sims 4 pool slide cc

Functional Pool Slide converted from TS3 by AlexCroft from Mod The Sims. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The tubes are well crafted, and the designs are even better. Start by building the room for the inside pool. With this pool floatie, your sims will love playing around in the pool or at the pool. DESCRIPTION. You can stick these poolside, by the bar, or if youre a Backyard Stuff Pack owner, right by the pool slides (considering its a legitimate splash zone). Its not too late to start thinking about your own pool idea! Patio Umbrellas | 7. A jacuzzi or poolside grill are great additions to the backyard space. Get prepared for the best swimming pool in town with the Sims 4 Pool Party Stuff! We are not EA. 34 pool steps | 22. Mod Pool. Kristine Carlson. The Ultimate Guide to The Sims 4 Pets Cheats. Build an indoor pool up against a wall. We thank Lucy Muir, PhD, from the Liwen Bianji, Edanz Editing China (, for editing the English text of a draft of this manuscript. Lets take the deep dive and see which CC are going to have all your virtual neighbours wishing they had a poolside as dope as yours! NEW OBJECT SLIDE WATERBOOM DOLPHIN FIX NAME INTERACTION JUMPSTAND GET TOGGETHER This summer pack include -fix waterslide not show in build mode - Kids can ride waterscooter - Kids and adult ride windsurfing from sims 3 island paradise - New boat and new sail - Hot Air Ballon - Kids and adult ride surfing board - Big Slide Water - Yatch Most of our pools are always looking a little dull. Place the pool model you want > Build a pool within it's borders with Custom Pool Tool > Click once again on the pool object (it will go down the pool) > Press " 9 " to raise the pool object until it's in the correct height and Press F5 to be able to move the object by half tile so it can fit perfectly. Oh my. Bull Soil Water Conserv 36(04):4650+55 (in Chinese), Zhou JX, Zhu CY, Zheng JM, Wang XH, Liu ZH (2002) Landslide disaster in the loess area of China. Slides are fun objects in The Sims 2: Apartment Life, The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. Creator Severinka_ shares these awesome dcor beach towels. This CC includes a kiddie pool filled with some toy boats and a lighthouse to let the kids imaginations run wild. You must be patched to 1.42 to use this mod. And if you dont want to go swimming yet, why not relax in style? DOWNLOAD MORE. The Sims 4 Packs. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. Starting with swan tube, of course, which strikes again for Simstagram likes. Life is Strange fans who want to play with their Sims in a more realistic way can now do so with this conversion mod that gives your Sims an opportunity to swim at Pacific Bay. Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Followed by both the ice cream cone and shiny dolphin, both being cuddly and adorable at the same time. Muebles Sims 4 Cc. For anyone really diving into the Backyard Stuff Pack and creating a waterpark, or just a really intense backyard pool area, this CC can help add the real-life touch of having a lifeguard on duty. A Comprehensive Guide to the Sims 4 DLC, Packs, and Kits. Functional food court with four custom stalls + snack and drinks vending machines. Hey Fantacorns! Sims 4 Cc Furniture Living Rooms. A volume of 774 104 m3 of a historical sliding mass was reactivated by rainfall and slipped down along a weak interface. Rainfall-induced landslide in loess area, Northwest China: a case study of the Changhe landslide on September 14, 2019, in Gansu Province., Zhang C, Zhang M (2016) Development and Causes of group geological hazard in Tianshui City. They no longer have to resort to taking a nap or laying on the deck of their pool for hours on end. Mary, Mary, quite contrary How does your garden grow? This redesign takes the current model and adds some vitality into the design. Pool patio designs are actually quite simple and can be easily achieved with a few pieces of natural stone. Teenagers can 'Hang Out' on the slide, but older Sims cannot do anything on the slide. Click here to download. Geological Environmental Monitoring Institute of Gansu Province, Lanzhou Earthquake Research Institute of China Earthquake Administration, Ningxia Seismological Bureau (1980) The 1920 Haiyuan earthquake [M]. I enjoy the modern yet elegant touch to this nifty bed., Fan X, Scaringi G, Korup O, West AJ, van Westen CJ, Tanyas H, Hovius N, Hales TC, Jibson RW, Allstadt KE, Zhang L, Evans SG, Xu C, Li G, Pei X, Xu Q, Huang R (2019) Earthquake-induced chains of geologic hazards: patterns, mechanisms, and impacts. All Rights Reserved. This trend continues up to the top of our list with these pool floats by josiesimblr. Well thanks to wondymoon you can add a little water park flare right into your Sims backyard! Well, well, well. . All about The Sims., The Sims 4 Greenhouse Haven: Create A Slice of Life By You: New and Exciting Info on Life Stages! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Sims 4 Pc. Wooden plank pool trim | 26. I honestly love this and I think it was a really creative way to make pool slides in the game! Now that weve finally taken a dip in the pool, we need something to dry us off. With a number of ways to create some exciting outdoor pool spaces for your Sims, the Cool Pools Kit has plenty to offer to give your Sims the pools they could only dream of! This pool cc sims 4 includes 14 items:1. For most people, it is the pool itself. Chin J Geol Hazard Control 28(03):3138 (in Chinese), Peng J, Wang S, Wang Q, Zhuang J, Huang W, Zhu X, Leng Y, Ma P (2019) Distribution and genetic types of loess landslides in China. Both are awesome., Wu Z, Ding B, Shao D (2019) Emergency investigation report on landslide disaster in Changhe town, Tongwei county, Dingxi city, Gansu province [R]. Change Log. Video Link. 1. the sims 4 ferris wheel fuction. The sims 4 has a catalogue of objects that you can use to make your sims home more interesting and creative. :shock: This is truly wonderful, thank you so much for posting. With 6 different swatches, the standouts include a yellow lounger with starfishes and a dark green lounger with ice cream cones plastered across it. This lot will work as a functional Pool lot or Generic. Enjoy this slide as part of the ultra-configurable Unlimited FunTimes series of playground equipment., Peoples Government of Tongwei County (2020) Geography Transportation [EB/OL]. All other assets & trademarks are property of their original owners. More like this. That is because a well-decorated pool can make simming more enjoyable and even help build friendships among nearby sims. It can also be bought as part of a playground set called "BamCo's All-Inclusive Toddler Jungle Gym" for 5,000. A summer pool party is always fun. The heat repellent plastic construction will ensure that your shorts-clad legs remain safe and cool as you slide. Its just one click away. The authors especially appreciate the work of the editor and the useful comments provided by the reviewers. finally more toddler compatible items!!!!! Submit a YouTube video. Supporter. I made only two for now (wood planks and stone pavement), and might consider do more in the future: just give me time to recover , I will also share the build of this awesome contemporary house soon , | 18. (April 26th, 2023). the sims 4 new objects pool. Where to find (TS3): Pool section; Inspo btw since for each game the way sims sit/lie on the floats is different then I made different versions for each game aswell. livelihoods [4-6]. No one ever thought a lifeguard chair would ever be needed in The Sims, let alone be used. Pool Slides are a new pool feature that keeps sims active and engaged. Outdoor chair | 16. The gummy bear styled seat is adorable, just be sure not to pop it! Study of the formation conditions and failure mechanism of the Changhe landslide is of great significance for the early identification and risk prevention of this kind of landslide in the loess region of Northwest China. South-To-North Water Transfers Water Sci Technol 13(01):123126 (in Chinese), Zhang MS, Liu J (2009) Controlling factors of loess landslides in western China [J]. Most of what I use is for my decades challenge and royal family gameplay, along with a few quality of life mods. Landslides 17, 21452160 (2020). Its the perfect addition to your Sims 4 home, too. It has several swimming pools which are always popular with all the sims of your town. Chin Sci Bull 59(20):23962409. The water floor gives your sims a fun and relaxing way to play with their environment while they are getting some rest. Why not take your Cool Pools to the next level by also integrating Mr Olkans Better Pools Custom Content Pack too! On the basis of site investigation, Google satellite image, unmanned aerial vehicle photography, and numerical simulation, the deformation and failure characteristics of this landslide are described in detail, and the possible inducing factors and failure mechanism are preliminarily assessed. And did I mention this also comes with a tiny drink holder float? Welcome to another sims 4 mod review, in this one I'm reviewing the pool slide mod by necrodog! Modders being epic Download: Website: Origin ID: Iron_Seagull Seasons LP House: About My Sims and SimUniverse: #TheSims4 #Sims4Mods__________Social Media: Twitter: Livestreams on Twitch: Instagram: Tumblr: from:Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.comaudionautix.comMusic also from Stevia Sphere: Recorded With:OBS StudioAudacityAudio-Technica AT2020USBPLUS Deluxe USB MicrophoneEdited With:Final Cut Pro X #fantacornfamDOWNLOAD :'t forget to subscribe to become a member of the FANTACORN FAMILY and hit the BELL so you'll never miss another video!You can find all my creations on the gallery under my Origin ID RealFantayzia or under the hashtag #fantayzia---------------------------------------------------MERCH SECOND GAMING CHANNEL CHANNEL W/ MY HUSBAND SERVER ID: FantayziaYT---------------------------------------------------SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER : INSTAGRAM : ALPHA TUMBLR : MAXIS MATCH TUMBLR : CURSE NETWORK What mic do you use? Rode Podcaster- What editing program do you use? Filmora- What computer do you have? Check the about section on my channel page for details on that- What default eyes do you use? Whisper eyes : What default skin do you use? Moonlight V2 : What eyelashes do you use? Kijiko 3D Lashes : How do you raise your sims needs by clicking them? Sometimes, kids arent ready to take the leap into the big boy pool. There are a few pool ideas that have caught our attention that we think you should check out! Sims 4 Cheats & How to Use Them (New 2023 List), How to play aggressive like a PRO in Modern Warfare. Did we mention that the pools come with twenty-seven swatches to chose from, three of which come with a new water animation too? All news about the The Sims 5 and Sims 4 news and guides, Got a News Tip, Website Question or Proposal? In this list Ill share some of the best swimming pool custom content youll find online. Its worth mentioning that it is functional. The real standout is that the floor tiles have coordinated pieces to match the pool walls. 0:00 / 6:59 FUNCTIONAL POOL SLIDES IN THE SIMS 4! The movement of the landslide lasted for 12h, and the main landslide lasted for only 60s, with a runout distance of 60m and an average velocity of 5m/h. Superb Pool CC for The Sims 4 Inflatable Toddler's Pool Toddler Pool Pool Floats Pool Water Styles Custom Pool Water Realistic Pool Water Related Content Furniture Mods Superb Pool CC for The Sims 4 Inflatable Toddler's Pool Downloadlink (opens in a new tab) Toddler Pool Downloadlink (opens in a new tab) Pool Floats Regardless, who doesnt want to float in the water sitting on a giant gummy bear? Currently it's only available to children, with future update to include teens. All you need to do is follow this download-link. Definitely the perfect combination! Available as a pre-order/early purchase bonus. POOLSIDE LOUNGE PACK. May 19, 2022 at 11:00 AM. When you decide to slide, make sure you slide with the best - the Sweet Slide! Patreon. Floor beach towel | 3. But what if your sims could visit a brand new public pool? Brought to you by the same makers as the Sweet Seat, this sugar-coated slide promises nothing less than a ride into a world of sweet treats and candied dreams. You get some inflatables, lounges, parasol and more. As one of the best looking items on this list, wondymoon tops himself with how great these items look. But they are all great and worth giving a try. Cushion | 5. This pink and purple bear floaty looks just as good to sit on as it does to eat. Tumblr Sims 4. With a curved slide and bright colors, you'll no longer have to find joy in others misfortunes. With these pool sliders, you sims can have an exciting new way to enjoy their time at the pool. Lock your cupboards no more, parents! Thanks to Dylan for the head up! And thats the beloved floaty. Diving board | 11. Unicorn Floater | 19. Notes. The Sims 4 is one of the most addicting games to date. Muebles Sims 4 Cc Sims 4 Gameplay Sims 4 Characters Heyho, Anon! You can see the Cool Pools Custom Content Kit in action below! Wang, H., Sun, P., Zhang, S. et al. It has a fun score of 1 and builds the movement skill. Mr Olkan is a well known within The Sims community as a talented builder in The Sims 4 and over the years has created a number of beautiful and outstanding creations. And just like real-life, your Sims are ready to cannonball into their summer too! This slide comes in a gorgeous white metallic polished off with the actual slide being a sleek teal. Landslides Outdoor loveseat | 15. Sims 4 Downloads J Hana Always Maxi Sims 4 Tattoos Gym Decor Hopscotch Sims 4 Clothing Sims 4 Custom Content As requested by @standardheld here are a few conversions from Sims 3 to Sims 4. The Sims 4 community is rediscovering untidy clothes, life belts, and life guard chairs as part of their catalogue of decor objects. Pool light | 8. The Island Living expansion is a must for these, but its definitely worth it if you want to lazily float in style. Its so refreshing to have something that is very different for our sims in their pool outfits and makes them look a little more fashionable. V the slide is adfly. A secure livelihood is the main goal of human activities. You could add some new pool toys, like inflatable animals and outdoor games. The three swatches included here also give a realistic touch, without sacrificing a nice design. hamilton dueling pistols university of birmingham staff pay dates 2021 sims 4 functional pool slide; 29. The lamp-like structure alone gives you the vibe that this would actually sit by a pool or near a beach. COOL POOLS CC KIT || Round & Custom Designed Pools || The Sims 4 || Full Package. Seismological Press, Beijing, Peng D, Yang S, Li XB (2017) Distribution and mechanism of loess landslides induced by earthquake in Tongwei, Gansu Province [J]. Sims4 Clothes . We suggest that the perched water mainly came from the dominant seepage channels such as sinkholes and underground rivers. The Waxbottom Slide is built with integrated Hyper-Wax 2300 Speed Solution to make it the fastest slide on the planet. -Bar Cart Lemon Queen. pools, slides, and sandcastles!become a member of the suga squad: aren't these cc creators, creativ. It comes in two sleek color options, classic white and satin gray. With anti-gravity being so prevalent now-a-days, its sometimes nice to experience it in all its glory! Kicking off our list is a simplistic pool side bed by creator Nikadema. This pirate ship jungle gym makes any backyarrrrrrrd a high seas adventure. 1. sims 4 new cars colection fuction. 14 pool steps | 24. This diving ladder by jools-simming is an awesome take for those looking to dive, backflip, or cannonball into watery goodness! SNOOTYSIMS covers mod and custom content guides, howto's and everything else you need for your sims. The majority of the Cool Pools Kit is Base Game compatible, however, you will need The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion for three of the custom pool shapes. Pool Slide. They are also a very versatile material and can be used in many other areas of your Sim 4 home. I'm not sure if we're allowed to post mods, but I just had to post this one! I basically did a frankenmesh with them so it could fit with the animation lol these are the different versions below! We hope you enjoyed our inspiring article, and we hope you find an idea to build your dream pool in the sims 4. We were really excited to have found this outfit, and we are so happy with the result. | The Sims 4 - YouTube 0:00 / 6:00 #Sims4Mods #TheSims4 #TheSims FUNCTIONAL POOL SLIDES MOD! Roland's Cole playground masterpiece - the Slidenfraude - takes that joy and magnifies it. Just click and select "Slide". Especially since the vanilla diving boards in The Sims 4 are rather generic. Is that its an interactive lot! just saw that and was about to post it, but anywayhere is the direct link. You'll marvel at how swiftly they start scampering up the side to slide! There are no standalone slides in the base game, but this particular jungle gym has one attached at the back that children can play on. They just look so relaxed. Join. Sims 4 pool CC Custom Content Downloads. Along with 3 different colors, each color also has a different floor design to boot. Argyle tiles wallpaper and floor | 28. When the sun sets, you can use a swimming pool light to illuminate the water. Muebles . But my personal favourite goes to the sea turtle. In addition, sinkholes on the previous sliding body are the key factors controlling the boundary of the landslide. Downloads this month: 730 Total downloads: 8.3M. All I can say about this one is Simstagram will never be the same. Not to mention, its shape makes it great to place poolside beds or deck chairs perfectly underneath it. Unicorn Floater | 19. Here you go: Wooden Swing The monkey bars still need a matching version. Stone pavement pool trim | 27. They can be purchased from buy mode and placed on any residential lot. Slide your bum down the Unlimited FunTimes HeatSafe Slide all afternoon without fear of burning your exposed skin on a hot surface! Sims Cc. A large-scale loess landslide occurred in Xiaozhuang Village, Changjiahe Town, Tongwei County, Gansu, at approximately 11:00am on September 14, 2019. Comments. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. . Slides are fun objects in The Sims 2: Apartment Life, The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. Follow this page to install. Mod The Sims - Pool Slide The Sims 4 Skin The Sims 4 Pc Sims Four Sims 3 Sims 4 Game Mods Sims Sims 4 Body Mods Sims 4 Cc Kids Clothing Sims 4 Mods Clothes More information . Lol, I was just looking at that two seconds ago. To download this one, click here. J Asian Earth Sci 170:329350. Lounge chair | 6. Google Scholar, Chen T, Zhang PZ, Liu J, Chuan YL, Zhi KR, Kenneth WH (2014) Quantitative study of tectonic geomorphology along Haiyuan fault based on airborne LiDAR [J]. There are also two new decorative items that come in the form of some pool steps and a floor level to gives a varied depth to the pools. Everyone and their mother has seen someone on Instagram floating in a flamingo floaty. A large-scale loess landslide occurred in Xiaozhuang Village, Changjiahe Town, Tongwei County, Gansu, at approximately 11:00 am on September 14, 2019. Children are the only Sims that can play on the slide. For those looking to float in a laid-back blew out my flip flop style, this recolor of the Trip to Hawaii Lounger by hoidernus is the way to go. As we slide into our top 2 we have wondymoon making his second appearance on this list. The Sims Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Copyright 2023 Sims Community | All Rights Reserved. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Part of Springer Nature. All Rights Reserved. The blue having a dolphin design, the red with mermaids, and the green with various aquatic animals. Please tell me for any problems you may experience. This accessory will allow you to make your pool space fit your lifestyle like never before. Here's a set of new objects for your swimming-pool, with some floating objects, like foam noodles, boards or lanes, some decorative objects like lane cart or pole, a stackable locker, seats (a bench and a stack of pool loungers as sofa). What makes a good pool?, Zhuang JQ, Peng JB, Xu C, Li Z, Densmore A, Milledge D, Iqbal J, Cui Y (2018) Distribution and characteristics of loess landslides triggered by the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake, northwest of china. Yes, there are plenty of ways to relax in the shade that are in-game. Sims 4 Hair Male. Livelihood is thus the major driving force of evolution of human-land systems. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! Feel free to., Article Now you can tell your friends you climbed on top of an elephant and slid down its trunk! // CREATE YOUR OWN WATER PARK MOD INSTALLATION & OVERVIEW Simthesia 4.97K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K views 2 years ago DOWNLOAD HERE :. Grab it now! Rev Geophys 57:421503. There's no greater joy than that of sliding. Mattress floater | 20. The possibilities are endless. But moving away from the edible tubes, we also have a solid gold design, a sparkling sky blue, and a rainbow colored tube. Natural stones have been used in pools for centuries, creating welcoming and relaxing pools for those who visit them. Unless youre building an actual waterpark. My CC will always be free but I am supported by the most wonderful simmers who I am so grateful to call my friends. The Sims 4 Kits: Full Basement Treasures Overview. Pool is never a bad idea. Eng Geol 105:134150. It needs some tweaks in the footprint tuning, cause the sim will walk into the object. Includes 43 items; Everything is basegame compatible BUT: - The diving platform will function only if you own Get Together, it will just be decor otherwise - The floaties exist in two versions: basegame or Island living. Trademarks mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners. Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Sun P, Li R, Jiang H, Igwe O, Shi J (2017) Earthquake-triggered landslides by the 1718 Tongwei earthquake in Gansu province, Northwest China [J]. 1. Create a sim In create a sim you will find a handful of cool swimming gear. Enjoy! Geological disaster prevention engineering survey and design institute of Gansu Province, Xu L, Dai F, Tu X, Tham LG, Zhou Y, Iqbal J (2014) Landslides in a loess platform, North-west China. Advertising: Playwire | Comments: OpenWeb. Its hard to beat the simple fun of the sliding board. It has a fun score of 8. Water colors, This set contains 40 new items around the pool area: floaties, pool ladder, diving board and platform, waterfall cascade, lounge chairs, hammock, beach towels, sofas, chairs, coffee table, side table, new curly palm trees, tiles wallpaper and floor, deco pool steps and, As those who follow my creations might understand, those items are unseen in the sims 4 cc community as they are not clonable by either S4S or TSRW. Sul Sul! Everything that your virtual kids will love. wheeeee!!! There aren't that many poses in the Sims 4 but luckily now you can let your sim characters do the work with these 12 poses. The Cool Pools Custom Content Kit is available to download now from Mr Olkans Patreon right now and will be available publicly on 9th of June! If youd like to try it out, visit this page. It is a great way to add some variety in your game for those who are looking for something unique or just bored of the same old look. Kiddie Pool and interactive water activities for toddler sims. Or you could build an outdoor bar so everyone can have a drink while they enjoy the cool breeze. This marshmallow pool float is perfect for summertime and swimming pools. Donut floater | 21. Sneak peaks. everything you need to know. More information Mod The Sims - Pool Slide More like this The Sims 4 Pc Sims Cc Sims 4 Piercings Sims 4 Kitchen Tumblr Sims 4 Muebles Sims 4 Cc Sims 4 Bedroom the one in the middle is available for both games. The Tongwei earthquake in 1718 and the Haiyuan earthquake in 1920 caused the slope to slide multiple times in history. I honestly love this and I think it was a really creative way to make pool slides in the. Subscribe the SnootySims Newsletter to receive a list of the 100 Best Sims 4 Mods! A pool that provides one to chill and relax. (, Sims 4 CC: 18 Best Shades & Sunglasses (Free Custom Content), Sims 4 Home Office CC: The Best Custom Content To Download, Sims 4 Disney CC: Best Custom Content & Mods To Try Out, Sims 4 Elf CC: Best Elf Ears, Clothes, & Other Custom Content, Sims 4 CC: Best Final Fantasy Mods & Custom Content, Best Sims 4 Pool Party Stuff: Free CC, Mods & Poses, 15 Best Fallout 4 Quest Mods For Extra Content. Summer is in full throttle. One way that has been used a lot is to add them into The Sims 4. Welcome to another sims 4 mod review, in this one I'm reviewing the pool slide mod by necrodog! Our Summertime Fun Slide is quick and easy to assemble, and every unit we sell has passes a rigorous 12-point safety check. The pool can touch as much of the wall as you like, but the channel to the outside pool can only be one or two wall pieces wide. Sims 4 Mods Clothes. Casas The Sims 4. Thank you so much for your support, this means the world to Me! Well, maybe just me but now we can actually apply these tiles to our pools! <3 -Agave Angustifolia Marginata. I'm so excited to share my first own CC! I had so much fun during whole process and I hope you enjoy it too! Thank you so much for your support! The anticipation of climbing the ladder, the rush of slipping down the slide! Bedroom Ideas for the Sims Custom Content, The Sims 4 Curses Learn How to Cast Spells, Sims 4 Beach House That You Need to Check out. Kids will adore the cute design and parents will love the no-stick coating. Watch Review Video and Download Here . Curly palm trees | 25.
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sims 4 pool slide cc