ofsted deep dive eyfs

What support do you provide in a leadership role to ensure a good work life balance for staff? WebOfsted inspectors use subject 'deep dives' to inspect your curriculum. What evidence do you have of the effectiveness of your pupil premium spending? This is up to schools to determine. Intuitive assessment, tracking and monitoring of childrens learning FREE until March 27th 2023. A deep dive in school is an in-depth examination of a national curriculum subject by an Ofsted inspection team. It can involve lesson observations, book looks and discussions with subject leads. Do you have pupils who need extra support in maths? WebOfsted Deep Dives were introduced as part of the new Education Inspection Framework in May 2019. Deep dives Some early years teachers have questioned whether the new deep dives into national curriculum subjects require them to teach specific history or You have accepted additional cookies. Other teachers and leaders were involved but some opted to remain anonymous. With Shonettes excitement and enthusiasm for her specialist area of education, it is guaranteed that this CPD will uplift and excite all attendees, they will have their confidence boosted ready to engage with Ofsted Inspectors and proudly show the amazing This brain-fog is one of the main areas of concern often mentioned by early years practitioners, when it comes to inspections. Specialist Software Built for Preschool Businesses. These cookies do not store any personal information. Ofsted sets out how its inspections will work in Reception classes once the new early years foundation stage framework launches, https://www.tes.com/magazine/news/primary/how-ofsted-will-inspect-reception-classes-next-year, Unlimited access to all Tes magazine content, Middle management in a Scottish school: 5 things to know, Ofsted crisis: Heads back call to halt inspector work, Plan for a range of teacher pay levels, schools told, Parents support for teacher strike softens, Jean Gross: How school has to change for disadvantaged pupils to thrive, Heads and teachers to plan for joint strikes, How were making flexible working a reality for all staff, Why every ITT trainee should have to go to special school or AP, a new statutory framework for the early years foundation stage, How the pandemic has affected early years, Covid leaves reception pupils struggling peers warn, Hiring teachers should be top DfE priority, say parents, Ofsted: Small primaries five times more likely to be inadequate, Primaries can work together on curriculum, says Ofsted, Ofsted reveals concerns over primary school geography. Early years settings and schools, however, remain responsible for ensuring the safety and security of children in their care. Get Blossoms Nursery Management Solution. ), we know what it takes to run a high-quality intervention. Early years leaders need to ensure that children experience a curriculum that is broad and ambitious, to develop their vocabulary and prepare them for their next stage of learning. It builds childrens knowledge and vocabulary and prepares them for their learning in Year 1 and beyond. Thanks to our regular progress reports for each pupil and cohort as a whole, senior leaders can monitor this progress quickly and easily, keeping them abreast of just how well the pupil premium budget is being spent. Your approach to the national curriculum and the schemes of work you follow whether created in house or from a commercial provider will be a key topic for discussion with inspectors. The work should be done with little disruption to you and any interruption should be short. The summer term projects offer extra challenge for reception children whilst maintaining an early years ethos. Through this close inspection How do you ensure teachers and TAs have the required subject knowledge? Moreover, the inspection handbook explains that any assessment should not take adults away from the crucial interactions with children. All rights reserved. What is your pedagogy in foundation subjects? Promotion of self-regulatory behaviours and understanding of self from an early age. What mathematical opportunities are there outside maths lessons/school? Ofsted Ofsted Deep Dives: How to deal with common questions However, it says inspectors will want to understand how the curriculum in early years is built on in key stage 1. Subject leaders must understand the EYFS seven areas of learning and early years teachers need to know how their curriculum supports later learning. It is up to providers to determine the format of their planning, and it is up to leaders to justify these plans based on what they want children to encounter, explore and learn in school. Evidence of post-pandemic attendance and efforts made to keep high levels of engagement. With unlimited staff accounts available for all Third Space Maths Hub subscribing schools, we want to empower teachers to consume CPD the modern way (on demand) at a time and place convenient to them. Conrad Fox Headteacher, Hunmanby Primary School, England, Lindsey Wain Deputy headteacher, Hartburn Primary School, England, Charlotte Gibbins Thurlstone Primary School, England, Kathryn Teacher, Langton Primary School, Moira Cross Executive head, Dordon Primary School. More general questions asked to Subject Leaders: When the inspection team were looking at books with the small steps for the year group: While its difficult for any school to entirely welcome an Ofsted deep dive as part of their inspection, the general feedback about the experience of an inspection and deep dive under the new framework has been largely positive. It highlights how, for instance, some schools may have run Covid-safe provisioninvolvingno soft furnishings, dressing-up clothes, pillows or cosy spaces, and no sand or water. Deep dives are no longer new! This helps teachers and school leaders become more knowledgeable in an external data sense so that if Ofsted should ask, they can respond with confidence. Curriculum Maestro is a smart online platform that helps you design, teach, assess and lead an outstanding primary curriculum, all from one place. During an Ofsted inspection, Ofsted will hold deep dive sessions to help their quality of education judgement. Daily activities, ready-to-go lesson slides, SATs revision packs, video CPD and more! To give you some ideas, we have included a few easy examples of demonstrating evidence. WebA deep dive is an in-depth look by Ofsted inspectors at specific subjects in a school, based on the most recent Ofsted framework. During this time, the curriculum should cover the 7 areas of learning. How are assessment results fed back into teaching and learning? Momentum Recycling wants to boost 4% glass recycling rate in Utah Published May 28, 2013 They will use the evidence gathered from discussions and observations to judge the overall quality of the curriculum provided for children. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. As a result, an inspector would not judge a provider negatively solely on the occasional use of informal language. How do class teachers know what went before in previous years? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Evidence of striving towards inclusive practice within the curriculum intent. Some early years teachers have questioned whether the new deep dives into national curriculum subjects require them to teach specific history or geography lessons. The EYFS framework sets out the statutory requirements for learning and development for children up to and including Reception year. There has been a lot of concern in the sector about whether schools need to produce detailed curriculum maps. Expect questions such as: As you can see, these questions are similar to those that might have been asked as part of the old framework, but with a greater emphasis as with the majority of the new framework on subject knowledge and pupil progression. What are you doing about it?. Ofsted does not ask to see any internal tracking or assessment information. In creating these EYFS Ofsted questions, we consulted additional industry experts, The Early Years Inspection Handbook, the 2021 EYFS Framework, and spoke to nurseries who have celebrated successful Ofsted inspections in 2022. Safeguarding. Read the latest EYFS topics. At Third Space Learning, weve designed our one to one interventions to be sensitive to pupils needs in many ways. The best way to prepare for an Ofsted deep dive is to have thought about the questions inspectors are likely to ask. Of course, this may not be your experience. Do you feel you have been given all the tools you need to do this role? Ofsted has said it will not judge schools negatively on how they might have stripped back theirEYFSprovision during the pandemic. WebProvide this document to the science subject leader to enable them to see the valuable skills being learnt in Kindergarten that has an impact on their subject later on. WebThe EYFS makes it clear that the development of childrens spoken language underpins all 7 areas of learning. Ofsted can choose any subject area for their deep dive during an inspection, including the subjects we offer here at Kapow Primary. For the purposes of inspection, a deep dive means looking at:- curriculum intent what does the curriculum intend to do? implementation how is the curriculum implemented? impact what progress do children make? Inspectors will want to know how key stage 1 builds on the knowledge that children learn in the early years. We use a scheme as a basis but heavily adapt and move objectives etc around. How do you fill gaps in maths and decide on maths interventions? Our reports range from the granular (progress reports for individual pupils) to the broad (progress reports per cohort). Get the latest posts and industry insights straight to your inbox. The revised EYFS emphasises the importance of developing childrens vocabulary, to help them with reading comprehension and writing when they are older. The aim of a deep dive is based on Ofsteds motto of lets see that in action together: to allow inspectors to gather the necessary evidence to form an accurate evaluation of how education flows from intention to implementation to Inspectors will want to understand how providers are continuing to meet this requirement if temporarily using the existing ratio flexibilities set out in the EYFS framework. Click here instead. Reddit - Dive into anything Yes, please send me guidance, information and free resources in the future. Settings will be inspected within a 6-year timescale, and if a setting is newly established the inspection will be within 30 months of their registration date. Get the most from our software. 13) What are the main stresses of your team and how do you support them? How Ofsted will inspect Reception classes next year Ofsted said that curriculum planning does not need to be in any specific format but that leaders needto justify these plans based on what they want children to encounter, explore and learn in school. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. As stated above, we set no expectations or requirements for planning or paperwork. Weve grouped the questions for easy reading. All rights reserved.Third Space Learning is the Get ready for SATs with this set of 6 maths SATs practice papers designed to help your Year 6 pupils improve test skills and build confidence. Heres a brief look at some frequently asked questions and myths. Why? News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. There is no prescribed way of carrying out or recording assessments, as long as assessment is effective and helps childrens learning, development and progress. Our one-to-one tuition helps pupils make an average of. As maths is our specialist subject (we support thousands of schools every year with specialist maths tuition and curriculum sequencing resources), our examples are drawn from maths, but almost all questions will apply to other subjects as well. Ofsted inspects providers in line with the principles and requirements of the EYFS. Paragraphs 386 to 394 set out how inspectors will reach their judgements on the quality of education in the early years. Our curriculum is built on strong early years pedagogy to support all children to succeed. 3) How do you ensure your staff has quality subject knowledge to deliver activities? There is no specific format for curriculum models, but they should be progressive and well-sequenced to build childrens skills and knowledge as they journey through school. The purpose of a deep dive is for Ofsted to establish a clearer idea of the overall teaching quality of a school by examining a national curriculum subject in detail. Pupils also had to explain what they had learnt in that lesson. Need help with Blossom? Share these questions with your Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) staff. Phone +1 801-825-8961. Inspectors will check whether children are experiencing a language-rich environment and an accurate use of words over time. Inspectors will want to understand how the curriculum in early years is the foundation for key stage 1, as well as to understand how knowledge builds in a sequence from nursery to year 6. Did they say what they thought of off the shelf schemes? How diverse is your nursery register? Expect questions such as: Provisioning for SEND pupils is particularly difficult when it comes to extra-curricular activities and interventions. Try out your answers to some of these with your line manager or a supportive colleague, so you can be as prepared as possible for the OFSTED call: How does your curriculum meet the needs of learners with SEND? How are end of term assessments fed back into teaching and learning? This How do you know this is happening across the school? Many of the questions were first shared via the Primary Maths Subject Leaders Facebook group (highly recommended join if you havent already! 9 Things You Should Know About The NCETM Mathematics Guidance As You Plan Your Curriculum Prioritisation, Teachers' Guide To The Ofsted Maths Research Review 2021, How to prepare for an Ofsted deep dive in maths, Ofsted deep dive checklist: the questions inspectors are asking, free downloadable framework of the most frequently asked Ofsted deep dive maths questions, 6. Most teachers were asked what interventions they had in place, with a particular focus on interventions for pupil premium children. How do we ensure culture capital in maths? The projects are designed around the educational programmes, but CurriculumPro clearly shows the links between the early years statutory framework and the national curriculum. Shonette, is not outstanding, but sensationally standing-out, Please copy or click the link below to book tickets on our website: This is the foundational knowledge that prepares children for learning in that subject from Year 1 onwards..
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ofsted deep dive eyfs