sample supervisor comments on logbook

I mean, over the years, I have typed several how-to questions on the google search bar. Can you please smile often? 3. Hence, I have compiled supervisors comments and recommendations that you can easily refer to during your next performance review. He excels at any project assigned to him as he is able to form an efficient team to carry it out. 24 0 obj He is a good leader and is able to motivate others to put on their best for any task given to them. 16. 10. She has a knack for doing things in an unconventional way with excellent results. He recognizes each persons efforts and does not steal away the success of his team members. There is therefore the need for managers performance review to keep the manager on his/her toes, to ensure the effective management of the team or organization. You are able to discover new and innovative methods to solve challenges. You have shown great commitment to the growth of this team through your sacrifices and by going the extra mile to accomplish every given task. Nevertheless, NO ONE is exempted from this. 7. Below are a few examples that can be used as supervisor comments and recommendations in different areas: Punctuality and Timeliness: Being punctual at work is no doubt essential quality workers must possess to meet up with set goals or targets. Has always kept abreast of the goals and visions of the company and has never derailed from any. (Student) was a delight to work with and I know she will be successful in what ever she does. While you can directly apply the listed sample comments to your appraisal procedure, two key concepts we wish to deliver and remind are: Your Feedback Should Be Concrete: Feedback should cover action and result, instead of simply showing a list of adjectives. He is too bossy and does not treat co-workers with due regard, Related Post: Short Professional Compliments. Select the Get form key to open the document and start editing. Your work is still below output standard. 2. You display a high level of consistency in your work output. He maintains a culture of knowledge-sharing across all levels in the department. 9. She is always wanting them to be at their best state. 15. It is saddening to know that the monthly financial report you presented, does not tally with financial transactions for the month. He is one of the few that communicates openly with his team and doesnt withhold necessary information from them. If you have contracted an illness or a virus that prohibits you from reporting to work, you surely worry that your boss will dismiss you. Things will not always go as planned. He is too bossy and does not treat co-workers with due regard, Related Post: Short Professional Compliments. More so, giving your recipients the much-awaited feedback shouldnt be an arduous task, as I have put together some examples of performance evaluation comments to make it easier. stream He recognizes each persons efforts and does not steal away the success of his team members. You should be more careful with the use of your tone when addressing customers. Then start filling the logbook with daily work done. 1. 2. Therefore, you cannot afford to be slack in preparing an opening remark for a program as everyone is attentively waiting to hear what, Read More [2023] Official Welcome And Short Opening Remarks For A Program In EnglishContinue, Have you ever thought, what is better than sending a long appreciation message to my love? Timeliness in meeting up deadlines is also of utmost importance. She is quite clear in letting each team member know his or her duty and what is expected. xc`~Q(d l0Lv >&?Lcw/y A Manager performance review provides important feedback which according to findings, increases their performance by 8.9%. 3. Your confidence and positivity are contagious, it is evident in your teammates. Please kindly share updates on time and to everyone concerned so the right action can be taken at the right time. Not knowing what to write on a performance review for an employee in various areas that need to be addressed, can be troubling most especially when your workers are earnestly waiting for feedback from you. 7. She is always at loggerheads with other team members. He has succeeded in creating a team that works collaboratively to finish projects at a much faster rate. Supervision Logbook EXAMPLE 2 (DPsych Clinical) Student Name: Joy Bloggs Supervisor Name: Maggie Smith Supervision Date: 03/02/2011 Type of Supervision: Individual/Group Duration of Supervison:1 Hour Issues brought . You see, words matter, Read More 40 Formal Invitation Message For Event SampleContinue, At one point or the other in our lives, we will be looking forward to settling down in our families by tying the knot with our life partner. She is very open and doesnt hoard any necessary information required for the teams progress. 11. But, boom! 8. K. Comments: L. Overall Performance (if I were to rate intern at the present time) Shes having issues with trusting her team members. stream Your prompt delivery of completed projects and a positive disposition to work make you a valuable asset to this organization. 6. The ability to find a solution when situations do not present themselves as expected is crucial and the heartbeat of creativity and innovation is indispensable for tangible progress in any endeavor. 11. However, finding the right partner to spend the rest of your days with is no mean feat. You'll achieve more goals if you will also consider delegating some functions to other colleagues. He seizes any opportunity to be absent from work. 9. 5. It is disrespectful to peoples time. It must be done right and that is why we compiled a list of annual performance review sample comments that you can use as a supervisor, boss, or manager to address your workers or staff at performance reviews. 4. Timeliness in meeting up deadlines is also of utmost importance. <> He is indifferent to learning new skills that will sharpen his creativity. 8. He frequently fails to pay attention to the details of his work. Related Post: Appreciation Message To Team Members/ Employee. University National University of Science and Technology. He is quite industrious and diligent in carrying out his work. Date student Left. The attachment Logbook is divided into days and weeks. 15. 4. endobj You have a bane for taking off in another direction contrary to what is being discussed at that moment. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Christian Gifts: Meaningful Christian Mothers Day Gifts For Mom, [2023] Official Welcome And Short Opening Remarks For A Program In English, 110 Romantic And Long Appreciation Message To My Love, 40 Formal Invitation Message For Event Sample, 25 Powerful Prayers And Bible Verses For Praying For A Life Partner, Thanking God For His Blessings And Everything : 70 Gratitude Quotes. Please do work on writing your reports as and when due and putting them in order before the due date. He is not intentional in executing his role. He is always punctual to work and meets up with set goals and deadlines. 7. There will be attitudes to commend, correct, and some constructive criticism. 11. We easily get excited by pleasure. Print logbook. Below are a few examples that can be used as supervisor comments and recommendations in different areas: Being punctual at work is no doubt essential quality workers must possess to meet up with set goals or targets. You are not discreet with clients sensitive information, and this has resulted in our clients complaining about a breach of trust. Manager performance review provides important feedback which according to findings, increases their performance by 8.9%. I can think of no other person with such a level of integrity. Some of these areas of improvement in periodic performance reviews include both verbal and nonverbal areas such as time management, communication skills, listening skills, honesty, critical thinking, customer relationship, creativity, and so on. Related Post: Solutions To Reducing Stress At Work. During a self-appraisal, you evaluate yourself and there may be a need to make some performance appraisal employee final comments. While some people have mastery in communicating with others, other people seem to lack effective communication skills. I never knew you had so much wisdom and creativity in you, not until the last periodic retreat. Speaking in front of a large group of people can be daunting, so if you find someone who is willing to do so for you, gratitude is in order. You are very effective in the way you manage your team and conduct specific exercises to strengthen the team. She is always on the lookout for diplomatic ways to settle conflict within the organization. Both strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement of the recipient should be highlighted. She is quite clear in letting each team member know his or her duty and what is expected. You are easily distracted from work, this has affected your productivity. <> endobj Edit Student comments on logbook. This self-appraisal you complete for your performance evaluation is important since it illustrates your level of self-awareness, Read More 120 Performance Appraisal Employee Final Comments (Employee Self-Appraisal Comment)Continue, In the world we live in today many people have their definition of incompetency. He is one of the few that communicates openly with his team and doesnt withhold necessary information from them. She is so attentive to her teams needs. 5. The following are sample comments for you to make reference. 14. <> Managers need feedbacks also so that they can reach their set goals and in all, guide the whole company, institute, or workplace towards achieving the set height or goal. 5. As a result, they are not able to meet up your expectations and demands. 2. You hold each member responsible for their actions. It will be in your best interest to always take down notes when youre being told your obligations so you are fully aware of what you should do. 2. In any organization, the attitude or disposition of the leader goes a long way in influencing the team members and their disposition to work. Her work consistently stands out and has become a benchmark for her colleagues. The productivity of your team members will greatly depend on your constructive feedback on the work done. You hold each member responsible for their actions. This can be worked on, however, if their performance review says something about it and offers a way out. These comments and recommendations address general issues that are found almost everywhere. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I can think of no other person with such a level of integrity. As a supervisor or team leader, you will most likely be on the search for short comments and recommendations to give to your team members that can make them better at what they do. Your communication skills are excellent. 10. 22 0 obj His quality of work has always exceeded the set standards and expectations. 3. Kcv~ ;|mX1"zW2-E9Pv3s@:uz=?L!R\)eG8Qx;HM ~Fzk4Tj 4. Your usage of words should be void of insults and vulgar words, as this can destroy the recipients self-esteem. 1. FRIDAY: 23/6/2018 That separates your comments from the text already in the log book. He is always on the lookout for opportunities to be more productive and efficient at what he does. I know you have your subordinates best interest at heart ( thats the reason why you are reading this right now) and though you may lack words to convey the intentions of your heart, you would love to leave a supervisors comments and recommendations that would keep them on an upward trajectory in their careers. You make decisions independently without seeking the opinion of your team members. He has an insatiable desire for success and excellence. The ability to find a solution when situations do not present themselves as expected is crucial and the heartbeat of creativity and innovation is indispensable for tangible progress in any endeavor. Orderliness (well organized in work performance 5. Performance review comments are usually double-sided. He spends double the time apportioned for breaks. 10. Managers are not commonly considered as employees whose performance needs to be regularly evaluated so that they can be at their best. Please consider learning effective time management from your colleagues. 4. 3. 14. Your communication skill beats that of every other person on the team so that customers are always on the lookout for you attending to them. She accomplishes all the tasks assigned to her on time. 7. 10. Kudos! You utilize your time effectively as the team leader. Having her in my team is a big plus to me and the entire company. The quality of work done by a worker can either be in line with the standard set by the organization or below. 4. It has been estimated that at least, 80% of adults are either in a job or seeking to get one. Employs a high level of professionalism in dealing with most difficult clients, and is highly commended for this by our clients. The field supervisor of the trainee should examine the logbook every week and give comments if any in the space provided for him or her on the trainees logbook The field supervisor/works manager should also fill in the confidential form Instructions to the assessor or the visiting lecturer You have an honest and unbiased dealing with every employee in your team. Reports coming from your fellow team members show that you are a great team player. This page in your logbook is expected to be completed on a monthly basis by your school-based-supervisor during visitation. He is very influential and able to exert the right disposition to work on his colleagues. He is a good leader and is able to motivate others to put on their best for any task given to them. I cant help but notice how you turn up late for important meetings. She goes out of her way to see that every client leaves the organization highly satisfied. He does not commend the efforts of his team instead, he tries to take all the praise for the collective efforts of the team put together. You need to work on prioritizing and doing what matters and counts at the moment. Well done! This will enhance your relationship with your team members, and also increase their morale and positive attitude to work. [ 20 0 R] 7. 11. I would appreciate it if your reports could be more honest and truthful. She comes highly recommended by her teammates for her effective leadership skills. 14. Here are 39 positive comments you may consider giving to your students or their parents: Positive comments about a student's personality Here are nine positive comments you can give directly to a student regarding their overall personality and demeanor: You're an innovative and creative person. Your exemplary leadership has helped our organization bring about coordination and orderliness to our work. 13. Everyone in an organization, whether boss or employer, will always have an area or more to improve on. Below are a few examples you can consider: 5. 4. SAMPLE PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS The rating scale for Performance Planning and Review is made up of five factors: Poor, Needs Improvement, Meets Requirements, Exceeds Requirements, and Outstanding. Youve been supportive to your team members and have also become a source of inspiration, I cant help but recommend you for a promotion. He is not open to trying new methods that are more effective. 18. 15. Has consistently proven to be a resourceful problem solver, she is indeed a great asset to this organization. Evaluating the performance of an employee or a manager is no doubt a priority in ensuring progress and optimum performance. endobj She is always wanting them to be at their best state. 3. They are always on schedule and deliver promptly, tasks assigned to them. "wMd%=F+zOl?uDL*8l=?[b};MQB6p NhB*{mI''$$[MZ`rG[ZvuJy}Od(*XF!A@guyZ"xQfM@D},Ux&7'2Gz%d n ods>OrR brY(i Please work on supplying needed information as and when due. oxJXBt 1. Financial accounting (cac 2101) . We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Managers are not commonly considered as employees whose performance needs to be regularly evaluated so that they can be at their best. They are to commend team members efforts, reprove and correct their flaws or grey attitude to work and also to recommend them for higher duties or promotions. 4. Below are a few examples that can be used as supervisor comments and recommendations in different areas: Punctuality and Timeliness: Being punctual at work is no doubt essential quality workers must possess to meet up with set goals or targets.
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sample supervisor comments on logbook