sims 4 high school graduation mod

I personally love the concept of this mod, no matter how simple it seems. When they're at home, you can end their break at any time using the phone menu. *Additional content requires separate purchase & all base game updates. Note: unlike Zeros mod, this mod doesnt have a built-in option to quit school. These cheats allow you to alter some of the new Traits introduced in this latest expansion pack. Created specifically for the previous mod (Zerbus Go To School), this mod adds a fully built and fully furnished Elementary School for your little kiddos to run around in! There are six available Field Trip options, and Sims will spend the whole school day wherever the field trip ends up being located. FandomSpot is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by any brands or trademarks on this site unless explicitly stated. With the Seasons expansion pack installed, Sims can sometimes get snow days. While working on a related mod I realized that the High School Years hanging clothes, while marked as dressers, are missing the tuning that would make them actually function. With a max level of 5, you can swap out the number at the end of the code for your desired level should you wish. But be sure you read the creators notes on the download page thoroughly so you can fully enjoy the mod! Your school sims can enjoy ballet, dance club, debate club, karate, volleyball, and the yearbook club, among many others! This is because it takes place inside of the stadium in a rabbit hole. 13. Different degrees are beneficial for their relative career types. It also lets your Sims spend more time outside the School Rabbit Hole. School for them is now just from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Lastly, the Teenage Rebellion aspiration is for sims who want to use their angst to progress through their teenage lives. After the ceremony is over, your sim will show up outside of the stadium with other grads. Also, body hair, with natural growth over time will be added, with the ability . Email is Zero also has the Sheldon Cooper mod which adds night school and the opportunity to earn a scholarship for university. Sims can now graduate from high school! This should bring up the cheats menu. Intel HD 4000 (Integrated Graphics) or better. All you need to do is put down a school lot on a Library, Chalet Gardens, Park, or Generic Lot (might we recommend sim4funs Elementary School mod?) The Sims 4: The Graduation Mod || Functioning Event (Mod Review) SpringSims 36.4K subscribers 20K views 6 years ago Have you ever wanted to throw a graduation for your teen sims? Playable School Event works completely fine with just the Sims 4 Base Game. For general. God forbid you didn't receive an invite to prom. All high school students can graduate no matter what lifespan you play on. There's a Graduation Event Mod that you can set up like a Party Event and there's a mod that allows children and teens to quit and restart school without it effecting their grades or their character values. Preschool lasts about 8 hours every weekday, and while they're away, they'll have their needs met and even learn new skills and character values. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A new interaction that reads Attend School Online should pop up. Inflict that suffering on your Sim, if you're that way inclined. Created by Zerbu, this mod has recently been updated to version 5. So your College Sim can practice burning Mac n Cheese to their hearts content. **Conditions and restrictions apply. It comes in three different swatches as the original Sims 3 ones. This set includes four items. A Sims 4 modder has announced their plans to help the upcoming High School Years Expansion Pack before the game has even released. You can place yearbooks, ask for recommendation letters, and talk with classmates in new dialog options. Sure, it sort of forces you to play through the entire Discover University pack. First, your sim will want to work on their degree relative skills to get accepted for specific degrees. A Sim graduates high school upon aging up to a young adult. And F students dont come home until 4PM. So any mod that gives Toddlers, Children, Teens, and Elders a chance to shine is an automatic win in my book. Also, I am support on Sims After Dark, a sims discord server that offers troubleshooting. Assign outfits based on Body Frame (Adult/Child), and Fashion Preference (Masculine/Feminine) then restrict by Situation Jobs or Careers, and limit to specific Regions. It has a cooldown. RELATED: The Sims 4: Everything You Need To Know About Ravasheen's Into The Void Mod. In the middle of the event, graduates will throw their caps into the air and graduate! I know it. The first part of the event is the ceremony. SNOOTYSIMS covers mod and custom content guides, howto's and everything else you need for your sims. This simple mod replaces the Jester with second Prom Royalty. Under that, theres an option to Max School Performance. Thus, we hope that with these mods that we handpicked for you, you will be able to give the best adventures for your sims who are in their teens or are completing their school milestones. If you want to demote your Sim in this career, simply switch out the word "promote" in the code with the word "demote". Heres your download link. But if it brings people together, that's all that matters! Sims 4 No School Mod How To Quit School? But let me break it down, anyway. Trademarks mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners. This is the official Sims Community News & Media Platform, running for almost a decade! Its realistic in the sense that the chances of being offered the jump arent very high to begin with (because Universities have standards, okay?). Once your Sim is no longer a Teen and isn't attending school, a 'High School Graduation' event will appear on the calendar, on a Sunday. The biggest differences are (1) it also gives Children the option to stay out of school, and (2) it leaves Children and Teen Sims alone from the get-go. Modders even continue to work on The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, adding and polishing new features in yearsor decades-old games. This can be installed and used by itself. Make your bedroom your own, plan outfits with clothes designed by Depop sellers, and become a Simfluencer! This mod will allow you to plan a custom graduation event. Tag: High School Graduation High School Reunion Event Published on July 12, 2020 Required Game Pack: Seasons Other Requirements: High School Reunion Lot Trait Main Goal Take Selfies with High School Classmates Goals Figure out Who's Single or Married Chat about HS Rivalries A new daily task, Research Teaching Methods, will boost a Sim's work performance, as will new Work from Home assignments such as answering emails, writing reports, and attending meetings. Its all very catered towards crafting a story of this bright, ambitious, overachieving teen that desperately wants to get into their Dream University, and I am here for it! Pretty pricey in-game, but hey. They can basically hang around the house as they please with no fear of repercussion or penalty until their birthday. This mod is also from the creator MSQSims. SNOOTYSIMS covers mod and custom content guides, howto's and everything else you need for your sims. There are thirteen different degrees your sim can earn, and four different degree types. So, we collected the best TS4 mods for school and teens that we think youd like! Pranks and sneaking out after dark can have consequences, so be careful you dont get caught. On success, theyll get confident, and will perform the cap-throwing thingy. After you decide what kind of degree you want your sim to have and brush up on their skills, all your sim needs now is a computer to apply. This intuitive mod by Zerbu pretty much follows the same theme. You can use them as decorative objects or as pose accessories. this education overhaul mod gives us so many new things for school and it's so realistic! I hope you all enjoy my channel. Your Sim and other graduates will show up in a graduation robe. Intel HD and Iris Graphics from the HD 4000 series or newer. There are specific days and hours for the activities selected. Maybe you dont have the University DLC, or maybe you would rather just see your teen sims graduate high school Dont worry! Requires High School Years of course because if you dont have it you dont need to fix the objects that come with it!, The game re-rolls wants when your Sim wakes up, so, thats cool, but if you dont want to wait until then, you can use this interaction., This mod disables the animation for all age groups other than teens; with this installed, only the teens will use the phone animations when walking., This Mod stops Sims from changing their Phone Color each time they travel or a Household gets loaded unless they do indeed have the default Phone Color. UI Cheats Extension : Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: #sims4mods Artificially create another using this code. Experience all the ups and downs of high school. Adeepindigos Education Overhaul mod could be downloaded here. Also, added tweaks to make having high charisma or being part of cheer or football gives higher chance of being crowned prom royalty., This is a small tuning mod that allows for your Sims to actually browse at the new thrift store clothing racks that came with The Sims 4 High School Years.. One popular example is adeepindigo's Education Overhaul mod: not only does it add new elements to the game's education system for everyone from toddlers to teens, but it also introduces its own brand-new features. Zero's mod is based on chance, grades, and whether the sim has the genius trait. The Sims 4 High School Years: Official Reveal Trailer Experience High School Experience all the ups and downs of high school. That's ok! This mod, which is once again from creator Triplis, gives our sims the choice to quit school whenever they like, and to re-enroll if they want to! Sims 4 Preschool Mod: A New Education System? How to attend graduation in Sims 4 High School Years. The last part is when everyone talks and has fun. Meanwhile, the Online Schooling mod gives students the opportunity to attend school virtually. Aside from making school a playable event, that same creator made an Education System Bundle Mod that basically adds a whole bunch of beneficial goodies to TS4s current education system. It allows a simple school and teens tweak in the gameit lets your teenage sims attend school for only a short period of time. (Interactions in Class and Active After School Activities) If you want to improve school-based gameplay in The Sims 4, adeepindigo has the mod for you. : Event Mod: Cap and Gown CC: Here to Subscribe for more AMAZING content: Here to Subscribe to my VLOG CHANNEL: MediaVLOG Channel: SpringSimsTwitter: Plus: Series To Check Out Back To School 2016 (Sims Edition): Top Ten Sims 4: Create A Sims: Must See Sims 4 Series: Sims 4: Bohemian Creations: Everyone! The premise for this mod is pretty much the same as Telfords Drop Out of High School mod. Sims 4 ability for these Teen sims to 'Graduate' high school. Both of which have two variants. Anyway, let us move on to presenting the next 10 social events that are included in this amazing Sims 4 events mod! Now, kids and teens can enjoy a lot of momentous events at home or celebrate their holidays with family because of this really generous vacation system. Now they can, with this cool little mod from, once again, creator Ilkavelle. Every time (100%) What is your current game version number? This post may contain affiliate links. Keep up that reputation and see what happens! Sims with Silver or up unlocks an interaction to Tell Graduation Story. If aging is on, teen Sims will age up to an adult after their graduation ceremony. Though they can often have a hard time being taken seriously. The experience is fun and definitely worth it. Originally, the allowed number of sims in the lots is maxed at 20. The Prom Royalty aspiration challenges your sim to become popular and get the prom crown. Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), Intel Core i3-3225 3.3 GHz (2 cores, 4 threads) or better, Support for Metal. There are also new gameplay add-ons such as writing on journals, gossiping, mental health activities, and more. But for the sake of narrative, experience, and realistic gameplay? Whew, what a relief for our non-studious kid sims. Take control of the threads around your hoods by instituting uniforms! Anyone who attends a ceremony gets a graduation photo. With this mod, your children and teen sims can join post-school activities much like an adult sim joins a career. The Better Schools Mod allows more interactions in school. Check out these incredible (and incredibly fun) school mods to actually make learning fun again. MissyHissy's Form Groups at School MissyHissy's Phone Animation for Teens Only ChippedSims' Locker Overhaul NateTheL0ser's No High School Situational Outfit NateTheL0ser's Cheer Meet uses Cheer Uniform SimsModelSimmer's Two Prom Royalty NateTheL0ser's Leave Me Alone about Early Graduation SimsModelSimmer's Expanded Thriftea In The Sims, there are mods for almost anything. What is more, the mod fixes a lot of clothing limitations in the game, Now, there will not be any more velcro school footwear. Wrapping up this list with yet another cool mod from Zero. Thank you! Which means your Toddler or Child will not automatically enroll in school once they age up. The creator actually recommends installing Triplis Child and Teen can Quit or Rejoin School mod to remove the risk of penalties! Click here for the best Custom Content for The Sims 4! If your Sim has enrolled in the university, or they just earned all credits and are waiting for the rabbit hole ceremony, you can plan your Sims 4 Graduation on the calendar or under their Phone Plan Social Event. Already this mod makes the game so much more realistic in the playability/events sense. To remove one of these Traits, simply put a minus "-" in front of the "100" in the code. This mod expands Trendi to generate a list of all CAS items you own (based on the packs you have installed). The premise is that the actual time your kid Sims get to leave school is based on their grades. They include a graduation cap and diploma. Education Overhaul adds two public schools, Bedlington Latin School, a specialized testing school, and Striker Alternative School, for students with learning, behavioral, or social-emotional difficulties. There are moments that burn into your memory for all the right (or wrong) reasons. You will also see on the calendar the day of the graduation party. 8. This closes off some interactions for them, but it definitely opens up more in terms of a career. The upcoming DLC will add a host of new Sims 4 high school-centric features for teens, including activities both before and after school. Its a very simple & very straightforward addition thats easy to use and light on the Mods folder (something Im sure many of us can appreciate). Thankfully, most of these school mods do exactly that: especially for Toddlers to Teens. Sims 4 Better School Mod Improve Schools! The reward is not included in the graduation of Fauxbury. You NEED These Mods to Fix High School Years and Wants & Fears // The Sims 4: Mod Review. Browse our list below and download them all! Your sim will need to have the required skills to pursue whatever degree they want to obtain. Whereas other age groups get stuck behind with limited interactions. Make a difference and transform the world around you. It requires Discover University Expansion Pack. Free on Patr. As the name suggests, installing this will make it so your Sim cannot become a Doctor, Scientist, Detective, Astronaut, or even Style Influencer without the appropriate University Degree. Product: The Sims 4 Platform:PC Which language are you playing the game in? Heres your download link to have the best Sims 4 graduation. Requires Discover University Expansion Pack. Which is why I found it pretty frustrating when my University Sims couldnt cook on Housing premises. Copyright 2023 Sims Community | All Rights Reserved. Family Reunion and Gathering - Gather all of your sim family to catch up! Then type "testingcheats on" to enable cheats. Graduating early from High School is a sign of intellectual excellence, and can help your Sim with their work prospects. I sometimes think the other age groups in TS4 dont get as much love as Young Adults (and Adults) do. Plus, read more about it here: Sims 4 Better School Mod Improve Schools! Just like Zerbus Go to School Mod, Stacies Playable School Events is a pretty exciting mod that allows you to join your Child and Teen Sims as they navigate Elementary and High School. The first is a little more selective, the second rewards hard work. You'll be able to invite over the private school headmaster and you'll need to convince them to let you into their school. And then shakes hands with them with congratulations. The Sims 4: How To Find, Install And Update Mods, The Sims 4: Everything You Need To Know About ItsKatato's Pre-Teen Mod, The Sims 4: Everything You Need To Know About Ravasheen's Into The Void Mod, The Sims 4: Everything You Need To Know About MissyHissy's Hobby Mod, Horizon: Forbidden West - All Burning Shores Datapoint Locations, The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Leaks Two Weeks Ahead Of Launch, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Mogu Bug Makes Your XP Impossible To Get Back. Click on any of the links below to automatically scroll to that section of this guide: This cheat allows you to promote or demote your Sim in the Simsfluencer career path. This mod by Ilex allows an overhaul of the school clothing system in The Sims 4. Go and visit this page to download this mod. Just like the previous iterations of the game with the exception of Sims 3 if you had Generations but even then the graduation ceremony didn't take place until after you aged up into a YA. While The Sims franchise has her heart, she also loves any game that could be called cozy. Just plop your Sim in front of a laptop or computer. Make your Sim fall head over heels for someone. SEE MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PACK. As for this set, it includes five decorative cupcakes. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. Posts will be deleted if you do. Your most treasured moments might happen while loitering around with your friends after school. (, Sims 4 School Uniform CC + Mods (All Free), Best Sims 4 High School Lots (All Free To Download), Top 20 Best School Girl Anime Characters Of All Time, The Best Magic School Anime Of All Time (Our Top Recommendations), Top 35 Best Anime About High School (Series & Movies), Top 10 Best Crush Weapons in Old School RuneScape, 25 Best Old-School Anime Worth Watching (Our Top Recommendations). And the distinguished degrees at Foxbury include Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Physics, Psychology, and Villainy. Between going to school and satisfying their needs, theres very little time left for them to finish their homework, work on Skills, and complete Extra Credit projects. and start the Event their via phone or calendar. "In The Sims 4 High School Years, the new Trendi Fashion feature was introduced, but only a limited number of CAS pieces can be used when creating a fashion look. So to not be able to sit my teen friendship groups together at lunchtime was a bit of a pain. You can check them out. Locker Overhaul by ChippedSim. The Simston Private School Mod gives your sims in The Sims 4 that same opportunity. Once your Sim chooses the Quit High School option (although there is the option to Continue High School if this particular Sim isnt the one you wanted to advance), an Application Letter is immediately sent out for your Teen. You can drop out and follow some other path. Here's a list of all the Sims 4 High School Years Cheats added to the game with this expansion, allowing you to have the ultimate control over your teenage Sims' fates. The alternate version allows Genius Teens and Teens that achieved an A in High School to enroll. Yep, because lets admit it, the teenage sims and the educational system in the game need refreshing refinements! The Sims 4 Greenhouse Haven: Create A Slice of Life By You: New and Exciting Info on Life Stages! These are Foxbury Institute Graduation and UBrite Graduation Ceremony. Boarding school students will also return home during summer and holiday breaks and after aging up to a teen - if they start boarding school as children. Glimpse of Youth (Energized +1): Get this buff when university students are around. However, If you see something out of the ordinary, please come by Sims After Dark and let me know!. There are two universities that your sim can attend: University of Britechester or Foxbury Institute. Click on that option and, boom. Regarding the elementary school, you can create school lots or download the ones available in the gallery. Now this mod by Triplis, I feel, is a solid middle ground. That means they wont come home with homework to do, they wont have to raise skills to certain levels, and they wont have to maintain grades. This Master Mod Creator has made a simple little TS4 mod that obliterates the University Housing Restrictions that prevent us from placing any sort of electrical cooking implement within a five-mile radius of University Housing. hosted_button_id:'3NAPCR55FMFTY', You can also look forward to the academic fun brought about by field trips, detentions, honor rolls, summer and winter breaks, and in-school events. A dialog box will appear asking your sim if they would like to attend the ceremony. Some skills require you to have. this education overhaul mod gives us so many new things for school and it's so realistic! All other assets & trademarks are property of their original owners. Sims are automatically enrolled in public school, as they are in the vanilla game. There are 3 all in all (from Buckingham High): If your Teen is neither a Genius nor a High School A student, they can still apply for the program. Then, in that case, I am a little irritated they have that there getting my hopes up that there is a chance for a sim teen to finish with school BEFORE hitting Yong Adult.. I swore I would mod out the constant phone use the second I saw it on the livestream. Combine this mod with Zeros Teens Jump to University mod for an even more realistic and exciting enrollment experience! This was created to address the issue of there just being not enough time for Teens. - There's another mod for that! It is the time to learn more about themselves and discover the paths theyd be taking later down in their lives. You reach a level with certain people where you don't even have to fully explain something for them to get it.
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sims 4 high school graduation mod