descendants fanfiction jay scars

Lovebirds (Jane x Carlos) It is from this that Mal learns a dark secret about Jay's relationship with his father and the lengths she is willing to go to in order to save him. During the walk, the lights repeated their flashes above the building twice and then abruptly stopped after the third complete rotation. 78. Youve shown how much you love your friends with the way that you protect them without hesitation. Mal is left to pick up the pieces of her sister after Doug does something absolutely terrible. Elope (Ben x Mal and the rest of the Core Four) He heard his step mother (sort of) whine and bitch like always. Audrey is a princess, way above a VK that is obsessed with thievery. "Thanks, E." Mal said. By the time the bell rang for first period, Lonnie was sat in her seat, already taking down notes from the board. Pregnant (Ben x Mal) Lonnie rolled her eyes before quickly pecking him on the lips. Maleficent's Return "What? 51. It was Saturday, and Jay was supposed to be working out with Lonnie in the gym. The One They'll Never Forget (Ben x Mal) She sits next to Carlos while Mal stays on her throne and Jay next to her, Evie sits with Carlos. The Misfit of Demon King Academy Series x Anos Twin Sister! But the isle has changed with Uma their arch en. Jay asked. Scarlette is the daughter of Scar. Her room-mate, Olivia, had just finished getting ready for the day and was sat at her desk with some last minute studying laid out in front of her. When she sat down, she noticed that he had headphones in his ears again, seemingly concentrating on what was coming out of them, as he slowly nodded along to it. Summary: Reader loses track of time while watching over sick!Harry. Growing close with Carlos first then forced allies with Jay and Mal after they're sent to find something Mal's mother has sent her for, after that she's there. Fury hit Mal in the chest as she thought about Mother Gothel, who taught at their school on the Isle. the scars are proment but the trama is hidden buryed under the anger and agresshion. After Olivia had put her studying away, they two of them chatted until it was time to head to class. Injury (Jay x Lonnie) Will she figure out how to drive? I walk through the empty bakery and slide behind the counter continuing into the kitchen. I remember someone saying how strange it was that she never grew bitter because of it, unlike many of the unfortunate who had merely stolen something in order to survive. I think he beat him too. "Yeah, sure it was," Lonnie replied, sarcastically. Introduction I think he saw her as an opportunity. Everything Besides The New Faces You'll See Belong To Disney And All Who W A Disney Descendants Story Letters from Anthony Tremaine to his step-aunt Cinderella and his cousin Dizzy. Carlos didn't answer. Late (Ben x Mal) She sat up, ripped back the covers and swung her legs out of bed. "Hey, check it out. Confrontation (Harry & Evie) Make-Up (Doug x Evie) 43 guests Carlos flinches any time someone is angry if they start to yell he covers his head and curls up, Mal doesnt make eye contact she always looks just behind you, Jay cant stop him self from stealing, Evie has never said a good think about her self she belives she is ugly and useless. Still running on the spot . Just not quite in the way that everyone expected. a de vil may cry ch 1 the arrival. 35. Mates (Carlos & Lonnie) Headcanon List #5. 22. With Mal as a flighty Queen to be, Ben searches for avenues undiscovered to get answers. ", "Jafar and Mother Gothel have that on-mostly-off-again relationship, remember?" Carlos de Vil-centric. Lonnie smiled and got up, following Jay back to the castle. Evie misinterprets a conversation between Audrey and Mal and believes that her best friend in the entire world has turned her back on her, leaving Mal completely confused. 79. Chapter 6 Jay just shrugged before chuckling and shaking his head. Bonding (Mal & Belle) After about half an hour, she jogged back up to the school building and headed into the gym, where her partner, both work-out and romantic, was on the treadmill, jogging lightly as he waited for her. Rules about our girls (Carlos, Jay, Mal, Evie, ", Lonnie smiled, "I used to wrestle with my brother. She frowned and stood, walking over to the window. "Yeah. Relieved, Mal stood up and pulled one of the moth-eaten blankets from her bed. She was lucky her dad sat her down and explained thoroughly what she might be able to do one day. Lonnie seemed to get the idea and suddenly she swiped her hands in the water, flicking enough water to get Ben wet as well. Jay gave her a look, "I'm barely bigger than you. Rated T because of some blood and a comparitively minor description of an injury. 92. "That's all you're getting out of me," he replied. Jay couldn't help but grin as he led her through the forest. then they see the more hidden ones, if you look in the right light Carlos has fingermarks on his neck, he says it from being strangled if you see evie without any makeup she has stitches marks on her forehead. A hand reached out and pulled her inside. She was one to talk about raising kids right. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Studying Abroad (Ben x Mal and Doug x Evie) She just doctors him up afterwards.". Harry Hook, the infamous son of Captain Hook. It turns out though, that Auradon is not as safe as she thought it was. 17. Figured it was time we went on an actual date since the last time we went on an actual date was when I took you to the movies. Headcanon List #6. as well as (Jay, Lonnie and their daughter) I was happy up until yesterday because I was able to eat with Ganael, Benjamin, and Demy, but this morning, I voluntarily came downstairs for breakfast. Carlos shook his head. He couldn't see. My boyfriend sometimes has pretty decent style. Beast himself had ordered the removal of Maleficent and the four friends back to the Isle. Mal was obviously explaining something, by the looks of her hand movement, and Ben seemed completely enraptured by what she was saying (or possibly just by her. Caretaker: Uma. Mal/Jay. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. A moment later, she was hovering over your face again, her pants and panties down. "My mom's just been yelling and making a lot of noise, complaining about how I embarrassed her. - Anonymous - Feb-25-2011 This is the best Uber trilogy that I've ever read! Just as the sun rose over the city of Auradon, the city began to slowly wake up. Two raised scars ran down her back on either side of her spine, disappearing below the back of her dress. I sit at the roof of Heldas house. Chapter 5 Please consider turning it on! Chased by paparazzi and hounded by reporters, this unlikely crew takes off on a journey of a . Suddenly Jay felt himself being splashed from behind and turned around to see Lonnie behind him, laughing like a maniac. Descendants 4: A Twist In Time by . Please consider turning it on! Lonnie followed happily, only just behind him so that he could still lead her. Promises of Forver (Ben x Mal) Lonnie laughed and got into the car, smiling at Jay as he closed her door and went in on the other side. "I, uh, I've had a lot of time on my hands, as you can imagine. 10. She then slowly pulled out his arms, hand trailing from his shoulder to his wrist and grabbing his hand once she reached it. Okay. She waved to a few other early birds, fellow runners as well as others who liked to start the day as soon as possible. 10. After doing her stretches, Lonnie set off on her jog, feet lightly pounding the ground as she went. "So, a real date, huh?" Proposal (Jay x Lonnie) While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Hey, Lon," Jay replied with a smile, "You doing anything today? Thanks, babe," Lonnie deadpanned. descendants. And my entire life, Ive done the same, trying to make my dad proud of me and hoping that my mum, wherever she was, was proud of me too. Lonnie suddenly fell very still aside from a slight tilt of her head to prompt him to go on. It was a beautiful morning, with only a cloud or two in sight as the sky faded from black to blue. Spontaneity (Jane x Carlos) It was just the end of the work day and people slowly started trickling home. Give this a fave, follow, and review if you liked it. Descendants Oneshots SparkyGurl227. Pen-Pals (Ben x Mal - Alternate Universe) Jay held out a hand to Lonnie. Meet Hayden, the son of Maleficent and younger twin brother of M Mal has something secret. Lonnie smiled down at the charm bracelet in her hand before kissing Jay hard. She mouthed a sorry before digging into her breakfast, not wanting to disturb Jay on whatever he was concentrating on. It had to be midnight at least. 97. (Y/n), daughter of Sultan Aladdin and Su. 53. Part of the series including "His Captain," "Keep Your Enemies Closer," and "Actions Speak Louder Than Words." The image was burned into Mal's mind. 70. But after Descendants 2 saw Dove Cameron working with her cute co-star turned IRL boyfriend Thomas Doherty, the shipping . Harry Uma Gil Descendants Descendants 2 Sick Cough Isle Of The Lost Thomas Doherty. Its not exactly something I advertise., Where did you learn? she asked, walking over to him and sitting down on the bench next to him. Scars (Jay x Lonnie) 99. ", Lonnie thought about it for a second before shaking her head slowly, "No, not really. Today, when he arrived at her room, he was met with a sneeze goddess instead. (back to the future DUDUDAAAA okay ill stop)REPRISE 2.0/Revise! In Nightmares and Reality (Maesi) Spontaneity (Jane x Carlos) I'm like an inch taller than you," he replied. Chapter 3 Hanging Out (Jane & Jay) Jay smiled at her briefly again before once again concentrating on whatever was coming out of his earphones. 34. Jaudrey or Jay x Audrey, and Core Four family feels. If he ever got off the Isle, maybe he could use her to go back to the Cave of Wonders and try again. Lonnie lifted the book she was reading the previous night and saw her homework there. Lonnie looked at Jay curiously. 55. "What?" Agrabah (Jay x Lonnie) 26. 67. He took her hand and led her down a path, which did require stepping down some small ledges and trying not to trip over roots. Pulling it around her shoulders, she moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Guardado rpido . "You weren't surprised. They passed by libraries, supermarkets, parks and homes, with people coming in and out of them and walking by them. She is taken care by the beauty and the beast due to her parents being extremely busy and far away from Auradon Prep. 94. My sincere apologies for the pun in the summary - they are the most difficult part of this to write. Scars Foarrin Summary: Mal chose to give her mother the wand at the coronation. Boyfriend?! I may not be able to immediately address your suggestions/corrections, but all will be read. You drive, I'll deal with the music.". Lonnie shrugged and laughed, causing Jay to shake his head and laugh as well. But then the door opened without her knocking or anything. "Oh, that's it!" His head came up and he heard a brief laugh before it was followed by a gasp of horror. Then I came back here and after I chose good my head seemed to switch from trying to make Dad proud to trying to make mum proud. He stopped and looked down at his hands. She was gone by the time I was about two, so I dont really remember her. Chapter 1 The rest of that afternoon was filled with shouts of laughter and splashes . It was an afternoon of laughter and it was a time they both wished could last forever, Come talk to me on Tumblr: @sparkygurly227 (My blog for my fics and random writing rambles) or @jessie-sparky (my multifandom reblog blog). 52. left kudos on this work. 7. The black jacket shimmered in the sunlight, almost shining as bright as Lonnie's smile, which she threw over her shoulder at him. Boyfriend?! He went under again and the water rushed around him. And I thought you had practice?, Jay budged up a bit to give her more room before speaking, Coach cancelled, he explained quickly, And I kinda taught myself. That is, until Prince Ben decided that their children should have a chance. He then forcefully pushes me onto the bed, with my arse high in the air. Wattpad scheduled for offline maintenance. Jafar probably gave him a pretty hard time upon our failure. Pranks (Jay x Lonnie & Jane x Carlos) The sort of stuff that I fancy reading myself, Please give me more suggestions of stuff that you want. A group of kids born with the powers or abilities of the good and the bad. 67. Perfect Gift (Carlos & Lonnie) My smile fades my father loves me but he didnt prepare me for what I was capable of. 80. Blue, white. A little while later, they drove on a forest road, slowly heading towards a clearing that was clearly used to park a few cars, three at most, as well as other vehicles. ", Jay nodded so Lonnie plugged her phone in and selected some music that both of them loved and enjoyed. 5. Jay x Audrey or Jaudrey AU with mentioned Bal and Ben x Audrey or Baudrey. Studying Abroad (Ben x Mal and Doug x Evie) Rules about our girls (Carlos, Jay, Mal, Evie, . ", Lonnie snorted before playing along, "Oh no, what have I got to do to get the invitation to this oh-so-intriguing surprise date back?". I Love You (Jay x Lonnie) 29. I do not want to be turning up somewhere under or overdressed. First Dates (Gil x Freddie) I made this book to get my sister interested in reading and I know that she's always wanting to read my stuff, so I fin What would happen if Mal had a little sister that hated her? Her boyfriend that she had been with for a year broke up with her over the phone and is now with some other girl within only a few days. 52. Jay pretended to look offended, inching forward towards her. Lonnie pulled her dance bag onto her shoulder and braided her wet hair as she walked by the music rooms, humming quietly to herself. Chapter 93: Of Lakes and Laughter (Jay x Lonnie) . The rest of that afternoon was filled with shouts of laughter and splashes of water, all four teenagers being so soaked by the end of it that it was impossible to get any wetter. Moored to one of the rocks was a little, pearly-white row-boat, with two oars either side of it. Leather Jacket (Jay x Lonnie) To Tell You The Truth (Maesi (Bal child) x Dyla Thank you! I just enjoy spending time with you. Carlos prompted her. 98. as well as Mal/Jay. 74. She then began to slowly lead him down the bridge. 39. Jealous (4-in-1 - Bal, Devie, Janelos and Jonni She's justscary when she gets like that. 71. I'm more scared of everyone else. 77. Romeo and Juliet (Doug x Evie) 28. Mal hadn't been able to move. 82. The day has finally arrived! Bullied (Mal) Loyalty (The Sea Three) Follow. Wha. Then they had watched Maleficent be humiliated. 14. 11. Youve turned yourself around, become good, beat everyone in tourney and R.O.A.R except for me, obviously. Jay chuckled at this, And youve proved that youre capable of loving people, despite the fact that love has always been something you were taught was weakness. Mal hadn't seen Evie, Jay, or Carlos in the week that they had been home. Chillin' Like Villains (Carlos & Mal) Hey, she greeted, as she pulled out her headphones. It wasn't like Maleficent was keeping food from her, but Mal avoided the kitchen so as not to get yelled at for foiling Maleficent's 'perfect plan' again. Duchess Talks (Jane x Carlos and their dogs) Along the way, many characters (both good and evil) will become attracted to Kaida and they wi A/N: This, for once, is not a marvel, DC or whatever fandom im apart of nowadays fic, or a MD fic. Mom and I have been sewing together. Jay stood, unzipping his vest and tossing it onto the bed. ", "It was my failure, not any of yours," Mal corrected him sharply, anger rising in her veins. GeGe - Big Brother (Li'l Shang & Jay x Lonn Descendants. The forest was beautiful. Expecting Something New (Jay x Lonnie) 21. "Hold on, Lon." "My mom hasn't been so bad. She locked me in her closet the moment we got home. Harassment (Lonnie) It has been three days since Audrey was kidnapped, and since that handsome thief had released her. 62. Jay and Carlos backed up against the door waiting for the dogs to sink their teeth in. Those Three Little Words (Ben x Mal). Chillin' Like Villains (Carlos & Mal) 4. Come talk to me on Tumblr: @sparkygurly227 (My blog for my fics and random writing rambles) or @jessie-sparky (my multifandom reblog blog). ("Disney Descendants" Chad Charming love story) Carly and her twin brother Carlos, the son and daughter of Cruella De Vil, are selected to leave their isolated home, the Isle of the Lost, and attend Auradon Prep along with three other friends. The thing that made Jay smile the most about her outfit was the waist-length, simple black leather jacket that fit her form really well. Jay's sly smile slowly slipped onto his face again, as he shook his head. A retelling of the Descendants film series where Evie is tasked to become Ben's girlfriend before coronation instead of Mal, Carlos and Jay are leading characters like in the books, Audrey and Chad are fully developed characters and help Ben unvover Auradon's secrets. She clenched her hands into fists. 36. Explain," Mal demanded. Dropping the blanket from her shoulders, Mal climbed out the window. Family and friendship feels among the Core Four and just the barest hints of Bal. Jay chuckled as Lonnie subtly rolled her eyes. 35. But that was when I didnt have the Black Dragon.. Jays been receiving congratulations all day, and doesnt know why. When she finally reached Hell Hall, she paused at the front door, thinking it might be safest to go to the back. 98. The wind gently whispered through the trees making the leaves perform a little dance. 80. Not a single one. Lovable Idiots (Jay x Lonnie, Carlos x Jane, Ja 3. Days ago, Ben was crowned king of Auradon, and that same day, the Descendants, including Lily, the daughter of Loki, decided they didn't want to be evil. In the darkness of the entrance hall, Mal could just make out Carlos's impish face. 2. She then sat down next to her and looked over at her notes. However, she finds a friend in Mal when she least expects it, and Mal finds her a few more friends. Christmas Special 34. New Life (The Sea Three) 49. "Well, I guess my availability depends on where you're taking me. The Egg (Ben x Mal) 69. It's sort of a sequel to my other story "Healing," but it's more of a flip-side to it than a sequel. "Don't say anything more, please, Mal. ", Jay laughed, "He's two years older than you and has always been bigger than you. I've got you. He was then gone so fast that Lonnie barely had time to blink. Your eyes went wide as you realised what she intended to do. A BenxHarry story For 20 years, the bad guys and their children have been locked up on an island condemned to be forgotten gradually sinking into madness Was it a good choice to convict the children for the crimes of their parents? Mal glanced at Evie and Carlos. She was afraid to light the lamp on her beside table, scared the action would somehow alert her mother to her still being awake. Descendants of Evil by SunnyDay365. "Nope. "Ben and Mal, obviously," Lonnie replied. ", Evie took her bag off her shoulder and set it on the floor. As a result, adherents Published: Fri 12 Nov 2021 01:01PM EST Comments: 119. I think I'll just retract my invitation and go by myself. "Oh thank goodness you're alright, Mal," Evie said, hugging her tightly the instant she was over the threshold. The day was just like any other day in Auradon.
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descendants fanfiction jay scars