why do i feel like allah is punishing me
"Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection, the Allied commanders were appalled to learn that 300 glider troops had drowned at sea. ALLAH loves u and puts the best of people to tests I give exams and my classmates complain about how hard the exam was when they get stellar grades and I am at the bottom. Do you think ALLAH will snatch your money/income or snatch your persons? There are many people like you who are struggling and above all Allah is ALWAYS with you. I talked to my doctor about my anxiety, and he'll probably want to put me on pills. Back then, I thought that was the only option left but not anymore. They are not brave enough unlike you who decided to seek help. According to the mental Health Organization, https://aboutislam.net/counseling/ask-about-islam/allah-tests-loves/. About complaining to Allah, there is nothing wrong with that. Also Allah gives us problems in this life like diseases, loss of money, loss of family and loss of food to help us. I feel like Allah is watching me, but ignoring my suffering. a blizzard, tornado, thunderstormetc. Identify blue/translucent jelly-like animal on beach. Everyone here has difficulties but unlike you not everyone panic, some of them used to call their LORD, and some of them just pray to make them secure and make them happy because if there is a rest and happiness there is Namaz there is prayer.. Hazrat ALI Says Then we start leaving the baby alone for a while, so that he can lean how to walk. You must be humble, as it is one of the greatest forms of worship. The book gives more advice regarding dua and tawakkul. As for Aad, they were arrogant upon the earth without right and said, Who is greater than us in strength? Did they not consider that Allah who created them was greater than them in strength? His message to us ofcourse.. And where is his message to us? He knows Ive never tried to intentionally hurt someone or lie about them. Although if there were no hardship, we would not develop. When you don't worship Allah, you cut yourself off from your own source. was that my desire or your desire to be in this world ? Yes, my anxiety and OCD do feed me negative thoughts, so I've tried stopping thinking in a bad way but more in a positive way. Difficulties are to push us to do something better, or find the right solution to something. I never mistreated anyone or deliberately tried to hurt them so I don't get why are they doing that to me? Also he had 7 children, all of them died during his lifetime except Fatima. For more information, please see our Whenever you feel pain, try to remember my hardship, this will reduce. But now this heart has gone black and broken. I go to the lecture hall and I try to listen but nothing the professor says makes any sense. You need psychological treatment ASAP. if u have time please contact me, i have some interesting experience and planning to start a small project, hope to get in touch with you A boy can regenerate, so demons eat him for years. We are here for you if you need anything. He is closer to us than our own consciousness. I'll be put on medication for it, blah blah blah. Does Allah forgive disobeying and insulting parents even after punishment? I wouldn't have minded the problem if it didn't prevent me from living my life. Will Allah forgive me for swearing at my dad? Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? Allah loves you and has made you. To be honest it doesn't even bother me that much anymore. instead i watch movies (moral less) due to my hatred. He does nothing to you. Allah has made you especially on His Earth. Recently, alot of bad things happened to me, one thing after the other and it keeps on piling up. We are human beings though its extremely legit to feel like that when prayers arent being answered as it seems. So i will be saved from something(in this Dunya)but i am still addicted to sins which can cause me to enter Hell. I am raising money for my asylee friends family! As you didn't reveal what these thoughts are we can't directly address them. Scared? Ittaqillah ya Akhi. attracted to the same sex? He replied saying, What the F@#$% [curse word] do you want?, I was so shocked to hear that and asked him, What happened?, I told him, I didnt see you in the masjid for some time and I wanted to check on you., He said, As you can see, I am alive and healthy. He wants us to be cleansed of sins so that we can go directly to Jenna after life. I gave up trying to tell her and stopped seeing her. To achieve for Love of Allah we should obey to sunnah as much as we can. This is from the devil. One is journaling. This would make me so happy. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I also didnt understand that I had to study so much since A Levels are a huge jump from O Levels. Guess what? There was a time, i didnt use to ask for anything regarding muself alone because I always felt allah gives me everything without asking. And its not that Ive started making such duas recently, its been more than three or four years. Because He is The Good, that this world doesnt end on Noahs era. Delay is not denial. The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. It is so horrible, it makes every problem I've had in the past look pathetic. Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? The only statement of his existence is a book and that is all. in their you will enjoy and you will be granted all of your desires. You need to find some one who can help you understand how your mind is causing you all this illness. You are Allah's creation. Think about it. Disclaimer:The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. When you are ready to quit, when you have fallen to the ground, when you just want to lie there defeated that is when standing up will make you a champion and a winner. Society / Self Pride / Popularity problems? Read his life story, or if you have read it already read it again but this time take notes of his hardships. I am the unluckiest. Hello, But still no response. May allah bless you with peace. It would be my second way of worshiping Him. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Visits the mosque more than you normally would to attend Salah and inshaallah everything you are feeling will be gone! the lower level of his house), We sat there and he said, for the past 6 months, I have been praying in the masjid almost every prayer. He does not have that entitled feeling. Don't let Shaiton get between you and Allah. I'll just deal with anything at this point, that's the conclusion I've come to. That is because we want to be educated and learn some skills to full fill the human body needs. The cause of low self esteem varies from negligent or uninvolved parents, negative peers, to negative thought patterns and different traumas.. May Allah bless you with peace and give you 100% recovery from all your illnesses. Yet, there are some exercises you can do yourself. 2. He is all merciful after all. Care for your soul and stay to the path Allah has recommended us to follow. So thanks to Allah, I am here, alive speaking to you. Are my stepsisters feelings and actions justified? Jazak Allahu khaira. But when your own sibling and caretaker treat you badly and cruelly? In fact now I think I have 2 diseases. When ALLAH created us and he ordered the Malaika to do Sajdah to his creature i.e human being and satan didnt do it. Brother Im sorry for what you are going through. Find your income in day, find Him who is giving you income in the rest of day in Night. I feel like Allah hates me. When Iblees ( Devil / Satan ) Disagree to do Sajda do you know what was his words and what was my LORD words? Similarly,Allah sometimes give us chance to prove our loyalty with him, by holding things for a while. Everyone looks at me with disgust and hatred, and people literally run from me now because of this illness. When people turn their backs on Allahs message essentially they are turning their backs on Allah And what is worse then that? Peoples hearts are becoming hard and what melts a hardened heart? i.e. If it was some other calamity, I would persevere, but this one simply PREVENTS ME from living my life and getting a career! If I had an incurable disease, I would bear it. The greater one's love for Allah The Almighty, the more he has hope and fear. Dont make any sense, what was the response of the brother you went to see????? can you get degrees without tests? and yes it is related to my marriage and today I am 39 years old. 3. All these people had messengers sent to them but they turned away from the message.. And they were destroyed.. I have prayed to Allah but I feel so alone. At one point iblis was considered a very pious jinn who worshiped Allah swt like no other, but upon coming to know of Adam AS, he was tested with that test that would determine his sincerity. May Allah bless you and reward you. My dua was never big. When you do bad things you may feel good - this might be because you think that Allah hates you. I feel like everyone hates me including Allah. In fact, you can read more about the life of the prophets in general. I pray to Allah (swt) every day, and spend hours thanking Him for what He has given me, in tears. InshAllah, everything will get better hopefully! Then satan whispers another story into my mind that all the prayers and good deeds that you have done in the past were all in vein and were not pure, and were not being accepted that is why all your prayers are neglected. It seems untreatable sometimes. Ali 'Imran(134), And Allah loves the steadfast. Recently a friend of mine paired me with another guy who was also seeking to get married and we contacted each other. So what if life gets harder the more we try to do good.. All of a sudden, a few days passed by without the brother seen in the masjid. So you might say, Allah didnt answer my call and there was no benefit in my duaa. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Having said that, he is very knowing of our limitations and our abilities therefore he didn't give you something you can't handle even though you don't feel that way. So many non muslims also there who have their some wishes full filled and some non fullfilled so praying in front of allah and ghairullah is same becouse who pray for allah has same that some wishes full filled and some are not, May oUr hearts find peace. My wishes havent usually been pretty self-centred. My friends taunted me too. but SubhanAllah I do not want to work there and so you see, even that possibility makes me very nervous and sometimes too anxious to study. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Some one says to Allah:O Allah I hate my life.. Verily! I am left by myself to deal with this, and no matter what I do it's always like that. It's hard to explain. Jannah or Jahanam ? A physical one and a mental one. Do you know how many people have problems yet they do not dare to write to us? What does 'They're at four. I think he doesn't care at all about me - along with everyone else. What was really interesting is that he doesnt have a car, bus pass, bike or any sort of transportation, except that he walks there. World is fulll of disgustful people, The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". With no money Im afraid blah blah and then Im afraid blalala blah and you know the rest. I dont know what to do.. Thank him in all situations because he knows what you do not. Does Allah hate me? Actually, no, Allah did answer it and there was a benefit in your duaa. You can't truly work as a team when there is a power imbalance in this way. Please read these articles on Muslims and racism. Likewise with Nabi Yusuf He is the one who is tested since a baby till an older man and the worse part is to keep being let down and betrayed by his own family and caretakers. Another sign is, if you perform mustahab deed and every time you make zikr, Allah loves you. For your faith to get stronger, read Quran and make dua'a to Allah to make your life full of eases. When this whole thing was starting out, I did see a counselor. I don't think Allah loves me.. But the Truth is that we Live Twice! Stop acting so innocent all the time. And when is him who says something whether its true or not (he lies mostly), my parents listen! Ive waited, ive settled my moods just upon the sole believe that hes listening and HE WILL ANSWER and I feel hope at that time as well,i start over and over, yet it has been getting worse since the past three years. Why ALLAH created us ? For us, Allah swt should be enough even when we are alone, isolated, and without help. Just set up a plan. If anybodyy has this answer please response. Then I've been seeing so many wedding adverts and wedding lectures on youtube like some teasing thing I've been getting alot of waswasa and I've sadly been giving into them. It feels like it's my fault, that I must be burning in hell before Judgement Day because I deserve it. What you are going through are severe trials and may Allah (SWT) grant you steadfastness and guidance in these terrible times. I am sorry you are dealing with all of this. in 3rd Chapter of Quran ALLAH Says: I am the source of power, owner of power, i will/can give power to whom i will, i will/can take power to whom i will., And According to your question Shetaan is not powerful, he is hungry, he is in bad position. You are being bullied at school. ALLAH says you are going to die in 21s majority cannot live 100 years. I took Advanced Level in January with some AS retakes and got mediocre results again. It's not them. There are many hadeeth how sad he felt upon all the death he witnessed. I dont drive or use a bus to make it to the masjid and I simply walk.
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why do i feel like allah is punishing me