class action suit against reclast

Little did anyone of us know, within a week I was hospitalized with complete kidney failure. One year ago today Janet had a good day. I had to keep ice on my groin and had trouble walking for 6 months. Janet and I were married on a sunny day in September of 1986. Individuals who have suffered severe side effects such as ONJ, atypical femur fractures, or kidney damage after receiving Reclast may be eligible for compensation. Janet is very alert today she said the thought she was going to die and that she wasnt afraid. I began taking bi-annual injections of Prolia in May 1018 after breast cancer and treatments. She is on one forth of the oxygen she was on two days ago and she is able to be on room air for long periods of time with no problem. If you are currently being treated with Reclast, you should consider discussing alternative treatments with your physician. November 4, 2010 Some physicians tell their cancer patients to take Prolia in combination with other prescribed medicines. She had her Reclast infusion on October 8, 2009 and 35 days later she was dead. I have been disgnosed with osteonecrosis using the drug reclast I woi;ld like to be a part of any product liability class action suit. I have been taking Prolia at least 10 years. Another Dr. Said it was a quintessential Prolia fracture. I have developed stress fractures in both femurs due to taking Prolia for 8 yrs. If you or a loved one has experienced severe side effects from Reclast, its essential to seek legal advice to determine your eligibility for compensation and protect your rights. The statute of limitations for filing a Reclast claim varies by state but typically ranges from one to four years from the date you discovered or should have discovered the injury. This will be the last day Janet is able to take all of her medications and supplements at home. Janet went all over the store and at times she was out walking me. Reclast, generically known as Zoledronic acid or zoldedronate, is a bisphosphonate used to treat serious skeletal fractures in cancer patients and in those suffering from osteoporosis. With a strong legal team on your side, you will soon discover that the courts are fair when it comes to these types of cases. After a rocky start with the RA by 2009 she was back doing almost everything she had done before the RA. I don't want to scare anyone, but emphasize the importance of getting the facts and understand the risks associated with drugs like this. She says Janet is gone, she was pronounced dead just before midnight. Her appetite is good and so is her fluid intake. This Friday is my first surgery. Free Consultation Today 800-780-8607. Review Us. Janet has a phone in her room and I talk to her this morning. Reclast, manufactured by Novartis, has been linked to a serious bone disease called Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ), osteomyelitis, or dead jaw. I believe that it was the drug company and Reclast that killed my mother. Little Janet who beat complete renal failure and almost fatal pulmonary failure: Janet who would not go near the water for fear of drowning has drowned in her own blood. My family and I are praying for a miracle. The cost is way beyond what I can afford. I would like any help you can offer. The revised label states that Reclast should not be used (is contraindicated) in patients with creatinine clearance less than 35 mL/min or in patients with evidence of acute renal impairment. Since I dont drive I have to take the bus and it is a one hour trip each way. The doctor who gave me the boniva and told me to lower my synthroid or I would stroke out and the other surgeon who I had my first appt. How do I join it? The statute of limitations for filing a Reclast claim varies by state, typically from one to four years from the date you discovered or should have discovered the injury. he just cannot swallow without gagging, even water, he really has to force it and it's very difficult. Patent laws were designed to protect companies from paying large medical bills for people who have to die. The doctors know whats wrong and are looking for physical things that have caused all of these things to happen at the same time. My wife died from taking prolia. Her appetite and fluid intake are good. They have increased the amount of oxygen Janet is receiving through her nose and she is struggling to keep her oxygen levels up. How does my wife join the suit as she has taken Prolia for at least eight years? Last night our cat, who had always slept next to Janet spent part of the night crying and looking for her. Labaton Sucharow LLP Announces Expanded Securities Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. and Certain Executives April 28, 2023 08:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time But next to the BP problem, the problem that concerns me most is memory loss which began after the infusion and has not improved AT ALL. The doctor made the comment that because of Janets size; maybe the normal dose of Reclast was too much. I decided not to have further surgery. Her condition is listed as stable. Need help. Cancer patients who take Prolia use it with the understanding that the drug may improve bone mass. October 21, 2010 Janet is doing fine on room air and the lung doctor says he doesnt need to see her again, unless something changes. I take .175mcg synthroid, probiotics and source of life garden algae cal bone support 4 daily, MRP Bone review, and a source of life garden multi, and fish oil. The downside of this is that the general public does not see the inserts of the Reclast warnings -- only the doctors do, and many of the doctors don't follow through with reading them. Her appetite and fluid intake was good. Since 2015 my white blood count has been very high and is flagged. Janets mental state is some better today and she is very weak. The Reclast Medication Guide for patients is being updated to contain information about the risk of severe kidney problems. Information anyone? She is very weak and when they get her up to walk she can only make it about 20 feet with the help of two nurses. It's happening and there doesn't seem to be anything anyone can do about this slow, painful and most difficult journey in our lives now. Moral ethics imply that a manufacturer must inform people if a drug created to treat a disease causes more severe problems upon its use. oral osteonecrosis. My shoulders creek and Crack and grind, everytime I move them. I call the hospital to have them tell Janet I wont be in today and they say Janet wants me to stay home. What is the status of the Prolia class-action lawsuit? Her appetite is better. I am scared. This imbalance will never be resolved. She said rather than coming over today, why dont you get things done, stay home and rest. We have stuffed teddy bears and the like we have collected over the years, Janet decided to let them hibernate in the RV on the beds and couches for the winter. Im a retired Canadian lawyer and Ive gone over this webpage extensively trying to find any clue as to where any lawsuit was filed or how to contact the attorney that has allegedly started one. The petition to the FDA that is mentioned was rejected by the FDA. Some cases have been consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL). There is so much to think about and do. he ended up in the hospital after he couldn't make it to the mailbox because of the pain in his legs. Would like information possible on how to move forward. They look for upper digestive issues and find none. Public demand has resulted in an important decision rendered by personal injury attorneys to file a class-action lawsuit against Amgen. After a patient has been diagnosed with osteonecrosis of the jaw, expensive and time-consuming treatments will have to be administered. Most of these side effects are mild and go away on their own. I asked a lot of questions but in the middle the doctor walked out and I continued to ask the NP who was very busy inputing info in computer. Has anyone had kidney failure from Reclast? Janet goes to bed early without getting on the computer. It has been approved for patients with Paget's disease of bone, and more recently, for the treatment of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Please help me with this. We have no family or close friends here in town and for the first time in my life I feel truly alone. I call Janets rheumatologist where she was given the Reclast and tell him that she has died. Reclast ( Zoledronic Acid ) and ONJ Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) or dead jaw syndrome is an excruciatingly painful and disfiguring bone disease. How Do You Hire A Personal Injury Attorney? I ask her if she wants a cup of coffee and she says yes. My question is, why does the most powerful of the bisphosphonates have the poorest warning process? Janet eats very little today and it is a sad trip home. So every chance I get I pick up things that Janet likes to eat and drink. I came home and checked on Janet later that night and was told that little Janet who had never been diagnosed with kidney problems in her life had gone into total renal failure. My bicycle was old and I knew when Janet came she wouldnt be able to drive for a while, so having a dependable bike would be an asset. My Endo still says take my calcium and see you in the spring of 22. November 1, 2010 Since the time changed this weekend she told me how to set the clocks on the stove and microwave. First Citizen, a public consumer watchdog group, filed an official document with the FDA expressing complaints about Prolia. Cream Magazine by Themebeez, The Prolia Class-action Lawsuit: What You Should Know. For some reason Janets lungs are starting to clear up and she is not struggling for air like she was yesterday. Her kidney function is staying at an acceptable level and has been for several days. At the end of the day we are tired and Janet is still good. Her stomach upset had gone away and she was looking forward to the possibility of being able drink something tomorrow. The Reclast lawsuit is ongoing, with numerous cases filed across the United States. MDs think kidney failure is related to Reclast. Today she is not only tired and hoarse, but weak. One is because children do not know the difference between normal and over the counter products. Furthermore, scientists do not know if younger children can take Prolia without experiencing any dangerous side effects. One of her doctors told me that just because you have no side effect the first time is no reason to think everything will be ok the next time you take it. Who is eligible for compensation in the Reclast lawsuit? One of the titles she orders is Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer. Consequently, the Prolia recall led to the filing of a class-action lawsuit. The drug received immense popularity among doctors and patients. November 7, 2010 Her kidney function is almost normal and her kidney doctor is amazed at her progress in this area. She orders some piano sheet music. While this drug has improved the lives of many by reducing the risk of bone fractures, the fact that there have been deaths associated with its use has been down played. One study showed that up to 5% of all prescriptions filling done every year are inaccurate. I was very encouraged by what had gone on today and I thought that maybe the worst was over. Janet goes to bed early and is sick most of the night. Best wishes, Michele. One year ago today Janet is today as she was yesterday. Berore taking it I was 73 years old and never had a broken bone in my life. Janet who was always thin is very swollen from all of the fluids they pumped into her trying to save her life. Since Novartis did not send similar letters to U.S. health professionals and patients, we are providing our readers with the information sent to Canadian doctors and consumers. are they serious? when I went to the dentist they wouldn,t do anything because I took prolia I even went 150 miles to How To Join Samsung Refrigerator Class Action Lawsuit, Travel Resorts of America Class Action Lawsuit, The Role of an Attorney in Car Accident Insurance Claims, Collisions and Consequences: The Legal and Financial Implications of Car Accidents, The Economics of Personal Injury: Calculating Damages and Compensation, Negotiating with an Insurance Adjuster: Tips for Maximizing Your Claim, Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) is a rare but severe condition where the jawbone dies due to a lack of blood supply, Atypical femur fractures, which are fractures occurring in the thigh bone with little or no trauma. But you have had the worst side effect possible. I believe it was caused by the infusion; as the possible side effects were loosening of teeth! My moms femur broke- causing a fall. This is the last time we go to Wal-Mart together and the last time Janet drives the car. They retard the sloughing of old bone (osteoclasts) which just makes the bone look denser. October 19, 2010 We are having hamburgers for supper; Janet takes two bites and gets sick. Renal failure requiring dialysis or with a fatal outcome has occured. Contact one of our dangerous drug lawyers to schedule a free and confidential case consultation. It is alternatively known as Zomera, Aclasta, and Zometa. Stone Island homeowners are suing the city of Deltona alleging the city diverted Tropical Storm Ian's floodwaters through their community causing "catastrophic damage." In the class-action . One year ago today I check at the hospital first thing. Plaintiffs claim that the company knew or should have known about the severe side effects but continued to market Reclast without sufficient warnings. oral osteonecrosis. The big concern is her mental status and stomach tenderness. We got up at our regular time and Janet said she felt fine. When I see her today we talk a little, but she is tired so I dont stay too long and come back home. For example, yesterday it was 177/84 and within an hour I felt it drop drasticallychecked it and it was 72/44. What are the common side effects associated with Prolia? Should previous users of Prolia join the class-action lawsuit? He finally snuggled next to me and went to sleep. Hi OperaJan, so sorry to hear of your kidney problems. Reclast is used to treat or prevent osteoporosis caused by menopause, or steroid use. My Mother took this infusion December 29 2009. My white blood count was through the roof. by Corrado Rizzi on Newly Filed / Newly Settled. Reclast, also known as zoledronic acid, is a medication called bisphosphonate. I am having trouble with my ears, so I tell Janet that we need to go to the doctor. She does some laundry, balances the check book, writes a few checks and as usual spends several hours on the computer. The first anniversary is coming up on Monday. Im getting the impression that when this esophageal yeast infection clears up Janet will be released next week. If we would have known the serious side effects of this drug, the out come for me may have been different. Even though the life in her body is gone her skin feels warm to the touch. Prayers have been answered. I would like to join the lawsuit. Risk factors for developing renal failure include underlying moderate to severe renal impairment, use of kidney-damaging (nephrotoxic) or diuretic medications at the same time as Reclast, or severe dehydration occurring before or after Reclast is given. Appreciate comments on taking either of these drugs. . Three months after my missed shot I now have 10 compression fractures. Or, they could experience a bad reaction after taking the drug. You have suffered as a result of not knowing in advance the side effects this could cause. What can be done? I talk to Janet three times today and check with the nurses at least four times today. The Law Offices of Gregory Krasovsky take no responsibility for third-party content accessed through links from this site. On this day Janet spends most of her time on the couch or in the recliner. Have severe dental issues with bone loss and gum loss after taking Prolia. Other than being tired she seems normal. Janet checks her E-mail for the last time and goes to bed early. Therefore, you wonder if this additional warning addition will do any good. I make an appointment for later that afternoon so the neighbor can take us when he gets off work. She said she sure missed her stuff at home and couldnt wait to be home. Im facing the possibility that Janet will never be home again and Ill be alone. One year ago today Janet is still in ICU. She gags a lot, but nothing is coming up. The Reclast is taking a toll on her, she is down to 75 pounds and even though she has some appetite it is a struggle for her to feed herself. Our music and new home kept us busy. Janet had called in a refill for one of her RA meds and I walked over to the drug store and picked it up. Fractured my femur just under the hip. In 2021, an Illinois judge approved a settlement in which Facebook agreed to pay $650 million to resolve a class-action suit alleging that the company used users' biometric data without . One year ago today Janet is still a little gaggy in the morning and still hoarse. If you or a loved one has been injured or a loved one has died by taking Reclast, act quickly by speaking to our highly experienced, drug injury lawyer at Roberts & Roberts. One year ago today Janet doesnt get up today, she stays in bed all day. Research demonstrated that Prolia caused fractured vertebrae. I was shocked, since the doctor said her kidney function was all right before the Reclast. Janet wrote two checks today, it is ironic that one of the checks she wrote is for the annual premium for her life insurance. She asked me if I found a bike and I told her that I did. Stopped taking the Fosamax and over a month ago but no change. We went to a department store and the grocery. Her temp and blood pressure are normal. They do say it is treatable. I am just now getting off of Prolia since the doctors scare you to death about doing so. She has no pain or discomfort, is mentally sharp and other than being tired seems normal. It is important to remember that Amgen developed the drug to treat osteoporosis rather than cause symptoms similar to those associated with the progressive disease. Attorneys involved in the Prolia class-action lawsuit then studied the available data to determine if patients should receive monetary compensation due to product liability issues.
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class action suit against reclast