duval county principals

Always striving to help every student meet the expectation of being successful in math and life. The changes. Becoming an Assistant Principal at Westside High School is a very personal accomplishment because it is the community, I raised my family and two of my children are N.B Forrest (Westside) graduates. Top 30% of the state of Florida Algebra 1 teachers in 2017-2018 school year. In. For assistance with WJXTs or WCWJ's FCC public inspection file, call (904) 393-9801. Duval County principal on leave amid investigation into 'racist School Board districts are somewhat analogous to City Council districts in that there are two council districts in each school board district. Notable moves includeAndrea Willis, who was promoted from Assistant Principal atMartin Luther King Elementary to the same school's top position. I want to make it very clear that the termination of this agreement in no way impairs our continued commitment to all students and employees, including those that identify as LGBTQ +. Bayview Elementary Missy Metz It is my privilege to lead this learning community of excellence. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Assistant Principal Ms. Lori Westberry. Principal's Page / Principal's Page - Duval County Public Schools The blogger criticized a now-deleted post that showed images of a novelty adult card game and also featured a photo of adults playing the game on a card table. Early voting, new principals, how many vacancies are at your school? - MSN The list included moving Rashard Willis, the. Stuart, Oceanway Middle:Emily Kristansen, former assistant principal at First Coast High, A. Philip Randolph Academies of Technology: Cathy Barnes, former principal of Frank H. Peterson, Frank. Of the 16 schools changing principals, all but two represent Title I schools, which have high numbers of children from low-income families. School Leadership Initiative - jaxpef.org We've converted that listinto a searchable database,below. Duval County superintendent addresses new school year's unique - WJXT JASMYN is unaware of how the decision was made, only that it seems to be an overreaction to a far right extremist website spreading inflammatory misinformation about our HIV prevention work with young adults. Ruling year info 1988 President Ms. Rachael Tutwiler Fortune Main address 40 East Adams Street Suite 110 Jacksonville, FL 32202 USA Show more contact info Formerly known as 19 new principal changes approved for coming school year Duval County Public Schools 13 years 4 months Assistant Principal Duval County Public Schools Jul 2019- Nov 20223 years 5 months Jacksonville, Florida, United States Evaluating teachers. Charlie Crist signed legislation requiring school districts that still use corporal punishment to review the policy at a School Board meeting every three years. Follow her on Twitteror email her. H. Peterson Academies of Technology:Jessica Parrish, former assistant principal at Peterson, Fletcher High: Dean Ledford, former principal at Mandarin Middle. THer teaching motto was to encourage students daily, expect them to dream big, work hard, and reach for the stars. We showed increases in 7 categories including maintaining over a 95% graduation rate. Daniels Elementary: Lashawn Caldwell, former principal at Susie Tolbert, S.P. His administrative experience includes serving as a K-8 Assistant Principal and Middle School Principal in the Metro Detroit area. Duval County Public Schools Salaries - Florida In the interim, staff from the Office of Equity and Inclusion and Health and Physical Education department will provide an additional layer of support to schools and families as needed. Highlands Middle Kenyanna Wilcox The full message sent by the superintendent can be viewed below. News4JAX on Wednesday obtained a message from DCPS that Superintendent Dr. Diana Greene sent to principals announcing the school districts decision to end its partnership with JASMYN, which provided support and resources for students, staff and the community. Duval County Public Schools is an equal opportunity school district. The school board voted to approve the moves at Monday evening's board meeting in a blanket vote that covers all district employee reassignments. Greene states that the termination of this agreement in no way impairs our continued commitment to all students and employees, including those that identify as LGBTQ + and goes on to write that DCPS is currently evaluating its remaining district partnerships to determine if additional resources are needed. School Principal Contact Information - Duval County Public Schools We've converted that listinto a searchable database,below. We were able to accomplish many of our goals during the 21/22 school year. 1:08 The Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Principal is out, for now, while she receives diversity training. Principal Principal's Page Principal Vice Principal Phone: 904-739-5280 Email: smithh1@duvalschools.org Mrs. Hope Teper It is an honor to be the Principal of Englewood Elementary School. It is inevitable that a district our size will have annual changes.". Jocelyn Mitchell begins her educational journey as a middle school math teacher at JEB Stuart aka Westside Middle School. DCPS has policies and procedures in place to protect its employees, students and anyone associated with the District from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or retaliation. Our Fletcher PTSA is always looking for additional members. Ron DeSantis have encouraged a sense that there's a lot at stake.. It prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, gender, age, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, pregnancy, genetic information and veteran status. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 2018 Principal/Assistant Principal of the Year selected - TeamDuvalNews This year's changes were for a variety of reasons, Vitti said. Brown and R.V. Please go online and register for your parent portal. It prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, gender, age, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, pregnancy, genetic information and veteran status. And now, our Principal of the Year Finalists. He is a frequent contributor to the News4Jax I-team and Trust Index coverage. This group has accomplished a lot - from raising school grades, to improving student behaviors, and to overcoming challenges such as neighborhood crime and devastating fires. DCPS has policies and procedures in place to protect its employees, students and anyone associated with the District from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or retaliation. His favorite motto is, Today is a great day to do something great., Bachelors: Florida A&M University, Elementary Education, Masters: University of Florida, Educational Leadership, Doctorate (in progress): Central Michigan University, Educational Leadership. A recent study by the Jacksonville Public Education Fund revealed that schools that serve low-income students are more likely to experience a principal change. "We have stabilized principal placement," he said. First Coast High School Jason Fluent Byron Morrison is a native of Tampa, FL and has been working in public education since 2012. As your assistant principal, it is my job to be a leader in continuing the mission and vision of our beloved Venetia Elementary. Other moves includeViolet Stovall, outgoing principal of Fort Caroline Elementary andCharlene Smith, outgoing principal ofPickett Elementary, who are swapping schools. Some of the highlights included double digit gains in Math Proficiency, Math Learning Gains, and Bottom Quartile Learning Gains. Meet Our Assistant Principals Mrs. Jocelyn Mitchell Mrs. Jocelyn Mitchell was born and raised in Duval, and a graduate of the historical William M. Raines High School. 20 Duval County principals expected to be reassigned to new schools Watch The Morning Show The News4JAX Morning Show team brings you breaking news from overnight -- local, national and. The Duval County school district told News4JAX that it had 389 classroom teacher vacancies and 64 instructional staff vacancies as of Aug. 1. Duval County Schools maintains B grade from state, sees rise in A, B and C schools, Duval Schools reports over 500 vacancies as Florida faces one of its largest teacher shortages, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. I am committed to ensuring that each student receives the absolute best academic and social support with the hope that they may become a productive and model citizen. At least one principal position remains open, at the Alden Road Exceptional Student Center, which serves students with disabilities. Six schools saw their second principal switch in two years: Gregory Drive, Merrill Road, Oak Hill Academy, S.P. Stuckey began his career at Ed White High School as a science teacher and later asa district science specialist. I truly look forward to the collaborative work that we will be doing this school year. For about five years, Duval's board and superintendents have funded about half of each school's media specialist's salary, leaving it up to principals to use discretionary money for the rest.. There are more than - Jacksonville Public Education Fund | Facebook Once you are a Trojan, you are always a Trojan," the group said. OUR MISSION Leadership Development provides principal and assistant principal training programs to expand the pool of talented, aspiring principals and assistant principals with the right pre-service training and on-the-job support. Employees Number 1 2 3 . Please feel free to contact the school at any time. Many of you are aware of recent media attention surrounding the use of certain games and activities utilized by JASMYN as a part of their program for teens and young adults.
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duval county principals