ley lines wisconsin map

Change). They called them the 'Hav-musuvs- ', Read Tunnels and Underground Cities Under Southeastern Wisconsin, Mary Sutherland is the author of the following books, Living in the Light: Believe in the Magic, Mysteries: Exploring the Mysteries of Burlington and Southeastern, Check Out Books Written by Mary Sutherland, Mary Sutherland is an author and researcher focusing her work, There are rare persons in this world who see things others. Youd love San Francisco. A report opens in a new window. taken of orbs, cemeteries and ancient burial mounds. city limits Ley lines tend to follow loosely the demands of gravity, but they have been known to do extremely strange things. Area or Delivery Area map based on ZIP Codes all overlaid on Google Maps? Once you have cleansed and area for your vortex, A Precession Proton Magnetometer is suggested, ComBrought to you by BURLINGTON PARANORMAL AND UFO CENTER, Brown Lake, Burlington Wisconsin - The Hav-Musuvs, Brown Lake in Burlington Wi has another name by the Indians that at one time lived around its waters. The Da Vinci Code was based on Rennes Le chateau in France, which is also on a leyline. Downtown is two grids which meet at about 45 degrees; the northern one which is almost, but not quite, oriented to the cardinal compass directions, but all the streets have non-sequential names. A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earths tectonic plates; this is a scientific fact. This website has no affiliation with Google LLC. However, an area such as Stonehenge that has a number of very strong major lines crossing it and numerous minor ones tend to create larger and even multiple rifts. I believe that if more are aware of this natural phenomenon, break our mental bonds to the material matrix and take action locally as groups on these ley lines, that can be found all over the planet, then we can take back what is rightfully ours and positively manifest paradise on earth. Sign in. Map of the Earth's Ley Lines In last month's Sacred Space Sharing, we were discussing the pyramids and how they will be aligned directly upon a ley line to feed energy into the earth's grid. The Ancients seen the stars as major sources of magical energy. The Principle of Polarity (Everything is dual, has poles, and pairs of opposites). - Veterans Park - It is said that a drifter through town drowned in the creek that runs through the park. Some internationally known ancient sites are obvious choices, such as England's Stonehenge, Egypt's Great Pyramids, Peru's Machu Picchu ruins, and Australia's Ayers Rock. They are also known to have energy leys flowing along them. To find a county for a specific address just type the address into the Search places box above the The extentof infection is proportionate to the severity of contaminating energy (Contaminating energy can be from metaphysical or mundane factors). At Fulda, in Germany, St. Boniface founded a Benedictine Abbey and from Fulda Christianity was spread throughout Central Germany. In Great Britain the domes are called blind springs. Our ancestors have known about these lines for thousands of years. In a JFK and Eisenhower speech they both warned the public, in detail and refer to this well coveted group of elites as technocrats for a reason. Multi-Millionaire John Jacob Astor & Captain Kidd. Designed by Lintwork. I have no idea if it is on a ley line. historical country boundaries Secret City of Vohee , River of the Dead, Vortex and a town veiled in magic, - Nashotah House & Seminary - The grounds of this Episcopal seminary have been inhabited since the 1500s, and have been, The Hunt Club Restaurant and Legends Tavern, - On the edge of what is now Geneva National on the southwestern golf course sits a lovely three story structure that in 1990 was transformed into, - Cobblestone Bar - The cobblestone was originally built to be a hotel. How do I get Google Maps to show Wisconsin counties? Throughout history all megalithic structures have been strategically built on top of these so called ley lines. Wisconsin Vortex maps. what city am I in Ley lines link a number of ancient landmarks by a series of straight lines. Ley lines vary in intensity depending upon the geographical makeup of an area, such as mineral deposits, underground streams and gravitational forces. Click the map to show data near to the point you clicked. Smithson Valley Football Coaches, Were they using theley lines possibly as an earth map? Maps of every Township and Range in the U.S. what township am I in Are They The Same? New York, NSE MFSS-ARN No. * You can also type in GPS coordinates in decimal degrees into the Search places box. Furthermore, many of these places are natural features, such as Mount Everest and Ayers Rock; no one built or placed those locations there based on knowledge of earth energy lines. You need to know if you are by a line/on a line or on a Node, as it will boost all of your spells and your energy work. Well it takes a lot more confusion to get lost in a little place like Bremen after all. When this stuff was being laid out the only thing that mattered was ease of surveying. Ley Line-Adjacent Topics of Interest Very cool world map with ley lines where you can zoom in to any level of detail you want. Healthcare Private Equity Trends, From the pyramids of Giza to Stonehenge, Notre Dame, Solomons Temple, Parthenon, Oracle of Delphi, Rennes Le Chateau, Ziggurat, the Vatican, DC Capitol, Mecca, Agia Sophia, Aztec Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle, Coral Castle, Teslas lab in Shoreham NY, including all Nuclear power plants, military basis and stadiums- which are also used to harness energies- like giant batteries! Just added: Bermuda Triangle to Cubabi Mexico major leyline. Beyond about ten miles (and Im pulling that number out of my ass as an example), with midwestern population density, you have the customer base for your basic small town. It is interesting and we should take notice that the Swiss Lab Cern and the Brookhaven Lab in New York, both sit on ley lines and both of these labs have a Hadron Collider that directly impact these ley lines negatively and/or positively. selection tools Instead we are all quick to step on each others toes to get to where we think we need to be in business, our personal lives, and even within the spiritual communities. Disclaimer: While the number of decimals in the latitude and longitude displayed for the map marker may imply a Dat Organic Chemistry Questions, When they do, the cross section is called a nexus point. Maps vary however every map that I have studied lays out a pattern of an earth energy grid system that is very similar. We can change the channel if we choose, turn down the volume, fine-tune the specific radio band. As illustrated above, when entering, ley lines continue to a point 265 feet below the surface of the Earth. Burlington Wisconsin Ley Lines Hollow Earth Aliens And Ufos The Secret History Connect The Dots Weird Creatures Pilgrimage Paranormal. His website is www.BenjaminRadford.com. The Principle of Gender (Everything has its masculine and feminine aspects). Heart (4th) Chakra Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, England. This unification of seeking the Grail and serving the Grid is played out in the local geomancy of the zodiac landscape, and our direct involvement in this terrestrial grid system through a heightened consciousness interaction, within a local Zodiac complex. World Ley Line Locator - Graham Hancock Official Website Paranormal & Supernatural : The Official GrahamHancock.com forums For discussions of everything that might be classed as 'paranormal' - i.e. Learn how to create your own. If you click on it itll give you options about what to show and hide. Mysteries AoM History Global Village Science Inner Space Paranormal Gunpowder Mature Misc. Oh, wait, Im at that place where five roads meet. borders map tool also has options to show county name labels, overlay city limits and townships and more. This is where the Grid Engineer and Knight of the Holy Grail become one- alchemy. *Bushalso used this same concept using the school children to pledge allegiance to the flag at a certain time every day, afterthe WTC was attackedand we went to war in Afghanistan. Flag inappropriate; Stone circles and medicine wheels are built over these hotbeds of magnified electromagnetic energy, and portals are opened around them.. Belleville, Wisconsin . Important! Of course there are dark forces as well, that are, and were knowledgeable of these ley lines such as, secret societies and Hitler who was very much into the esoteric realms, and worked very closely with Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, who was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society. create link Or add points from Google My Maps, Google Earth, or GIS software. If you want to stretch it, you could also imagine a horizontal line between the blue dots Madison, Milwaukee, Grand Rapids, Flint, Sarnia, London, and continuing to Buffalo just off the map. In Germanien, a Nazi Germanic Culture magazine, there were numerous articles by people like Josef Heinsch who wrote about such things as the heilige linien (holy lines). Except the streets which border Golden Gate Park. Listing of all U.S. County Maps showing Cities and City Limits, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Green Lake County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Jefferson County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, La Crosse County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Lafayette County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Marinette County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Marquette County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Menominee County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Outagamie County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, St. Croix County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Washington County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Winnebago County, Wisconsin - Cities Map. The forces of nature do not discriminate. He who has the knowledge, hold the power, whether it be of the dark side or light. Area Codes and American Samoa, Within the UK, England displays Counties and Unitary Authorities, Scotland displays Council Areas, Wales displays No wait that ones for Geology Awareness Week. and which they marked so on their maps. Did the ancient peoples in Minnesota, Ontario and nearby areas have the knowledge of how to find those energy lines and use them to place their stone circles, burial mounds and sacred sites? As stated in that article, ley lines are corridors of ancient and sacred sites, like standing stones and circles, churches, abbeys, cathedrals and burial grounds. Say, the area divided by the square of the perimeter (L=0 for a line). An Earth chakra, such as at the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, or at Glastonbury Tor, England, is a huge energy vortex, several miles in immediate diameter. If you want to fool people into thinking theyre settling in Milwaukee, why not name your city Milwaukee? People have often found special significance in the unusual landmarks and geological features surrounding them. One example of the Nazis belief in geomancy happened during the German rush to take Moscow. "Mary Sutherland is not simply a reporter of all these phenomena. This county map tool helps you determine "What county is this address in" and "What county do I . The most prominent Wisconsin ley line enters from the Southernborder of the state on a North Easterly course starting aroundBeloit, traveling through Aztlalan State park located just east ofLake Mills (home of the Rock Lake pyramid) before passing throughFon Du Lac (home of the Miracle Mile) passing just East of GreenBay and up into Michigan. The other is called is called the primary water which is created in the bowels of earth as the by-product of various chemical reactions. Spirits & Haunted Houses: Who Do You Call? As starseed awaken to their cosmic genetics through the opening of memory circuits, the spiritual consciousness of an area may be lifted, which increases the activity of ERCs in the region. Possible points include castles (or even places with "Castle" in the place name); moats; churches; ancient mounds; ancient stones; wells; crossroads; special groups of trees; and so on. The origin of the idea that there are veins of energy running through the earth is interminable, but Mr. Watkins was the first to call these veins Ley Lines. The same is true for roads; in 1800s on the British Isles many people believed in mysterious "fairy paths," trails connecting certain hilltops in the countryside. "'Living in their hidden city, the Hav-musuvs ruled the sea with their fast rowing-ships, trading with far-away peoples and . The lines are curved to follow the curve of the Earth's surface (to be more accurate). 3. While trying to heal her son and herself, she discovered that we are exposed daily to radiation, fluorine, chlorine, bromine chemicals and heavy metals as they can be found in our food, water and air. There have been reports of a man, We now have an audio file of the girl's trip in search of bigfoot. reference maps photography All Rights Reserved. Similarly in this model, the Earth, has a chakra system, arranged not in anatomical but energy sequence at 7 key Dome centers. Paranormal hot spots, centers of UFO activity. Ley lines can run for hundreds of miles. Ley lines are straight tracks or lines, essentially energy grids, that stretch across the earth in every direction. As the true empathetic, intellectual light beings, we were intended to be Human (Hue=light being). As best I can tell there are a few short straight lines probably representing more-used local roads, but few that persist across entire states. ley lines Grid lines of energy between energy reflective circuits used for communication and transportation. In Europe we are lead to believe that the druids called them mystical lines, in Wales they used the same name as eastern countries; they called them dragon lines. Maybe they need a machine because it is only a handful of technocrats attempting to control the masses. Depository Participant ID- IN304004 | NSDL- SEBI Registration No- IN-DP-315-2017 | NSE & BSE- SEBI Registration No-INZ000197136 | They could be described to be like geysers that dont reach the surface. You need to forget about highways and look at railroads. And further out west, maybe the rectangular grid pattern was already established enough (throughout the US) when the towns were founded. labels Most of the roads end up laying between two plots on either the north-south line or the east-west line. I am grateful to him for the sharing of his valuable knowledge . This map shows cities, towns, counties, interstate highways, U.S. highways, state highways, main roads, secondary roads, rivers and lakes in Wisconsin. Some never before published. Thats Ohio and Indiana as seen from space. For more information about Wisconsin energy system maps, GIS shapefiles, or databases contact: Tyler Tomaszewski by phone: (608) 266-2730, or e-mail: Tyler.Tomaszewski@wisconsin.gov Maps are available for download in While there is no map of the Earths ley lines (as they, too, cannot be detected or measured), they might be traceable by connecting ancient or sacred sites to one another. business Throat (5th) Chakra Great Pyramid, Mt. tax determination, education, routing, travel, entertainment, permitting, grassroots efforts and determining county Just as lines poolaround holy sites, they also follow psychic hotspots. These include Sedona, Mount Shasta, Yellowstone Park, Lake Mojave, Lake Mead and Mount Rainier. . Vortex gps locations and areas of high energy and well being. Every valid sacred site has been found to have water under it. In the sixth century, Pope Gregory, in a letter to those who were to carry Catholicism to Britain, cautioned these missionaries NOT to destroy the ancient sites. Though scientists can find no evidence of these ley lines they cannot be detected by magnetometers or any other scientific device New Agers, psychics and others claim to be able to sense or feel their energy. When energy is stagnant & blocked, it has much the same problem), itaffectsthe surrounding areas and it can travel through the Ley lines to infect other lines as well as Nodes. If you had non-English speaking immigrants, the Milwaukee/Zilwaukee confusion would work better, I think. During the medieval times anyone who had any knowledge of Hermetics was designated a Heretic and died a horrible death. Every race and culture on the planet has known about these lines yetevery one had different names for these lines. Google Maps Residents live all around it. I mostly ignore what things look like, because thats not relevant to my mental map. He identified. So you better sit up, take notice and start your diligent research to unveil what they know, for we are in an informational war. and megaliths, as well as geographical landmarks such as rivers, waterfalls, ridges and mountains. If you notice a connection between these ley lines and you (or any thing else that's interesting), please let us know. The Cosmic Family, Volume 1 Paper 206. Are there powerful earth energy points like in Sedona, Ariz. right here in our Northern Wilds areas? Add points, lines and shapes to any map, and save Drawings to your My Account page! _______________________________________________________________________. 2016 Magdaline (Maggies Holistic) visit: MaggiesHolisticsNY.com, 2016 Magdaline (Maggies Holistic) visit: MaggiesHolisticsNY.com. Where do you get satellite photos? The Grid Engineer has the potential for transmuting (freeing the inherent energy by releasing it from its form of bondage) the solar/celestial energies by intelligent interfacing with the Electromagnetic 1746 Grid through any of the 144 planetary Round Table holograms, or terrestrial Zodiacs on Earth. Go back to see more maps of Wisconsin U.S. Maps Any researchers in Wisconsin who happen to read this might want to check this thing out. Do you live on a ley line? desktop browsers typically show an approximate location. (LogOut/ Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Several of the ley lines on our map radiate from Arbor Low heading out in every compass direction and terminate in the Holy Island in Northumberland, Whitton Island at the western end of the Humber Estuary, Skegness, Walberswick Beach on the east coast, Christchurch on the south coast, the River Erme in But when I try to measure the native unit of the coordinate grid, I find that my mind is confusing a whole bunch of vaguely square-ish patterns into one illusory system. Her monthly column Strange Tales covers everything from UFO sightings to historic oddities. delivery area As his Aryan Race Master Plan, Hitler researched folk customs and geomancy; first to learn more about their Aryan forefathers and later to control Europe geomantically. Red; Raw biological life force energy- precursor to deviation into individual life forms. To find your county using your address, type your address into the 'Search places' box above. all of the map layers to finish drawing, Because the map layers are large, boundaries will not be shown if you are zoomed out too far, Note that typing an address will zoom in the map very close, whereas typing a city or county by itself will show Share your spreadsheet using these steps: (1) Click the Share button in the upper right corner, (2) click the Get link section in the box that appears, (3) change the sharing setting to Anyone with the link (keep the drop-down to the right set as Viewer), (4) click the Copy link button, and (5) click Done. We need an Awareness Week Awareness Week. And, create custom maps from ZIP Codes, Counties or points with mapBuilder. To make a long story short, the Effigy Mounds are ley markers or leys. Hence Dwight, IL is a truckstop while Joliet (inside the Chicago commutershed) has the historic industrial base. Also known in lower-level terminology as vortexes. I assume that by p-value, you mean that you want to analyze the appearance of lines under the null hypothesis of uniform distribution. It is also of utmost importance to know whether a Node or ley lines energy has soured or is polluted, as the ley line pollution can causeyourenergy work-spellwork-etc to backfire, invite negative energy/entites(which impact every aspect of your life) and, in general cause all manner of problems. 1) Was nowhere near the river. With literally tens of thousands of potential data points around the globe, it is little wonder that ley lines can be found everywhere. Sold Out. On a planetary scale, the lines tend to form a web of fairly consistent lines based on all of the magical hotspots around the planet. First discussed by Michell in A View over Atlantis, the ley line runs 350 miles across numerous sites dedicated to the archangel, from St Michael's Mount, to the Norfolk Coast, all the while. Distills gathered wisdom of life on earth for collective advancement of consciousness, aligned with astrological sequences. The way the patterns of stars are grouped and connected is arbitrary and artificial, not guided by anything in nature or reality; they are patterns our brains impose on the world around us. Maybe look for hexagons? Ley lines ( / le /) are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and prominent landmarks. Global Vortex Map . Many ley lines follow the great faults and . Reblogged this on Essence of Nilaya and commented: Saved by Jake C. Wallace. The glacier's never made it down that, 45 miles west of Milwaukee, over 800 years ago, a walled pyramid city flourished , appearing to have succumbed to the black side of Cthulhu as, Excerpt From Burlington Mound Builders by Mary Sutherland Copyright@2004, At the polar opposite of Aztalan is the modern Buddhist monastery of Deep Park, just south of Mdison. HAUNTED WISCONSIN..GHOSTS, ORBS, VORTEXES, UFOS AND BURIAL MOUNDS, is a Ghost Hunter Orb Photographer and Ancient Mysteries Researcher's Dream . How do I view an interactive map of Wisconsin county lines or county boundaries? The name Dr Pibb was to avoid claims of trademark infringement. 99046, Regd. Set map title & display options, then click the Apply button below, 1. Unfortunately, no one knew where he ended up. Printed ( = 1 mile) county maps and city/village/township maps are available. These features included prehistoric standing stones and stone circles, barrows and mounds, hill forts and earthworks, ancient moats, old pre-Reformation churches, old crossroads and fords, prominent hilltops and fragments of old, straight tracks. Ley Lines & Vortexes. search When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Third Eye (6th) Chakra Mobile Chakra, Shifts every 150-200 years, currently coincides with world heart chakra in Western Europe. Ley Lines- The KEY to Unlocking the Matrix. Later, others tied the lines to energy paths used in the ancient Chinese system of Feng Shui. They enlisted the help of adepts to undo the damage of the Nazi movement. Society of Ley Hunters Founded in 1999, the Society of Ley Hunters based in the UK is a group for like-minded people to learn and explore ley lines. *** All information is reported based on the location of the blue dot on the ** or equivalent province, district, etc. But its too big of a chunk of property for an egalitarian Jeffersonian society to evolve if one guy owns the whole thing. See a county map on Google Maps with this free, interactive map tool. time zones He and others became ley hunters, travelling and aligning the ancient sites of England and Europe. ZIP Code mapping But on a regional and local level, it's anyone's game: How big a hill counts as an important hill? Known as sacred waters, the native americans and peoples before them , used these waters for healing their sick. The interactive Global Vortex Map is back!. using a sour leyline,will negate any positive effects intended by the practice and would have exponentially worse negative effects on the region in which the work was done. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). You can also check out the new interactive St. Michael's leyline map. . In Google Sheets, create a spreadsheet with the first 3 columns in this order: ZIPCode, Data*, and Color Free version has a limit of 1,000 rows; monthly contributors can map up to 10,000 rows per map You can use any combination of 5-digit ZIP Codes and 3-digit ZIP Codes Map data will be read from the first sheet tab in your Google Sheet If you don't have a Google Sheet, create one by importing from Excel or a .csv file The header of the second column will be used as the map legend heading The second column can contain links beginning with https:// that will appear when the user clicks the map on that ZIP Code In the color column, you can use any browser-supported color name or any 6-digit hex color code, 2. All Right Reserved. Some researchers see the ley lines as electromagnetic energy paths between powerful points on earth, which connect into a greater earth grid. I will freely admit that I have gotten sufficiently confused about directions that I once spent over an hour trying to buy a ferry ticket to the Greek island of Paros when I was, in fact, on Paros the whole time. Of course, there are a million exceptions to this, especially when dealing with suburban sprawl around large cities, or port towns, etc. That is, they all at some point have shared that their idea, invention, or formulation, came to them in a daydream or dream, which is in fact a meditative state of mind. create custom map Many of the sections where two or more ley lines intersect are marked with obelisks, such as Washington DC monument, Vatican Courtyard, and Cleopatras Needle in Central Park. An overlay of Cabalas Tree of Life with the mythic Round Table/Zodiac image is most illuminating. Counties in Iowa (and to a lesser degree in other Midwestern states) do form something like a grid, and county seats were sometimes chosen to be near the centre of a county (and subsequently grew due to being administrative centres and Schelling points). https://telescoper.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/pointa.jpg?w=450&h=393, https://www.google.fr/maps/@41.5370899,-91.1420901,1373m/data=!3m1!1e3, http://books.google.com/books?id=w8pWZ2AGI4MC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_atb#v=onepage&q=grenada&f=false. township & range Suns tend to be intra-system node points for ley lines but the energy flows outward from them and not into them. Immortalization of life force. maps And what are the ley lines that some researchers theorize can connect these sites? His idea was that our ancestors built and used prominent features in the landscape as navigation points. Thats only slightly more confusing than the next town over from me being named Ballysadare, Ballisodare, and Baile Easa Dara, and slightly less confusing than the 71 streets in Atlanta (where I lived as a teenager and learned to drive) called some variation of Peachtree Street, Old Peachtree Road, Peachtree Circle, and so forth. You need to know your ley lines (and before you ask, yes I am working on an accurate map of the Ley lines. Toilet Paper Tarkov Price, Your email address will not be published. Hobby Lobby Welcome Sign, The Unsolved Mystery of the Northern Lights. ZIP Codes, Automatically measure length and area when you draw. American Ley Lines USA, Canada, Mexico, Central & South America Our bestseller! The blue-dot line Madison, Milwaukee, Grand Rapids, Flint, Sarnia, London, Buffalocontinues due east to Syracuse and Utica. If a strong magical nexus exists, the chance to split Reality occurs more often. By Dorothy Leon. It sounds like a dumb urban legend, but it was previously admitted to on the Zilwaukee city website. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, our Gaia. There is a square pattern to the Midwest, deriving from the Public Land Survey System, but its scale is 6 mile x 6 mile squares, which is smaller than any of the distances on either of these maps. Hey there! you a map with a wider view. How do I find out what Wisconsin county I live in? Gregory wanted them to destroy their idols, but insisted they build the churches on the older holy places, thereby automatically linking alignment to the ley lines and maintaining the power sources. These toxins accumulate and get stored in our body interfering with the endocrine glandular system, neurological system and cause calcification of our pineal gland interfering with our cognitive abilities, lowering our IQ. What a powerful tool for psychically uniting a people! These Nodes generally have a radius of stronger energy emanating from them, the size of the ley lines is proportionate to the size of the radius of ambient energy. Could ley hunters connect our sites on earth grids with other world ancient sites? Set an embedded title for your map, set the map type and choose other map layers to display (all optional). Download, print and complete the maps and documents order form: DT1288 (Maps/Documents Purchase Order) Send form and check to: Wisconsin Department of Transportation Maps and Publications Sales P.O.
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ley lines wisconsin map