flashpoint victory channel schedule

| Donald Trump Jr, Hank Kunneman and Lance Wallnau (8/24/21), FlashPoint: Afghanistan Update with Gen. Flynn, Robby Dawkins and more! Dutch Sheets, Abby Johnson and more! (April 13th 2023), FlashPoint: Were Fighting a Spiritual Battle! Daily news coverage in the Spirit of Faith. 18, 2021), Dont Tolerate It! Be Ready! (November 11, 2021), FlashPoint: Woke Went Broke! | Colorado Revival (July 12th 2022), FlashPoint: Vaccine Update, Look At The Facts! (8/19/21), FlashPoint: You Failed Joe | Phil Waldron, Lance Wallnau, Mario Murillo (8/17/21), FlashPoint: The World is Watching (8/12/21) , FlashPoint: Special Event Recap (8/10/21), FlashPoint LIVE: America OPEN Your Eyes! Andrew counters many modern religious traditions about prayer and establishes a foundation upon which a rewarding and effective prayer life can be built. Mike Lindell, Lance Wallnau and more! (February 24, 2022), FlashPoint: Revival, Reformation, and Ukraine Update | Mario Murillo Tent Meeting (February 22, 2022), FlashPoint: Lance Hosts & Durham BOMBSHELL Report w/ Lara Logan (February 17, 2022), FlashPoint: The Tip of the Iceberg! (Febuary 2nd 2023), FlashPoint: Faith Under Fire! Featuring Kirk Cameron(December 8th 2022), FlashPoint: Heres How We Get Active(December 6th 2022), FlashPoint: A Battle of Secrets Exposed(December 1st 2022), FlashPoint: Tipping the Scales w/ Charlie Kirk(November 29th 2022), FlashPoint: Good Things Ahead! 2023 FlashPoint LIVE - Nashville Back to Events Listing Event Date: May 11, 2023 - May 12, 2023 Event Location: Cornerstone Nashville 726 West Old Hickory Blvd Madison, TN 37115 United States Contact: 800-600-7395 Cost: Free Additional information Click Here for more information Dutch Sheets, Mike Lindell & More! Experience Real-time News and Analysis:When you watch Flashpoint News live on The Victory Channel, you'll enjoy real-time news coverage and analysis from a faith-based perspective. Pastor Artur Pawloski, Lance Wallnau, Mario Murillo & Hank Kunneman (April 13, 2021), Uncancel Yourself! FlashPoint: You Need To Hear This! Our family of ministries: Join a thriving community of viewers who are passionate about understanding the world from a Christian perspective, and be part of the conversation that's making a difference. In Americas Laymens Revival, one million people found Christ! Through partnership we maximize our impact for the Kingdom. 4 days ago FlashPoint: Mainstream Media Meltdown! In this episode, Charles Capps and his daughter Annette Capps expound on what Quantum Faith is and how it works. (May 18, 2021), Tackle the Mountain! Add Flashpoint to your Watchlist to find out when it's coming back. on The Victory Channel - Live Stream. | Sebastian Gorka & Lee Greenwood (March 8, 2022), FlashPoint: Pray & Stand, Discerning Our Times | Dr. Ben Carson and more! 22, 2021), California Revival & Truth! We break the spirit of fear and trauma that would try to embed itself into hearts and emotions there. Not Woke | Phil Robertson, Mike Lindell and more! VICTORY Channel is dedicated to boldly broadcasting the truth of Gods Word to the world, and is made possible by the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. We speak comfort, we speak grace, we speak Your healing virtue to the emotions. (Mar. There's nothing like a KCM event. VICTORY VICTORY for the Win! Share your thoughts, ask questions, and engage with the show's host, guests, and fellow viewers through live chat and social media platforms. Channel Finder Displaying results for 00000. 104K views, 2.5K likes, 2.4K loves, 5.6K comments, 5.3K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Victory Channel: We are LIVE with Flashpoint. Sign up for email updates and stay connected with the show. 875 W. Poplar AveSuite 23 #342Collierville, TN 38017, FlashPoint: Vaccine Update, Look At The Facts! (June 22, 2021), Open Your Eyes! FlashPoint God Wants You Well: Healing School with Gloria Copeland (Part 1) God Wants You Well: Healing School with Gloria Copeland (Part 2) . (April 12, 2022), FlashPoint: God Has A Plan, Keep Praying! There are no TV Airings of Flashpoint in the next 14 days. Pastor Gary Keesee provides insights and solutions on the topics of finances, family and faith. Prophecy & Presidents (Jan. 19, 2021), The Prophetic Voices Speak VICTORY! (Mar. Get ready to witness Flashpoint News, live and in real-time, on The Victory Channel this Thursday! 4, 2021), New Prophetic UPDATE! Kenneth Copeland Ministries' Church Listing can help you easily find a Bible-believing ministry near you. Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Thank you so much for praying for my husband. 30, 2021), Its Time, REOPEN! Dutch Sheets & Jesse Duplantis (October 27th 2022), FlashPoint: This Is a Really Good Sign (October 25th 2022), FlashPoint LIVE Phoenix Day 2| Kari Lake & Mike Lindell (October 21st 2022), FlashPoint: Go In and Occupy! | David Harris Jr, Robby Dawkins, Peter McCullough and more! Hosts take your prayer requests and agree with you in the spirit of faith. Don't see your provider? The Nicole Crank Show. Dutch Sheets, Hank Kunneman, Steve Cioccolanti (December 7, 2021), FlashPoint: Stand for the Country! Where prophecy and current events align. Pastors George and Terri Pearsons discuss how to take hold of the wisdom of God for every challenging situation. Friday Evening. and Father Arrested!? Nancy Dufresne's teaching ministry emphasizes faith, healing, renewing the mind, following the Holy Spirit, and what belongs to all in Christ. Inspiring programs that brings practical, Godly Wisdom straight into the hearts and minds viewers through enlightening discussions and dialogue. Spy Balloons & The Grammys (February 7th 2023), FlashPoint: Covid-19, Pfizer, and People Collapsing? People often get discouraged when praying for the salvation of loved ones and begin to wonder if the. (June-16-2022) on The Victory Channel - Live Stream. With the Azusa Street Revival, revival fires then and now reverberated around the world. Grace be unto you, and peace, from God, the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (October 7, 2021), FlashPoint: Persevere with Power! (July 1st 2022), FlashPoint: New Evidence Revealed! (September 8th 2022), FlashPoint: MAGA, A Threat to the Nation? (September 6th 2022), FlashPoint: Bring Light To Darkness! Sign up below for our email alerts, and we'll send you details about the program, upcoming events and information you need to know! 2014 - 2023 Sermons Online. Live Your Dreams with Terri Savelle Foy Declutter Your Way to Success. Dutch Sheets & Trump Reaction (April 4th 2023), FlashPoint: Trump Indicted! Covenant Living Financial Exemption Part 1. November 1st 2022, FlashPoint: Its All About Timing! Kevin Sorbo, Lance Wallnau, Richard Green (May 13th, 2021), God Will Turn It Around! Andrew counters many modern religious traditions about prayer and establishes a foundation upon which a rewarding and effective prayer life can be built. 13K views, 353 likes, 282 loves, 1.2K comments, 489 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Victory Channel: The Victory Channel is LIVE with FlashPoint! (August 23rd, 2022), FlashPoint: An Inside Job? (August 18th 2022), FlashPoint: Changes Ahead! And we ask for this in Jesus Name. Options available to U.S. customers only. 2023 TV GUIDE, A FANDOM COMPANY. Rep. Lauren Boebert (July 14th 2022), FlashPoint: Occupy & Influence! Sunday morning services with Keith Moore present praise, worship and teaching. Dutch Sheets, Lance Wallnau & Mario Murillo (September 28, 2021) Flashpoint - With Mike Lindell & Sarah Palin (September 23, 2021) FlashPoint: Get Ready for Fall! Kenneth Copeland Ministries' mission is to minister the Word of Faith, by teaching believers who they are in Christ Jesus; taking them from the milk of the Word to the meat, and from religion to reality. (June 7, 2022), FlashPoint: Look At The Facts! On this episode of Rally TV Rick and Nettie continue their teaching on "JESUS my Healer". Where prophecy and current events align. Mike Lindell & Breaking News, Prophetic Update & 87,000 IRS Agents? (December 28, 2021), FlashPoint: Christmas Special (December 23, 2021), FlashPoint: America Fest Special (December 21, 2021), FlashPoint: Dont Quit, Have Faith! (February 28th 2023), FlashPoint: You Are Not Alone! Follow 64.1K. Flashpoint: California REVIVAL & TRUTH! (May 17, 2022), FlashPoint: We Cant Stay Silent! FlashPoint 64.1K Followers. We pray for Your continued work among Your people, that the gospel will be spread boldly and without hindrance. Enjoy behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, and other special features that add depth and dimension to your viewing experience. Jesse Duplantis (August 2nd 2022), FlashPoint LIVE Fort Worth | The Turning Point! (July 31st 2022), FlashPoint: Superspreader with Sean Feucht, Eric Metaxes (July 28th 2022), FlashPoint: SAS 2022, Charlie Kirk & Special Guests (July 26th 2022), FlashPoint: Arrested! (April 20th 2023), FlashPoint: Counter Punch & Currency Wars (April 18th 2023), FlashPoint: The American Church Crisis! 12:30 pm. I encourage you to download and pray over our prayer points each week. This groundbreaking, faith-based news program brings you the latest developments, expert analysis, and thought-provoking discussions, all from a Christian perspective. Don't miss your chance to be part of the excitement and energy of Flashpoint News, live on The Victory Channel this Thursday! Participate in Live Discussions:During the live broadcast of Flashpoint News, viewers have the unique opportunity to participate in interactive discussions. I would like to sign up to Victory zchannel to get the Real ews along with Flash Point and many other informational program. Glenn Beck, David Barton, Lt. Col. Rudolph Atallah (October 26, 2021), FlashPoint: Do THIS for your Health! (April 11th 2023), FlashPoint: The Scales Are Tipping! Eric Metaxas, Dutch Sheets, Mario Murillo (October 12, 2021), FlashPoint: The Red Sea has SPLIT! (September 13th 2022), FlashPoint: Now Is The Time To Stand Up! (December 30, 2021), FlashPoint: Prepare for Revival! Mike Lindell's PHONE TAKEN | FlashPoint LIVE Omaha 21 September 2022 by FlashPoint The FBI & Hardees! 2 years ago. With host Gene Bailey and special guests. 1, 2021), Satan Shoes!? Inspiring programs that brings practical, Godly Wisdom straight into the hearts and minds viewers through enlightening discussions and dialogue. (May 26, 2022), FlashPoint: Save America & Protect Our Kids! (Jan. 6, 2021), Hope Is Not Lost! For His Kingdom, Vision. See FlashPoint here anytime, anywhere: https://www.govictory.com/FlashPoint Topic Tags biden election flashpoint gene bailey hank kunneman | Dr. McCullough (July 7th 2022), FlashPoint: What Comes Next (July 5th 2022), FlashPoint LIVE Atlanta | Watchmen Arise! Featuring Attorney Sidney Powell (Dec. 29), You Have To Hear This! Will you be with us in Nashville at FlashPoint LIVE? (October 11th 2022), FlashPoint: A Psalm 35 Moment, Stay Vigilant! Evil | Glenn Beck (June 23rd 2022), FlashPoint: Woke Walmart & What Comes Next (June 21st 2022), FlashPoint: The Jan. 6th Truth with Jake Lang (June 16th 2022), FlashPoint: Gods Great Reset & Signals (June 14th 2022), FlashPoint: Fight Like Heaven & Take Back America! Through a study of the gospels and the Greek language, Rick discusses the primary methods by which Jesus healed the sick. 437. Messages and healing testimonies from Gloria Copeland's Healing Schools throughout the years. 32. Keith Moore teaches the ABC's of faith in a manner that provides revelation for both the new believer and the long-time Christian. When an athlete goes into training, he practices to improve his skills. Watch Pastors George and Terri Copeland Pearsons on Believer's Voice of Victory as they explain how to take hold of the wisdom of God for every challenging situation. Donald Trump, Lauren Boebert, David Harris Jr., Wendy Rogers (October 14, 2021), FlashPoint: Enough is Enough! All Rights Reserved. with Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, and Mario Murillo (Mar. Watch Flashpoint with Gene Bailey on The Victory Channel May 2 2023 Tuesday, Watch FlashPoint News with Gene Bailey on The Victory Channel (April 27 2023) Thursday, Watch FLASHPOINT News on The Victory Channel - LIVE Stream with Gene Bailey (May 30 2023) Tuesday, Watch Flashpoint News on The Victory Channel - Gene Bailey May 18 2023 Thursday, Watch Flashpoint News on The Victory Channel May 16 2023 Tuesday With Gene Bailey, Watch Flashpoint with Gene Bailey on The Victory Channel May 2 2023 Tuesday, Watch FlashPoint News on The Victory Channel May 9 2023 Gene Bailey Special Tuesday Flashpoint . President Donald Trump & Special Guests (December 2, 2021), FlashPoint: Omicron? VICTORY is a Christian TV Network with positive, 24/7 programming from trusted teachers on healing, finances, relationships, finding peace and more. Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons reveal from Scripture that it is God's will for us to be prosperous in every area of our lives. Where prophecy and current events align. Andrew counters many modern religious traditions about prayer and establishes a foundation upon which a rewarding and effective prayer life can be built. Watch Terri as she discusses the checklist you need to make in order to declutter your way to success. Teaching Bible principles for becoming the winner in life that God has called you to be. If one can put a thousand to flight and two can put 10,000 to flight, just imagine what we can do in the spirit when the whole FlashPoint Army comes together in prayer! Lance Wallnau, Mario Murillo, Hank Kunneman (June 1, 2021), Great Change Is in The Air! Mark and Trina Hankins minister the spirit of faith. Dr. Billye Brim discusses Biblical events and principles. We ask for Your comfort even in this time of grief, Lord. Abundance of Grace, the gift of Righteousness. The Scriptures are full of examples where God provided financial exemption for His people from the hardships and lack taking place in the world. Thank you so much for praying for my husband. Featuring John Cooper (March 22, 2022), FlashPoint: Is History Repeating Itself? (December 14, 2021), FlashPoint: Are You Kidding Me!? David Harris Jr., Sam Sorbo, Lance Wallnau (December 9, 2021), FlashPoint: A Divine Reversal! We provide users with their local TV listings, entertainment news and television highlights. Tonight Ill be joined by Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Rick Green, Kevin Freeman and Floyd Brown. Please enable the javascript to submit this form, Omg I saw your behind the scenes on KCM with U, producer Jason and Heather.. doing your make-up and hair. Watch Live TV Follow KCM Live TV: VICTORY - Faith Teaching 24/7 The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. Featuring Kirk Cameron (December 8th 2022) FlashPoint: Here's How We Get Active. TV Passport is a community for TV lovers. (January 26th 2023), FlashPoint: Its Time to Double Down! A Movement in North America is Rising (February 1, 2022), FlashPoint: Supreme Shakeup! w/ Joni Lamb (August 16th 2022), FlashPoint: What Will You Stand For? | Jesse Duplantis (April 19, 2022), FlashPoint: Fighting Disney Wokeness | Sean Feucht & Special Guests (April 14, 2022), FlashPoint: Gods Hand Is Moving! (June 8, 2021), The Facts Matter! Don't miss this opportunity to stay informed and engaged with the world around you tune in to Flashpoint News this Thursday! Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and more! Live from the Partner Service Center of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Join Robbie and Donna Howells as they share how we can show love in all of our relationships. (June 28th 2022), FlashPoint: Total Control & Good Vs. Holy Spirit, You call Yourself a comforter; its one of the things You love to do. Turn the tables on the enemy, Lord. 1997 - 2023 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Where prophecy and current events align. Full Event (April 21, 2022), FlashPoint: Awake, Not Woke! Host Gene. (March 1, 2022), FlashPoint: CPAC Special, Awoke! Mario Murillo, Star Parker, Greg Stephens (Mar. Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Mario Murillo (May 20th, 2021), A Major Victory! (May 10, 2022), FlashPoint: Pray for Our Nation! With host Gene Bailey and special guests! Watch Flashpoint with Gene Bailey on The Victory Channel May 2 2023 Tuesday, Watch FlashPoint News with Gene Bailey on The Victory Channel (April 27 2023) Thursday, Watch FLASHPOINT News on The Victory Channel - LIVE Stream with Gene Bailey (May 30 2023) Tuesday, Watch Flashpoint News on The Victory Channel - Gene Bailey May 18 2023 Thursday, Watch Flashpoint News on The Victory Channel May 16 2023 Tuesday With Gene Bailey, Watch Flashpoint on The Victory Channel (June-14-2022), Watch Flashpoint News on The Victory Channel (June-21-2022) with Gene Bailey . The U.S. & The Remnant (January 11, 2022), FlashPoint: The Truth About January 6th (January 6, 2022), FlashPoint: Awaken To The Truth! Want to Get New FlashPoint and The Victory News DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX? Click on Any Program Title to Start Watching Now. Host Gene Bailey guides viewers through important global events, providing insights and context that truly matter to the Christian community. (November 9, 2021), FlashPoint: Dont Forget Afghanistan! Are you ready to live your most authentic life in Jesus? 27, 2021), California is Not Lost! Flashpoint: UAW president sets stage referring to the big 3 automakers as 'the enemy,' latest on gun reform Watch. (November 16, 2021), Flashpoint Live from Washington D.C. (November 12, 2021), FlashPoint: America at a Crossroads! Watch now 2023 Branson Victory Campaign: Consistency Releases Unprecedented Favor, Offering Msg (9:30 a.m.) Top Deals This Week: Save on Paramount+, Showtime, HBO Max, Fire TV, and Roku, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Is Now Available to Stream on Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Slashed Prices on all Sorts of Fire TV Stick Models, Amazon Fire Tablets on Sale: Save up to 45%, The Ultimate Guide to What to Watch on Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, and More in April 2023, New Netflix Shows and Movies in April 2023, Everything New on HBO and HBO Max in April 2023, Amazon Prime Video's New Shows and Movies in April, 8 Shows Like The Last of Us to Watch While You Wait for the Next Episode, 9 Shows Like Ginny & Georgia to Watch After You Finish Season 2, 12 Intense Thriller Shows and Movies to Watch If You Like Squid Game, 9 Shows Like Fringe to Watch If You Like Fringe, Here's When Yellowstone Will Return for Season 5 Part 2, Pedro Pascal Has an Update for Last of Us Season 2 Filming, Everything to Know About The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 2, Amazon Exec Teases a Release Date for Reacher Season 2, Everything You Need to Know About Euphoria Season 3. Want to strengthen your faith? Palmdale Freedom Coalition (August 9th 2022), FlashPoint: The Real Battleground (August 4th 2022), FlashPoint: Its Getting Close! At the 2023 Branson Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how the Word of God is medicine to your body, but you must get it consistently into your system! A Must See Episode! (March-29-2022) on The Victory Channel - Live Stream. Come Watch FlashPoint News on The Victory Channel (June-16-2022) with Gene Bailey | Thursday. Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Michele Bachmann, Dutch Sheets, Hank Kunneman (November 25, 2021), FlashPoint: A God-Reset Word! Election & Court Aftermath (June 30th 2022), FlashPoint: Roe V. Wade Overturned! Is a nonprofit, free-to-air television network made possible by, FlashPoint: Mainstream Media Meltdown! Watch Flashpoint News on The Victory Channel (March-29-2022) With Gene Bailey Published in The Victory Channel Tuesday, 29 March 2022 19:57 Watch FleshPoint! Follow 64.1K. I look forward to speaking with Floyd Brown, founder of the Western Journal, about his new book Counterpunch, which asks the question: is it possible for renewal to come through peace rather than power? w/ Abby Johnson, FlashPoint: "Total Control" w/ Glenn Beck (6/23/22), FlashPoint: Woke Walmart & What Comes Next (6/21/22), FlashPoint: The Jan. 6th Truth with Donald Trump & Jake Lang (6/16/22), FlashPoint: Donald Trump on Jan. 6th & Inflation (6/17/22), FlashPoint: God's Great Reset & Signals (6/14/22), FlashPoint: Fight Like Heaven & Take Back America! Our vision is to see believers experiencing the fullness of THE BLESSING which includes divine healing, supernatural prosperity, the God kind of love and more; operating skillfully in God's Word; and well-trained to discern good and evil. And of course, I will be joined by Lance Walllnau, Hank Kunneman, Rick Green, Tony Suarez, Jesse Duplantis, Mike Lindell and Kent Christmas for the evenings, which you can watch live on VICTORY! Inspiring programs that brings practical, Godly Wisdom straight into the hearts and minds viewers through enlightening discussions and dialogue. That the people of Louisville will be comforted in this time of need. Click here. Schedule - VICTORY Full Show Schedule Click on Any Program Title to Start Watching Now Sunday Apr 30 Monday May 01 Tuesday May 02 Wednesday May 03 Thursday May 04 Friday May 05 Saturday May 06 Loading. Continue to watch FlashPoint exclusively on VICTORY via DIRECTV Channel 366, DISH Channel 265, YouTube, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Glorystar, FaithNOW App, and https://www.govictory.com. Amen!, Psalms 46:1, 80:19, 85:6; Acts 28:31; Ephesians 4:24; John 14:26; Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 17:14; Isaiah 41:10; Revelation 21:4. Dr. Billye Brim discusses Biblical events and principles. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday on the Victory Channel at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT. (January 31st 2023), FlashPoint: Wait A Minute, Thats Not Right! Chiefs Won (February 14th 2023), FlashPoint: Where Are We Headed? Where prophecy and current events align. Lance Wallnau, Rev. (June-16-2022) on The Victory Channel - Live Stream. (April 28, 2022), FlashPoint: Its A Bad Time To Be Woke (April 26, 2022), FlashPoint LIVE: Tulsa | United We Stand! KCM's purpose is to mature believers worldwide in the use of their faith. Teaching Bible principles for becoming the winner in life that God has called you to be. Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo and more! (December 15th 2022) FlashPoint: The Hidden Help & Biblical Civics (December 13th 2022) FlashPoint: Occupy! Stay in touch with all things FlashPoint: There is so much to talk about this week on FlashPoint, I cant wait to get started! Where prophecy and current events align. (January 24th 2023), FlashPoint: Revival & Prophetic Update (January 19th 2023), FlashPoint: They Are Feeling the Heat! For over 55 years in ministry, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland share the biblical message of hope and BLESSING globally from the KCM headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. I had sent in a prayer request for him regarding, Call us at 1-817-852-6000 or click here to send a prayer request online. 1997 - 2023 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka 2014 - 2023 Sermons Online. A highly specialised police unit handles emergency situations by negotiating with kidnappers, rescuing hostages, defusing bombs and counseling suicidal individuals. Our hope comes from a Person, and that person is Jesus! PRAY! 1:00 pm. Love your show.. (January 20, 2022), FlashPoint: Fed Up? (October 4th 2022), FlashPoint: The Great God Reset! Rand Paul, Dutch Sheets and more! Friday, 17 June 2022 06:05 . Gene Bailey. Dutch Sheets, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman & Mario Murillo (October 19, 2021), FlashPoint: Citizens Are Waking Up! With host Gene Bailey and special guests! 16, 2021), Hit Me Again, I Can Still Hear Him! Pastor Artur Released! Hahaha! Pastor Gary Keesee provides insights and solutions on the topics of finances, family and faith. And, Lord, in regard to the recent shooting in Louisville, we agree with the prayer Dutch Sheets prayed last Tuesday night: Father, we bring the city of Louisville and the family members and friends to You. Mark your calendar and get ready for an unforgettable live broadcast experience with Flashpoint News! (8/31/21), FlashPoint: God Is Moving! Ways to Watch - VICTORY FIND VICTORY HERE! Thursday, June 22nd, 2023 - Saturday, June 24th, 2023, Venue: Eagle Mountain International Church, The Wisdom of the Holy Spirit MP3 Package. Featuring Glenn Beck, David Barton and more! Join us as we go inside the prisons with Mike and Brandon Barber. Pea, a telegenic, 44-year-old economist, won Sunday's election with 43% of the vote, compared to 27% for Efran Alegre of the Pact for a New Paraguay, in what was a shock to pollsters who had . with Hank Kunneman, Kat Kerr, Mario Murillo (Jan. 21), Do Not Give Up! (January 5th 2023), FlashPoint: A Tipping Point Year! We hope to see you at an event soon! Saturday Morning. Watch Terri as she discusses the checklist you need to make in order to declutter your way to success. Special Guests & More! (October 13th 2022), FlashPoint: The Midterms & Paypal Shock! (July 19th 2022), FlashPoint: Be Vigilant! A Prophetic Turning | Robin Bullock, Star Parker and more! 9, 2021), Trump Isnt Over, NEW EARTHQUAKE Prophecy (Mar. Stay up-to-date with the latest global events as they unfold, and gain insights from experts and Christian leaders who understand the issues that matter most to you. We have cut our time by 75% of watching other secular channels and seen an increase in our desire to study the Word of God. (January 25, 2022), FlashPoint: Covid & Prophetic Update, Dr. Peter McCullough, Robin Bullock and more! FlashPoint with Gene Bailey Home Shows FlashPoint with Gene Bailey Show Information Time: Thursday at 9pm ET Phone: 1-817-852-6000 Address: VICTORY Channel, Fort Worth TX 76192 Website: www.govictory.com Facebook: @TheVictoryChannel Instagram: @TheVictoryChannel YouTube: @TheVictoryChannel About Kenneth Copeland Ministries (July 6, 2021), The Christian Left? Mike Lindell, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman and more! Host Gene. 2, 2021), Shocking News! Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman and more! (6/9/22), The FBI & Hardees! Heavenly Father, Youve been stirring something mighty in the American Church today: revival! 25, 2021), Shocking News and Deep Spiritual Insights to Current Events! Watch Terri as she discusses the checklist you need to make in order to declutter your way to success. 28.3K. Please enable the javascript to submit this form. Jack Posobiec Followup (June 02nd 2022), FlashPoint: Do Not Leave Quietly (May 31, 2022), FlashPoint: Americas Identity, Where Do We Go Next? (April 6th 2023), FlashPoint: Total Injustice! OVERTURN! with Abby Johnson, Sen. Rapert, Dutch Sheets and Mario Murillo (Feb. 23, 2021), Prophetic Update for the Nation | Jonathan Cahn, Kent Christmas, Hank Kunneman and more! with Bill & Beni Johnson, Mario Murillo and John Graves (Jan. 28, 2021), WAKE UP Church! Flash Talks are not televised, so I encourage you to make your plans now! Watch FleshPoint! With host Gene Bailey and special guests! Looking for a church home? The Strategy of Good vs. 6, 2021), GENERAL FLYNN Special! With Donald Trump Jr., Rep. Lauren Boebert, Rick Green, Sen. Jason Rapert, Mario Murillo, Lance Wallnau (Apr. (May 6th, 2021), Hold the Line! Where prophecy and current events align. (November 4, 2021), FlashPoint: The Rebirth of a Nation! Mario Murillo, Dr. Peter McCullough and more! What better place to hear the Word of God than at a KCM event! with David Harris Jr., Robby Dawkins & Mario Murillo (Mar. With host Gene Bailey and special guests! If you're facing overwhelming problems and situations, it's time for a major adjustment! Watch Flashpoint every Sunday at 10 a.m. on Local 4 News at Local 4+. See what people are saying about our 24/7 faith channel! (July 8, 2021), Great Restoration Is Coming to America! Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman and Artur Pawlowski (June 3, 2021), The Tides are TURNING! (August 25th 2022), FlashPoint: The Moment of Truth! SPECIAL with Hank Kunneman, Dutch Sheets and Mike Lindell (Jan. 20), Its Not Over! (May 24, 2022), FlashPoint: Speak Up! Mark and Trina Hankins minister the spirit of faith. Watch Rick Renner's in-depth, engaging Bible teaching, using the Greek text to help listeners gain new insight from God's Word. With host Gene Bailey and special guests! We ask th 199,255 people like this Hank Kunneman, Mario Marillo & Lance Wallnau (Apr. (March 3, 2022), FlashPoint: Whats Going On In Ukraine? Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Want to Get New FlashPoint and The Victory News DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX? w/ Glenn Beck (September 29th 2022), FlashPoint: Revival Is Spreading! (8/26/21), FlashPoint: God Has an Answer! Join Kellie and guests to awaken the healing, direction and strength of God in a deeper way. Bill Johnson, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo (November 23, 2021), FlashPoint: Stand Up for Truth! You are a very present help in time of trouble. 4.13.23 LIVE NOW with FLASHPOINT! TV Schedule for Victory Channel | TV Passport TV Schedule for Victory Channel Wednesday, April 5th TV listings for Victory Channel Your Time Zone: 6:00 AM Prophetic Witness Dr. Billye Brim discusses Biblical events and principles. Get ready to witness Flashpoint News, live and in real-time, on The Victory Channel this Thursday! VICTORY is a non-profit, free-to-air television network made possible by Kenneth Copeland Ministries and its generous partners and viewers. When you join us for an event, you can expect a fresh word from the Lord, a fresh anointing, and the power-packed kind of faith that will inspire you to reach out and take what belongs to you through Christ Jesus. (Jan. 7, 2021), SPECIAL Gods Unfolding Plan!
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flashpoint victory channel schedule