dheer surname belongs to which caste

[63], Arora-Khatris were centered in Multan and Derajat regions of Punjab and NWFP. Some of the very common Gothrams found in the Kapu community are Janakula, Mahipala, Paidipaala, Raghukula, Kasyapa, Dhanunjaya, Athreya, Achyuta to name a few and there are lots of other Gotrams. [14]. Initial names starting with " N " & respective gotrams =====> 1 Nadella Chandrolla, Desatla, Aruvela, Channamalla 2 Nadendla Velicharla, Marutla, Aruvela, Desatla, Chennamalla, Konikanulla 3 Nadimpalli Konakanchi 4 Nadipelli Chennamalla . They formed the majority of Khatris and were deemed superior. They are spread all over the Punjab. This last name is mostly found in Asia, where 65 percent of Dheer are found; 58 percent are found in South Asia and 56 percent are found in Indo-South Asia. What caste meka surname belongs? - Answers Sastri further adds that "even in present day modern-India, a group of martial caste members called Khati (Khatri) exist in North-India". H.A. Does surname Menda Belongs to schedule caste in vishakhapattanam? Awasthi is a sub-sect of Kanya-kubja brahmins. Similar to Iyer, Iyengar is also a brahmin upper caste community in the state of Tamil Nadu. Some of the Villages in Pakistan are:- Pura Heeran, Heeran in Kasur District, Morrah Heeran etc. [15], Emperor Jahangir in his autobiography Jahangirnama while talking about the castes, he observed "The second highest caste (after Brahmins in the caste system) is the Chhatri which is also known as Khattri. IV Baluchistan Parts I & II", "Census of India, Part 2, Volume XVII, Punjab", "Census of India, 1931, Vol. [152], Harish Damodaran says the rise of Khatri industrialists in post-1947 India was a consequence initially of the cataclysmic Partition, which pushed them in droves towards Delhi and its neighbourhoods. The Hers are considered to be the original Jats. Adhikari is generally officer castes surnames. Laghari is initially a tribe in and around Punjab and Sindh areas, now even in Pakistan. The famous family in the Bollywood film industry includes Sunil Dutt, Nargis Dutt, Sanjay Dutt, etc. Grovers are from Hindu and Sikh communities. As a custom, the Dhirs of Ludhiana feast a woman from the Sidhu clan of Jats on the occasion of a birth of a son.[3]. The literacy rate is appreciably high among them. [30][31] Hindu Afghans and Sikh Afghans are predominantly of Khatri and Arora origin. [196], All the ten Sikh Gurus were from various Khatri clans:[198] The early followers of Guru Nanak were Khatris but later a large number of Jats joined the faith. Dheer (surname) - Wikipedia Anand means happiness or joy. Madhya Pradesh. Rose Vol II/H, Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV, Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India, http://www.news1130.com/news/local/more.jsp?content=20090223_181612_5112, http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/History/Kargil/1069-Kargil-Awards.html, http://www.ipni.org/ipni/authorsearchpage.do, The Challenge of Change: Military Institutions and New Realities, 1918-1941, http://www.bridgend-powcamp.fsnet.co.uk/General%20der%20Panzertruppe%20Traugott%20Herr.htm, Conservatives' Calgary fortress resists change, http://translate.google.co.in/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fde.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FAlfred_Heer, http://www.jatland.com/w/index.php?title=Heer&oldid=340007. [6], The Dheers marry with Puri , Bhandari, Tuli, Khosla and other clans among Bunjahi Khatris. Basu is another popular Surname in Bengal. Poheer (tah.Ludhiana East), Heeran (tah.Ludhiana East) and Heran (tah. Notable individuals of the family include Maharaja Kishen Prasad, GCIE who would serve as Prime Minister of the State twice. For the veterans among your Dheer ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. The prominent population is around Delhi, UP, and Haryana. However, when very low caste sikhs migrated to countries such as the US, Canada and the UK, they thought of it as a chance to start a clean slate where people would not be able to identify their caste. According to Dale, this racist criticism was ironic given Chardin's non-English background but adds that it was Chardin's way of giving an "ethnic explanation" to the economic disparity between Iran and India at that time. Historically, palm wine or toddy is their caste occupation. This growth of 106% largely resulted from the influx of Partition migrants among other reasons. The History and distribution of Heer Gotra was provided by Gurpreet Singh Heer via email. Moreover Bhangoos (Bhangu) are considered to be the descendant of Heers. Jats of the Bhangu gotra are descendants of the Heir. Bakshi: The surname Bakshi historically is communities that are wage distributors in armies. It is not a caste in itself. The Khan family, as everyone can guess, is a Muslim surname. Vaddera - Wikipedia See More: American Family Names and Surnames. [138][29][pageneeded][139], In Punjab, they were moneylenders, shopkeepers and grain-dealers among other professions. The name belongs to the Kshatriya community. Heer's beauty slays rich Khojas and Khatris in the bazaar, like a murderous Kizilbash trooper riding out of the royal camp armed with a sword, The Arora is a community that Levi describes as a sub-caste of Khatris. [31], During 1947, Punjabis who migrated to Haryana during Partition were mostly Khatris or Aroras. The surname, however, is used by various Khatri community members and belongs to a mercantile class. Most believe that they are descendants of mythological sage Kashyap. He also notes that common mythologies found among Khatris and Lohanas. Jats of Heer Gotra are residing in many Villages of Hoshiarpur, such as:- Purheeran, Dadyal, Moranwali, Singhpur, Haripur, Adampur, Shergarh, Heerapur, Bajwara, Mehatpur, Mahilpur, Halluwal etc. [40], John Stratton Hawley and Mann clarify that although the word "Khatri" derives from the word "Kshatriya", in Punjab's context Khatri refers to a "cluster of merchant castes including Bedis, Bhallas and Sodhis". Krishna is the name directly used by Lord Krishna and is commonly used as the last name for several South Indian names. Indian Surnames and Their Castes. As we keep learning from our childhood, Unity in Diversity. Several castes have the same surname. Chadha is a Punjabi surname again. Dheer Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History - Forebears Ahuja mainly belongs to Punjabis and Sikhs. adelanto police department. [179], In the case of Sikh Khatris, their Kshatriya claim reflects a contradictory attitude towards the traditional Hindu caste system. Before independence they were only regional players and their rise in phenomenal proportions was a post-independence feature. When the first caravan of Muslim weavers arrived in Benaras, the Khatri, who were considered low-caste Hindus at the time, helped them. Kapadia technically means fabric maker. The latter considered themselves superior to the former and they called themselves "Brahmakshatriyas" after arriving in Gujarat. This is because they belong to the dominant caste. Since then, they have produced leading entities in fields of pharmaceuticals, two-wheelers, tractors, paper, tyre-making and hotels with the groups of Ranbaxy, Hero, Mahindra, Ballarpur Industries, Apollo Tyres and Oberoi respectively. Gulzar is a Sikh family surname. Outside Kashmir, it is used by members of the Kashmiri diaspora, in places like Punjab, Bengal, Gujarat, and Maharashtra, and more commonly in . Category:Social groups of Gujarat - Wikipedia But there is very rare information available regarding Heers and Bhullars. In Punjab, the Kshatriya castes who were ritually higher than the Aroras and Khatris had been disempowered and thus the Brahmins who had lost their patrons had to turn to these non-Kshatriya castes. In addition, another community - the Gujarati Telis, considered an Other Backward Class (OBC) in India began to call themselves Khatris. [192], The vast majority of Khatris are Hindu. Kamma caste people's surnames & gotrams - Facebook Their home appears to lie north of the Sutlej and they are found in considerable numbers under the hills from Ambala in the east to Gujrat in the west, and throughout the whole upper valley of that river. [12][13][14] They were the dominant commercial and financial administration class of Late-Medieval India,[14] some in Punjab often belonged to hereditary agriculturalist land-holding lineages,[15][16] while others were engaged in artisanal occupations such as silk production and weaving[17][18][19][20] and some were scribes learned in Persian. In ancient times Heir gotra and Ahr clam was settled in Iran and Turkistan. Many moved to the city for better economic opportunities. [13], A Peshkari Khatri family in Hyderabad State would become part of the Hyderabadi nobility and occupy the post of Prime Minister of Hyderabad. Meher Caste Definition - Desi Times - DesiGoogly Thousands of years before Christ Her,Dahiya,Bhular and Sihag lived in Iran and Turkistan. The author does not guarantee or promise any accuracy of the facts provided in this article. Heerpur, Tehsil Anandpur Sahib, Distt Rupnagar). Her means Lord or Master in 'Gothic'. [143], In Gujarat, during the colonial rule, Khatris contributed greatly to the weaving industry there. There are 1,000 military records available for the last name Dheer. Now a days most of the 'Heer-Bhangus' do not use their complete surmane as 'Heer-Bhangu'. [49], The Khatris played an important role in India's trans-regional trade during the period,[50] being described by Levi as among the "most important merchant communities of early modern India. These products were often exported to east Africa. Even a well known Sanskrit scholar too. Katta sur name belongs to Kapu caste (Balija Naidu/Telaga/Ontari) and Godavari districts'Setti Balija caste of Andhra pradesh . Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. [52] According to Kiran Datar, they often married Tatar local women in Astrakhan and the children from these marriages were known as Agrijan. [46] Ptolemy writing in the 2nd century AD refers again to another tribe called the Khatriaoi to whom belong cities lying east & west of the Indus. [128][129], According to historians Roger Ballard and Harjot Oberoi, Afghan Hindus and Sikhs descend from the members of the country's indigenous Khatri population who resisted the conversion from Buddhism to Islam between 9th and 13th centuries. The famous Chopra in Bollywood includes the late Yash Chopra, Aditya Chopra, and Uday Chopra. Let us know your thoughts! The name is derived from their native place Aror and the community comprises both Hindus and Sikhs. manda belongs to scheduled caste. [195][196] They are both vegetarian and non-vegetarian depending on their affiliations with the sects of Vaishnavism and Shaktism respectively. The Bhatt family (from Mahesh Bhatt, Alia Bhatt) is among other popular Bollywood surnames. So, they, too, belong to a similar society. Census records can tell you a lot of little known facts about your Dheer ancestors, such as occupation. See answer (1) Copy. 4. This exodus opened new opportunities for them. Dhar (surname) - Wikipedia [57][bettersourceneeded], In Guru Granth Sahib, the primary scripture of Sikhism, Khatri is mentioned as one among the four varnas. See answer (1) Best Answer. We all have heard the surname Gandhi. "Inducted into hall of fame," National Post, January 6, 2001, pg. So because of western pronunciation, new generation of 'Heers' start using it as 'Her'. [53] As per Stephen Dale, the children born out of Indo-Turkic alliance was sufficient to form an Agrizhan suburb in the city. Chabra is both a Hindu and Sikh surname and belongs to the Aroras too. This is mentioned in Wikipedia under the article named as Heer (Clan). The Vaddera have traditionally been stone cutters but many have had to change to agricultural labouring. Nambudiri or Namboothiri is a dominant surname in the State of Kerala, belonging to Brahmin and higher caste profile. They are related to Heers. I see many surnames like my (maternal surname) Dalvi, Sule, Lade, Kelkar, Gore , Patkar, Vaze also found in CKP and Bramhins. After Timur attacked the city, people fled to Gujarat and it became independent. She states that their traditional professions were silk weaving and working as merchants although they had entered other professions later. [24] During the Sikh Empire, many Khatris formed the military vanguard of the Khalsa Army and its administrative class as Dewans of all the provinces. The community has a high literacy rate and are not dependent on money-lending and shopkeeping. The content in this article is provided from research through various sources across the web. Lois K. Herr (D)". The famous Khan family in Bollywood include Salim Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Salman Khan, etc. Although in the nearby district such as Jalandhar etc. some of the 'Heers' using it as 'Her' and spell it as 'Hayer'. This includes urhai/dhai ghar, char ghar, barah ghar/bahri and bunjayee or bavanjah ghar which translated to House of 2.5, 4, 12 and 52 respectively. There are 3,000 census records available for the last name Dheer. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. Ancient Greek accounts from historians[43][44][45] that accompanied Alexander the Great to Punjab mention a tribe called the Kathaioi whose territory lay from east of the Hydraotes (Ravi) but between the Hydarpes (Jhelum) & Akesines (Chenab) and whose capital was Sagala (Sialkot). Dhruv Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History This is a common surname in all south Indian states. [162] There is a popular saying among them "Ujreya Lahore te baseya Bharmaur" meaning that when Lahore was deserted (possibly by the Muslim invasion), Bharmour was inhabited. "[64], The Khatris took on a prominent role in the emerging Sikh milieu of post-Mughal Punjab. [165], Khatris claim that they are Kshatriyas. Gupta means protector of Governor. [58], (SGGS, ang 747), Khatri brahman sud vais updesu cahu varna ku sanjha, Kshatriyas, Brahmins, Shudras and Vaishyas all have the same mandate. For example Aulakh is used as Olak or Olakh, Bains is used as Vains or Vais, Virk is used as Birk or Birka, Takhar is used as Tukhrak etc. He cites N. G. Barrier to show that the philosophy of the Arya Samaj founder, Dayananda Saraswati, was responsible for the aspirations of these Vaishya castes from Punjab to higher status:[188], Dayananda's claim that caste should be determined primarily by merit not birth, opened new paths of social mobility to educated Vaishyas who were trying to achieve social status commensurate with their improving economic status[188], Dasharatha Sharma described Khatris of Rajasthan as a mixed pratiloma caste of low ritual status but they could be a mixed caste born of Kshatriya fathers and Brahmin mothers. The family surname is from the Hindu religion. [184]The Saraswat Brahmins are the purohits of Khatris and accept gifts only from them. They belong to the Brahmin caste and the Pancha Gauda classification of Brahmins. Aggarwal or Aggarwel or Agarwal is a popular North Indian surname. But when it comes to Heer, it is not so easy to identify it as a Gotra when used as Heer, Hari or Har.
dheer surname belongs to which caste