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As long as you have a valid contact lens prescription (which will be on file at your ECP's) you can still place an order with us at Here are some tips to make sure this doesn't happen to you: Enjoy clear vision at all distances, near through far, with Alcon Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal (6 PK). $4488 per box AIR OPTIX COLORS 2pk By Alcon. Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see The brand produces contact lenses under the Air Optix brand name, which includes multifocal and color enhancement lenses available for daily and extended wear as part of its range. That's the bare bones. Yes, you do need a valid prescription to buy Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal contacts online. Thanks to their Precision Profile design, these contacts allow wearers with presbyopia to smoothly transition between near, intermediate, and far distances. Lemp J, Kern J. On-eye performance of lotrafilcon B lenses packaged with a substantive wetting agent. Check here to see if you live in a privileged state. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Individuals should ensure they remove their contacts before showering or swimming, while they also need to attend regular eye exams. How do I buy Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism contacts online? PrivacyNotices | Cookie Notice | Exercise your Rights|Termsor Use. Unlike other biweekly contact lenses, Acuvue Oasys comes in three different box sizes: 6-packs, 12-packs, and 24-packs. See an ECP/optometrist if you're looking for a contact lens prescription and fitting as a first-time-wearer. Air Optix HydraGlyde Contact Lenses | 1-800 CONTACTS A multifocal contact lens designed to provide outstanding comfort from day 1 to day 30. It's even more frustrating when that product is your favorite contact lens brand. Important Information for AIR OPTIX for Astigmatism (lotrafilcon B) contact lenses: For daily wear or up to 6 nights extended wear for near/far-sightedness, astigmatism and/or presbyopia. Alcons proven Precision Balance 8|4 lens design solves that problem. At Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism contacts can be purchased for $37.5, after rebates. How do I buy Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal contacts online? Air Optix plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism contact lenses also feature Alcon's proven Precision Balance 8|4 lens design, which is engineered to work with the eyes natural blinking mechanism. Contact lenses: How much do contacts cost? *Overall superior cholesterol deposit resistance of Air Optix plus Hydraglyde contact lenses, as compared to ACUVUE^ OASYS^ Lenses, PureVision^ lenses, Biofinity^ lenses and Avaira^ lenses, lenses worn daily for the manufacturer-recommended replacement period. Yes, you do need a valid prescription to buy Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism contacts online. The lowest prices and largest selections can typically be found online where retailers can take advantage of high volume and lower costs which can benefit customers. Online Vision Exam. What is not needed is a physical copy of your valid prescription. Eye & Contact Lens. It allows your eyes to make remarkably smooth transitions from up close vision to further away without blurring or distortion, even when driving. These are the best feeling contacts I've ever worn! Profanity or derogatory remarks are not allowed. Alicia M. Plesnarski. When presbyopia shows up, you may notice an inability to focus on reading material up close. Yes, you can sleep with Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal contacts for up to 6 nights. We can contact your eye doctor to confirm your prescription on your behalf. Daily disposable contacts cannot be stored and must be discarded at the end of each day. 6 month At, all contacts are authentic, FDA-approved, and the same as you might purchase from your ECP but at a discounted price, thanks to our lower cost and better volumes. Good, comfort is the best thing choosing this lens. If you don't have a copy in your possession, representatives will help verifying your prescription by calling your ECP for you. Risk of serious eye problems (i.e., corneal ulcer) is greater for extended wear. Recently, Alcon announced that they will discontinue their popular Air Optix Aqua family of contact lenses on September 29th, 2021. OD (right) POWER BC DIA CYL AXIS COLOR ADD POWER. If you ever suffer from dry eyes after wearing contact lenses all day, then Air Optix HydraGlyde will likely help with that. I have found that these stay clear throughout the day for me. include the option of a Flexible Spending Account with their benefit package. Nash W, Gabriel M, Mowrey-Mckee M. A comparison of various silicone hydrogellenses; lipid and protein deposition as a result of daily wear. In rare cases, loss of vision may result. How long after I order my contact lenses can I expect to receive my order? What does a year supply of Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal contacts cost? Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism, Write an online review for Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism These amounts pertain to a single eye, so to cover both eyes, double these amounts. One of the most affordable daily lenses is the Dailies AquaComfort Plus. High water content lenses can feel comfortable initially but may dry out over time, but this is not always the case. As we approach 40, our eyes lose the ability to focus on near objects the way they used to. This page is available in English. 2. Can't beat that. Optom Vis Sci. Important safety information. *Eye exam may be required before lens trial. Typically yes, Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal contacts offers rebate savings through Can I renew my Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal RX/prescription online? Laser eye surgery and lens surgery. AIR OPTIX plus HydraGlyde contact lenses are great for those who want a simple reusable monthly replacement lens that is always there for you. Very happy with the HydraGlyde lenses. Dont wait until youre completely out of yourAir Optix Aqua contacts before figuring out what comes next. Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal contacts are regularly eligible for rebates exclusively on Side effects like discomfort, mild burning or stinging may occur. This reportedly results in white, healthy-looking eyes. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. Singapore. This is the process put in place by the FTC to ensure your rights as a consumer. Yes. Yes, Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism lenses include a light tint to make cleaning (when used with solution), handling, and inserting them easier. Ask your eye care professional for complete wear, care, and safety information. 4. However, if you engage in sports or other activities, want to maintain a certain look or just think eyeglasses are bothersome, consider AIR OPTIX PLUS HYDRAGLYDE Multifocal contact lenses. Eye & Contact Lens. Having decreased close-up vision can affect your daily life, especially if you never experienced any other eye conditions. A comparison of various silicone hydrogel lenses; lipid and protein deposition . I haven't had that issue with these yet. There is even atoric multifocal versionfor those withbothastigmatism and presbyopia. If you experience redness, watering, and other symptoms of a possible allergic reaction, remove your contacts immediately and consult your ECP. Discover comfortable wear all day long - every day, even for up to one month. Biofinity is made with Aquaform Comfort Science technology to keep the lens moist all day long. Store Brands & Private Label Contact Lenses, Daily wear or up to 6 nights/7 days extended wear, PRECISION BALANCE 8|4 Lens Design are eligible expenses. AIR OPTIX plus HydraGlyde contact lenses are indicated for dailywear or extended wear for up to 6 nights. Last minute purchases run the risk that they will not be eligible for reimbursement. All rights reserved. People can find these products from Warby Parker, Contacts Direct, and EZContacts, and most of them offer discounts and subscription services. And you only need to replace them once a month. it's very simple, and if you have any difficulties, our friendly Customer Service Representatives are here to help. This condition, which is called presbyopia, cannot be avoided, but it can be corrected with contact lenses such as Important information for AIR OPTIX AQUA (lotrafilcon B) contact lenses: For daily wear or up to 6 nights extended wear for near/far-sightedness, astigmatism and/or presbyopia. Along with astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness, presbyopia is 1 of 4 very common imperfections of the eye called refractive errors. Optom Vis Sci. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. * If the funds are not used by Yes, you can still order Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism if you don't have a hard copy of your RX/prescription on hand. They continue to be produced, marketed, and sold on Gudgel, D. T. (2018). include the option of a Flexible Spending Account with their benefit package. Scientists use genetic rewiring to increase lifespan of cells, Beyond amyloid and tau: New targets in developing dementia treatments, Napping longer than 30 minutes linked to higher risk of obesity and high blood pressure, Activity 'snacks' could lower blood sugar, complication risk in type 1 diabetes, In Conversation: Investigating the power of music for dementia, What to know about 1-800 Contacts eye exam. Can Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism contacts expire? Plus, never having to deal with contact lens solutions and cases is an added bonus! The Air Optix brand is a family of breathable silicone hydrogel contact lenses that provide vision correction for a variety of eye care needs. Lens has a 'best price guarantee', with rebates. Yes, Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal lenses include a light tint to make cleaning (when used with solution), handling, and inserting them easier. Are Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal contacts, monthly? Side effects like discomfort, mild burning or stinging may occur. What is not needed is a physical copy of your valid prescription. Some are also suitable for extended wear, but people should discuss whether these products are safe for them with their eye doctor first. Hold it up to bright light and look at the outside surface of the lens from the side. One pair of non-corrective AIR OPTIX COLORS contact lenses for wear in-office only. How long does it take to get my Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism rebate? Contact lenses with insurance - will my vision insurance pay for contact lenses? Can you take a nap in Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism contacts? If you need further assistance, please contact our Customer Service Department via phone (1-800 LENS.COM, 24/7) or Live Chat. Poster presented at Optometrys Meeting, the Annual Meeting of the American Optometric Association; June 21-25, 2017; Washington, D.C. Select below for other countries. Even though wearing these lenses provides incredible comfort, napping or sleeping in your contact lenses that are not specifically tested and approved by the FDA for this purpose could lead to oxygen deprivation and a higher risk of eye infections. Hong Kong AOSEPT PLUS with HydraGlyde . In fact, you can renew any contact prescription, for any brand with, including for a prescription for glasses. Even if you've never had vision problems, the struggle to see objects up close will hit most people on or around the age of 40. Argentina This design also works with your eyes' natural function so that you can see objects clearly near and far away. In a randomized, double-masked clinical study with 337 patients at 25 sites; CIBA VISION data on file, 2008. How old do you have to be to wear Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism contact lenses? Lemp J, Kern J. Get free basic shipping on all orders, with no minimums and no hidden shipping fees! See Official Claim Form for full terms & conditions. Contact lenses, even if worn for cosmetic reasons, are prescription medical devices that must only be worn under the prescription, direction and supervision of an eye care professional. Have a question? Easy to wear /comfortable fit Easy to clean.Forget you have on. If you have questions, ask your eye care professional or call (800)-875-3001 or go to With you can qualify for rebates with as few as an order of 4 and sometimes 8 boxes, unlike the 12 or more minimum purchase that's often required at other retailers. If you have a physical copy of your prescription, great, then we won't need to contact your eye doctor. Call us at Air Optix Colors contacts are available with and without a prescription and allow individuals to enhance or change their eye color. Instead, find the contact brand that most appeals to you, and have a conversation with your optometrist today. Ordered contacts and arrive in when suppose to. On the other hand, online retailers benefit from lower costs and greater reach (greater sales volume, lower prices). Risk of serious eye problems (i.e., corneal ulcer) is greater for extended wear. Call us at Typically, if a contact lens ceases to be produced by the manufacturer, we will indicate it clearly on our product page as being a discontinued lens and it won't be an option to purchase them. At Side effects like discomfort, mild burning or stinging may occur. The Unique Precision Profile design of AIR OPTIX plus Hydraglyde Multifocal contact lenses allows for a range of prescription strengths to blend across the lens for clear, uninterrupted vision, near through far. In order to redeem your Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism rebate, follow these 3 easy steps: log on to the rebate center, print and mail your rebate form, track your rebate status, and get your prepaid Visa card in the mail. How can I send my prescription to Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal contact lenses are for people who have vision problems due to presbyopia. Italy Air Optix Aqua was first introduced in over a decade ago. These are the only Air Optix contact lenses that a person can wear continuously for up to 30 nights, as they have approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2013; 39(4):290294. It works with your eyes' natural function for uninterrupted clear vision, near through far*. Another positive about the Dailies AquaComfort Plus is they are eligible fora rebate from Alcon, the manufacturer. Fitting guide. No, you should not take a nap in Air Optix Plus HydraGylde for Astigmatism. we need only your previous prescription to begin the quick process of renewing your prescription online, and it takes only 10 minutes. Eye Contact Lens. So ultimately eyeglass prescriptions are not the same as a prescription for Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde for Astigmatism contacts. 6. According to Dr. Jennifer Lyerly in the journal Optometric Management, you can use your old Air Optix Aqua prescription to purchase the new Air Optix Plus Hydraglyde.
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