is cabo san lucas safe from drug cartels

Is this a trip I should be stressing this much about Ive seen the Taken movies lol. I am not a paid promoter of the Mexican Tourism board and they actually are not even aware of my article. Use first-class bus companies these bus companies take toll roads that have security checks on passengers as they board. Why is Swimming Not Allowed on Some Beaches in Los Cabos? The strategy you Should NOT use to Deal with Corrupt Mexican Police. Don't Take Unnecessary Risks While in Cabo San Lucas Cabo is a safe vacation destination if you travel smart. [] visited Los Cabos this past fall after not visiting Los Cabos because I listened to people who said Mexico was too dangerous I came to the conclusion there are simply too many great beaches to choose just one as [], [] Related Post: How Safe Is It To Travel To Mexico [], [] Cabos is one of Mexicos most popular tourist spots. Mexico is killing american tourists left and right and very few media publications talk about it. Only morons are still trying to race bait. Mexico Citys murder rate is 8 per 100,000, despite being the second-largest city on the planet. As for Mazatlan, what a great city!! Should my friends be concerned and how can I convince them it is safe? . I have appreciated your research and reassurance to all who have posed these questions to you. Ill be bringing Adderall and she has sleep medication. But 2021 has been a bit different. It was wrong. A Comprehensive Guide. Cabo San Lucas vs San Jose del Cabo: What's the Difference? Before planning any international travel, review CDC's specific recommendations for vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers. That same year there were 28.8 million US visitors to Mexico. Will be renting a van and will be driving an hour. I used to live in California in San Diego.I have lived in the Guadalajara metropolitan area specifically in Zapopan for more than a decade now and let me tell you something: all this garbage of Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta being supposedly level three traveling warning or wherever stupid United States based ridiculous rating is just pure baloney any large city in the USA is way more dangerous than the Guadalajara Metropolitan area especially Zapopan where I live. Youll be amazed by how many incredible destinations Mexico has for tourists from bustling cities like Guadalajara and San Miguel de Allende to secluded islands off the beaten path like Isla Mujeres. : Keep up-to-date about safety news through a few methods. Is there any activities you recommend, any transportation from the airline to hotel ? The Mexican government is highly motivated to keep tourists safe in order to preserve the tourist trade but you must also do your part when traveling to Mexico, Here are some precautions that you can take in order to make sure your. In 2021 there were 75 US citizens murdered in Mexico according to the US State Department. When my readers ask me is Mexico safe, my response is a resounding yes if you do not go looking for trouble! What is the Time Zone in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico? Of course, in the U.S. we would then be issued a ticket that requires us to pay a fine or appear in court at a later date. Cabo is a far way from any drug cartel involvment.It is a very safe place.Just be cautious about your surounding,like you would be in any unfamiliar envirenment,and you will be fine.Don't do things that you would not usually do at home,get stupid drunk and flash alot of cash,buy drugs or any other illegale activities and you will have a great Taxi drivers are reportedly furious over a court ruling earlier this month that allows Uber to operate in Quintana Roo without a public transport license. By contrast, about 75 American citizens died by homicide in Mexico in 2021, according to the most recent U.S. State Department statistics. Cartel members last year tried to assassinate Omar Garcia Harfuch, Mexico City's chief of police, in an attack that wounded him and left three people dead, including two of his bodyguards. Mexico is by far one of the top destinations for many U.S. travelers, but violent crime is soaring in certain areas which causes many tourists to second-guess their spring break vacation plans to Mexico. Should we use hotel concierge or book tours elsewhere? Hello, I am going to Cancun in March and Im a little nervous as I am taking 2 small children. Learn about why swimming is not allowed at some beaches in Los Cabos and find out which beaches are safe for swimming. Ive visited Mexico plenty of times and my husband and I have never experienced anything but sweet and kind people. [], [] my readers ask me if Mexico is a safe, my response is a resounding [], [] los cabos is consistently warm and dry throughout the year, but there are two rainy, hot months where families should avoid going: August and September. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. My 19 year old son and 2 friends are planning to go to Cozumel and stay at an air bnb by the cruise ship pier. I plan to book all excursions through resort. You will also be told what you did wrong. In fact, there are multiple reasons why visiting Mexico should be on your bucket list. Meanwhile, nearly 1,000 U.S. citizens died in Puerto Rico, but did anybody raise a red flag about that? The media would like for you to believe there are kidnappings everyday and that is just not the case. You have to be out of your mind or, more likely, paid to write this. Aside from dangerous areas along the U.S. border and other regions where cartels operate, Mexico is mostly a safe country and in my opinion, it is safe. Why cant you be truthful in dealing with beautiful and leave politics and fake news to the real media. There have been reports that La Paz (which is close to Cabo) has recently had Cartel style violence. What is the Rainy Season in Cabo San Lucas? Traveling by day and on deluxe or 1st-class buses, which use toll highways where possible, minimizes this risk. They can help you find the best restaurants, bars, and attractions, and they can also help you stay safe., In Cabo San Lucas, having a guide who knows the area well can help you avoid trouble spots. I have been there recently and did not feel safe. The part of the trip I have been warned the most about is driving there. First of all, San Jose del Cabo is a little bit older, just 250 years older. The state department has mexico ranked as a level 2 the same as Antarctica!! Only use well-known tour operators: Most of the cheaper tour operators will not have up-to-date equipment and experienced guides. Trump also espouses that you cant trust the American press. Say you went to Nashville for the weekend and someone put something in your drink you wouldnt say I am never traveling anywhere else again. Do a little research on the destination youre thinking about traveling to and for the love [], [] I stated in my previous articleIs Mexico safe the countries below have the same Tulum travel advisory and most people dont think twice about [], Amazing blog thanks for sharing today on this blog, [] The Costa Maya cruise port is located in Mexico. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Mexico is safe and I am sure you eat a Mexican restaurant every Friday and drink margaritas every Tuesday. Turn off MSNBS. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Level 3: The seven states for which visitors are advised to reconsider travel because of crime are Baja California (Norte), Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco, and Morelos. When is the Worst Time to Visit Cabo San Lucas? Tourism is an important part of the economy therefore the local government has invested time, money, and energy into making sure there are not any Cabo travel warnings and that Los Cabos is safe! We were hoping to just use the taxi to get around, get groceries, go to nearby restaurants (walk or taxi). Firstly, This is the one of the best blogs on Mexico that I have found that provides useful info on places to visit, to-dos and not-to-dos as well as objective and unbiased commentaries even in the face of challenging feedback. So hurry, come and visit us soon. As an American Citizen, you should also consider signing up for. Take a run or head to the hotel gym every morning before heading out for sightseeing. I was felt more unsafe in Rome than I did in Mexico. Leave your LV and Gucci in the states. In 2020 Mexico had the highest number of homicides in the countrys history, there were 17,439murders, a 1.7% increase but most of the deaths in Mexico are due to fighting between cartels and if you are not part of the cartel then you are probably safe. This is a very big no-no. Get it? I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico and Rome has the same level 2 warning that Mexico has but Rome doesnt have the same stigma associated with crime. Is Cabo Water Warm in October? Yes Both Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo are safe for the vast majority of visitors. Rental cars are very cheap. The answer is a resounding yes! I dont suggest walking anywhere maybe catch a bus or hire a driver. Did you know that, according to the FBI, an estimated 15,241 persons were murdered in the U.S. in 2009 111 U.S. citizens were killed in Mexico last year, and almost all of them were involved in illicit drug trafficking, gun-running, or smuggling people across the border to/from the U.S? Putting those numbers in perspective, not a single U.S. city with a population of more than 100,000 has a murder rate that low, and only 5 countries in the world are safe to live in Lichtenstein, Monaco, Singapore, Japan, and Iceland. We are currently looking for a second home and a reprieve from the winter months. Get Pilot. Bottom line Mexico is absolutely NOT safe for anyone ! Esperanza, an Auberge Resort & Spa in Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo - Best Surf Spot in the area, Premier Five-Star Cabo San Lucas Luxury Resort - Casa Dorada Resort & Spa, Old World Luxury on Cabo San Lucas' Luminous Pacific Coast, Luxury Hotel & Beach Resort, Los Cabos, Mexico | One&Only Palmilla, Is Mexico Safe? This results in a murder rate of US visitors to Mexico of 0.26 per 100,000. Please keep up the wonderful blog! And the statistics bear this out. I am sure you spend your days reguritating Fox news so enjoy your trailer park. Youll feel at harmony with the vivid sensations of Baja Californiaand with the Esperanza family. exactly! Sir, that is called privilege. The travel advisories has zero to do with skin color. Thank you so much for commenting! They just love drinking lots of booze, killing others as they race downs the hill from the La Bufadora , no police patrols; this is the Macho way of life for our ignorant Male citizens. First of all, talk with your travel agent and/or hotel concierge about safety updates, and where to go. In. When deciding whether or not to visit Mexico as a tourist its important to consider safety and understand the area you are traveling too. What about the crime right here in the U.S.? So come on down and enjoy! If youre worried about visiting a specific location, it pays to research that area before you book your travel. If you use common sense and take reasonable safety precautions, you should have no hesitancy in visiting Mexico because Mexico is safe. i am thinking if it is safe to travel there with baby? Learn whats really happening. I use viator to book all of my excursions but if you are staying at an all inclusive they may provide excursions as part of your trip. Mexico is NOT safe For Mexicans. Unfortunately, passengers have been caught in the middle. Its idyllic beaches and sunny weather make it a popular beach vacation destination for families and couples. Los Cabos (Spanish pronunciation: [los kaos]) is a municipality located at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula, in the state of Baja California Sur.It encompasses the two towns of Cabo San Lucas and San Jos del Cabo (the municipal seat) linked by a thirty-two-km Resort Corridor of beach-front properties and championship golf courses. DO NOT TRAVEL TO MEXICO IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! #pathetic. Dont walk around by yourself late at night: You areasking for trouble. I would love to hear your thoughts so leave me a comment on Facebook,Twitter,orInstagram. Surrounded by shimmering sands, swaying palms and the blue of the sky and the sea, reserve one of our One&Only Palmilla rooms, suites, Casita suites or luxury villas and fully immerse yourself into the charm of Los Cabos. However, guides are not just good for safety, they can also help you make the most of your trip., A guide can introduce you to new experiences and show you things that you would never find on your own.. Level 4: The six states with the do not travel advisory, because of kidnappings and other crimes, are the northern border state of Tamaulipas, the central state of Zacatecas, and the Pacific coast states of Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacn, and Guerrero. Mexico is not as dangerous as the media portrays. And then theres the smaller crimes, like every single time Ive gone to Mexico my credit card has been stolen. Make sure you put all of your medication in the safe along with any other valuables. . This beautiful resort town in Mexico has welcomed tourists from around the world for many years. Most homicides in Mexico and Cabo San Lucas are isolated incidents attacked by criminal organizations and territorial battles between criminal groups. Learn the language as much as possible (This is not just for safety, but also for courtesy, which can actually keep you safer too!) You didnt fly to Mexico to stay inside but please beware that Mexican rays are intense and can lead to a severe burn or sun poisoning, especially during the warmer spring and summer months. I stayed two nights at an air bnb and we were perfectly fine. Excellent, informative article Tomiko. Cabo San Lucas offers variety in its cuisines and budget. Hi What an idiotic comment, Trump has never said those words or even implied then. But when its over, its back to reality. Plans for Puerto Vallarta early spring? This means that they recommend visitors exercise increased caution due to crime and . Express kidnappings are used to obtain money by forcing their victims to empty their bank accounts. I am going back in April myself. Keep windows shut and doors locked in a car. and two on a different bridge on the highway between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo, local prosecutors . Any political issues should be aimed at the Mexican politicians who are partners with the cartels and the Mexican people who go along with it as the status quo instead of fixing the issues. If you know you are going to Mexico or any country for that matter you need to have your documents in order. Watch out for scams. However, innocent locals and visitors can be affected. Cabo San Lucas is generally safe for tourists but there are certain areas where caution should be exercised due to increased gang & cartel activity. The drug cartels and criminal organizations are responsible for the vast majority of Mexico's violent crimes. But for a more thoughtful answer - including crime, health and safety stats, plus tips to help you stay safe - read our guide to safety in Cabo San Lucas (and . One of them a mother of six was traveling to Mexico to undergo a medical procedure across the border. your backwards thinking mindset is mind blowingly irresponsible. When is Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas? amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; I am sure if you were pulled over they had a reason because the police does not pull people over no reason at all. A wonderful commentator mentioned Manzanillo. They claim the problem is under control. If you are not in the hood looking for drugs and trying to buy hookers you will probably be ok. Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Personally if Im gonna be slaughtered, Id be pissed no matter what color someone happened to be, maybe you are different. United States, stop your stupid manufacturing and selling of criminally used weaponry in your own country and do control all the black market under the table massive selling of weapons to Mexican criminals because behind a Mexican criminal buying weapons there is always an American criminal selling it to them so dont play innocent bystander dont be so hypocrite and nasty and once and for all start having real gun control laws just like the rest of the world has. please advise. DONT travel at night: Most crime occurs at night. Will spend the night with her. So sorry to hear about your loss. This year, the U.S. State Department revamped its travel advisory system. etc. Finally, while I understand you are in Mexico and dranking is at the top of your to-do list remember the heat and too much alcohol do not mix well and can lead to massive dehydration. Cabo San Lucas is generally safe for tourists but there are certain areas where caution should be exercised due to increased gang & cartel activity. You might need to look through a different lens writer and honestly consider that race may be irrelevant with this??? Aquatic Activities like fishing, snorkeling. I highly recommend Travelex Insurance. I dare you hitchhike through Chicago to Memphis to prove your point. However, several times you reference that the press have exaggerated the danger of travel in Mexico. Theyll have the most current read on the situation. But Mexico is at least as remarkable and there is a clear difference in how each of these storied destinations is portrayed in contemporary news. If you ask yourself these simple questions before you arrive at your destination chances are you will not have any issues no matter the destination: The American media wants you, and everyone else to believe that Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and other countries where the majority of the population is black and brown people are the most dangerous places to visit and its simply not true. You must work for the Trump administration if you believe Mexico is dangerous. The troops they sent here are useless; they just drive around here looking ready for war in Afghanistan. Keep reading as I dissect fact vs. fiction when it comes to criminal activity in Mexico. And when you are in Cabo you are bound to overindulge in all of the above. Sometimes I that keeps us safe. Have you allowed the Mexico travel warning to affect your travel decisions and are you still wondering is Mexico safe for American tourists this fall? I have lived 11 years in Asia and NEVER a problem there ! I only go into this with such gusto due to the fact that I have not experienced the media overly covering the travel advisories or creating excessive drama around the danger. I ask why is that? Cabo San Lucas and San Jose (both visited for a week) are just as dangerous as anywhere else and driven by Mexican corruption and turf wars. If you are at the beach in Hilton Head, SC you would keep an eye on your children. I have explored off of the resort and I have never experienced anything but love from the people of Mexico. Since Los Cabos simply means Los Cabos, you can refer to these two cities, or to the municipality of Los Cabos. The municipality of Los Cabos is notoriously dangerous, and for this reason, you should exercise great caution when venturing off the beaten track of the city of Cabo San Lucas (better yet, just don't). Taking simple precautions can help ensure that your trip to Cabo San Lucas is safe and enjoyable. you cant trust the American press. As i stated if you are not going into crime-ridden areas looking for drugs and stay on the main roads you will be fine. It gave Mexico an overallLevel 4 warning for visitors to exercise caution. I walked around in the city, I ate with locals, I shopped and I had a great time. Subtly charming food nerd. Travelers should have common sense when traveling to Tulum, especially in the downtown area: Dont walk alone at night, lock your doors, and dont walk alone on the beach at night. But very little of it notes that Mexico is a HUGE country with thirty-one states (+ plus the Distrito Federal). Dont get scammed: If someone is asking you for your personal information will are likely scamming. Is Mexico Safe to Visit for Spring & Summer 2023. Thanks much for your quick response Tomiko! Is it Safe to Travel to Cabo San Lucas Right Now? We really want to go but have been warned that it may not be completely safe. I just returned from Mexico again this past sunday and I didnt stay on a resort. Thoughts? Travel advisories are in place for a reason and even they are not as strong as they should be. Travelers! Some visitors prefer to avoid Cabo during March and April when tipsy spring breakers descend upon the town. Highways are well-maintained, constantly being improved, and so straight that the slightest curve bristles with warning signs and reflectors. you are absolutely right. Tomiko, Mexico in these areas are now up to a Level 4. I cant understand why people think it is so unsafe. If you dont go looking for trouble you wont find trouble. Be careful taking money out of the ATM: these are good spots to rob people. Its a fresh and vibrant approach to Los Cabos luxurya singular beachfront retreat commanding a contour of the cape where every room and vantage point overlooks El Arco and the Bahia Cabo San Lucas horizon. I cant guarantee that nothing will happen but I also cant guarantee you wont get robbed as you are leaving your home but it doesnt stop you from running errands, going to work, shopping, or just hanging out. Mexico is one of the top 3 most dangerous countrys in the world!!! Why Cabo San Lucas is the Perfect Vacation Destination. I went on an excursion through a cruise line in the Dominican Republic, which the cruise line strongly suggests using their excursions for safety. Should I be concerned? Does Mexico have a bad reputation? Tell your girlfriends not to worry and have a good time. To avoid unnecessary illness, always make sure your bottled water is sealed. Both cities offer a wide range of activities and attractions, but which one is safer?Cabo San Lucas has a much more relaxed atmosphere than Cancun. no worries Jason and I apologize for the late response as I was traveling. Would like to do the same this trip. Get plenty of rest. ???? So, remember to enlist these general rules during your vacation and you will not have to ask is it safe to travel to Mexico?. Why is it necessary to bring race into your post? In that situation there isnt much you can do because the excursion is set up by a third party. I read through the article and then the comments. Any advice please. And Indianapolis. Travel insurance will help you keep peace of mind. The answer to Q1 would be yes, I would be concerned about traveling to certain parts of Italy. If you had a choice of Belize or Puerta Vallarta which would you do? Mexico Citys murder rate is 8 per 100,000, despite being the second-largest city on the planet. Many people will spend the majority of their time in Cabo San Lucas, and do a day trip to San Jose del Cabo (seen here). Health standards are far below what an American or European tourist is used to. But here in Los Angeles its the areas that are predominantly Mexican that are the dangerous areas. Government restrictions for travel in Baja California Sur, which includes the tourist areas of Cabo San Lucas, San Jos del Cabo and La Paz, should also be taken into account.
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is cabo san lucas safe from drug cartels