sample letter to support asylum seeker person

While there is no required format for an asylum declaration, it is best to type yours, provide headings for different sections, and write about events in the order that they happened. Achan is a widow who had eight children. If you suffered persecution in your home country in the past, you should write about each incident. The "grounds" are your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, and membership in a particular social group. When the war broke out in her community, she and her family ran to save their lives, leaving all their belongings behind. 2018 Petabit Scale, All Rights Reserved. My father is working as an electrician and this is the only income for our family. To calm me down, my grandfather told me they were mean people, but I still prayed for them, because even if some considered them mean, they were still dead human beings. TemplateLab is not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. Such letters are important in many proceedings not just for immigration. Note that additional documents will be submitted at or before the asylum interview. If you have some added information relevant to the letters purpose, do so without hesitation. Should someone ask you to write an immigration letter for a friend, take some time to gather all the required information before you start. The houses in our village were on fire. [J$>7W8z9-zu;Ts_P|qmqj-[Hs0BL=]lmo&@mp29:1tH{!*eN2b%qzBk/O= ~- 0L+ mF3`IRemX/xzS"nhr.(|hN)e]\X)5ye#:Wx2U ;EVBo{2"eAYZAwvM KYqvr*Rsd+qa@*2`] ev #d( Z(-ayDC344(X#~sJ5dip;YUHeGt0qzRp6[A4|g! The toolkit on the Right to Remain Website is a recommended resource for non-legal professionals who are supporting people through their immigration case. WebTake the original asylum application, two copies, and a certificate of service to the filing window in your immigration court. If you are already in the United States, we may grant TPS to you so you can stay in the U.S. for a limited time. After the sun set, we went to them. hb```>e ABAg A Whitehall source said the expected arrangement would help but acknowledged it was 'not a silver bullet'. while providing nonprofits with the tools, training, and support they need to thrive. Appendix 3: Sample Certificate of Service 9. Sample Letter of Recommendation for Immigration Details File Format PDF Size: 283 KB Download 3. We are from around Kyiv. As much as possible, members of the community or people of recognized authority should author such letters. In some states, the information on this website may be considered a lawyer referral service. sec. 4 0 obj Every day I wonder where I will be tomorrow. I got a lot of educational, emotional, and psychological support. Your message has not been sent. USCIS provides a number of humanitarian programs and protection to assist individuals in need of shelter or aid from disasters, oppression, emergency medical issues and other urgent circumstances. We couldnt run to the jungle because it was on fire, too. WebNIJCs amicus brief on the devastating harm of MPP to asylum seekers (January 2021) Letter from 108 organizations calling on President Biden to urgently terminate MPP (August 2021) NIJC Joint Report: Pushing Back Protection: How Offshoring and Externalization Imperil the Right to Asylum (August 2021) End Due Process Violations I enjoyed the nature around my house and the food coming from the land. An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, An official website of the United States government. Find out if you quality for asylee status. 1. x\[o~hvy>HgIN`"MdQCQK_%D.7]Zw}/o[6M9X[m~n?o{|_M=oWE$dtxJD '"YqQDE.W_&_~u?_~z}{?L5Udq.sjn7Su)D\UY8DpizUUU"zT. When writing such a letter, pay attention to the details. Typing the declaration makes it easier to read, while headings provide a "map" to help the reader understand your story. 2023 Immigration Equality. We hid ourselves on the mountain for about eight nights. Noorkin and her son Yacob fled their home in Myanmar when Myanmars military and Buddhist extremist groups started clearance operations against Rohingya people. This might include explaining that your persecutor has connections throughout the country and would be able to locate you wherever you go. Review our. I hope one day well be back and things will be just like before.. This will ensure that your statement is written clearly and completely. WebHumanitarian. Asylum seekers awaiting an initial decision on their claim should submit any request for permission to work via email to or by post to: Permission to Work Team, Asylum Operations, Department 139, The Capital, Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9PP Refused Case Management Please reference the Terms of Use and the Supplemental Terms for specific information related to your state. Immigration officers in almost all countries are very meticulous about documents relevant to immigration. Scroll down this page to see examples of immigration documents that you may receive from the government. If your claim is denied, you may reapply for asylum. Hundreds, or I think thousands, of rockets were hitting the city every day. From there, we drove to Sulaymaniyah City.. WebAn original Application for Asylum, and for Withholding of Removal (Form I-589), plus one copy; One passport-sized photograph of Mr. Doe attached on page 9 of the original Form I-589; Two complete copies of Mr. Does Brazilian passport; and Two copies of Mr. Does most recent Form I-94. Mr. Doe is a gay man from Brazil. DHS Announces Registration Process for Temporary Protected Status for Haiti, Secretary Mayorkas Designates Sudan and Extends and Redesignates South Sudan for Temporary Protected Status. hbbd```b``@$Sdf &H.FH#dTQ 2})X6H2NXX'd` i 3 To protect your privacy, please do not include any personal information in your feedback. <> Preparing convincing documentation in support of your request will be critical. If you hand-deliver it, bring an extra copy with you to be date-stamped for your records. The lady who teaches the embroidery class is like a mother figure for us. Yara has been living in Lebanon with her five children and husband for the past two years. We are considered illegal because we dont have official documents. If you are a protected person who was selected abroad and resettled as a refugee in Canada, you will get a document called a Confirmation of Permanent Residence. 20. @dvz2V|5}V4fB_["]l5NYHj@NxH=|6 WebASYLUM Toolkit Sample Cover Letter [DATE]x USCIS [LOCATION] Service Center [ADDRESS LINE 1]x [ADDRESS LINE 2]x Re: Joao Doe (A-Number XXX-XXX-XXX) To whom it may concern: I am a pro se applicant for asylum in the United States. From the mountain, we saw a battle between [the violent group] and the PKK (Kurdish forces), who fought very courageously. Shahid fled his home in Aleppo, Syria and is currently living is living in an abandoned factory with his wife and other families in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. His story was shared with us by Refugees International Japan, which focuses on the health, education and economic livelihoods of people displaced by conflict around the world. Meet innovators in our Viewpoints series. Your asylum declaration must be written in English. Find a vetted, verified project that you want to make a donation to: Discover ways to make the world a better place. Usually, Form I-589 is submitted in open court at a Master Calendar Hearing (MCH). The following documents are submitted on Mr. Does behalf: Enclosed, please find the following documents on Mr. Does behalf: [You may also wish to include other documentation immediately pertinent to the claim, such as: documentation supporting an exception to the one-year filing deadline (if applicable); a state court-ordered name change (if the applicants passport does not reflect their legal name); a physicians letter corroborating gender identity (if the applicants passport does not reflect their gender identity), etc.]x. Seven of her children died during the ongoing war in her home country of South Sudan. I am behind two years in school because of moving from one school to another. If the writer is the applicants employer, he should use stationary that has the companys or organizations letterhead. He suffers from SMA (spinal muscular atrophy). Describe the characteristics of the person. If, however, your first MCH is scheduled more than a year after your clients most recent entry to the U.S., you will likely wish to file the I-589 within that first year (or as soon as possible thereafter), by mail or in person. Her story was shared with us by Global One, which supports mothers and children through hygiene and health supplies as well as training local women as midwives to support long-term development. It also explains the importance of expert testimony in creating a strong record that will support all stages of asylum representation, from the earliest stages through the appellate processes. After all, a notarized document will eliminate any doubt as to the authors signature. You will receive a notice of intent to deny (NOID) and a final denial letter if: You cannot appeal the asylum officers decision. If you are unsure about what to write in your asylum declaration, or about other issues like your basic eligibility for asylum, an experienced immigration attorney can help you. There are different types of immigration letters, and they serve varying purposes. The cover letter for these submissions may look as follows: U.S. Department of Homeland SecurityCitizenship and Immigration Services[LOCATION] Asylum Office[ADDRESS LINE 1]x[ADDRESS LINE 2]x. I represent the above-referenced asylum applicant. When we receive the results of the required security checks and you are cleared, the recommended approval will be changed to a grant of asylum (see'Grant of Asylum' section above). endstream endobj startxref The clerk should keep the original and the certificate of service. Then write your closing statement. For instance, a testimony of the applicants good character can be vital in supporting any of the following predicaments: Whatever the case, the letter should be as concrete and as firm as possible in conveying its purpose. On June 16, 2021, the Department of Justice vacated its previous 2018 and 2021 Attorney General decisions in Matter of A-B-, and its 2019 Attorney General decision in Matter of L-E-A-. It is one of the most important pieces of evidence in an asylum case. Noorkin is 40 years old and Yacob is 10. You will have 16 days to explain in writing either why the claim should be granted or submit new evidence to support the claim, or both. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Their story was shared with us by World Vision. Therefore, when requested by a friend, make use of sample letters as they may help him in the most effective manner for your friend to secure his goals. Click on them to learn what they are. A referral to an immigration judge includes your spouse and unmarried children under 21 if they: A referral is not a denial of your asylum application. I tell them Please, I am going to start reciting the poem, so follow me. I am a good boy and a quick learner. Even if an incident does not necessarily rise to the level of persecution, it is important to discuss that incident if it is related to your case and helps fill in a picture of what happened and explain why you were fearful enough to flee. If you are applying based on your race or nationality (including ethnic group), write what your race or nationality is. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Fouzia is 24 years old. Qais and Daewood fled their homes in Afghanistan and are currently living in Oinofyta refugee camp in Greece. What will happen to you if you are returned to your country of origin? WebLearn more about how UNHCRs work in 2022 will impact the lives of millions of refugees, asylum-seekers, returnees, internally displaced and stateless people by reading UNHCRs Global Appeal 2022 or visiting the Global Focus website. 1 Thomas Circle NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005, USA. When you apply for asylum in the United States, you must also submit not only an application form (I-589), but an asylum declaration (also sometimes referred to as a "statement"). A character reference letter usually defines the persons character, and this becomes an essential source in gaining benefits for the said person. She is 75 years old. Individuals who are outside of the United States may be able to request parole into the United States based on humanitarian or significant public benefit reasons. Because every asylum case is unique, every asylum declaration is going to be different. Visit It is my professional opinion that Mr. Xs severe symptoms developed after, and are the result of psychological trauma he endured in his native country of Asylum seekers can: Receive a weekly payment of 36.95 (at the time of writing) to be collected in cash from a Post Office. Declaration of [Your Name] in Support of Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal I, [your name], declare as follows: 1. endobj All of my family we are living in a tiny house with one bedroom, a small kitchen, and a bathroom. WebIf your claim for refugee protection is accepted by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada ( IRB ), you will get a formal letter or document that you can use to prove your status. Discover local solutions to global problems. I am submitting this recommendation letter in support of Mary Johnsons application for permanent citizenship in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. The asylum process. Alongside this, she had to take out loans to provide nappies for all of her children, who still wet themselves due to mental trauma. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Supplemental Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. For more information, seeWhat Happens After You File Form I-589 With USCISand the instructions on ourForm I-589 page. WebSample Documents. What's on this page? Her parents and one of her sisters were in a refugee camp in Jordan, and two sisters are still in Syria. We left for Tajikistan and came back when we heard there is peace in Afghanistan. e',72EYNL2/IRE$,OKAyOqv1H3}$n`+O]x{1#R__"3aBH`B{zN3pz.O'es3pD&'g%s7(.5CC.p:n!(2^!.fD!K\VAm^1z4LzbuQ[C8g*[kuY~}6Yy2x82ekKIX!y Such letters could be for immigration deportation, removal proceedings or as a part of the persons naturalization application. I used to have a peaceful life and live in my amazing home in Deraa. This Manual is intended to provide information to attorneys and accredited representatives. Creating a good letter can be a daunting task but using good moral character letter for immigration samples can make the job easier. Official websites use .gov WebIn order to encourage and develop expert asylum resources, this handbook provides experts with a basic overview of asylum law. It is important to keep your immigration documents in a safe place. When submitting your Form I-589, you should also submit the English version of your declaration, the version written in your preferred language, and a signed statement from the translator that they translated the document fully and is competent in both languages. A grant of asylum in the U.S. does not expire. The information contained herein is for reference only and may not be up to date. Set up a monthly donation today, and well match your gift at 100%.*. Enclosed please find: 1. Why is there nowhere in your country of origin that is safe for you to live in? But here I have a small kitten that I really love! Set up a monthly donation today, and well match your gift at 100%.*. Appendix 1: Filling Out Your Application 7. Enclosed please find: Please confirm receipt of this Form I-589 by returning a date-stamped copy in the enclosed, pre-addressed, stamped envelope. If you leave the United States without first obtaining advance parole, we will assume that you have abandoned your asylum application. Achan fled her home in Pajok, South Sudan and is currently living in a refugee camp in Lamwo District, Uganda. He is also a prize-winning singer. This is one way to prove your reliability and ingenuity both of which are essential for immigration approval. Note: Names may have been changed for safety reasons. This is provided by the Home Office and, depending on your circumstances, can include housing and/or basic living expenses. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for consideration as a refugee. This type of immigration letter will involve your relatives trying to secure successful immigration approval. 1546, that of Their story was shared with us by the Doctor Piotr Janaszek PAY IT FORWARD Foundation, which provides physiotherapy and life training for refugees with disabilities who had to leave Ukraine for Poland due to the war. Should the immigration officer need to verify or ask further questions, it is prudent to leave a means to contact you. My name is Joao Doe. To make the task easier in such a letter, you can always use sample letters which can help you express your thoughts more precisely and coherently. It is not intended as legal advice. During the factional war, my family and I left the country as it became unbearable to live in Kabul. 3 0 obj USCIS will no longer rely on those cases when adjudicating or screening any asylum, refugee, credible fear, or reasonable fear claim. I plan on attending his hearing later this month, but u have a few questions about this character reference letter. WebThese guide provides strategies for practitioners seeking a clients liberate from foreign detention. We were stranded so we fled again to a canal and stayed there for two days with no food. She is 75 years old. The immigration judge will evaluate your asylum claim independently and is not required to rely on or follow the decision made by USCIS. It does not constitute legal advice. Alia is 7 years old. 1 0 obj Along with my siblings, I used to attend school regularly. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. I am currently staying at a guesthouse for minors and families in Paiania, just outside Athens, Greece with my family. WebLetter of support for bond purposes When an individual is detained by Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), s/he may request a bond hearing to be released from detention. You can conclude your letter with a sincere compliment. WvnCws Q[}LfT]_!4mBGj*pV5rP4}sGGG r9`Q( ,@"!L!L|kt.DIb`u,4/;(v30,s bg Conclude the document with a heartfelt recommendation. Why do you fear persecution (your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group)? Shafaq is 14 years old. The information provided on this site is not legal advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site. If you are applying based on your membership in a particular social group, explain what the group is, why you are a part of it, and how society in your country of origin views that group. She believes her home has been destroyed by the rebels. DReFv*z_;1. You can also mention how long youve known the one who requested the letter. Not every asylum seeker receives the same documents, so you may not have all or any of these. Finish your letter with a strong statement of support. Take a moment to meet 13 courageous refugees, who have overcome unthinkable situations around the world. WebAlso, see Sample Declaration in Support of the Application for Asylum. :]\qFI*GC72.A*.FQ>1|T(QUWh *c9UO7Olj*h*#?|Iz*o_wsw}?>} >|,QRyby,Sy%/, WebSTATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM I, Joao Doe, declare under the penalty of perjury, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Expert architecture and design solutions for private carriers, next-generation metro and long-haul optical networks, ultra low-latency networks, and Internet backbones. We strongly support this grant application and the focus on (mention the purpose of the study). If you are submitting an affirmative application, as discussed in Chapter 14, it is advisable to submit the I-589 almost completely by itself, with other documentation to follow later, so as to get your client, as soon as possible, a spot in the long line for an asylum interview. WebI have reviewed Mr. Xs declaration in support of his asylum petition and find it to be consistent with the events he described in his meetings with me. Try to summarize the key points that support the application in one or two sentences. Here are my asylum lawyer tips for writing a solid declaration: 1) tell your life story. Anecdotes can be very helpful to illustrate points. When the war broke out, we didnt think long. If you have any supporting documents that can prove useful to illustrate this, include them. RM5tr5;,|oBN$-uz`5LMwp$O_,+=LS==Yhw69lb|.T\p-. If we receive a timely response, the asylum officer will carefully consider the response or new evidence, or both and then make a final decision to approve or deny the claim. The best way to find these is online. He is studying remotely in a Ukrainian school and will soon have a well-deserved vacation. Use of TemplateLab is subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The NOID will state the reason(s) that you are ineligible for asylum. Samples of immigration reference letters can help you craft a more organized and formal letter. There is so much to learn, and every day we do something different. My mother taught me when I was a young girl and said it would always be a useful skill, she said. There is no place on Earth we cannot leave to make our sons life easier. From there he moved to camps in Tanzania and now lives in Nairobi, Kenya. If you are more comfortable writing in another language, you can write the declaration in your preferred language then have it translated into English. WebForm I-589 is just the beginning of your efforts to prove that you merit a grant of political asylum. They hope to be granted asylum in Greece so that they can raise their families in safety. She shared her story through Gruppo Aleimar, an Italian NGO which provides free nutritious meals to refugees in the Damour area. Finish your letter with a strong statement of support. Copyright 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Nolo Self-help services may not be permitted in all states. I have had the privilege of knowing [Friends Full Name] for [number of years/months] since we first met at [event/location]. If so, what is there name and relation to you? Throughout the letter, make sure that you maintain a tone of credibility and sincerity. It focussed on the nut and bolts of preparing for and represented a client during immigration court bonded hearings. If you can remember the date, provide it. WebApplications for asylum, withholding of removal, and protection under the Convention Against Torture all require a form I-589. qkiClur}yu#0~!O/4F[23$_ First, the person states what they know as a witness. Embroidery is a new skill for me, she said. <>>> First and at the beginning of your letter is the date. A recommended approval includes your spouse and children, provided that: When a recommended approval has been issued due to pending security checks, you and your family members may apply for permission to work in the United States by filing Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization. Abdul hopes to drive buses, likes to help others, and loves soccer. Again, start with a decent introduction followed by a description of your relatives good character. Support Asylum Seekers Sample Letter to Congress.pdf - LIRSConnect Get Involved Advocacy Advocacy Documents Sample Letters to Congress Support We used to learn Burmese literature in school. stream The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a new designation of Sudan and an extension and redesignation of South Sudan for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months. I would feed them and care for them. Every year, people come to the United States seeking protection because they have or fear they will suffer persecution due to race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. If the letterhead doesnt contain your mailing address, include this in the end too. They are Rohingya refugees currently living in the Coxs Bazar refugee camp in Bangladesh. `>X+yakVD&-"[c|P}aRsSucQtYX| We were a close-knit family, but we had to flee Syria, she explained. Achan fled her home in Pajok, South Sudan and is currently living in a refugee camp in Lamwo District, Uganda. I miss her a lot and I miss going to school with her. C - 30 Y - 100. If you are applying based on your religion, write about what your religion is, how long you have been practicing it, and any religious rituals or traditions you take part in. Why won't the government of your country protect you. Again, try to write about events in the order they occurred. For instance, the requestor might want to share one of the experiences he had while working on a certain project relevant to the letters purpose. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the number above if you have any questions regarding this matter. The attorney listings on this site are paid attorney advertising. If youre writing the letter, you should be honest about this employees trustworthiness. An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, An official website of the United States government, Sending Your Application to an Immigration Court, You established a qualifying relationship to them, You do not respond to the NOID within 16 days, or, You submitted a response but the new information failed to overcome the reasons for denial stated in the NOID, To protect your privacy, please do not include any personal information in your feedback. You do not have to re-file your asylum application. In the end, my family decided to go close to the border with Syria. I miss my home a lot. Sabri is 16 years old. We lived in Tajikistan for 14 years with the hope of going back home. An original Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative (Form EOIR-28); An original Application for Asylum, and for Withholding of Removal (Form I-589), plus one copy for return service. If you are comfortable having another person read it, ask that person whether it makes sense and doesn't leave any unanswered issues or cause confusion. Read the announcement on the DHS website. As much as possible, make the best reference letter by downloading a template or create one on your own. Looking for U.S. government information and services? WebSample Documents. Second, the law requires verification of such facts and '[3%;Zu?g; DepPR`'t2z5dVF\KAC_,-)X~R#Qece&E [p~ [sj_iv:}1i7 f"b|,&ozGxUttyK Web"The Scottish Government supports the widening of asylum dispersal in principle, but believes participation by local authorities should be voluntary. This may occur if we determine that: If any of these circumstances apply, we will not adjudicate your asylum application. An original Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal (Form I-589). An immigration letter can make the immigration officers task much easier, and this is the reason why you should write them meticulously. 0 Click on them to learn what they are. Immigration Letter of Recommendation for Family <> Tajikistan was not our country. Fouzia wants to be a teacher to help spread peace through education in Afghanistan. You can demonstrate this by giving specific examples. Provides comprehensive legal assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants, and trafficked persons. Share the persons work ethic if relevant. WebI am writing to wholeheartedly support the immigration application of my dear friend, [Friends Full Name], who is applying for [type of visa/status/permit]. Then provide referencing locations, dates, and such if possible. Unless you can show that the persecution was because you match one of these grounds, you won't be granted asylum. After submitting a barebones application, and up to one week before the scheduled asylum interview, you can submit additional documentation in support of the clients application (see Chapters 1422). WebKey design considerations were: an a priori aim to recruit a representative sample; a reliable sampling frame; recording of response rates; implementation of long recruitment periods; using multiple non-probability sampling methods; and, if possible, including a probability sampling component. State the basics, like your name, your profession, citizenship status, and your relationship with the applicant. DESCRIPTION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM. For example, you could write, It is my belief that Applicant has a strong case for refugee status; if Applicant were to return to Country X (s)he would certainly face persecution. Proofread your letter. This could be reason enough for them turning you down. [HERE, YOU CAN PROCEED TO MAKE LEGAL ARGUMENTS AS TO YOUR CLIENTS ELIGIBILITY FOR ASYLUM, REFERENCING SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE SUBMITTED]. Such a letter should bear the organizations professional letterhead, especially for those in foreign lands. The uncertainty of their future makes life even more difficult for Baraa, but shes still hopeful: My only dream is to send my children to school.. 3. Then conclude your letter with a genuine compliment. At the centre, I get the children together and them ask them to follow me when I am doing the actions. In certain cases, we will send your asylum application to theimmigrationcourt. You'll also need to explain the "ground" on which your asylum application is based. Corroborating Client-Specific Documents, 30.
sample letter to support asylum seeker person