chatham dockyard old apprentices

It came into existence at the time when, following the Reformation, relations with the Catholic countries of Europe had worsened, leading to a requirement for additional defences. At around the same time a large house was leased (the Hill House) for administrative purposes including meetings of the Council of Marine Causes. The senior official of a Royal Navy dockyard was the commissioner, who was supported by other senior officers including: . dailyinfo[7]=' 467436 Corporal Alexander CAMERON Military Medal 29th Bn. If you have a specific enquiry relating to an object in our collections and cannot find the information you need online, please contact [10], The renowned Tudor shipwright Mathew Baker was appointed to Chatham in 1572 (though he was primarily based at Deptford). Over 414 years Chatham Royal Dockyard provided more than 500 ships for the Royal Navy, and was at the forefront of shipbuilding, industrial and architectural technology. NOSTALGIA: Were you one of these Dockyard apprentices? Back in the day, the gentlemen, who are aged between 79 and 86, were pranksters! Those for the officers were placed in a single row on elevated ground to the east, accessed from the parade ground by way of a double ramp; they provided housing for two field officers, twelve captains and thirty-seven subalterns. "Ted was living in the Maidstone area at . General Staff who died 12/05/1916 LE TREPORT MILITARY CEMETERY France ' We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. They lived in Chatham, in Old Brompton, some in Rochester and Strood, but by far the greatest number in New Brompton and Gillingham, and the similarity of much of that district to a Midland or Northern industrial town was due to dockyard workers many of whom had come from the North. [20], By the late 17th century a number of prestigious new buildings were erected (including the officers' residences, the clocktower storehouse and the main gatehouse), several of which are still in place. seaJane11 June , 2020 in Sailors, navies and the war at sea. A Dockyard Apprentice's Story: Hard graft, scrapes and japes on the 1756 Chatham Lines built, to designs by Captain John Desmaretz (who also designed the Portsmouth fortifications). In the 1960s Portsmouth Dockyard was the largest employer in the area. [134], In 1928 Chatham Barracks was taken over by the Royal Engineers and renamed Kitchener Barracks. The fire-fighting displays were actually good education for us, as were all the displays of engineering, diving and damage control.Later I went in a group of school cadets to see the launch of the submarine HMS Onslaught, built at Chatham.Whilst a member of the Kent Police Force, I acted as an interpreter for a party of visiting French police officers and their wives and we were shown through the rope-making loft where HMS Victory's ropes had been made. In the event, those defences were built in distinct phases, as the government saw the increasing threat of invasion:[126]. No 4, 5 and 6 Slips 1848. Do you have an LGBTQ+ story or experience linked to the Dockyard, the Navy or the Medway Towns that you feel comfortable sharing with us? var dailyinfo= new Array(31) I clearly remember visiting Chatham Navy Dockyard during the 1970s as a boy. [31] In 1897 a naval barracks was built on the site of the prison to provide crew accommodation for ships anchored in The Nore; for the next sixty years it served as the headquarters of Nore Command, whose Commander-in-Chief was accommodated in the adjacent Admiralty House. The southern building, Store House No 3, completed in 1785, is subdivided with timber lattice partitions as a "lay apart store", a store for equipment from vessels under repair. Two years later the project was largely complete, with facilities provided alongside for gun mounting and mast rigging, as well as a victualling depot and a coaling area. that I have asked my family to see that my ashes are scattered on the Medway besides the Dockyard,using a trip on the Paddlesteamer-"Kingswear Castle" to carry out this task. [127], In 2014 the site was sold to a property developer, with permission given the following year for the building of 295 homes. (At around the same time a victualling store was also established, in nearby Rochester, to provide the ships and their crews with food.) Three ex-Chatham Dockyard workers Brian Jenkins, Barry Stevens and John [138], A barracks was built in Brompton from 1804 to 1806 for the Royal Artillery gunners serving on the defensive Lines (previously they had been accommodated in the Infantry Barracks). [27], To meet the new demands of building in iron, metal mills were built alongside the smithery in 1845, containing rolling machinery and furnaces for reprocessing iron. The officers and men employed in the yard had also increased, and by 1798 they numbered 1,664, including 49 officers and clerks and 624 shipwrights. dailyinfo[29]=' 4547 Lance Corporal Albert FERGUSSON 1st Bn. Pembroke Royal Navy who died 18/04/1918 GILLINGHAM (WOODLANDS) CEMETERY, KENT United Kingdom ' Additional flight to evacuate Britons from Sudan today, Tributes paid to singer Gordon Lightfoot following death, Marks &Spencer to close stores in May - full list of closures, HMV to reopen original flagship store after four year closure, Mller recall Cadbury desserts because of Listeria contamination, Nurses strike continues: Major disruption for NHS services in England. [34] Also with the 20th century came the submarine. The records do not cover every yard in every year. The subalterns were given one room each, the captains two, and field officers four. Ron Edwards. Ultimately they meet up to share their dockyard memories and amusing stories. Nonetheless, the dockyard closed, as planned, on 31 March 1984.[40]. The boys would notice lots of people walking past the phone box, and if someone answered the random call, the group's friend would shout: "Nosy parker!" Great days out, can still smell the hot dog stand with its fried onions. I just remember some of those old guys that actually lived in the dockyard." Great days out, can still smell the hot dog stand with its fried onions. ), electric & acetylene welding and the Blacksmiths shop.In travelling along Dock Road my memories go back to the check-in booths where we were checked against our photo and a recent trip along Luton Road recalled the many hours spent at the Dockyard Apprentices Club.At one stage in my Naval career, I served as a Shipwright Training Instructor at H.M.S Caledonia at Rosyth in Scotland where the Naval Shipwright training was subsequently transferred I have many more memories, too many to relate here but I hope these will be sufficient to remind others reading this of happy times spent in the Dockyard. Chatham Dockyard - Wikipedia Now used as offices. By 1619, the new dockyard consisted of a new dry dock and wharf with storehouses, all enclosed within a brick perimeter wall. Old royal dockyard hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy If you have memories of Chatham in the Dockyard's heyday then tell us your stories. [121] Most of the 18th-century buildings were demolished, with the exception of the Storekeeper's House of 1719, which survives as the Command House public house. Our Collections Team has recently begun the process of digitising our collection and we are gradually adding new objects to our digital resources. By chance, about 4 or 5 years ago, while on rota on the Visitor Operations team at The Historic Dockyard Chatham I had a conversation with a visitor who had been the Master of HL7025 in service. Do you know of any detailed records of casualties passing through Chatham RNH. When Royal Dockyard Chatham closed in 1984 the Ministry of Defence removed all records still held on site. // Stop Define Variables for days of the month If you walk into the Union Rooms on a Friday afternoon you'll meet all manner of people. "The Dockyard holds lots of memories for me.. dailyinfo[3]=' 3747 Flight Serjeant Reginald Tom PARRY Air Force Medal 15th Aircraft Acceptance Park Royal Air Force who died 03/05/1919 WELSH NEWTON (ST. MARY) CHURCHYARD United Kingdom ' The group has met regularly over the years celebrating their time at Chatham together. The site was first used in 1547, but its busiest period was in the 19th century when 2 ships every year were being launched. Anchor Wharf Store Houses 17781805 (at nearly 700 feet [210m] long) are the largest storehouses ever built for the navy. [17], By this time the establishment, including the gun wharf, stretched one mile (1.6km) in length, and included an area of in excess of 95 acres (380,000m2). The Great War Forum Limited var day=mydate.getDay() Of his cartoon he adds: I hope it brings a little humour to what was the sad demise of a truly much-loved local radio station.. Extended in connection with preparations for HMS, No 1 Machine Shop 1861. Twelve houses built for senior officers in the Dockyard. The yard would have received, stored and issued cannons and gun-carriages (along with projectiles, accoutrements and also all manner of small arms) for ships based in the Medway, as well as for local artillery emplacements and for army use. [128] The three-storey barrack blocks were aligned northsouth. [20] Another novel application of steam power was embarked on in 1817, with the building of a 'Lead and Paint Mill', in which a single beam engine powered a rolling mill and a series of devices for grinding pigment and mixing paint; the plant was operational from 1819. They may still be with the rest of the modern Defence archives at Swadlincote. seaJane. Diners evacuated from busy Plymouth restaurant and bar, The venue thanked customers for their patience, Plymouth Argyle Home Park attendance figures this season second highest in 60 years, Steven Schumacher has paid tribute to the fans after the Pilgrims won 20 of their 23 League One games at the Theatre of Greens, Seven changes Plymouth Argyle and their fans will notice in the Championship, Steven Schumacher's Pilgrims have booked a place in the second tier of English football for the first time since 2010, Heartbroken family pay tribute to man killed outside Cornwall nightclub, Police have been allowed more time to question a man arrested on suspicion of murder. My best wishes go out to all my old friends. [127] Built on sloping ground east of the Dockyard, the rectangular site (enclosed within its own perimeter wall) consisted of a 'Lower Barracks' with accommodation for the soldiers and 'Upper Barracks' (later known as 'The Terrace') which housed the officers; between the two was a large parade ground. New positions were created such as inspector of steam machinery, as steam factories were attached to major yards. Established in Chatham in the mid-16th century, the dockyard subsequently expanded into neighbouring Gillingham (at its most extensive, in the early 20th century, two-thirds of the dockyard lay in Gillingham, one-third in Chatham). if (year < 1000) year+=1900 The senior official of a Royal Navy dockyard was the commissioner, who was supported by other senior officers including: Clerks and foremen, known as inferior officers, supported the senior officers. The tarring process declined as, Iron Foundry 185561. Canadian Infantry who died 07/05/1917 VIMY MEMORIAL France ' [20] Holl's smithery was itself enlarged with the addition of a foundry in the 1850s, and its courtyard was roofed over for a steam hammer shop in 1865. He stated that in his experience 7025 was the best HL he served on. Did you know with a Digital Subscription to The News, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more. Diamond, one of the Navy's Daring Class Destroyers which was in Dry Dock in one of the Basins. [30] Work on the other docks and basins followed, with No 3 Basin finally being completed in 1883. Charles Dickens (18121870), who had grown up in Chatham, returned in later life and described in 1861 the novel sight (and sounds) of a ship being built for the first time of iron (rather than wood): Twelve hundred men are working at her now; twelve hundred men working on stages over her sides, over her bows, over her sterns, under her keel, between her decks, down in her hold, within her and without, crawling and creeping into the finest curves of her lines wherever it is possible for men to twist. Chatham Naval Dockyard, Kent | Educational Images | Historic England It also has been Grade I listed since August 1999. [47] St Mary's Island, a 150-acre (0.61km2), largely undeveloped area to the north of the three basins, was transformed into a residential community for some 1,500 homes. Alternatively, search The National Archives Library to see what is available to consult at Kew. Proposals were made for a fourth Basin of 57 acres (230,000m2), together with additional large docks of up to 800ft (240m), to cover the remaining land on St Mary's Island; but these were soon superseded by plans to build an entirely new dockyard at Rosyth. Wed Apr 8 12:02:25 2009. Apprenticeship Model Contract Form (0.22 MB) Application invited for "Empanelment of Third Party Agencies under the Apprentices Act, 1961" (0.34 MB) Programme for 106th AITT of Apprentices to be held in November, 2017- regarding (0.14 MB) NAPS Amended Guidelines (3.49 MB) A further 3,000 troops could be accommodated in times of "total emergency" (900 were sleeping in the Drill Hall when it suffered a direct hit from two bombs in September 1917, which killed over 130 men). The barracks remained in military use until 2014. By 1611 Chatham had been chosen as its location (in preference to Deptford, which at the time was the nation's principal naval shipbuilding yard; this led to speculation that Deptford was going to be sold off). who died 02/05/1915 BABY 700 CEMETERY, ANZAC Turkey (including Gallipoli) ' var year=mydate.getYear() Chatham Dockyard workers reunion | Greetings to all the Chatham The boys tell of their daily roles: clocking people in and out, checking employees were working, checking pay, doing the 'holiday rounds', and recording various bits of information. Most significantly, Chatham's first dry dock was opened in 1581 (for repairing naval galleys). In 1550, a decree was issued to the Lord High Admiral that: all the Kinges shippes should be harborowed in Jillyngham Water saving only those that be at Portsmouth[5], Even prior to this, there is evidence of certain shore facilities being established in the vicinity for the benefit of the King's ships at anchor: there are isolated references from as early as 1509 to the hiring of a storehouse nearby[6] and from 1547 this becomes a fixed item in the Treasurer's annual accounts. We regret that The Historic Dockyard Chatham is unable to carry out personal research on your behalf. A lot of the group chose early retirement when the opportunity arose in the 90s and were looked-after with a salary, allowance and pension, they say. From projects focused on Dockyard workers to the tragedies suffered during the First World War, we are building up a picture of the role and impact the Dockyard has had over four hundred years. Set sail on a voyage of discovery through the Age of Sail at one of Britain's leading maritime herit . ), The final boats constructed in Chatham were Oberon-class submarines Ocelot was the last vessel built for the Royal Navy, and the final vessel was Okanagan built for the Royal Canadian Navy and launched on 17 September 1966. Remembering the Royal Dockyard at Chatham [139], St Mary's Casemated Barracks were built during the Peninsular War and initially held French prisoners of war. dailyinfo[16]=' 56932 Serjeant William Philip WATSON Distinguished Conduct Medal, Military Medal 58th Field Amb Royal Army Medical Corps who died 16/04/1918 TYNE COT MEMORIAL Belgium ' dailyinfo[28]=' 76274 Corporal Horace John Baker WHITTINGHAM 1st Bn. Brunel Saw Mill 1814. The escalating Anglo-Dutch wars forced their hand, however: several temporary buildings were hastily erected in Sheerness, at the mouth of the Medway, to enable ships to re-arm, re-victual and (if necessary) be repaired as quickly as possible. I have a copy of his Army Form 103 Casualty Form that traces his movement from CCS in Gallipoli to RNH Malta (although Im not sure which one but probably Bighi) back to UK but after that Ive drawn a blank. National World Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. [16], Peter Pett, of the family of shipwrights whose history is closely connected to the Chatham dockyard, became commissioner in 1649. [9] In the years that followed the ground was prepared, accommodation was secured and in 1570 a mast pond was installed. It was envisaged that Basin No 1 would serve as a "repair basin", No 2 as the "factory basin" and No 3 as the "fitting-out" basin; a newly launched ship could therefore enter via the west lock, have any defects remedied in the first basin, have her steam engines and heavy machinery installed in the second, and then be finished, and loaded with coal and provisions, in the third before leaving via the east locks. This is the oldest surviving naval building in England. So the boys did, they wore ties. dailyinfo[4]=' 13/927 Trooper James Werner MAGNUSSON Albert Medal Auckland Mounted Rifles, N.Z.E.F. However he was readmitted to RNH Chatham on 9/11/1915as case number 312. It was 50 years ago these former Chatham Dockyard apprentices met for the first time. It made do with a single shipbuilding slip for much of the 17th century (a second slip, dating from the same period, had fallen out of use; it was replaced in the 1730s). My Grandad had already retired by the time the Dockyard was due to close, but I remember me, my mum and dad going down to Devenport to see the Dockyard there as my dad was thinking of relocating us down there. He spent two years learning basic skills before going on "float" learning his trade of welding, machine fitting and repairs on board ships based in the basins and dry docks. Chatham's establishment as a naval dockyard was precipitated by the use of the Medway as a safe anchorage by the ships of what became (under King Henry VIII) England's permanent Royal Navy. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Visit Veterans UK to find out how to request a summary of a service record. The National Archives has some records of Ordnance employees, mainly within WO 54. I was on board HMS Hermoine when she left the yard for the last time, I was one of the guests of honour, a great experience for a young lad of 15. " I was going to leave that bit about Trafalgar out, but their Town Mayor, whose English was better than my French, picked it up and told them anyway. The building functioned as a "present use store" except for the upper floor, which was a, Sail and Colour Loft 1723. Timber Seasoning Sheds 1774. But he said without helping me out in the garage ripping out engines, he wouldnt have a clue.. Camaraderie and companionship was important to all Dockyard employees, the boys say. He was Petty Officer Evan Thomas Ellis MZ205. Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust cares for over 70,000 objects in its collection ranging from archaeology, rigging, hand tools, machinery to fine art and photography. They went to work the day after the new rule, with 'no shirt and no vest'. 1st Floor North, Fitted Rigging House The group would welcome any recorder from the Dockyard who would like to join the group. - Nicola, Chatham, "I entered the Dockyard on the 5th May 1967 as a Pattern Maker Apprentice. This website and its associated newspaper are members of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). [46], The remaining 350 acres (1.4km2) were transferred to the government's urban regeneration agency (later English Partnerships). CHDT Researchers - Apprentices Dr. Gilbert Share this specific contribution. Keith also remembers a Christmas meal he and his dockyard colleagues had when the focus was on pranking and not their dinner Alongside their meal, the group held a draw with prizes. Lancashire Fusiliers who died 25/04/1915 HELLES MEMORIAL Turkey (including Gallipoli) ' The development is called "Chatham Waters". We are currently exploring alternative, hidden histories within our collection and looking at broadening the range of voices we represent. "Ted was living in the Maidstone area at the time and I know he joined the fire service after leaving the dockyard.". ! Dockyard apprentices reunited after 50 years Deep in the woods, the hidden remnants of a D-Day army, Fine German engineering was'captured' for Portsmouth after First World War 'Nostalgia, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, This website and its associated newspaper are members of Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). The storehouse would have furnished ships with such necessary consumables as rope, pulleys, sailcloth and timber. - See 2,652 traveller reviews, 1,691 candid photos, and great deals for Chatham, UK, at Tripadvisor. The Grade II listed Park and Garden is getting a makeover to showcase some of its existing heritage features as well as reinstate some of the paving patterns that were part of its original design. [140] Built within the defensive earthworks to the north of Chatham, St Mary's Barracks was demolished in the 1960s and the land used for housing. Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need! Chatham Dockyard ledgers: employees, apprentices, etc . dailyinfo[1]=' 61365 Private James LAVIN 1st Garrison Bn. The Commissioners were:[89]. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. )[119], A plan of 1704 shows (from north to south) a long Storehouse parallel to the river, the Storekeeper's house (the Storekeeper was the senior officer of the Yard) and a pair of Carriage Stores. Land was purchased to the northeast for its construction, and the new saw mill began operation in 1814. The 1964 intake of Dockyard apprentices who built the old woman's shoe, of nursery rhyme fame, for Southsea Carnival. Thirteen of them spent the weekend together in Medway travelling from all over the country, including as far away as Scotland. v3.0, Coopers and Labourers, 1797-1816, yard unknown, Caulkers, Coopers and Ropemakers, 1798-1831, Registers of protections from being pressed, 1794-1815, Civil Establishment of Admiralty and Navy Board (including yard officers), 1694-1832, clerk of cheque and storekeeper responsible for finance and administration, master shipwright responsible for building and repairs, master attendants and boatswain supervised yard craft and boats in ordinary (on reserve), master ropemaker responsible for the ropeyard, the agent victualler (in larger establishments only), Plymouth from 1824 known as Devonport Dockyard (1690-present), Pembroke Dockyard at Pembroke (1815-1947), Jamaica Dockyard also known as Port Royal (c.1675-1905), Kingston Dockyard on Lake Ontario, Canada (1788-1853), Penang Island part of modern day Malaysia also known as Prince of Wales Island (1800s), Port Mahon Dockyard on Minorca (1708-1802). On March 31, 1984, Chatham Dockyard closed its doors forever, ending 414 years of history. The Queens (Royal West Surrey Regiment) who died 15/04/1915 CHOCQUES MILITARY CEMETERY France ' [20], Dockyards have always required shore defences. For records of workers from the last 100 years you should start your search at one of the dockyard historical trusts or societies or at a local county or metropolitan archive. [20], No 1 Basin was officially opened in 1871, with HMS Invincible being brought into No 5 Dock for repairs, with great ceremony. Many homes have views of the River Medway. The chances of finding someone by name within this series are steadily improving as details are added to the online catalogue as part of the Navy Board cataloguing project. St Marys Island was just waste land, marsh, nothing, now look at it, he said. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Tributes paid to Plymouth 'local celebrity', Well-known Plymouth resident Ted Nott passed away with his family by his side, Olly Murs breaks down on stage as he dedicates song to late friend Caroline Flack, Olly expressed regrets about not being there for his late friend, who passed away in February 2020, Marks and Spencer to extend stay at Derriford Hospital, Permission asked for to allow Simply Food store to stay for another ten years, A38 closures included in this week's Plymouth roadworks notices, The following roadworks are taking place in Plymouth this week, Inside Plymouth's comic book shop where you can escape real life, Final Frontier say they have something for everyone in their store, Plymouth Gladiators start Championship campaign after superby BSN series win over Poole Pirates. Hawkins' chain was later replaced with a boom of masts, iron, cordage, and the hulls of two old ships, besides a couple of ruined pinnacles. Also, after a reunion in 1993 at Gravesend Rowing Club, Terry said the whereabouts of two of the attendees, John Doggett and Ted Leftley, is now unknown. Also, is it definitely RNH? Sign up for a new account in our community. [42], The easternmost basin (Basin No 3) was handed over to the Medway Ports authority and is now a commercial port (Chatham Docks). The dockyard, always pulled together and pulled out all the stops to get things done, especially for the navy. The majority of its buildings are still standing, several of them occupied by the Universities at Medway. Posted 11 June , 2020 . Until 1814 timber was cut by pairs of men, one above and one below the log. [14], The decision required the dockyard to move from its original location, which was too constricted, to a new (adjacent) site to the north. The growing importance of the dockyard was illustrated with the addition soon afterwards of a mast pond, and the granting of additional land on which a second (double) dry dock was constructed, along with a sail loft, a ropery and residences for the dockyard officers: all of which were completed by 1624. 09:00 to 17:00. Joseph Farington (17471821) was commissioned by the Navy Board to paint a panoramic view of Chatham Dockyard (as part of a project to create a visual record of all six home yards) in 1785. Apprenticeship Home The weekend event was organised by Tony Gray, who at 66 is still working part-time as a consultant. The permanent residents were the dockyard men. There was space for some 500 horses and 1,000 men. Anchor Wharf, The Historic Dockyard, Those that we have in our collections are ones that have been donated to us, usually by families of former dockyard workers or Chatham Ratings. He said: "It was traditional in my day, if your father was in the dockyard, you'd follow your father into the dockyard.". (Hill House would serve as the dockyard's Pay Office for the next 180 years; the Royal Marine Barracks were later built on its site). In 1717 the original Storehouse was replaced with the Grand Store (a much larger three-storey building, contemporary with and of a similar style to, the Main Gatehouse in the Dockyard).
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chatham dockyard old apprentices