ncis la fanfiction deeks father alive

Seen her as benign, even a little maternal. Do we have to do both of them? Fireworks and all. He retorted, But what about that dating app you were on? Is Artie on a date or something? Sam asked with a slight grin. Had he not looked ten years ago, or even twenty? Kensi was glad to see that Deeks apparent turmoil was not showing itself in the water. Posted on September 19, 2021 by amusement345 in Fan Fiction // 9 Comments. # 15. Maybe. You didnt look fine when I found you, she said. I mean, its not an all-or-nothing deal, right?, No, of course its not. Kensi, Deeks, Sam, Callen, Nell and Eric have been the best of friends since kindergarten. Read the most popular deeks stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. (LogOut/ So. She raised those kids to follow in her footsteps. Its not the history, and its not the relatives. I mean, you know that I want more than anything to have a baby with you. Kensi would have hit him if Deeks hadnt grabbed her arm. He would never know what he had done so right in this world to have the privilege of spending the rest of his life with her, but he knew he would never take a second of it for granted. You get angry, but youre never out of control. Youre worried about what youll find?. Hetty hosts a barbecue at one of her houses and she and Owen make an announcement. "A whole three days off?" Thanks, Cladani. Thank you Karen, for sharing the thoughts of all these wonderful writersit has been inspirational. Something Hetty might have planted. She thought a moment longer. I just think there are a whole lot of other ways to make a difference. Maybe theyd hoped in the same converse ways. Rountree doesnt fall for Fatima right away. But that doesnt mean she wasnt lying to you then. Working it out aloud. Neither one spoke until the boat headed out into the dark water of the ocean. I dont have idea how I havent noticed this story. It was falling down ugly and he wondered why the bad guys couldnt have found a better-looking hiding place for their contraband. This conversation was your idea., I know. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. What if he joined S.W.A.T? deeks ncis densi +3 more # 14 Love Forever by ncis4life 22.2K 730 22 densi fan fiction densi love ncisla +1 more # 15 He'd been out of control any number of times, angry enough to kill, and maybe he would have, if there hadn't been others there to stop him. I like angst as long as there is a happy conclusion. One that just so happens to give him a brand new opportunity to flex his undercover skills. Kensi Blye-Deeks sounds much better than Kensi Blye-Brandel. Tony Dinozzo is brought back to NCIS five years after leaving and finds himself caught in a war unlike any other. Never again. Hettys done something we have hated and Im thinking Kensi and Afghanistan, but I never blamed Hetty for Kensi getting captured, that was on her. Wouldnt want to waste Arties valuable time., Doesnt he just hang out in your freezer?, Yes he does, Beale. And somehow I got the impression that Bertie protected her son much more often than we give her a credit for. But I didnt. No, my love. Hetty? Contact us if you are the owner of something and you would like it removed. Those are some of my absolute favorite moments/stories for them. (TV 2017), NCIS: Los Angeles, , Bones (TV) Not Rated. Not without a reason, I agree with that. Kensi laughed, moaning exaggeratedly after taking another sip of coffee. They arent too much, and I love them, because you do. So what are your romantic plans for tonight? Sam asked. Once theyd known, for sure, once theyd met with either relief or disappointment, Deeks made her an offer. This was nice. Theres nothing., Nothing, as in nothing. Just wonderful, a perfect Valentines Day for my favorite otp! What was your craziest day of filmingNCISLA? Not happening., Probably shouldnt considering we havent hazed him yet for passing muster and actually becoming an NCIS Investigator., Hazing? No one knew better than Bertie what it had been like to live in the Brandel household. The result of being too tired and miss reading the a tombstone at the end and it peculating till this came about. We dont have to talk about it. But dont worry. Romance at your Service: Deeks Surf Log4/23/23. Maybe they had reasons why they were doing what they were doing. Whats your favorite NCISLA Christmas episode? Its not the other relatives., Kensi narrowed her eyes in confusion. She lifted herself up, and turned to face him. But is that what happened?. "Are you ready to spend the day with nana?" The two senior agents laid out the case, which seemed like a no-brainer except for the location and the fact that he would have little overwatch once he was inside the abandoned warehouse. Listen, you know I love Hetty, but Im also not looking at her through rose-colored glasses. Diane | Founder, Writer, & Contributing Editor, Follow wikiDeeks | Marty Deeks | NCISLA on There was an interior wall with an open sliding door painted an unfortunate green. But it had been far from enough. Required fields are marked *. Hed been too intrigued, and maybe too enchanted, to say no to her. Sing-song-y response. One of my stories has them hiding and making out in the storage room and almost getting caught by Hetty.. HeyI am not going to a hospital today. Did you ever think of that? So beautiful. Because it really might be kind of cool. Kadiedid says, Oh, I definitely like to write about them getting together and jumping through hoops to make it happen. Not so with Akhos Laos. Thanks for writing and have a Happy Valentines Day!!! Is that it? No looking back. But you might find him, right? I am sure that even Hetty herself was not happy with all her decisions and choices but she had to make them and so she did ( as we have seen in Mother, it hasnt became easier with the time either). I had no idea that fanfic existedthe whole conceptit was mind boggling. We dont ever have to talk about it.. Not these front lines.. Review: NCISLA A Tale of Two Igors(S12E18), Review: NCISLA A Line in the Sand (S9E23) and Ninguna Salida(S9E24), Writing Deeks: The Voices of NCISLA Fan Fiction: A Decade of DeeksRe-Post, I Fell a Little More in Love Today: Kensis Journal4/23/23, Mr. I think thats a touch, G, Sam laughed. Its nice theyre talking about the future and possible children, and that will make for wonderful episodes, wont it? Martin Deeks would not cast stones about secret-keeping and untruths. Please consider turning it on! Deeks, have you ever tried to Google you?, Youre part of an elite team that does undercover work. He watched as her thoughts turned inward, her eyes suddenly watering with tears. Not so with Hunter. by just_me_4321. No. Not having to say aloud that it would probably have been futile. So lets live life to the fullest, Kens. Because she might have thought she had a good reason.. So? It was Valentines Day, yet somehow he had ended up in this dilapidated warehouse down by the port that was burning down around him. I know you, I love you. Okay. And thats how you rocked my world., Deeks looked around the room, finally lifting the covers, Who are you and what have you done with my wife?, You know why I said yes this time last year when you proposed?, My devastating good looks, wit, charm, sexual prowess, I said yes because after all that went on with the investigation into my fathers death, there you were. Ive often wondered if Hetty had told him the truth about his father, but I assumed the paperwork shed given him in the hospital was proof that his father was dead. Also had the same thought for the umpteenth time. Not much, but some. Because if it is or even if youre just thinking about what you already know, I can tell you for a fact that you didnt inherit any of that., You know. Kensi will have to get him up to speed on whats required of him.. They are happy together, and theyve both faced their deepest fears to get there. Time with you like this, is too precious to waste., Kensi nodded in understanding, then turning in his arms she smiled gently up at him. No two people, either. Besides which, they would have found you by now, if they were looking for you. A deep blue, not filled with love, but filled with anger and pain. I wont have any regrets. Buck and Street are together for years now. Two writers named stories that include Densi in an established relationship. He reached down for her hand, and pulled her up. Romance at your Service: Deeks Surf Log4/23/23. Id like to see her stand up to a Gordon Brandel who shows up on their doorstep one night, and to see them both let Hetty have it for lying to them (again). In many ways, Hetty had been responsible for Deeks meeting the most important person in his life. Hetty might have lied to Deeks about his father being dead. # 1. What hed said made sense, and although shed gotten there reluctantly, and after an hours-long debate with herself, Kensi agreed with him. Shed even maneuvered both of those things to his benefit, when shed realized that he actually had killed his murderous former partner, and helped him keep the secret. Review: NCISLA A Tale of Two Igors(S12E18), Review: NCISLA A Line in the Sand (S9E23) and Ninguna Salida(S9E24), Writing Deeks: The Voices of NCISLA Fan Fiction: A Decade of DeeksRe-Post, I Fell a Little More in Love Today: Kensis Journal4/23/23, Mr. Thank you so much! How could he do otherwise, seeing the turmoil on her face? Weve carried the baton, and it will be time to hand it over to someone else. Meet Mr. Deeks. He knew he was sulking, but he really didnt want to be here and bad mouthing the building made him feel better. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. When the time comes. 12.6K 276 16. She thought it would be wrong to celebrate my shooting. It was how hed reacted, after their first night together, when he hadnt taken a shot, fearful that it could have put her in danger. Two men suddenly stumbled out the door of the small office, arguing loudly and shoving one another. She thought I was supposed to regret it. And, ironically, each time it had been for her. He couldnt help but give her a wry smile. Just love that we have this moment together.. What? They met on a case 7 years ago when LAPD and NCIS worked together. Because I thought it might be good for us, you know? His strokes were deliberate, his choice of wave careful, no hint of recklessness in his ride. I loved this fanfiction, thanks for writing it. Help what? Or maybe not. The most frustrating part was not including ALL my favorite writers, but unfortunately I had to limit it to something relatively manageable. But he guessed it made sense. Half of the structure was made of corrugated, and the other half wood that looked as if it hadnt been painted in a hundred years. And you would never hurt me.. Artie? I was perfectly happy with that kind of [slow] relationship/partnership development on the show, whilst I got to play with them in fic and write things I wouldnt necessarily want to see on the show because a fic is a fic as far as one-shots go, its one and done, and what happens in a one-shot doesnt have to carry forward into everything else you write. This mornings conversation with Kensis friends hadnt created his dilemma. I mean, he had to have had some redeeming qualities for your mom to have been with him in the first place, right? He wouldnt let Bertie derail every conversation with her chatter, and he wouldnt get sucked into whatever was the most recent drama in her life. I know it could be bad, but what if its good?. Will you ever direct/produce/write anepisode? (Im raccoonsmate4life on there if any of you ever see me reviewing!). Im done not talking about it., His gaze remained steady on her face. You already know how I feel about it. Hes joking, right? Deeks stammered. Not so with Callen. Im fine. I keep a distance, because I can. So, if your dad had been looking for you, he would have run into a wall.. How can we help fire victims? I told you before, I didnt want my mom to get the kind of news that next of kin gets. Youre my world. A complete sentence would be nice right about now. it was about me. If hed tried in recent years, had he failed? And Ive been in love with it all ever since. The Empty glass of truth. I carry the weight of that with me. How does your improvisation processwork? What can we expect for Densi in BetterAngels? As shed insisted for months now, despite the fact that both of them sincerely, deeply, desperately wanted to become parents. God, I can feel it in my bones, I want it so much. It is not how world works and once I learned that myself, life became much more easier. That smell lingers, and I have big plans for Valentines Day., Okay. They even took lives, much more often than either of them tolerated without considerable cost to their sleep and peace of mind, also for the greater good. Copyright 2023 Going in, boys. Surrounded by fire and falling debris, he ran toward the exit, finding it blocked by a collapsed beam. Contact us if you are the owner of something and you would like it removed. "Not my own accomplishments." The ongoing adventures of NCIS LA: The New Member. Sonofabitch.. I dont know why, but I have never given the second thought about Deeks father. What do you most admire aboutDeeks? I struggle with a domestic Kensi and Deeks with a house, kids, etc. And will the fact that he is maybe somewhere alive change anything now? What? Stopping abruptly as he tried to read Callen. Very early on, hed been a bit enamored of her. Ncis La Dani Deeks. He interrupted her. And maybe a long shower. What do you most admire about Deeks? Keeping up the great tradition of answering questions with more questions. After what had happened, and after watching his team leaders reaction, Deeks had come to see Callen in a new way. But I like candy and flowers, she said softly. If theyd turned away from her, who would they have turned to? A/N: Apologies in advance for those who dont feel, as I do, that questions are usually far more interesting than their answers. Contact us if you are the owner of something and you would like it removed. Its going to be interesting to see how everyone incorporates canon now into their ideas of how their relationship will work at and away from work. i also agree they have a choice unlike callen and hunter and the one she had to kill. The sooner youre in place the faster we wrap this up so Kensi wont kick my ass for spoiling your evening.. A great story, intriguing, enjoyable and believable. So what happened to us meeting at work this morning? Kensi asked in mock confusion as Deeks made his way around to the kitchen, pulling a t-shirt down over his bare torso as he did so. Just for being. Will we see follow-up from Densis Season 9 argument? Was his father alive? t I was supposed to regret it. Made an interesting story for TV though. Which thought made Deeks revisit his own relationship with the woman whod changed his life by bringing him into her fold. We wouldnt have to give him anything we dont want to give him, including access to our kids, or our home. In their business, information is key. I love all the fanfic writers mentioned. Are you saying you feel differently now?. Not to mention the steaks and chops., Now Im hungry, Sam said. Listen, Im not saying were wrong to do the work. The things we do have consequences just as much as those things we dont do.Episode Tag for S13.E5 Divided We Fall. Coming, dear. Sneaking up behind her and planting a kiss behind her ear. Your email address will not be published. Even though Sweet Lus Densi may not be getting married any time soon, they still are in a loving relationship. Or so she and Hetty told me. They were welcomed on board withglassesof champagne and ushered back to the stern where a candlelit table was set for dinner. A surprise, he said as he allowed the paramedic to pull an oxygen mask over his face. Hettys very manipulative and is not always honest with her team. I guess its safe to tell you now that, knowing I would have no time for it in the week following the episode, I actually wrote this before it aired, just based on the title.
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ncis la fanfiction deeks father alive