how to lighten trigger pull on cobra derringer

Combined with the strength training, learning and practicing proper technique would also be an excellent place to start BEFORE you look at the mechanical options above. For reference, the factory rebound spring is 18 pounds. Again lightened up some. Derringers, being small compact pistols, require the user to operate the gun in a specific manner. They commonly carried two shots, although some were designed for up to four shots. Of course, double-action pistols usually have an active safety available as well. kids dogs and stock around if they're poisonous they die on sight and theses are some big boys. shoot more accurately in rapid succession. and the safety or safeties work correctly. So the 1911 with a 2 lbs trigger is far safer and less risky than a Glock with a 5 lbs trigger as the Glock has no active safety on the weapon. Cycling the weapon and then dry firing it, or taking it to the range and sending some rounds down range will also help smooth out the action. High quality piece of shUh, erequipment NOT. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Setting up the trigger pull weight on a target weapon is mostly a case of trial and error; adjust, fire, and fine-tune till you achieve the pull that works for you. Are they worthwhile to buy and carry, or not? PQ_How hard is the .410 shot shell recoil? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Shipping back to the factory will cost ~$66, (UPS and FEDEX mandate next day air services) which is half of what I paid for the gun. In the shooting action, a stiff trigger pull will lead to uncertainty as to when precisely the weapon will fire, which may lead to flinches and pulling the muzzle off target in anticipation of the shot. Cobra would do well to use a better alloy, even at a higher cost. Cobra derringer trigger | GON Forum and trigger guard or no trigger guard, no one in their right mind carries a derringer 'cocked' in their pocket. I was never so glad that the little dude had what seemed to be about a 20lb trigger pull. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Then see if they have been recommended by others that also have your type of weapon. Two rounds were loaded. Pistol Vs. Rifle The 8 Differences That Matter, Why Do Pistol Barrels Tilt Up? The cost is $150 and includes the shipping back to you. Trigger Pull and Its Effect On Application, The Impact of Training On Trigger Pull and Accuracy, What Does Prepping Mean? I dont think youd want to shorten them, but I guess you could lighten them by thinning on a sanding belt rather than cutting. Texas TinHorns and Ft. Parker Patriots. I called bond directly to buy some of their competition springs they sent them to me free of charge including shipping. Answer Cobra Enterprises of Utah Inc. may be a new firm, but it has already linked its name to some of the most renowned brands in the history of firearms. How To Reduce Pistol Trigger Pull - 4 Easy Steps I am helping a friend research a huge firearm collection. Ahh you know dude, it's a dog eat dog world and I'm wearin milkbone underwear! A lighter trigger pull allows professional shooters to reduce creep and travel in their trigger giving them the ability to shoot more accurately in rapid succession. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Invest a bit more upfront and get what you want. Folks were popping 2 rounds in the time it would take me to cock the hammer. Bond Arms Texas Defender - Best Over Under Double Barrel Derringer. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Nearly all Compression was riddled with creep, and the trigger broke abruptly with considerable backlash. Try using both index fingers and squeezing the trigger if you're shooting for accuracy(). Keep your gear handy when it's not on your belt. Because target pistols are created and specifically designed for accuracy, they have the trigger pull weight adjustment screw on the gun itself. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Ok as I said be for it came with optional trigger guard it apparently nobody is going to answer my question as to how I would go about doing it myself so thanks for nada, Once again IT HAS A TRIGGER GUARD secondly all I've gotten up to this point is why it shouldn't be done with out the trigger guard no one has even said if it's an easy fix or faily complicated and her safety is my responsibility not yours it's not a purse gun for that she has a snub nosed 38. However, should those efforts not provide the desired result, the next step is stoning, honing or smoothing the interfacing metal surfaces between the corresponding parts of the handguns fire-control mechanism. Then, if you feel like you need some adjustments done, consult the dealer you bought it from or a gunsmith and explain your requirements. This is an antiquated and unsafe firing-pin position, in our opinion. SASS/CAS, Cap and Ball revolvers, Antique guns, Motorcycles, Collecting, Guns,Cushman Scooters, and Bobble heads (Nodders), CAS, Shooting, Electric Mountain Biking, Motorcycles, Jeeps, RC Racing, Steam Trains & collecting Vintage Pocket Watches. and "LET'S GO, BRANDON", Cowboy Action Shooting, reloading, Smith & Wesson revolvers, Motorcycling, my roadster, Tonawanda Cowboys, Alabama Gunslingers & Long Riders, ''Hav'n you along, is like losing 2 good men", Oakwood Outlaws, Texas Troublemakers,Ft. It's a Davis Industries 32 Auto from Chino California. Can I buy a rimfire barrel for my Bond handgun? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. About six weeks ago I ordered a Cobra Long Bore 9 MM derringer over the internet. With the hammer in the full cock position, grasp the grip with your shooting hand making sure that your hand is not touching the cocked hammer. If you were to choose to lighten the trigger pull, recognize the inherent risk of negligent discharge and the possible legal and civil ramifications. The trigger pull on our pistols is approximately 7 pounds which is within the acceptable range for a pistol of this type. Replaced the spring and changed the trigger and hammer angles a lot. well heck, this is just my own opinion ( and I have more out in the garage ), Unless you some how get it down to under a pound ( no way in you know where, that is going to happen ) I don't think you have a concern. I have been able to smooth the action so they appeared lighter, but I was never able to get the trigger weight down any appreciable amount. With a deliberate effort, standing in the two-hand stance, we fired at a man-sized silhouette at 5 yards. Cobra Firearms also known as Cobra Enterprise Inc is a firearms maker of inexpensive derringers and semi-auto han. I had one of those years back and replaced the hammer spring with a lighter one, that got the trigger pull down from ridiculous to about 8 lbs. the cross hair on the same focal plane; if the parallax is correctly adjusted. I had one in .410/.45 LC. way to quickly improve your accuracy before your next trip to the range. Bond will replace trigger, and hammer on the old model guns with new. Is the KEL TEC SUB-2000 California legal? The Gunsmithing Club of America (GCA) is a private community of individuals who want access to reliable Firearms and Gunsmithing information, and who are willing to share their personal knowledge, experience and joy of working on Guns with other members, as they are guided on their Gunsmithing journey by experienced tradesmen and Gunsmithing instructors. With either a stiff trigger pull, poor shooting technique, or both, you may find yourself wasting a lot of time, rounds, and money at the range. Besides the heavy trigger pull I could barely get the .22s in the chambers. This also doubles your mechanical advantage for the required pull on the trigger. But we graded on a derringer scale relative to each other, even though none of our test shooters would buy one. Or Call 1-800-435-4262. They used to be called "Cobray" and made in Ducktown, TN. The simple truth is that firing the weapon will help with reducing the trigger pull as it causes the contact surfaces involved to smooth out. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for information on where to send it. kR. Never let the muzzle cover anything which you are not willing to destroy. The Remington Derringer was made of iron, never steel, and was manufactured from 1866 to 1935. Ejecting was another very difficult maneuver. Pedersoli Philadelphia Derringer - Best Target Shooting Derringer. However I use mine for personal defense and carry use so for my application the action is fine as is. When your life is on the line, your trigger pull could well mean the difference between life and death. (function(){var cid=document.createElement("script");cid.async=true;cid.src="//";var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script");var ls = s[(s.length - 1)];ls.parentNode.insertBefore(cid, ls.nextSibling);}()); 5601 116th Ave N, Written and photographed byR.K. Make sure all the trigger rules apply, positive etc. W.C. Wolff company offers reduced power rebound springs rated from 12 to 16 pounds. Happened on my Davis derringer, bought the part from cobra and fixed it in twenty minutes. Jefferson State Regulators, Umpqua Regulators, Regulator, SBSS #2255, Pawnee Station, Ro I & II, Circle K Regulators, DbarD Wranglers, Boot Hill Regulators,Matamoros Mavericks. Powered by Invision Community. | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Should You Carry Your Gun With an Empty Chamber? The actual technique used in pulling the trigger also affects your accuracy. The Cobra Derringer weighed about 14 ounces, was about 4.5 inches long and featured two 2.75-inch barrels. The finish was adequate for the type and was evenly applied. With careful deliberation, we were able to fire a 4-inch group of six shots at 7 yards on one occasion, but we tested the gun for accuracy at the 5-yard range, as we did with the others. With single-action and double-action revolvers that dont have a safety, the half-cock position for the single action could be seen as the safety or having the hammer down on an empty chamber is also a good idea, especially if the trigger pull is light. Since your gun may save your life or anothers, it would be very wise to have an intimate proper knowledge of your weapons most crucial action. Quick review of the Cobra .22mag derringer. I still have a partial box of ammo from back then. Adjust trigger-pull - how to do it and how to lighten it It just isnt natural to cock a hammer and then release a safety. A trigger job is the Before loading the pistol, the shooter moved the hammer partially to the rear without cocking the hammer and pressed the button type safety to the left. It's a rattle snake gun in a holster on a belt takes a 45 or 410 sell, Ok thank you for the information the reason I kept asking is I have been told the same (take it to a smith) about a revolver then the smith showed me a simple fix for most revolvers but it came with a hefty bill attached so if their had been a simple fix I was hoping to avoid the big bill . Although tempting to do, it is not a good idea to cut or modify the original springs in an effort to reduce trigger-pull weight. With the exception of the Bond Arms guns, these guns are across the table guns. Polishing and smoothing of burrs and other rough edges or surfaces on all and any parts involved in the firing process, such as the trigger bar, hammer struts, and firing pin safeties. July 5, 2018 in SASS Wire. Derringer Shoot-out: DoubleTap, Cobra, American Derringer Co. So it is not a squeeze. This was a single-action design with an exposed hammer, requiring the hammer to be cocked for firing. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Far North New Hampshire. The fire-control mechanism can be considered the parts that work together to indent the primer of the chambered cartridge when the trigger is pulled. But if you take the gun apart and look how some dummy designed the trigger you'll understand. Jack. Im new to shooting and just bought my first pistol. DO NOT carry Bond Handguns "Cocked & Locked". I have a call in to the place I purchased it. On 4/11/2017 at 12:44 PM, Garrison Joe, SASS #60708 said: Contact Bond Arms for a lighter trigger return spring, or see previous Bond posts about easily available replacement springs. Perhaps would have been better to spend ~ $400 for a Bond derringer version. it would probably cost more in labor at a smith, don't quote me on that--give them a call to see. Heres what we found: This was our price at the time of the test from What does it entail? We expected something akin to the Cobras recoil, but the DoubleTap stung us when fired, and recoil was actually painful and startling. The trigger if you look closely move down and not back. The American Derringer Co. 38 Special was a very well finished single-action design with several improvements over the Remington type. It helped mine. Our FFLs tell us the dealer prices for DoubleTaps have dropped from $300+; now the dealer price is $149. The grips were hand filling and comfortable. Be sure to read it all. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. Ken. Many authorities on firearms consider the trigger pull weight and technique the most crucial aspect to accurate pistol shooting. How to lighten trigger pull? - The Firing Line Forums You have to be very careful ( and I wouldn't unless I had a spare incase I screwed up ) if you start cutting springs. That said, I remember well the it takes two hands and extreme motivation triggers on the few Ive owned over the years. Just cock it and put in the safe for a couple of months! Id figure well done and quit at 8 lbs. Semi-automatic pistols for self-defense continue to be extremely popular, but there is a surprising amount of new double-stack 1911s and revolvers released this year. It does shoot and has never had a problem but it was a waste of money. I am sending it back. Being as they can stike almost their full leangth and we're talking 6+ feet long not being uncommon and the gun is 3 1/2 in long so real short barrel. An additional step that may be taken is to replace the trigger-return spring and/or the mainspring, which powers the hammer or striker, with quality reduced-power springs available from the manufacturer or aftermarket suppliers. Any ideas? PQ Can I use .45ACP ammunition in my .45LC or 45/410 Barrel? Bond Arms Rowdy 45 LC/410 Gauge - 2 Round Derringer With Break Open Double Barrel - Best Sighted Derringer. If your gun is to be used for target shooting, whether for fun or competition, good training for skills improvement is preferable in this field. You must log in or register to reply here. Adjusting the sear spring will reduce pull weight. Well, at 27 pounds, the pull was BAD! Cobra derringer | Gun and Game Forum Once identified, an application of a high-quality lubricant such as MIL-COMM TW25B, which I consider a trigger job in a tube, or a similar material to those friction surfaces, will significantly reduce the required pressure against the trigger to fire the gun once properly reassembled. shot. 11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Dallas, TX. isn't that what you're supposed to do with those guns? Working at speed, we were able to deliver hits on man-sized targets with a degree of accuracy at 7 yards. Drawing from the pocket and cocking quickly and firing the pistol resulted in a 6-inch group of two shots at ten feet or so. Now, lets look at the ways to reduce the trigger pull. When removing the trigger from the frame, remove the trigger spring and rotate the trigger assembly counter clockwise 90 degrees. PQ Is hearing a rattle in the derringer normal? I think I got the trigger pull down to 15 lb. Would like to get Sonora a 38 Bond Derringer but won't without being able to lighten the hammer spring. All items must be ordered through a gun dealer when ordering. While some may come out with a lighter trigger pull than others, most shooters prefer to set their trigger pull according to the pistols primary use is to maximize its efficiency. Send it in, and you will not get it back! It does but it now justsits on a shelf.. My second "cowboy" gun was a Davis derringer .38. Next, load the pistol. 45 Acp Back Up.From the first touch you know you have quality in your hand. In new pistols, the trigger pull is set by default at the point of manufacture. A lighter trigger pull allows professional Powered by Invision Community. I would contact the company and ask if they have something they can recommend. The firing pin block works automatically, true enough, but be certain to pull the hammer to the safety notch to set it. When the shooter loads the pistol and then brings the hammer back to the safety notch, the hammer block was applied. I have the trigger guard removed, and use a two hand hold with both trigger fingers over the trigger, one on top of the other. Depressing the trigger disengages the sear and releases the hammer, which then strikes the primer on the cartridge and fires the projectile. Clearwater, Florida 33760, Text: 727-486-3517(applicable for text messaging only), 2023 M*CARBO All Rights Reserved | Terms & Conditions, If you feel that you've received this message in error, please, KEL-TEC SUB-2000 Grip Frame Options & Magazine Options Explained, KEL-TEC Installation Service for M*CARBO Parts, Trajectory Chart 17 HMR, 17 HM2, 22 LR, 22 WMR. The other barrel could still be loaded and fired. Many years before all the new synthetic lubricants were available, the legendary Bill Wilson ( he of Wilson Combat) recommend a drop of STP treatment on the sear and hammer. My wife bought it for me years ago for Christmas. All the raters agreed that for personal defense on a tight budget, the High Point or SCCY 9mm is leagues ahead of this gun. Is this something that I can do after watching a video or two or do I need a qualified gun mechanic to perform such an operation?Amanda Beach, Orlando, FL. It was easier to come across the side of the hammer, rather than bringing the thumb over from the rear. The geometry of the tiny hammer on a derringer is the reason for the heavy main spring. All Rights Reserved. Happened on my Davis derringer, bought the part from cobra and fixed it in twenty minutes. If it is new it will take a little while for it to loosen up, but shouldn't be to the point of excessive. Precursor to Cobra. var __dcid = __dcid || []; aftermarket hammer into your trigger assembly. Lighter trigger weight | The Firearms Forum
how to lighten trigger pull on cobra derringer