maryland state record deer

All North American Whitetail subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. The Biggest B&C Record Typical Bucks from Every State, 10 of the Biggest World-Record Bucks Ever, The Biggest B&C Record Whitetail Deer from Every State. Now Jordan didn't know for sure just how well the buck had been hit. This deer is pretty wild looking. Therefore, the Deer Project employs a blend of hunting-related deer management methods and proven non-lethal deer management techniques to manage deer. Stan Potts discusses which archery releases may be best for you. Pending Maryland State Sika Deer Archery Record - Paco Kelly's Robert A. "Someday someone is going to kill a big buck out of that stand," he said. The huge deer stopped. Big, record-class whitetails are incredible animals. "I miss them so they can become 'monster' bucks," he later explained.). Dale Gertz Buck: 208-Inch Maryland Record March 05, 2013 By David Ziegler Every whitetail hunter I have ever met has had a dream in which they are about to arrow a truly giant buck. This resulted in higher bag limits being set so that hunters would be encouraged to harvest and control the sika deer population. The Charles County mega-buck Billy Crutchfield took with his shotgun on the third after-noon of the 2006 season is not only the highest-scoring buck from any East Coast state, at 268 1/8 B&C points, but also is among the most impressive from anywhere. "They seemed to have a lot of mass. (It's not associated with chronic wasting disease and usually doesn't affect the quality of the meat.). "I'd cleaned up my muzzleloader and didn't feel like taking it down and reloading it. His dad, Gary, younger brother, Brad, and three uncles, Charlie, Ronnie and Kenneth ("Bunk"), have reputations as honest, hard-working people who care deeply for the land they farm and for the wildlife resources sharing that land. The 28-point rack was green-scored by Maryland DNR deputy chief Bob Beyer at 268 5/8 inches, fully 40 inches higher than John Poole's former state-record giant, taken in Montgomery County in 1987. "One of them was about to get in range, and I was just getting ready to pull back my bowstring when I saw the buck coming down an old fence line," Jordan remembers. For more information, visit Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry Hunter Safety & Education Requirement Shooting Ranges Jay Downes bagged a 173-inch 4x4 with his shotgun. Habitat use by sika deer and white-tailed deer differed markedly during the study. The DNRid number is printed on all hunting licenses. As dawn broke, enough light filtered into the bottom for the young hunter to see deer milling around on the far slope of the drainage. By establishing a records database more than 70 years ago, the Boone and Crockett Club established a scientific baseline from which researchers can use to study wildlife management. He was bowhunting in Cecil County, way up in the state's northeast corner, when he arrowed the 26-point giant on Dec. 27. He immediately got his scope on the deer. ", The spot he chose was "exactly on a creek bottom near an old cattle fence," Jordan says. You're the man! Submit the form on that page to have it removed from their database within 24 hours. Schrader's website is, or call 410-778-1895. Sika deer also rely on mast during fall and winter, thus acorn-producing oaks are an important component of the forest overstory in sika habitat. Not too shabby for an East Coast buck! Heath heads for Saskatchewan with his bow as he hunts the wilderness in search of the predatory black bear. Their coat tends to be reddish brown during summer months, and dark brown to black in color during winter. 3 all-time due to two picked-up bucks. Its one of two nontypicals from the state to make the book. Pat Hogan discusses the use of an AR rifle as a whitetail hunting option. It was at the big buck show this year at the St. Mary's county fairgrounds. The palmation on the right side is insane. It was tagged in Burlington County and holds the record by more than 14 inches. My mind was trying to play tricks on me and attempting a shot was out of the question. He's got points going everywhere!'". State Record - Maryland "My boss' property has big hay fields they use to feed horses." Please enable scripts and reload this page. | Both beams are over 27 inches, and only one of eight mass measurements exceeds 5 inches. Please enable scripts and reload this page. "When that deer lifted its head, I knew I was looking at the biggest buck I had ever seen," Charlie says. maryland state record sika deer - Leading Edge Flying Club Often, the buck has just entered a shooting lane and the hunter has come to full draw. 6 all-time. And then, as I got to the woods on the edge of the marsh, there he was. To learn more, visit the Maryland Chapter of the Quality Deer Management Association's website: 745 all-time. G.O. On Target: Are AR Rifles a Good Option for Whitetail Hunting. I thought, 'If I can get a slug in his rib cage, I'm good. It ranks No. Even as adults they have white spots, mainly running parallel down their back. Maryland Mammals Sika Deer ( Cervus nippon) Description & Range: Sika deer are small members of the elk family that have a dark brown to black coat. However, over the years, managers have learned that the sika predominantly lives most of its life in the sub optimal regions of the white-tailed deer's habitat; apparently lessening competition between the species. Maryland a measurer for Boone and Crockett, Pope & Young and the Maryland Trophy Deer Contest, worked with P&Y scorer Mike Travis to tape the buck's headgear . "For a rack that size, it was a measurer's dream -- very clean and very symmetrical," Bill Cooper noted. On Target: Are AR Rifles a Good Option for Whitetail Hunting. Carrying 26 7/8- and 28 6/8-inch main beams dont hurt, either. The Pleskac whitetail is at the top in Big Sky Country and No. Maryland Trophy Deer Records The Wildlife & Heritage Service would like to recognize Bucks Bears Stags as the official record keeper for Maryland trophy deer and bears. There are about 40 public lands on the Eastern Shore where deer hunting is permitted. Heath heads for Saskatchewan with his bow as he hunts the wilderness in search of the predatory black bear. Who doesnt love the club hanging off that right side? This is the heaviest whitetail deer ever killed. "It was without a doubt the longest walk of my life," Billy said. "I was really excited," the hunter says. Stags generally have a dark, shaggy mane running down their neck, and their antlers are narrow and sweep backwards rather than forwards like the white-tail's antlers. Ranking No. Still, Daley's gobbler should rank as the #2 all-time Maryland turkey with an unofficial NWTF score of 84.6875. Complete a Deer and Turkey Field Tag at the place of kill in ink and attach it to the animal, or; Check in the animal at the place of kill and receive a confirmation number that can be furnished upon request. Junior asked. The 5-Heaviest Whitetail Deer Ever Killed - On record Hunt Man He's dressed but that's still a very small body on that buck. Other common foods of sika deer include poison ivy, catbrier, and marshgrass. Managed Deer Hunting Programs - Maryland Hunting | eRegulations Guide to Hunting and Trapping in Maryland. The biggest Florida deer ever harvested was taken in Wakulla County in 1941. Going into the 2002 gun season, Kevin had taken only one nice buck from his lookout in eight years, but he'd seen a few others out of range. It's doubtful he'd have survived more than another week or two. "I knew he had a good set of antlers on his head," Jordan says. In order to check in their deer or turkey, hunters must have a DNRid number that is available through the COMPASS portal at OR any Department of Natural Resources Licensing and Registration Service Center (Addresses & Phone Numbers) OR a Department of Natural Resources Sport License Agent. marylands state record buck. A huge whitetail buck with a rack beyond anything I had ever imagined was bedding down in the marsh. Because he's a fireman, his schedule is very flexible, and over the years he's been able to dedicate a lot of time to his deer hunting pursuits. Kevin and his brother, Brad, had nailed 8-foot 2x12s to a big, leaning locust tree to serve as the floor supports. I was trying not to panic, but my heart was pounding and I couldn't find him because he was already down in the marsh grass. The deer has 39 points, a 20 1/8-inch inside spread, and much more. 5,606 all-time. I kept trying to assure myself that, yes, I had, indeed, made a good shot! | Haynes Shelton provides some tips for planning and setting up shooting lanes. 410-708-7133. 1 ReDrop Report. Along the ocean in Worcester County, Assateague Island National Seashore allows a full season of sika hunting with separate bag limits from the state. While hunting remains the most cost-effective and efficient population control mechanism available in most Maryland landscapes, continued urbanization has necessitated the development and use of non-lethal techniques where hunting is not practical or acceptable. From the time the second buck disappeared to the time Billy actually fired, only a few seconds had elapsed. Only two of eight mass measurements are 5 inches or greater. "Finally I ranged a clump of brush next to him and got 97 yards. 277 all-time. 'He has no idea you are here and he's quietly bedded. Cecil County is little more than a long bow shot from the hunter's home in sprawling Newark, Delaware. Blackwater National Wildlife refuge allows permit hunts. The top buck in Bama was bagged by Jon G. Moss in Perry County. And shotgunner Walt Lachewitz's 185 7/8-inch 5x5 currently stands as the overall state record in the typical category. and when he looked back, he was shocked to see the big deer quickly walking uphill, angling sharply away from his stand! This deer is utterly incredible and unique. Gordon Whittington gets technical with his TenPoint crossbow, specifically relating to space awareness. 1 in the state, and was bagged in Edgar County. By comparison, the state's #1 all-time turkey scored 86.3750. Statistically, you probably wont. Ranking No. Deer Hunting in Maryland It was bagged in Graham County, and continues to hold the record by nearly 40 inches. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. Also, food is seldom a limiting factor for Maryland deer. If the hunter uses all of the spaces on the Big Game Harvest Record attached to the hunting license, additional Big Game Harvest Records can be created by the hunter or obtained free of charge through the COMPASS portal at. That's the last town a traveler passes through on Md. 3,154 all-time. New Maryland State Record: King Of The Marsh Gordon Whittington gets technical with his TenPoint crossbow, specifically relating to space awareness. Stan Potts discusses which archery releases may be best for you. Muzzleloader hunter Bill Shields got a 22-point 199 3/8-inch non-typical. With heart-pounding excitement, Billy prepared for the shot. Although the deer weighed well over 200 pounds on the hoof, Jordan was so charged up he lifted the beast into the UTV by himself. "The sky was clear and I had a slight breeze coming off the river and hitting me in the face," Billy says. Md. Code Regs. - Tagging and Reporting Deer and Wild Turkey All rights reserved. 580 Taylor Ave., Annapolis, MD 21401 Call toll-free in *Maryland* at 1-877-620-8DNR (8367) Out of State: 410-260-8DNR (8367) The hit had sounded solid, but the hunter wasn't aware his arrow had passed completely through the buck's body cavity: a double-lung shot. Hunters are required to furnish the confirmation number to taxidermists and processors/butchers before they can leave their deer or turkey. ', "He appeared to be broadside to me with his rack to the right, but I couldn't really be sure. 29 deer all-time. The river ladder beckoned. He had only run about 35 to 40 yards from where I had shot him. A field adjacent to the trail-heavy bottom where Jordan decided to set up had been planted in cool-season grass. The Hoyt launched a Carbon Express Maxima Red arrow and three-blade Grim Reaper broadhead toward the deer's side. So clear your At the peak of the market-hunting era, waterfowlers Sign up for the Field & Stream newsletter and get the latest intelligence straight to your inbox. During caping, the taxidermist noticed an infection around the skull. All Rights Reserved. G.O. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Deer Regs for Archery, Muzzleloader, Firearms & Airguns. It has 31 total points, a 19 5/8-inch inside spread, 25- and 26-plus-inch main beams, and more. Billy J. Padgett shot the biggest buck in Georgia in Telfair County in 1998. Discovered in Portage County, its a behemoth of a whitetail. Maryland Man Convicted of Poaching 17-Point Buck - Deer and Deer Hunting Winter Farms Hunting. Mike Clerkin offers advice for hunting whitetails with a pistol. Billy Crutchfield of Bel Alton, Maryland, is no stranger to big bucks. It has a total of 44 points, beams in the low-to-mid 20s, and an inside spread of 23 3/8 inches. Three tines are over 13 inches, and one is. . 'I'll call you back in a while.'. In some extremely rare cases, the above rules may cause a normal user to receive this error. Kevin Miller's 194-inch typical state record was shot near an alfalfa field in this region a little over a decade ago, and many other great whitetails have been harvested there as well. Scoring 254 1/8 inches, it sits at No. But it really shines in the mass department. Since then, Maryland has continued to rack up impressive entries for the record books. National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. G.O. The No. Sitting at No. He never knew I was there. Maryland officials knew immediately that it was a new state record. Its one of 14 Alabama bucks to make the all-time list. A few deer were feeding in the field and ran for cover as Kevin slowly approached the same wooden platform he'd hunted from since he was 18 years old. only now he looked much bigger." Thus, many of the management techniques used for white-tailed deer (i.e., food plots, warm season grasses, etc.) It happened in a blur, but only one shot was necessary; the big buck backpedaled and disappeared into the understory as he fell. In addition to holding a Maryland hunting license, the following items are a must for hunting sika deer: insect repellant, hip boots, a boat or canoe (strongly recommended on public hunting lands) and, most important of all, time, patience, and a little luck. Photo by Mike Moore. TTY users, call through the Maryland Relay. "I guess I'm good luck for deer hunters," Charlie laughs, "because Jordan has hunted on my property a lot. Field tags are available in the Maryland Guide to Hunting and Trapping or a tag can be made by the hunter with the appropriate information (hunter name, DNRid number, county of harvest and date of harvest, or a Confirmation Number with the hunters name when the animal has been checked in). +'?Tag=true&ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;}}, null); javascript:SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ 71 all-time. Think youll never shoot a wall-hanger like one of these? I didn't know it at the time, but he changed his direction because of the way the marsh was shaped. It has heavy mass, with one measurement over 8 inches and two over 6 inches. Two state Wildlife Management Area's (WMA's) in Dorchester County offer sika hunting opportunities. It's not just names and numbers. At 267 4/8 inches, it ranks No. Dr. James Kroll is in Kentucky hunting the rut. 9 all-time, this 45-pointer is a monster. He looked toward the bedded giant, and the buck was still bedded down. Something big was about to happen. "We never got pictures of him after (2010), but we'd see a big buck at long distances in some of the fields," Jordan says. "'I'm not sure. Resident Junior Hunting License - $10.50. "'No, I don't want to mess this thing up,' I said. Hinds often communicate with their calves using soft bleats and whistles. Newburg Man Claims New State Record for Buck - Southern Maryland This Warren County whitetail was harvested by James W. Smith, and it sits at No. The stand is near a marsh close to the Potomac River. Although Jordan lives across the line in Delaware, he works in Elkton, Maryland, for a company called Innovative Cutting. He's like a little brother to me, and he killed the biggest deer to date at my farm, a 140-class 8-pointer on opening day of (the 2013) shotgun season.". Then Kevin caught a glimpse of a deer moving from a warm-season grass field into the woods. The buck didn't stray too far from the security of the swampy bottom, and based on the sheds he could enter the 2002 season as an 8 1/2-year-old. "'No,' I answered. Why do so many big deer come from such a small state? 1 in the state and No. Advanced Levergunner. And when he did, he immediately saw antler points sprouting in all directions. Deer in Maryland Dr. James Kroll is in Kentucky hunting the rut. Billy watched the big 8-pointer walk toward some woods that bordered the marsh. Updated Nov 3, 2022 8:30 AM EDT. Billy Crutchfield's Maryland Monster Non-Typical Buck Even after 12 7/8 inches of deductions on the basic 5x5 frame, the wide, massive 26-pointer netted 223 3/8 inches. Type "Maryland deer hunting" into any search engine on the Internet, and you'll come up with a number of websites that will link you to those services. With 38 points, it ranks No. WHS biologists initiated a tagging study in 1988 to obtain important information on harvest rates, longevity, and movements of sika deer. When required, the field tag must be attached to the head of the deer or leg of the turkey. But we have also included history, photos and stories; all to promote Maryland's outstanding science-based wildlife management with the overarching theme of conservation. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. John Annett. 1 industry is agriculture. The Department of Natural Resources leads Maryland in securing a sustainable future for our environment, society, and economy by preserving, protecting, restoring, and enhancing the States natural resources. 1 in West Virginia and No. It packs 31 points, 27 and 28 3/8-inch main beams, and a 20 2/8-inch inside spread. 384 all-time, it gets there with 28 total points. Subscriber Services. Gordon Whittington talks crossbow strategies when it comes to deciding whether or not to stop a deer. So is Charlie Prickett. It carries 26 total points, beams that go 27 and 27 2/8 inches, and a spread of only 16 5/8 inches. The main beams are over 20 and 22 inches, and the inside spread is 17 6/8 inches. It ranks No. Junior asked. Copyright "You can watch for movement in the alfalfa field while keeping tabs on action in the drainage and on the far slope. He couldn't believe it when I told him what had happened. | The main beams are 19 6/8 and 21 4/8 inches, inside spread is 16 2/8 inches, and mass measurements are 4-5 inches. It has 25 6/8- and 28 3/8-inch beams and a 19 5/8-inch inside spread. Suddenly a little voice told Billy to get ready. Md record bucks by county.. - This buck sports a total of 27 points, 18 of which are abnormal. If youre still on the fence about entering your trophy, Boone & Crockett encourages you to readWhy Should I Bother to Enter My Trophy. The mass is incredible, though. "He was so beautiful standing on the edge of the marsh with that incredible rack. The use of shorter-range weapons means bucks have a better chance of reaching prime age. The rack has "only" 28 scorable points, which is an amazingly low number for such a high . "I was pretty sure it was the same buck whose shed I'd found on the beaver dam . I was soaking wet, shivering and hungry. Overall, it has 39 points, moderate mass, and great beam length. The Maryland General Assemblys Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Dr. James Kroll is in Kentucky hunting the rut. In 1955, Herman Lunders shot the state record nontypical in Idaho County. "Mile for mile, this tiny coastal state consistently produces whitetail bucks that can be compared to the best in North America," he claimed. Pat Hogan heads to Georgia to do his part to manage the destructive hog population. Heads of State: All About State-Record Bucks - Realtree Store It scored 202 1/8. Ranking No. "I don't know that it was this buck, but I had never seen one with a bigger set of antlers." '/_layouts/15/Hold.aspx' Incredibly, Kevin's trophy dressed out at only 146 pounds. It was harvested in Hampshire County in 2018. Kevin is just thankful their paths crossed when they did. Billy had no way of knowing it at the time, but he would be the fortunate hunter to make that prediction come true two seasons hence in November 2006. A Maryland man killed this giant 17-point buck illegally in September 2016, and was convicted of multiple poaching charges. Maryland biologists and deer managers first worried that the miniature elk would expand into the upland territory of native white-tailed deer. It has 16 total points with a 17 6/8-inch spread. "I later learned that he was on the only high spot in the entire marsh and he just stayed put. With 38 points, its eye-catching, for sure. The Boylan buck is the top nontypical in New York. "Two guys loading hay saw me with the deer and came over and took some pictures," Jordan recalls. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. Gordon Whittington offers tips on ensuring your weapon is accurate while traveling. Gordon Whittington offers tips on ensuring your weapon is accurate while traveling. As light faded, the big buck drifted out of the alfalfa and into the marsh. 184 all-time, its a huge deer from Allegany County. It packs 45 points, main beams in the mid-20s, and a 24 3/8-inch inside spread. Two measurements are over 6 inches, five are over 7 inches, and one is over 8 inches. Just $1 per month , We combed the record books to find the biggest, baddest nontypical bucks from each of the 45 states that hold whitetail deer, By The top buck in Razorback country was harvested by William Dooley. The second arrow penetrated a few inches into the deer's shoulder blade. ', "'I can't,' I whispered. + '?List={ListId}&ID={ItemId}'), Isle of Wight shoals southeast of Ocean City, in the canyons off the coast of Ocean City, Turkey Point near the mouth of the Elk River, Black Walnut Point Fishing area, Tilghman Island, Along the banks of the upper Potomac River, North Branch Of The Potomac River Below Randolph Dam. ', "'Thanks, brother,' I said. It doesnt have much in the way of beam length (21 5/8 and 21 7/8 inches), inside spread (14 1/8 inches), or mass (all measurements range from 3 3/8 to 4 5/8 inches), but it does have a lot of total tine length, and thats what pushes it be such a great whitetail. Interestingly, this deers gross and net scores are less than 10 inches apart. Interestingly, this deer has 27 and 28 4/8-inch main beams and carries 36 total scoreable points, 27 of which are on the right antler. "Junior called again at 3:30. The condition, generally referred to as a brain abscess, is not all that uncommon and seems to show up more in older bucks. Males, aka stags, also have a dark shaggy mane running down their neck. But while the rest of Maryland has produced fewer monsters, they really can come from anywhere. For Maryland residents under 16 years of age. "It's a fun stand to hunt," Kevin notes. Check if your IP address is listed on DroneBL or Here is the state record fallow deer. Besides Kevin, the hunting members of the Miller family include Brad, Charlie and Bunk. Some of the biggest non-typical whitetail bucks ever. It's not uncommon at check stations to see a prime buck tip the scales at 180-220 pounds field dressed. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Make a permanent record of their deer or turkey registration by either: Recording the confirmation number on a Big Game Harvest Record (provided with a hunting license) or creating a hard copy record of their own, or; Maintaining an electronic record of the confirmation number on a mobile device. The challenge of the hunt, their uniqueness as a trophy, and the excellent flavored venison they provide, has resulted in a steadily increasing harvest. 516 all-time, sports 23 points, and has a 19 1/8-inch spread. 422 in the world, its a really big whitetail from Wayne County. Kent County Man Convicted of Poaching 17-Point Buck And the buck in question would not simply be a "big" buck. Tweet. The buck lunged forward, and I quickly pumped my shotgun and fired a second shot in desperation. He wanted to continue the grain-farming operation, as well as develop and enhance the wildlife habitat and hunting opportunities -- not just for himself, but also for his family and friends, along with their kids. "I've always done my best to follow his advice in both my hunting career and my everyday life, and look what happened!". Man Convicted of Poaching Potential State Record Deer There was reason to believe that not only was this buck a survivor, but that he'd lay claim to the beaver dam drainage and the surrounding high ground as his main stomping grounds. Marylands Finest is packed with stories and pictures along with the highest scoring bucks, bears and stags across Maryland. "Deer came from other properties around there and would walk down that creek bottom, then feed in the hay fields. ". All eight mass measurements are moderate between 4 3/8 and 5 1/8 inches. Section - Tagging and Reporting Deer and Wild Turkey, Md Order yours below today!Or make checks payable to: Ellis Outdoors, LLC633 Elizabeth StreetEaston, MD 21601. Although sika deer do not appear to rely on agricultural crops as heavily as white-tailed deer, they still respond favorably to agricultural food resources. Because sika deer are primarily nocturnal and inhabit marshy terrain, hunting can be very challenging and sometimes difficult.
maryland state record deer