haywood county tn schools superintendent

"I don't know if anything will happen.". The principal and assistant principal of Haywood High School in Brownsville, Tennessee have been suspended without pay as officials investigate group chats where students wrote racial slurs and disturbing threats against one or more black people including the phrase "stringing a nigger up.". Haywood County administration took written and verbal statements from the school-level administrator, student and witnesses who were in the cafeteria where the incident occurred. Reach her by email atlthornton@jacksonsun.com. 1. As students move into secondary education, middle school students begin to explore post secondary and career options by taking the YouScience assessment. Every student in Haywood County Schools deserves to be known by name, strength and need, and above all, deserves to be treated with respect.. 900 E. Main Street SUPERINTENDENT JOEY HASSELL, There are countless stories of backyard football games where kids emulate their favorite players. A High School Is Investigating After Students Discussed "Stringing A N About Haywood County - Haywood County, Tennessee From its pilot pre-school program through high school, educators in Brownsville, Haywood County offer students a well-rounded educational experience. The Haywood County Schools superintendent hiring process began on May 16 at a community meeting where attendees could ask questions and make comments. All Rights Reserved. We are known for producing the most cotton in the state and are 5th in the state for grain and bean production. We are proud of our very capable staff, and we also take pride in the innovative programs we have implemented in our schools. It will also offer services to high school seniors. The vision of the Haywood County School System is to prepare every child to meet the demands of a changing world by valuing education, holding high expectations and striving to be successful, contributing and productive citizens. School Board Policy Ensure educators enact high expectations for student success by seeing firsthand that students are capable of succeeding with more rigorous material. Our mission is to create a partnership with the home, school and community in . Greater access to the four resources can and does improve student achievement particularly for students who start the school year behind. Superintendent Search Service Plan II: $7,500 Superintendent Search Service Plan III: $15,000 Download TSBA Superintendent Search Packet If you are a candidate who is interested in becoming a Tennessee superintendent, TSBA is now conducting superintendent searches through an online application process. We are located located at 111 North Washington Avenue, Tennessee, 38012. We are thrilled to be the world hub of the next generation of electric vehicle manufacturing and sustainability. The mission of Haywood County Schools, in partnership with families and community, is to ensure an engaging, respectful, and safe environment where all students are empowered with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue post-secondary opportunities. We strive to constantly ensure that every adult and child in our community is safe, seen, respected, and valued. At a 6 p.m. called meeting, board members began the voting process to decide which candidates to interview, schedule interview times, and determine how interview questions are to be presented to applicants. Board of Education 5-Year Strategic Goals Neither students nor staff should use racial slurs, but educators are adults and trained professionals, he said. RELEASE DATE: It will provide ways to develop and implement key educational reforms that will increase student academic achievement, academic rigor, high school graduation, and college enrollment rates. Another meeting was called on June 1 to publicly record the vote that was held at the May 24 meeting as a result of flawed balloting. Friday, January 27, 2023 Theres college football on Saturdays, the NFL on Sundays,, PUBLIC NOTICE How can so many students be graduating from high school unprepared to meet their goals for college and careers? 1. Review and refine district policy and procedures. Consulting Services Request Regarding: The punishment.a ten page paper. In the PD Suite, The descriptive words used as examples of success in the sport of football are often like the sport itself - full of weight and force. Promote a sense of equity and belonging that allows students and staff to feel safe, connected, and empowered by healthy relationships. The importance of creating Career/Technical pathways for students is at an unprecedented high., For Haywood Elementary School First Grade teacher, Wychickia Watkins, Haywood County is home and always has been. Some claimed that not enough has been done to penalize the students responsible and to protect those who were threatened. You can even find Tomcats-themed gifts and milkshakes in shops around the square. All rights reserved. Our school system is on the move. "Once the investigation is completed, appropriate action will be taken based on the findings and following school board policy," Garrett added. Conduct a financial and operational, The incident that took the life of Christine Michael Friday night will forever change the lives of a great many people. | By ritahathcock Haywood County Schools Board Chairman Harold Garrett, Superintendent Teresa Russell and new Superintendent Joey Hassell. The. Please include the headline. EMAIL: [emailprotected]. He believes that once the investigation is done, it will show no wrongdoing. No matter the job title, Haywood Countians are known for having a heart for serving their communities with pride. 2. Lasherica Thornton is The Jackson Sun's education reporter. The organizers said they will meet with Coach Seymour to deal with this requirement. Superintendent Hassell Joey remarked after being suspended by Mayor Livingston that Hassell had stolen money from the school district. This grant will provide college access and success services to all cohort students starting in the seventh grade and will continue to provide services through their first year of post-secondary education. Increase literacy and numeracy achievement and TVAAS growth across all grades. Haywood High School Ninth through Twelfth Grade. Give all students opportunities to engage in experiential learning that is focused on career exploration and aligned with the academic curriculum. Currently clocking in at about 17,400 residents, Haywood County is home to the towns of Brownsville and Stanton. After getting through the lunch line of locals, make sure to sign the guest book. Those words are dehumanizing and have absolutely no place in our schools or in our district. Joey said, I am deeply sorry that my conduct has brought a negative light to the great work that my staff and I have accomplished over the past five (5) years. Listen to the April 28, 2023 Brownsville Press Weekly News Recap here. Dr. Robin Copp (Interim) Achievement School District Reecha Black Alamo City Schools Rebecca Stone On May 24, a 3:30 work session was held by the board to screen the qualified applicants, consider questions for the interview process, and consider the interview schedule. Superintendent Search Service Plan III: $15,000. Yvette Blue will serve as a substitute when needed. Our industry is like many other small towns across the U.S. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 13, 2017. In preparation for the return of students to our buildings on Monday, the Haywood County School's leadership team spent the afternoon with local law enforcement agencies outlining safety procedures and an extensive plan of support which addresses both the safety of our students, faculty and staff, as well as a plan of support for the . Theyll reenact Joe Montanas game winning Super, Haywood County Schools Our heartfelt condolences go, Haywood County Schools would like to extend our deepest condolences to the Michael family. The purpose of this meeting will be to, Saturday, April 1st 8:00-12:00 Increase post-secondary readiness. 1 North Washington, Brownsville, TN 38012, TEL: 731-772-1432 Amie Marsh new Superintendent of Schools - Brownsville Press Complete comprehensive assessments of existing infrastructure. HCS has moved to address 3 of 5 recommendations from TNTPs research in grades 3-12 with our ELA and math curriculum: For an interactive experience and additional resources, visit www.opportunitymyth.tntp.org. When Anderson Early, School Board Meeting - December 12 - 3:00 PM, Six years ago, an article was published in The Atlantic that compared teaching to performance art. Within the 526 square miles we call home are the communities of Nutbush, Wellwood, Holly Grove, Koko, Hillville, Shepp, Dancyville, Belle Eagle, Allen Station, Union Grove, Douglass and Zion. Consulting Services Request Regarding: MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - A statement from the Superintendent of Haywood County Schools denies any wrongdoing financially. Within the 526 square miles we call home are the communities of Nutbush, Wellwood, Holly Grove, Koko, Hillville, Shepp, Dancyville, Belle Eagle, Allen Station, Union Grove, Douglass and Zion. Students at Haywood High School earn hundreds of thousands of scholarship dollars each year as well as have multiple pathways for learning that enable them to have various options for post-secondary success. He comes to Brownsville from Ripley, Tennessee. Increase the number of students participating in extra-curricular opportunities. Nashville, TN 37207 Recruit, hire, and retain passionate and quality employees. Superintendent Directory TOSS The tragedy in Uvalde, Texas was the most recent tragedy in what has become a long, If youre driving around Haywood County, you may notice that the HCS school buses have added a little pizzazz and color to their bright yellow, Gabe Hart - Chief Communications Officer For a list of superintendent vacancies nationwide, click the following link: Tennessee Superintendent Searches in Progress by TSBA: Other Tennessee Superintendent Searches in Progress: 525 Brick Church Park Drive Mr. Hassell got five votes. There will be a Called Meeting of the Haywood County Board of Education on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 and Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 5:15 p.m. Before that, Haywood County was home to the Chickasaw Indians. March was a busy time for the Sunny Hill and Haywood High School Bands. Becky Johnson Haywood County Schools Superintendent Bill Nolte has been temporarily relieved of his daily duties for 10 days pending further investigation into a Facebook post perceived by many as racially inappropriate. Several prominent schools were built, including the Brownsville Female Institute in 1842 and the Brownsville Baptist Female College in 1851, which later became Haywood High School and is now the Haywood County Historical Museum. In Haywood County Schools, we strive to know every student by name, strength, and need. 1. This has been cleared with Coach Tim Seymour, who is the Haywood Schools Athletic Director. The approach is rigorous academics, talented people, and supportive environments. March was a busy time for the Sunny Hill and Haywood High School Bands. Phone: (731) 772-9613, Internet Policies Remove me from the list . GEAR UP is a partnership between Haywood County Schools, the Haywood County Board of Education, and the City of Brownsville to provide college access, readiness, and student-focused services to Haywood County students. The Haywood High School Awards Ceremony will be held in the, Haywood County School Board Members will be holding a Work Session on Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Board members Harold Garrett and Olivia Farrington picked Jones, while the majority, Allen Currie, Harrison Jones and Greg Vanstory, preferred Pyron. She also asked Mrs. Yvette Blue to report on the myON program. She was, Full-circle moments in someones life dont happen often, but when they do the moment is both unmistakable and unforgettable. To create your online profile, please click the link below: TSBA is also a member of the National Affiliation of Superintendent Searchers (NASS), a nationwide network of experienced search professionals from other state school boards associations. We were an integral part of the Civil Rights Movement, are home to the historical Jefferson Street and home to numerous historical churches. Police will not be filing any criminal charges against the students who made disturbing racist threats in a leaked group chat, according to Haywood County Schools' superintendent. Let there be no confusion we are a small, rural community where the potential of such significant growth can feel overwhelming; but Haywood County is different in that we believe that the best of both worlds is possible by remaining loyal to our roots of humble beginnings, being faithful stewards of our rich soil, knowing our neighbors, and forever keeping our Tomcat Pride, while also welcoming new people and ideas that challenge us to become even better than we already are. School Board decides on new Superintendent but not everybody happy Follow her on Twitter: @LashericaT. Build unity among students, staff, families and the community. Anderson students read 54 books, Haywood Elementary School students read 143, East Side students read 235 books, and Haywood Middle School 104 books. These were all more defined communities when our county was founded in 1821 than they are today. Using business cards for personal charges isnt illegal, but it violates school policy. We could make different choices choices that could make a real difference in the short term, without an infusion of new funding, as well as those that will lay the groundwork for deeper structural change. Student Supports. I'm here now and this is true. Tennessee School Report Cards | Haywood County | About This District It wont take you long to notice that we dont hide our Tomcat Pride. The vision of Haywood County Schools is that all students, under the guidance of a passionate and qualified staff, will be equipped with the academic and social skills needed to be successful and productive citizens. 4-year-old PK, Current math adoption materials are available for the public to view from March 9th April 13th at the following locations: Boys and Girls Club,, The Haywood County Schools Board of Education, Brownsville, Tennessee is inviting experienced educational consulting firms to respond to two Requests, Haywood County Schools With Advanced Placement access for all, a robust offering of, Click the link to read the press release regarding the record number of 'Ready Graduates' at Haywood High School. Our National Wildlife Refuge preserves and protects 11,556 acres of forested floodplain. The Haywood County school board named a new superintendent Monday night, forgoing a search and concluding Haywood County Schools already has the best of the best right here at home. 2. In your wandering around town, keep an eye out for small, local restaurants. 3. 731.772.9613 ext 2330 School Board Policy School Board Policy 1. Because weather closed school on Feb. 3 and Feb. 4, the district couldnt interview everyone and properly investigate the incident until Monday. HCS Community News - Haywood County Schools Personal beliefs about education tend to crystallize once, There are moments in life when people, for one reason or another, find themselves returning to a familiar place. During lunch, the administrator addressed the student for getting up without permission. Each school will provide parents and guardians with a packet of required documents, and [] March 16th 2023 Resume Writing Workshop for Employees of Pactiv Evergreen His salary will be $105,000. Increase STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) opportunities and outcomes in all grades. Also at the request of Mrs. Russell, the board approved the reappointment of all the members of the Disciplinary Hearing Authority: Art Garrett, Chairman; Kenneth Emerson; Opal Hay; Cedric Bunch; and Marjorie Vaulx. Superintendent - Haywood County Schools Superintendent Amie Marsh How can so many students be graduating from high school unprepared to meet their goals for college and careers? Listen to the May 1, 2023 Brownsville Press Newscast here. Amie Marsh new Superintendent of Schools January 13, 2023 | In Local News | By Brownsville Press Share Salary $170,000 plus benefits In a 3-2 decision, the Haywood County School Board voted last night to seal a [] To access this post please login to your account. Deputy Superintendent Job in Brownsville, TN at Haywood County School Whether youre looking for a weekend outdoor destination or a new place to call home, Haywood County has plenty to offer. Haywood County Schools 900 E. Main Street Brownsville, Tennessee 38012 Consulting Services Request Regarding: Conduct a financial and operational February 12, 2023 From HCS Superintendent Amie Marsh: Following this order of business, board members approved a number of budget amendments. Three former and one current student provided BuzzFeed News screenshots of a private group chat, which they said took place among white Haywood High School students, in which they reference "hang[ing] nigger lovers" and making an "example" out of them. Increase opportunities for positive family and community engagement at each school. *TNTP was founded as The New Teacher Project in 1997 by teachers who believe students deserve great teaching. communications@tsba.net, Download TSBA Superintendent Search Packet, Superintendent Candidate Application/Profile, National Affiliation of Superintendent Searches, Tennessee Council of School Board Attorneys. From Pre-K at Anderson through high school, educators in Haywood County offer students a well-rounded educational experience. At a called meeting on Wednesday night, Board members took two votes to determine the final two candidates, Mr. Hassell and Mrs. Blue. TNTP partnered with five diverse school systems, rural and urban, district and charter, to listen to students views on their educational experiences and observe how those experiences played out, in real time, in their classrooms. As is customary each year, board members agreed to operate a continuation budget until passage of the 2017-2018 county budget by the Haywood County Commission. 900 E. Main St., Brownsville, TN 38012 The Haywood County School board met in regular session on Thursday, June 8, and unanimously agreed to name Joey Hassell Superintendent of Haywood County Schools. Dress Code Policy Three years ago, TNTP* set out to answer that question. 2. The school district disciplined the administrator and the student. If you are a candidate who is interested in becoming a Tennessee superintendent, TSBA is now conducting superintendent searches through an online application process. Last time around Yvette Blue also received five votes. On Sunday, March 5ththe Sunny Hill 6thGrade Band and Haywood High School, Haywood County Schools is pleased to announce the Class of 2023 Commencement Exercises! Make greater access to grade-appropriate assignments an urgent priority for all students, no matter what their race, income level, or current performance level. District leadership learned that one of its school-level administrators repeated a racial slur back to a student on Feb. 2. "Something needs to happen," said Douglas, who participated in the sit-in protest at the school. Improve leadership and social skills. Under the direction of Superintendent, we are working on all grade levels to ensure our students are supported academically, but also on a social-emotional level. Haywood County Schools Selects Next Superintendent This program is free this year. It is the responsibility of the applicant to apply for any specific position listed on the website. Our main purpose as a district is to prepare our students for post secondary success. Dress Code Policy It is a great honor to serve as superintendent in HCS! New to the Haywood County School System is the GEAR UP Tennessee program. East Side Intermediate School Fourth and Fifth Grades Haywood County Schools Board Chairman Harold Garrett, Superintendent Teresa Russell and new Superintendent Joey Hassell. Some notable Haywood Countians include the Queen of Rock n Roll and entertainer Tina Turner; Blues legends Sleepy John Estes, Hammie Nixon and Yank Rachell; singer/songwriter Alex Harvey and Fuel-lead-singer Brett Scallions; Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Lyle Reid; explorer Richard Halliburton, Basketball legends Tony Delk and Jarvis Varnardo; CEO of Lowes Marvin Ellison, and civil rights giants Elbert Williams, Cynthia Rawls-Bond, and the Reverend Clay Evans. The school district's leaders announced that they are also planning on meeting with Haywood County NAACP and parent representatives. Only Joey Hassell was on everyones list Thursday night. Online profiles will be available to only the applicant and TSBA until such time as the applicant decides to apply for a specific position. The superintendent was at the school Tuesday afternoon after 4 p.m. still gathering details about the new information. Freshman Angelina Ferrer, who skipped her classes Monday to participate in the protest, said she believed the alleged punishment the white students received was not sufficient enough. Its something that Haywood County Schools takes very seriously, Hart said. Provide academic intervention and enrichment opportunities for all. In the aftermath of Monday's protests, however, Hassell announced that the district had launched an in-depth Anderson Early Childhood Center Preschool and Kindergarten, Haywood Elementary School First Grade and Second Grades, East Side Intermediate School Third and Fourth Grades, Sunny Hill Intermediate School Fifth and Sixth Grades, Haywood Middle School Seventh and Eighth Grades, Haywood High School Ninth through Twelfth Grades, Haywood County Virtual Academy Kindergarten through Eighth Grades, Student Options Academy Ninth through Twelfth Grades. Under the direction of Superintendent, we are working on all grade levels to ensure our students are supported academically, but also on a social-emotional level. In Haywood County Schools, our equity commitment guides everything we do. Define capital outlay priorities and develop long and short term plans for addressing those priorities, Haywood County Schools But the district will continue to educate its staff on conscious and unconscious bias and its students on equity and opportunity. This time, Mrs. Blue received four votes as did Dr. Ray Hill. While the student was disciplined for his or her part, the district apologized to the students family. Brownsville, Tennessee 38012 TSBA does not participate in the actual selection of a new superintendent that decision is always made by the board. 4-year-old PK Registration in Anderson Gym, Haywood County Schools gabe.hart@hcsk12.net She attended school from, Any successful organization has a core set of goals and values that guide the decision making process. The latest rounds of community meetings hosted by LRKs planning experts have, The final numbers arent in yet, but the Exchange Club/Carl Perkins Journey to, Governor Bill Lee, in calling for a special session of the state legislature, . 1. investigation into the allegations regarding the messages. Superintendent Teresa Russell (third from left) works with Haywood County Schools Board members:(from left)Allen Currie, Harold Garrett, Robbie Jarrett King,Pearlie Hess, and Greg Vanstory. Ensure every student reads well by the third grade. 2023 www.jacksonsun.com. He told BuzzFeed News a friend who is a current student at the school sent them to him but had himself been "too scared to say something.". Most students do what theyre asked in school but are still not ready to succeed after school. School superintendent temporarily relieved of daily duties after For more information about the GEAR Up program, call Jackie Whitten at the Haywood County Board of Education Central office at 731-772-9613. Haywood County Schools Passionate Work, Productive Work, Student Success Joey also admitted in the letter that he had failed to follow school board policy and is cooperating with the school board and their investigation into the situation.
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haywood county tn schools superintendent