mikasa broken ribs fanfic

Part 1 can be found as part 15 of the series. He lunged forward and tried to wrap his clawed hands around the villain's neck, but he simply hit him to the ground. He ran his fingers through his hair to try and calm himself, but stopped when he felt his hair dried up with blood. Despite her harsh an Juliette moved state, with everything new and threatening, she seeked solace in the embrace of thre After Eren and Mikasa get in a fight, Eren disappears for two years. Eren Yeager made his way all the way to the top being one of the best Neurosurgeons. "Yeah." She maintains her silence, admittedly shocked by the confirmation, eyeing him curiously. What if Ymir went with Historia back home after season 2? Especially when said-past has raven-dark hair, brooding grey eyes and an attitude problem that starts with the name 'Levi.' Now.". Tentatively, with quaking fingers, she grasped it. Yet she was missing something she wondered what it is. As for eren he would do anything to see the woman of his dreams happy. it was wonderful and strange to be loved by someone who hates all else. Finally getting around to cross-posting some older stuff. Its been a year since Mikasa got married to Jean. People were starting to surround him and Ladybug, and they were all mumbling things that he couldn't hear. Frank Colton tackles Mac a bit too hard and Jack is NOT happy. he called out, but it sounded more like a baby kitten crying out for help, as his voice was almost completely gone. She was beyond determined to give that golden titan what it deserved, and to figure out who was behind the disaster. His screeching turned to choking, bloody mouth yawning open and moving with the sound of wet gasps, gurgling, and then he slumped forward. Armin and the squad have been scrolling online for a while. He might have laughed at it all, but in all honesty, he couldn't tell who was more pathetic. He senses a disturbance in the Force as he views the planet and feels a new yet reassuring presence. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Ellis (Left 4 Dead 2)/Nick (Left 4 Dead 2), Ellis (Left 4 Dead 2) & Nick (Left 4 Dead 2), Supernatural One-Shots, Sick Fics, Injured Fics, and Hurt/Comfort, established relationship zhan zhengxi/jian yi. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (28), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (79), | Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (Movies) (3), | Shingeki! A single rich young man. That wasnt the life you wanted, but what else could you do? In truth, he had thought that he had been dealing with someone older. He let the Materializer scream in pain for one more moment, then he cried "Cataclysm!" But the devil always comes knocking and the past never truly dies. #ladrien When you were 12, you and your brother, Levi moved to Shiganshina. She was small and skinny, her eyes glassy and dark and empty. When Eren accidentally lets slip to Floch that Mikasa is the one who will kill him and stop The Rumbling, The Yeagerists' greatest fanatic arranges for the beautiful Ackerman to be kidnapped and handed over to Hizuru to be used as an imprisoned breeding slave to reinforce the current administration. You hear that? But they don't cause the problems that ribs that have broken into pieces can. Keith prompt(s): Bleeding Through Bandages (ch2); Insomnia (ch11); Neglect/Abandonment (ch19), Lance prompt(s): Allergic Reaction (ch8); Chronic Pain (ch9); Overdose (ch10); Isolation (ch14); Bullying (ch22); Accidentally Hurt by a Friend (ch25); Bullying (ch26), Klance prompt(s): Broken Rib(s) (ch3); Made A Slave (Ch4); Attempted Rape (Ch5); Stalking (Ch6); Verbal Abuse (ch12); Infected Wound (Ch21); Betrayal (Ch27), Shiro prompt(s): Self-Loathing (ch7); Mind Rape (Ch23), Shance prompt(s): Nightmares (Ch18); Sleep Deprivation (20), Hunk prompt(s): Bloody Nose (Ch13); Anger Born of Worry (Ch15); Biting (Ch24). And your dress.". W noc przed odbiciem Muru Marii w gowie kapitana pojawia si szalona myl:Moe zachowa czstk Erwina, nawet jeli ten umrze. Jimin can help with that. Marie is from the Interior and she just wants to be able to fight titans, this caused her to meet many others in obsessive love with her The will even kill for her. Mikasa and Armin were here, he'd be fine . Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Sara has some abandonment issues (imagine that!). I'm not on their level, I'm always miles away from an even playing field, and they know it. ' "Those bastards," Levi told her idly. "This will take some of that hard edge off and make you just right." The Noble smiled as Mikasa's face started to blush from the alcohol and her eyes became glossy. But as unfolds without him around as much. And save humanity. A broken rib is a common injury that occurs when one of the bones in the rib cage breaks or cracks. And hed make his bed in the morning. One foot after the other, her feet scraped across the ground mechanically. His broken rib was causing him so much pain, but the pain of seeing Ladybug in this state was far worse. Adam is a photographer and artist who runs a semi-successful zine and is just trying to get by. Thankfully, it doesn't end there. But as unfolds without him around as much. The ambulance is coming. Levi flicked the blood off his blade, peering at it with a bored expression. who were victoria winters parents. "Ladybug! After one late night conversation together, Eren invites her to be his roommate. That's also why Eren Jaeger, age fifteen, found himself on an airship beyond the walls in the middle of a war he helped start after he only just beat Annie in a titan fight and got news that there was a breach in Wall Rose. yumikuri #1 I wonder what will happen between them.. Mikasa wants to be, and is really good at, being invisible. Sometimes I feel like Id follow you anywhere.. A day like this was probably the worst one on which to make a confession, but opportunities like this fly by and never return. Whatnow? Omega Levi accidentally enters a military base in Marley after escaping from an Omega trafficking ring. Like a branch in the roar of a storm, she looked even more broken than when she began. Bottom Mikasa Ackerman He is her home , her safety, her everything and she would do anything for his love even if it was as simple as just giving her body for his pleasure. No touchy or were all gonna lose privileges to it), tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Mikasa Ackerman & Armin Arlert & Eren Yeager, New Special Operations Squad | New Squad Levi, Marleyans (Shingeki no Kyojin) - Character, I cannot express enough how hard I'm gonna go on this story, ive been told my jokes are funny so Im tagging it. That she would forever watch from the sidelines and pine for a boy that never noticed her. "Good," Levi said softly. Levi's boot crashed into his jaw, sending him flying into the opposite wall. #ladynoir When I get better I'm gonna ruin you, you're so hot.". Nothing makes any sense except possibly the concept of healing cock being linked to Loki being in Norse Mythology the god of "Ergi" or passive male homosexuality. The Shadow Dont belong in this world? Would she brush it off or would she dig into it more? I dont think Ive ever connected to a piece of literature this much, fanfiction or not. Just that he wanted to be seen. Most of the time he looses all his hearing after loud events, ronan wanting to stay clean from EVERYTHINH, Whumptober (more like hurt/comfortober-november-december) 2020, bruce does know how to cook thank you he's not THAT incompetent, Richie Tozier and Mike Wheeler Are Cousins, richie brings will to the pharmacy and fixes his knee up, but he dissiperas and the car damage is gone, Richie and will walk chewie in the woods to the castle Byers, will has another episode with behind in the upside down, but a voice calling his name and the small of candy, Richie finds will on the ground freezing by a tree, Prompt: Painful Wound Cleaning- Keith (Voltron) and Shiro (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, The Single Biggest Problem With Communication. What the title says. . And maybe a few selfies. #miraculous No one on the Island has ever in a million years questioned his gender until a kidnapper's bullet blows his most heavily guarded secrets right out of the water. Hoping to form a connection, Mikasa asks Eren to choose him. She finds a new family. Cracked ribs are painful. And I thought I couldn't go any lower. Everything was fine {COMPLETED} After Mikasa's parents death in Japan, she moves to Germany with her brother, Levi. It's all my fault!" Mikasa closed her slightly gaping mouth, the blood draining from her face. After the Battle of Trost, Mikasa finally confronts Eren. He orchestrates the kidnapping of said prince in order to get a ransom from his father. And uses her in the worst ways possible. NOT as a slur. He leaned over her body and sobbed. Amelie hasnt seen or heard from her ex for just over a year. He couldn't bring himself to look because he knew he was responsible for her death. Donde Eren nota que Mikasa la mira de forma distinta a cualquier otra, y a su vez Mikasa se da cuenta de lo que significa Eren para l. That made him want to smack her, but he had no taste for harming the girl. Commitment is shit for college student y/n l/n. But how will your friendship hold up when he starts to date Mikasa? Jimin's whimpers and Jungkook's moans filled the bedroom, heavier when Jimin started bouncing on his cock. What would happen if they met at a bar one day. How will these new soldiers change the future of A Song of Ice and Fire. Levi listened to his teeth crack, the noise somehow more haunting then the agonized screams. It was as if he was dreaming. Running away from a loveless marriage and a pampered life, you got a lot more that you bargained for: a new family, new friends, a new life, a new love. "You belong here, believe me if you dont believe.". Just Another Day // A Miraculous Ladybug Story - Wattpad When Mike Wheeler finds out that his cousin is coming to live with them, he soon resigns himself to the fact that the whole world is against him, as any sixteen year old with a flair for the dramatics would assume. If y'all don't like the ship please leave. Tikki exchanged a glance with Plagg, and told Adrien, "I think he had a different doctor in mind.". For I will do anything to give my children a chance at life. aot anniexmikasa #miraculousladybug What have I done? In other words: John responds a little too enthusiastically to Sam's snark when he uncovers his son's acceptance letter, and Sam leaves, injured and betrayed. Language: English Words: 6,966 Chapters: 13 /13 18 The pain of his broken rib hit him again, making him clutch his stomach again and collapse to the ground beside Ladybug's body. That bothered him. God He muttered, and then leaned forward and licked the tears off with one quick movement. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, no literal healing cock i actually mean that, it's okay he's the god of getting done up the butt, i'm serious he is actually so that's technically an act of worship or something, it always sucks to be my favourite character, i wasn't even going to post this because it blows, the writing on this fic is the absolute worst, 2012 is the year of write whatever the fuck i want, that mostly amounts to a lot of blood kink fics. Nick on the other hand realizes something is wrong with their entire situation. Eren wasn't sure if his vision was so impaired due to the lack of light in his surroundings or the fatigue chipping away at his consciousness. But this definitely takes first place. Mikasa ackerman is a flower shop owner who is a shy and non chillant but kind person but she lost b [ ! He looked at the clock again and noticed it hadnt seemed to move an inch from when he last looked at it. He screamed until he physically couldn't anymore. After a little while, her shaking stopped. The largest man spoke up. Jeanne works part time in a coffee shop during college to help balance her crippling bills, but seeing her longtime crush in her work has its perks, she never expected it to happen while covered in coffee stains though. Today was supposed to be another dull day, having the same brain-melting conversations, pretending to be someone you were not, smiling at people who didnt care about you. "I was Ma-I mean, Ladybug's kwami!" Those are your choices." If she shook anymore, she might have snapped in half. Police officers started to block off the 'crime scene' and told people not to come near Ladybug. Your fate was settled until a thug from the Underground broke into your house and gave you the strength to take control of your own life and send destiny to hell. He quickly grabbed the other one and looked away as her body started to glow a bright pink. WARNING, CAN VERY EASILY BE READ AS DUB-CON, AND INVOLVES A LOT OF BAD MEDICAL PRACTICE AND BLOOD AND PSEUDO-INCEST. Him. Mikasa X Eren: Affair - Saga - Wattpad "Park Jimin, you work fast." Basically, S4 Eren is sent back to S1, and S2 Eren is sent to S4. "I'm sorry," he whispered. Mikasa fucks Eren inside a supply closet at school. But, when things are looking better, he develops some complications that give the Chocobros quite the scare. The empress of Marley. Do it for Mikasa. Then Zarkon sneaks up on them again, and Keith gets hurt. Levi Ackerman was a critically acclaimed romance novelist, tea fanatic, gym junkie, and now, divorcee of about two years now. Antologa de recuerdos y de historias que se unen a una constante: Eren sigue enamorado de Mikasa y esta decidido a no dejarla ir, sacando lo mejor y peor de l. But his cousin and her "best friend" had other ideas which frankly made Levi even more nervous because he hadn't seen Erwin Smith since his novel, The Captain and the Commander, released with the blond shielding him on the cover. Her mind was hazy, only one thing staying in focus, one person. And she looked like she was about to start sobbing, tears welling up inside her dark eyes. Tears stained her face, and she tried to wipe them away, but they kept falling. I might have a chance of writing smut, but im not good yet. Please- She choked out, as if it were the only thing she could say. "How on earth do I explain a broken rib to a doctor without saying I'm Chat Noir?!" Yoongi almost shouted at you but almost. The center is overrun and they decide to give up on finding help and set up in a small town to help nurse Nick back to health. It sounded like a disaster waiting to happen. Hot tears ran down his face and fell onto Ladybug's cheek. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Ladybug?" this fic can also be found on my wattpad for those who prefer that site! Like a branch in the roar of a storm, she looked even more broken than when she began. Mikasa has been struggling over the absence of her beloved Eren. A 12-year-old Jedi Padawan is assigned to an exploration mission of the newly formed Exploration Corps of the Old Republic aboard the star-cruiser named "Odyssey". Making her wish she could understand him more. Bottom Mikasa Ackerman - Works | Archive of Our Own His Miraculous beeped again. AN: Yay! I need to hide her, he thought. Levi looked at him, staring coldly as the man clutched at the side of his face that had rather painfullycrunchedagainst the solid concrete. Erwin insists that Levi should educate his squad on certain topics proper of their age. They thoguht they will never be apart till the day when Mikasa reached eighteen years old and had to leave orphanage. The chamberlain forced Mikasa to drink from the bottle in his hand. A new life. AU where Phillip is the one that was missing during the fire scene, and Barnum goes after him. Whenever he's inside Mikasa, all Eren can think about is putting a baby inside her belly. Please consider turning it on! In her hollow black eyes, something sparked. He leaned very close, his red blade glinting in the lantern light. Mikasa Stories - Wattpad Mamoru never thought a person could be so devoted to him. But it didn't matter, because he heard sirens, and the police and and ambulance showed up and parted the crowd. It was so hard to be a good person when everyone else believed that you werent.. This is the high school love story of the delinquent Levi and the sweet librarian Eren. "What the hell did you do to her?" During the mission to protect Eren and Historia, Mikasa is targeted by a member of the Anti-Personel Control Squad for a more sinister reason. Ronan makes a series of questionable choices. The two are oblivious. She stared at him as if he was a titan come to gobble her up. When Jeanne fell for Mamoru Ackerman, she never thought his love was something she would ever obtain. A living fucking corpse. This was originally posted on LJ on March 5, 2012. He leaned over her body and sobbed. Few can afford the luxury of studying at their facilities and an even smaller percentage can benefit from an exclusive scholarship What happens when Erin Jeger wins this scholarship by mistake? The man gurgled as he died. And it's so depressing, I'm sorry. as well as With nearly two weeks of passion to catch up on, they are more than happy to indulge in their desires. Some started to cry softly, but none of them could even come close to feeling the pain that Adrien felt. The way youve written each character is so connected to their canon counterparts, but at the same time so original and TRUE. His Miraculous beeped once more, leaving him with only two more prints to keep him in his hero form. Jimin went from date to boyfriend to kind of husband in 24 hours. //Genderbent eremika. The Special Relations Division is one of the kingdoms biggest secrets despite it being one of the most central cogs to keep things running smoothly. Y cuando crey morir, miles de vidas pasaban ante sus ojos. With a cup of juice in one hand and a tray of food in another she walked over to the country girl, who was now trying her best to look inconspicuous. He rarely touches other people, and finds Rey's healing overwhelming- but in a good way. Written for the Cap-Iron Man Big Bang. And then he remembered he had no idea what to do with her, and he sighed. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow, indicating her confusion. by Stardisk. Isn't it Really Exhausting to Smile Like That All The Time? She had a round face, feathery black hair, and a slender body. One by one. He looked down at his hands, horrified that he would do such a thing. When he managed to pull his eyes away from the clock and glanced at one of the kids speaking, he noticed their words seemed to delay like a poorly dubbed foreign film. The power of the Attack Titan is not something any Eren, past or present, had ever really understood. And she looked like she was about to start sobbing, tears welling up inside her dark eyes. #romance. Eren Jaeger, only 14 years old, had joined the Survey Corps two years ago, when he was 12. This is part 2. Levi stood for a moment in the silence. So pathetic. Levi stomped his boot onto the man's hand, successfully giving each and every twitching bone a goodcracking. He sliced the throat of the howling man with one stroke, cutting deep and precise. Its like the whole world is celebrating tonight. Across the world, people in Germany were celebrating freedom. It sucks a little bit when Dean is injured from a hunt and sick with the flu, but it's a lot worse when the flu becomes something worse. Something that will change everything. Adrien Agreste wishes he could be a normal teenager, but how can he be when he's the model for his father who is the top fashion designer in Paris, and is also the famous hero Chat Noir? ] the man shrieked squirming and twist, his arms batting at Levi's body. NO SEMBLANCE OF PLOT WHATSOEVER. For a child. Thirteen years pass. When your a full time detective you've got no time to fool around. He couldn't leave Ladybug here, surely she was going to de-transform as well? His whole friend group is well know, especially Armin Arlert and his girlfriend Annie Leonhart. Mikasa, the belle in the computer science department, catches the attention of Eren, the campus prince, in the most unintentional and unexpected way. CW/TW warning: use of the term "f*g" and "f*gg*ng". Sammy, Dean whispers, hands busy stroking through Sam's hair and down his back (gentle, feather-light so as not to disturb the broken ribs). Adrien realised that he was tearing up again and quickly wiped away his eyes. A new purpose. I can't draw, so instead of doing sketches I'm writing whumpy prompts for Inktober! He sat in a pool of her blood and cried his heart out. And she looked like she was about to start sobbing, tears welling up inside her dark eyes. The amount of detail, the writing style, the plotting and building of the world this is truly the best thing Ive ever read. There was nothing, then, there was everything. Her fingernails dug into the flesh of his palm, scraping at the drying blood. Specially when drugs and guns get involved with them. One they have to discover themselves, gaining family, friends, and enemies along the way. She gained balance, but she was still trembling. But what happens when a few certain women catch her eye, Empress AU Does not follow the storyline of AOTIsayama owns all characters except F/N. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Chapters: And just like that, everything changed. However, there were mauve and sallow bruises crawling delicately across her dainty features, blood crusted on her cheeks, on her gaping, swollen lips, around her blackened eyelid, smeared across her forehead and the front of her dress. Every emotion he could possibly feel crashed over him: pain, anger, hurt, sadnessloss. He walked cautiously toward her and he saw something. Her lips trembled. Please consider turning it on! 10. In Philadelphia, maybe the birthplace of independence, two boys stood outside a church wrapped in each other's arms and crying out of lovesick happiness. Mikasa Ackerman keeps to herself most of the time. He replied, not knowing what he meant. He blinked, moving his glasses and rubbing his eyes with hands that felt light like they werent there at all. "That might be true. Its even harder being in training also. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Adrien asked impatiently. Shiganshina crumbles. Believe in yourself and you will find your place where you belong. Cart; chantelle jamieson married While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This work could have adult content. This is a direct follow-up to the previous piece in this series, Kick Them While They're Down. Ymir, un hijo de la calle que un da es adoptado por el dueo de un rancho, viudo y padre de dos hermosas nias, crece y pelea en la guerra.
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mikasa broken ribs fanfic