analyzing rhetorical strategies in presidential speeches assignment

And he lets them know that they shouldn't trust anyone but him. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state. Go around to check and to monitor as students share their ideas and progress. Comparing and contrasting procedures for text clustering, Italian Journal of Applied Linguistics - Statistica Applicata, Affective news: the automated coding of sentiment in political texts, Classifying party affiliation from political speech, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, Language and gender in congressional speech, The Author 2017. High values indicate the presence of a rich vocabulary showing that the underlying text exposes many different topics or that the author tends to present a theme from several angles with different formulations. Despite the now-known election outcome, the candidates use of language during the primary season raises some pertinent research questions. Former President Bushs Defends War in Iraq Speech. Note. This lesson has students explore freedom of speech by examining the Pledge of Allegiance from a historical and personal perspective and in relationship to fictional situations in novels. Speech Analysis: Elements, Steps & Examples - What are bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity? How to Write and Format a Speech Analysis Essay (With Example) Other intertextual measures have been chosen as, for example, the chi-square (Grieve, 2007), the Delta (Burrows, 2002), or using the Kullback-Leibler divergence (Zhao and Zobel, 2007). Take the students to the library and allow them to research their speeches. You saw people over the last few weeks planning an insurrection and, in fact, invading the Capitol and then later saying, I'm here because my president told me to be. As another frequently used word, one can see say (five candidates), country, know, go (four candidates), and president, think for three candidates. The two closest candidates are Clinton and Sanders (0.346), while the second shortest distance (0.360) joins Trump with Kasich. As it is extracted from a transcript, the sentence is not necessarily syntactically perfect. Recently, Popescu (2009) and Cech et al. This rhetoric problem was recognized by previous US president such as President Johnson who told his speechwriters: I want four-letter words, and I want four sentences to the paragraph. (Hart, 1984). This computation technique has been adopted. To help your students analyze these primary sources, get a graphic organizer and guides: Analysis Tool and Guides Each presidential speech is unique. For example, from the sentence But I also know this problem is not going away, the POS tagger returns But/cc I/prp also/rb know/vbp this/dt problem/nn is/vbz not/rb going/vbg away/rb ./.. Also, the analysis indicated three contrastive themes of religion, time, and participant . A Computer-based Analysis, Getting Started: Describing the Grammar of Speech and Writing, Quantitative analysis of US presidential inaugural addresses, Experiments on authorship attribution by intertextual distance in English. 2. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Hutchinson's rhetoric was powerful, persuasive, and often controversial. Cruz adopts an opposite style, focusing more on topical forms and expressions. To distinguish between these two main components, the first map will use the stylistic aspects while the second will take into account the topical elements. What is a Rhetorical Analysis Essay? Know Now With Examples - College Essay Listeners should keep in mind the context of the situation involving the delivery and the audience-but a keen observer should also pay close attention to the elements of argument within the text. Trump or Clinton). 3 0 obj MERCIECA: You see them respond. The underlying hypothesis is to assume that the words serve as guides to the way the author thinks, acts, or feels. 10 Commonly Used Rhetorical Strategies (With Examples) Our online platform, Wiley Online Library ( is one of the worlds most extensive multidisciplinary collections of online resources, covering life, health, social and physical sciences, and humanities. This aspect could be related to her first years at the White House as an overqualified First Lady who wanted to play a principal role in politics (e.g. What would you put at the top of the list? Does the analysis of TV debates make it possible to detect their style and rhetoric? Two main syntactic constructions can be selected by the speaker, namely, using more frequently verb phrases (composed of verbs and adverbs), or choosing more often noun phrases (with nouns, adjectives, determiners, and prepositions). Some persons never appear in a TV debate (e.g. Look, I have the greatest respect for Senator Sanders and for his supports and I'm going to keep working as hard as I can to reach as many people of all ages about what I will do, what the experience and the ideas that I have that I will bring to the White House and I hope to have their support when I'm the Democratic nominee. (H. Clinton, 17 January 2016), I think now what I've called for is counsel for every child so that no child has to face any kind of process without someone who speaks and advocates for that child so that the right decision hopefully can be made. (H. Clinton, 11 February 2016), Lets make the Affordable Care Act work for everybody. (H. Clinton, 4 February 2016). O to highlight differences between opposing sides. To compute this value, the word types are ranked according to their absolute frequency, from the most frequent to the least frequent one. That is what Barack Obama, the president of the United States, tries to do in his speech "Back to School " delivered at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia, on September 8, 2009. This is a good time to discuss the Rhetorical Triangle (Aristotelian Triad) or discuss a chapter on audience from an argumentative textbook. <>/Metadata 515 0 R/ViewerPreferences 516 0 R>> Me and the workers? In 1929, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on this day. The previous section focusses mainly on stylistic features, both at the lexical and syntactical level. Similar themes appear under several candidates with different terminology such as caliphate (Bush), Islamic (Cruz), ISIL (OMalley). The current analysis follows this principle to consider the style, on the one hand and, on the other, the content. Entering History: Nikki Giovanni and Martin Luther King, Jr. Freedom of Speech and Automatic Language: Examining the Pledge of Allegiance, Giving Voice to Students Through "This I Believe" Podcasts, For Argument's Sake: Playing "Devil's Advocate" with Nonfiction Texts, And in Conclusion: Inquiring into Strategies for Writing Effective Conclusions, Developing Evidence-Based Arguments from Texts. We have launched the new and we would love to get your feedback: Students practice the Pre-AP strategy called SOAPSTone, identifying important parts of the Gettysburg Address and comparing it with John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech. To compute this value, one can divide the vocabulary size (number of types) by the text length (number of tokens). 1 obtained using the R software (Paradis, 2011; Saitou and Nei, 1987). What Are Rhetorical Strategies? (With Examples) - Zippia MERCIECA: Yeah, he's absolutely used the fire hose of propaganda model. Moreover, the temporal period of the documents constitutes an important factor explaining the variations between presidents or prime ministers. President Abraham Lincoln, in his inaugural address, addresses the topic of the civil war and its effects on the nation and argues that America could be unified once more. Moreover, Trump is using pronouns lessexcept Ithan the others. So the way you do it is you pass a tax plan like the tax plan I've introduced: a simple flat tax, 10 percent for individuals, and a 16 percent business flat tax, you abolish the IRS and here's the critical point, Maria, the business flat tax enables us to abolish the corporate income tax, the death tax, the Obamacare taxes, the payroll taxes, and they're border-adjustable, so every export pays no taxes whatsoever. (T. Cruz, 14 January 2016), And I'll tell you, Hugh you know, it's interesting now that Donald promises that he will appoint justices who who will defend religious liberty, but this is a man who, for 40 years, has given money to Jimmy Carter, to Joe Biden, to Hillary Clinton, to Chuck Schumer, to Harry Reid. (T. Cruz, 25 February 2016). MERCIECA: Yeah, so one of Trump's rhetorical strategies has been to use ad baculum, which is Latin and means threats of force or intimidation. Looking at her most specific sentences, Clinton tends to produce rather long sentences reflecting a more complex reasoning. One can consider that electoral speeches delivered by the candidates correspond also to an oral communication form and thus can be included in our corpus. He believed that the repetition of a simple message, even if false (Millbank, 2016), is enough to persuade the citizens that it is true. According to several overall stylistic indicators, candidate Trump clearly adopted a simple and direct communication style, avoiding complex formulation and vocabulary. What type of rhetorical device does Reagan use when referring to freedom in this passage? For this paper a rhetorical analysis of Obama's addresses was performed using a form of genre criticism. A modern president must be able to use speech and rhetoric to his or her strongest advantage to anticipate, address or mediate crisis (Davis & Gardner, 2012). PDF Analyzing the Rhetoric of JFK's Inaugural Address Remind them to refer to the. Two types draw major attention: in augural addresses and "crisis" speeches. 1 0 obj With this choice, the person can be viewed by the audience as distant and cold (Pennebaker, 2011). Table 4 presents these distributions, in percentage, over the nine candidates. As one can see, the first-person pronoun (I or we) appears relatively high in this list (but does not appear in the top ten positions in the Brown corpus), and to a lesser extent you or it. When considering the most frequent lemmas, he is the single candidate to have the pronoun I is the second rank (after the article the). And during his four years in the White House, he has left a mark on American politics and policies. She was a Puritan woman who was outspoken about her beliefs and challenged the authority of the male-dominated Puritan church. For him, all appearances and comments on the media were an opportunity for self-promotion. You will first choose the speech you will analyze for the final speech. D) A quick judgment is made without the use of evidence. This fact is confirmed by recent studies: One finding of cognitive science is that words have the most powerful effect on our minds when they are simple. The following remarks illustrate these aspects. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Data depicted in Table 4 indicate that OMalley is the candidate choosing most frequently the noun construction (largest percentage of nouns, and adjectives). Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of information and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. PDF Rhetoric Strategies in the Presidents` Speeches: Ukrainian versus English To define an overall measurement of the style, various studies have proposed different measures. To analyze the rhetoric and style of presidential writings, the first quantitative linguistics studies focused on the word usages and their frequencies. On this icy day in Washington D. C, Barack Obama gave his inaugural speech after taking the oath of office. This article has analyzed the style and the rhetoric used by the candidates during the 2016 US primary election. Lead a discussion of the speech as an argument with regard to purpose and intent. 7. Our first analysis considers the most frequent lemmas occurring in the oral interventions of the candidates during the TV debates of the primaries. Trumps style appears, here too, as distinct from the others, providing his answers and comments around functional words. To achieve this objective, this study analyzes the oral communication forms used by the candidates during the TV debates. The personal pronouns are depicted in bold. As in all papers, the analysis must include an introduction, body, and conclusion. How? In this campaign, none of the adjectives is very frequently used, but more verbs can be observed (e.g. With this information one can derive the lemma by removing the plural form of nouns (e.g. To generate Fig. This set of words indicates the political electoral parlance or recurrent words used by politicians during an election. Analyzing the Rhetoric of JFK's Inaugural Address | JFK Library 4. On the other hand, Clinton could want to accentuate the human aspect and uses in this case the word immigrants. The fourth describes and applies different measurements and methods to define and compare the rhetoric and style of the different candidates. In this session, students will respond each other's drafts using the, Determine and discuss the final due date with your students. When looking more at the content of their utterances, one can also observe differences between the candidates. The third longest distance (0.467) can be found between Cruz and OMalley. In the three sentences above, most of the words are less than six letters long (short words), and many of them are functional words (explaining his low LD). We will use rhetorical analysis to examine how presidential candidates and political commentators attempt to achieve their purposes in speeches, websites, and articles. He argues about the values of hard work and taking responsibility for paving your own way to success, even though the obstacles seems difficult. And we've seen that has really specific results. Martnez and Gonzlez's (Citation 2012) study utilized Systemic Functional Linguistic meaning-making tools in analyzing U.S. presidential campaign speeches. Rhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy's Inauguration Speech 929 Words | 4 Pages Such a selection strategy produces a low recall because many tweets about Obamas administration are not considered). The style of the written messages (evident in prepared statements by the candidates) differs from the oral dialogue (Biber et al., 2002). W 2K Words to Know Fill in this table as you work through the lesson.
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analyzing rhetorical strategies in presidential speeches assignment