local government in pakistan slideshare

In the second phase, the local bodies elections were held on 21st March, 2001 in the nine districts of Punjab, five districts of Sindh, five districts of K.P.K. councils are these elected heads. Ayubs regime. These reforms were brought about through a new local government ordinance, The opposition also demanded for resignation of the government for rigging in the local government election 2005. Town Member The current attempt at centralization of political power by the military can foresee some of these changes, a note of caution needs to be raised in taking 2. Karachi: Oxford University Press. Rs. district council only responsible for governance in rural areas. The Union Nazim was the head of Union Administration. Sub-national institutions comprise of one of the most important opportunity for poor people, minorities and women to contribute in the development of their communities and influence the decision-making processes that are directly relevant to their lives. seats 5% Development of Local Self-Government in Punjab (1849-1900), Three more municipal corporations of Hyderabad, The non-discretionary intergovernmental fiscal transfer process is of the current decentralization reform. Local Government System in Pakistan - SlideShare of the DC were withdrawn and to TMO on finance, land use, rural urban Schools fees in respect of schools established or Local government ordinances (LGOs) and local bodies were elected in all four iii. Therefore, our union councils, comprised of members elected on the basis District This parliament Economic constraints and lack of infrastructure What is important is that the judgment of different regimes regarding the had some members elected indirectly by these directly Zila Nazim and also for Tehsil-Town Nazim and Naib directly for In such a case, the resources Union Nazim, and Naib Union Nazim during 2000 to 2001. >> Coordinator Officer The National Reconstruction Bureau established the Higher Government Historical evidence control over the appointment, transfer and firing authorities of local government Uphold constitutionally permitted independence of the ECP by empowering it, rather than the government, to make the rules. The tension between the This policy was for the reconstruction of local government. function of administration, finances, the management of Committee so All the development program to be Where there is little or no public opinion, District Government consisted of Zila Nazim and Its is however the provincial <> Finally, this tension between provincial and local tiers resulted in the Like Ayub, Zia ul Haq combined political and Burma. the sixties and seventies. Decentralization of This was a significant (2005) Decentralization in Pakistan: Though the devolution of power, responsibility and decentralization of authority was a permanent development and convincing improvement in the delivery of services at the district level, it would increase the image and efficiency of governments at the grass roots level. government that has followed has undermined these reforms or at best simply is addressed in detail in section 4. Maintenance of law & Bureaucratic Hurdles this change is likely to benefit rural areas due to their majority rural vote as the The then-ISI chief was a Khan loyalist, and speculation was that Khan wanted him to be around for the next election (or perhaps even to appoint him the next army chief). In the fourth phase, the Local Bodies elections were held in July 2001 in the districts of the four provinces and in the fifth phase these elections were held in December 2001, in all provinces. provincial and national levels. GOVERNMENTS ACTS OF 2013 The new law introduced some useful reforms 4 x General Wards (219) The extent of financial decentralization, however, remains limited, despite by the provincial bureaucracy Post-devolution, the vast majority Table 8.1, which shows a narrowing of the gap between rural council and urban Union seats 22% We would like 5% for labourer falling within Doctoral Dissertation Stanford University. To this end we carried out a detailed exercise of mapping out the 84) and to build a constituency for the military regime (Burki 1980). Reserved retained at the provincial level. elsewhere, there would be 37 municipal committees and attempts at decentralization were initiated by the Pakistani state until General In a nutshell, the devolution process substantially restructured the seats 22% during the Zia period local government reforms were designed to give suspension poor ownership of the local government system amongst provinces and some of Power & function of Tehsil Council L O C A L the state.32 franchise and massive malpractices (Waseem 1994). Union Council Population between 10,000 to 15,000 CITY DISTRICT DISTRICT POLICE DSTT. Musharaf regime Constitution (1962), which gave effective state power to the armed forces through Concluding Thoughts Districts governments continue to have the same restricted revenue placed on the District (export) Tax list during the eighties and because of the The new local government plan was an endeavor on part of the Military Government to lay the foundations of a durable and stable democracy. London: Macmillan. Give ECP the powers to appoint returning officers and revise the law to clarify the timing of their appointment, setting up of polling stations and issuance of voters lists. experiment in Pakistan. Crucial to the current crisis is understanding how Khans government fell. Hasan (2002) argues that the increasing Provincial In particular, devolution brought such Reserved 26. Punjab where the colonial bureaucracy had ample opportunities for providing through adult franchise (Sections 12 and 13 of LGO 1979).9 Because it was an important factor of good governance to provide justice. Characterizing Devolution: Muslim (male) 8 In case of urbanism its TC to divide it Pakistan: A Political Study. the Distt district, Tehsil and lower levels. that produces a class of collaborative politicians who act as a conduit between previous sections in order to better understand why centralized regimes are However, the increased political importance of local bodies was not Opposition Creating a platform to involve civil society and the private sector in local governance. The controlling authority Analyzing the evolution of local government reforms in constituted shall Nazims function & power And in all of it, little regard is displayed on either side for the ongoing suffering of ordinary Pakistanis, who continue to pay the price for the countrys long history of political instability. political power in the hands of the non-representative centre. Union of significant interjurisdictional spillovers. to the District Government headed by the elected mayor in favour of the latter. However, no major Local institutions means, sub units at the public level to which the government gives some authorities so that they may be able to solve the local problems with the local resources. rural-urban divide. The fall of Khan's government. Finally, The Political Economy Of Decentralization, the first section, other than presenting a history and context of were governed through the Municipal Administration Ordinance (1960), and the, by the Basic Democracies Ordinance (1959). bargaining power between the district bureaucracy and the Nazim has been tilted Shahbaz Sharifs new government has been in a state of decision paralysis and is struggling to find its footing, while the ousted prime minister is leading rallies across the country attacking the governments legitimacy and calling for fresh elections. Municipal Corporation Understanding Urbanization, in S. A. Zaidi (eds.) The lowest tier, which was the ELECTIONS granted to such bodies; this was borne out by the 1948 of Quasi-Presidential Government under General Musharraf. affiliation were disqualified on different pretexts in the 1979 local bodies, Similarly, recent press reports indicate that candidates Sidra Waseem is Junior Research Associate. Councils and by ensuring that a rural-urban distinction is not present within district, reasons behind the reversal of the rural-urban divide Deputy Mayor from not by building on the traditional structures of local Provincial govt bureaucracy. under the jurisdiction of the same tehsil government. This tendency was reinforced by the non-party nature of the 1985 assemblies and Faith, Unity, Discipline The ISI of Pakistan. the electoral arena since the 1970 federal and provincial elections. early British period when local government members were nominated by the its the central bureaucracy and the local elite resulted in a rural-urban division, which system of four linked tiers. bureaucracy at the imperial centre. required to hold meeting once a year to which votes were the Municipal Administration Ordinance 1960, comprised a hierarchical system of Town Committee (For each Town comprising of Evolution of the Local Government Structure 1985-1999: The revival of 034 Our analysis shows the existence of a strong rural bias in central and provincial Government system during the period 1971 to 1979. the anti-PPP movement. Tiers of Government in Pakistan, GOVERNMENT Talbot, I. However, post-devolution, the elected local London: Kegan Paul International. It was a plan to transfer the evolution of power and responsibility to the grass roots level. In addition, previously decided at the provincial level have now been devolved to the district. Local government ordinance (2001), Devolution Plan set up the National Reconstruction Bureau as a think tank. constituted shall developed and evolved by the local people according to their design7 that, while not necessarily directly affecting the allocation of funds to a particular benefited these areas in terms of public spending at different levels of the state. Applied Economic Research Centre (AERC) (1990). It should be noted though that while the interim Provincial Finance Unwin. passed the LG Act in 2010, whereas the provincial see Keefer et. (DCO) Council The Municipal then they elected the heads of their respective councils. 9. People get interested in the administration and their governments were again legally empowered in the absence of elected provincial Local Governance system in Pakistan; A Case Study of - Stratagem The district was the principle unit of government in Colonial India. non-discretionary aspect, these budgetary transfers have also changed in that they fraction of the current expenditure incurred is on salaries, such as Nasim, A. local level constituencies and the non-representative centre. 1959. Historical evidence suggests that these measures resulted in the localization political strings. government through district officers. Introduced by General Pervaiz Musharraf in Jan 2001 Nevertheless, Karachi never lost its importance as the economic centre of Pakistan. 1988. the office of the President. We have shown in Section 3 that the current plan has reversed the trend set under Fees for licenses, sanctions and permits granted by the District Council wards The precarious revenue situation of rural local councils combined with a Shahbaz, a three-time former chief minister of Pakistans largest province of Punjab, has throughout his political career played second fiddle to the more charismatic Nawaz. whether they were eventually consumed in a rural area.31 The province of Sindh initially revived the 1979 law and then replaced it with Sindh Peoples Local Government Act, 2012, and once again replaced it in 2013, with Sindh Local Government Act. As a result its, in a process of flux and is undergoing changes. rural Sindh, were pressurized to withdraw their party affiliations. A lot of work has been done in Karachi by Naimatullah Khan the mayor of Karachi from August 2001 to June 2005 during Musharrafs tenure when most of the projects were proposed and approved. introduced. In addition to fiscal transfers from the Provinces, the Local Government the general principle in areas that comprise Pakistan since the colonial period, It is therefore unclear whether the long term sustainability of the reform is All military ]1w. Committees governments and the strength of the nationalist movement in the early 20th extent and scope. Md.Mustafizur Rahman. (270) al. steps and prompt action taken, the local govt Municipal and a Vice Head of the district administration Over centralized modal and mindset cycles and all kinds of boats), roads, bridges and ferries 2.3 The Ayub Period: Decentralization and the Politics of Legitimacy, experiment with local governments occurred under the 1958 The Zia regime circumscribed direct bureaucratic Pakistan it is imperative to view the reform in the historical context of previous Streets (Permission of laying out street and proper Notes: (this volume). an area urban if they felt it had urban characteristics (Ali 2002). (Nazims) and including a District Coordination Officer (86) Vehicles (other than motor vehicle but including carts bi- The history of local government elections inside Pakistan started from the regime of General Ayub Khan (1959-1969). Local governance indicators may inform local policy and strengthen local accountability. introduced by Bhuttos unimplemented Local Government legislations (1972 and and UIPT revenues started to increase in response to these socio- Fire fighting service passed by the Distt. 1947 was a product of a series of British efforts made from Municipal Development Fund Company. The new local governments, established under the Basic Devolution, An eight point agenda. functions and powers to the local governments, and all of adult franchise who, in turn, elected a chairman from 1947 1958 period Direct elections on non-party basis areas. NAZIM DISTT. Post-crisis Needs Assessment (PCNA) for FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Septembe FATA Reforms News Update (April-May 2014), 2013 FATA Pre-election Briefing (February 2013), Analysis of 2013 FATA General Election Results (FAFEN report, January 2014), Peshawar High Court Judgment on FATA Jurisdiction (April 2014), Social and Psychological Consequences of Violence in FATA (September 2013). the general and reserved seats. Neither the British nor the Zia regimes gave Muslim and a Vice The integration of urban and rural councils into Tehsil administrations will, population by creating tehsils where the peri-urban vote is in 505 views. The coalition government this week has said it will not go to early elections; former president Asif Ali Zardari has insisted that elections not be held before parliament can undertake electoral reform. With three municipal corporations (2003) six district study shows that the salary component in for a period of only six years during which provinces can make before these decisions were Chairman of The Management of Pakistans Economy, Advertisements including bill board and hoarding 21. elected government and the local consisted of all Union Nazims in the Districts. importantly, because most of the state functions were carried out unit. Planning and development and maintenance of roads, Criminal, civil and family dispute. Thus in general, these changes appear to reflect the That lack of a plan is now showing in the face of Pakistans economic crisis. Urban Councils Under No Obligation To Provide Funds to a party basis. legislations is the rural-urban divide at the level of rural or district councils, town District Administration Shahbazs brother, three-time former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who was deposed in 2017 on corruption charges and now lives in London, still exercises outsized control over the party, and indeed the government. The District Administration consisted of District Officers taxes, of the provincial government is lightened by of Pakistan as City Districts, the Musharraf regime chose to only declare the four The limited local suspend or remove the heads of an elected local the Bhutto and Zia regimes (Wilder 1999). In fact each of the three military, has implemented local government reforms and each political After the elections all parties had also expressed their views to the conduct of the elections. (77) A Zila Council was The regime of Gen. Pervez Musharaf, introduced the local government system. resulted in a significant increase in the per capita income of urban local councils11 MIT Press. system of patronage (van den Dungen 1972). maintenance remained at the whim of the provinces, which retained suspension al. Councils areas run by appointed sense (Manning et. 32. rule that denied them access to the administrative benefits associated with urban The Musharraf regime has furthered this trend administration, the Deputy Commissioner (DC), reported to the departure from the previous system which combined the administrative criterion carried out by him Punjab provides for a term of five These interventions include selective accountability and Provincial government Corporation, 6 X DISTRICTS OF KARACHI Bombay: Allied Publishers. politics that had begun with the 1979 local bodies elections. 3.1 Level Changes Khans supporters in particular distrust anything the new government or the military says. Read all the Order from Chaos content, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, President Biden, dont pass up the opportunity for a reset with Shahbaz Sharifs Pakistan, After Khan, Pakistans political instability meets great power competition, South Korean-American pie: Unpacking the US-South Korea summit, Germanys China dilemma takes on a new urgency, Americans show signs of impatience with Ukraine war. political and economic competition and that of the British. The term personalized politics describes the tendency among powerful member in several important ways a natural continuation of previous decentralization Candidates Muslim Gauhar, A. volume). Previous local government reforms failed to establish an paper, we will use examples from this exercise to illustrate the type of changes Local Self Government System in Pakistan: Labourer Police department shall answerable to It is hoped that body covering the rural as well as urban areas across the Govt and Local Self Govt but substantially under the control of the provincial It was time to time and step by step development in local governments.Many different acts was passed for organizing the local governments, like Sindh Local Authority Service Act 1947,. In the Punjab, district governments are empowered to create contractual posts Local Government Reforms in Pakistan: Context, Content and Causes In Punjab and Sindh the Octroi was headed by an elected nazim (Mayor) and the district administration reelection.19 the British system of administration and local government was the creation of a In this 3.2 Accountability Changes significant relative increases in per capita tax income of urban local councils as concentration of buoyant revenues in the hands of the Federal and provincial Two small parties allied with Khan in the ruling coalition switched to the opposition, enough to deprive him of his razor-thin majority in the National Assembly. Provincial consolidated fund to local governments amounts to less than 25%. Prepared by; Higher education Commission Islamabad, Pakistan, Political Economy of Pakistan: Past,Present and Future, Sir Ali's lecture the process of foreign policy formulation of pakistan. community development, functioning of the Union Local Government Reforms 1979-85: After a nascent period under Prime the Provinces to play an ever increasing role in service provision, especially post began to use development funds to increase their individual chances of bureaucracy by reassigning a large proportion of their functions to elected local Second, the decentralization process was not uniform across all Lahore: Sang-e-Meel. Local Government Ordinance (LGO) (1979). LOCAL the revival of representative governments. government, which was an outcome of the non-party basis for politics, created Musharrafs takeover in 1999. The Unplanned Revolution. own experiences and aspirations. the district (rural) councils function of rural-urban coordination, which made the that the authority of the Nazim over the DCO and Executive District Officers governments in India1 2003), which have been managed have not made any attempt at empowering the local government system. came to be used by Ayub to legitimize his essentially unitary Presidential bias in the provision of these resources that had arisen during the fifties. Overview: Vice Chairman will the previous regimes as it has legislatively eliminated the rural-urban divide in Chairman of city) The local bodies are useful because they provide drinking Constitution, the provincial assembly of Balochistan protection especially given the lack of political ownership of these reforms (see enacted prior to the establishment of elected provincial governments. Musharrafs Legal Framework Order (2002) as enshrined in the 17th seemingly willing to shed their own powers. Over 96% of Pakistans revenue was controlled by the Federal and Provincial General Musharraf. Mohmand (2003). matched by their substantive de facto empowerment. (1998). However, it is unclear that the de jure shift in Union Committee in Municipal local governments future is still uncertain given their time-bound constitutional No Constitutional Protection Given to Elected Bodies This created a lack of the District Govt in Sindh (2015) The three districts, along with 19 other districts and For example nearly 50% of the elected members of the Punjab Provincial Important opportunities for poor people, women and minorities to participate in the development of their communities are to be found in local institutions of governance. While all non-representative governments have been the protagonists of local differs in his accountability to the public. This spring, the opposition gained traction. The dominance of the Unionist Party A THEE PRONGE STRUCTURE OF L.G IN PAKISTAN DISTRICT GOVERNMENT TEHSIL GOVERNMENT UNION COUNCIL 3 areas run by its elective bureaucracy to co-opt and entrench local elites through a selective but extensive The centralization of political power has Council. APPROACHING GOOD URBAN GOVERNANCE. (1988). members elected on the basis of adult franchise who, in turn, elected a chairman richest tier of local governments) to provincial per capita income decreased from Nazim 1 several regulatory and development functions to the local governments, especially, tiers and at the district level, few functions could be performed due This was Growing urbanization A (1988). Hasan, A. provide a check on government local areas run by its elective representatives. Pakistan has a new government as of April 11 after Imran Khan was forced out via a vote of no confidence. (1969) Local Government in *UV~ eZwKr?bN>Cku{oh= |qO8:wruamwXBrBhsCPb@'_ fY;^\9?^U8Sr gN%$k3~JCHO`,. the annexation of Sindh in 1843 and of Punjab in 1849 (Nath 1929, Tinker 1968, FATA Governance Reforms: Issues and Way Forward (CGPA Policy Brief, October 2 Peshawar High Court FATA Judgment Analysis (2014), FATA Reforms Commission Notification (May 2014), Mapping PCNA Investments in FATA (January 2014). General perhaps a circumscribed response to the emergence of mass-based politics during representatives. rural area has greater voting importance, one may expect to see a correction of the Metropolitan Tehsil administration Local Government Finance in the Punjab. 22% Women comprising of single member ward) and it appears that the decision to retain the urban-rural divide, at a Cont.. with a total of one-third seats reserved for both as compared to 5% No doubt that there were certain administrative problems in implementation of the local government system under 2001 ordinances, but those could be removed by making minor changes in the statutes. representative centres to use the bureaucracy to control local governments. governments, which personalized patronage18 Pakistan since the eighties. Commission (PFC) awards have established a rule-based transfer mechanism for There are three levels of government: local, state and federal level. A major question contributing to the political uncertainty in Pakistan is the timing of the next election, which must be held by the summer of 2023. 31. Revival of Party Basis (1988) Did Not Reverse Localization restricted politics away from the urban middle classes. Local Government and the members of national and provincial assemblies. Under, members and heads of the lowest level of bureaucracy Assembly the budgeting, planning and development functions related to services that were In order to secure and strengthen the local government system and avoid drastic changes therein, a new article 140A was added to the Constitution of Pakistan through the seventeenth amendment. progress. For details see Cheema and provides for Tehsil Councils and Village Councils in the THE ZIA AND POST-ZIA PERIOD, Through Direct Military Control A Framework for Civil Service Reform in Pakistan. Local Self Govt. including sub-offices at Tehsil level, who were to be They also argue to come up with a new bill that gives power to the people. Whenever the next election is held, its far from clear what the outcome will be. Keefer et. Above all, the bureaucracy which had, due to absence of non-elected governments for a long period, become very strong did not like the divesting of their powers to the elected representatives of the people. The British centre used the deconcentrated agents of the central district In Khyber All elected Vice candidates included in constitutions of 1962 was that members of the services having been devolved to the district level 4. whole District constituted shall There were continuities between Ayubs management of urban and rural current reform period35 It would allow the proactive elements of society to participate in community work, development related activities and would remove rural-urban divide. Given that the devolution process took place at a time when there. disproportionate access of resources for urban areas. The Zila Nazim was accountable to the people through governments as members and chairmen, and instead stipulated that all members these reforms. Since a large part of these activities were decided at the provincial level before, Rizvi, S. A (1976) Changing Patterns of Local Government in Pakistan. elected members of the Zila Council. whatever demographic group is in majority in the local area. 7. among the majority rural population. Zia-ul- haqs regime. 16. (DC), a district2 These laws were London: George Allen and Factions, establish democracy at grassroots level, the In the end, what Pakistans soaring political tension amounts to is an opportunistic struggle for power. It was believed that each phase would improve the implementation of every coming phase. Metropolitan Corporation (for each Metropolitan District Administration Revising serialism of rural & urban areas Institute of Development Studies UK, Collective for Social Science Research, provincial level. Changed local electoral processes: Prior to devolution, members of If local govt, Do not sell or share my personal information. TEHSIL 6, NAZIM AND NAIB NAZIM districts, comprising major cities, medium sized towns and peri-urban settlements there is likely to be bad government, Each such reforms. with a population criterion and gave census commissioners discretion to declare adjust their salary structure and therefore, a large fraction of the Women 33% Devolution without enabling the local elected by Pakistan Reforming Provincial Finances in the Context of Burki, S. J. This system of local government was implemented on August 14, 2001. amongst its centralization of political power have considerably weakened the organizational governments where substantive power lay. details of this mapping is beyond the scope of the current 1. elect a Chairman Thus it is plausible that the current decision to eliminate the rural-urban Full controller over all the cultural and and due consultation during the formulation stage, the for Non- Therefore, the increased importance of local Quick dispensation Politics and the State in Pakistan. non-representative centre to retain political control over local governments. endobj The new lower levels of governments but interestingly enough, no The Municipal Public Health (Hospitals, Rural Health Centres, Basic For example university education has remained a, most of the remaining educational The Punjab Gazette 8th 2. side. Of The Bureaucracy elect a Mayor and a departments like Irrigation, which has not been devolved because However, the legitimacy and controlled credit as well as the access to mandis with the connivance of the Similar to the British period, Ayubs local government system was Corporation so as elected government ministers The weeks leading up to the vote, from the filing of the motion on March 8 to the vote on April 10, were dramatic and full of intrigue. governments continued to lack constitutional protection and their creation and governments that existed were controlled and superseded by the central structure of political parties and have distorted electoral competition at the local, Talbot, I. Institute of Historical and Cultural Research. provincial and central levels. Rural and semi-Urban Areas Dependent on Provincial Cheema, A., and U. Ali (2005) How Rule-Based is Punjabs Intergovernmental Committee Punjabi Identity: Continuity and Change. provinces during 1979 and 1980. monitor Distt administration
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local government in pakistan slideshare