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Click here to reset your password. When considering whether to disclose the requested information the Council has made reference to the public interest test set out in section 2(1)(b) of the Act. Course code CEC0010. Login - Your Learning Hub Full Time. Personal information will be stored confidentially on our HR and payroll system, in line with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Run by Volunteers and powered by Alaveteli. Do you have a Systems Team responsible for the HR/Payroll System? . Closing Date. For additional support contact the askHR team. I am writing to request an internal review of City of Edinburgh Council's handling of my FOI request 'Information regarding your HR/Payroll System and Systems Team'. App store badge for iOS. askHR, our online HR portal for raising questions directly with Human Resources. The City of Edinburgh Council For additional support contact the askHR team. Name of the HR/Payroll system that you use (e.g. http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/homepage/175 https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/i Information regarding your HR/Payroll System and Systems Team, Information regarding your HR/Payroll System and Systems Team, FOI Request - Public sector off-payroll (IR35) reforms, Information Request re. Established in 2008. Fax: 01334 464611 Here you can find useful login links, Empowered Learning info and other helpful resources. City of Edinburgh Council intranet (The Orb) provides information on COVID-19 resources and support for physical, mental and financial wellbeing. I can confirm that the Council will deal with your review promptly under the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. Services that make this city a great place to live in and visit. Call: 0131 469 5555. Our askHR team are available to support all Council employees and candidates. You may be asked for this information again if you use a different computer or your web browser is upgraded. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you for your correspondence of 10 August 2016 asking that the Council reviews its handling of your request for information of 11 July 2016. Jobs | City of Edinburgh Council | myjobscotland Jobs Showing 1 - 10 of 109 available jobs Categories Administration / Clerical / Secretarial 4 Architecture 1 Cleaning and Caretaking 13 Education. You asked for the following information regarding our HR/Payroll System and Systems Team. Thank you for your request for information of 11/07/2016, which has been processed under the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Chris Peggie |Information Compliance |Strategy & Insight Division| Like all councils were constrained by budgets and challenges but weve embarked on an extensive transformation programme that we feel will help us achieve our vision, allow us to give greater focus on customers and communities and get the best value we can from the resources we have. Council Jobs in Edinburgh - Updated Daily - totaljobs Call 0131 469 5981. The City of, A Change In Management is set in the office of a large Edinburgh warehouse, where the manager - a Gagarin Way Music revi. Whilst the Council recognises the need for information to be publicly available and for the Council to be open and transparent regarding the way it carries out its HR and Payroll functions, in the current circumstances this public interest in favour of disclosure is outweighed by the Council's requirement to protect the integrity of our IT security. Are you the owner of any commercial copyright on this page? Website www.itspublicknowledge.info Salary: 27,855.00 - 30,600.00 + Great Bonus Scheme, Fantastic Benefits and Career Progression - Address: 7 Hunter Square, Edinburgh, CITY OF EDINBURGH EH1 1QW GBR - Our Premium & Urban division includes a smorgasbord of different pubs, all thriving on innovation and providing new . This advice is strictly privileged and confidential and is intended for Conducted workshops with key editors Produced guidelines on where to publish types of content Conducted usability testing Guidance on structure included in web publishing training Responded to feedback this is ongoing. The City of Edinburgh Council: Contact Details and Business Profile What are the pay grades of employees within this team (e.g. 02/05/2023. You'll need to give them your personal email address for this purpose. Our Empowered Learning page will be updated in due course with information regarding this programme in the future. Read about cookies we use. Do you have a Systems Team responsible for the HR/Payroll System? If yes to question 2, how many employees work within this team? This information will be made available through the Councils website and will not include your personal details. What is the Online Record Book? If you are not content with the outcome of the review, you can ask the Scottish Information Commissioner to review our decision. Design: HTML5 UP. What are the pay grades of employees within this team (e.g. Council Web Content Management Project: - Begun 2003/4 - Hyperwave selected as cms - Wordmap provided taxonomy solution - Internet site delivered 2006 - Intranet site delivered 2008. 127K Google play badge for Android, The ORB is an online system designed to help you as your navigate your way through your Award Welcome to The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Canada! Doubledykes Road Login to MSS Be sure to bookmark this page. Position Type. In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case we will let you know. You'll need to provide a password for this on the form. Waverley Court Business Centre 2:1 Council employees sign-up form - The City of Edinburgh Council Old Town, EH1 1QW. mySociety Other systems when these become available / when we can. Or maybe youve only ever worked in the private sector? 2. EH8 8BG or, Telephone: 01334 464610 A new branding and design to attract users A new structure with a strong corporate focus An already established structure of editors and authors who could manage and develop content A key internal communication tool for the Council: Improving communication across the Council, within departments, and divisional areas Facilitating collaborative work for projects Allowing staff to find what they need for their work quickly and easily Providing the key source for Council strategies, policies and plans Offering the ability to learn about Council initiatives, news and activities Sharing relevant documents across the Council and reduce email use for this function Becoming a knowledge base for the Council, Milestones for the Intranet project: Final content development, audit and migration Taxonomy linking of site structure headings to IPSV Site and system testing Marketing of the site Site roll out programme, Key issues and challenges for the project: Ensuring content was current, and new content was developed for site launch Last minute re-branding of the site Marketing of the site identity to create a positive buzz for the site launch Resolving system issues Carrying out a phased roll out for the launch rather than a big bang approach Radical new site structure, centralising content in one place, How did we roll out these structural changes? Website:www.snct.org.uk. St Andrews And services we want our people to be proud of delivering. Marketing activities Pre launch article in Staff magazine, fortnightly web newsletter, trailer week before, how to guide, generic presentation for dept use, pre launch emails Marketing already in place default to Intranet homepage on all PCs Post launch series of road shows, statement of support from Chief Executive, emails to each department for roll out, emails encouraging publishing to Orb and changing perceptions, competition to improve early usage; Testing and roll out Performance testing Roll out programme, What makes staff happy with their intranet? Please note that this letter constitutes a formal refusal notice under section 16 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Oracle, iTrent etc.). Go to the Career and Development tab. If you have any requirements regarding the format any information should be supplied in, e.g. By signing-up, your helping to contribute to our commitment in the Councils print and digital mail strategy which focuses on creating a print environment that reduces costs and print volumes, reduces our carbon footprint, and ultimately helps move us towards our end goal of Net Carbon Zero. Call: 0131 469 5555. Unfortunately, the Council is only able to meet part of your request; this information is released to you now in the format requested. By signing into MyHR you agree to our terms.. Log In . Orb Edinburgh Edinburgh is known as Scotland's capital city, but also its festival, business and cultural capital too. The hiring process at City of Edinburgh Council takes an average of 20.67 days when considering 15 user submitted interviews across all job titles. Would you like an opportunity to turn your passion, interest or simply what youre good at in to your career? They provide help and advice for any employment or employee-related queries, includingadvice on our employment policies, pay and conditions, benefits, sickness absence, holiday queries, recruitment, and more. Subject: HR/Payroll System and Systems Team. uk, Best practices of catholic pastoral and finance councils, Ethics in an Intranet Culture Intranet Culture Intranet, BAB X INTRANET DEFINISI INTRANET Intranet adalah Jaringan, ORB 12 ORB Object Request Broker Middleware qui, MOBILE VIDEO ON DEMAND INTRANET TV Intranet VOD, Bitrix Intranet Portal 8 0 A BestInClass Intranet, Bitrix Intranet Portal A BestInClass Intranet Portal Solution, VENUS MEDICAL INTRANET VENUS MEDICAL INTRANET is a, La Intranet Strumento di Condivisione La Intranet Strumento, Bitrix Intranet Introduction Bitrix Intranet is a highly, The BT Intranet story Why an intranet Initiated, Bitrix Intranet Version 11 0 Bitrix Intranet Introduction, Intranet Extranet Firewall Intranet and Extranet What is, Bitrix Intranet Version 11 0 Bitrix Intranet Einfhrung, INTERNET INTRANET INTERNET INTRANET Internet adalah sebuah jaringan, INTRANET ENSP Endereo http intranet ensp fiocruz br, NAM Intranet Administrator Training NAM Intranet Administrator Training, Intranet ERP www delta ro Intranet ERP Delta, Multimedia Resource Laboratory Intranet and Courseware Intranet Course, Evaluation of applications over an intranet 1 Intranet. The City of Edinburgh Council is responsible for providing political leadership and governance for a comprehensive range of services across the city. The Orb The City of Edinburgh Council's Intranet site Sally Kerr: Web and New Media Team. If yes to question 2, how many employees work within this team? Call: 0131 469 5555. City of Edinburgh Council - mygov.scot Based in Scotlands capital city, the Council provides a range of public services to over 444,000 citizens and promotes the city worldwide. You must submit your complaint to the Commissioner within 6 months of receiving our review response. The Empowered Learning Programme has given every school pupil from P6 to S6 their own digital device as part of our ambitious and inclusive education strategy, Edinburgh Learns. Take a look at the vacancies on offer and see if theres something matching your skills and experience. We provide commercial Log in to MyHR Please quote the reference number above in any future communications. City of Edinburgh Council Interview Questions (2023) | Glassdoor Employing approximately 16,000 people, our team is as diverse as the services we provide, from refuse collection to museums and galleries, parks to planning, schools to social care. Contract Type. Contact us if you think it should be reopened. For more than 60 years, the Award has been helping young people transform their lives and their communities. By increasing access, our learners can explore digital technologies in multiple environments, Students stay more engaged when exposed to digital learning and teaching methods, Digital learning and teaching can offer variety and variation within the classroom, Copyright 2023 Digital Education Team | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Following the Council elections in May 2017, the . Please find attached the response to your request for review which has Doubledykes Road Firstly I have submitted multiple FOI requests to other local authorities and none of them have refused to answer question 1. [emailprotected] gov. Thank you for your request for information received on 11/07/2016. Level 2:1, Waverley Court, Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel 0131 200 2340 To promote transparency and accountability, please note it is the Councils policy to publish all request details and responses made under the freedom of information legislation. Sign-up and have access to colleague information on rewards including pay, benefits and holidays, employee communications, wellbeing initiatives, as well as guidance and. SO1, PO1 etc.)? Contact us - The City of Edinburgh Council Candidate Portal In addition to personal distribution, iPads have been issued to P1 to P5 groups on an agreed ratio basis with each school. Council staff can find out how to book or cancel courses on The Orb. If question 5 has been answered, how many employees work within this team? Get job alerts for your search emailed to you, Dalry Primary School, Dalry Road, Edinburgh, EH11 12JB, Waverley Court 4 East Market Street, EH8 8BG, Fort Early Years Centre, North Fort Street, Edinburgh, EH6 4HF, Gracemount High School, Lasswade Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6TZ, Craigentinny Primary School, Loganlea Drive, Edinburgh, EH7 6LR, Cleaning Operative - Dalry Primary School - EDN23799, Modern Apprentice - Early Years Practitioner - City Wide - EDN23916, Community Care Assistant - Various - EDN23991, Early Years Assistant - Fort Early Years Centre - EDN23601, Teacher of Maths - Gracemount High School - EDN23984, School Crossing Patrol Guide - Citywide Locations - EDN23433, Cleaning Operative - Craigentinny Early Years Centre - EDN24003, Instrumental Music Instructor - Piano / Keyboard - EDN23878. Developing these skills supports the achievement of long-term . Please enter your username and password below then click Log In. Please quote the reference number above in any future communications. Follow City of Edinburgh Council on Twitter. Council staff can find out how to book or cancel courses on The Orb. in the subject line 'Welcome Event booking'. You can also choose to sign-up to receive your monthly payslip sent securely by email at least three days before you get paid. 4. MyHR Employee Self Service - West Lothian Council Is the selected location wrong. 6. Once you join, you will get access to myHR (our employee HR and payroll system where you can look at your payslips and book holidays). The city is home to the Scottish Parliament, and some of the most recognisable landmarks in Europe; from the medieval Old Town to the elegant Georgian New Town. If you would like further information email, Our intranet, the Orb. Name of the HR/Payroll system that you use (e.g. Meet the Team | Orb Recruitment We have 63 councillors representing 17 wards multi-member wards within the City of Edinburgh are elected every four years by STV system. You can book this event when you have formally joined the Council and you have an employee number. Please provide the following information regarding your HR/Payroll System and Systems Team: 1. Welcome to HRconnect - KP London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council. Please click the button below to view our FAQ page if you have any queries! 24,890 - 28,854 per year. By viewing our content you are accepting the use of cookies. You'll then be emailed instructions on how to join the event. Our Empowered Learning page will be updated in due course for more information regarding this programme. This guidance is for City of Edinburgh Council employees who do not have a council email address. been dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Kinburn Castle Fixed Term. City of Edinburgh Council, Download a zip file of all correspondence. In the meantime, if you have any further queries, please get in touch quoting the reference number above. Aaron Butcher made this Freedom of Information request to City of Edinburgh Council 5. An unexpected error occurred. Call: 0131469 5555. They are no more than two hours duration and run throughout the year. An unexpected error occurred. email:learninganddevelopment@edinburgh.gov.uk, The Pay and Conditions of Service for teachers and associated professionals employed by Scottish Councils is set out in the SNCT (Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers) Handbook of Conditions of Service. You can also download our Participant App to access the Online Record Book anytime, anywhere. Edinburgh Rhubarb Gin A mainstay of kitchen gardens across Scotland and intensely flavoured, rhubarb is the ideal ingredient for a sweet gin liqueur. 4. Your donations keep this site and others like it running. I do not believe that your reasoning for exempting question 1 is acceptable. Community Alarm and Telecare Service The ATEC24 Community Alarm and Telecare service is for people who may need a bit of help to stay safe in their home. The team are very helpful and I could not recommend them enough! Chief Executive|The City of Edinburgh Council |Waverley Court Business Maybe youve brought up your family and would relish the challenge of working with children again? Then a career as a Pupil Support Assistant may be just the job and the first step to becoming a teacher! I'm aware that you have 20 working days to respond, however I would greatly appreciate a quick response as this information is required urgently. If no to question 2, who is responsible for the HR/Payroll System? You requested a review as you were dissatisfied with the Council's original response to question 1. The roll-out of devices started in December 2021 and was completed in December 2022. You will receive the information requested within 20 working days unless the Council does not hold the information, or there is a reason for it to be withheld. Perhaps your ex-Armed forces and wondering what we have to offer? Sign-up and have access to colleague information on rewards including pay, benefits and holidays, employee communications, wellbeing initiatives, as well as guidance and support on all our policies and procedures. The Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner City of Edinburgh Council Jobs - 2023 | Indeed.com SocietyWorks Ltd The Orb The City of Edinburgh Councils Intranet - SlideToDoc.com Candidates applying for Pupil Support Assistant had the quickest hiring process (on average 1 day), whereas Graduate Programmer roles had the slowest hiring process (on average 84 days). Our askHR team are available to support all Council employees and candidates. Email: legal. Our askHR team are available to support all Council employees and candidates. Website www.itspublicknowledge.info A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. Log in to MyHR View Project Support Officer - EDN23871 Favourite Project Support Officer - EDN23871. You must have at least 6 months experience within a UK care Today Transactional Construction Lawyer - 2-6 yrs PQE - Glasgow or Edinburgh Pinsent Masons 3.9 Edinburgh +1 location Full-time Sally Kerr, Council Websites Manager 0131 529 4899 sally. E-mail: [email address]. This rating has decreased by -6% over the last 12 months. Q1. the language to be used, audio, large print and so on, then please let me know. Oracle, iTrent etc.). The city is home to the Scottish Parliament, and some of the most recognisable landmarks. The webinar can be accessed from your work computer or laptop, or from your own tablet or smart phone. Fax: 01334 464611 Information is in the link below: https: . Our askHR team are available to support all Council employees and candidates. Community Alarm and Telecare Service - Edinburgh Health & Social Care Dear City of Edinburgh Council, Please provide the following information regarding your HR/Payroll System and Systems Team: 1. Edinburgh (. They provide help and advice for any employment or employee-related queries, including advice on our employment policies, pay and conditions, benefits, sickness absence, holiday queries, recruitment, and more. Q2. What they didnt want Complex structure Out Of Date Content duplication A lack of useful content, Background research Better connected Intranets SOCITM report (2007) highlights: Usability Access Useful content directories, notice board, council papers Top ten applications phone directory, bulletin boards, HR applications, Job vacancies, Room Bookings, Catering, GIS, Committee info system, Leaders monthly briefings, Employee discounts Inter-active applications, SOCITM Top Ten Phone directory Global Address List (GAL) available to staff Staff Bulletin Board using YABB software HR system available through the Orb with relevant support and advice on the site Job Vacancies posted each week, will change to Scottish Recruitment Portal feed before Christmas Room Bookings Rendez vous system available to staff for bookings in multiple locations Catering menus for main Council locations and catering booking available GIS partially available with plans to develop further Council Papers Online (CPOL) available to staff and the public Leaders briefings available monthly (Team Talk) online plus homepage messages when appropriate Staff Benefits a wide range of discounts available to CEC staff online and through a quarterly publication e. Finance system (oracle) available, Factors that contributed to the success of the project: Stakeholders for the 4 main areas of the site Providing department homepages for depts to develop and manage themselves Pre and Post site marketing using appropriate online tools and road-shows leading to successful buy-in from staff The sites name the Orb proved a positive influence at the launch as it was already accepted into the Council culture Surprise factor repeated testing for issues/performance produced a positive response from staff, not a negative one New ideas - such as the Photo gallery - have proved successful, Any questions? Please ask your manager to book you a space on the event using course code CEC0010. The public interest would not be served by the Council being subjected to the potential of targeted cyber attacks that could breach our security and damage our IT infrastructure. If you are unhappy with the way we have dealt with your request, you can ask us to review our actions and decisions by writing to the: Head of Strategy (interim) Kinburn Castle The Council holds the information requested but considers that it is exempt from disclosure under section 30(c) of the Act due to the fact that its disclosure would prejudice substantially the effective conduct of public affairs of the City of Edinburgh Council and other persons for the following reason: By providing information about the way we use technology and carry our HR and Payroll operations into the public domain we would potentially be putting our IT framework at risk. We will send you a Teams link for the Welcome Event. Jobs | City of Edinburgh Council | myjobscotland If no to question 2, who is responsible for the HR/Payroll System? Once you join, you will get access to myHR (our employee HR and payroll system where you can look at your payslips and book holidays). Employee Self-Service Manager Self-Service Login to myHR Manager Self-Service (MSS) here. Ask HR We have rewarding opportunities at all levels, for the right candidates. Dismiss. Telephone: 01334 464610 Services that matter and that people rely on. SO1, PO1 etc.)? Then take a look at some of our Social Care opportunities and train towards a nationally recognised qualification. They provide help and advice for any employment or employee-related queries, including advice on our employment. With nearly four million domestic and overseas visitors, and almost half a million people calling Edinburgh home, it has never been more important for us as a council to make sure our city is a great place to live, work and enjoy. myHR Welcome to my HR We will be having Scheduled maintenance on April 29, 2023 from 18:00:00 to 23:59:59. Do you have a Systems Team responsible for the HR/Payroll System? Information regarding your HR/Payroll System and Systems Team We will write to you in any event. Our Chief Executive, Andrew Kerr and our Leader of the Council Cammy Day, inviteyou to take part in a Welcome Event webinar where you can find out more about the Council, how it supports local residents, the services it offers to themand to our many visitors. We have vacancies for Business, and Development Managers, Engineers, Electricians, Solicitors, Retail Assistants, Park Rangers, Waste and Recycling Drivers and lots more changing daily. Non-staff and those without access to myHR should contact us using the details below. and a limited company (03277032). myHR colleague portal | Anchor Edinburgh Council Jobs (@edincounciljobs) / Twitter Copyright 2023 Digital Education Team | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. KY16 9DS This addition to Edinburgh Gin's liqueur range is a combination of spring rhubarb, macerated in oriental ginger and lemon. Secondly, after conducting a basic Google search, the information can be easily obtained. Please note that your request must be in a recordable format (email, letter, audio tape etc. Name of the HR/Payroll system that you use (e.g. If yes to question 2, how many employees work within this team? ), and that you have 40 working days upon receipt of this letter to ask for a review. City of Edinburgh - National Wellbeing Hub for those working in Health City of Edinburgh Council Web www.edinburgh.gov.uk/ Information and services for residents, businesses and visitors to Edinburgh. View as HTML. Under the terms of the legislation, a request for information can be refused where one or more exemptions listed in the legislation apply. Youll find out about the future plans for the City of Edinburgh, which are based on feedback received from the people who live, work and visit our beautiful city. The City of Edinburgh Council Candidate Portal. The Orb The City of Edinburgh Councils Intranet site Sally Kerr: Web and New Media Team, Council Web Content Management Project: Begun 2003/4 Hyperwave selected as cms Wordmap provided taxonomy solution Internet site delivered 2006 Intranet site delivered 2008, Main drivers for overall Web Content Management Project: Provide robust platform to become the main communication and business tool for the Council Upgrade technology to meet web requirements Review content structure and content to meet user needs Conform with Government web standards including accessibility, Main objectives for overall Web Content Management Project: Re-design and improve corporate sites Provide consistent design and functionality Establish new publishing and maintenance responsibilities and protocols Provide one content management system - easier to use and avoids duplication of content Put in place new management processes for web in the Council, Delivered with the new Internet site: A new robust platform New content layout (template based) New user and group structure LGCL for site structure, linked to IPSV New editorial structure Aim of AA standard Better content quality and management, Main reasons for the new Intranet site: it was very difficult to find information through the structure or the search the majority of content was out of date there was a great deal of duplication (For example, the site contained fifteen different versions of the flexitime form) the technology behind the old site needed replaced due to its age, What would the new Intranet deliver? Legal FOI, For help with questions related to your appointment, or the documentation we require, contact your recruiting manager in the first instance.

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edinburgh council orb myhr

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