is a whole new world a monologue

Empty The room was spinning and the pain from the bullet in my thigh was unbearable. Im not supposed to be talking to her. By: Matilda T., West Gosford, NSW, Australia, Age 8 Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: The Goddess Persephone tells of her life with her beloved Hades in the underworld. Told at the speed of light. If this new information is a shock to you, I have one question. What if I fall in, what happens then? I heard men with heavy guns yelling at people to get in line. Alright. Am I a good person? I was at the zoo and a monkey pooped on my head. Every time I see you refuse to eat what I put on your plate, I just want to smack you! Oh! Like when our families used to go to the beach together. In drama, it is the vocalization of a character's thoughts; in literature, the verbalization. No parents, no children, no teachers. I created them. (Angry) No. My dad told Jacob that he had made him see the world in a different way. Oh, I have to turn it off. I felt that old urge to check under my bed. (Shyly) I kinda like the new girl Jessica. Its all Greek to me! Little did he know that my history of self-harm made me tolerant to pain and my terrible upbringing made me a great fighter. (Smile turns into an angry frown) Okay. Genre: Dramatic. Why cant we just move into the city? Its makes me a whole lot of chunky, with a side of smooth. Im trying to make a deal with you, jeez! Its the best way to describe how I am feeling. No, I imagine that birds are brave. 1. Hes obsessed with colors and well, if you show up one day wearing a color he doesnt like, that puts him in a foul mood all day. Whos up for pizza? (pacing, pacing) Let me know when you can hear me. I keep thinking Everything is in Gods hands. So, kindly point your arrow in another direction. It ruins my self-confidence and self-esteem. I should be over that Prince Royce-wanna-be by now. Im laughing just thinking about it! How can she do that? Top of the ninth the no-hitter is still alive and crack!!! Because I have to fit in to be enough. I mean, the show. My one aunt is certain Im Vanilla, my uncle thinks Im chocolate. Genre: Comedic. But thats okay. (Pause) I KNOW. One time we made it as far as Charleston. Thats why it hurt so much when you moved away. By: Emily McLaren, Age 14, Sydney, Australia Description: Medusa waits in her cave at the top of a mountain hidden from the world, until Perseus arrives with a sharp sword and shield. Youre thinking of my twin brother, he loves doing that. I thought I was weird not feeling like either a boy or a girl. Then, I will go and explore space. II. . Oh crap I have a file?! The port is closed,too? Ricky got all teary-eyed just talking about it. Test me one more time Penelope. Its fascinating how my own family managed to ignore my existence for fourteen days. (Pauses, unfolds paper, takes deep breath.) It was awful looking and had teeth that could bite someone in half. There are worse things. Shes my hero. But you would, wouldnt you? Ill just tell everyone you eat your boogers. In frustration, you offer him one, hoping no one else is witnessing the exchange. But if it doesnt, I can add in some of the confidential ingredients. Welcome everyone to the Punctuation Society! That was fun. Wishing for those times when you came over and we became like sisters. (Holding up a real rock, or pantomimed rock.) It was simple; we were given a kit, and supposed to grow yeast. One was a mild antibiotic that was shown to reduce the effects of aging. Ive moved on. As I attempted to swim up, a huge object pushed against me, sending me farther down. I work in DiCor Labs, I had been working on a medication to cure bad skin. 6:30 am, no breakfast today I had a big dinner last night and every girl in school that wants a dying chance of a homecoming date weighs less than 115. Yeah, I know this flight to England costs a lot of money, but he is worth it, anything for my hubby! Oh, hes just a boy! and he replied with, hmph shes just a girl. I liked him because he wasnt scared of me. Oh yeah, I just had my birthday. Oh, and sorry about the hot dog guy, he made me mad when he got my order wrong. This pandemic is crazy! Walk, walk, walk and cupcake hands and turn and heart face! Its important?Well, go ahead. To be honest, you guys are just reopening those wounds. I even quit my job just so I could keep my eye on him. About five jumped onto me and attacked me. You know what they say; if you cant handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen. (Medusa is amused at Perseus looking at the statues surrounding him) Dont be scared, they cant hurt you. You take a deep breath, approach the troll, and ask for your pencil back. Genre: Dramatic. You know, the kind of monster that records a fight rather than breaking it up? First Place Winner! Turns out someone wanting to rob a bank with you does NOT coincide with getting married and having kids. This is all going according to plan. This article is about a single from the soundtrack of Aladdin. It all started when I left for work, you know where I work right? Hey that rhymes! Well, here you go. What? I really mean it, I do. In the hospital, they told me that I had been struck by lightning. Thats what you gotta get through your thick skull. I no longer have the right to feel sad, the sadness has been stripped from me leaving me open, Im empty, I have no emotions, no love, no feeling, and no reason. I should have been there for you. Darling, listen to me. I have spent my whole life living in this house. By: Lauren B., North Carolina, USA, Age 12 Gender: Male Genre: Comedic Description: Rudolphs brother tells him not to forget where he is from. See, the humans, they respect me. Shes been a bit peckish lately and I dont want any of you fine guests to lose a finger. Well have a good life, me and Trout. And a girl named George. So I work for hours. I dont know, but Im this dogs parent now. Even if he tracks me down, he got no rights. That you mean far less than little to someone, someone who doesnt kiss the earth below you. Alright, I can do this. OK you do you know that I just told you I can read your mind so basically, I know what youre thinking, as in I know youre thinking Im a total lunatic but Im not, trust me. Just a you look pretty could change someones day. If I wanted my grass to be used for a whistle, I would have made it a whistle. It gives you a superior feeling. Help support our writers and keep our site ad-free. There I am, Aladdins big fat comedy sidekick. Apparently you cant just run to be Student Council, you have to run for a certain position. In any case, Ill keep you posted. That was MY pencil you ate, Jeffrey Dahmer! How did I survive this? On the way to go meet them for some morning shopping, I got a flat tire. Honestly, its kinda creepy. You were a princess, and I was a talking slug. Genre: Comedic. Hello? He thinks Im going to thank him for making me do so many chores? I cant wait! Im going to die. After I leave here, Im going to that high bridge over the interstate freeway. (Laughs.) They chased me down the alley. (Realizing.) Happiness, that ends up dead on the side of the road. I didnt. First Place Winner By:Kaheni Johnson, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Age 15 Gender:Any Genre:Dramatic Description:A teen tells his/her side of the story to a police officer. I am done with love. (pause) No, mom. Until death do us part? So I have an idea, instead of giving me a novel, how about you just sum it up in a few words and let me enjoy the rest of my Sunday? Im probably just one rotten burger away from getting cholera or salmonella. How am I going to explain this whole situation? Apparently, they thought Aladdin was the standout character. Next thing I know, Im working for NASA. Neither of those happened. (pause) Im sorry I went away to University. The bus is late. Not until I met Milton Greene. I used to like English class. Now Im thinking about how not thinking about thinking made me think about thinking about not thinking. In the deep soil of the Mother Earth. My hypothesis was proven correct. Nope. 4 am, wake up, work out, and shower. I mean, it says on the menu: warning: consumption of raw meat or poultry may cause food poisoning, but it doesnt say anything about consumption of food prepared by meat or poultry! To get to space, first I had to go seventeen-thousand-five-hundred miles per hour. Can you believe it? And why on earth is-oh, its in a cast. Really? (pause) Yes, my cat. Charlie from science, right? Its not really as sad as it sounds. Theyre just statues, now. Im scared one day Ill walk through that door and my mom will be hurt so badly that I cant help her. Everyones asleep. Ill get to practice my Espaol. If I was confident I could just stand on that stage and nail it, but Im not. (pause) Perhaps it is because I take a special interest in some of her plants. Last night my world was shattered. Im never going to be a dancer; Im never going to do the only thing that I was meant to do. In this monologue, she is running through her chorography for her up-and-coming pageant and slowly unraveling. Rule #3 You eat what I make, or you dont eat at all. First Place Winner! I didnt want to leave the bathroom because I was afraid the attendant would be out there. (Speaking to camera.) I left my backpack on the floor. The monologue, which was originally performed in Wyatt's play, City Of Gold, was part of Q&A's "Truth Hurts" episode, which focused on Bla(c)k deaths in police custody. Thats why I had to take this job Whats it like? 44 hours, 36 minutes, and 507 seconds ago. Opened up his eyes, he said. No maam! I know Im late for work, but you would not believe the morning Ive had! I typically spend about two hours a day here at the library after school, then I either head to violin, lacrosse, or karate. Oh, right okay! It's geeky as hell to say, but I just love storytelling. One thing is for sure, when I grow up, Im not going to be like them. Green fields and happy farmers! Choosing my outfit got harder in Middle School, and to be honest so did everything else. No, Periodthe meeting is not over. My shoulder, my skin, my musclescompletely burned through. I actually caught it! So now- when I go to see my wonderful Hades, my mother stops letting plants grow and becomes Winter, because she is so sad I am going. I have to say it. Do you get my drift? No matter what I do, I dont think Ill ever be good enough. Ill need that sunscreen because I heard the Sun can burn your skin if its too hot. So I settle for staying home at night. Why cant they see me for who I am and not what I look like. I get up in the morning feeling pain from yesterdays strain. (pause) Fine, fine, Ill ask. By: Trinity Marmo, Age 14, Washington, USA Description: No one can convince this child to get on the boat. Yes, they make me do all that. My goal is consuming to balance the raging war between good and evil, between darkness and me. The voices of the two gunmen made my skin crawl. (sits on a tree stump) Why did I take this route? Its a a blackout? When they found out that I had bought the last ticket, things start getting interesting. (Pauses to collect herself and changes tactics.) The result, more time. Science also shows that to become popular you should spend time with popular people. And after, you follow the river of job, money, family, mistakes, money, good stories, retirement money, money and then some more money, then you have grandkids and die. I mean, she works like a, uh oh, whats the word? Well, okay, fine. Everything after that felt so surreal. Send videos here: contact us. Who doesnt want to be like Elizabeth Bennet? We just have to move on and let our scars tell the stories. Scientifically, lonely and sad people love rain due to the negative ions it releases, which bring feelings of comfort and happiness in the midst of the positive ions coming from most other things in the world. He/she gets up, addresses the audience. Im tired! By: Carl S., Memphis, TN, Age 17 Gender: Male Genre: Dramatic Description: A teenager plans an escape from an abusive father. I slowly take a green twenty-dollar bill out of my pocket, my weeks pay. The point is that I am no longer the book nerd who dreams of being in every book they read, cries about fictional characters, only wants to do something because the strong female character did. Actor should be quite emphatic, triumphant even, in his delivery. Ugh. Stealing the Teachers Edition textbook helped I guess. I truly do. Monsters Inc. 7. In the meantime, Im just numb. Now Samantha please leave before I make you. I will, and already do miss her so much. Over time I have just stopped paying attention to the other kids and focused on my family, but maybe this time, maybe this timeit will be different. Its kind of weird to tell a stranger my life story and pour out my feelings. To just be an average kid. Genre: Dramatic. Woohoo! Ha! Katherine Rivers was the girl who cried wolf. JASON. My life is useless anyway. I see how it is. All I am asking is that you try to be a little more supportive. Gender: Female Genre: Comedic. What used to be a brand new No. I know you shouldnt do it, but its a metaphor just roll with it. You cant just sit around all day and wait for things to get better. Like Godzilla couldnt evenokay not the time. It was irresponsible. It just sort of covers up all the hurt and emptiness. Another one? This is gonna be a piece of cake. I tried to be brave and said Youre right! I love you so much. (Rolls the window up, and resumes talking to friend on speakerphone.) A chin-dimple I was insecure about when I was younger. It was US, the Elves of the Order of the North Pole. I know! Hmmm. Im a liar. The names Wolf, Trevor Wolf. Here, let me just take this blindfold offthere you go! Ive been trying to stay away from jail all my life and Im not going to go there over something this dumb. (Pause.) Im a little scared of the ocean now too. The paper she was holding with my name and the time of death. Because its secure. Everest, and apparently, when people die up there, they just leave the bodies. Second Place Winner! Thats where hes actually buried. See, I know about all of the eating disorders, but I was never diagnosed. Ive been practicing all week. I mean, they used to be in love. The monsters who hide curled up in a beautiful skin. It all stops making sense after a while. If he didnt want me before, hes not going to want me now. Even though there are all of these scary things happening, all of these good things happen too. What am I doing tomorrow? I would like to share one of my favorite memories of her and I, when I first met her and found the love of my life, I instantly knew that we were meant to be together, and I told that other man that was looking at you Back off shes mine. And it was true. People can take one look at you, and make a judgement that lasts a lifetime. Bullying has been my life at school and even on the internet. And in a way, I love them. It wasnt even like there was a person there. My patience wears thin with you ruffians. His wife was in an accident and he had to rush to the hospital. II could say there was a family emergency. But all she cares about is doing dumb science experiments, mostly tests on me! I made a lot of new friends in Middle School, some that I still have all the way to now, in high school. You know hes not buried here, right? Just remember this the next time you look in the mirror. Of course you do. We used to know everything about each other. What if you never feel happy or excited about anything? Nothing. That was a pretty good dance routine, but its nowhere as good as the one I did when I auditioned for the squad. The feeling of excitement came up inside of me and I ran to her, to comfort her from feeling alone. No pressure, right? I could only focus on the skin on my belly rolling into layers one on top of the other, like a thick and heavy blanket that draped down to my ankles. I want to feel free. It might sound weird, but when I feel excluded or unwelcomed by the people sitting around me, my brain kinda wants to distract me from how I feel, which is why its so hard for me to pay attention while doodling. The odd thing was, there wasnt anyone there. I mean, Im not in art school or something, right?! I will snatch it and all of its accessories and Ill barricade myself in my room! Especially when the characters are so interesting that want to be them. (tapping persists) Okay, fine, you want to talk? When I grow up and have kids of my own, I will play One Direction in the car and in the house in front of their friends, and I will for sure not embarrass them! But as I got older, I let go of that fearor so I thought. And I could do nothing. Billed annually at $39.99 View Official Scores licensed from print music publishers But this time it was different. George Im so sorry about her. But really, whats the point? Oh! When I was your age, I wasnt in a wealthy little suburb- I grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution. He was watching me while I slept! It will bankrupt us. Love is like getting a puppy. You never changed, you were a patient listener, my courageous sidekick in every battle, and my trusted confidant. (brightened with a new idea, excited) Oh, did I tell you about the penguins? Youre gonna vote for me anyway. (standing) I guess Ill just have to keep going even though this eerie forest is making me feel like Im going insane. This song is not an example of a monologue. Oh, thats the end of our session? The play is a five-act pastoral comedy that features a monologue in which Jacques considers the nature of the world, the roles men and women play, and how one ages . Would you make a different choice so that you didnt go through high school with the nickname Streak? By: Jayden Buitt, Mississippi, USA, Age 14 Description: A teen has a conversation with a stranger on a plane. Wait, here comes a girl. No? Ok, those are the rules. As I walk away, I think about how this man had changed my life. [Dementedly] So, Ill say this to you. I dont have time for a social life. Today has been the absolute worst day of my entire life and its only 1 pm. My sister gets away with everything. The young ones aint no real trouble. Oh, yeah. Everyone laughed. This is. Genre: Comedic. By:Dillon Hammell, Age 12, South Carolina, USA Gender:Male Genre:Dramatic Description:The Pied Piper threatens the townspeople if the Mayor doesnt pay him. There are 36 people in my English class. The family can do without eggs for a few more hours. I have awesome parents. The poor thing spent her last months folding and folding and folding. That sure aint legal. He was too busy killing my mom. See, my friend Tom and I were put in a group for a science project on fungus, and there was this extra credit assignment. How can you be angry with her right now? And Our kind what is that supposed to mean?! Well I didnt enjoy smashing it. So, Dr. Broomfield is gone, huh? But shes great. Thank god I changed it to Marilyn. Take three. (Laughs awkwardly) Uhh well, Im so sorry, oh my God, thank you so much have a nice day. This is our first, of many weekly meetings. I.Iwas trying to get some rest. I have three dogs, so if I accidentally left chocolate just laying around then my dogs might EAT IT. A second version recorded by Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle was released as the single and is referred to as Aladdins Theme.. Third Place Winner! But if you are seriously going to give in to the delusions of this restaurant and order shrimp fried rice, I dont think I can anymore. What should I write? (Can say in an annoying sing-song fashion) Goodbye Officer Tuffin. I mean whats next, manta ray steamed vegetables? Oh OK, now Im causing a scene? You know whats causing a scene? How many foxberries, with red berries, like blood stand around the road, so many bloody tears were shed by young women, seeing their husbands off to death. The same goes for voting and leadership. I did not master the sword by ignoring my elders! I am everything. Like THE ugliest shoes on the planet. And if something as simple as that can keep going, Ill tell myself I can too. Sean? In addition to the awards, the Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle version topped the charts, peaking at No. If I dont make it, dont let them write devoured by gluttonous pigeons on my tombstone. To make yeast, you ferment sugar found in fruits, like grapes. Nothing changes but I try the best I can to put on a straight face and stay happy, never showing my true emotion. Officer Tuffin! What finally got me was Harvard. John? I felt out of place. And the jury! (Pauses.) Shes getting water Or Its her turn never sat right with me. They matched the potato sack perfectly. I often wonder how long I have left. I have a family to feed you know. I dont want to do this, I hate performing. (Pause) I refuse because I would rather the reflection in my mirror remain a blur. I started laughing and crying at the same time. Anyway, the third swines house looked at least legal, until I knock on the door and a dragon pops out! Because of last weeks events, we are going to try this again. Im not to give it some food and water, and send it off with a coupon for a free spa-day. If I was a single mom working two jobs just to provide for a kid who failed all of their classes I would be mad too. I have dedicated 28 years to that store, and the fine customers inside it. Every year, in at least one of my classes, I feel like Im the troublemaker. Im not trying to disrespect anyone or break any big classroom rules, I just cant focus. This was simply a scientific study. Im in the bird watching club at school. Why would I promise anything to a flag. But hey, theres a rumor going around that when I get back, Im going to be the coolest kid in school! We had this amazing driver, Keith Murphy, who's now one of our best friends. One of the oldest names we know. Not overtly Christian, Jesus and God not mentioned once, but monologues that tell stories celebrating a moral code akin to the bible: truth, grief, heaven, strength, persistence, honesty, love, hope and a whole raft of positive emotions explored through EJ Bates' imagination. Not black. Maybe someday Ill be brave enough to ask his name and invite him into the library. Oh, you should have seen their faces when Frankie asked me to the homecoming dance. You dont care, not enough to be sorry. And so was the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that. By: Lauren R., Texas, USA, Age 16 Description: A teen tells a friend about the worst day of her life. If they were impartial, Ill eat my tail! The troll grunts something unintelligible and pulls your pencil out of his pocket. I remember her fingernails gently scratching my head as she scrubbed shampoo into my hair. Maybe Ill travel the kitchen, see the counter visit the tower of pizza. By: Dajai T., Modesto, California, USA Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: A teenager accidentally sends a very personal text to the school gossip. Best Friend? AHH, MUTE YOUR MIC DEAR. (beat) Im going to ignore her. We have been through thick and thin, (and angel hair) fighting our adversaries and overcoming hurdle after hurdle. Nothing but a gloried delivery man if you ask me! If I meet any aliens in their spaceships, Ill try to be friendly, but if theyre hostile, Ill need my sword! Is that what you see? Second Place Winner! Im the smartest of all da leprechauns. Mrs. Wright, the selection for the school musical is downright dumb! He is definitely the coolest kid in school. Well guess what, I am tired of it and Ive had enough! Who am I kidding? When I became Miss Fortune I promised myself that I would always look at each contestant through the eyes of a girl whos desperate shyness hides her opulent confidence to take control and get what she wants. By: Sophie S., Texas, USA, Age 16 Description: Tommy, 18, is going away to college, and saying goodbye to a tiger who has been his imaginary friend his entire life. Jessie! No one will dare oppose you. To my surprise, they were all shrunken about three sizes after taking them out of the dryer! Hed leave early with an apology. You dont know the elope I have with mother nature each time I discover a new piece of her rich beauty in the unimaginable acres she has to unfold just for me. I mean cmon people. This red one is for emergencies, right? But we have this agreement! (Gestures to entire body. You might want to get a snack. And I have no clue where I would even start. I think thats about it. Thats why Im here. Preferably Id like for it to be something like a big day out with my family. Genre: Dramatic. After that, I was still determined to have the best day ever, so I decided to drive home real quick to change out of my coffee-stained shirt. I was so dumb. This monologue focuses on body image and self esteem. Athletic kids are enough. Ive calculated every move, gesture, emotion, facial expression, every minute detail to the perfect normal because all you ever wanted was a normal kid, but its just not enough. You saw everything! Wheres my cell phone? Rule #2 Never tell your mom anything that I do. He laughed and said he wouldnt believe it unless I made the worlds biggest loaf. That power will be better in your hands then mine. (starts texting) Id like to tell you something. Everyone get out your pencils. See doesnt that sound scary to you? But, like most children, I eventually learned from my parents how to be kind and loving. So, you go ahead and do what you gotta do. And not just because hes just a head, I mean (Talking to self.) Ha! HI MOM! This is the most heart-wrenching feeling in the world I can feel all my happiness fall into the black pit that lives inside. Like we were burying Barry. Now that I say that Im realizing thats why I dont have my license. So, they had to walk. Before we left I looked back to the place I called home, and looked at the creek and the fields across from it, I turned back to our carrito and looked at the dirt road. (Imitates in a deep voice) I am Officer Tuffin, you are under arrest. I have never killed a human in my life. We miss and love you so much. It obviously wasnt my fault because why would I do things that would upset her on purpose? Just stay hereand have that be enough. For example, I like yellow, the least liked color. If you ever get to meet his family, you will love them! What do you think is worse-being known as ugly, or not being known at all? Sometimes I wonder if something has happened to you. Why was it so prominent in the movie? Or you put on your favourite pair of jeans and nobody notices. Well, I appreciate you listening to me, Mrs. G. I really want to make sure this year is different. The only thing I want to have before I leave this world is the knowledge that I got my revenge on Athena, the goddess who made me like this. My door has a knob instead of a handle! Ma! I cant believe this; Im locked out again. Never in my life have I deserved a whippin. But dont tell that to my Pa. I see the appeal. And Im doing it today not tomorrow. Like it was all happening so slow, but all too fast at the same time. So, so much for committing a felony in hopes of getting a date. I have decided what I want to be when I grow up! The only thing worse than yelling is silence. Wait what? Still do. We had just left a party. Ill be out in a minute! (pause) Alright, well, Ill give you the backstory. Im going to be myself even if they dont accept me. I miss those days. (pause) No, really. Possibly the only man who would be considered as my equal. Atom Bomb Disease rolls off the tongue better. I dropped my working papers along with the uniforms made by society to make us all the same clones of work slaves. But from that cool water ride at Busch Gardens. I mean who do you think you are? Other than to change your name. THAT took forever. By: Isabelle Bidal, Age 18, Ontario, Canada Description: A young teenager struggles with their appearance and clothing Genre: Dramatic. Forever. By: Jeremiah Reid, Age 16, North Carolina, USA Description: A person who takes things a little too literally gets quite upset when their date orders shrimp fried rice. It describes people like me who dont identify as either a boy or a girl. My cat, Peanut has decided to join our lesson- OH DONT YOU THINK ABOUT IT. Never, ever touch Mr. Rupert. Help me set up for your sisters party! No, that is way too meta. Ive been in there for days! Furiously scribbling. (shaking head) I knew I never shouldve taken this route. Deliverance from demons is a booming practice among evangelical Christians, promising freedom from afflictions ranging from addiction to cancer Because they know, and you know, youre not. Oh, thats right. Make time for them. His door is over here. Id give anything to trade bodies with them. When I was your age, I loved to dance. Drama Notebook holds a monthly Monologue Contest open to kids and teens from around the world. That seems like a completely acceptable and not at all illegal thing to do! But who just asks that? By: Jadyn Jones, Age 11, Texas, USA Description: A teen explains to the director, Mrs. Wright, why she should be cast in the school musical. So, me, Mark, and Julie decided to take matters into our own hands. And liposuction and face-liftsanything. Tapping your pencil on my chair for this whole 30 minutes wont make the time go by quicker. I am. That day, we had just gotten home from school and our parents were still at work. Just turn on the news. Ive been thinking about learning to play an instrument. Thats when they told us that theyre having another baby! I plan on paying them a little visit. By: Sophia M., Age 13, California, USA Gender: Any Genre: Comedic Description: A terrified person is trapped in an elevator. Remember you only live, exist or be alive once. Anyway, I try to forget about it. (beat) Stop saying Im the bad guy! Im just not sure the best way to approach her. Im sure that he has gotten the hundreds of letters that I sent. And with things are the way they are, were sometimes all each other has. Oh, Im an hour early? It taught me how to grieve. I could never figure out the reason for it. By: Joy Seon, Age 12, Illinois, USA Description: A villain tries to persuade you that they are the good guy. By: Jeremiah Young, Age 16, Kansas, USA Description: A student struggles with their life Genre: Dramatic. I was talking to my friends through most of that.
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is a whole new world a monologue