how to explain data driven framework in interview

Data Driven Framework in Selenium Webdriver using Step By - Automation If you still have any questions, pls let me know. Must Read:Complete Selenium WebDriver Tutorial. Hi Snehal, first of all, congratulations for your successful interview. Now that you know the basics of frameworks, let me explain each of them in detail. This class is responsible for loading the configurations from property files Initializing the WebDriver implicit waits. For demo purpose, I have to take username and password in Excel. The data feed can be data sheets like xls, xlsx, and csv files. Test Data, We will place all historical test data in an excel sheet using this particular excel sheet. Thank you again. Keep visiting. I have been trying to find such information all over the internet for last 5 days and trust me, no other technical blogger or guru has provided anything parallel to what you have.. The main reason behind creating utility classes is to achieve the reusability of code. Sure Snehal, we are currently working on Java for Selenium. Data Driven Framework in Selenium WebDriver Using Apache POI The best way to design a framework for data-driven testing is to first identify the different types of data that will need to be inputted into the system under test. The main components of a data-driven framework are the data source, the test data, the test scripts, and the test results. Yes, it is possible to create a scalable data-driven testing framework. True.. Your email address will not be published. 15 Data Analyst Interview Questions and Answers | Coursera We are using Java language in our project because most Automation developers know selenium with Java type of framework or any language you use, such as Python, C#, etc. I have gone through your frame work , I have a request can you please share the complete frame work code and deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form. POM:As per the Page Object Model, we have maintained a class for every web page. Data-Driven Automation Framework Using QTP. Which is responsible for pointing towards the file from which the data should be read? This makes it easy to remember how something works when developers need to change it. Now, lets move onto the final part of this Selenium framework blog, where I will show you how to build a Hybrid framework. Coming back to this ultimate guide to explain the automation framework in the interview. If we have 500 test cases, and 100 test cases have failed how top run that 100 test cases?? Thanks Raj. Creating multiple Google user accounts is a task that we will try to accomplish using this framework. Data-Driven Framework: In this framework, full test data is taken from some external source files like an XML, Excel, CSV, or some other database table. Add all the dependencies for TestNG, Selenium and Apache POI. He is a certified Software Test Engineer by profession and a blogger & a YouTuber by a choice. Approach 2) Manually change the value in the test script and run it several times. I have a request can you please share the complete testing deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form. In Data-driven test automation framework, input data can be stored in single or multiple data sources like xls, XML, csv, and databases. A tester may have to learn an entirely new scripting language. Functions Library: Every project has some Functions Library, but in most cases, we use separate Functions as Generic Functions and Project-Specific functions, also called Business functions. Data-driven design can be defined as "design that is backed by data and helps [users] understand the target audience.". Lets see how to do that. By their very nature, data-driven testing frameworks allow for a high degree of flexibility and customization, which can be a major advantage. Hi Keerthi, you can create as many generic functions as you can. If you call Test data from the excel sheet comes under Generic Function, and more technically, use property. It is also called table-driven testing or parameterized testing. 37 Answers. Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions And Answers You Must Prepare In 2023, Post-Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Post-Graduate Program in Big Data Engineering, Implement thread.yield() in Java: Examples, Implement Optical Character Recognition in Python. The co-ordination between the main code and data set will be taken care by TestNG Data Providers,which is a library that comes as a part of the Apache POI JAR files. Data Driven Testing is a software testing method in which test data is stored in table or spreadsheet format. Thanks for your kind words Hemanth Reddy. Input data in data driven framework can be stored in single or multiple data sources like .xls, .xml, .csv and databases. Note: The same thing can be done using a Data provider in TestNG. Join us - this video, We are going to learn Data Driven Framework in Selenium(with Example Code).How to implement D. As per the above maven project, all the tests are kept in the src/test/javaand remaining files (such as, element locators (POM classes), utility files, test data, etc.,) kept under src/main/java. I have a request can you plzz share the complete testing deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form. Data-driven tests are more reliable because they are based on actual data, rather than assumptions or guesses. The previous Selenium blogs in this series have given you exposure to basic concepts in Selenium testing. The code is structured such that, the data set is separated from the actual test case which will test the functionality of the web application. its an awesome article which i ever seen.Can you share that document with me as well Thnaks, can u share the document with me Consider you want to Test Login functionality of an application. All the details that change as per the Environment and Authorization, we should keep them in files keeping these details in a separate file makes it easy to maintain. Here I will explain to you every component of the architecture based on the below-mentioned screenshot. To understand this framework better, I request you to go through the below video, where I have explained this in a structured manner. And all the Tests are kept in the SRC tests Java. The user has further defined a for loop to retrieve the text from the excel workbook. WebDriver does not directly support data reading of excel files. We need to specify in and out of our Test Automation Framework such as programming language used, Type of framework used, Test Base Class (Initializing . By incorporating data-driven testing using Selenium, testers can refine their test cases for more efficient execution. Apache POI is your Java Excel solution.Youd use HSSF if you needed to read or write an Excel file using Java (XLS). Data Driven framework is used to drive test cases and suites from an external data feed. "PMP","PMI", "PMI-ACP" and "PMBOK" are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. MongoDB, Mongo and the leaf logo are the registered trademarks of MongoDB, Inc. 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Wonderful article and appropriate references wherever needed. Coming back to explaining the test automation framework in the interview, you will face this question to know your experience with the test automation tools in Software Testing Services. Data Driven testing helps here and save a lot of time of us. Step 4: Here is a sample code to login to by getting the user credentials from excel sheet. How To Find Elements in Selenium WebDriver? Hybrid framework is a technique wherein we can make the best use of both Data Driven & Keyword Driven Selenium framework (s). Try Now. check these two links.Data driven frameworkPage Object ModelAlso read this Types of framework. 2023 Software Testing Material All Rights Reserved. The test data set is kept in the external files or resources such as MS Excel Sheets, MS Access Tables, SQL Database, XML files etc., The test scripts connect to the external resources to get the test data. Step 4: Once it finished open the Excel file and check for the result. However, API Testing is not straightforward, especially in Java. Thanks again for presentation. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Here I will explain to you every component of the architecture based on the below-mentioned screenshot. It will be really helpful for me. Why You Choose Software Testing As A Career, WebDriver Event Listeners In Selenium | Selenium Tutorial, TestNG Tutorial Complete Guide For Testers | Software Testing Material, 20+ Game Testing Interview Questions And Answers For 2023, Selenium Continuous Integration (Selenium Maven Jenkins Git). Frame your answer in your own words while explaining the framework to the interviewer. 1) what are generic functions in selenium?How Many Generic Functions are there ???? Here are five SQL questions and tasks to prepare for: 1. Assume, we need to run a test script (Say, login test) with multiple test data. It can also be structured in a way wherein, the test cases which need to be executed are called (invoked) from an external application (like a .csv). You can download Apache POI (set of JAR files) from here. It will be great help from your end. Nowadays, everyone is using the Page Object design model to do this. One of the reasons we take automation is to overcome the time consumption issue. Create some test data in Excel that we will pass to the script. Thank you Raj for such a prompt response. How to handle Alerts and Pop-ups in Selenium, How to Select a value from a drop-down in Selenium WebDriver, How To Take A Screenshot In Selenium WebDriver, All You Need to Know About TestNG Annotations in Selenium, Know How To Use DataProvider in TestNG TestNG Parameterization, Know How to Perform Database Testing Using Selenium A Step By Step Guide. But test scripts like login we reuse it in different scripts. Very Clear and my interviewer was delighted while me explaining this framework based on my project..:). Step 3: Here is a sample code to login to by getting the user credentials from excel sheet and write the result in the excel sheet. What are the various Components of Selenium Suite? In above post, we have seen data driven using 2D array but once your test data will increase then you have to switch to Excel or CSV or Database. A text editor like Notepad is required to create and maintain data files. There are many types of frameworks, and the major ones are Keyword-driven, Data-driven, and Hybrid Framework test automation frameworks. The test results are the output of the test scripts. Thank you so much for this article on frame work. By following the above two ways we dont achieve anything with automation. If you wish to learn Selenium and build a career in the testing domain, then check out our interactive, live-online Selenium Certification Training here, which comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Step 3: Create a Java Class under your Project. 20 Data-Driven Interview Questions and Answers - CLIMB - ClimbtheLadder can you please complete testing deliverable docs? Finally, the data can be stored in a database. Data-driven is a test automation framework which stores test data in a table or spread spreadsheet format. Required fields are marked *. Hi Jay, As I specified in this post, just explain each and every component of the project to the interviewer and also let them know how you execute your scripts (manual or automatic scheduler). For demo purpose, I have created an excel file called LoginCredentials in which the usernames and passwords have been stored in different columns. High-level technical skills are required. Type of Framework:In our project, we are using Data-driven Framework by using Page Object Model design pattern with Page Factory. Next, it will point to the data present in the excel file and then enter the relevant username and password to the sign in page. What is Data Driven Testing? Learn to create Framework - Guru99 Furthermore, he loves to be with his wife and a cute little kid 'Freedom'. As you all know, selenium supports multiple languages, so you need to specify which language you are using and what type of framework you have used. Data Driven framework is used to drive test cases and suites from an external data feed. can you please post some of the java topics needed for selenium testing .That would be more helpful.Thank you. However, data-driven testing can be disadvantageous because it can be more difficult to set up and maintain, and it can also be more time-consuming. A driver script is a type of test script that is used to execute a test case multiple times with different data sets. So you need to provide some stress on this part while explaining and coming to element locators. Maven: Using Maven for build, execution, and dependency purpose. Step 2: Open Excel Sheet and create some test data. This design pattern can be used with any kind of framework like keyword-driven, Data-driven, hybrid framework, etc. You created object array. Data analysis is the practice of working with data to glean useful information, which can then be used to make informed decisions. There are different types of test automation frameworks in the market such as Modular, Data Driven, Keyword Driven, Page Object Model (actually its a design pattern), Hybrid Framework. The Selenium automation Framework is a code structure that makes code maintenance easy and efficient. Jenkins: By using Jenkins CI (Continuous Integration) Tool, we execute test cases on a daily basis and also for nightly execution based on the schedule. The data source is where the test data is stored. We are using Java language in our project because most Automation developers know selenium with Java type of framework or any language you use, such as Python, C#, etc. Each web page has a separate class and that class holds the functionality and members of that web page. Rajkumar SM is a founder of SoftwareTestingMaterial. Version Control Tool: We use Git as a repository to store our test scripts. Please share about this blog with your friends. This article covers why data-driven tests are important. Data-driven testing can perform any phase of the development. To continue with the functions library, the utility file class, which we also call function class, stores and handles functions. What Is Data Analysis? (With Examples) | Coursera To continue with the Test base class, the Test base class deals with all the common functions used by all the pages. Thanks for the kind words Sasirekha. Utility Class (AKA Functions Class):Utility class ( stores and handles the functions (The code which is repetitive in nature such as waits, actions, capturing screenshots, accessing excels, sending email, etc.,) which can be commonly used across the entire framework. In this video, I will explain the Test Automation framework in selenium in interviews. Youd use XSSF if you need to read or write an OOXML Excel file using Java (XLSX). There are a few ways to ensure that data is being read correctly when using data-driven testing. It will be a better option if you draw all the components of your Framework Architecture and make connections between each other components with arrow keys while you are explaining the framework. Since the test case is separated from the data set, one can easily . While instantiating this object, I have fed the path of my excel file containing the data.
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how to explain data driven framework in interview