory be to Thee, O my Beloved, that Thou hast manifested the Day-Star of Thy loving-kindness and Thy tender mercies. The Spirit of glory hath called out from the precincts of eternity, and the Most Holy Spirit from the Divine Lote-Tree, and the Spirit of command from the Tree beyond which there is no passing, and the Spirit of might from the exalted dominion, and the faithful Spirit from the right hand of the Burning Bush, saying: Hallowed be the Lord of mercy, Who hath appeared in the world of existence invested with that which mortal eyes had never beheld! Say: He it is Who through a movement of His finger causeth the creatures of earth and heaven to perish, Who through a word of His mouth bringeth them to life again, and Who through a mere intimation of His glance turneth all creation unto the presence of God, the Help in Peril, the Almighty, the Best-Beloved. Send down then upon them such liberal effusions of Thy grace as none hath previously attained, and cause them to circle round the court of Thy nearness and the sanctuary of Thy presence. I beseech Thee to ordain for them all the good Thou dost possess. Give ear unto the wondrous account of that which God hath graciously bestowed upon thee. None save them that are possessed of true insight can ever hope to behold thee in this most sublime vision. My silence is by reason of the veils that have blinded Thy creatures eyes to Thee, and my muteness is because of the impediments that have hindered Thy people from recognizing Thy truth. Damsel in Distress: Gender Flipped. 1 It is the Festival of Rivn, the vernal season wherein the Beauty of the All-Glorious was revealed betwixt earth and heaven. Thou ordainest what Thou willest, and art not asked of what Thou wishest through the power of Thy sovereignty, nor canst Thou be frustrated in whatsoever Thou prescribest through Thine irrevocable decree. Some quests are time-limited and some can only be completed with certain companions.. Indeed, the sighs of His loved ones caused His heart to swell with such grief that none in the heavens or on the earth could bear its weight. I yield Thee such thanks as can enable the Heavenly Dove to warble forth, upon the branches of the Lote-Tree of Immortality, her song: Verily, Thou art God. This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome novel is a popular light novel covering Eastern Fantasy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Xuanhuan genres. He, verily, praiseth His own Self on their behalf and mentioneth Himself through their tongues. 2 Behold how the manifold grace of God, which is being showered from the clouds of Divine glory, hath, in this day, encompassed the world. 7 A glance consuming every name and every title in its flames. And when I purposed to enter the sanctuary of His nearness and to gaze upon His beauty, He restrained Me through the power of His sovereign might and withheld Me from the desire of My heart. How can ye atone for your past failure? What of the hidden secrets of the universe and its revelations? He it is Who caused the morn of inner meaning and explanation to break, and the gates of divine reunion to be opened before the faces of all the peoples of the earth. Praised be Thou, O my God, I am the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Glorious, He is the Most Holy, the Most Mighty, the Most Exalted, He is the Ever-Living, the Ever-Abiding, the Self-Subsisting, He is the Sovereign King, the Holy of Holies, In the name of Him Who hath cast His splendour, He it is Who is established upon this luminous Throne, He is the Most Holy, the Most Glorious. Detach thyself, then, from all thou dost possess, and announce unto the people the joyful tidings of the appearance of the Most Exalted Word in this mighty Revelation, that haply they may recognize their Creator and renounce all else but Him. Blessed be the one who attaineth His presence, and beholdeth His face, and giveth ear to His most holy, His most glorious and beloved utterance. Thus have I informed you, O people, of Him Whose remoteness hath lacerated My heart and Who hath made Me to quaff the cup of separation. Blessed, then, be God for this most exalted, this all-encompassing grace! 1 Release yourselves, O nightingales of God, from the thorns and brambles of wretchedness and misery, and wing your flight to the rose-garden of unfading splendour. How astounding a lie, how astounding indeed! And third, that at that very hour God, exalted be His Glory, shed the full splendour of all His names upon all creation. This is the Day whereon the Pen of God hath absolved all who are in the heavens and on earth. At every moment He proclaimeth: O concourse of creation, look and ye shall behold Me! By God, this is the Word that hath proceeded from the mouth of the Will of your Lord, the All-Merciful. All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath been made manifest from the seat of the Lord of all wisdom! No God is there but Thee, the Omnipotent, the Almighty, the All-Powerful, the All-Compelling. - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous If you spend your time as any normal person would, you know, resting in this game, you may find severed heads in your inventory. This is the Dayspring of the Revelation of God, did ye but know it. Similarly, the mercy of God is seen only in its relief of God's wrath. I recognize, moreover, that were any of the revelations of Thy names and Thine attributes to be withheld, though it be the weight of a grain of mustard seed, from whatsoever hath been created by Thy power and begotten by Thy might, the foundations of Thine everlasting handiwork would thereby be made incomplete, and the gems of Thy Divine wisdom would become imperfect. Shall I praise the heavenly repast which Thou hast sent down in this Day unto the people of Bah, whom Thou hast singled out for Thy favour amongst the dwellers of earth and heaven? The inhabitants of every city cried out, and the hearts of them that circle round God were sorely shaken. 2 O Lord! 11 I know full well Thou hast delayed to manifest Thy triumph in the kingdom of creation by reason of Thy knowledge which embraceth both the mysteries of Thy decree, and the hidden things ordained behind the veils of Thine irrevocable purpose, that thereby those who have entered beneath the shadow of Thy transcendent mercy may be separated from those who have dealt disdainfully with Thee, and turned back from Thy presence at the time when Thou didst manifest Thy most exalted Beauty.
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subduing the spirit wrath of the righteous