florida rules of civil procedure flow chart

WebFLORIDA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. hbbd``b`$W- $~ D%&t(GNLl@#V?co F Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Rules Rule 1.280 - GENERAL PROVISIONS GOVERNING DISCOVERY Fla. R. Civ. %PDF-1.5 % P. 8 When property is seized for forfeiture, the probable cause supporting the seizure must be promptly reviewed by supervisory personnel. 636(c) Federal Rules. What Are Actual Damages Under the FCCPA and the FDCPA? Jurisdiction II. endstream endobj 678 0 obj <. Search Within. Rules ( 1.010 1.900) Forms ( 1.914) Appendix I - STANDARD INTERROGATORIES FORMS. VDOMDHTMLtml> Florida Rules of Civil Procedure - Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Home Probate Rules Family Law Rules VIDEO Procedural Appeals Criminal Law Probate Family Law Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 1.010 Scope and Title of Rules Rule 1.040 One Form of Action Rule 1.061 Choice of Forum Rule 1.080 Service and Filing of Rule 1.110 If you scroll before printing, then the sites menu may show up in your printout. Based on 2019 Proposed Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure (A.M. No. In 2010, the Florida Supreme Court amended Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.110(b) to include a verification provision in foreclosure complaints. Fla. R. Civ. The Florida Rules of Civil Procedure shall govern forfeiture proceedings under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act unless otherwise specified under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. This rule does not limit the power of a court to entertain an independent action to relieve a party from a judgment, decree, order, or proceeding or to set aside a judgment, decree, or order for fraud upon the court. 2018)). R. Civ. P. 16 Upon such designation, the action shall proceed as provided in the rule. An example is 28 U.S.C. 1441, the general removal statute. 685 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<45A814CF07DF17489869128E9C53E63C>]/Index[677 17]/Length 59/Prev 115724/Root 678 0 R/Size 694/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Any party County Court: Other Civil Non Monetary, Any Replevin, Any Foreclosure, Personal Injury Protection (and other first party insurance claims), and Small Claims (if Webmust be specifically pled (Rule 1.140(h), Fla. R. Civ. Read the entire statute or rule slowly and carefully. WebThe Florida Rules of Civil Procedure lay down the rules that should be followed by Florida state courts. The seizing agencys legal counsel must be notified as soon as possible of all seizures and shall conduct a review to determine whether there is legal sufficiency to proceed with a forfeiture action. Notably, Rule 1.115(e) provides: When filing an action for foreclosure on a mortgage for residential real property, the claim for relief shall be verified by the claimant seeking to foreclose the mortgage. Rule Florida Court Rules | Florida Rules of Civil Procedure 677 0 obj <> endobj The Case Management program,Ninth Judicial Circuit Administrative Order No. P. 10 Each seizing agency shall adopt and implement written policies and procedures promoting the prompt release of seized property as may be required by the act or by agency determination when there is no legitimate basis for holding seized property. P. 7, Fed. Copyright 2000- 2023 State of Florida. 1213 0 obj <>stream The first time you read a statute or rule you should read it slowly and carefully. When the claimant prevails at the conclusion of the forfeiture proceeding, any decision to appeal must be made by the chief administrative official of the seizing agency, or his or her designee. What Exposure Does a Business Have to Attorneys Fees Under the FCCPA and the FDCPA? Writs of coram nobis, coram vobis, audita querela, and bills of review and bills in the nature of a bill of review are abolished, and the procedure for obtaining any relief from a judgment or decree shall be by motion as prescribed in these rules or by an independent action. RCP Rule 1.540, FL ST RCP Rule 1.540. RULE 1.010 SCOPE AND TITLE OF RULE. The Department of Law Enforcement, in consultation with the Florida Sheriffs Association and the Florida Police Chiefs Association, shall develop guidelines and training procedures to be used by state and local law enforcement agencies and state attorneys in implementing the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. Fed. Jimerson Birr welcomes inquiries from the media and do our best to respond to deadlines. At least annually, each state or local law enforcement agency that seizes property for the purpose of forfeiture shall review such seizures, any settlements, and any forfeiture proceedings initiated by the law enforcement agency to determine whether they comply with the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act and the guidelines adopted under this subsection. Second, they show how courts give meaning to important and/or ambiguous words and phrases in the statutes or rules. Identify the structure and key language of the statute or rule. Civ Pro Rules Flow Chart As always, be a critical reader and thinker. R. Civ. Jocelyne Macelloni is a partner at the Coral Gables law firm of Barakat + Bossa and an adjunct professor of law at Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law. { The trial court shall also require the seizing agency to pay to the claimant any loss of income directly attributed to the continued seizure of income-producing property during the trial or appellate process. The seizing agency shall promptly proceed against the contraband article by filing a complaint in the circuit court within the jurisdiction where the seizure or the offense occurred, paying a filing fee of at least $1,000 and depositing a bond of $1,500 to the clerk of the court. 3. 2023 Thomson Reuters. Links to the rules referenced within the flowchart are immediately below it in the Resources section. Rule 1.540 Rule 1.540. The motion shall be filed within a reasonable time, and for reasons (1), (2), and (3) not more than 1 year after the judgment, decree, order, or proceeding was entered or taken. 2. If no person entitled to notice requests an adversarial preliminary hearing, as provided in s. The court shall require any claimant who desires to contest the forfeiture to file and serve upon the attorney representing the seizing agency any responsive pleadings and affirmative defenses within 20 days after receipt of the complaint and probable cause finding. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. In response to the directive of the Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order 20-23, (Amendment 12), the Ninth Judicial Circuit established the Courts active, differentiated Case Management program effective April 30, 2021. Ann. Relief from Judgment, Decrees, or Orders Outline West's Florida Statutes Annotated Florida Rules of Civil Procedure (Refs & Annos) Fla.R.Civ.P. On the commencement of the action, summons or other process authorized by Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog. Relief from Judgment, Decrees, or Orders. Florida Rules of Civil Procedure - All Rights Reserved, Community Advocacy & Social Responsibility, Hiring for Florida Banks and Credit Unions: A Summary of Background Checks and Other Information Required to Comply With Various Regulatory Schemes, Overview of a Trust Beneficiarys Remedies Under the Florida Trust Code for Breach of Trust. Any approved proposals are then reviewed, in turn, by the Standing Committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States, the Judicial Conference, and the United States Supreme Court. Use consistent marks to identify such components of statutes or rules. WebCiv Pro Rules Flow Chart - ! The agencys legal counsel must be notified as soon as possible after a determination is made. Structure: sentence structure, logical connectors, and punctuation. If the Supreme Court adopts the changes, they are then submitted to Congress. Fed. Third District Court of Appeal Managing Partner Federal statutes are enacted by the United States Congress. Identify the structure and key language of the statute or rule. If the claimant prevails on appeal, the seizing agency shall immediately release the seized property to the person entitled to possession of the property as determined by the court, pay any cost as assessed by the court, and may not assess any towing charges, storage fees, administrative costs, or maintenance costs against the claimant with respect to the seized property or the forfeiture proceeding. Add comments and case names, etc., after you read the assigned cases, and after class discussion. If Congress does nothing, the changes take effect seven months later. Flowchart or diagram the statute or rule. Title 28 of the United States Code is the section on Judiciary and Judicial procedure, and contains many sections important in our readings. The new rule states that the summary judgment standard shall be construed and applied in accordance with the federal summary judgment standard., Thus, Florida practitioners can rely on the 30+ years of Celotex progeny because the act of transplanting federal rule 56 brings with it the old soil of case law interpreting that rule.. 89-148; s. 2, ch. Please keep this in mind if you use this service for this website. 119 0 obj <> endobj When verification of a document is required, the document filed shall include an oath, affirmation, or the following statement: Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing, and the facts alleged therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.. Importantly, keep in mind that few cases explain every aspect of a statute or rule. Among other things, the training must address the legal aspects of forfeiture, including, but not limited to, search and seizure and other constitutional considerations. Read the entire statute or rule slowly and carefully. Read the cases and annotate the flowchart or diagram. 80-68; s. 1, ch. I also liked to add blurbs about cases and explanatory hypotheticals to my typed-up version of a statute or rule. 92.525(3). Florida cases discussing what facts are material to a claim or defense remain applicable since the materiality goes to the elements of that claim or defense. 1081 0 obj <> endobj The new standard for granting summary judgment mirrors the directed verdict standard. %PDF-1.5 % Although the evidence attached to a summary judgement motion is no longer specifically defined in the rule, it still includes, depositions, documents, electronically stored information, affidavits or declarations, stipulations (including those made for purposes of the motion only), admissions, interrogatory answers, or other materials as would be admissible in evidence. 19-10-20-SC) Revised Civil Procedure Flow Chart (2019 Amendment) Uploaded by Joms Altomea. WebFlorida Rules of Civil Procedure. R. Civ. .scid-1 img FLORIDA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE - phonl.com Rule 1.540. The first year of law school is not just about learning the law. Note any questions that you have, and especially any ambiguous language. Any trial on the ultimate issue of forfeiture shall be decided by a jury, unless such right is waived by the claimant through a written waiver or on the record before the court conducting the forfeiture proceeding. Each agency shall maintain records demonstrating each law enforcement officers compliance with this requirement. County Court: Other Civil Non Monetary, Any Replevin, Any Foreclosure, Personal Injury Protection (and other first party insurance claims), and Small Claims (if the rules of civil procedure have been invoked). P. 58 Local Rule 4.07 Federal statutes. P. 26, Fed. MAGISTRATES ..116 RULE 1.491. Courts can now order a party who submits an affidavit in bad faith or solely for delay to pay the other partys reasonable expenses, including attorneys fees, incurred as a result. g Cross Reference: For further discussion on this issue, see Juan Ramirez, Jr., 1 Florida If you learn best that way, try diagramming the statute or rule in the form of a flowchart or decision tree. Instead, there must be evidence on which a jury could reasonably find for the nonmoving party. Prof. Pendo notes in her materials that portions were in turn inspired or borrowed from materials in GERALD F. HESS & STEVEN FRIEDLAND, TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHING LAW 337-38 (1999). R. Civ. WebFlorida Rules of Civil Procedure 3 . The court may order the seizing agency to pay the awarded attorneys fees and costs from the appropriate contraband forfeiture trust fund. Rule 1.010 - SCOPE AND TITLE OF RULES. All rights reserved. Relief from Judgment, Decrees, or Orders Currentness (a) The rule provides that if a party fails to respond to a request for admissions within thirty days of service of the request, the matter is deemed admitted. When the claimant prevails, at the close of forfeiture proceedings and any appeal, the court shall award reasonable trial attorneys fees and costs to the claimant if the court finds that the seizing agency has not proceeded at any stage of the proceedings in good faith or that the seizing agencys action which precipitated the forfeiture proceedings was a gross abuse of the agencys discretion. Subsequently and in an effort to expediate the residential foreclosure process in Florida, the Legislature enacted Section 702.015, Florida Statutes, which sets forth additional pleading requirements for foreclosure complaints. For those litigating in federal courts, the rule is nothing new; in fact, Rule 1.510 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure adopts most of its federal counterpart verbatim. Previously, a party had to serve its motion for summary judgment (MSJ) 20 days before a hearing and respond 5 days before the hearing, if service was by mail, or by 5:00 p.m., 2 business days before the hearing, if service was by email. P. 1.280 Download PDF As amended through February 1, 2023 Rule 1.280 - GENERAL PROVISIONS GOVERNING DISCOVERY (a) Discovery Methods. This website uses Google Translate, a free service. Additionally, in pending cases that have already been briefed but not yet decided, the court should allow the parties to adjust the briefings to comply with the new rule. RULE 1.040 ONE FORM OF hb```W;@(p4,:G@ZE@*\r;;884/X]|w.HvGmLl@:H10/ \@d|xX w The potential for obtaining revenues from forfeitures must not override fundamental considerations such as public safety, the safety of law enforcement officers, or the investigation and prosecution of criminal activity. Myself, I fall into the latter category: as a student, I would cut & paste the statute or rule into a new document and shift its text around to illustrate its logical structure in ways that made sense to me. 2006-2021 Ira Steven Nathenson (Hey, Copyright students: see 17 U.S.C. Now, an MSJ must be served at least 40 days before the hearing and a response is due 20 days before the hearing. Fed. Florida Rules of Civil Procedure A Verified Complaint is Required In 2014, Rule 1.110 (b) was amended to remove the pleading requirement for certain mortgage foreclosure actions and incorporated the language in Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Updated 2-28-17 P. 56 To help ensure that property is not wrongfully held after seizure, each law enforcement agency must adopt written policies and procedures ensuring that all asserted claims of interest in seized property are promptly reviewed for potential validity. 87-77; s. 4, ch. Appendix II - Browse as List. Res - Studocu On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to pass your exams with better grades. Rule 1.010 Scope and Title of Rules; Rule 1.040 One Form of Action; Rule 1.061 Choice of Forum; Rule 1.080 Service and Filing of Rule The court shall award reasonable attorneys fees and costs, up to a limit of $2,000, to the claimant at the close of the adversarial preliminary hearing if the court makes a finding of no probable cause. R. Civ. Amended July 16, 1992, effective Jan. 1, 1993 (, West's F.S.A. 89-307; s. 6, ch. ATTORNEYS FEES FOR BAD FAITH AFFIDAVITS. The new rule requires judges to make explicit findings for both an award and a denial of an MSJ. RULE 1.030 NONVERIFICATION OF PLEADINGS. {width:40px; Hover your cursor over the rectangles on the flowchart to learn more about the steps involved in a civil case. Although Rule 1.115(e) states that the claim must be verified by the claimant seeking to foreclose the mortgage, a plaintiff can delegate its authority to verify their foreclosure complaint to an agent. Complex civil cases are actions that have been or may be designated by court order as complex under Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.201. Under the new rule, if the nonmoving party must prove X to prevail [at trial], the moving party at summary judgment can either produce evidence that X is not so or point out that the nonmoving party lacks the evidence to prove X.1. endstream endobj 120 0 obj <. % g<3uZgs1qp044p KH2 QRGY@ "xN 0F3y+(R DP4 Do it before you read the assigned cases. %%EOF Copyright 2008-2023 Jimerson Birr, P.A. No express deadline has been set for filing a reply. Publications, Help Searching 4. Do it before you read the assigned cases. The seizing agency shall also publish, in accordance with chapter 50, notice of the forfeiture complaint once each week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation, as defined in s. The complaint must, in addition to stating that which is required by s. The seizing agency shall be obligated to make a diligent search and inquiry as to the owner of the subject property, and if, after such diligent search and inquiry, the seizing agency is unable to ascertain any person entitled to notice, the actual notice requirements by mail shall not be applicable. Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida. The court may also hold an offending party or attorney in contempt or impose other appropriate sanctions. As computerized translations, some words may be translated incorrectly. Generally, verification means that the person signing a document swears that they have read the document, and confirms that the facts therein are true and correct based on personal knowledge and belief. As amended through April 1, 2023. Sometimes the cases illustrate the application of a statute or rule, or provide meaning to indeterminate terms, or discuss splits in legal authority. Fed. WebCivil Case Flowchart Hover your cursor over the rectangles on the flowchart to learn more about the steps involved in a civil case. The following overview provides 10 major changes that every busy practitioner should know about. Its also about learning how to learn the law. RULE 1.490. Fed. Unlicensed Practice - Florida Rules of Court Procedure The Florida width:40px !important; The new rule contemplates adequate time for discovery as one of the prerequisites to a summary judgment. All civil cases other than complex and streamlined cases. 82-239; s. 2, ch. For instance, the plaintiff would not only have to establish their own case (for which they had the burden of proving at trial), but also disproving the defendants affirmative defenses. R. Civ. Note: for this to print properly, do not scroll down prior to printing. Relief from Judgment, Decrees, or Orders, Statutes, Enter to open, tab to navigate, enter to select, https://content.next.westlaw.com/Document/NC373C2709F2911DAABB2C3422F8B1766/View/FullText.html?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default), Rule 1.540. Theyre not regulations because theyre not issued by a federal administrative agency. R. Civ. WebThe Florida Rules of Civil Procedure shall govern forfeiture proceedings under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act unless otherwise specified under the Florida Contraband Such efforts may later be pasted into your course outline. P. 72 The trial court shall require the seizing agency to pay to the claimant the reasonable loss of value of the seized property when the claimant prevails at trial or on appeal and the seizing agency retained the seized property during the trial or appellate process. WebFlorida Rules of Civil Procedure. P.). (b) Discovery. On April 29, 2021, the Florida Supreme Court adopted a new summary judgment standard. The final order of forfeiture by the court shall perfect in the law enforcement agency right, title, and interest in and to such property, subject only to the rights and interests of bona fide lienholders, and shall relate back to the date of seizure. Nothing in this subsection precludes any party from electing to seek attorneys fees and costs under chapter 57 or other applicable law. } 1.1, regarding proceedings before the FCC. Circuit Court: Ch. Sometimes the cases illustrate the application of a statute or rule, or provide meaning to indeterminate terms, or discuss splits in legal authority. For those litigating in federal courts, the rule is nothing new; in fact, Rule 1.510 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure adopts endstream endobj startxref 693 0 obj <>stream Some rules may be more current, see credits for details. 28 U.S.C. 0 In each judicial circuit, all civil forfeiture cases shall be heard before a circuit court judge of the civil division, if a civil division has been established. P.; and Rule 8(c), Fed. hZm6+`P6@5I{ 8($9iD'e"#y8/IIJIR(%p~*|4 ADeHgI 4(lk]P @6%+T 20zRd HR. Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order 20-23, (Amendment 12), AOSC 21-17 Emergency Measures for Florida Trial Courts, For cases filed on or after April 30, 2021 the parties are required to file the. First, they illustrate some (but not all) of the functioning of the statutes or rules we read. Read the cases and annotate the flowchart or diagram. Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Civil Procedure 0 Fed. Under such circumstances, the seizing agency shall not assess any towing charges, storage fees, administrative costs, or maintenance costs against the claimant with respect to the seized property or the forfeiture proceeding. Fed. Its proposals are subject to publication and public comment. SC20-1490, 2021 Fla. LEXIS 682, at *10 (Apr. Other types of IP: Misappropriation, Trade Secrets, Right of Publicity, Other: Misappropriation, Trade Secrets, Right of Publicity, - Other types of IP: Misappropriation, Trade Secrets, Right of Publicity, - Other: Misappropriation, Trade Secrets, Right of Publicity. WebUnited States District Court Middle District of Florida Civil Case Flowchart Definitions COMPLAINT: The complaint is the written document that begins a lawsuit. WebAs amended through February 1, 2023. The journals or printed bills of the respective chambers should be consulted for official purposes. 3d 555 (Fla. 2010). If it should appear at any time that an action is pending in the wrong court of any county, it may be transferred to 90-17; s. 4, ch. R. App. 95-265; s. 27, ch. 91% (11) 91% found this document useful (11 P. 15 Fed. The cases and other assigned readings are important in several ways. In response to the new legislation, the Florida Supreme Court created a new rule for governing foreclosure complaints, Rule 1.115, which includes a new verification requirement. R. Civ. PROVISIONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE LAW. In 2010, the Florida Supreme Court explained the purpose of a verified complaint in foreclosure actions as follows: (1) to provide incentive for the plaintiff to appropriately investigate and verify its ownership of the note or right to enforce the note and ensure that the allegations in the complaint are accurate; (2) to conserve judicial resources that were being wasted on inappropriately pleaded lost note counts and inconsistent allegations; (3) to prevent the wasting of judicial resources and harm to defendants resulting from suits brought by plaintiffs not entitled to enforce the note; and. Joinder IV. The substance of what is now Rule 1.115(e) was originally adopted in 2010 as an amendment to Rule 1.110(b). A rehearing of an MSJs decided under the old rule should be decided under the old rule as well. 29, 2021)(citing Bedford v. Doe, 880 F.3d 993, 996-97 (8th Cir. Fla. Stat. %%EOF On April 29, 2021, the Florida Supreme Court adopted a new summary judgment standard. Disclaimer: The information on this system is unverified. GENERAL MAGISTRATES FOR RESIDENTIAL Civ Pro Flowcharts - Civil Procedure Flow Charts - Studocu A seizing agency shall adopt and implement written policies, procedures, and training to ensure compliance with all applicable legal requirements regarding seizing, maintaining, and the forfeiture of property under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. Business Law Section of the Florida Bar | Hosting & Maintenance by, Electronic Discovery & Digital Evidence Committee, State & Federal Court Judicial Liaison Committee, CTL Committee work on proposed legislation, Corporations, Securities & Financial Services Committee, Guidance for Business Owners Impacted by COVID19, Antitrust & Trade Regulation Subcommittee, Chapter 617 Task Force (Corporations Not For Profit Statute), Proposed Amendments to Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Task Force, Restrictive Covenant (542.335) Task Force, Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act Task Force, Uniform Voidable Transactions Act Task Force, Veterans Financial Literacy Program Goes State Wide, April is now known as FINANCIAL LITERACY MONTH In Florida. Upon proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the contraband article was being used in violation of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act, the court shall order the seized property forfeited to the seizing law enforcement agency. Previously, the moving party had the burden of establishing, conclusively, that there was no genuine issue of material fact as to the claim or case, in its entirety, including disproving the other partys theory of the case. How to read a Rule or Statute Professor Nathenson Statutes, Video Broadcast The new Rule 1.510 still provides for a hearing and ties the timing to the hearing on the motion, unlike Federal Rule 56, which does not automatically provide for a hearing on summary judgment. Form 1.944(a) Mortgage Foreclosure includes the verification sentence, Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing, and the facts alleged therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Therefore, a plaintiff must appropriately investigate and confirm that the allegations in their foreclosure complaint are accurate or they may face criminal liability. P. 73 The rules govern civil actions and apply to all special statutory Rule 1.060 - TRANSFERS OF ACTIONS, Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.060 Fed. R. Civ. 92-54; s. 4, ch. 28 U.S.C. Fed. Here, Ill first distinguish between federal statutes, federal regulations, and Federal Rules such as the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP). P. 5 Charles B. Jimerson Annotate. 718, Condominium Association Lawsuit, Any Constitutional Challenge, Distress, Replevin, Any Foreclosure, and Any Other Real Property Actions. In Orange county, this includes all cases assigned to the Business Court division. Civil Case Flowchart | Middle District of Florida | United Instead, the FRCP is drafted by an Advisory Committee. Rule 1.070 - PROCESS. 133 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<758726BDE5476F48AAAFE400A68C5EAB><2AAF1B096287E341A09DBE857E74BA28>]/Index[119 22]/Info 118 0 R/Length 75/Prev 51727/Root 120 0 R/Size 141/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream It is the policy of this state that law enforcement agencies shall utilize the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act to deter and prevent the continued use of contraband articles for criminal purposes while protecting the proprietary interests of innocent owners and lienholders and to authorize such law enforcement agencies to use the proceeds collected under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act as supplemental funding for authorized purposes. P. 54 The complaint LexisNexis Practice Guide on Florida Civil Procedure (4) to give trial courts greater authority to sanction plaintiffs who make false allegations. Revised Civil Procedure Flow Chart (2019 Amendment Lets discuss each of these steps in detail. 140 0 obj <>stream Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions Law enforcement agency personnel involved in the seizure of property for forfeiture shall receive basic training and continuing education as required by the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act.
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florida rules of civil procedure flow chart