can you use profender and revolution at the same time

You feel good to know that your canine is healthy and joyful and your only wish would be for your pet to remain healthy. This ingredient acts on the nervous system of the parasites and causes hyperactivity which in turn kills the critter. Revolution has slower kill times for fleas and ticks compared to other topical products like Frontline Plus and Advantage II. Let us have a look at some of the treatments that shouldnt be combined. flex-basis: 50%; 5 Heartwarming Cat And Dog Friendship Stories, Why Is My Cat Staring At Me? border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; So in using two of the 2.8-5.5 lb doses, you are still giving the exact equivalent doses of the two drugs as you would be with a single dose of the 5.6-11 lb dose. The only vaccine required by law in my friend's . 7. } Sometimes, there are differences in the inactive ingredients between dog and cat products that would make them inappropriate to consider interchangeable. you could however use a different spot on such as revolution or frontline which contain completely different active ingredients. color: #fff; Profender Cat Dewormer is packaged in single unit dosing applicator tubes and is available as 0.35 ml tubes . If you have any concerns for potential toxicity, even if you think your kitty might have just licked some Revolution Plus off her fur and is having a bitter taste reaction, it is always best to contact your veterinarian, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435), or Pet Poison Helpline (1-855-764-7661) immediately for further advice. Just want to learn about Revolution Plus? To avoid this from happening, it is important to apply any topical flea/tick product to the skin in front of the shoulder blades at the back of the neck, a location even the most flexible cat cannot reach to lick. display: flex; Description PROFENDER [1.98% emodepside/7.94% praziquantel] Topical Solution is a clear yellow ready-to-use solution packaged in single unit dosing applicator tubes for topical (dermal) treatment of cats 8 weeks of age and older and weighing at least 2.2 lbs (1 kg). While the use of the drug did not appear to be the direct cause of death, treatment with the drug cannot be ruled out as a contributing factor (See PRECAUTIONS). With a spectrum that includes not just fleas but heartworms, ticks, sarcoptic mite mange, ear mites, and a couple intestinal parasites, its fairly unmatched in terms of having a pretty broad spectrum of coverage. In intestinal worms as well, the chemical disrupts the nerve signals thereby killing the worms and eliminating them from the intestinal tract. .medication-table .table-row{ Im thinking I probably didnt (I can remember thinking I needed to remember to do it, but I cant remember actually doing it!) While Revolution Plus topical solution is considered to be waterproof within two hours of application, the manufacturer still recommends waiting 24 hours to bathe your kitty after application. Praziquantel is an isoquinoline cestocide. Panacur must be given for 3 consecutive days to treat whipworms, and 5 to treat Giardia. align-items: center; He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area. The 2017 article Perception vs. Revolution products can also help to control ear mites, which are pesky, itchy pests that occupy the ear canals, usually of young cats or kittens. Though external flea and tick treatments, i.e., treatments of your house or surroundings do not conflict with the preventatives being administered to your pets, it would be a smart move to avoid spraying your pet while treating your house for fleas and ticks. When already applied prior to flea exposure, Revolution can start killing fleas within 6 hours with a majority killed at 12 hours. I always worry about strays because we dont know what theyve had exposure to in their past life. Should I buy. Bathing shortly before application may also reduce its effectiveness. Starts at $63.99. The main reason for this is that some pets can be at a higher risk of a reaction for some products if the product is given or applied while the pet has an active heartworm infection. One-time purchase. Before using or dispensing any product, read and carefully observe the label directions. Box 390, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66201 U.S.A. Rrevolution flea treatment contains selamectin as its active ingredient. Read more here. View all posts by Dr. Chris Vanderhoof, DVM, MPH, Proviable For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, Tramadol For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, 7 Common Cat Vocalizations And What They Mean, Why Do Cats Groom Each Other? One is fluralaner, which is in the isoxazoline class, which provides most of the tick control. Expiration Range: Thanks! } However, the ingredients in Revolution Plus make it one of the best all-around products for cats with the best broad spectrum of coverage targeting fleas, ticks, heartworm, and intestinal parasites. Of those two, only roundworms are visible, resembling long spaghetti-like strands. It must be applied on a monthly basis to prevent heartworm disease. Eliminates the need for repeat dosing*, reducing stress for your clients and patients. display: block; Before purchasing Revolution Plus, find out how much your cat weighs so you can buy the correct dosage. Profender is generally safe and effective, but as with any medication, there is . Over 90% of the three ticks it targets were effectively killed on cats over a 60-day period of study, with the black-legged tick being killed within 24 hours. The main reason for this is that some pets can be at a higher risk of a reaction for some products if the product is given or applied while the pet has an active heartworm infection. Though it is not usually recommended to use more than one oral flea treatment at the same time, its safe to combine Comfortis &Capstar. Revolution lasts for a full month. Revolution Plus does the following: According to the manufacturer, when newly applied, Revolution Plus can start killing fleas within 12 hours, with a majority killed within 24 hours. If this was a recent application, it can help to use warm water and dish soap (like Dawn) to gently clean the area and remove any residue on the skin. : Profender is a topical treatment that is applied to the back of the neck and is effective in killing fleas and preventing them from returning. Hi Jackie, Updated: 2023-02-28. It appears to burn him. If he did go out in the rain within 24 hours of application though, there is a good chance much of the Revolution will be washed off, especially if most of it is in the fur. .cliverse-medication-title{ Form: Now squeeze the pipette three to four times so the entire content comes out on the spot. line-height: 1.2; } Minimum Age Limit. Revolution can be safely used on breeding and nursing cats. Avermectin topical antiparasiticide .cliverse-medication-title .logo{ It has proven time again that it is one of the leading flea treatments for cats on the pet market. However, if in case a cat experiences vomiting, loose stools, diarrhea or muscle tremors, contact the vet immediately. PROFENDER (Works against round worms, whipworms and tapeworms. If your dog is taking other . Heartgard is a go-to option if one is looking to combine a heartworm preventatives with flea or tick treatments. Skin irritation is uncommonly reported with Revolution Plus, though hair loss was not, at least not in clinical trials. Dr. Vanderhoof is also a copywriter specializing in the animal health field and founder of Paramount Animal Health Writing Solutions, which can be found at www.animalhealthco on Revolution Plus For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, I am completely satisfied, I found useful information and tips in this article, Article was somewhat helpful, but could be improved. While Revolution products are considered to be waterproof within 2 hours of application, the manufacturer still recommends waiting 24 hours to bathe your kitty after application. Form: An MRI can be an important part of working up a seizure disorder to look for structural abnormalities in the brain, but they tend to be expensive, so not often pursued. If re-infection occurs, the product can be re-applied after 30 days. Revolution vials have a cap that first needs to be pushed down into the vial to puncture it. width: 115px; So Im wondering, given that its March and were having weird weather ranging from the 20s all the way up to the 50s (Farenheit), whether it would be better to assume I didnt dose them last week and give it to them now, or wait until next month. He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area. Plus, it's easy to use for every pet parent's convenience. Customer: I applied Profender and Vectra (Frontline) at the same time. As far as intestinal parasites go, it is best for especially any outdoor kitty to be on a product regularly that can prevent them. A single treatment of Revolution should clear any hookworms and roundworms the cat may have. We are grateful for your time and compassion for our pet family members. Patents: 5 514 773 and other patents pending. Profender works by using the time-tested active ingredient praziquantel and a unique compound called emodepside to eradicate intestinal parasites. So profender is absorbed systemically, like Revolution, (which protects against fleas, ear mites, roundworm and hookworm). It's the only dewormer that can be used on your cats' skin to treat and control common intestinal parasites. THIS SERVICE AND DATA ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". Clinical signs: She seems to have managed to reach a small portion of the Profender and while acting completely normal, she did have some diarrhea today. Profender (emodepside/praziquantel) Topical Solution Indications, Warnings and cautions for Profender (emodepside/praziquantel) Topical Solution, Direction and dosage information for Profender (emodepside/praziquantel) Topical Solution. For getting rid of an active flea infestation in your home, Frontline Plus, Frontline GOLD, or Advantage II are probably better choices. text-align: center; } Bathing shortly before application may also reduce its effectiveness. I got more on his fur then his skin. } Profender Spot-on Prevents: intestinal worms, lungworm Lungworm is present in Adelaide, and causes coughing and respiratory disease in mostly young cats. Your email address will not be published. Topical solution: up to 5 pounds (mauve packaging, 15 mg/tube), 5.1 to 15 pounds (blue packaging, 45 mg/tube), 15.1 22 pounds (taupe packaging, 60 mg/tube) She is due 5/19 for her next monthly preventative - I had been using Advantage but would like to switch to Revolution for the summer. 5 Possible Reasons. } If re-infection occurs, the product can be re-applied after 30 days. Stiff hair, a damp appearance of the hair, or a slight powdery residue may be observed at the treatment site. ARe you referring to inflamamtory bowel disease (IBD). It contains two drugs. If youre seeing worms resembling pieces of rice, using another dose of Revolution Plus will not help. Selamectin My adult cat weighs 11 lbs. okay. padding: 15px 5px 15px 5px; justify-content: space-between; Reactions such as facial, tongue and hand swelling have been reported in humans in rare instances. It can also treat and control intestinal roundworm and hookworm infections, as well as ear mite infestations. padding: 15px 15px 15px 25px; Laboratory effectiveness studies: One cat died 10 days after receiving PROFENDER Topical Solution. They were told they couldn't bring the cat in (for an ear infection) unless they agreed to a full set of vaccinations (on a cat with an ear infection, no less). .cliverse-medication-title{ Thanks for sharing and Im sorry to hear that youre having these issues with your kitty. Thanks! If you feel youre not seeing good efficacy from the product, especially when it comes to flea infestations, please consider the following. Packages should be stored below 86 degrees F (30 degrees C). .medication-table .table-row{ Age: 2. Consider holding off on another dose and first confirm what types of intestinal worms youre seeing, as Revolution Plus can only kill certain ones, roundworms and hookworms. 192. deer ticks) American dog ticks and Gulf . Because it is a heartworm preventative, you must obtain a prescription from your veterinarian before purchasing Revolution Plus. The cap can then be removed, and the entire contents of the vial applied by parting the fur and applying to the skin along the back of the neck in front of the shoulders where a kitty cannot reach to lick it off of himself. For dogs weighing 5.6-11kg: Use a 0.25 ml tube of Frontline every month, alongside. font-weight: 700; margin: 0; Can he have another dose before 30 days? Select one or more newsletters to continue. Science Has an Answer, Pneumothorax In Cats (Cat Collapsed Lung). While Revolution Plus for cats has been established as a safe product, the active ingredients may be found in other products in combination with other ingredients that are not safe for cats. Revolution Plus For Cats Overview } To prevent accidental ingestion of the product, children should not come in contact with the application site for twenty-four (24) hours while the product is being absorbed. margin: 0!important; font-size: 20px!important; box-sizing: border-box; This means, kittens and cats over 6 weeks of age only are eligible for this treatment. Why should I care about ticks? Revolution Plus spot-on product is a monthly topical solution applied to a small target area or spot of the skin, usually in front of the shoulders at the back of the neck. These effects are temporary and do not affect the safety or effectiveness of the product. Dr. Vanderhoof lives in the Northern Virginia area with his family, including 3 cats. (See Table below.). Puppies can be dewormed as early as 2 weeks of age under the direction of a veterinarian. They eliminate fleas and flea eggs with ease and prevent future flea infestations for one full month. God bless you.. Dr. Vanderhoof lives in the Northern Virginia area with his family, including 3 cats. I have a 5 cat household. In many cases, when a pup or kitty parent is still seeing live fleas on their pet after a product has been applied, this issue can most often be traced back to incorrect use or application of the product, as well as poor expectations. So they were due for a dose last week, but I dont have anything marked on the calendar, and I cant remember whether I actually gave them their dose. Revolution for Cats will treat Adult Fleas, Flea Eggs, Flea Larvae, Ear Mites, Heartworms, Hookworms and Roundworms. But if you are not comfortable with that, keep a close eye for fleas and ticks over the next month. Rapid Breathing/Panting - Because Revolution enters the blood stream, it can sometimes have a negative effect on your pets heart. I dont know about drontal if you cn use it safely together so speak to your vet, not a shop as they wont know Find a Early Neuter vet near you! Before taking any measure that could be potentially harmful to your pet, it is always suggested to take the vets advice on the same. It is also always advisable if you have a pup and kitty who like to hang out together or groom each other to separate them for 24 hours after applying a topical product to your dog, especially if the product contains permethrin. Oral Safety Studies in Cats: PROFENDER Topical Solution was administered orally at the recommended topical dose to young adult cats. } In case of accidental ingestion or if skin or eye irritation occurs, call a poison control center or physician for treatment advice. Topical liquid solution I have a serious concern. If you've ever tried to trick a cat into swallowing a pill, we feel your pain. Just one application of easy-to-use Profender allows you to confidently treat and control tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms. If not so, the combination should be avoided. Each time you make a purchase through one of our independently-chosen links, well receive a percentage of the proceeds. If you notice your cat or kitten have any side effects what so ever after using Revolution, call or take your cat to the vet as soon as possible. In field studies where re-infestation was possible Revolution eliminated 100% of ear mites in cats. Wait for a minimum of 2 hours before shampooing your pet or getting him wet. When choosing a product, always make sure to think about all risks present to your kitty. Frontline Plus and Advantage II mustnt be combined. Selamectin is a topical avermectin antiparasiticide. .medication-table a{ } The safety of concurrent use of fluralaner and a commercially available emodepsid-praziquantel combination topical solution was investigated using topical administrations at the maximum recommended dose rates. Sarolaner allows for Revolution Plus to have a better spectrum of activity against ticks. 245 views, 7 likes, 0 loves, 2 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from World funny video : Douglas Macgregor: A Huge Offensive Destroy The Lines. Within the last year, researchers at WSU have identified that cats can have the MDR1 genetic mutation (which has been known about in dogs for about 20 years) that renders some cats sensitive to drugs including selamectin with seizures as a possible sign. } Available Dosages: In Revolution Plus, a little less than 5% of cats showed signs of looking excessively tired, less than 4% showed signs of skin irritation, and about 3% showed signs of a decreased appetite. In this article, youll learn about Revolution Plus for cats, the ingredients it contains, the types of pests it targets and parasite protection it provides, possible side effects to consider, and some frequently asked questions.
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can you use profender and revolution at the same time