secret military bases in west virginia

These five deep underground military bases were designed to help sustain both life and government in the event of a catastrophic disaster, whether natural in nature or caused by mans ego. Others claim to have seen UFOs above or near the site, while some say they have been abducted by aliens, and even experimented on, before being returned to Earth. While there are military bases worldwide, there are three recognized underground military bases in the United States. Along with Mount Weather and Cheyenne Mountain, Raven Rock formed the core bunker complexes for the US Continuity of Government plan during the Cold War to survive a nuclear attack. The mountain is granite, and six tunnels lead to the facility. It is also illegal to fly over Area 51, although the site is now visible on satellite images. Several government agencies use and benefit from the Aquarius Reef Base, including the Navy and NASA. Greenbrier Government Relocation Facility. The facility is a self-contained city with a fire department and services. Official Site:, Your email address will not be published. The third entry into our deep underground military bases is the Raven Rock Mountain Center, located near Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. It's the season where Almost Heaven comes alive. "They try to reconstruct an explosion that took place somewhere in the world," he said. Additionally, it is a relay facility for the Department of State's Diplomatic Telecommunications Service. It's the reality of the existence of DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES. Areas A and B are separated by State Route 444 and railroad tracks. Also, we are aware of steps the Armed Forces are taking to be well-trained in subterranean warfare. Be sure to follow the Defense Service Network, or DSN guidelines. Despite being designed specifically for a nuclear attack, the base has seen other uses, for example, Vice President Dick Cheney was transported to the base following the 9/11 attacks. Hill functions as a training and maneuver center, specializing in arms training. 1) Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Regardless of each bases stated purpose, the common theme for each is its security, allure, and relatively secretive existence. In addition, the Space Force uses satellite and ground-based systems to watch for missile attacks and to keep North America safe. Less than three hours outside Roanoke, this stretch of West Virginia is unlike anything youve ever seen before. The capability to communicate is instrumental in a crisis. *Lighting a path to truth* Former Navy JAG Worldwide U.S. Military Defense. Related Article Military Bases In North Carolina. Search and Rescue units, including aircraft and watercraft. 482. The transmissions were last heard in 2003. Whether you prefer a luxury retreat at a world-class resort or a rustic campsite stay under starry night skies, West Virginia has accommodations for every type of traveler. The facility, tucked behind security fences and moss-laden cypress trees, has been shrouded in secrecy for decades. [1][14][15] In 1995, a former NSA employee told The Baltimore Sun that WTC's communications training included listening in on the phone calls of U.S. citizens, using a loophole in the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that permitted domestic eavesdropping so long as the tapes were destroyed immediately afterward. For seven years he worked in high security photography in the Air Force. It currently houses a staff of approximately 100 but has the capacity to house and protect thousands. If you havent noticed yet, there is a theme with many of these underground locations: mountains. [4] Short-wave radio enthusiasts have identified WTC antennas broadcasting suspected intelligence transmissions. The morning show broadcasted live from the112,544-square-foot bunker. Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay is a naval submarine base of the United States in Georgia. Warrenton Training Center was established on June 1, 1951, as part of a "Federal Relocation Arc" of hardened underground bunkers built to support continuity of government in the event of a nuclear attack on Washington, D.C.[1][2] The center was ostensibly designated a Department of Defense Communication Training Activity and served as a communications training school. Join SOFREP for insider access and analysis. Today, Raven Rock is 650 acres, and the facility is a deep underground military base. In addition to housing FEMA, this installation is also home to the National Processing Service Center, Satellite Tele-registration Center, Disaster Finance Office, Disaster Information Systems Clearinghouse, Disaster Personnel Operations Division, and Agency Logistics Center. Because of that, I believe this facility is no doubt worthy of inclusion on a secret and deep underground military bases lists. Located along the Loudoun-Clarke County border in Virginia, the high-security 564-acre base is used as the center of operations for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is run by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Members of the public are kept away from the compound by warning signs, electronic surveillance, and patrols of armed guards. However, after the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, the base was transformed into a weapons testing facility and was also used as a training ground and spy school for the CIA, FBI, SEALs, and counter-terrorism units. One such site is the Cheyenne Mountain Complex located on the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, near Colorado Springs. Official Site:, Location: 4 locations throughout Fauquier County and Culpeper County. It is the base of operations for most military and security operations around the nations capital. VIEW ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPPORT PLAN MY MOVE MILITARY ONESOURCE. [nb 1][9] The site was then developed as a radio receiving station. Official Site: Rushing waterfalls. Units Stationed: 29th Infantry Division 9th Theater Support Command [6] StationA is used as a training facility by multiple agencies, including the Department of State and the CIA's Directorate of Intelligence and Directorate of Support. However, the Department of Defense does not control all of them. Also, there is a need for continued practice navigating dangerous underground conditions. [1] A "flying saucer" was reportedly observed above the site in 1952. Think f this facility as a fully functioning underground city. They are tasked with research, development, and testing of surface to surface munitions, but other units at the base perform strategy and readiness tasks. Former military pilot, Oliver Henderson, reportedly told his wife that he flew a plane loaded with debris, along with several small alien bodies, from Roswell to Wright Field. You can get your very ownGreenbrier bunker tour just like the Today Show! Kaymoore Trail in the New River Gorge. The peace and solitude of Almost Heaven is just an overnight stay away. Yet, at the same time, soldiers must effectively navigate all these challenges and still meet their objectives. Also, the facility not only supports the Space Command it also supports Peterson Air Force Base. Nature works her magic every autumn in West Virginia. Source Photo Hidden in West Virginia's Greenbrier Resort was a massive bomb shelter stocked with supplies for members of Congress in case of an emergency. It was established in World War II as an operating base for blimps conducting anti-submarine surveillance of the Atlantic coast. The NBC show traveled south, camera crew in tow, to get exclusive access to the bunker and the people who had have been instrumental in the success of the bunker. Your email address will not be published. The Air Force Space Command handles this facility, although it is a joint effort with other government organizations. The United States government built Raven Rock inside of a mountain. . Overall Mission: USCG Air Station Washington houses the Commandant of the Coast Guard, and is responsible for transporting USCG and other key personnel. The Mount Weather Emergency Operations Centre is a major reallocation site for the highest level civilian and military officials in case of a national emergency. i love cold war history and clandestine covert ops history that comes with it, so that being said i absolutely loved. NAVSECGRU Instruction C5450.48A, Subj: Mission, Functions and Tasks of Naval Security Group Activity (NAVSECGRUACT) Sugar Grove, West Virginia, September 3, 1991", "U.S. GSA accepts high bid in auction for Sugar Grove Station", "GSA to Open Sealed Bid for the Sugar Grove Station in Eastern West Virginia", Satellite Photograph of Sugar Grove at Google Maps, Navy Information Operations Command Sugar Grove Official Site, Global surveillance disclosures (2013present),, Communications and electronic installations of the United States Navy, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 March 2023, at 14:31. [26] The United States Environmental Protection Agency classifies StationB as a superfund site due to the presence of an inactive landfill and two chemical pits that have released trichloroethylene into nearby residential drinking water wells. Its current mission is the repair and modernization of US Navy ships, with a particular focus on nuclear ships and submarines. Learn more about these bases below. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. Overall Mission: USCG Cape Charles monitors the outer banks of Cape Charles, as well as the Cape Charles lighthouse. Underground warfighting is different between equipment and tactical warfare. Also, a dining area and medical facilities are a part of the structure. The site was originally acquired by the National Weather Bureau to launch weather balloons and kites. The world's weirdest, most secret military bases run the gamut from hazardous mountaintop forts to seemingly impenetrable underground bunkers. ", "Document 9. While we know the gist of the purpose of this base, what goes on inside it and what technologies are present within is a much larger secret. & the so. In 1995, the US government ended the lease agreement with The Greenbrier, and later that year, the resort began offering tours of the historic facility. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The center also houses at least one underground "relocation" bunker that serves U.S. continuity of government purposes, and is a communications and signals intelligence training school for various federal departments and agencies, including the CIA, National Security Agency (NSA), Department of Defense and Department of State. For example, a different department handles the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center. History. Just a short drive outside of the Washington and Baltimore metro areas, this loop through West Virginias Eastern Panhandle is both a relaxing and enlightening weekend getaway. Unknown to most Americans is a dark secret, and it's right under our noses. Historic Sites Military Bases & Facilities Government Buildings . [29] StationD is also a core regional relay facility for the Department of State's Diplomatic Telecommunications Service, a system of secure integrated networks that supports U.S. government departments and agencies operating from diplomatic missions and consulate facilities outside the United States. We cannot discuss deep underground military bases without mentioning underground nuclear missile silos.
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secret military bases in west virginia