myanmar religion percentage

The first is constructed around a fear of Islamic encroachment into Myanmar and demographic besiegement by Muslimsan idea that runs deep in Burman Buddhist society. WebReligion in Myanmar is spread across Buddhist with 87.9%, Christian 6.2%, Muslim 4.3%, Animist 0.8%, Hindu 0.5%, other 0.2%, and none at 0.1% of the population. Population aged 65+ Sexual and Reproductive Health . The population density overall is approximately 79 people per square kilometer. 91 0 obj <> endobj About 87% of the population in Myanmar identify as Theravada Buddhists. Myanmar religion percentage 2023. Interview with Aung San Suu Kyithe State Counselor of Burma, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, and a Theravada Buddhistwhere she responds to accusations of ethnic cleansing against Muslims in Myanmar: Web Chart and table of Myanmar population from 1950 to 2023. The founder of Buddhism is the Buddha,Siddharta Gautamawho lived in the 5th century BC. 0000003981 00000 n Between 1951 and 1961, the Muslim population expanded by 32.7%, 11 percentage points more than Indias overall rate of 21.6%. The Bamar account for around 68% of the population, followed by the Shan (10%), Kayin (7%), Rakhine (4%) and overseas Chinese (3%). This act essentially legitimized discrimination against the Rohingya, which continues today. 2023 by selected countries in. In Muslim majority contexts like Mali, Burkina Faso, and northern Nigeria ethnicity plays a stronger role and implications for Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the fascinating world of Myanmar's religion, and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural richness that makes Myanmar such a unique and captivating country. WebCrime Statistics. 0000010110 00000 n Indeed, the perception that foreigners ran much of Burmas finance and commerce was seen as unacceptable. What cultural violence makes this structural violence seem acceptable? [19] Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Final Report of Inquiry Commission on Sectarian Violence in Rakhine State (8 July 2013), 62, [15], As a consequence of this fear, discriminatory policies toward the Rohingya have been imposed. To date, Buddhist mobs have killed more than 200 Muslims, the majority of whom are Rohingya, and caused the displacement of more than 140,000.[9]. Looser censorship has also correlated with the increasing penetration of social media into Burmese society. Joshua Project occasionally adjusts profile text from third party sources. In 1989, an unelected military regime changed the name of Burma to Myanmar. Detailed maps are often found on specific people profiles. UNdata | record view | Population by religion, sex and urban/rural Myanmar Religion Percentage 2023 April 15, 2023 Web As of 2019 the Yangon region was the most populous region in Myanmar with a population of over eight million. Code columns are usually hidden by default. MYANMAR RELIGIONS - DNQ Travel Illegal groups are not recognized as citizens in the country, and they have been relentlessly persecuted. WebHinduism in Myanmar. According to current projections, Myanmars population will see its highest number in 2054 with 62.32 million people. 0000015224 00000 n 0000004016 00000 n This led to the expulsion of close to 300,000 Burmese Indians. RELIGION AND PUBLIC LIFE, Harvard Divinity School14 DivinityAvenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. my.hds |Harvard Divinity School |Harvard University |Privacy | Accessibility | Digital Accessibility | Trademark Notice | Reporting Copyright InfringementCopyright 2023 President and Fellows of Harvard College. Values for %Christian Adherent and %Evangelical (which determine unreached status) are often informed estimates, some more accurate than others. Growth rates have declined for all of Indias major religious groups, but the slowdown has been more pronounced among religious minorities, who outpaced Hindus in earlier decades. 0000012575 00000 n Althoughreligion in Myanmarcan be tense at times due to the friction between the different religious groups, in reality, it is a very peaceful country. Today, a segment of Burman Buddhist monks represented by Ashin Wirathu is re-igniting sentiments of intolerance and flaming lingering resentment toward Rohingya, preaching hateful rhetoric and sowing fear in the local Buddhist population in an attempt to change the ethnic demographics of Rakhine State. Joshua Project may be able to provide more information than what is published on this site. Use mouse wheel or +/- buttons to zoom the map. H\0~ Anti-Indian and anti-Muslim attitudes were compounded during both the Japanese occupation of Burma (19421945)when Muslims in British Burma, going against the leanings of the Burmese Independence Movement, sided with the colonial British[5]and the subsequent Rohingya Mujahideen Rebellion (19481961), in which the Rohingya waged an unsuccessful secessionist campaign to create a separate Islamic State that would eventually join East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).[6]. Copyright 2023 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Religion and Society Graduate Certificate (Harvard Extension School). This has resulted in significant transformations in areas such as censorship, whereby efforts by Buddhist monks to propagate anti-Muslim narratives are now facilitated by Myanmars reforms. 221/2013 (December 3, 2013), The quality of life can be examined in numerous manners, including exploring healthcare, access to improved sanitation and drinking water, as well as the World Happiness Report. Buddhism has been a significant influence on Myanmar's culture, art, and way of life for more than a thousand years. The Inquiry Commission into sectarian violence in Rakhine State released in 2013 found that Rohingya living in rural areas could not speak any indigenous languages of Myanmar well . 0000001481 00000 n In this predominantly Buddhist country, Muslims are often discriminated against by the powerful nationalist movement that strives to protect Buddhist identity, thus creating a struggle for minority groups. [26] Abuse Against Myanmars Rohingya Erodes Recent Progress, Amnesty International, (19 July 2012), Data is not as precise as it appears. WebOfficially, 4% of the inhabitants of Myanmar are Muslim. ISSUE UPDATE: ABUSES AGAINST FULANI MUSLIM [3] The British also welcomed wealthy money lenders (chettyars) from South India to help administer colonial Burma. WebReligion in Myanmar The overwhelming majority of Myanmars population practices Theravada Buddhismaround 88 percent. [10] The 969 movement has gained many followers by labeling itself as a protector of Buddhism from aliens or non-native persons. H#6^l? 9?(5S&G qa{uCiV;T(!DU4\d,mq9Hq!i Z+s)[/tnd\g:k[qPr HkxjQ!Orw],V +J1+WY#4OtF&:. [1] Francis Buchanan, A Comparative Vocabulary of Some of the Languages Spoken in the Burma Empire, Asiatic Researchers, Vol. The birth rate in Myanmar, which has been declining as well, is 17.339 births per woman. Myanmar Religion Percentage - Few evangelicals and few who identify as Christians. [16] Reform Fails to Help Myanmars Rohingya, IISS Strategic Comments, Vol. bG^P.mW/r"> U4cT7hksC/)T~X]][/88h a NB4' $.FkRd> Today, these people live in refugee camps in their own country. [22] Eliane Coates, Buddhist Monks in Myanmar: Driving Religious Intolerance and Hindering Reform, RSIS Commentaries No. 68 0 obj <>stream 0000005912 00000 n By 2013, in neighboring Bangladesh alone around 300,000 Rohingya refugees lived in camps along the border. This case study was created by Kristofer Rhude, MDiv 18, under the editorial direction of Dr. Diane L. Moore, faculty director of Religion and Public Life. Children as a percentage of the population Myanmar 2013-2022. w+|R6r5pRCyzh+xm6f{.xmpf2YZ|_pT~9dbb?f4 0vev4l,{w}?_3~`9'L;v:5mpZGjneS?J5TjyNCJ;]%S9tA]@%Pv/_zjJ Myanmar It contains 4,477,638 residents. H\0>E? B-x`u How does gender play a role in the conflict in Myanmar. For a description of the Commissions composition, mandate, and methodology, see Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Final Report of Inquiry Commission on Sectarian Violence in Rakhine State (July 8, 2013), i-ii, . Rangoon/Yangon is the largest city and the capital of the area. WebThis census covered 96.6 percent of total population. xref Clicking Update will rewrite the URL in the address bar allowing you to bookmark this page. However, while Buddhist nationalists have clearly stoked violence and legitimized Islamophobic actions, there are many Buddhists who have tried to promote peace with their Muslim neighbors. It's believed there are at least 300,000 refugees from Burma located along the Thai-Burma border, with many camps established in the 1980's. [25] Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Final Report of Inquiry Commission on Sectarian Violence in Rakhine State (8 July 2013), 47, Myanmar's relatively slow population growth is predicted to continue on its current trajectory. Throughout the 20th century, British colonial policy regularly pitted these groups against each other, creating a violent legacy that continues to this day. WebApproximately 6 percent are Christians, primarily Baptists, Roman Catholics, and Anglicans, along with several small Protestant denominations. The tacit approval by the government of discriminatory policies toward Rohingyaand the widespread impunity for most perpetrators of violence, including the authoritiesremain a key concern in Myanmars transformation from a military dictatorship into a democracy. Some countries, and the United Nations recognize the name change due to the paperwork and preference to allow members to name themselves as they wish so long as the decision is recorded. MEI welcomes financial donations, but retains sole editorial control over its work and its publications reflect only the authors views. Myanmar (Burma) is a majorly a Buddhist majority country with a significant minority population residing in the country.(Section 361) of the Constitution states that "The Union recognizes special position of ```Buddhism``` as the faith professed by the great majority of the citizens of the Union." According to both the 2016 census of the Burmese government Buddhism is the dominant religion, of In the 19th century, many tribes who had been treated as inferior due to their animistic beliefs, such as the Chins, converted to Christianity. The second narrative espoused in the growing Burman-Buddhist nationalist movement is that the Rohingya started it. That is, Rohingya throughout history have rarely followed Burmese national interests, instead several times having threatened Myanmars newfound sovereignty. New media, such as Facebook, have facilitated the rapid spread of accusations, often inflaming already volatile situations. Share of children in total population in Myanmar from 2013 to 2022. They believe in a Theravadan Buddhist doctrine that states that only their intention affects their karma. WebQuintana visited Myanmar in March 2010 and called for the establishment of a U.N. Commission of Inquiry to investigate Myanmars violations of international humanitarian and human rights law and to recommend appropriate redress.32 Quintana reiterated this appeal a year later in March 2011 and then again that summer, but to no avail.33 The demographic study based on analysis of more than 2,500 censuses, surveys and population registers finds 2.2 billion Christians (32% of the worlds population), 1.6 billion Muslims (23%), 1 billion Hindus (15%), nearly 500 million Buddhists (7%) and 14 million Jews (0.2%) around the world as of 2010. 0000009664 00000 n Web Last Friday Good Friday Myanmars military court sentenced the former leader of the Kachin Baptist Convention to six years in prison. There have been numerous sermons from such leaders promoting coexistence, decrying the restrictions on interfaith marriages, and building interfaith understanding. Both believe their actions to be deeply inspired by Buddhism, and both use theology to justify their claims. WebMyanmar Myanmar - Overview Population. The Buddhists described here span a wide range of values regarding the intersection of their religion and violence. . [13] Zarni Mann, Islamic Extremists Want My Downfall, Thats Why They Put Me On The Cover, The Irrawaddy (June 24, 2013). The rate of growth today is just under 1%, but that will likely decrease to near 0 by 2050. [27] Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Final Report of Inquiry Commission on Sectarian Violence in Rakhine State (July 8, 2013), 48, We welcome. Again in 1971, a group of Rohingya pushed to join Bangladesh during its fight for independence from East Pakistan. He experienced enlightenment, a kind of extraordinary clairvoyance, a great wisdom where he understood that man causes his own suffering by undertaking and carrying out negative actions. Web The difference is that Myanmar or Burma as it was known 0000004936 00000 n Be respectful of the different cultures and keep an open mind as you explore this beautiful country! Population Web Estimated Population of Myanmar in 2023. [2] Fear of New Religious Strife, The Economist (July 27, 2013), The Middle East Institute (MEI) is an independent, non-partisan, non-for-profit, educational organization. [15] Jane Perlez, Rise in Bigotry Fuels Massacre Inside Myanmar, International New York Times (March 1, 2014). Among his alleged crimes. The ethnic and religious violence in Myanmar is incredibly complex; the traumas of colonialism, poverty, the recent transition from a military government to a more democratic state, and the global war on terror all play major roles in shaping the conflict.
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myanmar religion percentage