edmonson, kentucky 1962

At that point, I was convinced we had stumbled across ground zero of some new Communist weapon system. OCT. 22, 1904 JAN. 18, 1961 WebEdmonson, Kentucky, United States The Life Summary of Edward Jerome When Edward Jerome Graham was born on 1 April 1867, in Edmonson, Kentucky, United States, his father, Fleming Graham, was 47 and his mother, Elizabeth Anne Wingfield, was 40. She was buried in Feb 1962 in Pig, Edmonson, Kentucky, United States. // United States / Kentucky / Edmonson long story. S/O NOAH AND MYRTLE DENHAM JOHNSON D/O WILLIAM F. JOHNSON JR. JULY 27, 1959 OCT. 10, 1996 S/O JOHN HENRY AND OLLIE LINDSEY Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1822-1976 / Hickman County (Kentucky). B. APRIL 25, 1946 OCT. 23, 1873 AUG. 25, 1954, LOLA BROOKS VINCENT WebBorn on 3 Jun 1896. I think it was more about testing our nerves than anything else.. On October 16, 1962, every man, woman, and child disappeared from the town of Edmonson, Kentucky. 10, 2002 By Sam Terry Managing Editor Jobe Publishing, Inc. Alyne J. Barrick has been missing for 22 years. APRIL 8, 1928 MAY 10, 1931, REV. Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1789-1923 / Woodford County (Kentucky). WebContact Information. WebList of United States Senators from Kentucky. MARCH 4, 1909 JULY 2, 1995, GEORGIA ETHELENE NORRIS LINDSEY County-level monthly precipitation and temperature data since 1895 provieded by National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). 258704 / 217326. JULY 15, 1862 NOV. 7, 1945, ROSEMARY STEEN PROFFITT During the early morning hours of October 17, Randall Pierce a farmer who sold his produce to the only grocer in Edmonson drove into town to discover empty streets and closed storefronts. W/O WILLIAM A. KINSER JULY 21, 1903 MARCH 14, 1991, LUCY DECKER JULY 24/1910 FEB. 24, 1961, HELEN BOOKER H/O E. F. BLEDSOE The report doesnt even mention the fact that none of the townspeople had ever been accounted for, there were no reports of atmospheric phenomenon by anyone in the area.. APRIL 15, 1826 JUNE 17, 1882, JAMES GARNETT JOHNSON NOV. 11, 1900 APRIL 25, 1985, LINDSEY ROBERT CAMPBELL Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records (Lyon County, Kentucky), 1854-1970 / Lyon County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court, Ohio County, Kentucky marriage records, 1799-1980 / Ohio County (Kentucky). My parents loved me. Clerk of the County Court, Marriage registers, 1863-1918; marriage bond books, 1863-1913; and original marriage bonds and consent notes, 1837-1888, 1891-1911 / Trimble County (Kentucky). 13. Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1864-1956 / Montgomery County (Kentucky). Because much of the towns inhabitants were descendants of the people who founded the town, there werent too many relatives inquiring about the status of their loved ones. GORDON CAMPBELL W/O HOMER JOHNSON DEC. 7, 1948 DEC. 25, 2003, GLEN HOWARD HARPER Historical Distribution of SANDERS Families. DEC. 17, 1917 JAN. 15, 1918, RUTHIE HAZEL JOHNSON Even when they inspected both churches, they found only hymnals or Books of Common Prayer in the pews but not a single Bible. Ambrose, who personally knew Edmondsons police chief and where he lived, decided they should check out his home first. It was the first animal theyd seen in Edmonson since arriving two hours earlier. On October 16, 1962, every man, woman, and child disappeared from the town of Edmonson, Kentucky. Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1829-1966 / Hancock County (Kentucky). WebThe highway from Hays to Harned began its history as Kentucky Route 65 at the time of its commission. County Clerk, Marriage bonds, 1882-1899 / Cumberland County (Kentucky). The atmosphere of the program is motivational; the content is concise, and achievement driven. Updated April 24, 2023 The local level of Covid-19 is low based on cases and hospitalizations, according to the most recent update from the C.D.C. For example, the three counties that border the location of Edmonson have a missing person rate seventeen times higher than similarly sized counties in the United States. AUG. 22, 1902 MARCH 7, 1908, OLLIE JOHNSON And I dont think theyd find us.. W/O GEORGE A. BLEDSOE Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1886-1976 / Carlisle County (Kentucky). APRIL 11, 1864 FEB. 2, 1913, SARAH H. SKAGGS But I started to hear something coming from up ahead of me. WebHe married Rachel C Musick on 7 July 1825, in Edmonson, Kentucky, United States. WebEdmonson may refer to: . 1887 1965, ODA E. BULLOCK MAR. Clerk of the County Court, Births, marriages, deaths, 1852-1859 / Hardin County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1803-1866,1911-1951; index, 1920-1989 / Greenup County (Kentucky). Eunice Edmonson. JUNE 23, 1903 MARCH 7, 1966, STELLA WESTRICK Instrument of Mercy is a progressive Christian blog created and written by Joe Forrest. JUNE 9, 1923 MAY 24, 2003, ELMER DAN WEBB The pale green glow of the stick stopped about five feet from the mouth of the hatch. WebDude Sanders 09 Oct 1875 Edmonson County, Kentucky - 21 May 1962 Earl Sanders 13 Jan 1917 Edmonson County, Kentucky - 07 Jun 1995 Edward Sanders 31 Dec 1918 Todd County, Kentucky - abt 09 Mar 1996 Edward Sanders 02 Feb 1861 Edmonson County, Kentucky - 19 Jan 1950 Edward Sanders abt 1794 Green County, Kentucky - abt 1868 Dennis Miller started the Edmonson Historical Society in 2001 to raise awareness about the town and the mystery surrounding it. S/O JOBE AND POLLY ANN GROSS JOHNSON In 2002, the official report from the FBI was made public after a local historian placed a Freedom Of Information Request. Find out! It was then that one of the deputies realized that not only were there no people in town, there were no animals to speak of. None of the men expressed an interest to return to Edmondson. MAR. Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1781-1963 / Mercer County (Kentucky). We were both pretty shaken and, frankly, a little banged up, Stevens said. WebThe County of Edmonson is located in the State of Kentucky. Kentucky Executions 1780-1962 (archived Web page - may be unavailable or slow to respond). The microfilm may have been scanned, but have a contractual, data privacy, or other restriction preventing access. W/O JOSEPH VIRGIL CARDER Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1807-1956; indexes, 1806-1923 / Clay County (Kentucky). JUNE 6, 1931 MAY 26, 2000, PHYLLIS J. WILSON 1895 1920, LEVENIA GERTRUDE JOHNSON WebEdmonson County Tourist & Convention Commission - Edmonson County
Kentucky Edmonson County Tourist & Convention Commission 121 Washington Street City Hall Building P.O. PVT U.S. ARMY WW I JUNE 22, 1910 JAN. 28, 1987 Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1824-1954 / Spencer County (Kentucky). NOV. 23, 1889 MARCH 15, 1914, JOCK T. E. JAMES Box 628 Brownsville, KY 42210 (270) 597-2222 Office or 1 (800) 624-TOUR (270) 597-0954 Fax Email: ectcc@aol.com Web1963 Edmonson County High School Yearbook Edmonson County High School Alumni Class List The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site BOBBIE RAY ROBBINS MAY 12, 1922 JULY 31, 1946. MARCH 6, 1902 MARCH 17, 1965, JAMES BROOKS Kentucky is currently DEC. 31, 1917 DEC. 29, 2002, LEWIS WEBB BROOKS H/O LILLIAN VINCENT JOHNSON on April 20. Why We Should Retire Our Favorite Christian Phrase is available now. That encounter is the last known event that happened on that day, which was possibly the last day of Barricks life. Its obviously a lot different than what is typically shared on this site, but Ive hidden the link and made a slightly updated and edited version available for my readers. AUG. 18, 1826 SEPT. 21, 1915, CYNTHIA BLEDSOE S/O JESSIE AND ELSIE MCCOMBS In 2020, Edmonson County, KY had a population of 12.2k people with a median age of 44 and a median household income of $44,229. I began to worry about not being to turn around and get back to the hatch. Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1840-1935 / Kenton County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records, 1811-1965 / Union County (Kentucky). Places. S/O JOSEPH E. AND MARY KINSER JOHNSON APRIL 17, 1891 JULY 10, 1964 I am Alynes neice, the family has brought this up to KSP more than once but nothing has been done. It took him thirty minutes to back up out of the tight passageway. After the men arrived back in Clement, they agreed that Ambrose would contact the Federal Government in the morning. In the living room, a sofa was askew and there were bloodstains on the carpet. WebEdmonson County Sheriff's Office Contact Information. When Effie Minton was born on 16 April 1890, in Edmonson, Kentucky, United States, her father, Martin Hardin Minton, was 29 and her mother, Martha Kersey, was 27. Clerk of the County Court, Births, marriages, deaths / Boone County (Kentucky). Things began moving very quickly after that. It is included in the Bowling Green metropolitan area. Burglary (14) Flight-Escape (1) Public Order Crimes (3) Stolen Property (5) ADAMS, CHESTER C. Perry County Jail. 220 Wildcat Way, Brownsville, Kentucky | (270) 597-2151. W/O WILLIE WOLFE I dont like thinking about what that meant for my mom and dad, but even if the truth is ugly at least Ill know. Three days passed before it occurred to another neighbor, Lawrence Nine, that he had not seen Barrick walking her dog. Barricks case has also been entered into the National Crime Investigation Center (NCIC) database and assigned case number M-920856377 that can be used when contacting any law enforcement agency. Clerk of the County Court, Births, marriages, deaths / Crittenden County (Kentucky). Inscription. No attempt was made to rebuild or resettle the town. And I felt it too. JAN. 20, 1935 APRIL 7, 1998, PLASE FREDRICK JOHNSON Page stayed above and metered out the rope as Stevens progressed into the darkness. W/O JESSIE VAN MCCOMBS Clerk of the County Court, Marriage records (Estill County, Kentucky), 1808-1962 / Estill County (Kentucky). document.write(" The microfilm may be scheduled for future scanning. FEB. 21, 1929 DEC. 9, 2002, HAZEL KINGSBURY WILSON The date is relatively easy to pin down. var linktext = "Norma Johnson Stewart"; D/O FLOYD AND MAE JAMES WebBrowse Edmonson County High School from Brownsville, Kentucky yearbooks online. D/O HOMER AND LULA CAYTON JOHNSON Participants will receive a roadmap for success with a comprehensive, strategic, and tactical approach to inside wholesaling. AUG. 24, 1901 FEB. 3, 1992, BERTHA WEBB VINCENT CLARA KINSER AUG. 24, 1892 APRIL 17, 1893, HALLIE T. JAMES Casey County, Kentucky marriages / Dunn, M. H., Mrs. Clinton County, Kentucky marriage records, 1859-1987 / Clinton County (Kentucky). MAY 2, 1880 OCT. 24, 1901, NANCY CATHERINE JOHNSON For entertainment, residents of Edmondson would have to visit Clement or another nearby town. W/O JOHNNIE JOHNSON 31,1888 JAN. 30, 1908, NINA CARDER This screen shows the complete catalog entry of the title you selected. The floor of the church had collapsed in the middle of the night, flinging Stevens and Page into an as-of-yet undiscovered basement. Free Account. The men were unfamiliar with the Bible verse and this led to the next disquieting discovery: they could not find a single Bible in any of the homes. APRIL 24, 1882 DEC. 20, 1941, RHONDA VINCENT AND MELINDA VINCENT NOV. 20, 1867 NOV. 23, 1901, JOSEPH E. JOHNSON FEB. 22, 1896 JULY 29, 1963, MARIE L. CAMPBELL With the roads leading to Edmonson in disrepair, getting to the abandoned town is extremely difficult. However, it was the discovery of the cave entrance coupled with the objects that Stevens found that held disturbing implications for the unsolved mystery of the disappearances in Edmonson twenty years prior. After submitting it a few websites, it was published and enjoyed a modicum of success on the weird parts of the internet. Discovering the Cartography of the Past. S/O OSCAR AND LULA JOHNSON DENHAM Husband of Sarah Elizabeth Webb and Elizabeth A Webb H/O NORMA JOHNSON CARDER The next morning, Ambrose reported what he had seen in Edmonson to the governing authorities in Frankfort. Wholesalers will be introduced to the Value-First Selling System, a state-of-the-art sales process designed specifically for todays inside wholesaler selling in todays unique financial marketplace. During an interview with authorities afterward, Johnson said he noticed nothing unusual about Edmondson in the day before the disappearances. W/O VIRGIL JAMES Brother of Alsey Katherine Puckett; John Webb; James M. Webb and Henry Webb > Oak Hill Cemetery, ***********************NOTICE******************************. NOV. 22, 1885 AUG. 22, 1966, GERLIE BROOKS This short story was written in 2016. W/O JOHN A. LINDSEY QMC WWI But Miller has a different theory a theory as macabre as it would be revelatory if it turned out to be true. Immediate Family: Son of Merry Alexander Webb, II and Martha Jones. Kentucky, County Marriages are available online, click here. S/O JOSEPH E AND MARY KINSER JOHNSON 294978, 34105 /
Even though they had hiked into Edmonson before, they both felt unprepared for the degree of uneasiness they were experiencing. female bodybuilders who died,
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edmonson, kentucky 1962