moreton bay council rates calculator

Not for profit organisations are exempt from paying this fee, Environmental Health Officers - Event Monitoring, This fee is applicable when EHOs are required to work additional hours to monitor Environmental Impacts at events New Lease - Application - Redcliffe Aerodrome. 9.00am - 1.00pm; A customer is classified as a not-for-profit, community or sporting group only upon direction from either Moreton Bay Regional Council, Sunshine Coast Council or Noosa Shire Council. Contains details of the propertys owner and postal address. This fee is payable in conjunction with the application fee. This fee is charged in addition to any handling, yarding and sustenance fees and transport costs. Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Powered - Peak Season - Per Night, Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Powered - Peak Season - Per Week, Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Powered - Shoulder Season - Per Night, Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Powered - Shoulder Season - Per Week, Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Unpowered - Low Season - Per Night, Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Unpowered - Low Season - Per Week, Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Unpowered - Peak Season - Per Night, Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Unpowered - Peak Season - Per Week, Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Unpowered - Shoulder Season - Per Night, Beachmere Caravan Park - Site - Unpowered - Shoulder Season - Per Week, Key / Swipe Card - Additional or Lost - Beachmere. Commercial charge is applied on a pro-rata monthly basis. Development Permit - Assessment of Amended Plans for Class 1a Dwelling & Class 10 Building & Structures, This fee applies when an amendment is required for an existing class 1a or class 10 building permit, Development Permit - Demolition of Class 1a or Class 10 Building/Structure, Development Permit - Existing Unapproved Building Work. Charge reflects Councils shredding/volume reduction charges for mattress bases. New plumbing and drainage work for domestic structures includes up to 3 Items. While every care has been taken to ensure these fees are accurate, customers are encouraged to contact Council if requiring confirmation of specific amounts or purposes. Annual renewal fee for Motor Vehicle Set. Product Sales - Asbestos Bag - 1.5m3 (bag only). GST included. Environmentally Relevant Activity - Environmental Authority Annual Renewal - Late Payment Fee. Burial (Dig) - Lawn and Monumental Grave - Subsequent, This fee is payable in conjunction with the application fee. Items include: Refunds are considered on a pro-rata basis, Food Business Licence - Annual Renewal Fee - Category 1B Premises, This fee is applicable to previously rated Medium risk Food Businesses that sell high risk food as described in the Food Act. Hire fee includes set up of podiums by QSEC staff in location specified by hirer. The fee is 100% of the application fee calculated as if the application were a new application for the extent of development proposed by the change to the approval only. (Decision Only, if you choose one of our Registered Certifiers) (GST not applicable) Connection application (less than 50 lots) Stage, or if one Stage only, per application) $6,010.00. Non residents and commercial waste. Animal registration renewals for the next period will be issued in early September for payment by 30 September. Cardboard disposal is free if not contaminated. Available Mon - Fri Fee applies to a cat when a certificate of sterilisation/desexing has been provided to council. Application fees are non refundable. Charged Annually for commercial use of council land. Stormwater Management Infrastructure - Large Scale (not trunk), Large Scale is a catchment area of more than 10000m2, Stormwater Management Infrastructure - Small Scale (not trunk), Small Scale is a catchment area of 10000m2 or less, Stormwater Management Infrastructure - Trunk. Applicable at approved sites. Queensland State Equestrian Centre - Flooring - Set Up / Installation and Dismantle. Application fee is non refundable. Survey Plan Endorsement - Standard Format, Building Format and Volumetric Format - greater than 200 lots, Fee per allotment includes the Balance area but excludes park, roads, town planning purpose land, community purpose land, public utility lots, and drainage reserve. Commercial charge is applied on a pro-rata monthly basis. These flower holders are made of Stainless steel/brass for columbarium walls and are In addition to the plaque. First year registration allows time for animal to be desexed and certificate of desexing to be provided to Council. Dog Registration - First Year - Pension concession. 9.5K views, 49 likes, 0 loves, 99 comments, 67 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Moreton Bay Regional Council: *Note: the reference number in the video is only an example. Community service organisation parking permit - (Not for profit Community Service Organisations are exempt from paying this fee). and various other recording equipment and programs. First year registration allows time for animal to be desexed and certificate of desexing to be provided to Council. Available to venue hirers to heat/prepare food or for catering purposes Detailed guidance, regulations and rules Jubilee bin collection days. This fee is for alterations to an existing structure. Applicable at approved sites. For more details contact HUB staff or refer to Website for more details, Caboolture Hub - Meeting Rooms - Not For Profit - Full Day, Caboolture Hub - Meeting Rooms - Not For Profit - Half Day, Caboolture Hub - Meeting Rooms - Not For Profit - Two Hour Session, Caboolture Hub - Portable PA System - General Hire. Backflow Prevention Device - Annual Registration Fee, An annual fee to administer the registration of a backflow prevention device where one or more are installed on the property, s 101 of the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019, Application - Plumbing and Drainage - other compliance assesable work, Application of other compliance assessable work not captured in any other application. This work includes typically only one aspect of work such as a water service inspection whereby Council issues a form 18 (inspection certificate) for the work inspected, Inspection - Plumbing and Drainage - Prefabricated Buildings - Temporary. Impounded Livestock - Release - Large Animal. Change to Development Approval (Minor) under section 78 of Planning Act 2016. It also has 28 lockers and 2 showers. This refundable bond provides secure access to a facility which is capable of housing 24 bicycles. GST included. Waste Levy $115.00 per tonne applies to Asbestos mixed with Regulated Category 2 waste. Not for profit organisations are exempt from paying this fee. Concession applies to applicants that hold a current Centrelink or Veteran Affairs pension concession card. Information and conditions regarding the Queensland waste levy. prescribed activity 2. Child is defined as being 3 to 16 years of age. Includes one inspection. Applicable at approved sites without weighbridges - Woodford Transfer Station, General Waste Commercial (C&I and C&D) - Car and Trailer - Woodford Transfer Station. Items include: 9.00am - 1.00pm; Includes standard set up and 2 staff members, Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Stadium 2 - Event Hire - Weekend, Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Stadium 2 - Event Hire - Weekend - Additional Hourly Fee, Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Ticketing - Venue Hirer Ticket Fee, This fee is payble by the hirer and is charged per ticket sold for the event, Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Venue Service Fee, This is an administration fee applicable when MBRC staff need to arrange additional services on behalf of Venue hirers or to meet MBRC requirements Dayboro, Samsonvale, Redcliffe and Caboolture Lawn Cemeteries This fee applies when a cat trap is not returned to Council by the return date on the cat trap hire agreement. As constructed drainage plan for Commercial/Industrial and Multi-residential allotments. This includes a field release or release from the Pound. Waste Levy no charge. Application - Building Finalisation - Class 1 Buildings & Commercial Fitouts, This includes a maximum of 1 inspection where required and file retrieval. Waste Levy no charge. Reservation - Companion Niche (Cast Concrete). Caravan Park or Camping Ground - Application Fee. Semi-Permanent - Donnybrook Caravan Parks - Per Week, Key / Swipe Card - Additional or Lost - Toorbul, Long Stay - Toorbul Caravan Park - Extra Person - Per night, Long Stay - Toorbul Caravan Park - Per Week, Toorbul Caravan Park - Cabin - Low Season - Per Night, Minimum booking periods may apply Reservation - Single Niche (Cast Concrete). Cabin Sleeps max of 2 people, Toorbul Caravan Park - Cabin - Shoulder Season - Per Week, Toorbul Caravan Park - Cabin & Cottage - Extra Person - All Seasons - Per Night, Toorbul Caravan Park - Cabin and Cottage - Extra Person - All Seasons - Per Week, Toorbul Caravan Park - Cottage - Low Season - Per Night, Minimum booking periods may apply Eligible residents/ ratepayers - from 15 December 2022 no Annual household limits in Policy: 2150-042. Product Sales - Asbestos Bag - 1.0m3 (bag only). Bordered by Moreton Bay on both sides and with views across the water to the islands, this beautiful bayside village boasts a vibrant town centre with regular festivals and twilight markets to enjoy and explore. Works For Access And Parking (not associated with MCU), Works For Taking Or Interfering With Water, Works Involving Prescribed Tidal Works - Private Pontoons and Decks Only. A minimum charge applies. This application fee is applicable for either the interment or placement of ashes. This fee is applicable when an ERA authority is transferred to a new holder A minimum charge applies. for part of a road immediately adjacent to the proposed building/construction site, and Additional charge for tele and video, Caboolture Hub - The Boardroom - General Hire - Half Day, Room provides large boardroom table, 20 seating capacity, adjustable lighting, hearing loop, mounted projector, screen , audio , electronic whiteboard, wifi, kitchenette, access to business lounge Terry Walker Queensland State Equestrian Centre - Event Support. Approval is only valid for 12months. Advanced grid can be used for an additional fee. Full day - 9.00am - 5.00pm, Caboolture Library Computer Training Room Hire - Community Not for Profit - Per Session, Computer training room has 12 computers and an LCD wall screen. A minimum fee applies. This fee is the cost to purchase a replacement cat trap. This fee is to cover the costs associated with the administration, investigation and arranging for the performing of work when required. Fee amount is determined by passenger capacity. Cater services available from onsite Caf. A reduced fee for new animal registration is offered for the period of 1 July 2022 to 30 September 2022 of 25% of the 2021/2022 animal registration period. Minimum charge. Includes tattooing and body piercing. Fee is non-refundable 8am - 12noon or 12.30pm-4.30pm, Caboolture Hub - The Boardroom - General Hire - Full Day, Room provides large boardroom table, 20 seating capacity, adjustable lighting, hearing loop, mounted projector, internet, wifi, access to business lounge and kitchenette. This fee is for the cost of storage and release of impounded signs. Applicable at approved sites. Onoda For Domestic Properties Only, Building Act 1975 sect 111 & 123, Plumbing & Drainage Act 2002 sect 143, Planning Act 2016, Sect 264, Copy - Council Infrastructure Information, This search provides information on Council infrastructure/services external to the property or in the surrounding area. Clean earthen, without foreign materials and suitable for immediate operational use. Applicable at approved sites. Set fee for up to a maximum 8hr booking, Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Stadium 1 - Court Hire - Weekdays - Off Peak, Off peak weekday times are Monday to Friday : 9am-3pm Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Stadium 2 - Court Hire - Weekdays - Off Peak, Off peak weekday times are Monday to Friday : 9am-3pm, Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Stadium 2 - Court Hire - Weekdays - Peak, Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Stadium 2 - Court Hire - Weekend, Saturday and Sunday court hire min 2 hours, Morayfield Sport and Events Centre - Stadium 2 - Event Hire - Weekday - Additional Hour Fee. Not for profit organisations are exempt from paying this fee. Caboolture Lawn Cemetery Animal Management (Cats and dogs) Act 2008, Dog Registration - Annual Renewal (non-desexed) - Pension Concession (Discontinued). Waste Levy no charge. 3 small meeting rooms available, each with a round table and seating for 4, includes a whiteboard and wifi, with access to the business lounge This fee is applicable when lodging a privately certified commercial, industrial or multi-residential building application that is not lodged on line. Minimum charge. Weight restrictions of 100kg apply at Dakabin Waste Facility and Redcliffe Transfer Station. Half Day Booking equals a 4hr block . Request for Consent - Application - Council owned Land. Between 8am - 12am 1. 2. Clean Soil Fill - Domestic (MSW) Waste - Minimum Charge. Timber Uncontaminated - Commercial (C&I and C&D) Waste. This fee is applicable for damaged stables including full holes and cracked panels in stables. Charged Annually for commercial use of council land. Set up of chairs and catering services are available for additional costs. Not for profit organisations are exempt from paying this fee. Moreton Bay Pop Ups Program - Application Fee. Available in conjunction with event booking - subject to availability. bond), Council Managed Community Halls - High Risk Bond, Council Managed Community Halls - Low Risk Bond, Council Managed Community Halls - Medium Risk Bond, Dayboro Meeting Hub - Meeting Room - Per Day (up to 12 Hours), Up to 12 hours hire
moreton bay council rates calculator