sheldon gets better friends fanfiction

When it turns out Charlie hates Alan and Walden and would like to kill them, the gang tries to avoid a conflict and they all get in a conversation with each other. He has no idea that Soprana is the one changing from Man to Woman with its powers. Major.Summary: Sheldon wont stop talking. Both Leonard and Sheldon trusted Penny and would open up to her about each other. Title: Happy Valentines Day! If I missed any facts, PLEASE tell me. Sheldon plans to propose to Amy. The focus of The Big Bang Theory was initially the friendship between Leonard and Sheldon, who worked and lived together. Title: The Science of Fellatio by moonlingRating: NC-17Word Count: 733Summary: Blowjobs and over-analyzation. Bradley Carbunkle and Sheldon Oswald Lee were the best of friends. Title: Pants Must Be Worn At All Timesby hitbyadeathcabRating: NC-17Word Count: 1,277Summary: Unlike you, Leonard, I do not suffer under the delusion that altering my intelligence or interests will improve my chances of sexual interaction with another person. Paige Swanson puts aside her differences with her former rival, in his new humbled defeated state, to comfort him at his most vulnerable. The So Explicit Comic Con Convention Flyer, The Solar Energized Battery Malfunction Solution, The Tech Crunch Disrupt Start Up Battlefield, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Part Two: How Long 'Till I Hit Bottom, Five Times Sheldon Lost And One Time He Really, Really Didn't, Deep in the Heart of the Mushroom Kingdom, You are a runner and i am my father's son. Shameless smut. After running into Sheldon and then Penny in the laundry room one night, she gets invited to meet the gang. Although the focus of the show was on Sheldon and Leonard's life with their friends, science experiments, and relationships, the bond between Sheldon and his neighbor Penny stole the show. Title: The Midnight Coalescence by hitbyadeathcabRating: PGWarnings: PreslashWord Count: 493Summary: Sheldon has a nightmare. Naturally he doesnt behave as a normal person should, Title: The Touch Paradigm Phenomenon by Jack Solo BlackRating: NC-17Word Count: 2,410Summary: Sheldon has a problem and he wants Leonards help. Without hesitation, Sheldon offered her money and told her to pay him back when he could. A professional writer and editor with 18+ years of experience, Christine, now a freelance writer/editor, is a self-professed TV fanatic with tastes that vary considerably from comedies to dramas, sci-fi, and more. Any stories that have descriptive sex in it will be marked (M), If you think any of these Fics belong in one of the other category threads, please let me know by PM, or by email at, There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. The Big Bang Theory: 10 People Sheldon Should Have Been With (Other But is Sheldon functional enough to be in a relationship? What Friends Do Chapter 1: Part I, a big bang theory fanfic | FanFiction How has this happened? And is the cat dead or alive? Sheldon and Penny couldn't be more different from one another. This was written under my other Author Name Texican2436 and i am posting it anew here :). One thing is for sure; it's never been easy for her as a woman in science. Penny went in after him and listened to his fears without pressuring or rushing him. Paige Swanson tries to comfort her now fallen and humbled rival. Title: Like Thisby Concupiscence66Rating: MWord Count: 775Summary: Angry, angsty established relationship smuttiness. Title: Shelnard by TalaDentroRating: R Word Count: 687Summary: A very short Sheldon/Leonard drabble. Title: Thiefby clumsyghostPairing: Leonard/Sheldon, pre-slashRating: NC-17Word Count: 3,406Warnings: Rape, angst, hurt-comfortPrompt from ANON: Sheldon has been brutally raped. Unexpectedly frank electronic correspondence brings two friends closer. And the two of them figure out, that the person they are met to be with, is right in front of them. Leonard disappears, and Howard and Raj get the idea Penny murdered him. Without Penny, Sheldon's relationship and friendship with the guys would have suffered. Although the focus of the show was on Sheldon and Leonard's life with their friends, science experiments, and relationships, the bond between Sheldon and his neighbor Penny stole the show. Title: I Am, You Are by automaticistRating: PG-13Pairing: unrequited Leonard/Sheldon; slight Leonard/OFC; mentions of one-sided Howard Wollowitz/Halle BerryWord Count: 3,417Summary: Five times Leonard thinks of Sheldon in a different light, and five times he tries to understand. Sheldon gets launched into space, but luckily he returns home. Sheldon's girlfriend Chapter 1: First Date, a big bang theory fanfic Objectively speaking. While Leonard and Penny did grow tired of Sheldon constantly being around, Penny respected Sheldon's space, rules, and routines. A fanfiction book of the life of Missy. Leonard's father visits and pisses his son off with the not-so-affectionate attitude Leonard went through with him in the past. The pair had mutual respect for one another, even though they didn't always show it. Much to everyones surprise. Title: Logic vs. There was even a time when Penny begged Sheldon to sing the song to her when she injured her shoulder. Leonard had no idea that he'd been out-maneuvered, and might not believe it if it were pointed out to him. Title: Destinedby clumsyghostRating: PGWord Count: 1, 489Warnings: AUSummary: Leonard and Sheldon meet as children. Bernadette and Howard go to the hospital so she can have a sonogram. They are such a wonderful odd couple. - Jim Parsons, NowAboutThatby Inozender (account deleted), After a bad break up, Penny turns to a friend for comfort. Hes faster than a speeding photon, able to know both where he is and how fast he is going at any given time and is able to bounce quarters off his star-spangled bottom. Penny gets upset and shuts herself away. She can usually be found binging a new show at night, coupled with a glass of red wine. That is until the cameras begin flashing again, imposing intrusions on all of their lives with fat juicy articles in both the medical and science communities. Title: Operation Normal by adoraberryRating: GWord Count: 1,068Summary: Sheldon realizes he isnt normal, and devises an experiment to test his hypothesis. Penny's care for Sheldon came from a protective place. They lived very different lives with different belief systems and priorities. One boy must cast off the shackles of normality, build his TRUE family, become a man, save the world. Title:Without Fail by Eve DavidsonRating: PG-13Word Count: 7,570Warnings: INCOMPLETESummary: Something bad happens to Sheldon, and Leonard tries to pick up the pieces. Season 7 Episode 24 The Status Quo Combustion: A year after Sheldon leaves Pasadena things are going great. One of the more important scenes was during Sheldon's birthday party. He ran appraising eyes over her, lingering on her hips. Then CalTech offers him everything hes ever wanted. Title: The Azure Arousal Experimentby callmejudeRating: RWord Count: 2,048Summary: Written for the prompt Somehow/for some reason Sheldon dyes his hair bright blue & it turns Leonard on :) at The Big Bang Kink meme. Introduced by author Isaac Asimov in 1942, The three laws of robotics are an essential defense for humanity against its own metallic creations. Part One: Best Laid Plans, Am I Happy Now? Established relationship. Thanks to Penny, Sheldon opened up to these things that he once found difficult. Bernadette tastes, "You will never know what it's like, I have blood type B positive, you have AB positive!" Eventually. Sheldon wants to be a child. It serves to catalogue all the fics that were posted on other sites. Title: Untitledby clumsyghostRating: PG-13 for some sexual talkWord Count: 604Prompt from ANON: Tickling in Bed. The two lifted each other up, even if sometimes egging each other on to do dumb things (like crashing a friend's date). In a pre-series alternate reality, Leonard and the guys wonder if Penny has a costumed secret identity. or if her name is even Penny Parker. Title: The Friendship Level by whitedarkchocolate Rating: GWord Count: 574Summary: Just a fluffy fic of Sheldon and Leonard. Leonard travels to other universes where everything didn't turn out the same. While they're opposites, there's no denying the pair's tight-knit bond. Jenny gets a new role in this new world I've created around them and their friends. Title: The Sexual Confrontation by starky_cooperRating: NC-17Word Count: 1,313Summary: Written for TBBT Kink Meme! All characters used, along with the source, belong to Rob Renzetti and Nickelodeon. Leonard comes across the last picture on the photoshoot. Title: Silence and Screaming by callmejudeRating: RWord Count: 8,852Warnings: Rape and lots of angst.Summary: Written for the prompt Sheldon has been brutally raped. When Sheldon's relationship timeline with Amy came to an end, Penny saw it coming but that didn't mean she wasn't' worried about how Sheldon was going to bounce back. Feel free to request! The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon Cooper and Paige better suited - Metro by alya <3 881 20 3 IN WHICH, Georgie Cooper isn't much of a romantic. Sort of. Lost and confused, Jenny must pick up the pieces if she and Vega are to reclaim Cluster Prime from the Cluster, all the while reconciling with her past and future mistakes. It's Like a Million Little Stars Spelling Out Your Name. RELATED:Sheldon & Amy's Relationship Timeline On The Big Bang Theory, Season By Season. AU but with instances from the show. Only to to his horror, he find everyone he knows is now older. When Penny vents to Sheldon about Leonard's promiscuity, Sheldon learns that it was with a woman named Mandy Chao. However, there's no denying the tightknit bond between these sitcom characters. This is why he created contractual obligations for his roommates and relationships. Sheldon Cooper/Original Female Character(s) - Archive of Our Own A songfic using the song Give Your Heart a Break by Demi Lovato. But when a pretty aspiring actress moved in across the hall, she became part of the clique as well. "Indeed, Penny. After trying to get back together with Penny, Leonard finds out why he can't from both her and Sheldon. However, if Sheldon ever wrote that book, he'd have to thank Penny for teaching him about things outside his interests. The Professor struggled to make money at children's birthday parties and was looking for a way back into the science community. The whole gang get together and talk about their past involving their childhood and teenage lives with their families. Sheldon's girlfriend Chapter 11: And after, a big bang theory fanfic She yells out "Who are you? Word Count: 758Summary: Sheldon doesnt know what to get Leonard for Valentines Day, so he does some research. Title: Waking UpbyevelynegreyRating: PGWord Count: 1500Warnings: AngstSummary: They are happy with the way life turned out but when things start to change, none of them is so sure any more. Ultimately a slash between Sheldon and Leonard but the first chapter is just Sheldon and Beverly. The episodes of young Sheldon but instead of Sheldon being the main focus of them you: Y/N M/N PROTECT. Even Sheldon has kept her distance from her. Everyone's lives are put at risk when Sheldon discovers Penny's big secret. An au of seasons 1-4 of digimon that takes place in the united states. Howard's half-brother Josh comes back to Pasadena to give a presentation on the ocean. I just rewatched The Middle Earth Paradigm and I want to see his lack of fighting skills disproven. Meanwhile, Raj and Emily go out for coffee. These characters should also return/appear and these things should also happen in future episodes: The Guys and Girls have encountered new problems: Bernadette is pregnant but had developed fatalfetal problems, Shamy gets pregnant, and all of them have to deal with an alien internet king who wants to put them in excellent light to the public. Title: The Boyfriend Agreement by Doctor Sexy. When they wake up the next morning, Sheldon discovers Charlie in his room and starts to scream, Berta and Jake are found by Leonard and Penny in their hotel room, Alan and Walden are at Raj and Bert's place. Three beautiful girls arrive at CalTech claiming to have special abilities and needing the four boys' help with something. Howard is so breathtaken he starts to innocently walk towards this figure, Bernadette stands there and shouts "What the hell are you doing????" But the college girls were constantly giving him very hard wedgies, that cleaved his buttocks apart. And will he see Jenny again?A different take of Good Ol Sheldon. Home of the superhero robot girl, XJ-9, aka Jenny Wakeman. While Sheldon and Leonard were supposed to be best friends, their friendship might not have lasted as long as it did without Penny as the buffer. Missing scene from S2E1. 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes The Big Bang Theory Fans Watch Over And Over, 10 Quotes That Prove Sheldon And Penny Have The Best Big Bang Theory Friendship, came across as though Penny and Sheldon weren't friends, Penny and Sheldon had some of the best quotes, Penny and Leonard as an extension of his parents, Sheldon & Amy's Relationship Timeline On The Big Bang Theory, Season By Season, Every Season Of The Big Bang Theory From Worst To Best, According To Ranker. Please consider turning it on! Title:Whatever Worksby Concupiscence66Rating: MWord Count:25,140Summary:A visit from Leonards mom takes an unexpected turn and the effects are far-reaching. Title: Sleeping Pill by InsaneAndHappyAboutItRating: NC-17Word Count: 7,765Summary: Sheldon is feeling sexually frustrated and he, being a robot, has no idea how to deal with the situation. Penny overhears something she shouldn't have, which leads to more than just her curiosity being peaked. Or maybe not disprovendont make him a kung fu expert or anything. She also protected him when someone hacked his virtual game and stole the cherished items that he worked so hard for. He panicked when he had so many people over to see him and he went into the bathroom to clear his mind. Title: The After Effect by frazthealienRating: PG-13Word Count: 7,957Summary: The gang attempts to hook Sheldon up with a nice girl he meets at a convention and things dont quite work out as they planned. Even as perfect one tries to be, there is always shadows that go astray off the path that anyone wishes to hide. Howard suggests, "Maybe you should see what it's like to taste the blood of the horrendous wounds I have suffered as a result of your actions." Sheldon makes use of that time in an unexpected way and figures out exactly what he wants. We hope you enjoyed, AND STAY YOUR BUTTS TUNED FOR THE NEXT UPCOMING FANFIC, "tHE SOPRANAFLATERSON ATOMIC REACTION". Now she is moving into a new apartment complex, issues and all, where the elevator is broken and a pretty blonde woman is her neighbour. She ends up getting close to Sheldon and soon romance blossoms in the only way Carly and Sheldon know how. With the related fields and varying specialization, it was inevitab Sheldon misses amy when she goes on a long trip, he wishes for her to return. This is a time for heros!..but also villains. Sheldon Cooper/Penny - Works | Archive of Our Own lol. at The Big Bang Theory Kink Meme. Sheldon Stories - Wattpad Any stories that were consideredSupernatural, Fantasy, Spy/Secret Agent, Superhero/Villian, Disaster, or can be consideredpart of a different universe (like Harry Potter, Firefly, etc) are now in the, If you think any of these Fics belong in one of the other category threads, please let me know byPM, or by email at, There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. What happens when Leonard needs Sheldons help? Penny wonders where he life would be if she had never moved into the apartment across from the guys in this alternate reality scenario. Some might even argue that their friendship was the best of them all, but why? Penny catches Leonard kissing another girl. 3. Leonard/Sheldon. It will be both the same and yet slightly different. Title:Lovesickby clumsyghostRating: PG-13 for very mild languageWord Count: 2, 035 including lyricsWarnings/Notes: Unbetad. London, Paris, Cairo, Athens, Tokyo, Moscow, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Berlin, Johannesburg, somewhere), Sheldon pulls out his family engagement ring and proposes to Amy. Goes AU from ep 2x11, Sheldon realises he has feeling for Penny and does something about it. Bed made, clothes in the hamper, jacket by the door, and the kitchen was immaculate. a new girl in Caltech with a higher IQ than Sheldon Cooper?An impossibility has now been attained, and Mr Cooper and the gang are having a hard time adjusting. Jenny visits Sheldon for a favor but discovers he's sick, the only problem is that she had never taken care of a sick person before. Title: Heat Waveby clumsyghostRating: NC-17Word Count: 1,630Summary: Ice cream porn. Just as Sheldon cared about Penny, she too cared deeply about him, even if she sometimes seemed cold at times. Title: The Covalent Bond Concealmentby clumsyghostRating: NC-17Word Count: 8,502Summary: Sheldon and Leonard hide their relationship from the Cooper family. With Sheldon's mother and sister in Texas, Penny was the closest thing he had to a sister. Some episodes don't have to be original and can be theories based released episode titles. I dont think my love for him will ever change and Im not sure if thats good or bad. He is utterly angry that he rushes to the place, finds her, bangs her up on the wall and starts to beat, only to discover that a formidably attractive young woman is standing there. Title: Untitled by inoukenRating: PGWord Count: 554Summary: Well, that doesnt make any sense. Sheldon sounded deeply aggrieved. For Additional Lore not shared in the story itself check out the discord where I share interesting extra information found in the link below. Title: 3 clumsyghostPairing: Leonard/Penny, Sheldon/Leonard, mention of Howard/BernadetteRating: PG?Word Count: 5,479 + 224Warnings: Character death, OC.Summary: Five years after the death of his wife, Leonard is reluctant to move on. He ends up with more questions than answers. Meanwhile, a surprising handsome man meets Bernadette, who introduces himself as Soprana. Penny and Sheldon fought at times but it was exactly how brothers and sisters fought. Thank you so much! When they wake up the next morning, Sheldon discovers Charlie in his room and starts to scream, Berta and Jake are found by Leonard and Penny in their hotel room, Alan and Walden are at Raj and Bert's place. These are just his intense emotions manifesting into literal beings. But the more serious Leonard and Penny became, the more obvious it was that Sheldon found it easier to live with Penny than Leonard. Whereinwell, there is bone-breakage, and Leonard care. Title: Two Christmases by Empress ShellieRating: GWord Count: 1,879Summary:Leonard is feeling a little bad after he finds out during their Christmas-themed Dungeons & Dragons game why Sheldon isnt all crazy about the Holidays as he is. Stuff about Leonard and juicy stuff about Sheldon. First, in the doctor's office in Houston, secondly at a lecture her friend had taken her to. THE TITLE OF THIS FANFIC LOVER EPISODE IS CALLED, "The Sopranaflaterson Reaction Conundrum", written by Golden Globe Winning Internet pioneer Sopranaflaterson. Jenny has been the victim of bullying. She cared about how she looked and the clothes she wore and didn't know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek and frankly, didn't care. After so much attention on Sheldon, this is a story full of all the adventures and drama that meets Missy Cooper as she grows up. Title: Midnight Sun by MrpointyhornsRating: NC-17Word Count: 3,387Summary: At the North Pole, when the heat goes off, Leonard makes the decision to use the can opener to give false positive results in the experiment. Title: The Companionship Experiment by armybro8Rating: RWord Count: 5,759Summary: While visiting his mother for the weekend, Sheldon finds himself unable to sleep and seeks comfort in Leonard. This was shown when Sheldon went to Penny for acting advice and when Penny asked Sheldon to teach her physics. This is a Work in ProgressSheldon Cooper; Child Prodigy, Physicist, all around genius. L/N are. Meanwhile, Sheldon is hearing about all this drama and he is searching the internet for help. And that pissed her off more than anything else. Penny never had to worry if Sheldon had a hidden agenda. All it takes for Sheldons carefully constructed persona to start falling apart is the appearance of a singular female from his past. A one-shot collection of MLaaTR ships and scenarios. He paid no mind to other pop culture, outward appearances, partying, or drinking. Two people, in particular, had a unique and underrated friendship: Sheldon and Penny. SLASH. Even though she could be a bully to them, in many ways, she was both of their best friends and a person they trusted. The Big Bang Theory Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Together, they were a fun on-screen duo. . Sheldon was looking at her with that lost expression that proclaimed just how every contest of friendship ever went in his life. Anagnorisis: a change from ignorance to knowledge, producing love or hate between the persons destined by the poet for good or bad fortune.
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sheldon gets better friends fanfiction