cardinia shire burning off dates

Will I require a permit? 2.1 Burning off in Cardinia Shire Burning off is permitted in areas of the shire designated as a 'burn off areas' providing it is done so within the conditions specified in this policy. How will the feedback submitted by residents be used? 5. Open air burning is allowed provided that the resident lives in the Cardinia . Local Law has been adopted - thank you for your feedback. Barbeques and fires for cooking and warmth do not require a permit, but must be lit in properly constructed fireplaces (to view complete conditions visit Any original content that you submit or post on our site may be made available to the public and allows users to share your content (with the end user acknowledging your contribution) under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Australian License. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land. It was a perfect week of golfing weather at Garfield with frosty cool mornings turning into clear sunny days except for Thursday when 2023 Star News Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved, National honours for Pakenhams next big thing. Bass Coast Shire. City of Frankston. you live in the Cardinia Shire Council Bushfire Prone Area (BPA), the burn off is for fire preventionand fire fuel reductionpurposes, Councils burn off requirements arefollowed at all times. Cardinia Shire is not currently in the Fire Danger Period. The amendments to the Local Law include: 1. VIC Australia 3151. This means burning-off will be prohibited across the entire shire throughout the month. Burwood East Some features of this website may not work correctly. To get a better experience we strongly recommend you download a new browser for free: Would you like to follow this project to receive email updates? What previous consultation has Council done on open air fires? Mr Tunks said he currently has neighbours who burn off every week, both on the days they are allowed to and the days they are not. Banning open air fires during set months also gives residents a guaranteed smoke-free period, which is likely to be welcomed by those who have health challenges or who dont support burning off. This new law will provide the community with more opportunities to reduce bushfire risk through burning-off while ensuring public safety remains a key priority. Residents in these areas take this opportunity ahead of the FDP to conduct safe private burn-offs to reduce fuel loads and clean up their property. If you don't want to complete an online survey or contribute to an online consultation, you can provide written responses by posting to: Cardinia Shire CouncilPO BOX 7Pakenham VIC 3810, or you can request for a hard copy of a survey or submission form to be posted to you. ABN: 32 210 906 807, Open-air fires local law adopted by Council. CFA declares the Fire Danger Period for each municipality (shire or council) at different times in the lead up to the fire season. % To check if its a smog alert day, check EPA AirWatch. Local laws may be in place all year. A new local law on open air fires has been adopted. Burning industrial and household waste such as plastic, rubber, metal and liquid is toxic and harmful to human health and the environment, through noxious smoke and the leaching of chemicals into surrounding soils. As a result of feedback, the local law no longer prohibits burning off in August and public holidays. People definitely need to clean up their properties in preparation for the summer. Why is such a large area of clearance being proposed around a burn off? No burning of industrial or domestic waste. 2 0 obj CFA Local Information page, 8 Lakeside Drive The draft local law proposes that residents located in these zones would not need a permit to burn off if other conditions for that zone, as outlined in the local law, are met. Yes. Burn offs restrictions changed. The Fire Danger Rating tells you how dangerous a fire would be if one started. Residents raised concerns about smoke so the distances to buildings/fencelines have been increased in this local law to take in account smoke amenity concerns when residents complete burning off. In the Bushland and Peri-Urban Zone and the Rural Zone, if criteria is met, a permit for burning off may not be required. Fire Danger Period information: A written permit is required to burn off grass, undergrowth, weeds or other vegetation during the FDP. What does Social Pinpoint require from their users? The Draft Social and Affordable Housing Strategy Action Plan elicited a strong response from Knox City Councillors, with some supporting the push for more 2023 Star News Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved, Heritage grants breathe new life into Puffing Billy, Draft Social Housing Plan elicits strong reaction from Knox City Councillors, Busy weekend for Monbulk Ranges Soccer Club, Changes to script length worries pharmacists. Except for Intellectual Property which is in the public domain or for which you have been given written permission, you may not copy, alter, transmit, sell, distribute any of the Intellectual Property. Has Local Law 20 been approved? The draft local law proposes that Council, through the CEO, may suspend clauses in the proposed local law in the lead up to the Fire Danger Period so residents have more opportunities to prepare their properties for the fire season. We encourage all residents to familiarise themselves with their local council open air burn policy when burning off. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time without notice. The final Local Law can be found in the document library on the right hand side of this screen and further information can be found at These changes are proposed to reduce hazardous smoke caused from burning wet material. Any content posted by you is subject to the rules of our Moderation Policy. It is our duty to protect the confidentiality of content you provide on our site in accordance with our Privacy Policy. two metres long or two metres wide or two metres high). For details on how to make an application under the FOI Act, refer to Councils website. Find what municipality you're in on the Following this consultation phase, all submissions received on the draft local law will be considered and presented to councillors for further consideration. Warnings are issued when a fire has started and you need to take action. The Fire Danger Period may be declared as early as October in some municipalities, and typically remains in place until the fire danger lessens, which could be as late as May. Burning Off Permit Application (Online Version) (Opens in new window) Apply: All: Permit to Burn Application - DOC (Opens in new window) Other resources. The current laws about open air fires will remain in place until this law comes into effect. If you are using fire to clean up your property ahead of the FDP, you should notify authorities of the burn-off at the Fire Permits Victoria website at, or by calling ESTA on 1800 668 511. . <> In a time when the global environment is on a knife edge with all major governments and many industries working towards zero emissions I would have expected the Cardinia Shire Council would do more towards limiting unnecessary pollution from the burning of green waste rather than enabling more burning off.. It depends on the amount of rain, grassland curing rate and other local conditions. The increased burning off will mean more smoke more often. . You are responsible for protecting your own password you use for this site and for any activities done under that password. A Total Fire Ban declaration means no fires can be lit for the declared district for that day unless there is a specific exemption or special permit issued. Before you burn off, please consider using one of these methods to reduce your fuel load: If youdecide youneed to burn off:Follow the stepsbelow. During late 2019 and into 2020, we engaged extensively with residents, businesses and government agencies to hear your views about what you thought worked well in relation to the existing regulations on open air fires, and what you thought should change. The system reduces the number of danger levels from six in the previous system, to four; Moderate, High, Extreme and Catastrophic. 1800 226 226. used or capable of being used for the burning of any material or substance and Open air fires consultationCardinia Shire CouncilPO Box 7Pakenham VIC 3810. Any loss or damage incurred from those communications or dealings are solely between the user and the third party. Go to page. Edit this page. We listened to the community and made several changes before the adoption of this new local law, Cr Springfield said. A Cardinia Shire Council spokesperson said the council will consider and review all concerns raised by residents before the final local law is approved. This service will start up again as soon as restrictions allow. Ph:1300 787 624 This applies irrespective of the Fire Restriction status for a given municipality. In response to the feedback we received, the proposed Open Air Burning Local Law has been amended and adopted by Council. Local Law No 20 was made by resolution of the Cardinia Shire Council on the #####. Your address will then appear in a dark blue box - click the right arrow to view your zone. Where it is necessary to collect contact details to provide an update on a project or incentive for survey participation, this information is collected and stored in a separate database to survey responses. Enter your property address into the search bar below and select it when it appears in the drop-down menu. If you set your location on this website, your Fire District will display in the top left corner of every page, next to your suburb. xoo6w8`o(&m!^{yrb ;;mo:vj[X%=:&a?? We pay our respects to Elders, past and present. Creating Cardinia website contains the copyrighted material, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other proprietary information (Intellectual Property) of Social Pinpoint and its suppliers and licensors. For more information on burning off in Cardinia Shire, please visit This clause is not intended to prevent burning off, and we invite submissions that support the current proposal, as well as those that propose alternative ways to address the safety and amenity objectives. By Jessica Anstice. Your password must have a minimum length of 5 characters. If you want to terminate your own account, please send an email to The submissions will be provided to Councillors for consideration as well as a summary of the key themes identified through the feedback. We pay our respects to Elders, past and present. A written permit is required to burn off grass, undergrowth, weeds or other vegetation during the FDP. Address all correspondence to PO Box 7, Pakenham, 3810. Monitor weather conditions and do not burn-off during days of high winds. Widespread rainfall in winter and spring has led to high fuel loads across the region and we can expect to see significant grassfires this season, he said. All open air fires must be extinguished before being left unattended. 2. Fires in wet weather also create excess smoke from damp vegetation and are hard to light and keep alight. We may immediately deactivate or delete your account and all the related files and information in your account. %PDF-1.7 This area is home to 43 locations and/or suburbs which you can explore in more detail by selecting from the list below. Cardinia Shire Council has temporarily eased burn off restrictions for residents who are allowed to burn off for fire prevention purposes. City of Casey. Please keep your contact details and passwords confidential. endobj Failure to provide accurate information violates the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of your account on our service. Open the burning off map in a new tab here, Once you know which zone your property is in: Go to step 5. Registering that you are having a planned fire prevents the fire brigade being called out unnecessarily, as the person who takes the call can then confirm that the fire is registered and planned. As part of the local law, the Shire will be divided into three zones with appropriate open-air fire regulations, rather than the previous rules where regulations were based on zoning and land size. The Cardinia area is located approximately 58kms from the capital Melbourne. These requirements have been changed, to require 12 metre distance from structures (but not from fences). Burning off is only allowed if all rules below are followed: If your fire meets all these conditions:Go to step 7, If you cannot meet all these conditions:You can still apply for a burning off permit. If you are using fire to clean up your property ahead of the FDP, you should notify authorities of the burn-off at the Fire Permits Victoria website at, or by calling ESTA on 1800 668 511. Properties in the Bushland and Peri-Urban and Rural zones may not need a permit to burn off if other criteria are met. The Fire Danger Period may be declared as early as October in some municipalities, and typically remains in place until the fire danger lessens, which could be as late as May. Registering your burn off is a requirement under the existing Local Law 17 Part 5A. 88 6 comments 4 shares Share stream Some residents would like the freedom to burn off any day whilst others wish for no burning off at all. Copyright 2023 CFA (Country Fire Authority), Disclaimer | Privacy Statement | Protected disclosure | Contact | Feedback | Links | Sitemap | VicEmergency, Road Closures (Traffic Management Points) - FAQs, Restrictions and permits for farming activities, Operating farming machinery, equipment and vehicles, Maintaining electric fences and powerlines, Information for owners and owners corporations, Basic Home Fire Safety Training Materials, Wellbeing Support Services for Family Members of CFA People, Presumptive Rights Compensation / Cancer Claims, CFA Fiskville Health Surveillance Program, External Review of Culture and Issues Management, Fire Danger Ratings and TFBs in your district, Your nearest Neighbourhood Safer Places and Community Fire Refuges, Community safety meetings and events near you. Even when the smoke is not heavy you can still smell it and that is not pleasant either.. You can find which council you are in on the 'Know Your Council' website. <>/ExtGState<>/Pattern<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595 842] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Prohibitions on burning off in August, and on public holidays - many submitters indicated that preventing residents from burning off in July, August and public holidays was too restrictive, and would reduce the opportunities to burn off. Its time for the council to consider new ways to tackle old issues before its too late.. To check if its a Total Fire Ban day, go to the CFA website. Cardinia Shire Council has temporarily eased burn off restrictions for residents who are allowed to burn off for fire prevention purposes. Understanding that people need to clean up their properties prior to the summer bushfire season, Mr Tunks would like to see more options made available to residents to dispose of green waste and higher permit costs and fines to deter people from unnecessarily burning off. Your local council or shire may have their own local laws about lighting fires. CFA is a child safe organisation. Cardinia Shire Council acknowledges and pays respect to the traditional custodians of these lands, the Bunurong and Wurundjeri people. four metres long or four metres wide or four metres high). Where we use the online surveying software to manage email invites to a survey, the email is stored in a separate data file to survey responses. Following extensive community and agency consultation, Council has adopted new open-air fire regulations which will come into effect on 1 July 2022. endobj July will be declared a no burn month throughout the Shire. a maximum pile size of 64 cubic metres (that is, 4 metres long, 4 metres deep and 4 metres high). 3 new zones are proposed to replace the existing bushfire-prone area. In 2019, Council began the process of reviewing the existing local law on open air burning (Local Law 17 Part 5A). You must ensure all fires are attended at all times and are able to be extinguished. The wetter your bushfire fuel is, the more smoke it tends to create and this can be a health hazard. VIC Australia 3151. planning zones (commercial, low-density residential, urban growth, and green wedge). Task Business Structure Resources; . You can only burn off if you meet the conditions for your zone, which are outlined below. Cardinia Shire Council has temporarily eased burn off restrictions for residents who are allowed to burn off for fire prevention purposes. All intellectual property in the content of this site including without limitation to text, software, source code, pages, documents and online graphics, photographs, sounds, audio, video and other interactive features are owned by or licensed to us. a maximum pile size of 8 cubic metres (that is, 2 metres long, 2 metres deep and 2 metres high). Farmers can find legal guidelines and practical advice at this information is important especially for new farmers, bush block owners or hobby farmers. Emerald falls into the bushland and peri-urban category and could mean under new laws that residents can legally burn two, three cubic metre green waste piles four days a week. Victorians can find out Can I or Cant I? information at or by calling VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226. The questions are optional. The proposed zones have been developed based on: If you prefer, you can also check which proposed zone your property is in using the maps in the document library on this page. Creating an account helps us better understand your needs and the needs of the community. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and will not disclose any personal information you provide (such as your name, email address or street address) to a third party without your consent, unless required by law or to action a customer service request. If you're having trouble working out which zone your property is in, you can call us on 1300 787 624 to check. Burning is only permitted for the purpose of reducing bushfire fuel. The zoning of some properties was changed, as a result of submitter feedback. More information about burn-off restrictions specific to your area can be found by consulting your local council. No burning on severe weather warning days (as issued by the Bureau of Meteorology). Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data. CFA fire restrictions will end across Cardinia Shire and other neighbouring districts @ 1am on Monday 28th March 2022. If its not the month of July: Go to step 4. We are not responsible for your communications or dealings, including payment and delivery of goods or services, with a third party found via our website. What are the conditions with a users account? Enter your property address below to check which zone you're in. Burn-off notification. Any material that the user downloads through the site is done at their own risk and are responsible for any damages to their computer system or loss of data. Copyright 2023 CFA (Country Fire Authority), Disclaimer | Privacy Statement | Protected disclosure | Contact | Feedback | Links | Sitemap | VicEmergency, Road Closures (Traffic Management Points) - FAQs, Restrictions and permits for farming activities, Operating farming machinery, equipment and vehicles, Maintaining electric fences and powerlines, Information for owners and owners corporations, Basic Home Fire Safety Training Materials, Wellbeing Support Services for Family Members of CFA People, Presumptive Rights Compensation / Cancer Claims, CFA Fiskville Health Surveillance Program, External Review of Culture and Issues Management, Fire Danger Ratings and TFBs in your district, Your nearest Neighbourhood Safer Places and Community Fire Refuges, Community safety meetings and events near you, Yarriambiack Shire (north of the netting fence), Yarriambiack Shire (south of the netting fence), Lake Mountain Alpine Resort (Unincorporated), Falls Creek Alpine Resort (Unincorporated), Mount Buller Alpine Resort (Unincorporated), Mount Hotham Alpine Resort (Unincorporated), Mount Stirling Alpine Resort (Unincorporated), Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort (Unincorporated). If you disagree with any of the Terms presented in this agreement, you may discontinue using the site immediately. Check your open-air fire zone here Register your burn off Apply for a permit to burn off. Currently, when the smoke is heavy I have to retreat indoors so with the proposed changes to the law that will mean I will not be able to spend as much time outside in the garden and doing work around the house, he said. If yourethinking aboutburningoff, please followthe steps below. But burning off and adding greenhouse gases into the atmosphere simply adds to the increasing threat of bushfires, he said. Data used has been sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). We may terminate or suspend access to your site and/or account immediately, without prior notice, including without limitation if you breach the Terms. Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below: We (Council) use or ask for your personal information (such as your name, email address or street address) to: Personal information will not be collected from any person who is known by Council to be under the age of fifteen (15) without the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Please allow up to 3business days for processing. Check the colour of the map where your property is to see which zone it falls in. Council does not currently charge a fee for burning off permits and there are currently no plans to implement a fee. For more information, refer to the proposed new local law. Victoria is divided into nine Fire Districts based on council boundaries. The Fire Danger Period (FDP) will begin at 1am on Monday, 30 January 2023 for the following municipalities in CFAs South East Region: FDP restrictions already apply across parts of Victoria and CFA will be introducing further FDPs for municipalities in the coming weeks based on assessments of the amount of rain, grassland curing rate and local conditions. Before you light your fire/s, you mustregister your burn off with an agency called ESTA (soon to be called Triple Zero Victoria) at least 2 hours before you burn, so the CFA don'tget called out., 2023 Cardinia Shire Council. Were producing a newsletter to keep the storm-affected community in Cardinia Shire informed of services and support available. We, like many others, made a conscious choice to live in Cardinia Shire to enjoy the beautiful natural environment and to benefit from a healthier environment, he said. (You can find which council you are in on theLocal Informationpage), NorthernCountry Bans, Restrictions & Ratings, NorthCentral Bans, Restrictions & Ratings, EastGippsland Bans, Restrictions & Ratings, Westand South Gippsland Bans, Restrictions & Ratings, Page last updated:Thursday, 20 October 2022 6:32:34 PM, 8 Lakeside Drive This was in response to feedback from residents that the current pile sizes were too small to allow efficient burning off to occur, especially for larger rural lifestyle properties. To maintain respondent anonymity we carefully review all data and will delete any instances that pose a risk of identification prior to analysis / storing the data file on internal systems. If you decide to burn off this year, you must follow all the rules: For more information on burning off in Cardinia Shire, please, 2023 Cardinia Shire Council. This provision will allow Council officers to address waste disposal offences that are not for the purpose of bushfire fuel reduction. 23/11/2021. 8 Lakeside Drive <> to provide you with information on services you might be interested in, to post or email you notices, e-newsletters and updates, to invite you to participate in a survey for Council, recognising that Council provides services to a property in which you live, own, visit, or manage a business, to administer incentives and prizes associated with research and engagement activities, documents affecting personal privacy of other people (such as names, addresses, telephone numbers) - section 33(1), documents relating to commercial information (putting a commercial business at an unreasonable disadvantage) - section 34(1), information provided in confidence such as complaints section 35(1), documents affecting legal proceedings (legal advice or opinions) - section 32(1). We are committed to inclusive communities. Will there be a fee for permits to burn off? Why are you proposing designated months where burning off is banned? Different burning-off rules apply to the Open Air Burn Zones across Cardinia Shire. endobj No burning on days when the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Air Quality Index is poor, very poor or hazardous. With 19 games over the 3 days, this weekend was a bumper one down at Monbulk Regional Soccer Facility. You can apply for a permit at {wo/=\0eT%1FX6e3v6-Uc|^?Zwwr,&uJJ5jniioPK+}p-Zz& IAZjiz[ueT|7x-sh!ryMoreMqy#FX\F?v;2R_S8=Eyx=!! You must understand and agree that, without limitation: Can your account be suspended or terminated? From now until the Fire Danger Period is declared, open air burning is allowed without a permit from Monday to Saturday, provided that: you live in the Cardinia Shire Council Bushfire Prone Area (BPA) Burning off also has a two fold impact it releases more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causing the planet to warm which then creates a higher risk of bushfires. Version number Effective dates 1.0.1 First working draft (not for distribution) 2.0 Proposed Local Law 20 Proposed by motion of Cardinia Shire Council on 16 August 2021 . The local law was adopted at last nights Council meeting and details the regulations for open-air fires - commonly known as burning off outside of the declared fire danger period. Once it appears, select it in the drop-down menu. Victorians can learn more about the new fire danger rating system on the CFA website. Further details at We make no warranty that the site will meet your requirements or be uninterrupted or error-free. The Open Air Fires Local Law aims to provide for flexible fuel reduction and fire prevention while discouraging unnecessary health and environmental hazards caused by smoke, the spokesperson said. In the Urban and Township Zone, burning off is only allowed with a permit. From now until the Fire Danger Period is declared, open air burning is allowed without a permit from Monday to Saturday. Prohibitions on burning off in August, and on public holidays many submitters indicated that preventing residents from burning off in July, August and public holidays was too restrictive, and would reduce the opportunities to burn off.
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cardinia shire burning off dates