american experience the abolitionists worksheet

William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff):What else did you hear? He wanted to effect change directly. The abolitionist movement was an organized effort to end the practice of slavery in the United States. Shattered glass cascaded to the floor. Julie Roy Jeffrey, Historian:Garrison meets with a group of black abolitionists and he receives very positive support. David Kruta, Production Sound Mixers A meal like this is a rare pleasure these days. Carol Berkin, Historian:She believed slavery was a sin and that God would punish people who had slaves. A key is included to check for accuracy and to provide to Special Education students for diffe, NO PREP HISTORY Crossword Worksheet Activity Bundle, Year-Long Curriculum American History Social Studies EXPERIENCING HISTORY, Experiencing History: Year-Long Curriculum, The Abolitionists - All 3 Episodes - Worksheets and Keys PDF & Digital Bundle, The Abolitionists American Experience - Viewing Guide Questions BUNDLE. Victory meant abolition. Rebecca Rachael Frye She sees these people, I mean they are human beings. TheNew York Globeurged that, "No public building, not even the streets, must be desecrated by such a gathering of traitors." The next day, Douglass heard that federal marshals had arrived at his home, hot on his trail. As fate would have it, he had come upon the new home of Harriet Beecher Stowe and her family, including a newborn named after the baby they had buried in Cincinnati. In the language of scripture, it was "a covenant with death, and an agreement with Hell.". Grimk was unflinching in her own account. That's really what Calvinism is all about. Men and women, black and white, Northerners and Southerners, poor and wealthy, these passionate anti-slavery activists fought body and soul in the most important civil rights crusade in American history. few I show my Social Studies classes. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith, audio):When I was a child, I stayed for a short time with a very gentlemanly landlord who held a slave boy near my own age. **************************************************************************. We've been telling you for decades that there's a slave power conspiracy out there of presidents, Supreme Court members, of congresspeople, of bankers, of ship owners, to not only preserve but expand this system of slavery until it dominates every aspect of American society and economy." In December of 1862, only weeks before the promised date, Lincoln presented Congress with a dramatic peace plan: if the Southern states would lay down their arms, they could keep their slaves for another 40 years. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Corbis In 1828 he was 22 years old, newly arrived in the city from his hometown of Newburyport. It's a free soil party committed to the non-extension of slavery. What a moment this was to me! They're going to be murdered. The mobs shattered every abolitionist assumption: that righteousness would triumph over evil, that their fellow Americans would listen to reason, that their Northern neighbors would support the abolitionist cause. BUY THE MULTI-EPISODE BUNDLE AND SAVE 33%. It reveals how the movement shaped history by exposing the fatal flaw of a republic founded on liberty for some and bondage for others, setting the nation on a collision course. David W. Blight, Historian:The first American Republic, the one invented in the Revolution in the late 18th century, had to die. Narrator:As Douglass'sNarrativebecame a bestseller, he was treated by his British hosts not just as an equal, but as a celebrity. Bringing to life the intertwined stories of Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Angelina Grimk, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and John Brown, The Abolitionists takes place during some of the most violent and contentious decades in American history, amid white-hot religious passions that set souls on fire, and bitter debates over the meaning of the Constitution and the nature of race. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):But if we stoop to bloodshed, we are no better than they are. R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:It is the most popular book and the most influential book in American history. Fugitives starving, freezing to death, being torn apart by wild animals. Christopher James John Stauffer, Historian:Douglass spends two days trying to convince John Brown not to raid Harpers Ferry. Fearing an assault on the jail, the sheriff released Latimer, and his master had no choice but to set him free. PDF VIDEO: HE ABOLITIONISTS WORKSHEET - State College Area School District Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):I am flattered, sir. But she's not the same know-it-all obnoxious girl she was when she was younger. They could feel the strength of their growing numbers -- the time had come to unify their far-flung groups into one national anti-slavery society. Tony Horwitz, Author:In the summer of 1855, Kansas has really become the front line in the conflict over slavery. Thomas ColemanShields Green Spencer Gentry Narrator:The only voices advocating the abolition of slavery were black. R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:Brown is drifting just further and further into a very deep and dark relationship with God. American Experience: The Abolitionists - HistoryNet Called by many names, the abolitionists tore the nation apart in order to create a more perfect union. Narrator:For Brown, Lovejoy's death was a sign from God: He must never again stand helpless in the face of evil. That's a sea change. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):I do, Douglass. Kenneth Peebles By 1846 to 1847, Douglass was a household name in the United States. We strive to make each one a learning, days and events of February covered in this pack are:Fo, This unit sheds light on six relatively unknown Black, in pre-Civil War America. I was nothing before. Chuck Rayner News of the guerilla war flaring in Kansas became the talk of the nation. Kwabena Ampofo Anthony Burns Purchased separately, all three cost $4.47. Diane Heery, C.S.A. Michael Lair Josh Mumford Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):Good Lord, man. Bringing to life the intertwined stories of Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Angelina Grimke, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and John Brown, the Abolitionists takes place during some of the most violent and contentious decades in American history. Narrator:With the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, the war merged with the abolitionist cause. W. Caleb McDaniel, Historian:There's no evidence that Garrison'sLiberatorhad any influence on Nat Turner. Come on, boy. Patrick White, Special Effects Assistants He says, "Without the presence of your people in this country we wouldn't even have this war." Garrison and his followers had failed to convert the slaveholders. My baby. He wrote that in the mornings he would come and find 10 or 11 fugitive slaves sitting on the doorstep waiting for him to arrive in his office so that he could help shuttle them to Canada. He could walk anywhere. Finally, near midnight, a messenger rushed onto the stage. Seth Wood It was an immediate and an immense bestseller. They're bullying and intimidating and sometimes killing Northern settlers. It's started! Frederick and Anna clawed their way out of desperate poverty, and built a life for their growing family. Jamieson Colgate Though Garrison gave a rousing speech, Angelina's head was turned by a striking young theologian who ran most of the sessions. The Trustees of the Boston Public Library / Rare Books & Prints Paris Jones A whole year was pressed into a single day. Most of them had come to hear William Lloyd Garrison. He telegraphed ahead with instructions to destroy the contents of his desk. Narrator:Among those who read the book was Douglass's owner, Thomas Auld. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):Our measures shall be the opposition of moral purity to moral corruption, the destruction of error by the potency of truth, the overthrow of prejudice by the power of love, and the abolition of slavery by the spirit of repentance. Narrator:For Harriet Beecher Stowe, the wound of Charley's death would never heal. Abolitionist Strategies Worksheet SHEC: Resources for Teachers By refusing to disappear, to be silenced, to accommodate, they had forced millions of Americans to take a stand on slavery, one way or the other. By the winter of 1845, Frederick Douglass had been touring the anti-slavery circuit for four years. Shane Robins He and his daughter Rosetta had booked passage to Haiti, with an eye to emigrating there with his family. "As it was, all hands in the house united in making him up a bed." The Collection of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County In Charleston, copies were publicly burned, and the mayor warned her mother that if Angelina ever dared visit Charleston again she would be thrown in jail. Brooks continued beating him until his cane broke. Throwing caution to the winds, he published the story of his life. He had avoided capture for months, until a letter home revealed his whereabouts. The City of New Castle, DE Over the course of the day they sacked the town, while the inhabitants fled. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):As I said, the spark -- we are but the spark. When he left London to return home in the spring of 1847, 1,400 people came to see him off. Tom Watkin, Set Costumers And the big question is, "What are we gonna do with all this land acquired from Mexico?" By the end of the week, Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel about the evils of slavery had sold 10,000 copies; within two months, 50,000. All rights reserved. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? Massachusetts Historical Society William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan Narrator:With every headline, every petition, every controversy, the abolitionists were dragging the fight over slavery to the center of national life. James Brewer Stewart, Historian:Once the firing happens on Fort Sumter, Garrison wraps himself in the flag. Amanda Bowens So when Douglass returns to the United States he's legally free. He mortgaged his house to pay his debts and looked about to give up when a friend arrived from Britain to help. You lost all the fluids in your body, you were wracked by convulsions, and there was nothing that anybody could do. Narrator:Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation had freed the slaves, but it hadn't outlawed slavery itself anywhere. Garrison told colleagues that he needed to stay with Helen and the new baby. Mrs. Grimk (Crystal Cupp):I've told you before, dear -- that's Henry's business. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff):The government is in the hands of the party demagogues, who are the tools of the Slave Power. Major Bland III Franky Garrison (Jacob Washburn):Fort Sumter. Ready to print and go - educational puzzles make great worksheets to keep in your sub folder or have on hand for early finishers. Narrator:Over the next two years, Garrison gradually won adherents to the anti-slavery cause. The City of New Castle, DE First Assailant (Actor):Well, well, here's our little rabbit. "Here before God," he announced, "in the presence of these witnesses, from this time, I consecrate my life to the destruction of slavery." Douglass struck back, accusing Garrison of racism. Meanwhile, a few miles outside the city, anti-slavery activists marked the occasion in a very different spirit. Sarah Ruby Harriet Beecher Stowe (Kate Lyn Sheil, audio):I could not help, nor soothe, nor do one thing to mitigate his cruel suffering -- do nothing but pray that he might die soon. Martha Newman They then proceeded a few blocks to Zion's Church, where a mass of humanity pressed into every available spot. Lena Drobot, Craft Services Assistants Anthony HobbsYoung Frederick Douglass Mr. Green, you've heard Mr. Brown. Tell us everything you heard -- slowly. What sort of bloodbath may flow from this?" All those efforts to contain this issue couldn't work any more. Season 1 Episode 1Year: 2013 Subjects: Social Studies - History, U.S. History, World History Grades: Not Grade Specific Types: Activities, Homework $2.00 Word Document File David W. Blight, Historian:The Mexican War unshucked slavery. They've already been committing it, and now it's let loose the dogs of war. My father was a white man -- it was whispered that my master was my father, but of this I know nothing. Mrs. Grimk (Crystal Cupp):I ask you to leave him alone. I am constantly receiving anonymous letters filled with abominable and bloody sentiments. The case had seemed inconsequential: a Missouri slave named Dred Scott wanted the court to set him free, because his master had taken him to live in Illinois and then Wisconsin Territory, where slavery was illegal. Nicholas Andrews Oscar Contreras Additional Casting Earlier on you were not putting your life into danger if you criticized slavery. They're not gonna be hung. But he understood that his personal testimony could help transform the struggle. Film Delaware I pray to God to let me do a little, and to cause my cry for them to be heard. They proposed printing 20 to 50,000 pamphlets a week, and mailing them to ministers, elected officials, and newspaper editors in each state, especially in the South. Vladimir Rachkovsky We'll get him Hey, we'll get him on the way back out! But Frederick Douglass, the man everyone had come to hear, didn't say much of anything at all. Susannah McCarthy John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):A hundred thousand rifles. He had many more black supporters than white supporters. He had no job to return to. John Chiarolanzio. I have sought in my humble way to see in the distance the white flags of freedom, the time at which the cruel bondage of my people should end.
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american experience the abolitionists worksheet