royal irish regiment ww1 records

The list gives their admission dates rank and unit. Contents: Registers and papers concerning claims for bounty to next of kin of sailors killed in battle. Royal Irish Regiment | The British Army [9] Boston was abandoned in early 1776 and the regiment evacuated to Nova Scotia, where many of its men were drafted into other units, then to Dover Castle in England. Other Records. Service records of Guards regiments. Army Records. Search by unit name and number for document references to unit war diaries in series WO 95 using the series search. [29], In 1908, the Volunteers and Militia were reorganised nationally, with the former becoming the Territorial Force and the latter the Special Reserve;[30] the regiment now had two Reserve but no Territorial battalions. After almost 250 years of service with the British Army, it was disbanded in 1922 on the establishment of the Irish Free State. Musters are held at the Public Record Office, Kew at National Archives. L/Cpl 1st Bn (d.15th March 1915), Townsend Cecil Frederick. If you cannot identify your ancestor's regiment through these records, the sources you should search to determine his regiment will depend on what you know about your ancestor. 1814-. During the First World War officers and men of The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers were awarded eight Victoria Crosses, The Royal Irish Rifles three and The Royal Irish Fusiliers two. Patrick McAllister 6th Btn. Each of these services kept its own records. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. For more information on twentieth-century army records, see: Holding, Norman H. World War I Army Ancestry. (d.9th Sep 1916), Lynch Stephen. If you know: Naval Officers. Sgt. During the First Opium War in China, the regiment next saw action at the Capture of Chusan in July 1840, Battle of Canton in May 1841,[16] Battle of Amoy in August 1841,[17] Second Capture of Chusan in October 1841, Battle of Ningpo in March 1842,[18] Battle of Tzeki in March 1842, Battle of Chapu in May 1842, Battle of Woosung in June 1842, and Battle of Chinkiang in July 1842. (FamilySearch Library book 942 M25g; film 856424-52.) [24] Under the reforms the regiment became The Royal Irish Regiment on 1 July 1881. Some of the Public Record Office's military records as well as military records of various other repositories throughout Ireland and England are listed in: Hayes, Richard J. Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization. Ships of the Royal Navy. The list of Irish deserters, taken from the New Zealand Gazette of 1863, shows all those with Irish birthplaces, names, army rank and number, age, place and year of enlistment, parish and county of birth, trade, date and place of desertion. The daily information contained in a War Diary can vary from just a few words to a detailed description of life at the Front. Physical description/distinguishing marks, Attestation form (a form completed when an individual enlisted), Proceedings on discharge from the service (if applicable), Cover for discharge documents (if applicable). 6th Btn. Add a Name to this List In addition to the 2 million or so surviving Burnt Documents there are also around 750,000 Service Records for soldiers who were discharged for medical reasons (illness or wounds) during the First World War. 6th Btn. 29 bns of three antecedent regiments fight at the Somme with every Irishman a volunteer. So, on behalf of the Irish Great War Society and its members, we wish you good luck with your research. If the information here has been helpful or you have enjoyed reaching the stories please conside making a donation, no matter how small, would be much appreciated, annually we need to raise enough funds to pay for our web hosting or this site will vanish from the web. (d.11th November 1918), Barago Henry. See below for advice on searching for the war diaries of units that served elsewhere in the world during the war. Pre-1914 military records are kept in the Public Record Office, Kew and are divided into army and navy records. . Contents: Name of soldier, place of birth given at time of enlistment. (PRO classes: Adm. 31, 32, and 33). (FamilySearch Library book Ref 942 M3c.). Research use: Substitute for destroyed church records to locate birth dates and places. The earliest surviving navy records are from 1617. Please note we currently have a massive backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. 1944. Lt. (d.26th Aug 1917), Green Michael. This wasmostly stationed in England and Ireland from the 1850s to the 1880s, though it served in New Zealand between 1863 and 1870. Originally named The Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers), its title changed to The Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's) in 1920. Alternatively, the International Red Cross holds an incomplete list of known prisoners of war in its archive. The place and approximate date (1) of a campaign or battle in which your ancestor fought, (2) of one of his stations, or (3) that his wife gave birth while he was in the service, use: The area where your ancestor lived during his late teens, use the handbooks below or regimental histories to determine which regiments were recruited in that area. Nevertheless, soldiers' names are occasionally recorded in the account of an operation such as a patrol, a raid on an enemy trench, or an award of a medal. Compulsory draft was seldom used, except by the militia. (Class numbers, PRO Dublin, RHK 5 and RHK 7/1, PRO London WO 118 and 119). [21] Captain Hugh Shaw won the Victoria Cross when he rescued wounded soldiers during a skirmish at Nukumaru near Whanganui. (FamilySearch Library book 942 M23was.). Research use: Lists place of origin for soldiers. Many sources, list and describe naval ships and give the dates and places they were in service. The records give the name, birth date, birthplace, physical description, and ship of service of each rating. . 1916. Early Twentieth Century Records - 1913 to 1921. Some other lists give their injuries and address's. (PRO classes Adm 6/222, 270, 446; Adm 18/119; Adm 22/47-49, 254-443; Adm 23/23-24, 32, 76-77, 89-94; Adm 82/1-2,122-123; Adm 165; PMG 16/1, 6, 15-31; PMG 70; PMG 71). The service records in WO 363 and WO 364 include regiments such as: They do not include the service records for soldiers serving in the armies of Commonwealth countries (such as Canada, New Zealand or South Africa). A Bibliography of Regimental Histories of the British Army. Royal Irish Regiment (d.5th April 1917), Pte. If you are enjoying the site, please consider making a donation, however small Royal Irish Regiment - First World War Casualties - A Street Near You Sgt. research. These and other types of military records are explained in the handbooks at the end of this section. They were buried at Merrion Cemetery, Bellevue. Beware, the Gazetting of an award and the corresponding citation may appear in different editions of the London Gazette. Assuming that you have been able to discover all the individual information you possibly can about your Great War ancestor you will probably want to find out where his unit served and what action they were involved in. A bibliography of regimental histories is: White, Arthur S., comp. find out more > The Victoria Cross. The cards record details of the pension entitlements of soldiers and other servicemen killed or injured in the war, both of officers and other ranks, and of the widows and dependants of deceased soldiers. [31][3], The 1st Battalion landed at Le Havre as part of the 82nd Brigade in the 27th Division in December 1914 for service on the Western Front but moved to Salonika in November 1915. - Royal Ulster Rifles Museum It may include map references, individual's names (usually officers only), awards of gallantry medals and casualty reports. - Irish Great War Society is a living history society based on the Great War 1914 to 1918. WW1 Service Records. Trace your military heritage through our Research Database. Some First World War veterans continued to serve with the army after the war and for the records of these soldiers you may need to read the advice in our guide to British Army soldiers in service after 1918. For service records of the Guards regiments (Coldstream Guards, Grenadier Guards, Irish Guards and Welsh Guards) visit the GOV.UK website. Trace its history back to 1887 and discover its origins. (PRO classes: Adm 6/66, 73-85, 193-196; Adm 9/1-61; Adm 10/1-7; Adm 11/2-3, 7-10, 35-37, 42-44; Adm 106/3517). In 1857, the regiment raised a 2nd Battalion again, this time out of volunteers from Irelands militia regiments. Ships' logs survive from 1673, but usually only give information on ship location, weather, sightings of other ships, and shipboard events. 1. 09:00 to 17:00. Royal Irish Rifles. World War One Photos, Obituaries & Service Records. Extremely valuable in providing pedigree connections. - Royal Irish Regiment during the Great War -. Michael was listed as missing in action between the 19th and 21st of October 1914. 1979. pages 4-9. Gives Surname and christian name, Date of birth, Parents names and place of birth or baptism. Armed with a full name, place and date of birth, residence, and the parents names, the next task is to gather as much service/military information as you can; information such as, regiment, service number and where he served. The 36th (Ulster) Division arrived in France in October 1915 and fought in France and Flanders, in the Battles of Somme, Messines, Passchendaele, Cambrai, Kaiserschlacht and the final 100 days of war that led to victory. On 12 June, five regimental colours were laid up in a ceremony at St George's Hall, Windsor Castle in the presence of HM King George V.[40] The six regiments were then all disbanded on 31 July 1922. After almost 250 years of service with the British Army, it was disbanded in 1922 on the establishment of the Irish Free State. Michael Ryan Royal Irish Regiment. : Royal Irish Regiment Depot, Murphy, p. 30 quote: "Following the treaty that established the independent Irish Free State in 1922, it was decided to disband the regiments that had their traditional recruiting grounds in southern Ireland: The Royal Irish Regiment; The Connaught Rangers; The Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment; The Royal Munster Fusiliers; The Royal Dublin Fusiliers; The. When searching for a particular service record it is worth bearing in mind that a soldier may have been transferred to a different battalion, regiment or even a different corps of service. Our This was areward for supporting the Stuarts in Scotland during the British Civil Wars (1639-51) and working for Charles's restoration. Population coverage: Varies--very high during wartime (20%) and lower during peacetime (5%). [33] The 6th (Service) Battalion landed at Le Havre as part of the 47th Brigade in the 16th (Irish) Division in December 1915 for service on the Western Front. The Inniskillings Museum, in conjunction with History Hub Ulster, carries out research on individuals who served in the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers prior to 1920.. Service records for soldiers who served after 1920 are held by the Ministry of Defence. These are selected records drawn from series MH 106, itself a representative, rather than a complete, selection of various kinds of medical records from various theatres of the First World War. Many records held at The National Archives are available online, some of them on partner websites, others on our own website. [6], The war ended with the 1713 Peace of Utrecht and in 1718, the regiment joined the garrison of the British-held island of Menorca, where it remained here until 1742, with the exception of a detachment sent to Gibraltar in 1727. [19] It took part in the Siege of Sevastopol during the Crimean War; Captain Thomas Esmonde was awarded the Victoria Cross for saving a party of colleagues from a fire of shell and grape. He was held as a POW at Hamel and later Limberg. Casualty Records | Imperial War Museums Post-1882 records are arranged in a single alphabetical series. All records of RA personnel classified under class WO. Irish soldiers killed in World War I are listed in: Irish National War Memorial Committee. We hope that this section has given you some useful clues to finding your Great War ancestors service history. In March 1915 one Company from the Guernsey Militia joined the battalion. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers was an Irish infantry regiment of the British Army formed in 1881 by the amalgamation of the 27th (Inniskilling) Regiment of Foot and the 108th Regiment of Foot (Madras Infantry). William C. Flynn 5th Btn. For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday British Army soldiers of the First World War - The National Archives Article found in The Irish Ancestor, vol.1 no.2, 1969, pages 109-114, FamilySearch Library Ref. The Royal Irish. (FamilySearch Librarybook 942 M25gba; film 918928-41 and 990323-26.) Individual military units (regiments for the army, ships for the navy) kept records on their own personnel. Search WW1 Widows Pensions Records: Search Soldiers Died In The Great War: Search Silver War Badge Roll 1914-1920: Search 1891 Census: Search 1901 Census: Search 1911 Census: Search Ireland Census 1911: ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT: Battalion Unknown Brown H W Lt : Photo Butler P R Captain : Photo Cox St J A Lt Col . Occasionally, there will be additional information included on the individual record such as age, regimental company, and under the heading Other Information there may be a dedication by the deceased mans family; such as, son of John and Mary Quinn of County Tyrone etc. Search First World War Casualties - A Street Near You The Royal Irish Regiment | National Army Museum [36] Some of these are buried in Grangegorman Military Cemetery. WorldCat. It will also occasionally include a citation. 941.5 B2i v7-8. Royal Irish Regiment, Pte Terence Sheridan Royal Irish Regiment, My dad Terence Sheridan enlisted in April 1917 age 17 years and 8 months of age. The 16th (Irish) Division arrived in France in April 1916 and fought in France and Flanders, in the Battles of Loos, Somme, Messines, Passchendaele, Cambrai and Kaiserschlacht when the entire division was reduced to cadre strength. Royal Irish Regiment - The Long, Long Trail Where to find Army Service Records | Imperial War Museums These records cover sailors from England, Scotland, Wales, and foreign countries, as well as Ireland. They suffered over 3,200 killed in action and thousands more wounded in places such as Le-Pilly, Gullimont, Ginchy, Salonika, Mesopotamia and Palestine. Soldier's WW1 Service Records. [34], The 3rd (Reserve) Battalion, largely made up from local Dubliners, were the first army troops to engage the Irish rebels during the Easter Rising: the rebels were fighting to establish an Irish Republic in Dublin. By further selecta name in the first column and clicking on it you will be presented with 'Casualty Details Page', which will providemore information. Dublin, Ireland: Maunsel and Roberts, 1923. please. Generally, there are separate records for staff officers, medical officers (surgeons), Commissariat officers, chaplains, Board of Ordnance officers (artillerymen, engineers, sappers, miners, artificers, and others), and other officers.
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royal irish regiment ww1 records