stamford, ct land records

NewVision Systems - Data & Documents at the Push of a Button Mayor Martin values City employees who aim to serve and excel! The Town Clerk of Stamford is elected for a four-year term. Go . Privacy Policy At the present time, there is a $60 00 charge for recording page one of a document, with an additional charge of $5.00 for each additional page. These real estate records provide information about land deeds and titles, grants, mortgages, and other important property data. These real estate records provide information about land deeds and titles, grants, mortgages, and other important property data. If your street has not been plowed 10 hours after a major snow storm, please submit a request here. City of Norwalk | 125 East Avenue | Norwalk, CT 06851 | Phone: 203-854-3200 [] . Sec. Located at 137 Henry Street, Stamford, CT, the Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) clinic offers walk-in service. Request a flood zone determination. Report residential street handicap parking space that is going unused. Report damage to curbs in residential areas on City owned streets. List of all parks, golf courses, beaches and other recreation sites. Information on how to pay your tax bills, when property taxes are due, and when taxes become delinquent. Report a case of sidewalks not being cleared of snow 12 hours after a storm. Access Owners Certification Form, a Workers' Compensation Coverage Affidavit, Certificate of Liability Insurance, and Non-Owners Affidavit. All democratic forms of government, since the oldest times, have included a position as Town Clerk. Share the Fare offers improved travel opportunities through a subsidized taxi program. These requests are assigned to the Police District Captains in an effort to assist residents with concerns regarding their communities. Land records, 1666-1902. Apply, change, remove or obtain a Resident Parking Permit. Look Up Your Local Representative. Find out what roads are scheduled to be paved and a map of all recently paved streets. Routine or non-emergency calls should be reported by calling 203-977-4444 or you may come to Police HQ at 805 Bedford Street. Search Property Assessment's Real Estate Database. Go. Access to the Massage Plan Review Application and Massage License Application. You can email them at or call them at (866) 835-5068 them for bags. Report pets that are loose, off leash, biting people or other pets. Report concerns or potential threat of lead poisoning in public, private, or commercial establishments. Access to: Application For A Special Event, Application For Showmobile (Mobile Stage), Application For Solicitors Permit, Application For Street Vendor Permit, Film Permit, Parking Meter Rental Application, Permit to Vend Permits in Parks (One-Day), and Residential On Street Handicapped Parking Space Application. Report suspected illegal apartments, basement bedrooms, or basement apartments. Recreation Services offers comprehensive and inclusive leisure opportunities and experiences for the youth and adult population, including many diverse programs, events, and athletic leagues. Report large branches that have fallen from a City tree that are obstructing roads or sidewalks. Leaves that are not put out during the established pick up dates will not be picked up. Effective flood insurance rate maps, flood regulations, flood preparedness, and flood protection resources. Report a large patch in road with straight line cuts that is sinking or dangerous. Find lost animals and report animal sightings. The Town Clerk also plays an important role during elections. Search City of Stamford sales record by date, price, land area, building area, models or neighborhood. Report concerns regarding mold that could be harmful to residents. Report overgrown brush on sides of City roads. Report erratic driving by City of Stamford employees. Fees for Land Record Services are set by the Connecticut General Statutes. View City of Stamford polling places, including names and addresses of polling locations. Search Records as Guest. Access to the Engineering Department's downloadable forms, including: Granite Block Waiver, House Number Information Sheet, Night/Noise Waiver Work Permit, Street Use (Obstruction) and Street Opening (Excavation) Permit, Storm Sewer Connection Waiver, Street Opening Permit Application, Instructions, and Restoration Details - (PRINTED - Bring to Engineering Dept. Recreation Services offers comprehensive and inclusive leisure opportunities and experiences for the youth and adult population, including many diverse programs, events, and athletic leagues. These real estate records provide information about land deeds and titles, grants, mortgages, and other important property data. Access to the Massage Plan Review Application and Massage License Application. Immediately report any suspected identity theft or credit card fraud to a credit reporting agency. *Plus $1.00 per page will be charged. Able to file in English and Spanish. Will Levis, who grew up in Madison and graduated from Xavier . Civil, Family, Housing, Small Claims. Results of well water testing, including a map providing the test results for Chlordane and Dieldrin (city and private). You can report any potholes within Stamford city limits. Report wild animals that are stalking, harming, biting, or acting irregularly. Find open positions and apply to serve on Stamford Boards and Commissions. Report untreated swimming pools; construction sites; planters; or fish ponds that could be breeding grounds for mosquitoes. CommercialCafe allows users to search for office spaces to rent in Stamford, CT. You may search by neighborhoods, zip codes, current maps, radius, or polygon. View a list and map of all traffic construction Capital Projects. Connecticut State Library. For more information on open city jobs, seasonal jobs, and promotional opportunities, visit the Human Resources Department website. Report crosswalks, center lines that are faded or non-existent. Concerns resulting from the storm. Report dented, mangled, or missing guard rails. Request pick up of pets or wild animals that are found dead in the road. Deputy City & Town Clerk Welcome to the City of Stamford online Assessor's database hosted by Vision Government Solutions Inc.. Search City of Stamford Assessor property record by address, owner, account number, Mblu, or PID. This includes, but is not limited to: deeds, mortgages, attachments, liens, judgments, tax liens, assessments, conveyances, maps, planning & zoning, and other miscellaneous legal documents pertaining to land use. Report any concerns regarding catch basins. This search applies to residential properties only (single family or multi family) at this time. A helpful guide to plants and landscape, including plants for gardening in wet and wooded areas. We'll add additional years as our resources allow. Information regarding what is regulated, what a watercourse is, and what wetlands are. ), Street Opening | Street Use Permit - (Online- View Permit), Street Use (Obstruction) Permit Application, and Street Use (Obstruction) Permit Fee Structure. A City vehicle, employee, or City tree damaged my fence. This includes tracking of sediment on public streets, absent or ill maintained erosion controls, airborne dust, spills, etc. Access to the freedom of information request form. https://cslarchives.ctstatelibrary . Information on how to obtain a hairdresser license, barbershop license or cosmetology license. There is a $20.00 fee (per day) for hand-held scanner usage. Breath of Fresh Air Asthma Program is a National Association of County and City Health Officials Best Practice award-winning free program designed to educate families and to reduce exposure to asthma triggers in the home. The laboratory will test well water for a variety of parameters and test water from homes on a public water supply (city water) for lead and copper. Report suspected construction without a permit. Maps of subdivisions of 3 or more parcels: City and State Conveyance Taxes are due when recording a document. The town of Stamford was settled in 1641 under New Haven jursidiction and named Stamford in 1642. The basic fees, set by State Law, for land recording and copies are as follows: Stamford Government Center When reporting pothole, be as specific as possible (i.e. Request information relating to the regulations administered by EPB. Log in here. Report leaking septic trucks or any potential inappropriate disposal of sewage from septic trucks. An online application for the Subdivision of Property. Report sewer complaint such as sewage backing into residence, toilets, and sink drainage. View open jobs in the City of Stamford and get applications for open jobs. Criminal (Convictions) Criminal (Pending) Housing Court Cases Filed Before 3/1/16. Pursuant to CT Public Act 11-201 The Town Clerk maintains a log of registration forms for residential property . The CT ALERT Emergency notification system, enables state and local 911 emergency communication centers to provide essential information quickly in a variety of emergency situations. Inform us of any concerns regarding your City Parks. Access to Assessor's Tax Maps, Tax Maps with 2' Contours, and an Assessor's Historic Aerials (1959 & 1979) Map. Allow us to answer your questions here. Schedule, request, or cancel an inspection. Land record images are view-able from October 18, 1974 to the current date. Suggest Listing Appeals must be filed within 15 calendar days of the ticket issuance. Report concerns of bed bugs at private or commercial properties. If a sidewalk cafe is impeding sidewalk access, report it here. Search a database to find out who your City Representative is. View a map and list of all residential parking zones. 1-8, 11, 13, Connecticut, Charles R. Hale Collection, Vital Records, 1640-1955, Connecticut, U.S., Church Record Abstracts, 1630-1920, U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995 (Stamford), Connecticut, U.S., City Directories, (Stamford), Records of the Judicial Department (Part A): Court Records in the Connecticut State Library, 1636-1945, State of Connecticut Judicial Branch-Media-How to Obtain Court Records, Colonial Land Records of Connecticut, 1640-1846: Including Patents, Deeds and Surveys of Land, Genealogical References in Stamford, Ct. Land Records: Volumes A thru S, 1666-1800+, McConnell's Historical Maps of the United States, Connecticut Military Records - Revolutionary War, 1775-1783, United States Military Records - Revolutionary War, 1775-1783, Connecticut Military Records - Civil War, 1861-1865, United States Military Records - Civil War, 1861-1865, Connecticut Military Records - World War I, 1917-1918, United States Military Records - World War I, 1917-1918, Connecticut Military Records - World War II, 1941-1945, United States Military Records - World War II, 1941-1945, Connecticut Naturalization and Citizenship, U.S. Naturalization Online Genealogy Records, US Naturalization Records, New England, 1791-1906, Connecticut Naturalization Records, 1795-1942, Connecticut, Federal Naturalization Records, 1790-1996, Connecticut, District Court Naturalization Indexes, 1851-1992, Connecticut Newspapers in the Eighteenth Century, Connecticut, U.S., Hale Collection of Cemetery Inscriptions and Newspaper Notices, 1629-1934, Connecticut, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999, Connecticut: Early Probate Records, 1635-1750, Abstract of probate records for the district of Stamford, county of Fairfield, and state of Connecticut, 1729-1848, Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Connecticut, 1862-1866, Connecticut, U.S., Excise Tax Lists, 1865-1874,,,,_Fairfield_County,_Connecticut_Genealogy&oldid=5283710, 1641 - known as Rippowam by the Siwanoy Native American inhabitants of the region.
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stamford, ct land records