community care licensing riverside

You can also go to the Community Care Licensing website at Statewide Children's Residential Program Office Is this your business? H|AO0R98N(B]i=)A9P=')=D|c;N=lLg% - Sacramento County, CCLD - Child Care Program - Alameda County, Information Technology Specialist 1 (Incident Response Specialist), Community Care Licensing Division - Sacramento County, Staff Services Analyst/Associate Personnel Analyst, Community Care Licensing Division Statewide, Adult and Senior Care Program/Program Office - Sacramento County, Community Care Licensing Division - Los Angeles County, Office of Equity Division /Immigrant Integration Branch Statewide, Associate Government Program Analyst/Staff Services Analyst, Office of Equity/Immigrant Integration Branch/Sac Sacramento County, Enterprise Data Management Branch Executive Secretary I, Community Care Licensing Division - San Diego County, Information Services Division Sacramento, Community Care Licensing Division - Riverside County, CCLD / Central Operations Branch - Statewide, Research, Automation & Data/Research & Data Insights - Sacramento County, Legal Division/Enforcement Branch - Sacramento County, FFD: Until Filled apps will be checked every 1st and 15th of the month, Community Care Licensing Division/Adult & Senior Care Prog - San Diego, Child Care and Development Division Sacramento, CCLD/Child Care Program - Los Angeles County, Legal Division/Administrative Legal Services Branch - Los Angeles County, RADD/Enterprise Data Management - Sacramento County, Children and Family Services Division Sacramento, Community Care Licensing Division - Santa Rosa, Community Care Licensing Division/Adult & Senior Care Program - Sacramento County, Community Care Licensing Division/Adult & Senior Care Progr - Fresno County, CCLD / Child Care Program Sonoma County, Community Care Licensing Division/Adult & Senior Sacramento County, Executive/Disaster Services Branch Riverside, Research, Automation & Data/Enterprise Data Mgmt. Your name will remain anonymous unless you give us permission to use it, Children's Residential Facilities (Group Homes and Family Homes)--contact the Children's Residential Regional Office where the facility is located. Community Care Licensing Administrator Certification Program Adult Care Licensing Care Provider Management Bureau Child Care Licensing Children's Residential Licensing Continuing Care Retirement Communities Home Care Services Senior Care Licensing Child Welfare Programs Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Hotline Social Worker Empowerment Hotline Repost, Office Technician (typing) !A.Rh+(TAAb$#px2H Very Professional and Courteous. CCLD - Child Care Program - Fresno County FFD: 5/8/2023 County Expense Claim Reporting Information System (CECRIS) JC-360526 33 0 obj Community Care Licensing: Licensing and Certification-Adult and Senior Facilities,, Add This Service Directory to Your Website. endstream endobj 1353 0 obj <>stream Ekh77N!/8McBS/DJA)Z;0>Ix If you selected "Email" or "Text message" above, you also consent to receive messages from this platform with info about this program. On-line Licensing forms & regulations for a Child Care Center can be obtained on the Departments website: Mandarin: 12?/6(. Family Engagement and Empowerment Division To improve your search results use quotation marks when searching for a specific phrase. Copyright 2023 Trilogy Integrated Resources, All Rights Reserved. JC-369067 Install a QR code reading app on your smartphone to scan and convert it to the company contact information. Child Welfare Program Improvement To file a complaint regarding a state licensed community care facility or child care facility, call or contact us using the options below: You can also email us at or use our online complaint webpage. JC-369029 endstream endobj 1346 0 obj <>/Metadata 103 0 R/Outlines 152 0 R/Pages 1343 0 R/StructTreeRoot 243 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 1347 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 1343 0 R/Resources 1378 0 R/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 1348 0 obj <>stream A Riverside Community Care Licensing is located at 3737 Main St STE 700, Riverside, CA 92501. Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), CFSD Letters and Notices The survey of need for ARFs was disseminated to the counties between September and November 2016. In some circumstances, the exact first license date may not be available. Had I not walked in and asked questions, it would have added a tremendous amount of time to the Licensing Process. Repost, Accounting Administrator II There are no reviews on Community Care Licensing yet. 2020 Income Tax Return Filing- Information and Resources, Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Family Engagement and Empowerment Division, Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS), Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance Program (TCVAP), Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Child Welfare Services Case Management System, Lifting Children and Families Out of Poverty Task Force, Center for Excellence in Family Finding, Engagement, and Support, County Expense Claim Reporting Information System (CECRIS). The Vendorization process allows IRC to select Service Providers that comply with all licensing and Title 17 regulations, as well as meeting IRC standards and requirements. stream For more information and resources please select the program information you are seeking from the list below. The Program consists of one Program Office at headquarters in Sacramento, and five regional offices with seven local units throughout California. This report must be made available to the public upon request for three years. NEW! To file a complaint regarding a state licensed community care facility or child care facility, call or contact us using the options below: Phone: 844-LET US NO (844-538-8766) You can also email us at or use our online complaint webpage. Early Childhood Fiscal and Financial Information endstream endobj 1350 0 obj <>stream FFD: 5/8/2023 Child Fatality and Near Fatality Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) 4.0. on July 29, 2019. FFD: 5/9/2023 CWS Disaster Response Less than 24-hour nonmedical care and supervision: (Licensed by the California Department of Public Health), For complaints against Health Care Facilities, please contact the California Department of Public Health, Licensing and Certification Division. z*b Indian Health Clinic (IHC) Community Care Licensing - Sacramento JC-351571 FFD: 4/28/2023 Repost Associate Governmental Program Analyst/Staff Services Analyst Office of Equity/Immigrant Integration Branch - San Diego Job Control: 367539 FFD: 4/30/2023 Associate Governmental Program Analyst/Staff Services Analyst Office of Equity/Immigrant Integration Branch - Imperial After receiving data from Community Care Licensing (CCL) at the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), the committee developed a brief survey to be completed by all 58 county Departments of Behavioral Health. Child Care and Development Social Services - Community Care Facility search Announcements New: The Care Provider Management Bureau (CPMB) is working on the development and implementation of a new background check data system. Repost, Office Technician (Typing) 8vo*KwsCbT=:xu134F~j:S8T"8&zHV),>cL~v}~%~9wqfpyQK&-B7?W>~.kE*k15Qc5N5Rk)[Chy^J;LMb?+yY; &S0U3V q0qyl:jw;j. Pg)kxU&'N|BlZKX3*:x`$tf. HMK#ACOUuW@LF{&A^LAusngG!C*ws{co:-]p3wi{[7e6D Child Welfare Services Case Management System FFD: 5/6/2023 Legal Division/Administrative Legal Services Branch Sacramento uFTZ#tzX=weptnC,LU}+*l1~'vE[:iHQT& 2/=e%T!QAVngB~7-V+Hz)/X=z]]9*BO7kNQB-c,].~M}.lU&MPTNjTzI59+RYP3T>r|a)YFUNT$'X99(a2xF93$dr|JP|hKt ^O 4r FFD: 5/4/2023 Foster Care Associate Governmental Program Analyst/Staff Services Analyst, Information Technology Specialist II - Business Improvement Lead, Information Systems Division Sacramento, Legal Division/Enforcement Branch - Los Angeles, Associate Government Program Analyst (AGPA)/Staff Services Analyst (SSA), Office of Equity/Immigrant Integration Branch - Sacramento County, CCLD/Central Operations Branch Statewide, CCLD / Child Care Program - Fresno County, Community Care Licensing Division /Adult and Sr. Care Program - Sacramento County, Information Technology Specialist - Incident Response Specialist, Family Engagement & Empowerment Division - Sacramento, Los Angeles and Fresno, Executive / Disaster Services Branch Sacramento, Office Technician (Typing) In the interim, should you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the local licensing office. Current job vacancies at the California Department of Social Services are listed below. CalFresh Finance and Accounting Sacramento The Child Care Licensing Program licenses and monitors Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers in an effort to ensure that they provide a safe and healthy environment for children who are in day care. Continuum of Care Reform {Rhz(c? Repost, Office Technician (Typing) Child Care Licensing The LPA may reach a finding of Unfounded if the evidence shows an allegation could not have happened, is false, and/or is without a reasonable basis. hb```"&V cc`a` G)pj>|!m`):gp+1.^_R`Q{t'&a@]]]/^pra04X pPJ OS#$t4jLhpd3H"PK/l3Y\Su>(`02u3@3EzCSyz\&qLpx8A1j?8&^`1hr2~H]7*mR)G'(| 3 HLpQt3Kl[80` bf!$h`rq+l` `}b)0GP jfccKYT"Q)Fv?2",)K@>>bUH0 ~xc73.c) FFD: 5/9/2023 Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services, Assembly Bill 388 Report of Law Enforcement Contacts with Childrens Facilities, Centralized Complaint and Information Bureau, Children's Residential Transparency Website, County FFH Licensing/RFA Programs' Assigned Liaisons, CA County Foster Family Home Licensing Directory, Resource Family Approval LIS/LAARS Check Unit, Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP). endstream endobj 1351 0 obj <>stream Office of Equity Sonoma, Mendocino, Shasta, Humboldt and Sacramento FFD: 5/8/2023 Once the investigation is completed, the Department will notify you in writing of the findings if you have provided your contact information. Please contact facility for accessibility information. ), First, try to resolve minor concerns or differences with the provider. "substance" OR use. A search WITH quotation marks ("substance use") would find listings only with the whole phrase "substance use.". Repost, Staff Services Analyst/Associate Governmental Programs Analyst, Finance and Accounting Division Sacramento, Administration/Human Resource Services Branch - Sacramento County, Associate Personnel Analyst/Staff Services Analyst, Administration / Human Resources Services Branch - Sacramento County, Family Engagement & Empowerment Division Sacramento, Associate Governmental Program Analyst - Registry Research Analyst, Office of Equity/Immigrant Integration Branch - San Diego, Office of Equity/Immigrant Integration Branch Imperial, CCLD / Child Care Program - Alameda County, Office of Equity/Immigration Integration Branch - Los Angeles, Office of Equity/Immigration Integration Branch - San Diego, Civil Rights, Accessibility, & Racial Equity. Directions Access to the online orientation is for 30 days from the time you registered. JC-351459 Foster Family Homes located in: Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Colusa, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Los Angeles, Madera, Mendocino, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Plumas, Riverside, Sierra, Solano, Trinity, and Yolo Counties--contact the Children's Residential Regional Office designated for that county. Child and Family Services Riverside's Child and Family Services are dedicated to helping families succeed. The name of the system is Guardian and is expected to go live Fall 2020. JC-351977 Research and Data, Administrator Certification Program Automated Assistance Claims Riverside Community Care Licensing is located at 3737 Main St STE 700 in Riverside, California 92501. Claim this profile to get thousands of free views! Forms and BrochuresMajor Initiative Timelines Microsoft Edge. In some circumstances, the exact first license date may not be available. <> %%+ -dAutoFilterGrayImages=true -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dCompressFonts=true -dColorImageResolution=100 -dGrayImageResolution=100 -dMonoImageResolution=100 -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH ? The phone number is 1-844-538-8766. To see a listing of all vacancies with California Department of Social Services provided by the California Department of Human Resources, please visit CalCareers. Continuing Care Retirement Community Community Care Licensing Job Control: 368956 A Riverside Community Care Licensing is open:Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM Thursday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed. Child Care and Development IRC can only vendor Service Providers within IRC's catchment area. OOE - Sacramento County, Office of Equity/Immigrant Service Branch - Sacramento County, Associate Governmental Program Analyst (AGPA)/Staff Services Analyst (SSA), Office of Equity/Immigrant Integration Branch/Sacramento Statewide, Family Engagement & Empowerment - Sacramento, Fresno, Los Angeles, IT Supervisor II - Web Applications Bureau Supervisor (Telework), Associate Governmental Programs Analyst/Staff Services Analyst, Executive/Disaster Services Branch Sacramento, Accountant Trainee/Accounting Officer (Specialist), Child Care & Development Division Sacramento, Health & Human Services Agency Sacramento, CCLD/Child Care Program - Riverside County, CCLD / Child Care Program - San Diego County, CCLD/Child Care program - Los Angeles County, Family Engagement and Empowerment Division Sacramento, Office of Equity (OOE) - Sacramento County, Administration / Human Resource Services Branch - Sacramento County, Accountant Trainee/Accounting Officer, Specialist, Accounting Trainee/Accounting Officer (Specialist), Legal Division/Administrative Legal Services Branch - Sacramento County, Office of Equity/Office of Immigrant Youth/Sac - Sacramento County, Family Empowerment and Engagement Division Sacramento, CCLD / Central Operations Branch Sacramento, CCLD / Central Operations Branch - Los Angeles, Community Care Licensing Division Sacramento, Family Engagement and Empowerment Division Statewide, Family Engagement and Empowerment Division - Sacramento, Fresno, Los Angeles, Healthy and Human Services Agency Sacramento, Health and Human Services Agency Sacramento, Research Data Analyst II/Research Data Analyst I, CCLD/Child Care Program - San Diego County, Associate Governmental Program Analyst (AGPA), Research, Automation & Data/Enterprise Data Mgmt. Child Care and Nutrition Programs (CDE Transition) Office of Equity Sacramento Vietnamese: Address 1650 Spruce Street Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92507 Get Directions Phone (951) 248-2222 (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm) Phone (844) 538-8766 Complaints Phone (951) 248-2222 General Information Phone (951) 320-2020 Spanish Orientation Line Phone (951) 782-6635 Family Child Care Orientation Web 0 CFSD Quarter Policy Guidance Webinars endstream endobj 1349 0 obj <>stream The core mission of the Children's Residential Program is to protect and improve the lives of all youth who reside in a community care facility through the administration of a transparent licensing system that is collaborative, fair, and supportive of families. Repost, Associate Government Program Analyst/Staff Services Analyst Para traducir este sitio web, debe actualizar su navegador a la ltima versin de Microsoft Edge. Administration / Human Resources Services Branch - Sacramento County For example, if you search for substance use, a search WITHOUT quotation marks would find listings that include the words Riverside Community Care - Massachusetts behavioral health care & human services We make a difference through innovative and compassionate behavioral healthcare and human services. Who do I contact for complaints against Community Care Facilities? When the LPA come to my home What is professional ,helpful and very courteous. H2^b"-J(C{s !V"Mn X/u101? ? A civil penalty of $100.00 minimum/day up to $500.00 maximum per day/per person will be assessed if this regulation is violated. Riverside, CA 92501 Telephone: (951) 782-4207; FAX: (951) 782-4967 Counties: Riverside and San Bernardino %%Invocation: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dColorConversionStrategy=/LeaveColorUnchanged -dDownsampleMonoImages=true -dDownsampleGrayImages=true -dDownsampleColorImages=true -dAutoFilterColorImages=true An exit interview was conducted, and appeal rights discussed. FFD: 5/10/2023, Staff Services Manager I The Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) was established to recruit, train, and retain licensed family child care providers in targeted communities. Is it a Community Care Facility, or is it a Health Care Facility? The core mission of the Children's Residential Program is to protect and improve the lives of all youth who reside in a community care facility through the administration of a transparent licensing system that is collaborative, fair, and supportive of families. endstream endobj startxref Community Care Licensing Division Sonoma Licensing Program Analyst in Riverside, CA. Repost, Licensing Program Analyst - Adult and Senior Care Licensing Analyst Determine what type of facility you are filing a complaint against. (Licensed by the California Department of Social Services). A The phone number for Riverside Community Care Licensing is: (951) 782-4200. The goals of CCIP are: To increase the number of licensed child care spaces in Riverside County for infants and toddlers by assisting potential providers through the Community Care Licensing process. JC-355683 Legal Division/Enforcement Branch - Sacramento County Before and After School Care, Infant Care, Pre-School, RCOE, First 5 California, Grandparents raising Grandchildren, Calworks and many more coming soon! Location & Hours 9191 Colorado Ave Riverside, CA 92503 Get directions Edit business info Amenities and More Accepts Credit Cards For more information about applying for jobs, visit Getting a State Job. The Department, parents, guardians of clients, Licensees, and providers all play a role in protecting the health and safety of clients at licensed Community Care Facilities. FFD: 5/8/2023 Appeals Case Management System If you do not consent, you can always contact this program a different way. The department will be adding additional information in future weeks. COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING DIVISION CCLD Regional Office, 3737 MAIN ST., SUITE 700 RIVERSIDE, CA92501 This is an official report of an unannounced visit/investigation of a complaint received in our office on 08/25/2022and conducted by Evaluator Giselle Carbullido PUBLIC COMPLAINT CONTROL NUMBER:09-CC-20220825132019 ALLEGATION(S): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Afghan Arrival Response You may obtain additional information from the following Agencies that regulate Family Child Care Homes Through its regional offices, the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) evaluates family child care homes and determines whether they meet the health and safety requirements in order to be licensed by CCLD. Information Systems Division Sacramento `CBhXZ (916) 651-5380 Contact Erin Emmanuel, LCSW at 617-564-0115 or for more information about the group or the intake process. Job Control: 369011 If it's decided that a comment is inappropriate then it will be deleted from the site. CalWORKs Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS) Pros Gratifying Cons Long hours Was this review helpful? For additional information about how your complaint will be handled, click here . Child Fatality and Near Fatality County Expense Claims (CEC) HlRn0+$8P The length of the investigation depends on the complexity of the case. (There are 30 different types. The Program also includes County Liaisons for the Foster Family Home (FFH) Licensingand Resource Family Approval (RFA) Programs. Finance and Accounting Sacramento Community Care Licensing Division - Los Angeles If your concerns are still not addressed and you believe that the provider is breaking licensing laws, a complaint should be filed, If you believe there is physical or sexual abuse involved, you should also report it to local law enforcement. Repost, Accounting Administrator I (specialist) Follow all child care requirements set forth in CCL's licensing laws, including but not limited to personnel training on universal health precautions; providing safe and healthful accommodations; and ensuring clean, safe, and sanitary buildings and grounds. The roles and responsibilities of the licensing division include prevention, compliance, and enforcement. Call or visit website for additional information. Office of Child Abuse Prevention, Letters and Notices 1345 0 obj <> endobj Sacramento, CA 95814 Adoption Assistance Program Senior Accounting Officer (Specialist), Finance and Accounting Division Sacramento Contact Info (951) 782-4200 Questions & Answers Q What is the phone number for Riverside Community Care Licensing? 'Yti1 ?T>)Le&D9DkDZ7F\6I;jcN\aa:J{&2bkfD1i~_8`R_~Q-LFVx-NIg5*>oO=i(Rxa\\ek6KmxZ?G ;L_/#D a&ia;aZ`e\BJ9^Xu.)n~= OH|;1| hXko+7` o n7n+&jl)e71pQpH3CR(gB9XLQs`F,H&XR mN3!"^K,9&XLrA}3^\P FFD: 5/10/2023, Management Services Technician Child Welfare Training See LIC9099D for cited deficiencies. Community Care Expansion (CCE) The CCE application portal for Capital Expansion Projects will be closing on Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. PST unless funds are exhausted sooner. Repatriation Food Distribution Unit (FDU) All of the fields are mandatory. Legislation and Regulations Community Care Licensing FACILITY EVALUATION REPORT Facility Number: 330902381 Report Date:08/31/2021 Date Signed: 08/31/2021 05:04:33 PM STATE OF CALIFORNIA - HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY FACILITY EVALUATION REPORT CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING DIVISION CCLD Regional Office, 3737 MAIN ST., SUITE 600 Children's Residential Licensing %PDF-1.4 According to our records, this business is located at. Translation service is not available for Internet Explorer 11 or lower. JC-363447 hbbd```b``y "I! D2Oz0&I0&HfQ0 &" ! Job Control: 369182 Child Welfare Services Case Management System (Let them know your thoughts on this program.). ~*"k]ny5!u$ blrM -Y+K\\3 kKi=Y}~^ ]~ZQAYTXu'1}.}i}#wHYbx={1|_>}vze*Gi!9HI/+@-QHY%HT X&*(b1j>s"y kQ%tRT Please complete all of the fields below and enter your payment information. Additionally, there is a link to Receive Important Updates located on the right side of the page, immediately above Quick Links. The Childrens Residential Program has regulatory oversight of licensed facilities caring for minors, age 0 through 17 and non-minor dependents age 18 through 21 in out-of-home care. If individuals are providing child care and need to be licensed, or if they are just interested in becoming a licensed child care provider and would like information they may call the Main Office or visit the website. The local licensing office will make an unannounced visit to the facility to investigate the complaint within 10 days of receipt of the complaint. Ava escaped . Community Care Licensing has a centralized complaint and information bureau, which maintains a complaint hotline that you can call. The State Licensing Regional Office listed below the facility address has more information including details of violations and when they occurred. Remember, when you report suspected violations, you not only protect individuals in care facilities, but also perform a service to your community. 744 P Street, MS 9-14-880 The Duty Officer is available to answer questions Monday Friday; 8:00am to 5:00pm at: 1-844-LET-US-NO (1-844-538-8766) and/or 951-782-4200. Good coworkers. Community Care Licensing 3737 Main St Ste 700, Riverside, CA 92501 (951) 782-4200 Contacts General information Reviews Compliment this business High quality 0 Good service 0 Polite staff 0 Wide selection 0 Contacts Street address: 3737 Main St Ste 700 City / suburb: Riverside County: Riverside State: California ZIP code: 92501-3349 Phone: Or try our search form or quick navigation by category and location. Please contact provider for fee information. Child Welfare Training Based on interviews conducted and documents reviewed, the preponderance of evidence standard has been met, therefore the above allegation is found to be SUBSTANTIATED per California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 12. %%EOF One can add their email address and choose which program(s) they wish to receive Provider Information Notices (PIN) for. 4'\(VkzD;)K8vd" @,b%2aP1#0c^Sgn\Ux;Ns[uWCw/ i>~zim}0 h Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. The State Licensing Regional Office listed below the facility address has more information including details of violations and when they occurred. Immigration This website is intended to assist our business partners in understanding policies and practices of programs which fall under the authority of the California Department of Social Services. % Community Care Licensing Division Alameda BD]hoz 3/?g#M?z(nw^ThuZp}U^+#ffg4 d[5J;+aT Xx0lnqlcAXc~$#35NNJDzyeYMBkpvF@Dk\A4*WKvnMN`;zaJK^cuTLWuQ*iBAZi[Xx~r-55qhvNUQ2b?EpGT*sR)(LZe7q9-op_ CS)j#U8@oE-.+c^^WV&G When reaching a determination on a complaint, Community Care Licensing uses a Preponderance of the Evidence standard, meaning the available evidence must show that it is more likely than not (more than 50%) that the allegation is true. . Please use another browser or download the latest, Information provided by: Riverside County Office on Aging. Housing Programs Job Control: 369106 A Riverside Community Care Licensing employs approximately 20+ people. Ol/TPMUi~YMu9kVWESNnR1/oqs*Mj7!^=T"\VXWZ9HW1,nV^6z]}{xTS\5o`Yo Kv`$if79*(%G<0" 3| Complex Care Information Systems Division Sacramento Case Management, Information and Payrolling System (CMIPS) All comments are subject to review. Child Welfare Protection Caregiver Advocacy Network q CsI/%;4= BP& $`]j\Nf?H #BC#PCL*lD0KI8~q 1376 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<677756BA97676144A9332785808C979A><73C92290588FE341BD231FFBC724EC66>]/Index[1345 64]/Info 1344 0 R/Length 132/Prev 585540/Root 1346 0 R/Size 1409/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Or you can use the email address, Riverside Community Care Licensing can be contacted via phone at (951) 782-4200 for pricing, hours and directions. Please submit your applications as soon as possible. {:Q[{gONFjwLbg/wabO_W`LgW'zz^>Wv ]AK? o Proof of Community Care Licensing Orientation (CCL) certificate. FFD: 5/8/2023, Enforcement Paralegal You will be notified in writing that your complaint has been received, if you have provided your contact information, and a Licensing Program Analyst (LPA) will be assigned to your case who will be your point of contact throughout the investigation.
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community care licensing riverside