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how long is your first duty station in the army

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This place the Navy sends you is called a duty station. The amount of your per diem allowance is created using three factors: 1. If your first duty station out of BOLC is Korea, unaccompanied, then you do 12 months in Korea, then PCS to the States. Or is it possible I would spend the entirety of my first contract at my current duty station? How you get your stuff from one corner of the country or world to another depends on where you are headed and what kind of move you want to do. They then use this information to "lock in" an assignment for a reenlistment contract. Military spouse Get the scoop on discounts, pay, benefits, and our latest award-winning content. Its an exciting time during boot camp which otherwise represents a difficult week of training. iPERMS or AMHRR. Not all locations will allow soldiers to go off-base, but for those that do, a request must be submitted for an off-base liberty pass when in Phase V. The ability to go off-base will be determined by the performance of the soldier. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Is my En Route travel voucher taxable? Shortly before the end of AIT, you will receive notification on your next duty station. The Duty Station Locator System is intended to facilitate the Federal civilian personnel community's ability to locate duty station names and codes for use in processing personnel actions and reporting workforce information to OPM. USCG Recruit Training Objectives include: The eight week USCG training schedule includes time spent learning teamwork and developing physical fitness. Ukraine war latest: Boy, 6, cries as sister killed in Russian attack Youll learn about your first permanent duty assignment halfway through basic training. Most days are structured with specific timelines for each segment of your day. Your AIT time may be split between a primary and secondary location. Or check out the latest stories on our homepage. What is the best duty station in the Navy? You get a faster response when you call directly. They get to request their duty station using a form called, logically enough, an Assignment Preference Statement. After AIT Reserve and Guard members will return home, those needing additional training will go to their next training location and Active Duty members will go to their first Duty Station. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The short answer is yes, you can have your phone with you at AIT. Block 15b: Place: Enter a specific location to include City and State, a Fort, or a City and Countrydo not enter HOR Give the video a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already for more!Open \"Show More\" for Full infoSubscribe: https://goo.gl/vjNuKg Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebenallen/Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenAllen175Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/ben_alvaradoEmail: benjamin.a.alvarado96@gmail.com A permanent change of station (PCS) is military jargon for "moving." Per Diem allowance is reimbursed based on the lesser of the result of: Are there exceptions to this daily minimum? USCG basic training combines the usual difficulties of boot camp with the added challenge of swimming and diving. Helmsmen are getting close by the time of week seven. 20 Reasons to Join the Military (and 7 reasons not to), Navy A School: A List of All 24 Locations + Training Summary, Good Conduct Medal & Ribbon Explained For All 5 Branches, Sea Service Ribbon: All 5 Military Branches Explained, Overseas Service Ribbon Explained For All 6 Military Branches. Get the inside information from those who know. You can learn more about personally procured moves here and read some great tips for making it go smoothly here. Find out more about federal compensation throughout your career and around the world. Been at my first duty station for 9 months, I know you typically spend around 3 years at a given duty station but how will I know when the time comes to pcs? Are you nervous? Keep in mind that over-the-counter and prescription medications are not allowed at USCG boot camp. Continue reading for information on what happens after Army Boot Camp graduation, what AIT is, what happens after AIT and answers to frequently asked AIT questions. How do you know if you have a rectangular body? Block 12a: List the names of your dependents Stevenisdacool 3 yr. ago Fort Meade [deleted] 3 yr. ago As we mentioned earlier, Coast Guard basic training lasts 53 days. Personal progress and performance will have an influence on gaining privileges. Search HRC - United States Army By Well wonder no more! Time Between BOLC and Reporting to First Duty Station Graduation size and locations vary based on school location. h266Q0Pw/+Q0L)66 )I(B)KRYZlg` Stay strong mentally and focus on the task at hand (dont give up!). If your dependents are NOT traveling with you, they are performing an en route at an earlier/later date, be sure to mark unaccompanied in Block 12 of the 1351-2 and complete a separate 1351-2 for their travel dates. Contact your S1 for the requirements at your duty station. Department of StateCivilian Personnel Mgmt ServiceDTS Travel CenterSystem for Award Mgmt (SAM) Congressional/Legislation Learn more about Coast Guard boot camp, including its location, the schedule, and details on every week during the training. Company Commanders may attempt to threaten to revert you back to another company several weeks behind your current unit if you fail. Branch-specific guidance varies from year to year, but the rule of thumb is 12-18 months in one command and up to 24 months in two commands. The end of the week presents you with your first duty station. Find more information here. Here is a list of all the possible Coast Guard bases for assignment. It won't, however, pay for you to move your pet, and there are some other considerations with moving pets, as well. It allows you enough time to make travel arrangements and figure out housing before you leave boot camp. 4. Here is an effective 30-day workout plan to prepare for basic training. Contact Army Travel Assistance Center (1-800-582-5552) or losing permanent duty station (PDS) to extend travel and ensure Soldier . Are you. Call them. Required fields are marked *. Heres a complete list of all 93 Navy Ratings (jobs) in alphabetical order, as well as the minimum ASVAB score for each rating. Naval Station Norfolk is situated in the Sewells Point area of the City of Norfolk, near the site of the battle of the Monitor and Merrimac (CSS Virginia), and is the largest naval complex in the world. : Yes, per diem will be paid if the travel to your new duty station is over 12 hours. The U.S. Coast Guard defines its military jobs as ratings. A GOP Lawmaker Wants to Raise the Military's Minimum Wage, New Basic Needs Allowance Could Become Tax-Free. Therefore, you have the freedom to leave Cape May immediately after graduation. The U.S. Coast Guard will also introduce you to how the military branch operates and your role within the branch. While the Army considers where the officer wants to go, there are two factors that trump their stated preference. Army Advanced Individual Training provides the skills necessary to perform your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) job functions. Though Coast Guard basic training is demanding, you can succeed and become an official Coast Guardsman by preparing for the challenging course. If you get one of those unique places then youd PCS. How is life in Army Aviation? Also, what duty stations are good? The Coast Guard functions as the coastal defense, search and rescue, and maritime law enforcement for the United States. In the military, a PCS move stands for Permanent Change of Station. A distinct advantage of using your VA loan is that you may not have to pay some of the additional fees normally paid at Copyright 2023 Military.com. Once you log in to AKO, you will see Army Links on the right side of the page. Prepare for boot camp by getting into shape, learning more about the culture of the branch, and asking lots of questions to your local recruiter. The service has tried esports although that mostly ended up with recruiters dodging questions about war crimes and dropping some bars on the educational and financial opportunities available in the Army. For contiguous United States moves, known as CONUS (aka the lower 48 states), you have several moving options. List 0.00 if you have not received any payments. 6. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Elie Piha served as a paratrooper in the US Army from 2008 to 2012. Copyright 2023 www.OperationMilitaryKids.org. For overseas moves, known as OCONUS (including Hawaii and Alaska and U.S. territories that aren't part of the lower 48), things get a little less complicated in some ways, and a little more complicated in others. All Rights Reserved. Mark accompanied in block 12. Required fields are marked *. Each branch has a variety of billets they must fill, so keep in mind you wont necessarily get your first choice. Be a part of something greater than one's self. If the excess is 51 miles or more after 3 Steps For Visiting An Army Recruiter Near You, 9 Army Basic Training Graduation Gift Ideas, Your email address will not be published. Here are five great tips for ways military families can tackle their next PCS and still be smart about money. They have access to a program that lists vacancies by MOS (through Strength Management) throughout the army. You also can select to let military orchestrate and conduct your pack out and move through teams of packers and movers. Your entire AIT experience may be with Army personnel, or it could include some time spent with Military personnel from other branches. As one of the most requested locations in the Army, youre in for a treat if you get stationed at Fort Carson. What is a first duty station? - Profound-Information There are several MOSs that have training times above 50 weeks. Department of DefenseDepartment of Veterans AffairsMilitary Employment VerificationWarrior Care WebsiteDefense Contract Mgmt Agency DoD Forms How long will my Soldier be in basic training? After becoming an official U.S. Coast Guardsman, newly appointed members are free to depart from Cape May. You be thoroughly surprised how different the real Army can be from Basic and AIT! Block 19: Not applicable for en route. 3 What is the biggest Navy base in the world? %PDF-1.6 % Copyright 2023 www.OperationMilitaryKids.org. The Navy is the overseer of your household and livelihood. 2. Are you excited? PDF Permanent Change of Station (PCS) - United States Army START LIVE CHAT What your PCS orders include Unlike temporary duty assignments, permanent change of station orders are a longer-term assignment, generally two to four years. The last few days at Coast Guard basic training feature some final details of your first permanent duty assignment. Some of the shorter Advanced Individual Training courses will not be long enough to advance to further privileges. Block 15c: Mode of Travel (see page 2 of DD1351-2 for codes). Being an active duty sailor means that the US Navy is your job- your day job, your night job, your real job. The instruction type you receive at AIT, where you attend AIT, and the length of AIT will all be determined based on your MOS. But whether you're an old pro or brand new to the military moving game, there's always something to learn about PCSing. A significant benefit of military service is the VA home loan, allowing you to purchase a home with no down payment or refinance a home. Any items that are not permitted will be confiscated and returned after graduating from the program. Frequent moves are one of the best -- and worst -- parts of military family life. Failing to pass the PT test a second time will likely result in you getting rephased to an earlier stage of boot camp to try and achieve the necessary fitness qualifications. Human Resources and Security Specialists should use this tool to determine the correct investigation level for any covered position within the U.S. Federal Government. Excess baggage is approved or IBA is authorized for the purchase of airfare. Some others don't really care. They then use this information to "lock in" an assignment for a . The U.S. Coast Guard has basic training, or boot camp, like any other military branch. Coast Guard Basic Training Packing List. I Just Got Out of Basic Training Now What? Locally, check with the Retention NCO. A few examples include Cardiovascular Specialist (MOS 68N) with 64 weeks of training, Medical Laboratory Specialist (MOS 68K) with 53 weeks and Practical Nursing Specialist (MOS 68C) with 52 weeks. A final reward is an eight-hour pass from the base if you havent racked up any performance indicators. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Aerographers Mate (AG). Basic training is divided between building physical endurance, developing crucial skills of the USCG, and gaining knowledge for your rating. We've put together a list of 8 money apps to get you on the path towards a bright financial future. Hear Federal Employee stories as told in their own words. Recruits have the opportunity to request a rating and location during boot camp. What percentage of recruits make it through boot camp? Related Article: How To Join The Coast Guard. 3. Here is an overview of all the different military careers in the USCG. Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. Time in the program, as well as success and behavior in the program, will have an impact on the ability to use cell phones. Why is my current station not listed as sea duty? Gen. John Cushing, the deputy commanding general for operations at U.S. Army Recruiting Command in the statement. you only need 12 months at your first duty station (assuming it's stateside) to go overseas. As a result, the Coast Guard assigns you a dress uniform as well as prepares for graduation events to serve as motivation to complete boot camp. Duty Station Codes - Overview Search Duty Station By Code Search Duty Station By Name Blocks 23 28: These blocks are not used for en route travel. The shortest AIT is currently Infantry with 4 weeks of training. Branch Managers use the same system when considering reassignment requests or to fill TO&E manpower requests sent up by the unit. CONUS: Inside the continental United States However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Where will I be based once all training is complete? The job that you sign up for is called a Military Occupational Specialty, or MOS. Rundown (7AM) | ANC (1 May 2023) | May | Start your day with - Facebook Adjustments may need to be made to claims paid early in 2018. Should I email or just call them? 12. You have completed the Armys 10-week Boot Camp, (Basic Combat Training). Published Mar 2, 2022 12:13 PM EST. Classroom learning includes everything from the basics of seamanship to information about the GI Bill. Recruits are allowed to bring a cell phone yet can only make calls on Sundays of the final two weeks of training. You made it through boot camp, various training courses, and graduated from your MOS school. At that time you will make the following decisions: Permissive TDY (PTDY) - Typically up to 10 days, where leave is not charged,. Click here. Each branch has a different duration of BOLC with some being as short as 12 weeks and others taking up to one year. On the other hand, moving is stressful and potentially pricey. Recruits have a brief sigh of relief following the Coast Guard PT test and midterms of week four. The military branch has rules like everyone else so make sure you follow the rules and guidelines to avoid getting in trouble. Military Spouse and Family Moves 101 | Military.com Avoid bringing anything to basic training that the Coast Guard will confiscate. Related Article Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer: Pay, School, Training, And More. However, the decision will ultimately be based on the needs of the Army, and you may not get the location that you choose. Frequent moves are one of the best --and worst -- parts of military family life. Block 9: List any and all previous payments paid from any finance office pertaining to the travel period being claimed. There are currently 24 different ratings in the Coast Guard. PDF Tour Lengths and Tours of Duty OCONUS - media.defense.gov

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how long is your first duty station in the army

how long is your first duty station in the army

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