avengers fanfiction peter bloated

He was just a nerdy kid by day, spider themed vigilante by night, until his aunt and uncle were murdered in front of him and he was orphanedagain. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. Please consider turning it on! "Pete, come to eat" Cap said signalling a bunch of pancakes. 4. One of my current ongoing stories and caught up to where it's at over on all of my other websites such as QuestionableQuesting, Hentai-Foundry, Fanfiction, and Webnovel. Peter Stark was kidnapped. Tony, there are so many rooms on the other floors, so why this one?". This is where you're staying for the next month." Things go down just about as you'd expect. Field Trip to Stark Industries Chapter 1: Field trip to - FanFiction Being an emotional hormonal teenager with baggage is harder. Peter cant shake the feeling that the Avengers are keeping something from him. Peter interrupts quickly. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He should probably start getting used to it soon. "Mr. Stark! Swinging to the top of a small apartment building, Peter rips the mask off of his head. ", May purses her lips. "But Ned already knows about Spider-Man!" It was a sunny day, with the birds singing and the sun raising, and His Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman curled in his bed at the Avengers Compound, for a simple stomachache. Peter's family was small, broken down and bared mental scars, but he couldn't compare the excitement, the nervousness of finally being able to see them. Are you ok?" As Wanda is ready to leave, she pauses at the door, looking back over her shoulder. Flash kicked him as he was on the ground. Peter tried to contain his gasp as the blade sliced through his suit into his stomach. Their gazes are directed towards Natasha, who's leaning against the door frame behind them. On his way to one of the interviews, he ends up walking into Stark industries, which, whoops his bad, I'm looking for the bathroom miss. Whlen zwischen einem normalen Leben und Familie oder Rum und Furcht. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. "You're fine with that, right? Even with Peter's powers all of Flash's hits really hurt. After the move, he became close with all the Avengers, even the one who lived miles away (T'Challa and Shuri). Clint sets the knife back down on the counter with a weary sigh. But, the man has to deal with the fact Peter isnt a hero, and is in fact, a vigilante. "I meant someone who could actually keep you in check, not a sidekick who would encourage you to go out every afternoon saving the day." He has to convince himself of that, sometimes, on bad days, but he's reasonably sure of it. Saba que estaba siendo dramtico, siempre lo era. Work Search: He glares at Bucky. Work Search: Or, a fic where Peter get's kidnapped by Hydra and escapes--and how his life continues after. If you need anything, I'm always listening.". The bell finally rang and he hopped up to leave. "Morning guys" I tried saying happily, but was accompained with a hiss. A Bullying Case, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Penny Parker is the 'Spectacular Spider-Woman.' Except May Parker. First Chapter - In the chaos of Tony snapping the gauntlet, rushing him to the nearest hospital and the reality of having saved the universe, the Avengers forgot to actually tell Peter that Tony had survived. "It's currently 7:34 in the evening," the AI replies evenly. Peter becomes Spiderman a few months before starting an internship at Starks Industries where he meets Harley Keener and eventually the Avengers. Peter doubts that he will be able to control the God of Mis. "I, umI was gonna use your lab for a little bit to" He trails off. As per usual, Peter leaves daily to do some Spider-Manning (after he finishes all of his homework, of course). Just a warning to anyone sensitive to gory descriptions and things like that. But when Peter posts on his social media one night, everyone begins wondering who he is, and why he appears to be in their life prior to this. Sorry," he feels the need to add. My stepdad will beat me if he ever sees this.READ TAGS PLEASE. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY FIC, OrenjiiPH! Don't like?!?!?! ", "Oh, really?" Clint pauses to glance around. xnctaex, Endorphy, Milkhead, palparmar, Ealejandre_0406, byeliminal, Poisened_rat, Robin_spider, Sup3r_Fan, HACKERY_JACKERY, Frogdottir, FictionalSupporter, InvalidAlicorn, Nightmare206, D33P, tommyyy_713, shiqooo, ShutUpPls, Zmutowany_Krab, Lady_Panthea, 191207hi, shiggyonthebeat39, 27_kiraszep, CcyiGyu, bizarre_possum, pillowzzzzzzzzz, Lio26, Tomalomadingdong, BoopedMySnake, TeddyHappyTiger22, YuYezi2003, ekfrl, Pastelsquid, LadyBloodDove, BLMucheeto, AmyFrysk, otterpineapple06, JaittsukoKureiko, you_a_hoe_she_a_hoe, Raccoon_Child, Booksplease7323, Valkyrie1189, User1868982638, Ineverlearnedhowtoread, okso, vela1129, atouchofprocrastination, c_h_i_c_k_i_n, RyosCheney2020, srlee012, and 1814 more users Not just because they teach us lessons on life, but because they help build us to who we are to become. When Pepper Potts married her employer Tony Stark, she knew shed have to adjust her expectations to family life in the tallest tower, on the highest floor. I washed my face with some water to return my color, when I was satisfied I went out and with my bag I went directly to the stairs. He places a hand on the gun, slowly guiding it down to point at the floor. "Um, how was it today? Prompts are welcome. Mister Stark. "Pete, it's time to wake up or do I have to call Loki?" Static electricity crackled in the dry November air. Sure, the billionaire and philanthropist wasn't exactly his dad. I'm sure he'll adjust. The Avengers almost immediately snapped to attention as soon as the words left his mouth, and he saw his mentor grow visibly tense in front of him. How the hell did Beck fool nick fury? Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. Tony and Pepper are going home after a lovely dinner at the newest fancy restaurant in town, little do they know their world was about to take a turn. Peter Parker has a problem with passing out luckily someone is allways there for him. He groans, gingerly pressing the pads of his fingers against the injured eye. Peter leans heavily onto her. Peter's Pov It was a sunny day, with the birds singing and the sun raising, and. You mean the lab that you don't even let the Avengers themselves into?" Peter sighed as he turned around. Both she and Peter Parker are convinced they are planning to restart their underground weapons dealings. "What happened?" Avengersfanfiction Stories - Wattpad ", Bucky pulled Peter into a hug. Steve asks with an eyebrow raised, at the same time Tony deadpans, "What.". If all he gets is a broken nose after a long night of patrol, Peter considers himself lucky.A lot of vigilante things were lost on Tony, such as bad PR. (5 times a new spider trait caught tony off guard, and one time he was totally prepared), Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1150), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (428), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (415), James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker (354), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (1304), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Memory Suppressing Machine | The Chair (Marvel), Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Flash Thompson, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Happy Hogan/May Parker (Spider-Man) hinted at, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark have a rough relationship but theyre getting there, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, I think I have a problem with hurting my favorite characters, Gave you all I had (and you tossed it in the trash), Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It for Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Misunderstanding of the American foster system, please dont comment and try to correct me because I really know that it isnt accurate to real life, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Shuri, Ben Parker & May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Pepper Potts Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, it's just a brief mention though - Relationship, Natasha Romanov Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Happy Hogan & Pepper Potts & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Ben Parker & May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, Harley Keener is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Michelle Jones, Peter Parker & the Guardians of the Galaxy, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming). 5 Times The Avengers Scared Peter unluckyolive Summary: .and one time Peter scared the Avengers. Natasha Romanov watches, Peter Parker is seen, and help is given. She pats his shoulder one more time, gives him a watery smile, and leaves without a word. Peter is settling back into normal life (or normal for Spider-Man anyway) when a new ability reveals itself to him; Spider Pheromones. ", "T-Tony Stark?" Peter tensed under his gaze, swallowing harshly. Happy swipes a badge over a scanner and presses the 30th floor. Sam squints at the two, tilting his head. Bucky visibly falters, adjusting the grip on the gun. Unfortunately his evasion of the law has led to him being placed into the 'support pack' system. "Actually, I don't think that's a very good idea. Oh shit, Black Widow noticed him.
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avengers fanfiction peter bloated