clay the serial killer caught

Instead of firing Turner, Collins allowed him to quietly resign. Clay quickly, and almost with a sense of pride, callously answers "Twelve". Suddenly, you hear a man call in and calmly explain to the host over the course of several minutes that he is an un-apprehended serial killer. [9] Ellwood was eventually convicted and ordered to spend 120 days behind bars. In this video 5 disturbing and shocking serial killer moments caught on video are looked at in all their frightful detail. Was the FBI able to get enough information from The Howard Stern Show phone call to make an arrest? But then, just as he is answering, Clay suddenly leads the conversation by volunteering a piece of information that had not been previously discussed the fact that he knows some of his victims have not been found yet. According to some online reports, the FBI paid Stern a visit at his studio the following day to obtain copies of the recorded call, and Stern never publicly mentioned the incident again. Eventually, Ellwood was released again, and in January 1998, he returned to New Orleans. In August of 1997, "Clay the Serial Killer", a self-proclaimed serial murderer in New Orleans, Louisiana, called The Howard Stern Show and casually confessed to over 12 murders live on-air. In 1998, Russell Ellwood stood trial for the 1993 murders of Cheryl Lewis, 30, of Bridge City, and Deloras Mack, 40, of Metairie. She recounted an incident in which Ellwood forced her into his car at gunpoint, then drove her to an underpass where he beat, raped and robbed, threatening to kill her during the ordeal. [3] As a young man, he was a boxer and regularly went to the gym and did weightlifting, and closely matched the 1991 suspect sketch based on "Brenda"'s testimony. She said that she did not report the incident, due to being a prostitute with a criminal record. The autopsy established the remains belonged to a young black girl, who at the time was in her early twenties and approximately 1,57cm tall. Powered by RedCircle. When he appeared in court, other prisoners who knew Ellwood gave witness accounts against him. I'm willing to confess to two cases and give you all the details when I return to Louisiana. - The known victims were killed between 1991-1995, with a gap lasting almost exactly one year in between February 1993 and February 1994. The guy identified himself as Clay, mentioned if he killed himself he would miss the Batman movie, says he kills with a hammer, talks about comic books. Was it real, or was this just another one of Stern's lowbrow stunts that he's famous for?Cla. After his disciplinary hearing, Gant complained to the press, saying, A lot of other people who have been charged worse than that are still on the job. When Sharons sister, Teri, and a group of supporters arrived at the scene to confront Gant, he spit tobacco juice at them before walking off. He revealed he had sex with his victims beforehand, then killed them primarily with a hammer and strangled one. Weill had also photographed The Beatles final live performance before a paying audiencetheir famous August 1966 Candlestick Park concertand was now apparently obsessed with the Zodiac Killer, along with lawyer to the stars, attorney Melvin Belli, who was working with the Rolling Stones at the time. [10] Diane Gilliam, a former prostitute, told the court that she had known Ellwood since the early 1990s and had dated him periodically. His m.o. [8] No recording of this confession was taken, and Ellwood later denied ever confessing to such a murder to Camden. (1:00 mark in audio) You might notice a pattern emerging here. [7] It took nearly four months for the results to come back, and when they did, detectives were disappointed to learn that the results were inconclusive. Macdonald, who proposed in a 1963 American Journal of Psychiatry article that future serial violence and even murder can often be predicted in children who simultaneous engage in chronic bedwetting, compulsive arson, and cruelty toward animals. Read full article on original website. [2] Gant denied the accusation, stating that he had pushed her during an argument, with Robinson hitting her nose on a chair - this was contradicted by her children, who said that they had witnessed him beating their mother. He ultimately got a job as a freelance photographer, but he left for an undisclosed reason. they rattled off to him. [1] Through the course of the investigation, two separate suspects were considered, one of whom was convicted of one murder, leading investigators to believe that multiple killers are responsible. [12] A deputy who worked in the department later attempted to sue them for allegedly firing him for revealing that Rushing had destroyed crucial evidence, but his appeal was rejected due to lack of evidence. Wesley Brownlee is suspected of killing six men and wounding a woman in the string of shootings. Sometime in the early 2000s, Gant left Louisiana and moved to Georgia. The guy said that he was put on medication in prison and he was having nightmares and hearing all kinds of things. There were a few things Clay said, or the way he said them, that made me think he was making stuff up on the fly. A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. Lewis's mother, Lillian, reported her missing on February 2, 1993. Russell Ellwood is the man many believe to be "Clay the Serial Killer", the man who called The Howard Stern Show in 1997 and confessed to killing 12 women. One of the people Collins gave a second chance to was Steven Wayne Turner, a Georgia police officer who had been fired for exposing his penis to a woman he had pulled over while working for the Lithonia Police Department. "Clay" goes into graphic detail about some of his alleged kills, and gives details about cases not publicly known. While conducting various intervews, FBI agents learned that Victor Gant had apparently openly spoke of his dislike of Karen Ivester prior to her murder, supposedly because she had talked a friend of hers out of becoming a prostitute, cutting into Gants bottom line. The interview's tone slowly took a turn after Clay's response. However, the truth of the matter is more complicated. The Son of Sal Salvatore Perrone Department of Corrections This action would lead to his arrest because, in 1997, two years after the New Orleans murder task force was set up, Ellwood was named as a suspect. Gant was cooperative with the investigators questions but refused a lie detector test. 1. Henry testified that she had not given the police this information, as she was wanted for petty offenses at the time. Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. If Clay was just some random radio troll calling in for attention with very little thought put into his story, he might have simply gone along with Sterns suggestion of strangulation. Antonio Rodriguez admitted to being the "Kensington Strangler" in January 2011, ending a case in which the convicted killer was dubbed a "sexual, serial killer." Rodriguez wanted to have "rough . The entire call is unnerving, but there are parts of the call that are absolutely terrifyingand this guy was stalking and killing people right down I-10 only a couple of hours away. Suspected Stockton serial killer caught while on 'mission to kill': What we know . Self-Professed New Orleans Serial Killer Once Confessed 12 Murders to Howard Stern. [6] On December 9, 1994, Robinson went to the police to report him for beating her, and according to her statement, Gant punched her in the face and broke her nose. #crime #crimetok #true911calls #911calls #911dispatcher. Before we go any further, I want to be crystal clear about the details discussed, and the contents of the audio in this story. Numerous articles from several national publications name Ganta black police officeras a suspect in the New Orleans serial murders a full two years before Clays phone call, and television news segments chronicling Gants activities were aired on CBS and ABC in late 1995. In fact, you never hear about this incident again until nearly a quarter century later, when the internet digs up an old recording of the broadcast. In 1997, a man who called himself Clay called into the Howard Stern show. He was also ordered to perform forced labor. Users on the Websleuths message board began compiling data on these killings in November 2016, which Stern fans took notice of three years later. serial murder, also called serial killing, the unlawful homicide of at least two people carried out by the same person (or persons) in separate events occurring at different times. First, youll notice Stern is continuing his line of questioning by leading the conversation with suggestions in the hopes that Clay will impulsively give in to correcting him with accurate information due to his narcissistic desire to control the narrative. In another blow to Gants credibility, the serial murders of female prostitutes in the Treme and Algiers came to an abrupt stop in the wake of his questioning by police. Cheryl Lewis died from drowning, while Delores Mack died from being strangled. [5], Once located, Ellwood was informed of his rights, and within three days gave several statements recorded on tape. [2] Autopsies determined that Ivester had been strangled, while Robinson had been beaten and strangled, but the presence of water in her lungs indicated that the cause of death had been drowning. Sometimes, its not a good fit for a particular department. According to the investigators, Gant had killed both her and her friend, Karen Ivester, in order to get rid of them. Despite having a defining characteristic - namely strongly protruding front teeth - she was not identified. How A Serial Killer Was Caught By A Plumber's Gruesome Discovery | Memories of a Murderer 26,602 views Aug 18, 2021 Dennis Nilsen's crimes were first exposed by a clogged drain. You can tell initially that Stern and Robin aren't really taking the guy seriously, and who can blame them? The bodies of Lewis and Mack were discovered on February 21 and 22, 1993 respectively. The case against Victor Gant was now at a virtual standstill. Ed?". After his release, Ellwood returned to Canton to live with his brother, who offered him a high-paying job. WARNING: Disturbing Content The caller "Clay" is believed to be serial killer Russell Ellwood that was arrested in 1998 and sentenced to life in prison in 1999. "Clay the Serial Killer" On the morning of 13 August 1997, a mysterious man called into the syndicated radio program of popular shock-jock Howard Stern. If youll recall from earlier in this episode, Clay the Serial Killer called into Sterns show on August 13, 1997over one week after Ellwood was jailed. He was one of the two main suspects in a series of murders of women in New Orleans, Louisiana. Weinweir Henry, Lewis' cousin, stated that she last saw her at a hotel in Avondale with a man, whom she identified as Ellwood. [2] On February 5, 1994, skeletal remains were found in St. John the Baptist Parish, later determined to be a young woman between the ages of 25 and 35. Despite the fact that no oil changing supplies were found in his vehicle, the police let Ellwood go, but not without keeping an eye on him. Discretion is advised. SACRAMENTO . In early 1995, a disciplinary panel and hearing to determine Gant's punishment began. However, it was believed that he was responsible for as many as 15-20+ homicides in the New Orleans area, and many people feel that he was responsible for even more. A mother of three, she had multiple arrests for prostitution during her lifetime. Once the call ended, the saga of Clay the Serial Killer faded into relative obscurity. Most were forcibly drowned or strangled. [12] Gant left New Orleans after his discharge from law enforcement and moved to Atlanta, Georgia, where he presumably still lives today. 10 Dennis Rader. It is unclear where she was employed, but nothing indicated that she engaged in prostitution or used drugs. Many people believe that Russell Ellwood is "Clay the Serial Killer," the man who contacted The Howard Stern Show in 1997 and confessed to killing women in a call that was broadcast on the show. Ellwood's trial took place here in Lafayette, and the jury unanimously found him guilty of 2nd-degree murder. The link to a police officer was made last April when Sharon Robinson, a casino coin-changer, and her friend, Karen Iverster, were murdered. Some modern articles about Clay the Serial Killer claim that his comment about a black police officer being the main suspect is what piqued the interest of the FBI, as this information was supposedly not released to the public, but this isnt the case. Again, the Macdonald triad rears its head. Three other sheriffs from the now-disbanded task force told the same reporter that at least four other suspects were on their radar. He boasted to other prisoners about his murders in Louisiana during this period. [6] It was revealed that during this time, he met Sharon Robinson, who soon became his roommate. Due to extreme decompisition, she too remains unidentified, and is named "Jane Doe No. Just shoot out the front tire & then pick off the kiddies as they come bouncing out, However, two months later, police officials traced a series of phone calls made to Melvin Bellis home by the supposed Zodiac. Many people believe that Russell Ellwood is "Clay the Serial Killer," the man who contacted The Howard Stern Show in 1997 and confessed to killing women in a call that was broadcast on the show. He said that he was trying to change the oil in his cab in a covert manner, depositing the used oil outside where no one could see it. While prisoners in the United States do retain some telephone privileges, it is highly unlikely that Ellwood would have been able to call the Howard Stern Show from prison and remain on the line for that long. The suspect has been identified in a police sketch as a large, muscular black man in his 30s. By August 1995, word had leaked to the press that Gant was a suspect in the murders of Sharon Robinson and Karen Ivester, and possibly as many as 22 other murders in the area. This sort of bizarre call was not out of the ordinary for the show, where Stern often hoax calls from people with crazy stories. The caller told the operator that he wanted Bailey to appear on a local television talk show so that he could call in and chat with Bailey. Will Clay Jensen get arrested at the start of 13 Reasons Why season 3 for his involvement with Tyler's deadly plan? According to her, Lewis had told Henry that she and Ellwood were on their way to a suburb of New Orleans, where her body was later found. At any given time, between 25 and 50 serial killers are thought to be hiding in the shadows of the United States and driving around looking for their next possible victim. During the interrogations, he admitted to frequenting black prostitutes throughout his life, claiming that he knew more than 100 girls, in addition to frequently taking drugs such as heroin, crack cocaine and LSD over the years. Cheryl Lewis on February 1, 2, and 3, 1993 (drowned; found on February 21; it is unknown if the charges against Ellwood were dropped). His mother, Yvonne, who worked for a TV station, raised Sean with her. Collins brushed off criticism of his hiring practices during a 2017 interview by stating, Ill give people a second chance sometimes. [8] Ultimately, the murder charge for Delores Mack was dropped,[11] but on the basis of very circumstantial evidence and unreliable testimony, Ellwood was found guilty of killing Cheryl Lewis and was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole on August 17, 1999. How Many Serial Killers Are Active In Us? Sharons boyfriend33-year-old Victor Gantwas a known user of chewing tobacco. NOPD Via This caller, who identified himself as "Clay," claimed to be an unidentified serial killer from the New Orleans area While he was only convicted of 1 murder (Cheryl Lewis), he is believed to killed upwards of 20 prostitutes during the 1990's. A death record for Weill notes that he was the son of a man named Sam Weillyoull recall Sam as being the name Eric asked to be called while masquerading as the Zodiac on Jim Dunbars television show. The Macdonald Triad has been criticized in recent years as an urban legend, as the three key factors cited in Macdonalds theory are more often linked to childhood abuse and neglect rather than some serial killer crystal ball, but nonetheless, but the time of this late-90s radio broadcast, the triad had become cemented as a key element of serial killer culture. Footage of the phone call. The details are given below, whether Russel was the culprit or not. Cheryl Lewis' mother, in turn, admitted that her daughter was a drug addict and a prostitute, but said that she had never seen Ellwood with her daughter before. She was later identified as 28-year-old Stephanie Brown, who had no prior criminal record. 6". Was it real, or was this just another one of Stern'slowbrow stunts that he's famous for? Britton had dropped out of school shortly before her death, and was last seen in a New Orleans bar next to an unknown man. The Serial Killers Who Invented America. [2] Eighteen days later, the body of 28-year-old Charlene Price was found in a New Orleans park, just one mile from where Britton was found. Well it wasn't a fake call because after the show the F.B.I. More on that after we finish listening to the call. By Michael Dot Scott. With no confession or hard evidence to charge him with, detectives had no choice but to let Gant go. At this point, nothing has been disclosed of Gant's fate afterward; whether or not there was a DNA match to the two aforementioned murders and/or the other 22 victims of the serial killer is unknown. The Zodiac vanished into quiet oblivion sometime in the mid-1970s and Weill committed suicide in 2006. and our This image shows a police sketch released to the media in 1992, after one woman survived an attack and provided a description to police of the man she said choked her and left her for dead. After all, my listeners who took drama club classes in high school will remember that the first rule of improv is to always say yes. 2021-08-16. Allegedly the day after this aired on B97 during the station's brief stint as a "Hot Talk" radio format, the FBIshowed up at Stern's studios and collected the audio as evidence. Another item found on Sharons bodyher shoesled to another shocking revelation. Ellwood himself denied knowing any of the victims or committing any murders, although he could not provide an alibi. Here we see Stern seemingly referencing the Macdonald Triad, named after psychiatrist J.M. 1". He then dumped her dead next to Louisiana's Highway LA 3160 in Hahnville. -The caller knew a black police officer was a suspect in the murders of two women in New Orleans (the FBI requested the recordings & got involved because of that statement due to it matching things not publicly known) & the officer remained a suspect even after Ellwood was linked to the string of murders because police believe the killings to be Zodiac was able to consistently lead the police of wild goose chases with his many letters, cryptograms, and phone calls due to his compulsion for following every detail about the police investigation into his crimes and potential identity printed about him in the press. Ultimately found guiltyof the murder of Cheryl Lewis, Ellwood was thought to be responsible for as many as 15 murders in the New Orleans area, and many believe responsible for many more. Jaya's clients often characterize her as meticulous, proactive, and enjoyable to be around. Check out today's terrifying new video that reveals the mistakes. Victor Gant has been associated with that group.". The NOPD never released that information to the public, but somehow Clay knew about it, and he was right. On August 13, 1997, The Howard Stern Show received a call from a man who identified himself as "Clay". Except this time, no police trace reveals the caller to be a hoaxer in a mental institution. Each time 'Clay' answered a question he responded in a calm, matter-of-fact manner. may be disturbing to some readers. During his murdering rampage, Rader would taunt police by sending letters with details about his killings. Despite the fact that his attorneys said he was in Ohio at the time of both killings, Ellwood was detained and charged with two counts of second-degree murder. Rainey was able to escape, but did not report the attack due to her criminal lifestyle. [8] The investigators became increasingly suspicious when Ellwood started speaking about having a dream in which he was being questioned about a series of murders and later admitting to frequenting the locations where the bodies were found, but continued to reaffirm his innocence.[8]. List of serial killers in the United States, "Police officer suspected in New Orleans killings", "Exclusive: Detective Tries To Solve 25-Year-Old Serial Killer Cold Case. Louisiana Serial Killer Confesses Live on The Howard Stern Show. Destor of the St. John the Baptist Parish Sheriff's Office confirmed that Gant is still on the suspect list.[2]. [2] Some of the victims have never been identified. 5" and "John Doe No. Of course, Clay never explicitly mentions Baton Rouge as being Jimmy Swaggart town, but this is an issue worth questioning. He later. All Rights Reserved. Ellwood later claimed that a mental illness had caused him to boast, demanding that the interrogations cease and he be allowed to return to New Orleans to see his attorney and be provided with treatment. All things considered, these facts make Russell Ellwood a compelling suspect for Clay the Serial Killer, and it is easy to why so many articles name him as such. Two off-duty St. Charles Parish deputies saw Ellwood returning to the scene of Cheryl Lewis' murder a year later while still partially clothed. Again, we hear Stern trying to casually ascertain personal details about Clay that might aid in eventually identifying him. Scan this QR code to download the app now. I think I just do it for the sense of power." Stern goes on to ask questions about Clay's motives behind why he kills, his methods of murder and even asks if he has any tattoos, but the caller was very cunning and careful to not incriminate himself. Robinson's boyfriend was a police officer called Victor Grant, who has denied any wrongdoing. Photo Credit: Myotus / Wikimedia Commons. They got him iirc. 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In 1995 New Orleans Police Officer Victor Gant was listed as the prime suspect in the murders of his girlfriend Sharon Robinson, a New Orleans casino employee, and her friend Karen Iverster, allegedly a prostitute. [2] On December 14, skeletal remains were found in a ditch near a highway. Imagine youre driving to work one morning, or youre at home making breakfast, and you turn on the radio for some background noise. A serial killer sending clues to baffle people and supposedly calling a media personalitys live show to confess his evil deeds? She was an impoverished mother of three who engaged in prostitution and had several previous arrests. [8] For the next 30 years, Ellwood lived in squalor because of his drug addiction, had no permanent residence, never married and changed professions often, mostly sticking to photography and cab driving. These two murders were part of a string of at least 26 prostitutes who were murdered between 1991 and 1996. Russell Elwood, a convicted killer in Louisiana, seems to fits the pattern perfectly. Additionally, an associate of Ellwood's from a Florida prison gave investigators confirmation that Ellwood had once told him he liked having s*x with intoxicated people who were utterly powerless over their bodies due to the medications' side effects. - During the call, Clay claimed he was white, and that the only suspect at the time was a black cop who was romantically involved with one of the victims. This was backed up by the emergency room doctor, who testified that the woman's injuries were the result of a beating. This was refuted by Ellwood's receipts, which show a puzzling two-week break in February. When the task force talked to him again, he admitted to dumping the body of a black woman in the water next to a country road. Bus. Carver College has a long, troubled history of hiring disgraced police officers to patrol the Christian School. Redhead Murderer, or the Bible Belt Strangler Where: Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Tennessee During interrogation, Ellwood initially denied making any such statements to the inmates, but after an audio tape of Hill's testimony was played, he admitted that he had indeed boasted to Hill. [4] Her body had been covered with garbage, and an autopsy determined that she had been beaten and strangled. [6] He became a police officer in February 1980, and while on patrol, Gant would spend a lot of time in red-light districts, where in later years he acquired many acquaintances among pimps, prostitutes and street informants. The video, posted by true911calls, replays the call between host Howard Stern, co-host Robin Quivers, and the caller, so-called 'Clay.'. The trial began on June 8, 1999, in Lafayette. FBI agent John Fleming told the press in November 1995, "A common thread in the victims was their membership of prostitution rings that seem to have been connected with a group of NOPD officers. Russell Ellwood went on trial in 1998 for the murders that he committed in 1993 of Cheryl Lewis, age 30, from Bridge City, and Deloras Mack, age 40, from Metairie. "Clay the Serial Killer" As he has been dubbed calls into the Howard Stern Show to admit to 12 slayings of New Orleans area prostitutes. The charges were only dropped after a series of behind-closed-doors meetings with lawyers. On June 2, 25-year-old George Williams' body was found in the LaBranche Wetlands area of St. Charles Parish. As a result, he was convicted and sentenced to spend 85 days in the county jail. He immediately asks if Clay has sex with his victims before killing them. His unemotional attitude while describing how he kills these girls with a hammer in parking garages & swamps. This guy is either the dumbest serial killer or this was just a jokester with a really bad sense of humor seeking attention. bd3e74148582de9cdae314245ec29b19d538b2222157b3edc9a66dbbacadd3aa2190dd08e8ee8a5b9ed29a304bc259a6ae5e858fa83dd6b5769fe10e4824007c. Between 1991 and 1995, a suspected serial killer claimed the lives of multiple people in the New Orleans area. But as soon as he arrived in the state, Ellwood was taken into custody on traffic-related charges. In the end, Ellwood was found guilty of the murder of Cheryl Lewis. During the hearing, members of the disciplinary committee reviewed the testimony of the prosecution's witnesses. The penalty couldn't be upheld though, since Sowell died in prison in February 2021. The deputies let Ellwood go although his taxi didn't have any motor oil, oil-changing tools, oil filters, or brake pads. This, along with his mention of wanting to leave clues in the wake of his crimes seems to definitely hint at some obsessive inspiration taken from Zodiac, or a similar killer like BTK or Jack the Ripper. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Ellwood was eventually charged with one murder and received life imprisonment in 1999. It was revealed that these phone calls were coming from Napa State Hospital and had been made by a young man named Eric Philips Weill. Russell Ellwoodis the man many believe to be "Clay the Serial Killer", the man who called The Howard Stern Show in 1997 and confessed to killing 12 women. [10] According to the testimony of Denise Sanders, who was Lewis' best friend, she had seen her with Ellwood three days prior, who was out driving his cab. Unfortunately, to me, this call seems like it may actually be real. One Suspect Is A Cop", "Police Officer Is Suspect In New Orleans Killing Spree", "Dial 911 and speak to the prime suspect", "Murder case moves to Lafayette for trial", "Investigator denies destroying evidence", "One charge against Ellwood will be dropped", "Investigation of 26 killings concludes with one sentencing", "Appeals court upholds deputy's dismissal",, Violence against women in the United States, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 April 2023, at 17:38.
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clay the serial killer caught