book of enoch giant trees

In the Book of Enoch another clue is given to us. But I beg to differ! He believed it to be the point of connection between the intellect and the body. Proudly created with. Your email address will not be published. In many cases The resemblance to massive Tree Stumps is undeniable. Steven Spielberg fans are likely familiar with Devils Tower, even if they dont know it by name. one on another, and deep and rugged valleys, no one of which was near another. The tallest trees in the world today are redwoods, which tower above the ground in California. So no king COULD defeat it. Ive always felt since, that this might have been a sign, for further perusal into Enochs writings. Images. Then I said: 'How beautiful is the tree, and how attractive is its look!' Symbolic of the Tree of Life at the center of our world? We offer this information free for Research and Study Purposes. Several species of Acacia tree are common to the middle east. Terrible loss for science, which nevertheless congratulates itself on it, satisfied that it does not have to disavow itself and to rewrite page by page the false history of our planet, that has been stubbornly rehearsing for ages, cursing those who do not think like it. Their book of alchemy? The Book of Giants - Wikipedia 12. This is what I believe is the message for the Adepts: Ordo AB Chao should be written pyramid style. But not just plants, but a specific flower from a specific tree, the MIMOSA. The Masons know the importance of AB. Thank you** Aloha! There is plenty of residual evidence to prove this if you look into it. Its potential is greater. 5. 24.2 And I went towards it and saw seven magnificent mountains. With Baalbek being the chest or skull? Every thought you process? This is part 2 for the giant cedars of Lebanon. 1.1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, according to which he blessed the chosen and righteous, who must be present on the Day of Distress, which is appointed for the removal of all the wicked and impious. Red is on TOP violet is on bottom. Enoch and the Book of Giants - Elaias Prophecy Index - Google Sites To me it just perpetuates the monetary system that is enslaving us. How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?, It makes you feel cold. Yes Heroine is bad. 15But let the stump and its roots, bound with iron and bronze, remain in the ground, in the grass of the field.. The York Rite of Masonry seems to control the SPACE. but especially about this tree." Some years ago at the Department of Theology at Durham University i was first introduced to the book of Enoch (since then it has become fashionable. BLUE represents space, or the SQUARE, that which is stable and can be measured by a RULER. So the AB would be the capstone flanked by Ordo on the right and Chao on the left. You provide the doors for the keys to open. 24 By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the east wind upon the earth?, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Ancient Tree Research Project ~ Giant Cedars of Lebanon (Part 2). I went from thence to another place, and saw a mountain of fire flashing both by day and night. 1.2 And Enoch took up his parable, and said: There was a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by the Lord, and he saw a Holy vision in the . The BLUE bloods. =). To the north-east I beheld seven mountains full of choice nard and mastic and cinnamon and pepper. 25.7 Then I blessed the Lord of Glory, the Eternal King, because He has prepared or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, 23 Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war? Acacia is considered sacred in those lands it seems. ~ Rosette. But I do appreciate your offer. Here on the wiki for Cerro Autana we read, Steven Spielberg fans are likely familiar with Devils Tower, even if they dont know it by name. From an article by The Event Chronicle ( , The pineal gland develops from the roof of the diencephalon, a section in your brain. I use Streamlabs and you can too! Thank you for Watching Universal Lighthouse. In chapter 7 The Flood it says this: In the days of Noah a double curse was resting upon the earth in consequence of Adams transgression and of the murder committed by Cain. The process of deoxidization caused by the flood in Genesis, created the Stone Age if you will, a new age of material, like a caveman discovering fire. rosette- Notice this one is BLUE. And when all this was effected, from the fluid mass of fire, and the perturbation which prevailed in that place, there arose a strong smell of sulphur, which became mixed with the waters; and the valley of the angels, who had been guilty of seduction, burned underneath its soil. Please Like or Subscribe for more amazing Discoveries and Universal Enlightenment. However, the opinions, views, statements, So where does the body get the ingredients for the alchemical reactions that take place in every second of the day? 3 Enoch 24-25 - Fragrant Trees. Connect with us on Twitter: Universal Lighthouse: The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies, 2023 by Universal Lighthouse. They have purple at the top and red at the bottom. That tree is in height like the fir, and its leaves are like (those of) the Carob tree: and its fruit is like the clusters of the vine, very beautiful: and the fragrance of the tree penetrates afar. An illustration of an audio speaker. Like the chakra system. The BLUE Cross of the Templars are the space keepers. But here is the story A huge and startling discovery has been made at the Devils Tower in Wyoming. And all were If you have not watched part one, please do so when you can. The tree like the tree of life is not growing there but on a mountain in the west. Now you will say THATS not a Cedar! rosette- We discussed this, ODD, Shadie, cracker and I, how there is a concerted effort to stigmatize ALL drugs as bad. But no one confirms a reliablesource, so doubt still remains. And the seventh mountain was in the midst of them. And all were different from one another, and precious and beautiful stones, and all were precious, and their appearance glorious . Notice how it looks just like a yellow version of the Mimosa. From the Wiki, the MAGNUM OPUS (alchemy)-It originally had four stages: nigredo, a blackening or melanosis. Its leaf, its flower, and its bark never withered, and its fruit was beautiful. 24.5 And then I said: "Behold this beautiful tree! For these waters of judgment shall be for their healing, and for the death of their bodies. Then this video will make more sense. The FOOLISHNESS of God are those things which are undefined. It introduces innovative theories and illuminates topics such as: Cyclical Cataclysms Alternative Cosmology Plasma \u0026 The Electric Universe Fantazoids, Monsters \u0026 Great Beasts of Old Titans \u0026 Giants Worldwide Atmospheric Depressurization Aliens, Angels, Anunnaki, Elves \u0026 Gods Vampires \u0026 Werewolves The Zombie Apocalypse Worldwide Zero Gravity Magnetic Poles Reversing The Moon Breaking Age of Stone, Steampunk \u0026 Super Powers Ghosts, Ectoplasm \u0026 Possession Killer Clown Archetypes The Plasma Volcano 'Cave of Saviors' Instant Petrification Mud-floods \u0026 Worldwide Liquefaction The Fountain of Youth \u0026 More ! Dreamtime- D-r-e-a-M-T-i-m-e. 6. Look here, in Horton Hears a Whoa Mimosa flower. Their stones were brilliant and beautiful; all were brilliant and splendid to behold; and beautiful was their surface. It is Kuaimayojo, the stump of the sacred tree of the fruits of the world. and pleasant are its leaves, and its fruit very delightful in appearance." And that tree of an agreeable smell, not one of carnal odour, 1 there shall be no power to touch, until the period of the great judgment. Like the rainbow. 25.5 From its fruit, life will be given to the chosen; towards the north it It is hidden in plain sight all around us. Is this a topic you would be interested in to look at from your perspective? none of them, nor any others, were like it. BOOK OF ENOCH SAYS ANGELS CUT DOWN THE TREES, FALLEN ANGELS CUT TREE,, giant silica pillars that reached upinto the heavens into other realms thosetrees were. The Ancient Giant Trees of Earth - Universal Lighthouse They control the churches, religions, laws, science, media, medicines and transportation. Yes PCP is bad. Chapter 31 - The Book of Enoch Source. The Book of Noah, The Call of the Watchers and The Book of Enoch, also The Book of Jubilee's and other Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha texts. Ancient Lost Treasures-Giants Ate Human Flesh drank his Blood Welcome to my Channel Journey with me as we search for the truth, balancing reason \u0026 creativity! The Book of Enoch: Enoch's Journeys through the Earth and Sheol 25.2 Then I, Enoch, answered him saying: "I wish to learn about everything, I will establish thy seed before me for ever and ever, and the seed of those who dwell with thee on the surface of the earth. Enoch 1-16 The Fallen Angels - Book of Enoch Finally Solomon used the grip of the Master Mason to raise the corpse. The Book of Enoch: Enoch's Journeys through the Earth and Sheol: Chapter XXXII The Book of Enoch, by R.H. Charles, [1917], at CHAPTER XXXII. The Book of Giants (2009 Translation) | PDF - Scribd In the Philippines it lists the Akasya, A-K-A-S-Y-A, as a medicinal plant. No king can defeat it. Well when you are on DMT the DMT is in control not you. The trees far surpassed in size, beauty, and perfect proportion any now to be found; their wood was of fine grain and hard substance, closely resembling stone, and hardly less enduring. The Ayahuasca is the female energy or MAO-I, (notice the reference to MOAI like the statues on Easter Island which many of the statues looked to be female and have breasts) and Chacruna leaf which is the male energy containing the active DMT. And as the inflammation of their bodies shall be great, so shall their spirits undergo a change for ever. In Serbia, Russia there are supposedlymysterious RINGING Cedars ancient trees that over the course of 550 years had reportedly accumulated so much energy through their pine-needles, antenna-like leaves, that they had begun to audibly ring or vibrate. Btw, I love what you have done here. Remember, You are what you eat! THEY worship this plant and make it their national flowers. 9. (Black, white, yellow, red, in that order) Jung started with his BLACK book. Because in there, THAT is the only place where you actually EXPERIENCE a cartoon world. BUT not ALL are bad. These stars and alchemy are also found within the functions of the human body, through the firmament that we call our skin. Scientists from the Wyoming State Parks Department were conducting photographic seismic readings below the tower, when they discovered an incredibly large petrified root system below the tower. Ego is not something you want to cling to when you are in a DMT state nor are those things that are defined by authority of man. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the animals among the plants of the earth. 11The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth. Turning now to the painting, The Tree for the Righteous at the End-Time (1 Enoch 24-25), the artist has fixed upon the tree in 1 Enoch 24-25 for his subject, but at the particularly dramatic moment when God has descended from heaven to initiate the last judgment. Good vibes and good journey! Agreed. Chapter 66 - The Book of Enoch Chapter 66 1. 6 Enoch 45-57 - The Second Parable - the Son of Man, The Messiah. We are a Beacon of the Light, In Total Service. Akasya is phonetically the same as Acacia, A-C-A-C-I-A. In those days shall the waters of that valley be changed; for when the angels shall be judged, then shall the heat of those springs of water experience an alteration. He answered me, saying, That mountain which thou beholdest, the extent of whose head resembles the seat of the Lord, will be the seat on which shall sit the holy and great Lord of glory, the everlasting King, when he shall come and descend to visit the earth with goodness. rosette- The pictures caption in Arabic, reads, The head will reach the sky, like Babel tower. Israel meaning Isis Ra El are also the 12 zodiac signs or horoscopes. Is this El Arez? Like Adam, male and Eve, female. What does Ancient Writing say about the Giant trees? The Templar Cross OVER the crown shows they are in control OF the crown. Found this page some days ago and love the info! When a mother is pregnant carrying her baby, the motion of the skies, the alignment of the stars, the temperature of the sun and moon, all play a major role in developing the human body and soul.These are known as the 12 tribes of Israel in the Bible. We note that the subterranean root bark of acacia and mimosa species are known to contain high levels of Dimethyltryptamine, an entheogen which is strongly psychoactive when extracted and inhaled, and which is easily combined with other sacred entheogenic plants, and consumed as a potion.. We have seen how periods of gigantism have repeatedly affected the fauna and flora of this planet, ours, whose true past remains largely unknown. One day Wahari (a God) and his nephew Ruayei, which had been transformed into a lapa (Cuniculus paca), cut down the tree to get all the fruits at once.. Remember Qumran? Peacocks have the All Seeing Eye represented in their feathers. The truth really is right in front of us. How much money has gone into NASAs research into a form of space which may or may not exist, when our own world and its origins & history,whilst passed off as the fantastic may be more realistic and amazing than a lot of complicated, undecipherable, formulae (albeit they may have a role to play for minds which understand them) of the cold side of science. ju huan ). After these things, surveying the entrances of the north, above the mountains, I perceived seven mountains replete with pure nard, odoriferous trees, cinnamon and papyrus. Baraq'el - Angel - A Watcher who fathers at least 1 Giant, Mahawai. The offspring of these unnatural unions were giants 450 feet high. Take care and God bless. It even has vitreous fluid in it like an eye does and it still functions as a light receptor in some vertebrates. They will The giants ravaged the earth, filling it with destruction and evil; they depleted the world of food and terrified humankind. What is also remarkable is the connection between Australia and Lebanon. Good examples. You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth. Not all information may be a current event, but is to be used as a Library of information. The RED CROSS as we see on ambulances and such are because TIME is of the essence in a hospital or ambulance. Chapter 31 - The Book of Enoch Chapter 31 1. 8. Everything from a laugh, smile, or tear is as much chemistry as H2O being water or making a coffee. So you have the 77 code in the stars. So their androgynous god at the top. Wow. Could these "Mountains" and Gigantic Rocks serve as evidence that the earth was once populated by massive trees and that our current forests are merely the leftover shrubs? But yeah, Dr. Seuss is definitely in the know. For far too long Ive felt like there were so many dots that needed to be connectedyouve started to help me do that. The Tree for the Righteous at the End-Time Book of Enoch Itoccurs naturally in trace amounts in mammals, where it functions as a neurotransmitter, andis also produced in humans; however, its purpose in the brainremains in debate. The dramatic buttewhich towers, The Devils Tower, aka The Tree Of Life, in Wyoming, doesnt seem to be a natural. Three mountains were towards the east, and strengthened by being placed one upon another; and three were towards the south, strengthened in a similar manner. For centuries Aboriginal, African and Native Indians used trees as well as plants to make medicine, using bark, branches and leaves to cure all sicknesses. Very nice to connect with you. The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth: Daniel 4:11. 2. And the bears and the Lorax symbolize the creatures that people see when they smoke DMT. Kukenan Tepui. And said: Enoch, why dost thou inquire respecting the odour of this tree? Shining Light on the ALL, That is ONE An illustration of an open book. Kukenan Tepui. Feeling beneath the ground at the site of the acacia, the king felt Hirams hand. In the process of recovering his corpse, he first used the grip of the Entered Apprentice, then that of the Fellowcraft, but twice felt the skin slipping off Hirams hand. The closest thing people relate it too are the Tibetan singing bowls. My name is ODD and I am one out of a growing population of people that believe that many of the buttes and mesas that we see use to be giant trees, but now they are just remnants of what they once were. Mandela Effect flipped the rainbow. Messed Up Stories From The Book Of Enoch - Grunge The Dead Sea Scrolls: Book of Giants - Gnosis Audio. towards the east, one fixed firmly on another, and three towards the south, And I came to the Garden of Righteousness, and saw beyond those trees many large trees growing there and of goodly fragrance, large, very beautiful and glorious, and the tree of wisdom whereof they eat and know great wisdom. Did The Angels In the Book Of Enoch chop down the Ancient Giant Trees Many questions I have had since childhood are explained. Take care, Rosette. Interesting. The DMT could be extracted through similar methods from the Acacia OR Mimosa tree. Notice Mimosa on the list as well, Mimosa Saman. 15. After the flood? The story of his death runs as follows: When Og saw the camp of the Israelites, six parasangs in area, fearing lest his fate be a repetition of Sihon's he proposed to kill them all at once. The dramatic buttewhich towers 1267 feet above the plains of northeastern Wyoming and the Belle Fourche Riverwas famously featured in 1977s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, culminating in a scene in which an alien mothership descended upon the rock formation. Read online or download the Book of Enoch PDF, EPUB or .MOBI (Kindle). .but like you say they invert everything. He gave it the name of his son Enoch and peopled it with giants who were punished for their iniquities by the flood. It smells more fragrant than any I have done a series on Flat Earth so from reading those, or watching the YouTube versions, I have them on there as well, you will see that yes, I see things from a Christian Flat Earth Biblical perspective and dont believe Mars or the Moon are places we can actually visit. Pikes Great Work, his Magnum Opus. But one thing is for certain, it don't take much imagination to see they do seen to resemble Giant tree stumps. So I did some searching and found out that the Mimosa Tree is called the Sont or Sunt Tree in the region of Phoenicia and is the Shittim wood in the Bible. Buckle your seat Dorothy. Enoch VI 1 And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. Also I did a search on DMT and Masons and it looks like the higher degrees use DMT in their ceremonies. Enoch's "Angels" Chopped Down The Ancient Giant Trees! 25.3 And he answered me, saying: "This high mountain, which you saw, whose Together equal 32, with the 33rd star as the capstone. each draw the fragrance of it into their bones, and they will live a long life Under it the wild animals found shelter, and the birds lived in its branches; from it every creature was fed. 26For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: 29That no flesh should glory in his presence. I found this interesting. For some reason, I get no notifications from YT n u put out new but I know there game so I search u out. They are the RULERS or that which MEASURES and decides the value. And they hide the experience in film as well. Then shall they greatly rejoice and exult in the Holy One. Another wonderful decoding! Hey barbi! It is divided by the giant mountain or El Arez. 13In the visions I saw while lying in bed, I looked, and there before me was a holy one, a messenger,[c] coming down from heaven. 14. 3. Click here to preview \"Streamlabs\" live-streaming software: Do you want to use GOOD music without copyrights, royalty free? 1. Just google stone balls or something like that, for everyone to see. Now part of Shadies trip to Lebanonwas, sitting with Monks, and Hermits, and learning a lot about the history of the Land and Cultures; from Islam to Christianity, right down to the secrets of Freemasonry. He was able to view two Masonic books, one blue and one red. cracker-Acacia and Mimosa tree species are very closely related. RED cross takes the blood through donation, regulates emergencies and are out in the active, physical environment dealing with PEOPLE, DRUGS, VACCINES and MEDICINE (Alchemy). But wayyyyyy more beautiful. and/or information we present are not necessarily the beliefs of Universal Lighthouse. Also, another interesting thing that I found comes from a book called Patriarchs and Prophets by Ellen G White. If there is interest you have on anything I have mentioned, my email has been provided. If you Enjoy the work of the different Authors that is Posted, Michelle Chellea Wilder Reiki Master Teacher, Some people believe Our planet has not always experienced the heavygravity it has today. That NO FLESH shall glory in his presence. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Could you contact me please ? These stars and alchemy are also found within the functions of the human body, through the firmament that we call our skin. GIANTS in History - Michael Tellinger Gods Original People. Even worse, the respectable Smithsonian Institution would have been guilty of destroying evidence: many bones of giants, deemed too embarrassing, would have been destroyed purely and simply at the beginning of the last century.
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book of enoch giant trees